View Full Version : [IC] Fire Emblem: Arise

2018-07-07, 01:44 PM
OOC thread here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?563218-OOC-Fire-Emblem-Arise&p=23204864)


The view from the mercenary base has always been breathtaking. Of course, it's not quite the same as the picture hanging on the wall. That wide open plain, the mountains towering in the distance, the forest to the east. But the place from the picture on the wall didn't exist anymore. That was how the base looked thousands of years ago. Back when this territory didn't belong to Shekah, back when the entire continent was home to and ruled by the elves, with their vast architecture and beautiful, ornate buildings... they had dominated the landscape with their spires and towers.

But things were not like that any more.

Even so, atop this great hill in the middle of a field was a commanding position for any mercenary company to take up, and having a fortress on a hill like this to call their own not only made for pretty scenery, but a strong position against any attack.

On an unrelated note, it also afforded those in the group who were stargazers a supreme view of the night sky. This had been the very spot where the company was founded, when Aries first took up the mantle of hired blade. It had been here that she had devised the name for the company, which it still proudly bore. Here, there was no doubt that they were the Company of the Rising Star.

Not everyone had been with the company from the beginning. And not all those that had come stayed. It was the way of life for mercenaries. People moved on. Some people died. But still, the company lived on, doing the work they needed to make a living for themselves in the world.

And they had a new job, now. Aries was watching the rider that had brought it take off down the hill and return to Shek. The lights of the town could just barely be seen from the hilltop at this late hour, a few flickering torches winking in and out of sight as Aries watched them in the distance.

But, it would do no good to just tarry here, and not bring the news of their new job to the others. So she went inside, finding the group where they had gathered together for dinner. It was quite the meal tonight, Arthur and Tarvo had managed to take out a fully-grown stag on a hunt they'd taken the day previous. It was going to set them up for a good long while, even if just in jerked meat. But tonight, it was fresh, and the venison was being passed around with roasted carrots and potatoes that they'd purchased from the town. All in all, it was going to be a good evening. Especially with the promise of work to do on the morrow.

"It was a rider from Shek," the mercenary leader announces as she steps into the room with the others. She places the letter the rider brought with him on the table, so the group can pass it around to read at their leisure between bites. "Got a problem at the cemetery. They want it dealt with as soon as possible - and they're paying in gold," she says, a grin appearing on her features. And they were willing to pay quite handsomely for it, as well. They'd already paid ten gold up front, and it was another forty when the job was done. All of this, of course, laid out in writing in the document Aries brought to the table. "I told them we'd do it. Seems like easy money, to guard some graves for a night."

She was, of course, downplaying it a bit. And the letter, it would specifically mention why they wanted guards in the cemetery in the first place. Apparently, some of the dead had... arisen. Wandered around town. It wasn't unheard of, but the circumstances were strange. There had been no recent deaths, no tragic events, not even any newcomers to town for at least a full month. So for something like this to suddenly happen here... well.

It wouldn't hurt to check it out, and get paid at the same time, right?

2018-07-07, 05:20 PM
"Hm gmmmtmrn?"

Ejder's question was accompanied with a few chewed up flying bits of potatoes. He reaches for his canteen and takes a hardy couple of gulps with a satisfied look on his face, "Phew! I mean, a cemetery?" He continues back toward his meal with more reasonable bites, though this ends up punctuating his statements with the occasional chews and swallows, "Can't say I... really... object, but you really did find something interesting... didn'tcha boss? Still... one night and done... or are we expectin' to be... there long term?... (Ahh that's good)....'Cause I'd ask if just cuttin' down on whatever's disturbing the peace for a night really get to that root of the problem." He stops to take another swig of drink, "Of course, in the end gold is gold right?" Ejder having said his piece begins to work towards more hearty servings for himself.

2018-07-07, 06:43 PM
Inadar is chowing down on the fresh meat with a surprising amount of zeal for her moderately slight frame when Aires comes in the room. She listens to the offer intently, although she doesn't slow down on her meal. "Offering gold to hire mercenaries just to keep watch over a graveyard? Sounds too easy. Though if folks want to throw money our way, I certainly won't argue. Let me see that letter?" She holds out a hand to indicate she'd like to read it, and takes it when it's passed to her, quickly giving it a look. "Hmm... Dead folks getting up and walking about? Should be easy enough to deal with them. Might be an issue if there's a necromancer about causing them to get up..." She grins. "But if we do dig up one of those, I'm sure they'd be willing to renegotiate our rate. Maybe double or triple, even. Sounds good to me." She returns the letter to the middle of the table for anyone else who might be interested and returns to her meal. She takes a long pull from the flask at her hip. "So when do we leave?" she asks around a mouthful of venison.

2018-07-07, 10:08 PM
Oak meticulously chews and swallows his food, and clears his mouth with a swig from a clay cup, before adding to the conversation: "Maybe it will all lead back to some ancient lord, buried with his treasure, eh?"

2018-07-08, 03:33 AM
Gabriel Ginger
Whatever you say boss. Any room for some small explosions? Are we worried about collateral damage?

2018-07-08, 09:16 AM
Arthur shakes his head at Oak's hopefulness. "More like rotting corpses and hopeless laundry when we are done. At least the pay should be enough to cover replacing the clothes. Zombie stains never come out." he quips, half smiling.

