View Full Version : The Adventurers Who Weren't [IC]

2018-07-07, 11:53 PM
You are currently all meeting in the feast hall of the palace. Your feast hall-at least, for a little bit. Because... Well... You're not sure if it counts as screwing up or succeeding beyond your wildest dreams, but you're managing the kingdom for a little bit, while the queen, her wizard, and her high priest save their thief's butt.

What on earth will you do?

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?563183-The-Adventurers-Who-Weren-t-OOC&p=23205763#post23205763)

2018-07-08, 12:05 AM
So... Uh... Who has any people skills or management training in the slightest. Heather breathed out rubbing her fingers on her staff anxiously.

2018-07-08, 04:16 AM
Beltorin sat back against the chair, looking at the food on the table, several mischievous thoughts running through his head as he planned out how he was going to get through this. Were the others going to agree? He didn't know, but he shrugged to himself and leaned forward, looking at Heather when she spoke and back down to the table, his hand running through his black hair. "I have people skills," he offered, "but managing an entire nation is a little beyond me. I mean, I think I'm great with people... but, aye, this is beyond me."

2018-07-08, 01:23 PM
"Can't be too hard, aye?" Said the half-orc, currently caressing the sides of his head, thumb against the side of his temple, as he suffered through the last pains of his still present hangover. "Tell the people what to do, knock the idjits that can't listen into shape, let the guard handle all the fuss. Can't be too damn difficult of a job, no?" Grinning a big tooth-and-tusk grin toward the other would-be rulers for the near future.

2018-07-08, 02:06 PM
A servant comes in, with a cart full of platters of food. Eggs, bacon, bread, cheese... A royal spread of fantastic breakfast. "Will you be requiring anything else at the moment... Um... Stewards?"

Aleister VII
2018-07-08, 04:49 PM
Ophelia, who has been silent until due to a headache immediately recovered her vitality upon smelling the food.

"By the Gods! Guys look at all this! Be rulers can't be that bad if we get to eat all of this...! But then again I won't be able to became the best bard if I get too fatty... I've fans you know, Do I look in shape, darlings?" Commented Ophelia who tentatively starts to munch some Bacon.

2018-07-08, 05:36 PM
Heather quite obviously one of Ophelia's fans, nods shyly.

You look fanastic.... I mean. You look well. I mean.... Heather stutters before simply shoving her mouth full of food.

Aleister VII
2018-07-09, 07:53 AM
"Awww..! Heat you're as sweet as ever! Anyways as the rulers of this lands should we be benevolent rulers or iron fist tyrants? I mean... tyrants are bad guys but they know how to keep their countries in place, didn't they?" pondered the big chested Tiefling with a smile on her face, after all being too laid back may lead to anarchy, a revolution or something like that.

2018-07-09, 10:31 AM
You enjoy your feast of a breakfast, and after, a servant comes (a short, plump dwarven woman). She informs you that you have subjects who need to be addressed, and asks which one of you wishes to talk to them.

2018-07-09, 11:15 AM
Well I mean the answer is obviously Ophelia, right? Heather remarks a blush on her cheeks.

Aleister VII
2018-07-10, 06:41 AM
"Oooh! Is this subject a fan of mine? I'm so flattered! Yay!" Cheered Ophelia before start looking for her lute, a bard isn't a proper bard without her trustworthy musical instrument.

"Aren't you excited guys?" Adds Ophelia as she uses prestidigitation to create small fireworks around her face.

2018-07-10, 10:51 AM
Heather puppet nods, as she follows Ophelia to the talky place.

2018-07-10, 11:23 AM
You soon arrive in a grand hall, with a large, stately throne, and three hastily set-up (but still rather high-quality) chairs. The doors are closed, but a servant stands at them, ready to open them. "On your command, stewards."

2018-07-10, 05:06 PM
Beltorin looks around rather confusedly and shrugs his shoulders. "Well, might as well do the best we can," he says trying to stifle a burp, "perhaps after this mess we can try and get a noble to teach us a few tricks, hey?"

Aleister VII
2018-07-11, 05:09 AM
"But we're THE RULERS, we can summon nobles to an audience with us of we want to, can't I..? I mean can't we?" Suggested Ophelia who can't wait to abuse of her new power, that and she neither has idea of what a ruler is supposed to do in order to be loved by it's people.

