View Full Version : Thunder Dome: The City

2018-07-08, 12:33 AM
The road seems to go on forever but eventually you reach your destination. Out of some sense of Honor (Or was it Cowardice?) no one had attacked each other on the road. But now that you had reached the edge of the city, that protection was gone. The tension in the air had reached a nail and all it would take was one wrong word for violence to erupt. One of the bigger men had a few people helping him to put up a shelter. There was a wizard chanting something in a tent. Many people were disappearing into the City. It is getting dark. What do you do?

2018-07-08, 04:57 PM
One last box to grab and then he'd go. He did refresh his fleas in the fog he left behind from his singular attempt at fighting what he knew would be unphased by his actions. He waited a while before he moved on. The dark didn't bother him any after all and he thought this rod would give him a good way to stay separated from the others.

2018-07-09, 12:24 AM
Roakan looked at the events around him. It wouldn't take much for this to turn violent, so it was time to leave. Turning invisible, he wanders into the city to find a good base.

Looking for a suitable tower to live in. Will climb to top floor and enter through window.
Tower should be in decent condition to not break while climbing. Should be distant from the people he's leaving and very tall.
Climb: 20ft Climb Speed and taking 10 for a result of 32
Perception before entering: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

2018-07-11, 03:01 AM
Nightfalls. The people manage to keep themselves more or less together.
The building seems safe but as you set up you hear voices making offers and bargains to you. Not normal things like gold but things like wings in exchange for your weight. You then see a man whose voice seems to come from everywhere at once. Its the same voice you've been hearing. He hands you a book with price tags and items inside.As you walk the road you hear giggling from behind you and a hand on your shoulder. When you looked behind there was nothing there. It keeps getting louder and the giggling gets mixed with crying. Right before you hit the City, something hits you from behind.https://1d4chan.org/images/thumb/4/41/Horror.png/300px-Horror.png
It's pink and disgusting with it's flesh constantly changing. It lashes out at you with it's tongue.

2018-07-11, 10:54 PM
The rat nopes right on out of the situation.
Downing a Miasmatic Form infusion and moving away. I might as well nauseate the foe while I'm in the process of running away. I'll go straight up the ten feet since I can.

2018-07-12, 02:12 AM
Roakan takes a look at the book before handing it back.
"I'm sorry, but there's nothing I currently need."
He didn't trust the people responsible for the situation. If they wanted to offer him gifts, they were probably as much of a penalty as a bonus.

Once the man was gone, he set about securing the area before gong to sleep.

What is the floor that he is on like? He has some defences to set up.
Illusory Walls: Covering the 2 Doors. Multiple castings, Permanent. The elevator wall is in the room, the stair door wall is outside, making anyone entering see a wall rather than a door.
Node of Blasting: On Stair Door Handle, outside handle. Permanent until used.
Illusory Walls: Disguising stairs on lower level, to make it seem that there is no access to top. Multiple Castings.
Node of Blasting: On Bear Trap, placed just behind the above Illusory Walls.
Alarm: 3 casts. One on staircase leading up, one at the doors and one final near mirror(See Below). All Mental. 20 Hours.
Mirror Hideaway: On one of the handheld mirrors carried. 10 Hours, cast before going to sleep. Move all equipment inside and placed in a safe position in the room.
Reduce Person: To get into mirror.
Animated Portrait: The item is an animated picture of the character sleeping. Left in a more obvious place.

Items: As extradimensional bags o not work outside, am taking out:
Sleeping Stuff
Stonebow+10 Bullets.

2018-07-14, 03:50 AM
Roakan takes a look at the book before handing it back.
"I'm sorry, but there's nothing I currently need."
He didn't trust the people responsible for the situation. If they wanted to offer him gifts, they were probably as much of a penalty as a bonus.

Once the man was gone, he set about securing the area before gong to sleep.

