View Full Version : Oh, you Nathan B Stewart, you (Eberron Campaign Setting tease?)

2018-07-10, 05:42 AM


2018-07-10, 05:57 AM
No doubt Eberron fans will move from complaining about the lack of a book to complaining about the contents of the book. Spelljammer has been confirmed by the way.

2018-07-10, 06:13 AM
No doubt Eberron fans will move from complaining about the lack of a book to complaining about the contents of the book. Spelljammer has been confirmed by the way.

I know that. However, previously (a few months back, give or take) they have hinted towards additions regarding settings. (Note: plural)

Either one does not exclude the other.

2018-07-10, 06:16 AM
Oh, neat. Maybe they'll release an adventure so I can finally understand what it is about this setting that makes everyone want to argue about it.

2018-07-10, 06:21 AM
I would be very happy with this, though I have never played it. It would mean, at the very least, an official artificer to play. But the rest intrigues too ( in spite of the endless cycle of arguments it spawns).

2018-07-10, 06:54 AM
Oh, neat. Maybe they'll release an adventure so I can finally understand what it is about this setting that makes everyone want to argue about it.

Not sure if this helps all that much, but here's a brief description below:
High Magic fantasy/intrigue setting with advanced magi-tech prevalent throughout the setting, recently recovering from a continent-wide war, that ended when the whole nation of Cyre quite literally exploded and became a vast wasteland, known as Mournland, filled with all kinds of weird horrors.

The nations surrounding the Mournland are more or less scheming against one another, for whatever agendas of their own.

Here's some iconic art related to Eberron


2018-07-10, 06:57 AM
No doubt Eberron fans will move from complaining about the lack of a book to complaining about the contents of the book. Spelljammer has been confirmed by the way.

Or Eberron fans are wildly ecstatic and happy with the book and you have to admit you have a bias.

In any case, I look forward to Spelljammer, Eberron, and the adventure where they crash the AL players on Eberron via a broken spelljammer.

2018-07-10, 07:05 AM
Oh, neat. Maybe they'll release an adventure so I can finally understand what it is about this setting that makes everyone want to argue about it.

Usually it's because they hate "FR stuff", most of which is actually core D&D or at least predates Forgotten Realms. And they like Eberron because it tries to be different in every way possible by chasing the fantasy fads of the early 2000's to the point of self parody. Also it has the worst of 3.5's mechanics built into the setting as core lore. And they also have a charming habit of presenting Eberron as superior to every other setting, either on creative merit or, in the case of one forum user, literally claiming that "my setting can beat up your setting".

2018-07-10, 07:10 AM
Usually it's because they hate "FR stuff", most of which is actually core D&D or at least predates Forgotten Realms. And they like Eberron because it tries to be different in every way possible by chasing the fantasy fads of the early 2000's to the point of self parody. Also it has the worst of 3.5's mechanics built into the setting as core lore. And they also have a charming habit of presenting Eberron as superior to every other setting, either on creative merit or, in the case of one forum user, literally claiming that "my setting can beat up your setting".

At least wait until the setting is confirmed before you start with the vitriol.

And liking Eberron more than any other setting is kind of the definition of "Eberron fan". Only a few of us have any aggression towards other settings. And FR is Core D&D in this edition, or at least a very heavy coating over Core D&D. Just like Greyhawk in 3e and Nentir Vale in 4e.

2018-07-10, 07:17 AM

2018-07-10, 07:21 AM
Usually it's because they hate "FR stuff", most of which is actually core D&D or at least predates Forgotten Realms.

Other than that Eberron allows clerics to gain divine power from worship of an ideal, what do you have in mind here?

And they like Eberron because it tries to be different in every way possible by chasing the fantasy fads of the early 2000's to the point of self parody.

Specific examples?

Also it has the worst of 3.5's mechanics built into the setting as core lore.

Specific examples?

And they also have a charming habit of presenting Eberron as superior to every other setting, either on creative merit or, in the case of one forum user, literally claiming that "my setting can beat up your setting".

Proponents of pretty much anything are going to have a few people with some silly or extremist ideas. We had on this forum not too long ago someone who was strenuously arguing that Eberron "wasn't D&D" and was "barely fantasy" (or some wording very close to that) essentially because it didn't meet certain fluff ideas about gods and the like. You are going to get this sort of thing from a minority of proponents of anything, and it really shouldn't impact much. Relevant SMBC (https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2013-04-07).

2018-07-10, 07:26 AM
That's factually untrue, you've been shown it was factually untrue, and you've been well informed that it's Forgotten Realms that ends up going through contortions to fit with new ideas. This is why the topic leads to arguments, because this sort of falsehood continues to spread long past the point it can be claimed as an honest mistake. How is this still a claim you're making after tome of foes?