2018-07-11, 11:42 AM
"Um... Stewards, you have people waiting outside. Right now," the servant says. "Should I tell them you're not available today?"

Aleister VII
2018-07-12, 09:50 AM
"Huh? Oh yeah! Make them pass, we'll receive them as the gracious hosts that we're." Said Ophelia before looking at her friends.

"Piece of cake, guys! Rule this land will be like a walk on the dungeon." Cheered the optimistic bard.

2018-07-12, 12:36 PM
The servant nods, and opens the door. In comes a small flood of people, who are quickly put into order by the servants.

The first person to approach is a tall, strong-looking woman, well proportioned, who is holding a small boy's hand with her. The boy looks to be maybe four or five, and is wide-eyed at the grandeur before him.

"Your hignesses... Er..." she says.

The servant offers the proper address, saying "Address them as 'Stewards'-that is their position."

"Right. Stewards, the road near my family farm has still not been fixed! I cannot bring my cart across a road in that condition, and the harvest is piling up," she says. "I don't want to deprive other people of food they might need, nor my family of the money we deserve for working the fields, but right now, it's just not possible!"

Aleister VII
2018-07-12, 07:02 PM
Ophelia was perplexed for a moment after seeing the crowd of people who just filled the room, she now was nervous but nevertheless forced a smile on her face before formulating an improvised answer to the woman and her children.

"I see... that sound awful we should Give priority to that... does an horde of orcs destroy the road? Or perhaps a necromancer and his undead legion?" Wondered and questioned the bard in a rather dramatic way, the worst however is the fact that she actually believes that something like that could really have damaged a road...

2018-07-12, 11:10 PM
"No-it's just old and seen a lot of use. The recent rain hasn't helped much either... When will it be fixed by?" she continues.

2018-07-12, 11:45 PM
He... he heh..... Hi. Heather waves a blush on her cheeks as the pretty woman keeps speaking.

2018-07-13, 08:00 PM
The woman looks to Heather momentarily and nods, but her son waves cheerily.

2018-07-15, 05:43 PM
The woman looks to Heather momentarily and nods, but her son waves cheerily.

Heather smiles widely and waves happily to the woman,seeming to ignore the son.

2018-07-19, 11:36 AM
The woman looks to Heather, seeing no one else respond, and asks "When will it be fixed?"

2018-07-19, 11:43 AM
The woman looks to Heather, seeing no one else respond, and asks "When will it be fixed?"

Huh, oh right! Heather replies blushing.

It will be fixed immediately. She promised quite unrealistically with no idea what she was even promising. May I um.... what's your name?

2018-07-19, 11:45 AM
"Harley. This is my son, David," she says. David waves again.

2018-07-19, 11:58 AM
Harley's a pretty name.... Heather giggles.

2018-07-19, 12:01 PM
Harley sighs. "So it will be solved?"

She looks back, seeing the rest of the people in line. "If you're sure, I'll leave now, so you can help the others."

The next few people seem to be a family-an older gentleman with a salt-and-pepper beard and no hair on top, presumably his wife, with her own gray hairs, three children (two female, one male) and perhaps a cousin? Similarly old.

After them is a sickly looking woman, gaunt and pale.

Behind her are two children, both looking to be about ten, one a boy, the other a girl.

And the rest are hard to make out behind the door and others.

2018-07-19, 12:09 PM
Harley sighs. "So it will be solved?"

She looks back, seeing the rest of the people in line. "If you're sure, I'll leave now, so you can help the others."

The next few people seem to be a family-an older gentleman with a salt-and-pepper beard and no hair on top, presumably his wife, with her own gray hairs, three children (two female, one male) and perhaps a cousin? Similarly old.

After them is a sickly looking woman, gaunt and pale.

Behind her are two children, both looking to be about ten, one a boy, the other a girl.

And the rest are hard to make out behind the door and others.

There's no need to leave! Heather blurts out.

I mean um.... so we can coordinate better with the um people. She blushes

2018-07-19, 12:15 PM
"O-kay," she says, a little worriedly.

Harley will make an Insight check, to see what's going on. Heather, feel free to make a Deception to oppose it.


