View Full Version : Roleplaying Heroes of Westeros 2.0

2018-07-07, 12:45 AM
I’ve started a new campaign with all new players and a new take on my homebrew setting. This week we had our session 0 where I taught our four new players how to make characters and we all discussed how they fit into the setting and how they came to be an adventuring party.

I use the map of Westeros (http://quartermaester.info/) from A Song of Ice and Fire and have done an admirable job, if I do say so myself, in shoehorning in every playable race and relevant monstrous category in along with some new inspiration from the Warmachine (https://warmachineuniversity.com/mw/index.php/Main_Page) setting for regional factions.

This thread will be my ongoing campaign write-up, and for today I will be starting with an introduction of the five PCs which collectively shall be known as...

The Heroes of Westeros!

Sergeant Morik

A veteran infantryman from the feuding cities of the Westerlands who has grown weary of war as he reaches middle age. During a routine escort mission from Lannisport to Old Town he met a fiery young scholar named Zaheed, and the two formed a bond. It was Zaheed’s influence that finally pushed Morik to retire from the military and seek his fortune as an adventurer.

Morik is my brother’s character, a straightforward Fighter wearing medium armor and wielding a longsword and pistol. It took a lot of convincing to get my brother to play because his first experience with D&D didn’t go so well. He’s the straight man of the group, being generally level-headed and serious without any obvious quirks. In my campaigns I always run high powered PCs so not only does he get a feat for being VHuman, but also a bonus feat for being in my game. He took Medium Armor Master to round out his DEX and make stealth easier, and Martial Adept to have fun with Maneuvers from the get-go.

Stats: STR 16 DEX 16 CON 14 INT 10 WIS 10 CHA 8

Skills: Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Vehicles (land)

Theme song: Now You're A Man (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiXaT_1I-vw)

Dr. Zaheed Abu-Nar

A brilliant and arrogant scholar from Old Town who has grown bored in the stifling confines of the great library. During a trip to Lannisport running errands for the tenured Doctors he met the straight-laced Morik and couldn’t resist pressing his buttons to try to get some kind of rise out of the stern soldier. Over time the two became friends, and Zaheed recognized the opportunity before him when Morik spoke of his ambitions to earn a fortune before retirement. Zaheed is a self-sufficient, independent soul, but also rather fragile. He would need a good meat shield to protect him on his adventures as he sought excitement and arcane knowledge beyond what the musty tomes of Old Town could grant.

Zaheed is a Fire Genasi Wizard with the bonus feat Spell Sniper. He has a lot of interesting dynamics with the other characters, being a dangerously proud spellcaster with a bit of a chip on his shoulder from his abusive family life. He’s picked up a few blast spells like Magic Missile and Burning Hands, but also some utilitarian picks like Sleep and Mage Armor. Despite being largely combat focused at level one, he’s expressed interest in the Colleges of Illusion and Enchantment as possible subclass choices, grabbing Charm Person and Disguise Self as a potent combo in social situations. For a first-time player, Zaheed has good instincts.

Stats: STR 8 DEX 12 CON 10 INT 16 WIS 14 CHA 14

Skills: Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation

Theme song: Field On Fire (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvyywDE67tY)

Voss and Lacroix

The story of the twin siblings Voss and Lacroix is quite unique. They know nothing of their parentage, only that they were once humans. When they were just toddlers an unknown guardian, perhaps a parent perhaps not, polymorphed them into ravens and cast them out to flee their squalid lives on the Iron Islands, an archipelago ruled by pirates and undead (https://warmachineuniversity.com/mw/index.php/Cryx). They spent most of their formative years as birds, wandering the shores of Ironman’s Bay feeding on carrion from the constant battles and pirate raids. One day, just a few months prior to the events of our campaign, they were discovered by a Blackclad Wayfarer (https://warmachineuniversity.com/mw/index.php/Blackclad_Wayfarer), a Druid of the Circle Orboros (https://warmachineuniversity.com/mw/index.php/Circle_Orboros) who tried to restore them to their natural forms. Something went wrong, and the twins were warped by strange magics. Only one of the siblings can be in Kenku form at a time, while the other remains a shadowy raven. Their connection to death magic has manifested as a Warlock Pact of the Raven Queen, in my setting an Unseelie Fey of immense power. After gaining their new hybrid humanoid/raven form, they wandered from town to town, begging and performing mimicry tricks for coin until they came in contact with Cranberry and Tortuga, who took them in as a member of their traveling troupe.