Because "Core D&D" is the Core Books: PHB, DMG, and MM. MToF is a supplement, as are VGtM, XGtE, and SCAG. There's FR flavour in those three core books, more so than any other setting. There's nothing wrong with being the core flavour. Even if that flavour had to bend to fit the new rules.

But we have just under 2 weeks to see if "New Settings" means actual departures from Abeir-Toril or revealing 2e settings that were amalgamated into FR long ago. I hope it's Eberron.

And a personal question; if it is Eberron, and people start discussing it here, will you still be as negative to those players?

2018-07-10, 07:52 AM
Other than that Eberron allows clerics to gain divine power from worship of an ideal, So does D&D 5e, if you read the DMG.
While the general case in D&D is service to a deity since the world has numerous pantheons of gods, the DMG provides two exceptions (https://rpg.stackexchange.com/a/100888/22566):
1. On p. 10, the Dark Sun setting is provided as an example of absent gods where clerics rely on elemental powers for their magic. (So far, no Dark Sun material for 5e has been published, but hope springs eternal!)
2. On p. 13 in Forces and Philosophies the option is presented where a cleric devotes themselves to an ideal rather than to a deity.

It's an option.

(FWIW: for AL, I think there is a line in the Player Handout that directs a player to choose a deity, and a domain, and one can always choose life if the deity's domains do other stuff ... but AL is a narrow subset of D&D).

As to this observation:

We had on this forum not too long ago someone who was strenuously arguing that Eberron "wasn't D&D" and was "barely fantasy" (or some wording very close to that) essentially because it didn't meet certain fluff ideas about gods and the like. Which is an odd assertion for that person to have made. Gygax and Arneson both infused a variety of SF/pulp material into the game, particularly in Blackmoor from the outset, and later on in the Barrier Peaks material. The Clone spells, IIRC, was another example of early SF tropes leaking into the game, as was the mini module published in the Blackmoor supplement in Original (Three books, second supplement) game: Temple of the Frog.

D&D has always, as far back as I can remember, dragged in some SF thanks to its initial literary influences: pulps, horror, speculative fiction (Lovecraft / Vance, etc) and science fiction.

Granted, Metamorphisis Alpha and Gamma World were more fully fleshed out as SF games, as was Star Frontiers later on, but whomever that was really doesn't understand that a little bit of SF was in the game early on.

Heck, the Mind Flayer and psionics is as much SF and horror as it is fantasy and swords/sorcery. (Mind Flayer showed up in Strategic Review's first or second issue).

2018-07-10, 07:59 AM

2018-07-10, 08:20 AM
I take offence at you using my Xvart post as an example of Eberron fan nonsense. It has nothing to do with Eberron and I admit I was wrong about the origin of the Xvarts a few posts down.

Also, you're wrong about the orcs in Eberron; the relationship between dwarves and one particular orcish tribe is pure racism, it's more that orcs are crazy when they're not peaceful, and it was caused by eldritch abominations, not demons. In general, orcs and humans get along so swimmingly that half-orcs are considered a good thing by both races. No racism against orcs in the majority of the world. Nationalism is the big problem in Eberron, not racism (either interpretation) or sexism (when some races change gender or have none).

2018-07-10, 08:30 AM

2018-07-10, 08:34 AM
It's not the first time you've made that kind of claim, been proved wrong, then retracted it. The issue isn't the false claim, the issue is that you keep using that same rhetorical trick over and over again, I can find another example of you doing it if you like? You're part of the nonsense, so a quote from you is perfectly relevant.

The xvart post was made from ignorance, not any attempt to slander FR or whatever you think I wander around the forums doing. I do find it flattering that you think I'm intentionally using rhetorical devices in meaningless posts on the internet. Never ascribe malice where ignorance is an equally viable answer. In this case, it was pure ignorance.

2018-07-10, 08:35 AM

2018-07-10, 08:39 AM

2018-07-10, 08:39 AM
While I appreciate your trying to communicate the stuff that Eberron fans enjoy, I think it'll probably just be dismissed smugly. I suggest not engaging with the troll, and allowing yourself to be as hype as you want about this potential great news :)

I've got a place to hype about this. I come here to be unhyped, but thanks.

At a certain point "ignorance" becomes a deliberate tactic. I'll leave it to the thread to decide if the sentiments in that post reach the point of slander, but there's certainly an attempt to make Xvart=FR=bad.

Im honestly flattered that you think I'm that smart or putting that much effort into these posts. I'd never heard of the blue minion-smurfs before I read about them in a book with two FR characters as the prominent flavour. I will assure you ten times over that most posts of mind that offend you are made of honest mistakes and your reading into my unintentional wording.

I don't like FR. I think it's just another generic fantasy setting. I don't care enough to spend all my time maliciously spreading untruths and slander about it because I'd rather be having fun.

