View Full Version : Rats

2018-07-07, 08:38 AM
You are rats. In cages. In a lab. You, your parents, and untold generations of grandparents have spent their entire lives in this lab.

They wear masks and lab coats. They give you tests. They put you in mazes. They take some away and you never see them again.

They have been giving you shots. You've gotten smart enough to pretend you aren't smart. The ones that did well on the tests were taken away.

They put up the plastic wrap in the injection room. That means that the next round of shots could make you explode....

They hung extra bottles in your cages. This means that they are going away for 3 days. You need to leave...somehow.

For your first post, describe how you open your cage.

2018-07-24, 07:18 PM
Those silly big things with masks and all that, always with the spraying...saying a strange chant, like: "This one is prada, this one is nada." it started with me hair and whatever they were spraying, first none (the naked mole rats in the next room started hitting on me, not cool), second Brillo topped (it hurt to move!), third too much and I think the words they used was "long, silky, and red"...I don't have a color wheel to show you, but honestly I have always had patchwork brown. Finally they groomed me with some bad tasting gel - like thing, it might have said: "Baxxe" - It happened before all of their goggles...me hair, me warmth giving mother handed down hair that was suppose to be back to normal...me hair it extended!

They thought that they didn't allow the long and silky stuff enough time to wear off. Off to "iso" so I don't rub on anyone back at the ranch. For a few weeks I tried to make sure I had long and silky for a while, but then I realized the hair was only growing, because I thought about it. Sure I had space and everything, but I didn't have a social life. So as that one mask that works with music and other animals said: "I went to Carnegie hall!" First only a few strands listened to me, then things started to work out in a routine. Anytime the mask came around, extend the force field, extend the time, practice. Got it to where it was just enough to send only a few stretching strands.

That gave me an idea. Usually it is easy for me to get out of the push farms for me, find bar, find 20 good mice, run before they realize that you caused them to fall and get blamed for your misdeeds. Be back with a little something for an apology later, but the mask realized this and came up with a puzzle that you spin around to different markings. Sadly every week they changed the puzzle to a new one for some reason, but this week in "iso" came a puzzle that I was close to solving a while back and now with the hair that I can command, it was even easier to deal with this puzzle. Its combo was: "1...2...3...4"

The journey downward was very hazardous. I was barely holding on to the corners of the big table, my hair, made what could only be called: "a Hair bag" and stopped me from going splat. I rolled, until dizzy and into an open drawer. Making my way to the back I hid out there for a bit, using my hair to look like a shadow, or a box, just that: "random thing" you leave in the way back. Food supplies were almost nil, and others...nah! Others like me, not seen yet.

2018-07-25, 12:15 AM
The lab without them here takes an aura mixed of freedom and fear. They aren't here to monitor and 'corrct' you, but with out them,, what other things lurk free?

2018-07-26, 10:07 PM
There are so many things to explore here. There are 5 cabinets, space under the sink, and doors leading in every direction (n s e w).