2018-07-19, 12:20 PM
Heather's deception w disadvantage from flaw. [roll0] [roll1]
But Lucky feat [roll2]

2018-07-19, 12:22 PM
Gain Inspiration, for using your flaw like that.

Harley blushes, just a little, and says "I'll... I'll wait over by the wall, I guess."

She moves over, and the family comes forward. The father speaks, a gravelly baritone, and says "Our home was destroyed by a rockslide, along with all our equipment. We're smiths, and with the forge gone... We can't live on what little we have left. How can you help us?"

2018-07-19, 12:50 PM
Heather flashes back to a dream she had the previous night, as she stressed about being able to run the kingdom.

A woman not Harley exactly but shapely like her, kissing her without warmth.

She wasn't suprised Harley didn't love her, who'd love a broken little reject like her.

Tearing up alittle bit she shakes her head to bat the tears away.

Still however staring hard at Harley, she only half listened to the smith's complaints.

Can... Can you.... What happened to the rest of the town?

2018-07-19, 01:11 PM
"They're mostly okay," he continues. "The rockslide wasn't that large, and while their houses are gone, they're farmers. Their land is fine, and they're just staying with relatives or friends. It's mostly us that were hit too hard by it."

2018-07-19, 01:14 PM
"They're mostly okay," he continues. "The rockslide wasn't that large, and while their houses are gone, they're farmers. Their land is fine, and they're just staying with relatives or friends. It's mostly us that were hit too hard by it."

Okay.. She turns to her servant.

Simple solution first, are any towns missing a smith that have a forge? She asks them.

2018-07-19, 01:15 PM
"I am not sure off-hand, milady. I'll ask around, once this is over," he replies.

2018-07-19, 01:19 PM
"I am not sure off-hand, milady. I'll ask around, once this is over," he replies.

Do we have a smith? Heather asks after a moment of thought.

2018-07-22, 10:59 AM
Do we have a smith? Heather asks after a moment of thought.

"We do, milady, but she is quite gainfully employed," the servant responds. "I could ask if she'd be willing to take on an assistant-assuming that the gentleman and his family wouldn't object to working under someone."

The father replies, saying "I wouldn't be happy about it, but so long as I can keep my family fed through hard work and not charity, I won't complain too hard. How much work does this local smith get?"

"Quite a lot-you might be able to afford a new house, if a small one, in a matter of months, working as her assistant," the servant says. "I can ask her immediately if this would be acceptable, stewards, with your approval."

2018-07-22, 11:00 AM
"We do, milady, but she is quite gainfully employed," the servant responds. "I could ask if she'd be willing to take on an assistant-assuming that the gentleman and his family wouldn't object to working under someone."

The father replies, saying "I wouldn't be happy about it, but so long as I can keep my family fed through hard work and not charity, I won't complain too hard. How much work does this local smith get?"

"Quite a lot-you might be able to afford a new house, if a small one, in a matter of months, working as her assistant," the servant says. "I can ask her immediately if this would be acceptable, stewards, with your approval."

Uh.... Bring her here, so that we may ask in person. Heather directs one of the servants.

2018-07-22, 11:10 AM
"Of course, steward," the servant says, and heads off.

The family of the smith moves over to the side, and they start talking with Harley and her son.

The next person to approach is the sickly woman, but she stops, and looks back at the two kids. She gestures for them to go before her. "Are you sure?" the girl asks.

"I'm sure. You young ones have a lot to live for-if I don't get help in time, I've already had a good life," she says.

The girl hesitates, but the boy says "It's okay, sis. Come on," and heads forward.

The two children bow before you, and the boy speaks up. "Our family was attacked by orcs. Our parents... They... They..." he says, before tears start to well up.

"They saved us," the girl says, barely holding back tears herself. "We... We waited in the basement for hours. The orcs didn't... didn't find us, and we ran as fast as we could when they were gone."

The boy tries to speak up again, but finds himself blocked by tears, and the girl fares no better. You can hear a muffled "sorry" as they cry, apologizing for being so unprepared to speak.

2018-07-22, 11:26 AM
"Of course, steward," the servant says, and heads off.

The family of the smith moves over to the side, and they start talking with Harley and her son.

The next person to approach is the sickly woman, but she stops, and looks back at the two kids. She gestures for them to go before her. "Are you sure?" the girl asks.