2018-07-10, 08:43 AM

2018-07-10, 08:47 AM
At a certain point "ignorance" becomes a deliberate tactic. I'll leave it to the thread to decide if the sentiments in that post reach the point of slander, but there's certainly an attempt to make Xvart=FR=bad. As I recall, the svart/xvart was originally a monster published by TSR UK. I think that's right. One of our 1e DM's ran a module with xvarts and with a monster called a sussurus (it's breathing in and out created a song that would calm/disable undead) and a lady magic user named Dark Odo. I need to go and dig that up from the archives, but it was in a gaming mag that was not Dragon. White Dwarf? Grrrm, memory shot, off to google I do.
EDIT: Hmm, didn't realize xvart was a 3e Greyhawk stable.
EDIT 2: AHA! It was White Dwarf #9, the adventure was called "The Lichway" and we had a blast playing in it as players.

2018-07-10, 08:48 AM

2018-07-10, 08:56 AM
No doubt Eberron fans will move from complaining about the lack of a book to complaining about the contents of the book.
Hey now, be fair... it is entirely possible that some will dislike the contents of the book *and* complain it was too short/there is only one/etc. DnD fans in general are unsatisfiable

2018-07-10, 08:57 AM
Yes, clearly it is a lie to say that the dates line up in such a way that Keith probably played Warcraft 3, you got me. I have been undone by the guy who seriously claimed that Xvarts are a Greenwood creation because he wanted an excuse to complain about deities in D&D.

I'm a little disturbed that you know what I'm thinking better than I do. What spell lets you do that?

I find/found the whole "deities threaten worshippers with eternal torment if not worshipped" thing a little incongruous for Good-aligned beings. I did not know that it had been changed in 5e. Until then, it sounded an awful lot like the entire mortal population of Abeir-Toril was being abused by a bunch of Gods who Need Prayer Badly in a way that would make Asmodeus proud; even the ones ostensibly against that sort of behaviour. Now that it's just blasphemers and those who actively hate the gods rather than everyone who didn't pay enough homage in life, it makes more sense.

2018-07-10, 09:06 AM
Yes, clearly it is a lie to say that the dates line up in such a way that Keith probably played Warcraft 3, you got me. I have been undone by the guy who seriously claimed that Xvarts are a Greenwood creation because he wanted an excuse to complain about deities in D&D.

That would be quite an accomplishment, considering the WotC Fantasy Setting Search was closed for submissions on 21st June of 2002, two weeks before WC3: RoC was released.

But even if it wasn't, it won't change the fact that your description of Eberron orcs is wrong. Amongst other things.

2018-07-10, 09:07 AM

2018-07-10, 09:07 AM
I have been undone by the guy who seriously claimed that Xvarts are a Greenwood creation because he wanted an excuse to complain about deities in D&D.
In the quote you provided, I did not see anyone claiming that Greenwood created anything. I see someone saying that xvarts only really make sense in Forgotten Realms, a totally different statement than you are attributing to them. They go on to call out why, which is because the race exists better in a setting with certain attitudes towards gods. This doesn't require xvarts to be created specifically for Forgotten Realms. Obviously.

I'm not saying that someone is right or wrong, but I think you've got nothing here close to what you claim to have.

Given that you started out in this thread casting a wide net, making claims about "eberron fans" in general, then backpedaling to a small vocal set of superfans, I think you're also playing some rhetorical tricks and not nearly as objective as you think you are.

In most threads where arguments or debates are going on, I find I usually agree with what you have to say. Here though, it seems like you're just looking to pick a fight. By all means, carry on. But you don't come across as objective or neutral, for what it's worth.

2018-07-10, 09:14 AM
In the quote you provided, I did not see anyone claiming that Greenwood created anything. I see someone saying that xvarts only really make sense in Forgotten Realms, a totally different statement than you are attributing to them. They go on to call out why, which is because the race exists better in a setting with certain attitudes towards gods. This doesn't require xvarts to be created specifically for Forgotten Realms. Obviously.

Yes, but he goes on to say that it (Raxivort): "kinda exemplifies everything about FR that I find nonsensical, from "gods" being petty, overpowered, afterlife-insurance scam artists (even the good ones) to races worshipping their creator god monolithically (unless you're human, who are special)."

When we're talking about something that began as part of Grayhawk, is it unfair of me to say that that point that the person in question really has a problem with the core assumptions of D&D, keeping in mind that Eberron is an exception to how literally every other published setting treats gods (acknowledging, before certain people nitpick, that in some setting the gods left)?

2018-07-10, 09:21 AM
No doubt Eberron fans will move from complaining about the lack of a book to complaining about the contents of the book. Spelljammer has been confirmed by the way.

I want us to be clear here, because people are still responding in the other thread like it's been announced as the next book: it has only been confirmed in the sense that, on a live stream, someone asked "Spelljammer confirmed?", and the hosts joked about it, then with no further context or clarification said "yes". We don't know when or in what form spelljammer will be coming.

