View Full Version : What are your thoughts about the "Kobold Press"?

Vox Silentii
2018-07-10, 02:08 PM
Not sure if i'm in the right place but..
I was looking online for something fun and i wandered into the kobold press and i looked around a bit, turns out that they can add a lot of stuff to your next D&D game, be it the Tome of Beasts for more monsters to play with, the Deep Magic books or even the Midgard setting.

But i wanted the publics opinion on the website. Is it something the maybe shunned upon or just something that people don't want to add to their game simply because it's not from Wizards themselves. Maybe it's even in the "we don't talk about it" section of peoples lives.

I know it depends on the players themselves and ultimately the DM if he/she wants it in their game.

But what i want is your opinion.

2018-07-10, 02:16 PM
Honestly I don't care that it's not apart of wizards of the coast. The majority of the material is absolutely stellar and allowed 100% in my group.

2018-07-10, 02:24 PM
Kobold Press? Well, it's true flowers and leaves are easier to put in books, but a whole engine specifically made to press kobolds seems a bit excessive.

Waterdeep Merch
2018-07-10, 02:25 PM
The only thing I've ever seen them produce that I think is unbalanced is the Aridni race, which I'm currently playing and think is cheese.

But as a DM, I have bought something like 40% of their entire 5e catalogue, love it, and allow everything else in my games as options for players. I even think their adventures are usually a leg up over other companies, including official WotC material.

I think very highly of them. Can't recommend them enough.

Willie the Duck
2018-07-10, 02:37 PM
I haven't found any... cheeze/massively disruptive material greater with their material than the official WotC material. Obviously mixing Deep Magic material with SCAG/Volo's/XGtE material, or the like requires a DM willing to say 'No,' but not in the extreme.

2018-07-10, 02:57 PM
I have a lot of their books and love them and the Midgard is a very interesting setting. I am working a lot of their stuff into my homebrew world.

2018-07-10, 03:01 PM
Kobold Press? Well, it's true flowers and leaves are easier to put in books, but a whole engine specifically made to press kobolds seems a bit excessive.

Well, that proves you aren't a gnome.

Mr A25
2018-07-10, 03:22 PM
I’m a massive fan of Tome of Beasts, if you have the chance, take a look at the Void Dragon, i think it’s absolutely fantastic and brilliant flavour. They also have a quite a few quests that I have used as side missions in my current campaign!

2018-07-10, 03:27 PM
Its pretty balanced for the most part. Lots of fun things to tack on into your game.

One of the worst things I've found is the Deep dive ring magic cantrip HoarFrost. Which lets you enchant your weapon for 1D4 frost damage that scales via cantrips and doesn't require concentration. It stacks very well in later levels with things like green flame blade or just multi attack in general. "Granted" a few D4 frost damage isn't like super effective but it does add up over time.

2018-07-10, 03:40 PM
Kobold Press has a strong history if making good material. You might find one or two things out of balance with the base system (especially anything that was published during the play test or before 5e was officially released), but in general they're really good. And anything after 2014 should be good for 5e.

Also, they were commissioned by WOTC for The Tyranny of Dragons adventures: Horde of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat. So they've actively done work for 5e beyond their own material.

I'd trust them in any game I would run.

2018-07-10, 03:49 PM
Kobolds are objectively superior, and that particular Kobold-branded enterprise is not disappointing in general.

Though I can't personally vouch for all of their products, I haven't seen a stinker yet.

2018-07-10, 05:01 PM
I like tome of Beast simply because it expands my summons and wildshape listing. Although we have adjusted a few CRs (batest temple cat)

2018-07-10, 06:27 PM
I've only ever read southland heroes. I wish my dms allowed it.. i wanna play as an insect race, gnoll, or were lion
D :