Voss is the brother, Lacroix the sister. Originally their names were Vos and Vey, but I cracked a joke about Voss the fancy bottled water, and he had brought cans of Lacroix for the party to share, so the group unanimously decided on the new names. Kenku do exist in my setting, and though VL look like a Kenku they are technically distinct. The origin of Kenku is pretty much the same though, being former humans transformed by fey magic in the ancient past. VL and Zaheed have a fun pseudo-rivalry, as VL is utterly oblivious about how their magic works yet have similar spells to Zaheed who worked hard for years and endured tedious study to earn his skills. Z is always suspicious of VL, thinking their air headedness an act in some elaborate mental chess match, while VL is just an idiot. He has a slightly altered Actor feat that grants him Performance as a skill in place of the mimicry which comes natural to Kenku.

Stats: STR 8 DEX 14 CON 14 INT 10 WIS 12 CHA 18

Skills: Deception, Intimidation, Nature, Performance, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Survival

Theme song: Surfin' Bird (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnYzQsZXIRc)


If you thought VL was weird, get a load of Cranberry. A fallen Aasimar from the celestial plane, she is a child of the Lord of Light (https://i.ytimg.com/vi/eLaCmCxb4tA/maxresdefault.jpg), the primary deity of the setting worshipped by several monotheistic cults in a similar sense as Judaism/Christianity/Islam. Despite being of purely divine origin, there was always something not quite right about her, being oddly clumsy despite her preternatural grace and infuriatingly whimsical to her disciplined angel-kin. One fateful mistake ended up with her being cast out of Heaven and she fell straight into the heart of the hellish Skorne Empire (https://warmachineuniversity.com/mw/index.php/Skorne). She landed smack dab in the middle of the Grand Colosseum in Godsgrace, in the midst of a titanic battle between the favored slave gladiator of Dominar Rasheth (https://warmachineuniversity.com/mw/index.php/Dominar_Rasheth) and some terrible fiend. The gladiator used the sudden distraction of the fallen Aasimar to gain the advantage in combat and slay the beast, and in so doing saved Cranberry’s life. From that moment on, the naive girl was in love. Despite being a Lawful Good aspect of the divine embodiment of Lawful Goodness, her senpai Tortuga is anything but Lawful or Good.

Creating Cranberry has been a major test of my homebrewing and mental gymnastics skills. Originally my friend gave me the pitch for her character to be a “loli tank that is so cute enemies don’t want to hurt her” and in my efforts to make that silly dream a reality, I created the Oath of the Waifu (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?562892-Oath-of-the-Waifu) Paladin subclass. I’m quite proud of the meme-tastic motley homebrew, and I thought she would be ecstatic that I had worked so hard to accommodate her. She was, but... I was still a bit off. During character creation, she elaborated that she didn’t just want to be cute and ditzy, she wanted to be useless. She used that word exactly. She wanted to be weak, clumsy, frail, ditzy, oblivious, and so socially inept as to be incapable influencing people in any way other than through sheer pity. I admit I was at a complete loss how to react. It took some doing between myself, her boyfriend and their friend, but we got her to accept being weak, ditzy and oblivious, but still graceful, tough and charismatic. I also had to do some major retcon world building to make her fallen angel backstory fit my setting, since I didn’t originally have a clear cosmology that included a “Heaven” as she wanted to be from. I made it work, and in retrospect it actually makes a lot of sense and the effort fleshed out my world in ways that needed tending to, but damn was this a trial! In combat she’s sturdy and dangerous but is effectively a support character. I gave her the Healer feat for even more support options.

Stats: STR 8 DEX 16 CON 16 INT 8 WIS 8 CHA 16

Skills: Arcana, Religion, Performance, Persuasion

Theme song: Yoshi's Island (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulvM1lzy6f8&feature=youtu.be)


Born a human slave in the Skorne Empire (https://warmachineuniversity.com/mw/index.php/Skorne), Tortuga earned a reputation in the fighting pits for his talent as a professional wrestler. As he continued to win the battles and the love of the crowd, he earned the favor of the ruler of Godsgrace, Dominar Rasheth (https://warmachineuniversity.com/mw/index.php/Dominar_Rasheth), and was given the opportunity to make a Faustian Deal. In return for his escape from slavery, he surrendered his eyes and tongue. From that day on, Tortuga has worn a BDSM-style leather gimp mask, complete with ball-gag and blindfold (https://www.tapeciarnia.pl/tapety/normalne/149651_mezczyzna_voldo_soul_calibur_iii_katary.jpg ). Donning the mask also transformed him from his natural human form to that of a Tiefling, which gave him the ability to blend in with the populace when he made his escape. Tortuga’s final battle as a champion gladiator of the Godsgrace Colosseum was one that would ostensibly earn his freedom, were it possible to win. The devil he was pitted against was entirely insurmountable, and despite his best efforts and greatest performance of his life he was nearing his end, until the sudden appearance of Cranberry saved his life as she crashed between the combatants, granting Tortuga the moment of distraction he needed to land a brutal Sneak Attack.