2018-07-10, 09:27 AM
I want us to be clear here, because people are still responding in the other thread like it's been announced as the next book: it has only been confirmed in the sense that, on a live stream, someone asked "Spelljammer confirmed?", and the hosts joked about it, then with no further context or clarification said "yes". We don't know when or in what form spelljammer will be coming.

Spelljammer makes a lot more sense to come out before Eberron given that Spelljammer would include rules for actually traveling between the verses of said multiverse. Although on the other hand if Eberron has reached layout stage that might mean it was written without Bakers input, which would be golden.

2018-07-10, 09:29 AM
Whew, someone spoils a new campaign setting and the vitriol immediately starts. Might I suggest picking up the book The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F***. Because you obviously have to many to give about things that just aren't that important.

2018-07-10, 09:37 AM
Yes, but he goes on to say that it (Raxivort): "kinda exemplifies everything about FR that I find nonsensical, from "gods" being petty, overpowered, afterlife-insurance scam artists (even the good ones) to races worshipping their creator god monolithically (unless you're human, who are special)."

When we're talking about something that began as part of Grayhawk, is it unfair of me to say that that point that the person in question really has a problem with the core assumptions of D&D, keeping in mind that Eberron is an exception to how literally every other published setting treats gods (acknowledging, before certain people nitpick, that in some setting the gods left)?
Full disclosure: I started D&D shortly before Eberron was released. So I'm one of those people that doesn't know much about D&D before 2002, let's say. (I'm not sure on the year. I think 3.5 had just come out and I got the 3rd edition books on the cheap.)

I think it's perfectly fine to say Raxivort exemplifies the trouble with FR deities, if the person making the claim can explain how.

I see the point you're making War_lord. Raxivort was created for or in Greyhawk, so the issue isn't FR deities, but rather D&D deities.

But in truth, in my limited exposure to Greyhawk and FR and Dark Sun... I only really think of active gods having a direct hand in the affairs of the world in FR. I may be wrong in that, but that's the impression I have based on my limited exposure to each setting. When I think of Greyhawk I think of demon princes and archdevils, and Iuz and Vecna and powerful NPCs. And with Dark Sun it's the sorcerer kings and other powerful NPCs. But FR seems to have the gods playing a much more active role in the world. Dragonlance is like that too obviously.

Now, I've read Dragonlance and FR books, so maybe I just know more about them than I do Greyhawk and Greyhawk is also the same. Maybe St. Cuthbert does walk around disguised as a human or he does have avatars fighting and stuff, I don't know. So I have to take that into account. But I also read the Dark Sun novels and I don't remember gods being a major factor (though I remember someone rediscovering maybe divine power, not sure). But not in the way that Lolth and Paladine and Mystra get involved. So if FR does it the most, and Raxivort is especially egregious, I think it's fair to say that Raxivort exemplifies someone's dislike of FR deities, without having to make a similar claim about D&D deities in general. As an example, I like the idea of being able to commune with your deity and even meet with an avatar of your deity or something like that. But I don't like the idea of drama between pantheons and gods running around like super-powered PCs. So there's a spectrum there.

I don't know if FR is actually the worst about this, because I don't know enough about each setting. But I also don't particularly care, because I like Eberron for reasons that have nothing to do with other settings. It's it's own setting with it's own strengths and weaknesses that I enjoy and can get over respectively.

2018-07-10, 09:39 AM
Spelljammer makes a lot more sense to come out before Eberron given that Spelljammer would include rules for actually traveling between the verses of said multiverse. Although on the other hand if Eberron has reached layout stage that might mean it was written without Bakers input, which would be golden.

Sure. That doesn't change that the only sense of knowledge we have of spelljammer being confirmed, at this point, is them saying yes to the question, with no other information or context "is spelljammer confirmed?"

That's it. There is no release date, we don't have a book title, we don't know if there's going to be a book about planar travel that shows both spelljammer and planescape and maybe some other things, we don't know jack.

2018-07-10, 09:59 AM
Not to derail the thread or anything, but...

Spelljammer and Eberron confirmed. Ok. We got that.

What's one setting that's popular, that people want, that you think WILL NOT be available relatively soon (by the end of the summer)?

My vote goes to Dark Sun. I just don't think its quite popular enough to be part of the first wave.

I DO think Greyhawk is going to be in, and will finally (After alluding to them in the PHB) the Draconian race.

2018-07-10, 10:04 AM
Spelljammer makes a lot more sense to come out before Eberron given that Spelljammer would include rules for actually traveling between the verses of said multiverse. Although on the other hand if Eberron has reached layout stage that might mean it was written without Bakers input, which would be golden.

My sympathies, but Keith Baker said in the earlier part of the year that he was working with WotC and in June said he was under a heavy deadline for July. So the hints are heavily in favour of Keith Baker working on Eberron 5e, which makes every single Eberron fan happy. Even though many other people worked on it throughout 3.5 and 4e, we the fandom consider Keith Baker similarly to (how I imagine) FR fans treat Ed Greenwood, with the caveat that Keith Baker still regularly interacts with the fan community and loves the setting just as much as we do even after all these years.