2018-07-08, 09:47 AM
Inadar raises her flask toward Oak. "Aye, that's the spirit!" She downs a bit more before launching back into her meal.

2018-07-09, 06:41 AM
Tarvo frowned.
"You have to be careful with undead. Hard to tell if they're actually down or not. Might stop after a quick stab, or keep thrashing even after you cut them in half. Arthur, how's your blade? Do you need me to take a look at it before we set out?" he asked, while discreetly pocketing some scraps for Dran. He'd eaten his fill during the hunt of course, but that was no reason not to spoil him a little.

2018-07-09, 06:48 AM
"Sharp enough to do the job."

2018-07-09, 07:38 AM
Oak: " I know you like your explosions, Gabriel. But if we have to explain it to the townsfolks, maybe let me do the explaining, Hmm? I can do the whole spiel about Holy Cleansing Fire. That's probably going to go over better than your....enthusiasm."

2018-07-09, 08:01 AM
As you see fit he replies in his monotone.

2018-07-09, 12:37 PM
Ejder points a fork at Gabriel, "I can't say any of us want our pay to be cut to make up for collateral damage." He stabs his fork into the table and smirks, "Though if it happens, it happens. And if it does, I'd say we might as well go loud! That be good for our reputation! Ku ku ku..."

2018-07-09, 06:35 PM
Inadar grins. "Undead are nothing we can't handle, eh?" She snaps her fingers, letting a ripple of electricity run across her hand. "These sound like the shambling corpse types, just line 'em up and knock 'em down. Easy money." She leans back in her chair, completely unconcerned.

2018-07-10, 06:50 AM
Arthur works on the remainder of his meal. He pauses to nod toward the door, "Best we finish up and get the lay of the land before dark. Wouldn't want any unnecessary surprises."

2018-07-11, 08:47 AM
Aries listens to the chattering of the group with a smile on her face. They're already proposing different plans, and already eager to get a move on. It's just what she was expecting - no hesitation at all, even this late in the evening. "Arthur's right, we'd better get moving. Night is already drawing upon us, by the time we get to the town, I'll be surprised if it's still awake," she says. But the sooner they got started on this, the sooner they would get paid. "Finish up eating, and grab everything you need. Tarvo, when you're set, come help me with the horses." Having said that, the commander turns and heads toward the neighboring building, where they have stabled their mounts. Though none of them are particularly useful in a fight, they can get the group moving.

2018-07-11, 11:11 AM
Arthur pockets a few rolls and a bit of sausage for the road, just in case.

2018-07-11, 02:27 PM
"Guess it's time to get pretty, boys and girls!" Oak grins as he shrugs into his mail undercoat. But he helps his fellow armor-wearers before he starts strapping his own plates on.

He picks up his pack and balances his trusty, battered moneymaker over his shoulder, and heads down to the stables.

2018-07-12, 10:24 AM
He nods. "On my way. It shouldn't take too long - I already set up the gear for them." Not because he'd predicted this or anything. No, he simply liked to make sure everything was good to go at all times. You never knew when you'd need to ride out.

Also the horses never complain when he fusses over them.

2018-07-12, 05:16 PM
"I hear ya, I hear ya." Ejder quickly scarfs down the last of his meal before getting up. "I'm good when everyone else is, try to keep it light y'know? If ya need my help I can lend an extra hand. Otherwise, I'll be warming myself up for the journey ahead."

2018-07-12, 07:26 PM
Inadar downed another long pull from her flask, tucks it into her belt, and gets up. She pulls her silvery chain shirt over her head, ties on her traveling cloak, and shoulders her pack. Spear in hand, she heads down to the stables. "Time to get paid, boys." She pats the nose of the horse she generally rides, affectionately ruffling its mane. "Thanks for getting everything together, Tarvo." She begins getting the horse saddled up to ride.

2018-07-13, 11:47 AM
Aries smiles to herself as the group gathers together in the stables. They won't be getting to the town before dark truly settles in, but with a hard ride, they will get there early in the night. She pulls herself into the saddle as the others do the same. "All right, boys and girls, let's get going," she calls, riding out of the stable first. It's a steep ride down the side of the mountain they've set up on, but the horses are sturdy and used to the walk. After getting down the path, it's an easier ride towards the town - only about ten minutes away, once they get to level terrain.

Shek, Population: 1,200 citizens

After only a short time, the group is riding into the familiar town streets. This late in the evening, the town square around the well is abandoned, but this only means the group has plenty of room to ride their mounts down the streets without obstruction.

2018-07-13, 01:18 PM
Arthur scans the empty streets. "Well, glad we will not have too many spectators. Showing off is good for business, but stray undead eating bystanders is not."

2018-07-13, 02:08 PM
The young Ejder perks up inquisitively, "Oh ho? Is that what they actually do? Can't say I'm too well learned in that sorta thing, but I guess even the dead hunger. Though if they hunger, I'm sure the edge of a blade will make for a fine last meal."

2018-07-14, 05:47 AM
Oak: "I'm not too concerned about a bunch of walking stiffs. They rarely have the steel for a head-on fight, or the brains to do anything else. Just don't get separated".

2018-07-14, 06:03 PM
Inadar rides alongside the group, spear held easily at her side. Though she is still smiling and apparently at ease, she's beginning to prepare herself for the task, scanning around them for signs of a threat. "Aye, watch each other's backs and we'll be fine. Only way this gets messy is if we do a sloppy job."