Where Cranberry is the only Lawful Good character in a party full of True Neutral and Chaotic Neutral, her senapi Tortuga is Chaotic Evil. Cranberry has a blind faith that her savior is a good man, and Tortuga takes great pleasure in taking advantage of her naivete. How that dynamic will play out in the campaign and how they affect each other will be fun to explore. They escaped from Skorne together as master and slave and wandered the southlands for a time, performing, thieving and conning for coin. They recruit VL as a part of their troupe, and eventually run into Morik and Zaheed in Riverrun. Tortuga manages to instigate Morik, who is egged on by Zaheed to try and best him in a street fight. Tortuga very nearly loses his life as he pushes Morik a bit too far, and it’s only through the intervention of Zaheed that he lives. Once tempers cool, Zaheed and Tortuga strike a deal to band together as an adventuring company. While Morik earned Tortuga’s respect for his prowess, he also earned Cranberry’s envy for Tortuga’s attention. For obvious reasons, Tortuga has the Grappler feat. One major hurdle we have to face though, is that Tortuga was built with the Vicious Mockery Tiefling racial spell, and it was only later in the session that we came up with the ball gag. It started as a Luchador mask because the player is a big wrestling fan, then it was twisted by the sadomasochism of the Skorne and our delinquent sense of humor. He hasn't yet decided if he wants to ditch the gag, the cantrip, or somehow work around the issue by being fluent in sign language (in lieu of Thieves Cant) and use VM through obscene gestures and bodily contortions. We'll see where it goes.

Stats: STR 14 DEX 16 CON 14 INT 8 WIS 10 CHA 12

Skills: Acrobatics*, Athletics*, Deception, Intimidation, Performance, Sleight of Hand *Expertise

Theme song: Master and Servant (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIL2yPZpmec&feature=youtu.be)

With so many players brand new to D&D it was a bit difficult teaching them how to make a character. I had to start very vague, asking about how they envisioned their character as far as what armor they wore and if they used magic, and work the details in to fit their ideas. I tried my best to keep things interesting, moving from one player to another as I explained how to fill in each section of the character sheet, and changing topics entirely when I sensed the tedium starting to chafe. Once the math was done, I took my break to eat and told them to discuss among themselves how each character knew one another. I was extremely gratified with how enthusiastic the group got at this stage, and at this point I feel like we're all on the same page for the tone of the campaign and each player is just as invested in each others characters as in their own.

We actually managed to finish character creation with time to spare, and so I ran them part way into my first quest despite being completely unprepared to do so. Beginning in the hub town of Crossroads, our adventuring party was hired out to locate the missing hirelings that were supposed to have delivered an important shipment for one Captain Arlan Strangewayes (https://warmachineuniversity.com/mw/index.php/Captain_Arlan_Strangewayes). The party traveled the High Road, and because Morik is generally familiar with the trade routes he knows about the relevant short cuts that many messengers and delivery services frequent. On one such path they come across the bodies of two dead horses. Voss sends his sister to scout around, and rolls very high for Perception, but not quite high enough. As the group moves in to investigate, they are ambushed by a pair of Skaven (http://warhammerfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Skaven) (filling the role of goblins in my setting, since gobbos and orcs are playable civilized races and not the vermin they are in most of D&D) and ROUS's (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOv5ZjAOpC8). In the surprise round, the first Skaven whiffed his attack against Tortuga and the first ROUS hit, which we described as the Skaven making a leaping attack which gets blocked by Tortuga giving him The Chair (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CxVvcVCUFU) (that's his Sneak Attack weapon :P) and the ROUS hit him low with a bite to the leg. Cranberry went down right away as the other Skaven crit her and the ROUS hit her. Morik steps forward and hacks one Skaven's head off, and both Tortuga and Voss whiff their attacks. Zaheed saves the day by putting both ROUS's to Sleep, and the remaining Skaven misses its parting shot before bolting into the nearby bushes. As Morik and Tortuga coup de gras the ROUS's, the mages fail to take down the fleeing rat man. Cranberry actually rolls a natural 1 on her second failed death saving throw, but since it occurred at the end of the combat and it was the very first fight of the campaign, I ruled that Tortuga stabilized her. That was all we had time for, so we'll pick up in a couple weeks with the group taking a short rest to recuperate and decide their next move.

As you can tell, my group ranges from the basic to the absurd. It's gonna be an interesting game to say the least!