((DISCLAIMER: Nothing negative about FR, any other D&D setting, edition or creator, along with fan groupings or individuals was intended at any point in the above post.))

What's one setting that's popular, that people want, that you think WILL NOT be available relatively soon (by the end of the summer)?

Dark Sun. It needs a partial-psionics setting for play testing and audience reaction before they go all in on a genre change that dramatic.

2018-07-10, 11:52 AM
Not to derail the thread or anything, but...

Spelljammer and Eberron confirmed. Ok. We got that.

What's one setting that's popular, that people want, that you think WILL NOT be available relatively soon (by the end of the summer)?

My vote goes to Dark Sun. I just don't think its quite popular enough to be part of the first wave.

I DO think Greyhawk is going to be in, and will finally (After alluding to them in the PHB) the Draconian race.

I don't think it derails a thread to get the thread back on track.

Some on this thread are perhaps too invested in settling old scores and have forgotten that the game - even the meta game of talking about the game - should be fun and done with an open mind and heart.

As to your question, Dark Sun interests me, particularly if it opens up psionics and Mystics.

I also want Planescape but I feel that doesn't need a setting book so much as either a Guide to the Planes book (with the first half focused on each plane and Sigil and the second half more planar monsters) or an adventure like the Modron March. That'll do for me, especially if we are already getting Spelljammer.

2018-07-10, 12:30 PM
I'd be so happy if it's Eberron Campaign Setting. It's my favorite setting by far. I am crossing my fingers and Praying to the Sovereign Host.

There are so many things I love with the setting. The Last war that just ended, the intrigues, the pumpsteam feel, the technology which is more mainstream, like airships, railroads and stuff. The absent Gods where it is actualy faith, the mysteries which one can build on, how Goblins and Orcs are presented, not to mention Dino riding halfings. There are so many great things I'd hope to see, and expanded upon tbh. If we actually get an official Eberron for 5e, I'd hope they progress the setting a little bit. Not by hundreds of years as some settings, but just a few years where you get new stuff for those of us who is familiar with the setting, without loosing anything that makes the setting great.

2018-07-10, 12:39 PM
I also want Planescape but I feel that doesn't need a setting book so much as either a Guide to the Planes book (with the first half focused on each plane and Sigil and the second half more planar monsters) or an adventure like the Modron March. That'll do for me, especially if we are already getting Spelljammer.

Chris Perkins has stated many times that Sigil / Planescape is his favorite setting, by far.

It's also where Holly Conrad (Strix in DiceCameraAction)'s character is from. I've no doubt that Sigil is something that Chris Perkins wants to thoroughly explore in his streaming game DCA, so I'm fairly confident we'll see some support for Sigil somewhere down the line.

Fun Fact: The only two Adventures that Perkins ever wrote for Dragon Magazine (Or was it Dungeon...?) took place in Planescape.

2018-07-10, 12:47 PM
Oh, neat. Maybe they'll release an adventure so I can finally understand what it is about this setting that makes everyone want to argue about it.

in a nutshell think of it like star trek & star wars. both are settings that take place far in the future or in a setting where the galaxy is colonized & has been for quite some time. Star Wars has a lot of mysticism painted over the handwavium of the jedi & the force, startrek uses technobabble & loose inspiration from science. Starwars has godlike beings (luke/vader/palpatine) and powerful monolithic entities that don't really do anything but be a stereotype (the empire/jedi) that are largely made up of "man #4" and "man positioned to be dramatically killed by $SoAndSo". Star trek has flawed/imperfect indviduals working together for what they consider to be the greater good/next step towards what they want/etc that make up huge amorphous organizations (federation/klingon empire/etc) & while those organizations generally work towards a logical purpose with logical complications/friction/results, the fact that people are flawed means that it's not always the case. FR is closer to star wars & eberron is closer to star trek. it's an imperfect analogy, but it works well enough.

The differences on a lore level are something you could write a textbook on and someone did exactly that (http://www.thepiazza.org.uk/bb/viewtopic.php?t=941).
Or Eberron fans are wildly ecstatic and happy with the book and you have to admit you have a bias.

In any case, I look forward to Spelljammer, Eberron, and the adventure where they crash the AL players on Eberron via a broken spelljammer.

I wanna see it drop them smack in either the mournlands or droaam. That says nothing about when they wander out into valenar/droaam/demon wastes None of those I expect will have much interest in or patience with their absolute morality or primitive religions. >:D

No doubt Eberron fans will move from complaining about the lack of a book to complaining about the contents of the book. Spelljammer has been confirmed by the way.