2018-07-15, 09:28 AM
"These undead are apparently unlike anything in written record," Aries explains as they ride into town. "They're not voracious. It seems the town's main concern is that they will become so - but so far, no injuries," she tells the others. She is already leading the way towards the cemetery. "We can see if the graveyard keeper has anything to say about it... apparently, he doesn't think any of the stories are true, and that the dead are resting just fine."

2018-07-17, 04:26 PM
Arthur raises an eyebrow, "If he hasn't seen them, then where do the reports place them? Seems unlikely he would miss such a thing. Perhaps he is involved? Best be cautious."

2018-07-17, 08:34 PM
Aries hums in agreement with Arthur. "Yes, the courier seemed to imply that old Gaff might have something to do with it," she says. "But let's try to give the old man the benefit of the doubt, eh?" she says, guiding her horse and the group all the way through the town to the other side, where a ramshackle old temple stood next to a cemetery. Like everything in this region, it seemed like the building had seen its better days, having once been as grand as the mercenary's base might have also once been. But now the walls were falling in, and the roof was simple boards that had been added on after the original stone had collapsed.

It was in this building that "old Gaff" lived. The main section still served as a church for the people of Shek, but there were two back rooms attached to the side that were Gaff's sleeping quarters and living space. There was a candle lit in the window and the hunched old figure could be seen moving around inside. There was a thin layer of fog rising off the marshy ground, and the hooves of the horses squelched a little in the mud before they were led onto the brick path branching off from the dirt road that wound around the graves.

Not wanting to waste time, Aries led her horse straight up the path to the temple and dismounted. "Tarvo, make sure they're secured," the leader of the group instructs, before pushing open the door to the temple. It swings open with an aching, ancient groan, and Aries shakes her head and laughs under her breath. "Well. That certainly adds to the ambiance of the place," she hums. She heads inside the chapel, which is lit by two torches on either side of the entryway. The light casts long shadows from the pew and altar against the far wall. A silver scythe glints in the light of the flames, and adds a sharp edge to the otherwise muted shadows.

DC 10: The scythe is a symbol of Ta'lab, the deity of agriculture. If you make this check, you also know all the other information about Ta'lab that's included in the pantheon on the OOC thread.
"Gaff?" Aries calls through the temple, taking a turn towards the chambers of the old man that serves as priest, undertaker, coroner, and herbalist for the town. It's a lot of jobs, but, then again, it's a small town. As she heads over there, she mulls over the possibilities, given what everyone in the group knows. Could Gaff be the one behind these sightings? The old dwarf is certainly knowledgeable, one of the smarter people in the town thanks to his advanced age. But he has lived in the town for ages, and nothing like this has ever happened before... then again, maybe something recently changed. She has heard rumors that he's started to go senile... but as she told the rest of her group, the benefit of the doubt had to be applied.

"Whoozit?" the old dwarf calls, his voice similar-sounding to the croak of a bullfrog. "I'mma comin', just hold'n a tick!"

The dwarf that emerges from the other half of the building is clearly quite old, his form hunched and his joints knobbly with arthritis. He leans heavily on his staff to walk, and his white beard drags on the ground as he shuffles along. Aries offers him a hand to help him up the two stone steps from his living quarters to the temple, but he 'hmmphs' at the notion and climbs them himself, to join the group standing in the temple. As he passes the group, they're able to smell the man - it's like mildew, with the slight hint of cedar mixed in.

"Izzit you lot what the mayor said 'e wazza sendin'a checkup on them rev'nens apparently walking about?" he asks. He squints his beady brown eyes for a moment, giving you all a look over. "Ach, I know you, you'v been working around here for a while, what you say, I'm righ'?" His disposition seems to warm a little as he recognizes the group. "Old man had hizzelf all in a keff, says he was apt to call in some'o those hoity-toity priest from the cap'tal to deal with what the people's sayin's walking about. I told him no need, th'ain't nothin' going wrong here. At least he didn't send some poor laddie run ragged all the way t' Barra'n back." He grunts, then moves over to sit himself down on one of the nearby pews. "Still shame he had to ge'tall youz'ungins out 'o bed for this. Th'ain't nothin' going wrong here."

2018-07-17, 11:26 PM
Gabriel Ginger
You have not seen anything strange then? Or do you consider the walking dead to be normal He says in monotone. If he is being sarcastic, it is impossible to tell.

2018-07-17, 11:36 PM
Gaff leans forward towards Gabriel, a frown on his features. "When I say th'ain't nothing going on, th'ain't nothing going on. I'll have y'know, I'm a very light sleeper'an ev'n though I'm old, I can still hear everythin' just fine. Y'd think the walking dead would disturb my sleep a little, wouldn't y'?" He shakes his head. "No, I haven' seen anything other than some disturbed graves. But that could be anything! You ask me, it's some them kids in the town messin' with the dirt during church services when m'not listenin' so sharp. Prob'ly dressing up at night and shamblin' around to scare folks."

2018-07-17, 11:46 PM
"Well, if that's the issue, we'll catch 'em. No doubt about that." She tries to hide it, but a wave of worry washes over Inadar--what if these are kids involved in some prank, and they get hurt? What if it's not and the group hesitates to fight back against actual undead? They just need to be particularly alert. "The graves that've been dug up, are they all in one place? Spread out around the cemetery?"