2018-07-21, 02:58 PM
We finally had our second session last night! Unfortunately we were unable to coordinate a day last week, but now that work schedules have been adjusted we will be meeting regularly on Fridays for a few solid hours of gaming! Woo!

A few minor changes to some of the characters:

Zaheed has swapped out Spell Sniper for Elemental Adept: Fire. The doubled range on Firebolt is just needlessly excessive and ignoring cover, while nice, isn't as attractive as ignoring resistance when his only attack cantrip causes fire damage. We also decided that in lieu of a spell book, he has a spell deck. Z's player is an avid MtG competitor, and WotC actually sells Spellbook Cards (https://www.amazon.com/73915-Spellbook-Cards-Arcane-Deck/dp/B01MRVJ1TB) so we've added that fluff as canon. Zaheed is the reigning champion of MtG in Old Town, a game where you play out a theoretical wizard duel using the spell cards without actually casting them. He has grown bored of the theoretical games and wishes to build his own real deck of spells. When he prepares his spells each day, he chooses his hand of cards and attunes to them (doesn't take up attunement slots, of course).

Tortuga has decided to ditch the BDSM gear and just go with the original luchador (https://d1u5p3l4wpay3k.cloudfront.net/infinitecrisis_gamepedia/thumb/a/ae/Atrocitus_DiabloRojo.jpg/500px-Atrocitus_DiabloRojo.jpg?version=bdb261cfa68cd183d 6a518acbf9278dc) idea. It's easier to not have to deal with a mute character when the player wants to talk to the party or NPCs.

Episode 1: Raid on the Skaven Cave!

So last time ended with Tortuga lightly injured and Cranberry out cold. They were forced to take a short rest and both rolled 1's on their hit dice. Cranberry decided to use all of her Lay On Hands and her Healer feat to heal Tortuga a bit more and herself back up to full before moving on. With Voss's raven familiar/sister Lacroix scouting above, they followed the tracks of the fleeing Skaven easily and came upon the cave mouth. I'm using the Cragmaw Hideout (http://zombiesdnd.wikidot.com/cragmaw-hideout) from Lost Mine of Phandelver for reference. Morik and Voss sneak up to the edge of the cave "Sam Fisher style" as Morik called it and Voss spots the two inattentive Skaven guards behind their blind. They retreat to the woods to convene with the group and set up an ambush. Both Zaheed and Voss have Minor Illusion, so they combined their efforts to make the image of a dead bear and the sound of its final roar. As soon as the two Skaven come out, Morik decapitates one and Zaheed and Voss blast down the other.

With the first hurdle successfully overcome, the crew moves on into the cave. They switch up their marching order and Tortuga takes the lead while Morik moved back behind Zaheed to help guide him since he is the only one without darkvision. Tortuga decides not to be stealthy and just walks right up to the mouth of the cubby on the right. Due to this, the two ROUS's and rat swarm spot him and get the surprise round. Both ROUS's attack Tortuga immediately, the first one missing but the second hits thanks to Pack Tactics. The rat swarm doesn't respond right away, since they aren't quite as intelligent and aggressive. The team responds viciously as Tortuga brings down The Chair on the head of the one that injured him and Morik leaps in front of him to cleave the other rat down the middle. Cranberry heals Tortuga with her kit and Voss and Zaheed try to shoot the swarm down, but barely scratch it. The swarm envelops Morik but can't bite through his armor. Zaheed considers casting Burning Hands while they're all concentrated on Morik, but decides to hold off until Morik can get out of the way. He dives into the river and drowns a few in the process, then swipes a few more with his blade. Zaheed's spell wipes out the rest.

Once the battle is won, Voss takes a peek further in the cubby at the large pile of bones and other detritus gathered at the base of a tight chimney shaft. Through it he can hear voices in a language he doesn't understand, but because he's a Kenku he is able to repeat it all perfectly when he rejoins the group. The language is Undercommon, which Morik is fluent in due to his dealings with the short folk of the Kingdom Underhill (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?562595-Dwarves-Gnomes-and-Halflings-oh-my!). He translates the message Voss heard, "Good-good job stealing Arc-thing. Gather at Slag Rock to serve Great Horned Rat!"