You are trolling pretty hard man, I invite people to take a gander at the mtof review/eberronization I put together & linked to in my sig. Just because there are legitimate problems caused by the totally not FR default setting of "not forgotten realms" being painted on too thick in many of the core books does not mean that people are unable to be happy with things that have reasonable levels of another setting in them. I'm sure that as it goes from mere speculation on a teaser to actual announcement & the usual runup to release infodumps fans of both settings will be given things to show legitimate concern & worry over the available information provided. After release of those settings, I'm sure that there will be some frustrations over things that need to be fixed as well (you know, like every time people on here complain that the default setting of forgotten realms is not forgotten realms & that status does not give it elevated status in the core books)

2018-07-10, 12:51 PM
As to your question, Dark Sun interests me, particularly if it opens up psionics and Mystics.

I also want Planescape but I feel that doesn't need a setting book so much as either a Guide to the Planes book (with the first half focused on each plane and Sigil and the second half more planar monsters) or an adventure like the Modron March. That'll do for me, especially if we are already getting Spelljammer.

I really, honestly, do hope that Mearls' poll on whether the class should be called a mystic or a psion ended up being weighed towards psion – and they listened the community on that, but that's just me I guess. Even if it didn't, I'd prefer to call it a psion anyway.

That said, I feel like Eberron is more likely to introduce Psionics first, rather than Dark Sun.
While Psionics was (more or less) made to conform for Dark Sun specifically, it is such an extreme setting, while Eberron serves as a middle-ground petri-dish world where all types of magic co-exist at the same time in equal measure. Yes, I clumped psionics as a third type of magic. Because it is. It might not be used in a similar manner as other magic, but its effects are equally magical.

As I recall, in all other settings (excluding Dark Sun, where it's the other way around, as I will explain further below), psionics is a rare thing to be heard or seen in use, and only by certain small groups. In Eberron, psionics has more pronounced presence all the while without trumping over arcane or divine magic.

Plus, what was the other class being in the production at the same time with Psionics? That's right: Artificer, the single most iconic class made for Eberron. It's more than likely with both classes in public playtest at the very moment to suggest that, indeed, Eberron is very close to be released.

Now, regarding Dark Sun, it's almost entirely about psionics and only a handful of Arcane and even more rare few divine magic users. I think that Dark Sun is more likely to come after Eberron purely because of what I said above.

As for which one is more likely to be released first, Spelljammer or Eberron, I'm honestly clueless, and frankly don't care, either. All I know is that whichever comes first, I'll have something to work into my campaign, which kinda has taken a turn towards multiverse traveling.

2018-07-10, 01:04 PM
It would be really cool to see more Eberron content in 5e.

The UA was a nice little nibble but I want more.

2018-07-10, 01:11 PM
Usually it's because they hate "FR stuff", most of which is actually core D&D or at least predates Forgotten Realms. And they like Eberron because it tries to be different in every way possible by chasing the fantasy fads of the early 2000's to the point of self parody. Also it has the worst of 3.5's mechanics built into the setting as core lore. And they also have a charming habit of presenting Eberron as superior to every other setting, either on creative merit or, in the case of one forum user, literally claiming that "my setting can beat up your setting".

This is a thread for Eberron for 5E. Fans of Eberrron (and 5E) probably view the information in this thread as a tasty treat, and something to get excited about.

Then someone comes in and hangs a huge **** in that tasty treat. Before any of them get to eat it. Because he doesnt like that flavor of treat, fans of it be damned.

Why here? Couldnt you hang that turd elsewhere?

2018-07-10, 01:15 PM
This is a thread for Eberron for 5E. Fans of Eberrron (and 5E) probably view the information in this thread as a tasty treat, and something to get excited about.

Then someone comes in and hangs a huge **** in that tasty treat. Before any of them get to eat it. Because he doesnt like that flavor of treat, fans of it be damned.

Why here? Couldnt you hang that turd elsewhere?

Word. /10char

2018-07-10, 01:23 PM
If anyone has Discord, PM me and I'll see what I can do about channeling the positive Eberron vibes somewhere where they're appreciated.

2018-07-10, 01:35 PM
If anyone has Discord, PM me and I'll see what I can do about channeling the positive Eberron vibes somewhere where they're appreciated.

FWIW, I wish I could remove all the posts negative towards Eberron hype from this thread, and prevent a certain negative user from responding to the thread again, but alas I cannot :/

2018-07-10, 01:38 PM
I've no issue with Eberron or with people liking Eberron. I have issues with people making non-factual claims. If someone claimed "the Warforged are just a bad 'I, Robot' ripoff', it'd be equaly unwelcome.

That being said, has anyone checked the existing published Eberron books' covers to make sure the blurry one on the background of the picture isn't one of those?

I honestly doubt they'd have the book for *any* setting be ready in publishable format so long in advance.

2018-07-10, 01:49 PM
I've no issue with Eberron or with people liking Eberron. I have issues with people making non-factual claims. If someone claimed "the Warforged are just a bad 'I, Robot' ripoff', it'd be equaly unwelcome.