2018-07-18, 12:01 AM
"Seems t'be concentrated right behind th' church, an' that's why I'm convinced it's a prank. It's right by the wind'ah of my bed! And I always close an' lock that, as well as my doors, for church services, so no one go pokin' around in there. No way anyone could see out tha' side of the church during a service, much less hear," Gaff says.

"Do you mind if we take a look?" Aries speaks up for the group, and Gaff waves his hand.

"Don't touch any my things. And even if th'ain't gonna get up and bite you, best not disturb the graves, if you can help it. Lotta work t'get those things looking nice."

2018-07-19, 01:55 AM
Oak doesn't say anything, but watches his companions, the door, anything but the old dwarf. He fidgets with his armor fastenings, and adjusts the leather strap holding his holy symbol around his neck. He sighs and shrugs his shoulders as the party leaves the old dwarf behind, and takes up a front position as they go to check out the disturbed graves.

"Just kids playing around, eh? I don't think I'm buying that. But let's stay the blade a bit, just in case."

2018-07-19, 07:10 AM
Arthur files the aged dwarf's reticence regarding his possessions for further consideration later; maybe it is innocent, maybe not. He looks to his commander, "I suppose we ought to have a couple of us standing watch in that area then?"

2018-07-19, 10:12 AM
Aries does take a glance around the room, frowning as she investigates, but not touching anything as the old dwarf wishes. For now, they don't really have much reason to. She nods in response to Arthur's words. "Hope you all aren't too tired. It's going to be a long night for us," she says.

2018-07-19, 01:37 PM
"I can keep watch from the sky. If someone sees you, they'll probably just turn back around, but if I'm above them, we can catch them red handed."

2018-07-19, 02:28 PM
Aries smiles at Tarvo's thinking. "Great idea," she agrees. "The rest of you, let's take up position. We'll set up watches so some of us will get some sleep, at least," she says. She directs her attention to Inadar. "Go ahead and get some rest, all right? You'll be taking the midnight watch," she says, knowing the girl's ability to see in the dark would make her valuable in the deep hours.

2018-07-19, 03:11 PM
Inadar gives Aries a salute with a somewhat unnecessary flourish, and turns to her other comrades. "If you run into anything too scary, wake me up, eh?" She finds a place which is out of the way but close enough to hear what's going on to lay out her bedroll. "I'll help get the area secured, at least," she says. "We should all have a sense of where access points are now, before something starts to go down." After giving the cemetery a quick scout with the rest of the group, she settles in to catch a bit of sleep before her watch.

2018-07-19, 06:26 PM
Gabriel Ginger
I'll help keep watch.

2018-07-20, 03:35 AM
"Yup yup, I hear ya loud and clear Boss" Ejder remaining ever so energetic, as he moves about in exaggerated stretches, "Luckily I'm still young so late nights don't bother me none, though from the sound of it I hope that doesn't make Gaff misjudge me. Gotta show'em I'm an upstanding young man. So if you need me to, I can pull double watches as well, figure you guys could use the beauty rest more than me." He punctuates the last bit of statement with a slight chuckle.

2018-07-20, 06:29 AM
Arthur shrugs, "I can take first watch."

2018-07-20, 10:49 AM
Aries can't help but smile at everyone's exuberance. It's almost child-like, how eager they all are to volunteer for the first watch. "We won't need all of us at once now, settle down, boys," she says. She gives a nod to Edjer. "You can take the first with me. Inadar will have second with Oak, Tarvo and his mount will take third. Gabriel, Arthur, you'll be getting up early," she instructs. "Now, all of you, get some rest. Edjer, let's take a walk around the perimeter and see what there is to see."

2018-07-20, 04:35 PM
"Got it, personally ain't expectin' much yet, but I agree, it be good to get a grasp of the area. Or at the very least our presence might deter some ne'er-do-wells."

2018-07-20, 09:00 PM
Aries nods, then glances up to the sky as a peal of thunder sounds across the area. "...hm. Inadar, you bring this rolling in on us?" she jokes, but shakes her head. There are heat storms all the time in this area during this part of the year, it probably won't dump down any rain. But even so, "If any of you want to set up your bedrolls inside the temple, I'm sure Gaff won't mind. Or at least... he shouldn't. And if he does mind... well, maybe I want one of you in there to listen for anything odd."

2018-07-21, 06:51 AM
Arthur sets to his task, knowing to grab sleep when it is possible.

2018-07-21, 08:24 AM
"Well, there ain't no virtue in a wet blanket, as it goes. I'll head into the temple." Oak grabs his bedroll and goes in to have a lie-down.

2018-07-21, 10:01 AM
Gabriel joins him in the temple his he wont be needed till morning.

2018-07-21, 10:43 AM
Inadar remains outside, though she tries to find a reasonably sheltered place, perhaps under a tree or the eaves of the church.

2018-07-24, 10:56 AM
As the group spreads out for sleep and surveillance, Aries settles herself leaning against one of the graves. The ground has been disturbed nearby, she could see that. She motions Edjer to come over and have a look.
Their watch, however, goes by without event. It isn't until Inadar and Oak's watch that something finally happens. From inside the church, there is a low muttering. But before either the Sylph or the Brenin can investigate, the ground shifts, and from the graves lumber out bodies.