What is the floor that he is on like? He has some defences to set up.
Illusory Walls: Covering the 2 Doors. Multiple castings, Permanent. The elevator wall is in the room, the stair door wall is outside, making anyone entering see a wall rather than a door.
Node of Blasting: On Stair Door Handle, outside handle. Permanent until used.
Illusory Walls: Disguising stairs on lower level, to make it seem that there is no access to top. Multiple Castings.
Node of Blasting: On Bear Trap, placed just behind the above Illusory Walls.
Alarm: 3 casts. One on staircase leading up, one at the doors and one final near mirror(See Below). All Mental. 20 Hours.
Mirror Hideaway: On one of the handheld mirrors carried. 10 Hours, cast before going to sleep. Move all equipment inside and placed in a safe position in the room.
Reduce Person: To get into mirror.
Animated Portrait: The item is an animated picture of the character sleeping. Left in a more obvious place.

Items: As extradimensional bags o not work outside, am taking out:
Sleeping Stuff
Stonebow+10 Bullets.
The man does not let you give the book back. He refuses it and melts.
You wake up refreshed. The defences seem to be untouched but outside the door, there was an avian footprint. You look out the window and see that some people seem to be quarelling.

The rat nopes right on out of the situation.
Downing a Miasmatic Form infusion and moving away. I might as well nauseate the foe while I'm in the process of running away. I'll go straight up the ten feet since I can.The Thing screeches its displeasure and howls at you. it attempts to claw your gaseous form but fails. After attempting for a while it walks and jiggles away. It's getting very dark. You get the feeling you should find somewhere to rest before it turns too dark to see.

2018-07-14, 05:24 AM
The Grippli stares at the spot the man was for a while. What was going on here?
Eventually he places it into his bag. It may come in handy, but he felt the urge to throw it out.

He looked out at the argument far below. It had nothing to do with him, he'd check it out later.
The footprint was disturbing. Something was here, but it hadn't triggered any of his traps or alarm spells. The greenhouse was too good to give up, but too exposed to stay in. He'd need to find refuge in the lower level. He closed the door behind him with a cantrip.

Cast Invisibility: 10 Min
Sneaking down to explore the next level down. The node of blasting on the handle damages on touch, so will be using the open/close cantrip to enter on return..
Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Further action dependant on floor layout.

So, four houses.
Node of Blasting on each entrance.
And in the one furthest from the stairs, an illusory wall in an easily accessible room. Made to be slightly thicker than the wall normally is, enough to contain a propped up hand mirror.

With the lower level secure, he turns his attention to the stairs. Disguising them with Illusory walls would be harder to do successfully. It would require a bit more securing though.

Using the ranger trap feat to lay Snare Traps along the length of the stairs. Currently DC18 to perceive/disable/save against. -1 per day and last 5 days. Will probably take down and replace before then.

Once the top floors were adequately secured, he turns his attention outside. The traps were pretty weak, but he didn't want to waste any more power until night. Recasting invisibility, he glides across the city, wanting to explore it from a place of presumed safety.

Invisibility 10 Min. Only important for disguising where he is holed up/leaving from. Doesn't recast once it ends as he'll be far enough away.
Using his Glider racial ability and Feather Fall Ring as well as climb speed to move tower to tower.
Looking for any important or dangerous looking features in the city as well as food and water sources (As visible from high up, like a large body of water or relevant building).
Perception modifier is +23 whenever rolls are needed. Eagle Eyed means that he only takes the penalty for every 50ft rather than 10ft.

2018-07-14, 10:06 AM
For ten minutes the gas floated lazily toward the city, looking for a place that was out of the way. When that spell ended the rat turned invisible and continued the search. Hopefully eventually it found a place.

Miasmatic Form lasts 10 minutes or 2000 feet closer.
Invisibility lasts 10 minutes or 4000 feet closer.
I'll even throw in a Fly if I have to.

I'm looking for a place where I can be as hidden as possible. I plan on using my Immovable Rod as one anchor point to tie the hammock to and a wall or something for the other end. Or both ends on the Rod if that would work at all. I'd like to be at least ten feet from any surface but still indoors, so maybe a living room in some corner. And then I'll just lament not getting a wand of Rope Trick.

What was in that box anyway?

2018-07-18, 11:49 PM
For ten minutes the gas floated lazily toward the city, looking for a place that was out of the way. When that spell ended the rat turned invisible and continued the search. Hopefully eventually it found a place.