That being said, has anyone checked the existing published Eberron books' covers to make sure the blurry one on the background of the picture isn't one of those?

I honestly doubt they'd have the book for *any* setting be ready in publishable format so long in advance.

Now that you said it, the cover (the font and background) is very reminiscent to the 3.5 Eberron Campaign Setting hard-cover. That said, the tweet felt a whole lot like a hint that a 5th edition remake would be underway, even if the book's cover wasn't similar to the old one at all.

2018-07-10, 01:50 PM
I've no issue with Eberron or with people liking Eberron. I have issues with people making non-factual claims. If someone claimed "the Warforged are just a bad 'I, Robot' ripoff', it'd be equaly unwelcome.

That being said, has anyone checked the existing published Eberron books' covers to make sure the blurry one on the background of the picture isn't one of those?

I honestly doubt they'd have the book for *any* setting be ready in publishable format so long in advance.

It does look like this, actually:

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSU98vIdrT5ceRnsUDtJ5lSI5UeTWgsj UvOIjG_i2bX5htcZqZV

2018-07-10, 02:27 PM
If anyone has Discord, PM me and I'll see what I can do about channeling the positive Eberron vibes somewhere where they're appreciated.
Is there a discord server for such a thing? I couldn't find any when I searched. Of course, I may not know how to search for Discord servers...

2018-07-10, 02:32 PM
Is there a discord server for such a thing? I couldn't find any when I searched. Of course, I may not know how to search for Discord servers...

I believe Regitnui meant to send anyone interested an invite to join their group conversation. I might be interested if I used Discord (but I don't).

2018-07-10, 02:34 PM
I've no issue with Eberron or with people liking Eberron. I have issues with people making non-factual claims. If someone claimed "the Warforged are just a bad 'I, Robot' ripoff', it'd be equaly unwelcome.

That being said, has anyone checked the existing published Eberron books' covers to make sure the blurry one on the background of the picture isn't one of those?

I honestly doubt they'd have the book for *any* setting be ready in publishable format so long in advance.

4e did some strange things that tried to play up robotic stereotypes in them & move away from the tragic race of what were basically child soldiers minus any childhood in the form of sapient golems. IRobot would be an odd comparison, but I think some of the "omg that's not FR!!!" is more like if someone were to say something about the merchant princes
or megacorps while obviously rattling off similarities to & tropes associated with the dragonmarked houses or their roles in the setting befpre getting jumped on because megacorps are shadowrun & merchant princes are faerunL:chult:ToA. I've seen people on this forum respond to a post about salvatore style drow from forgotten realms with frothing rants about how despite decades & dozens of drizzt books all bearing the forgotten realms logo on the cover somehow salvatore style drow are not an FR thing because dragon whatever first introduced them as something for greyhawk.

I for one can't wait to see more about what they are going to be putting out

2018-07-10, 02:36 PM
In the quote you provided, I did not see anyone claiming that Greenwood created anything. I see someone saying that xvarts only really make sense in Forgotten Realms,
They were in Greyhawk long before FR, which I think was War_Lord's core point on how risible the complaint was, and that it was typical of a less than rigorous basis to a variety of complaints against WoTC and settings ...

By the way, I looked back in some of my old notes. We played the Lichway adventure, which included a band of xvarts, in 1981 in an AD&D 1e campaign that folded Keep of the Borderlands and the Slavers A series modules.

Granted, KoTB was originally a D&D Basic Set module, not an AD&D module but it fit right into our campaignsomewhere in/near the Pomarj, although I think that later it was argued to be somewhere further west if inserted into Greyhawk. (Over near where the dwarf kingdoms were, maybe near Ulek? )

2018-07-10, 02:36 PM
It does look like this, actually:

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSU98vIdrT5ceRnsUDtJ5lSI5UeTWgsj UvOIjG_i2bX5htcZqZV

It looks different (note that the edge of the grey image is curved up, about to the level of the text, which isn't visible in the blurry image in the OP), but that doesn't mean much... apparently, there are different covers, because mine copy looks different (https://yatra8exe7uvportalprd.blob.core.windows.net/images/products/HighStDonated/Zoom/HD_101180627_01.jpg?v=1), and closer to the OP image than your post. Even blurry, the colors also seem similar. Too bad the thumb covers the edition logo that should be in the upper left corner. Deliberate?

2018-07-10, 02:37 PM
It looks different (note that the edge of the grey image is curved up, about to the level of the text, which isn't visible in the blurry image in the OP), but that doesn't mean much... apparently, there are different covers, because mine copy looks different (https://yatra8exe7uvportalprd.blob.core.windows.net/images/products/HighStDonated/Zoom/HD_101180627_01.jpg?v=1), and closer to the OP image than your post. Even blurry, the colors also seem similar. Too bad the thumb covers the edition logo that should be in the upper left corner. Deliberate?