"I'm sure. You young ones have a lot to live for-if I don't get help in time, I've already had a good life," she says.

The girl hesitates, but the boy says "It's okay, sis. Come on," and heads forward.

The two children bow before you, and the boy speaks up. "Our family was attacked by orcs. Our parents... They... They..." he says, before tears start to well up.

"They saved us," the girl says, barely holding back tears herself. "We... We waited in the basement for hours. The orcs didn't... didn't find us, and we ran as fast as we could when they were gone."

The boy tries to speak up again, but finds himself blocked by tears, and the girl fares no better. You can hear a muffled "sorry" as they cry, apologizing for being so unprepared to speak.

So send a detachment of the army to hunt the nearby hills for orcs.

2018-07-22, 12:19 PM
"I'll fetch the generals," the servant says, actually leaving this time.

The kids are now just kinda a mess, and Harley comes over, stopping her talking with the smith's family. She ushers them over to the side, trying to comfort them.

2018-07-22, 12:27 PM
So um... Do the kids want story time? Heather asks awakardly, coming over to Harley and the kids.

2018-07-22, 12:38 PM
Harley glares at Heather for a moment, but softens. "Ma'am... I don't think you're experienced much with children. Please-just attend to the rest of the people who need your help. The Smiths and I will make sure they're okay. But... Thank you for your concern. I just don't think you can help much here, for the moment."

2018-07-22, 12:43 PM
Harley glares at Heather for a moment, but softens. "Ma'am... I don't think you're experienced much with children. Please-just attend to the rest of the people who need your help. The Smiths and I will make sure they're okay. But... Thank you for your concern. I just don't think you can help much here, for the moment."

So...sorry... Heather blurts out, shying back, and hunching up defensively.

2018-07-22, 12:44 PM
The sickly woman calls over to Heather. "Could I have your attention, please? I," she starts, before breaking off into a coughing fit. "I could use some assistance as well."

2018-07-22, 02:50 PM
The sickly woman calls over to Heather. "Could I have your attention, please? I," she starts, before breaking off into a coughing fit. "I could use some assistance as well."

Yes, miss. What do you need? Heather pipes up.

2018-07-23, 09:13 AM
"I would hope it'd be obvious," she says with just a hint of humour. "I'm old, I'm sick, and if at all possible, I'd like to be healed. If that cannot be done... Then a chance to live the remainder of my life in some measure of peace and comfort."

2018-07-23, 10:39 AM
"I would hope it'd be obvious," she says with just a hint of humour. "I'm old, I'm sick, and if at all possible, I'd like to be healed. If that cannot be done... Then a chance to live the remainder of my life in some measure of peace and comfort."

Do we have a priest? Heather asks her servants.

2018-07-23, 11:11 AM
There are no servants in attendance at the moment. The one who was with you left to get the generals and smith.

2018-07-23, 11:16 AM
I'll be right back, I got to go to the chapel! Heather murmurs annoyed.

2018-07-24, 11:22 AM
Make me an Int check, to see if you remember the way to the chapel.

2018-07-24, 02:10 PM
Heather's int check [roll0]

2018-07-24, 02:35 PM
She's able to make her way to the chapel without any particular difficulty. Once she arrives, she sees a few acolytes about. There's a halfling woman, a dwarven man, and a human man, all in plain robes.

2018-07-24, 02:40 PM
She's able to make her way to the chapel without any particular difficulty. Once she arrives, she sees a few acolytes about. There's a halfling woman, a dwarven man, and a human man, all in plain robes.

So um.... Who's in charge here? Heather remarks.

2018-07-27, 09:50 PM
"None of us, ma'am. The high priest left yesterday on important business," the woman replies.

2018-07-27, 10:35 PM
"None of us, ma'am. The high priest left yesterday on important business," the woman replies.

Who did they leave in charge, then? Heather replies.

2018-07-27, 10:36 PM
"We heard something about them appointing stewards from outside the regular staff," she says. "May I ask who you are, by the way?"

2018-07-28, 12:04 AM
"We heard something about them appointing stewards from outside the regular staff," she says. "May I ask who you are, by the way?"

"Oh, I am Heather Harrington." She says curtseying slightly.