Miasmatic Form lasts 10 minutes or 2000 feet closer.
Invisibility lasts 10 minutes or 4000 feet closer.
I'll even throw in a Fly if I have to.

I'm looking for a place where I can be as hidden as possible. I plan on using my Immovable Rod as one anchor point to tie the hammock to and a wall or something for the other end. Or both ends on the Rod if that would work at all. I'd like to be at least ten feet from any surface but still indoors, so maybe a living room in some corner. And then I'll just lament not getting a wand of Rope Trick.

What was in that box anyway?

The Grippli stares at the spot the man was for a while. What was going on here?
Eventually he places it into his bag. It may come in handy, but he felt the urge to throw it out.

He looked out at the argument far below. It had nothing to do with him, he'd check it out later.
The footprint was disturbing. Something was here, but it hadn't triggered any of his traps or alarm spells. The greenhouse was too good to give up, but too exposed to stay in. He'd need to find refuge in the lower level. He closed the door behind him with a cantrip.

Cast Invisibility: 10 Min
Sneaking down to explore the next level down. The node of blasting on the handle damages on touch, so will be using the open/close cantrip to enter on return..
Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Further action dependant on floor layout.

So, four houses.
Node of Blasting on each entrance.
And in the one furthest from the stairs, an illusory wall in an easily accessible room. Made to be slightly thicker than the wall normally is, enough to contain a propped up hand mirror.

With the lower level secure, he turns his attention to the stairs. Disguising them with Illusory walls would be harder to do successfully. It would require a bit more securing though.

Using the ranger trap feat to lay Snare Traps along the length of the stairs. Currently DC18 to perceive/disable/save against. -1 per day and last 5 days. Will probably take down and replace before then.

Once the top floors were adequately secured, he turns his attention outside. The traps were pretty weak, but he didn't want to waste any more power until night. Recasting invisibility, he glides across the city, wanting to explore it from a place of presumed safety.

Invisibility 10 Min. Only important for disguising where he is holed up/leaving from. Doesn't recast once it ends as he'll be far enough away.
Using his Glider racial ability and Feather Fall Ring as well as climb speed to move tower to tower.
Looking for any important or dangerous looking features in the city as well as food and water sources (As visible from high up, like a large body of water or relevant building).
Perception modifier is +23 whenever rolls are needed. Eagle Eyed means that he only takes the penalty for every 50ft rather than 10ft.
Theres a box two floors down covered in eye sigils. You can't find any other footprints. Perhaps it left it there to mock you?
There's a tall radio tower which doesn't seem to have any ways to easily access it from the ground other than climbing up the electric wires.
You find a decent room far away from any of the other survivors in what seems to be a hotel. You sleep safely (If not well).

2018-07-21, 11:04 PM
The Box:
Roakan wonders what it is. Was it a gift? A trap? Were the eyes some magical means of spying on him? He investigates from a safe distance.

Detect Magic on the Box.
Detect Poison on the Box.
Further action depending on results.
At max range, mage hand it into a corner
Cover in an illusory wall. Save it for later.

After this, Roakan leaves to investigate the city.

The Tower:
That could be a good place to fall back to when things got dangerous, Roakan thought. But it would need some preparations. He wondered if the wires still had power, it would be something to check out later. It was too dangerous to risk trying.

Roakan will climb along the tower, not the wires.
Getting Safely to the tower:
Perception: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]
Climb: Take 10 for 32
Once he has reached high enough to reach something large enough to sit on, he'll use his Robe of Infinite Twine to generate a hemp rope.
This rope will be tied to a solid part of the tower and lowered down to reach the ground. It's then pulled up and wrapped around part of the tower.
Once he's set up the easier way to get in, he starts to explore to tower. Only known point of interest is the lift.

2018-07-22, 08:49 AM
The rat takes it's time.
Going to spend roughly the hour and a half to get started with the day doing the obligation/extracts/toxic secretion.

After that's done I'm going to draw the pistol and go room by room, mundane stealthing, and keeping an ear out for any movement. I'm going to take it slow and work my way up to the roof, room by room, hall by hall, and make sure to clear out each floor before moving up.