I think its 100% deliberate.

Part of their job is generating hype.

There's a #BlameTito hashtag.

Eberron is coming.

Waterdeep Merch
2018-07-10, 03:15 PM
I think its 100% deliberate.

Part of their job is generating hype.

There's a #BlameTito hashtag.

Eberron is coming.
Most importantly? That's a computer screen. You can see the menu bar at the bottom, and user comments on the right.

Meaning he probably looked up 'Eberron Campaign Setting' on a photo service for some reason, then just happened to have that in the background, partially obscured, and then mentions the photo being 'blurry' when the d20's not really all that out of focus while the image behind it is.

That's way too many coincidences for me not to jump to immediate happy conclusions. There's no way that I will be punished for this excitement.

EDIT: Then he takes a second photo with 'natural lighting' over 'by the packaging team', here (https://twitter.com/NathanBStewart/status/1016481244341661696). At the top is a box for something called Dungeon Mayhem, ostensibly a new board game (I've never heard of it and can't find any search results for it).

So yeah. He's dropping mad hints.

2018-07-10, 03:25 PM
Dungeon Mayhem sounds like a Mordenkainen kinda thing

2018-07-10, 03:35 PM
@Regitnui: PM please :smallbiggrin:

2018-07-10, 03:42 PM
Tito has just UNCONFIRMED the fact that Spelljammer was confirmed.


I'm not buying it.

I think they're working on it. I think their boss, WOTC President Chris ***** (That's his name, I'm not being juvenile, please be gentle Mods) wants to compete with Starfinder. He came from Microsoft, he knows about competition, I have to think he wants to compete. And a huge part of that is listening to fans, including fans leaving their product to go to another one.

So, I DO think that Spelljammer is confirmed. But I also think Tito may have said something sooner than he should've. I've no doubt they're working on Spelljammer. If he was working on Spelljammer, and it's... Say, 80% complete. I think he'd have the OK to 'let it slip'. If its closer to maybe 60% complete? Be quiet about it.

But I do think they're working on Spelljammer, I do think we're getting it, I simply think Tito said something a bit too soon.

2018-07-10, 03:44 PM
Tito has just UNCONFIRMED the fact that Spelljammer was confirmed.


I'm not buying it.

Tito confirmed for lying.

But was he lying then, or is he lying now?

#EberronNow #SpelljammerNow #GiveMeEverythingNow

2018-07-10, 04:04 PM
Conspiracy theory--it's all a head-fake. They're really going to release a completely new setting that's like D&D meets Alice in Wonderland!

2018-07-10, 04:08 PM
Conspiracy theory--it's all a head-fake. They're really going to release a completely new setting that's like D&D meets Alice in Wonderland!

So an updated Castle Greyhawk module?

2018-07-10, 04:21 PM
So an updated Castle Greyhawk module?

Checking...yup. Meets the criteria all right.

2018-07-10, 04:59 PM
Tito confirmed for lying.

But was he lying then, or is he lying now?

#EberronNow #SpelljammerNow #GiveMeEverythingNow
#GiveMeDarkSunNow also ...

2018-07-10, 05:24 PM
Doesn't Eberron also require psionic rules to be established? If I recall, at least one of the races was pretty heavily tied to psionics, wasn't it?

I'd love to see Spelljammer, Eberron, or Dark Sun! I think it's time to expand 5e beyond it's more "regular fantasy" or whatever the proper term is, and move into more high-fantasy-magical-technology type of settings.

2018-07-10, 05:40 PM
Doesn't Eberron also require psionic rules to be established? If I recall, at least one of the races was pretty heavily tied to psionics, wasn't it?

I'd love to see Spelljammer, Eberron, or Dark Sun! I think it's time to expand 5e beyond it's more "regular fantasy" or whatever the proper term is, and move into more high-fantasy-magical-technology type of settings.

Eberron would not require psionics as most of the setting does not make heavy use of psionics. That said one part of it in particular does make heavier use of it but you can save that for later if needed.

I do not know how they want to do it but they could do it that way.

2018-07-10, 05:40 PM
Doesn't Eberron also require psionic rules to be established? If I recall, at least one of the races was pretty heavily tied to psionics, wasn't it?

Eberron has solid narrative support for Psionics to be included in any particular game, but Psionics are not required for the majority of campaigns.

The Eberron Psionic race could be modeled much like a Githyanki or Githzerai -- with several "Psionic" daily spells.

Dark Sun needs Psionics; Eberron merely supports Psionics as an option.

2018-07-10, 06:13 PM
The Mod Wonder: Thread Closed for Cleaning.

2018-07-10, 06:22 PM
The Mod Wonder: Yeah, this thread went to hell pretty early, so I'm going to leave it dead. If someone wants to restart it without the drama, you may, but I don't want to have to shut it down again.