2018-07-24, 12:10 PM
"Showtime, boys and girls!" Inadar calls, grabbing up her spear and moving toward the gates of the cemetery. She begins gathering energy around her, eyes glowing with a pale blue light and traces of electricity dancing along her arms and her spear. It appears this problem isn't a prank, at least--or if it is, it's extremely elaborate. Still, she takes a moment to examine the creatures before striking them.

Perception check to make sure these are actually undead: [roll0]
Knowledge (Religion): [roll1] (untrained)

If one tries to push past her, she will strike them with her spear.

2018-07-24, 02:56 PM
Oak gets up and picks up Moneymaker, his trusty halberd. He gives it a few good swings, lets it whistle through the air while he shrugs his armored shoulders. As he approaches the shambling dead, he warns them off: "Last chance to NOT get chopped up!".

2018-07-24, 05:34 PM
Gabriel gets up barely groaning. His arms shake only a bit despite the interruption of his sleep. He loads his weapon, and takes stock of the situation.

Wake up, Swift Action Load. Std action: Figure out whats going on.

2018-07-26, 10:19 AM
Everyone goes before the monsters except Tarvo. As said on OOC, everyone except Edjer that wasn't on watch is still asleep (sorry, Gabriel!) The others can wake you up as a free action to yell at you, or a full round action to go over and shake you awake.

Those that are awake spring into action, taking up positions around the graveyard. There are three corpses emerging from the ground, groaning and shambling towards the gate. They seem to be paying the group no mind at all.

2018-07-26, 10:44 AM
Inadar takes up position near Oak, weapons at the ready. As the creatures approach, giving Oak no response, she decides they've gotten close enough. Her eyes glow with a pale blue light, and electricity runs up and down her upraised spear. She stretches out her other hand, and the electricity darts across her body. There is a sound like thunder and a wave of sonic energy ripples out from her hand toward the creatures.

I am using a destructive blast with the sculpt blast (30ft cone, 1 spell point) and thunder blast talents. Spending another spell point to increase damage to 2d6. DC 14 reflex for half damage.

Damage (sonic): [roll0]

I don't know if it matters, but if they take damage they also need to make a DC 14 fort save or be deafened for 2d4 rounds.

2018-07-26, 12:08 PM
Inadar lets out a blast of energy, and immediately, all three of the undead drop to the ground, completely torn apart and unmoving. For a long moment there is silence. And then, the ground breaks open once more, and another corpse crawls out of the ground. It is just as old and decrepit as the ones that were just destroyed - these ancient bodies don't provide much resistance to being destroyed, it seems.

2018-07-27, 12:19 AM
Oak walks over to the rising shambler and puts his boot through the ribcage. "Seems hardly worth getting out of bed for, eh?", he quips over his shoulder.

Move action: Move 10' and Shove: [roll0] vs touch, 4 damage. If needed: [roll1], [roll2] damage (slashing), otherwise Full Defense (AC 20->24).

Attack of Opportunity if needed: [roll3], [roll4] damage (slashing)

2018-07-27, 01:38 AM
Ejder barely even getting comfortable jerks awake and gets up, "Rise and shine sleeping beauties! Looks like we've got action!"

Ejder slaps the back of the nearest person and grabs his sword before running out!

2018-07-27, 03:10 PM
Inadar laughs as the lightning and the sound die down. "Haha! What did I say, easy money!" She tenses slightly as the next undead rises up, ready for action. Despite her bravado, that jolt took a lot out of her. She would have to show a little more restraint.

No actions, since I've already moved this turn. Any chance the thunder helped wake the others up?

2018-07-27, 09:24 PM
The shambling corpse crunches under Oak's foot and does not rise again. In fact, by the time the rest of the group comes together in the courtyard, it seems that the trouble is over. Aries surveys the "battlefield" and nods her approval. "Well... something's going on. Whether or not it's serious remains to be seen," she hums, the last part mostly to herself.

2018-07-30, 03:06 AM
"I heard something from inside the church, a sort of muttering. That merits serious investigation". Oak marches towards the church.

2018-07-30, 06:40 AM
"Serious? Well, it certainly isn't comical." Arthur quips. Military life teaches one to shake off sleep quickly. "If you heard something inside, then yes, best to check it out. Should we keep a guard out here in case more rise?"

2018-07-30, 09:05 AM
"I'll keep an eye out here," Inadar volunteers. She can pretty easily knock down another group if they rise, though she can only get a big burst like that once more.

2018-07-30, 01:15 PM
Aries gives a nod, motioning for Oak to go check it out, as he says. "Arthur, you go with him," she requests.

2018-07-31, 06:32 AM
Arthur nods briskly and joins Inadar. "This time I won't be asleep."

2018-08-01, 09:48 PM
Gabriel Ginger rises from his slumber in the church. He looks around for the disturbance.

2018-08-02, 10:17 AM
Those going into and already in the church find nothing immediately amiss. Gaff is snoring away in his chambers, and there are no lights on.

2018-08-02, 10:10 PM
What just happened?

2018-08-02, 11:59 PM
Oak lifts up his holy symbol. "Reveal to me your life and health", he chants out, and then seems to zone out and look through his comrades.

Divine (Life). Reveals the location and health condition ("normal" if at 90%+ hp and no poison/disease) of living creatures within 110'. Spending a SP to do it as a standard action.

