View Full Version : Thunder Dome: The Jungle

2018-07-08, 09:24 AM
You go off after the monster, hoping you get there in time to save your paladin. sadly the beast outpaced you even through the thick woods and once it started swinging there was no hope in keeping up. After a few hours you have to admit you are lost. The sky is getting darker and you get the feeling that you're being watched. What do you do?

2018-07-08, 10:23 AM
"Oi bugger. The beastie 'an brachiate. Ah, it'll stop even'ually. Mebbe Mister Impressive 'ill manage ta tear 'is way out. 'E's a big bugger. Now, it's ge'in' dark, an' I dun' like tha feelin' o' bein' watched. Guess is time ya vanish in tha dark and track down Mister Ugly."

He takes advantage of the darkness and practically vanishes.

I can see perfectly in any kind of darkness, and my Everwake Amulet lets me go 7 days without sleep before being exhausted for a day. I'll be using my +14 survival to track the beast. If I must be in the trees to do so, I have a climb speed of 10'. I'll keep following until I find him or something else occurs. Remember that I have +33 Perception and only take distance penalties at a rate of -1/30', so I'll notice the Beast at quite the distance. If it ever matters, I can also hear things like dog whistles.

I'll march longer than 8 hours if I have to.

Survival: [roll0]
Stealth(does not slow me down): [roll1]

2018-07-08, 06:50 PM
Porter realizing he can't keep the chase up all night finds a fine sized crack to snuggle into for the night. He feels bad for the paladin but for all he knows the trifling brought the creature low from within.

2018-07-11, 02:53 AM
Nightfalls and crickets chirp. Every so often the cannonfire is heard marking another death.
You keep chasing him, but suddenly you are charged by something that appears to be a little girl...Until you realize that her skin is rotten. she mutters and giggles about "Mama" as she eyes you up.You find a nice tree hollow to sleep in. Nothing of particular happens.

2018-07-11, 09:25 AM
"Ah, bugger off! 've got more importanty things ta do."

He scrambles to the nearest tree, jumping up onto it and scrambling up.

Despite my massive Stealth? Must be a special sense.

Well, I'll move 10' to a tree(get that running start), jump onto it, and start climbing it. Since climbing it is DC 10(less than 20) I can use my climb speed of 10'.

Acrobatics to jump up by a quarter of the result(rounded to 5' increment): [roll0]
Initiative check if you need it(I doubt my Perception was beat to allow the opportunity for a surprise round): [roll1]

If they are already adjacent to me(shouldn't be), I'll make an Acrobatics check against their CMD + 10 to tumble at full speed.

Acrobatics to jump gets me up 10', perfect. Then scrambling up 10 more feet takes me to my total speed, and double move it so I'm now 30' up. Then I'll climb through the trees at 20'/round(double move).

2018-07-11, 04:43 PM
Continues the next day keeping an eye out. [roll0] perception

Survival to follow the big baddy. [roll1]

2018-07-14, 03:54 AM
Continues the next day keeping an eye out. [roll0] perception

Survival to follow the big baddy. [roll1]You don't find its tracks although you find some suspicious tree gouges but they head off in every direction.

"Ah, bugger off! 've got more importanty things ta do."

He scrambles to the nearest tree, jumping up onto it and scrambling up.

Despite my massive Stealth? Must be a special sense.

Well, I'll move 10' to a tree(get that running start), jump onto it, and start climbing it. Since climbing it is DC 10(less than 20) I can use my climb speed of 10'.

Acrobatics to jump up by a quarter of the result(rounded to 5' increment): [roll0]
Initiative check if you need it(I doubt my Perception was beat to allow the opportunity for a surprise round): [roll1]

If they are already adjacent to me(shouldn't be), I'll make an Acrobatics check against their CMD + 10 to tumble at full speed.

Acrobatics to jump gets me up 10', perfect. Then scrambling up 10 more feet takes me to my total speed, and double move it so I'm now 30' up. Then I'll climb through the trees at 20'/round(double move). The little girl shrieks for her sisters and then suddenly stops and looks up at the stars. she scrambles off at top speed. You chase him for most of the night but after a certain point the tree gouges and the ripped vines of the thing stop.

2018-07-14, 01:42 PM
"Buggerin', buggerin', buggerin'..."
The goblin mumbles, mutters, moans, and mumbles some more. He decides to hop down from the trees and go back.

Stealth at full speed, going back now, survival to find my way.
Stealth: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]
Edit: That's a nat 20 stealth.

2018-07-15, 12:33 PM
Hmm where to now. Paladin is probably dead by now.
head in back the way I came keeping an eye out [roll0] eating on the way from my stores and catching my breath from sleeping in diminutive form.

If I slept all night in diminutive form and take penalties like breathing how much of a penalty is that and how long to remove?

2018-07-18, 11:52 PM
Hmm where to now. Paladin is probably dead by now.
head in back the way I came keeping an eye out [roll0] eating on the way from my stores and catching my breath from sleeping in diminutive form.

If I slept all night in diminutive form and take penalties like breathing how much of a penalty is that and how long to remove?

"Buggerin', buggerin', buggerin'..."
The goblin mumbles, mutters, moans, and mumbles some more. He decides to hop down from the trees and go back.

Stealth at full speed, going back now, survival to find my way.
Stealth: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]
Edit: That's a nat 20 stealth.
After a few hours of walking you have to admit you're totally lost. Everything looks like jungle and more jungle.You keep walking toward the center and by the time you get there, the sky has started to light up. No one is there and all the boxes had been taken.

2018-07-22, 06:54 PM
xenopax said I made it back So I'm guessing we met up

Hello there. My name is bamph porter. Please don't attack me. I believe we met here before. That lady said to survive and I feel like 2 are better than 1. That tiefling that got are bad the right idea there. So how bout we head to the city and maybe find other like minded individuals. Maybe put a stop to all this or at the very least figure out what is going on.

2018-07-23, 11:33 AM
The goblin had stepped out of the bushes just a moment prior. He speaks in a squeaky and animated voice, his movements animated as well.

"'allo, Nom! Hands offa me, hands offa you, fair, eh? I followed Big-Beastie-Bugger what gobbled Mister Sir-Lord, but looks like 'e poofed.

City, eh ya say? Say, where'd tha' Ratsy run round?"

He sniffd around a bit before finding what looks like it might be a trail.

"Methinks can follow 'im, eh now? 'mon!"

He scrambles off almost on all fours, following what looks like it might be a rat trail.

Survival to track: [roll0]

2018-07-24, 07:46 AM
A few hours pass with you tracking the rat. Eventually the trail disappears but from the direction of his footprints it seemed like he was heading further down the road to the city. There were also a few other prints that looked odd and strangely avian.

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