Having learned his lesson, Tortuga decides to sneak this time as they continue further into the cave. The whole party is decent at stealth, though only Voss is actually trained. When they spot the rough incline on the left hand side of the stream, Lacroix flies up and peek around. She sees the end of the bridge to her right, and the light from a campfire to her left. Once she returns to the group, they successfully sneak past the lone Skaven keeping watch atop the bridge and make it around the corner and ambush him. They debate over dropping the bridge and heading straight for the chamber ahead where Voss overheard the conversation, but decide to cross the bridge instead and deal with whatever enemies are there to avoid getting flanked later on. Once again Voss and Zaheed get creative with their spells, doubling up their Minor Illusions to create cover as they approach the campsite. Unfortunately one of them fumbles their stealth check, and the Skaven around the campfire investigate. They roll initiative and only Voss gets to act on the surprise round. He fires an Eldritch Blast through the illusion but misses, and the three Skaven pounce. Morik takes a solid hit this time and strikes back, taking the first Skaven down. Tortuga whiffs his attack, doubling over and nearly falling. Cranberry, who has been riding on his shoulders, tumbles off in front of him and her wiffle hammer crashes down on the Skaven's head, breaking its neck (that's how she described her successful attack). Zaheed blasts down the third rat. As soon as the three Skaven Slaves are dead, they turn on the one remaining Ratman in the room. This one is actually wearing armor, where the others had been in loincloths and wielding scrap metal blades. The Clanrat has a crossbow trained on them, but turns it down to the bound Halfling beside him and shouts for them to stop.

Morik knowns this Halfling, a veteran Trencher that he has traveled with on caravan trips named Phineas Lacey. He's clearly been tortured within an inch of his life, and that crossbow trained on his skull will surely kill him instantly. The party halts and Morik tries to talk the Skaven down, but before much headway can be made Voss falls back around the corner and sends Lacroix in with a gold coin to try and bribe the creature into letting the Halfling go. He fumbles his persuasion check and the Clanrat fumbles its insight check, so he fires his crossbow and kills Lacroix. Voss responds with an advantage Eldritch Blast doing max damage and the Skaven reels back, losing its hold on the Halfling. Morik races up and cleaves the creature in two. Voss, in shock at the death of his sister, stumbles up to the dead Skaven and slowly stabs it over and over mumbling, "You killed my sister..." Cranberry runs up to heal Phineas and he thanks them for saving his life. He explains how his partner had been eaten already, and they were about to eat him too before the party arrived. The supplies he was hired to deliver are stored in the room around him, except for one item. The Arc Node (https://warmachineuniversity.com/mw/index.php/Category:Arc_Node) was the only item the Skaven leader was interested in, and it was taken to another room. After taking another short rest to heal up a bit, Phineas finds his rifle among the supplies and joins the party in their assault on the leader. During the short rest, Voss is still muttering about his dead sister until he suddenly starts coughing up feathers, and after a few moments pukes out his sister. He's all better now.

The party returns across the bridge and engage the trio of Skaven guarding the dam. The Skaven Slave by the pool dies in the surprise round to Zaheed and Voss's attacks. The first of the Clanrats dies to Morik and Tortuga, and the second whiffs its attack before being brought down. Despite it being very late at this point, the party decides to push on and finish the fight. The party tries the Minor Illusion cover trick again, placing the illusion right behind the door as it swings outward toward them, but it is poorly made and the hinges squeal loudly, alerting the Skaven inside. Three Ratmen are gathered around a campfire where the Arc Node is suspended within the flames as the centerpiece of some strange ritual. Voss and Phineas get the surprise round, and Phineas lands a shot squarely on the Plague Priest (http://warhammerfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Plague_Priest) in the back. Voss tries to follow up, but after getting hit once already the Priest uses Redirect Attack as a reaction to force the Clanrat beside it to take the hit instead. The two Clanrats charge, landing another hit on Morik, and the Priest runs up behind them and fires off a Poison Spray. Morik toughs it out, and the party takes down the Clanrats. In its attempt to escape, the Priest casts Bane on Morik, Tortuga and Cranberry, then flees for the garbage chute. Voss manages a solid hit with Eldritch Blast, leaving it at one health as is clambers down the chimney swearing vengeance on these darn adventurers and their bird too. Lacroix chases it down the chute and pecks it for the last hit point, ending the battle.

It was really late by the end, so I didn't run the Priest fight the way I had intended. It should have cast Bane in the first round, then Ray of Sickness in the second, but I forgot. We packed up after that and everyone went home tired but happy. It was a great session, and my variant initiative method has worked out quite well. Any time there isn't a clear surprise round for either side of the fight, I have everyone roll initiative against the enemy. Anyone who rolls higher gets a surprise round, then the enemies go, then the entire party goes. Each character activates in whatever order the party chooses, completing their entire turn before the next character can go. It makes things even more rocket-tag-like, but it's manageable. Next session will be a social adventure as they return to town to deliver the goods and report about the odd message they overheard about a gathering at "Slag Rock."