2018-08-03, 11:28 AM
Everyone pings as being in perfect condition. The only person outside of the familiar members of your group that shows up on your senses is Gaff, the keeper of the church. He is also in perfect health.

2018-08-05, 01:14 AM
"No sign of any life except Gaff here. But I did hear something. Time to wake up mr. Gaff and hear what he has to say for himself". Oak turns to face his companions. "We might have to get harsh with him. You all know that's not really me, so....".

Oak nudges the dwarf awake. "Well, Mr. Gaff. The dead ARE rising from their graves. We just saw it with our own eyes. And before that happened, I heard muttering - like spellcasting - from in here. These are the facts, Mr. Gaff. But they don't add up, do they? Can you help us? We are just blundering around here. We are weapons-users, and we try to solve our problems with force. Is there maybe a better solution than that, Mr. Gaff? Because it's too late now to pretend that nothing is happening, too late for that."

Diplomacy: [roll0]. [roll1]

2018-08-05, 08:36 AM
Gaff grunts himself awake as Oak gets him, blinking around in confusion and slight irritation before he remembers who you are and what you're doing here. At the mention of the undead, he sits up properly, and shuffles over to look out the window. Sure enough, he can see the remains on the ground from where they'd just been killed again, and while it seems like, initially, he's going to dismiss it as a joke once again... he reconsiders. The group has a stellar reputation within the community, and he doesn't think you're making this up. He does however, look troubled. He takes a moment to wriggle his finger around in one ear, muttering in dwarven.

"Basted old age. I remember when a pin dropping would wake me up in the night. Muttering? And the graves... I need to get my ears cleaned out."
He turns back to the group. "I dinnae about any muttering. Didn' hear it. Meybe someone in the church - certainly it's not necromantic rodents running aboot. Did'y see anythin', anyone?" he questions.

Gaff seems completely and genuinely confused as to why he didn't wake up and see this for himself. He does not seem to be lying in any way.

2018-08-06, 03:51 PM
As the others head inside to check out the noises, Inadar keeps an eye out over the graveyard in case more of the corpses begin rising. After a few minutes without the others returning or more dead rising, she heads over and more closely examines one of the bodies. Rolling it onto its back with the butt of her spear, she kneels down and looks for any kind of distinguishing features of the body. Perhaps there's something getting to the corpses directly, some sort of latent magic in the ground or oddity of the burial, which is causing the issues rather than an external necromancer.

Perception: [roll0]
Knowledge (Arcana) for any kind of magical symbol or item: [roll1]
Knowledge (Religion) (untrained) for clues as to why they have risen as undead: [roll2]
Knowledge (Nature) to guess at how long the body has been buried, possibly going to check the headstone to see if it matches: [roll3]
Lore (Sailor Superstitions) to see if there are any stories she's familiar with that may match: [roll4]

2018-08-07, 05:28 PM
Gabriel Ginger
Well, I guess we're spending the rest of the night up. The source probably won't be back tonight, but we should make sure. Perhaps we will have better luck tomorrow.

2018-08-09, 12:49 PM
"We should search the place, just to be sure. I will do a divination for magic in the meantime".

With that, Oak lowers himself down to the floor, and starts meditating.

2018-08-09, 01:52 PM
Oak's divinations turn up several magical baubles here and there around the church. Most spark of the Light or Divination sphere. There are a couple Enhancement Sphere items around. But right near Gaff's bed, there is the strong emanation of something from the Death Sphere.

2018-08-10, 12:25 AM
"Ooh, let's have a little look-see over here then". Oak searches through Gaff's bedding, looking for whatever gives off the Death aura.

2018-08-10, 07:05 AM
Arthur continues to stand guard.

2018-08-10, 09:41 AM
When Oak heads towards the Death aura - which is more specifically coming from the floorboards under Gaff's bed - the dwarf suddenly turns defensive and tries to interpose himself between the Brenin and his objective. "Now, now, what do you think you're doing?" he asks, nervous-sounding.

2018-08-10, 03:53 PM
Oak grasps Moneymaker firmly, and locks eyes with the decrepit dwarf.
"Comrades. Master Gaff here is hiding something, something to do with Death Magic. Give me a hand with restraining him while we investigate this".

Trip attempt, using a halberd: [roll0]

2018-08-10, 08:31 PM
Gabriel brings his odd looking long musket to his shoulder and points it at Gaff
All right old timer, move aside slowly with you hands up

2018-08-11, 10:27 AM
Gaff hesitates, but he does put his hands up and moves aside. "Alrigh', alrigh', just... let me explain before y'shoot," he insists.

2018-08-13, 05:08 AM
Satisfied that the creepy dwarf is kept at bay, Oak tears the nook apart looking for the source of the aura.

2018-08-13, 09:16 AM
Arthur remains outside, watching vigilantly.

2018-08-14, 10:51 AM
Oak is able to quickly find, under the floorboards, a book. The cover is red leather, and embossed on the cover is the title - The Science of Decay. It seems to be some sort of spellbook. "Now, don' you go jumpin to conclusions. I been readin that book, sure. But I haven't ever cast anything from it!" Gaff speaks up, his hands still over his head.

Gaff appears to be telling the truth.

2018-08-15, 03:28 AM
"I am inclined to believe you. More or less". Oak fixes a penetrating stare on Gaff, and his eyes glow white for a moment. "But somebody is causing the dead to rise. *Sigh*. I don't know. Let's resume our watch". He puts the spellbook in his backpack for later.