Stealth check: [roll0]
Perception check: [roll1]

2018-07-24, 08:04 AM
You are= left alone but every so often you feel something watching you. A strange blue feather fluttered to your feet when you were scouting and simply looking at it made you feel sick. Every so often you find another of these blue feathers, even in places you swore there were none before. There's an electric box with the switches off on the biggest part of the lift. There's a skeleton reaching for it. it looks mostly humanoid but with slight avian features. It does not look natural. it is missing its bottom half and the bones of it are scattered along the lift as if someone was eating them and throwing them on the floor while walking away.
There are pink sigils all over the wall of the second room. They look like doodles from a kid. Every room the sigils get more professional and by the end of the first floor there were sacrifices accompanying them. Animal at first, then human. In the last room you hear giggling and moans from inside.

2018-07-24, 09:41 AM
"Ooh, city."
The goblin had gotten a wee bit bored of walking, but hey, city.
"Naw what?"
He asks his companion.

2018-07-24, 08:07 PM
Honestly don't know. Guess look for allies. I just realized that I dont remember anything but someone begging for me to help her. Some young I think. Can't remember where I know her but I know her I think. Is this just me?

2018-07-25, 04:41 AM
A bird foot print outside his door, blue feathers following him and an avian skeleton... were these the owners of this ruined city?
The body was a worry. Something had been up here and had eaten the man-bird-thing. It wouldn't be a safe base, he'd only come back here in emergencies. Climbing to the top, he takes some time to look around to get an idea of the area.

Afterwards, he decides to evade whatever had been leaving those occasional feathers. Turning invisible, he glides off the top of the tower.

Invisibility: 10 Min
Nondetection: 10 Hours. Divination spells need to pass a caster level DC of 29(Spending 2 Phrenic Points to boost DC) to detect him.

When he lands, he heads deeper into the city. When he gets to the large buildings, he climbs up them to glide between them. He aims for the building with the radio dish.

2018-07-27, 09:14 AM
Well this wasn't concerning at all. He sat down near the door on the other side and just took his time preparing his pistol, eventually he gets around to checking for a keyhole to spy himself who he's gonna be murderin' today.

Welp, gonna get the pistol ready. Hoping I can spy what's doing the sacrificing. First one will be a Plague Bomb and Poisoned. Then Normal, Normal, Normal, Poisoned, Normal, Normal. Gonna mess with this guy some, hopefully.

A perception check if I can: [roll0]

2018-08-05, 03:00 AM
Climb the tower in the best repair. If not then guess the tallest is the next best thing. Shouldn't need climb checks with cloak of arachnia. If the goblin follows I drop a rope if he doesnt do so well. I'm specifically looking out for danger and for something I might put gears or wire in like you told me before.

2018-08-09, 07:44 AM
You see a man strapped to a board with his limbs pierced to it. He is moaning in pain while a figure slices with long knives at him slowly and taking out his organs. His front is splayed open and logically he would be dead. The figure is laughing.You take flight toward the radio tower and land upon a balcony near the top. The door to the inside is closed and is covered in air iconography.You climb up the tower and enter near the top through a broken window. There seems to be no exits to the top room but there were footprints in the dust. Someone has been here.

2018-08-10, 04:04 PM
Welp, time to murder!
Getting us started, Init: [roll0]

Spending a full round to make my Toxic Secretion a Malignant Poison and Designer Poison vs the Priestess.

Attacking the priestess with a poison and plague bomb bullet: [roll1] vs Point Blank touch.

They both need to give me a DC 20 Fort save vs Bubonic Plague.
She needs to give me a DC 30 Fort Save vs Toxic Secretion. She has to save twice any way.
He can give me a DC 22 Reflex Save vs splash damage if he's physically possible.

The man takes 12 Fire Damage, 6 if he passed the save.

The Priestess takes:
Bullet Damage: [roll2] piercing
Bomb Damage: [roll3] fire
Toxic Secretion: 7 untyped. She's blinded and dazed for the next 5 rounds.

I'm going to wait to see how the first shot goes before I decide on full attack or movement.