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View Full Version : Optimization Wolf or Bear Totem for Grappler Barbarian?

Lord Ruby34
2018-07-09, 12:55 PM
My character is about to level up too level three, and I'm deciding between bear and wolf totem for his level three ability. I'm playing an Orc Barbarian, planning on grabbing Brawny(UA) and Tavern Brawler with my first two ASI's, and want to focus on improvised weapons, grappling, and general smashing. Wolf Totem appeals to me flavorfully, but I'm worried that the main benefits would be wasted if I'm grappling and shoving enemies prone. I'm also the only one who can really hang in the front lines. The rest of the party is a Wu-Jen Mystic, a Shepard Druid, a Monk, and a rouge. Anyone have any advice on which totem would be better? No spoilers, but we're playing Out of the Abyss.

Grear Bylls
2018-07-09, 01:34 PM
My character is about to level up too level three, and I'm deciding between bear and wolf totem for his level three ability. I'm playing an Orc Barbarian, planning on grabbing Brawny(UA) and Tavern Brawler with my first two ASI's, and want to focus on improvised weapons, grappling, and general smashing. Wolf Totem appeals to me flavorfully, but I'm worried that the main benefits would be wasted if I'm grappling and shoving enemies prone. I'm also the only one who can really hang in the front lines. The rest of the party is a Wu-Jen Mystic, a Shepard Druid, a Monk, and a rouge. Anyone have any advice on which totem would be better? No spoilers, but we're playing Out of the Abyss.

I personally suggest Bear, as if you can get your grappled enemy prone, attacks will have advantage on them, and THEY will have disadvantage. I have a guide in my sig for unarmed fighters if you want some more tips.

2018-07-09, 02:29 PM
Note that you can only grapple up to two creatures at the same time - in horde battles, wolf can come in handy.
There are also creatures immune to being grappled and to non-magic attacks (which your improvised weapons will be), so broadening the spectrum of what your character can contribute in niche cases isn’t a bad idea.

2018-07-09, 04:14 PM
Bear. When you grapple a couple big mean critters, they will still hit you back, you need to be able to take those hits.

Shove actions can get advantage for people on a target or two, but survival will be an issue, and bear really helps solve it. Just being a barbarian does too, but lots of things do elemental damage.

Also you know, when you want to drag that guy into the wall of fire, taking half damage to do it makes it feel like a better choice then if you take full damage.

2018-07-09, 04:48 PM
When I run a grappler, I don't run a grapple two things at once kind. I run a grapple one thing, shove it prone, and hit it with my weapon kind.

I find I really enjoy the extra damage from the Zealot for that scenario since by virtue of grappling I'm missing out on extra damage from GWM.

However, of the 2 options you listed I would take bear.

2018-07-10, 04:33 AM
When I made my Grappling Barb, I went with Bear and I suggest you do the same.

I do like the Wolf Totem and think it's under-appreciated, but yeah it's wasted here.

2018-07-10, 11:04 AM
When I made my Grappling Barb, I went with Bear and I suggest you do the same.

I do like the Wolf Totem and think it's under-appreciated, but yeah it's wasted here.

I agree about Wolf.

To maximize Wolf totem I would want freedom to move around right next to the party Paladin/Fighter/Rogue etc to make sure they have Advantage.

Since Grappling halves your speed you don't have the same mobility. Or you end up expecting your party mates to come to you. Which may not be desirable in a lot of situations.