Detect Evil on Gaff and on the book (targeted, as a move action spell-like ability, like a Paladin).

2018-08-15, 08:35 AM
Inadar looks up as the others come back outside. "All quiet out here so far. Find anything interesting?"

2018-08-17, 09:33 AM
"Yeah, some sort of Necromancer's book. The old geezer has been reading it. He says he hasn't been casting spells... I'm inclined to believe him. I suggest we continue the watch, see what shakes out.".

2018-08-17, 11:54 AM
Arthur raises an eyebrow, "Does it read itself?"

2018-08-17, 05:29 PM
"Hmm... Mind if I take a look? Don't know much about casting spells from a book, but maybe I can figure something out about it." She frowns at Arthur's question. "It's possible the book has some kind of magic energy just leaking out, I suppose. I don't know for sure." She takes the book from Oak (assuming it is offered) and begins flipping through it, spear propped up next to her.

Spellcraft check to decipher whether there's any spells or things in the book that can raise the dead: 1d20+7]

welp. gonna redo that in the OOC

2018-08-17, 08:31 PM
Aries comes over and stands beside Inadar as she looks through the book, giving it her own once over as the Sylph turns the pages. From what Inadar is able to gather, there is quite a bit of information on necromancy - but it is interspersed with information that would be useful to a coroner, such as how to embalm and prepare bodies for burial.

2018-08-18, 01:25 PM
"Hmm... doesn't seem like anything too odd for a gravekeeper to have. Not sure this has anything to do with the undead. Maybe it'd be worth looking in the graves themselves?"

2018-08-18, 07:08 PM
Gabriel raises the barrel of the weapon to the ceiling, resting it against his shoulder at the ready.

2018-08-19, 09:37 AM
"Mind if I take that, for now?" Aries asks Inadar, motioning to the book. She looks to the others as she waits for the girl's answer. "Let's get back on watches. Not much longer until morning, now," she hums.

2018-08-19, 11:14 AM
Inadar hands the book over to Aries and settles back down, spear close at hand in case of more trouble. Further investigation could wait until morning.

2018-08-20, 08:06 AM
Once his turn at watch is done, Arthur rests, leaving the more mystically inclined to ponder the book.

2018-08-23, 09:43 PM
Aries stays up a while, looking over the strange book that they've discovered, but eventually, she passes off the book to the next watch and turns in for the rest of the night. The book is just a book - despite its strong aura, it doesn't seem malevolent or evil in any way, other than the odd coldness it seems to exude from the pages. Morning finally dawns, and the mercenary leader goes around, waking the other members. "Well, looks like we've got something to report to the mayor, at least. And we can see if he wants us to stay another night," she says.

2018-08-24, 11:06 AM
Inadar wakes, stretching and rolling out of her bedroll. She takes a quick drink from her flask and shakes her head. "No more problems last night, boss?" She chuckles as she begins packing her gear. "If things are no worse than that, I figure we can babysit a graveyard another night or two. Assuming they're willing to pay, of course."

2018-08-24, 01:42 PM
"Well, when they see what a good job we did last night, I'm sure they'll be willing to continue the contract," Aries says with a smile.

2018-08-25, 10:13 AM
Oak rubs his face and yawns as he gets up. Thankfully, you are all spared his usual morning cheerfulness today.

2018-08-25, 08:13 PM
Gabriel Ginger
Boss, do you mind if I get a bit more sleep, or do you have tasks for me today?

2018-08-26, 11:08 AM
"Get up, the lot of you," Aries insists, a sort of spark in her eyes as Gabriel reluctantly gets out of bed. "Can't be sleeping all morning, now. Besides, we have business to conduct in the town. And aside from that, do you really want to spend all morning here? It's holy day, and as far as I know, you all aren't ones to sit around for a sermon," she says.

2018-08-27, 05:32 AM
"Well, I did bring dice and coin if any of you want to take holy communion today", Oak offers, but he doesn't try to wheedle any of his companions into a game or even start setting it up, like he usually does.

2018-08-27, 06:49 AM
Arthur goes through his morning gear check. "May as well get on with it. We ask for money to babysit this place for too long and they will end up blaming us for the trouble. Rather not attract the pitchfork-and-torch crowd. Bad for the reputation."

2018-08-27, 07:52 AM
Gabriel's expression does not change as he starts rapidly getting ready.
Yes Sir.

2018-08-27, 11:18 AM
Aries moves over to give Gabriel's hair an affectionate ruffle as he gets out of bed, before packing up her things, as well. "We'll have to see if the mayor wants us to determine the cause of this," she says. "It's certainly not the book..." She looks over the group. "Any ideas, folks?"

2018-08-27, 07:55 PM
"Could be something in the ground, I s'pose," Inadar mused as she gathered up her pack and her weapon. "That'd explain why it's mainly happening in one place. But I don't know that the mayor would want us digging up the yard."

2018-09-03, 09:11 AM
Aries gives a nod, before gathering the group together once again. Now that they have everything packed up, it's as good a time as any to go seek out the mayor. This early in the day, the people aren't yet coming to service - as a church primarily devoted to the worship of Ta'lab, the services are usually conducted when the sun has reached its zenith in the sky. So, though the town has already started to wake, over here closest to the temple things are fairly quiet. However, once the group gets into the town proper, the morning bustle becomes visible. The group sticks together through the small crowds starting to appear in the marketplace, and Aries leads the way to the mayor's residence.

Upon knocking on the door, a portly man answers. The halfling blinks up at the group half-asleep still, before snapping to attention. "Oh, mercenaries. Welcome. I'll go get the mayor," the doorman says, before bustling off into the house. As he rushes away, he hollers back, "Come in, come in, I'll be back in a moment!"


2018-09-04, 07:03 AM
Arthur follows his leader in, then stands at parade rest, looking over the decor casually.

2018-09-04, 03:03 PM
"We had an actual fight, easy as it was. And we have a hidden magic-user somewhere. That shouldn't be cheap, boss.". Oak seems to have livened up from his earlier morning funk.

2018-09-04, 11:14 PM
Inadar leans causally against a wall, spear resting just close enough to be within easy reach and just far enough to be non-threatening, and takes a sip from her hip flask as she takes in the decor of the room.

2018-09-05, 04:16 PM
"Is the problem taken care of?" is the first thing the mayor says when he hustles into the room. A human appearing to be in his mid-fifties, he has a surprisingly spry spring in his step for as early in the morning as it is. He looks between the members of the group, then to Aries when she speaks.
"For one night, at least," she says. She pulls out the tome the group found in the church, handing it over to the mayor. "We found this under the old Keeper's bed. He said he hasn't been using spells from it, and seemed sincere. He was asleep when the dead started walking about."

2018-09-06, 06:45 AM
Arthur has nothing to add, given his apparent skill at being away form the interesting bits.

2018-09-06, 10:29 PM
"We killed a few of 'em, but I don't think we've stopped whatever is causing them to rise in the first place. I don't think you've got someone trying to stir up too much trouble, though--someone really trying to cause chaos wouldn't just be making a couple of undead at a time. Unless they're real bad at what they do."

2018-09-07, 10:55 AM
"So... it's not solved then?" The mayor asks, his smile vanishing. "There has to be an explanation for this, and if it isn't here in the town... perhaps you can find something about it in the capital," he speaks, wringing his fingers a bit nervously. "I would ask you to travel there as quickly as you can. See if any other towns along the way have been having the same sorts of problems. And bring back a more permanent solution for us," he requests.
Aries quirks her brow. "I am assuming you're willing to pay quite well for such a trip?" she asks, and the mayor quickly nods.
"We can settle up once you're back," he says, and Aries hesitates for a moment, before shaking her head.
"I know you're good for it. But we'll need coin to get there, you know," she points out, and the mayor sighs.
"...ever the businesswoman," he says, before motioning for his servant to get some coin for the group. The man soon returns with a small chest and hands it to Aries. The woman opens it up and looks over the contents before nodding.
"All right. We'll be back in a few days with a solution for you," she says.
"Take Gaff with you," the mayor suggests. "If you wait until his sermon is over this afternoon, I'm sure he'll accompany you. It would be good to have a man of the cloth with you, would it not?" he asks. "Especially with matters concerning the undead."
Aries looks to her group, then shrugs. "We'll talk about that." With that, she heads out of the mansion. Once outside, she distributes the gold, and asks if the group is ready to head out now - or if they want to do some shopping and wait for Gaff to join them.

Everyone add 75 gp to your sheets!

Also, as you may or may not have guessed, Gaff is your first recruitable character. Up to you guys if you want to take him or not, though!

2018-09-07, 11:59 PM
Oak: "Eehh.....It's not a veto, and I'm not really looking for a discussion about it, but I vote no on Gaff".

2018-09-08, 10:51 AM
"You are our healer," Aries says with a nod to Oak. "If it's a no for you, then that weighs pretty heavily. Still, it would be good to have some extra support, should we get hurt. What do the rest of you think?" she asks, looking to the others in the group.

2018-09-08, 05:50 PM
Gaff seems incompetent to me, but it might be good to have a known villager with us.

2018-09-08, 11:42 PM
"Seems to me, if we find someone who knows about these things, Gaff might've seen something that could give some clue as to what's happening. Something he doesn't recognize and we don't know to ask about." Inadar shrugs. "Although he does seem to have slept through most of the attacks..."

2018-09-10, 06:59 AM
Arthur shrugs, "Seems like it doesn't cost much to bring him along. If he turns out to be a problem somehow, we can send him back."

2018-09-10, 09:57 AM
Aries gave a nod. Seemed like the consensus was in favor of getting Gaff. "We'll have to wait until after the sermon, then. That'll give us a little time to pick up anything we might need before setting out, though. I'll go get the old man, and we can meet back at base this afternoon," she says.

Last chance to do any shopping with your new 75 gp. If you want to roleplay out what you're doing, this is your chance. If you'd rather just move on, let me know!

2018-09-10, 12:03 PM
Arthur has no pressing needs, so stays by his officer.

2018-09-10, 02:33 PM
Oak shrugs at the decision, then gives his coin purse a few short tosses, catching it with a jingle every time.

2018-09-10, 05:38 PM
Gabriel will spend his afternoon working on some alchemy with his portable lab.

2018-09-10, 08:55 PM
"I'm going to see if there's anywhere to get a good meal around here--anyone interested?"

Inadar's going to get some breakfast and probably round it off with a mug of ale somewhere. I don't think there's any gear she needs to pick up. I'm fine with moving along rather than playing out this interaction