View Full Version : How Would You Do DFA?

2018-07-10, 06:36 PM
Now, if WotC is to do it, they'll probably make it a subclass.

But how would you do it? I personally went the route of making it its own class, found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?563200-Dragonfire-Adept-(Again)), but does anyone think it can be done differently? If a subclass, for what class? My initial thought would be Sorcerer, but they already have Draconic Ancestry, and it's hard to make a DFA that's even somewhat close to the original while being a full caster.

Edit: Or, hell, how would you do it using existing rules? I know there's a Dragon Breath spell, but I doubt you can spam it enough to be a proper DFA.

2018-07-10, 06:44 PM
For a moment I thought Death From Above, but that's a different game.

It would probably fit pretty well as a warlock patron, with a couple unique invocations to round it out. You could even roll in some Dragon Shaman with an aura ability or two as patron features.

2018-07-10, 06:56 PM
For a moment I thought Death From Above, but that's a different game.

It would probably fit pretty well as a warlock patron, with a couple unique invocations to round it out. You could even roll in some Dragon Shaman with an aura ability or two as patron features.

Tis not a bad idea. I still don't like sticking DFA on a full caster, though-they'd either be OP (having full casting and a good breath weapon) or fail to meet my expectations on a DFA (breath weapon is usable at-will, but not very good; or a good breath weapon, usable in a very limited fashion).

2018-07-10, 07:15 PM
Direct Federal Assistance? Well, I'd probably start by doing some assistance directly from the Federal government. Then I'd move on from there.

But seriously, always good to spell out something like Dragonfire Adept the first time you use it so that people know what you're talking about.

2018-07-10, 07:15 PM
You could make the basic form a cantrip ala Acid Splash, Thunderclap, etc then improve it with various invocations. Could even rope in using spell slots to augment it in various ways much like how smiting works.

For example
Cantrip: 15'/10' Line/Cone of 1d8 elemental damage (damage scales with level)
Patron feature: Cha bonus to damage of appropriate damage type
Invocation: Double Line/Cone size
Invocation: Add extra damage (eg Cha bonus x d6) with recharge (5-6 on 1d6 each turn)
Invocation: Expend spell slot to add rider condition

2018-07-10, 07:41 PM
I kind of like going the warlock path, and having the source of power being some dragon.

Tailor their spell list to things which directly enhance themselves ot that are fire based, paired with a mix of hexblade abilities for the combat stuff.

Honest Tiefling
2018-07-10, 07:43 PM
I kind of like going the warlock path, and having the source of power being some dragon.

Never played the class, but I have to throw my vote in with this simply for thematic reasons. Why wouldn't dragons bestow their power on mortals?

2018-07-10, 07:48 PM
Never played the class, but I have to throw my vote in with this simply for thematic reasons. Why wouldn't dragons bestow their power on mortals?

Because that can and will result in them being toppled by the mortals they foolishly empowered? :P

2018-07-10, 07:49 PM
You could make the basic form a cantrip ala Acid Splash, Thunderclap, etc then improve it with various invocations. Could even rope in using spell slots to augment it in various ways much like how smiting works.

For example
Cantrip: 15'/10' Line/Cone of 1d8 elemental damage (damage scales with level)
Patron feature: Cha bonus to damage of appropriate damage type
Invocation: Double Line/Cone size
Invocation: Add extra damage (eg Cha bonus x d6) with recharge (5-6 on 1d6 each turn)
Invocation: Expend spell slot to add rider condition

Yeah, I'm thinking this is the way to go. Not only was the original DFA basically a modified Warlock, the 5e version gives us a template for "unique powerful cantrip as a class feature" and "invest build resources into powering up a cantrip." Keep the Pact Magic casting, just for giggles, with a more draconic-oriented list, and write some breath-effect-modifying spells in the vein of the Smite line-- bonus action to power up your next exhalation.

2018-07-10, 07:51 PM
Yeah, I'm thinking this is the way to go. Not only was the original DFA basically a modified Warlock, the 5e version gives us a template for "unique powerful cantrip as a class feature" and "invest build resources into powering up a cantrip." Keep the Pact Magic casting, just for giggles, with a more draconic-oriented list, and write some breath-effect-modifying spells in the vein of the Smite line-- bonus action to power up your next exhalation.

Lordie loo, I'm gonna have to do this, aren't I?

2018-07-10, 07:52 PM
There's precedent for pretty much all of it already, just need to put the pieces together.

2018-07-10, 07:53 PM
Lordie loo, I'm gonna have to do this, aren't I?
You could probably get away with it as a Warlock patron, if you want to insert it in a limited way. Have it give you the breath cantrip, but specifically bar you from taking Eldritch Blast, and put whatever dragon-type spells you need on the list of patron spells.

Say, 1st level gives you "Eldritch Breath" as a free cantrip, and-- oh-- the Dragon Sorcerer's ribbon. At 6th you get power-up-your-breath-weapon-at-the-cost-of-a-recharge, at 10th get elemental resistance, and at 14th, maybe wings? Spells... maybe one new breath-boosting spell per level, and... Chromatic Orb, Dragon's Breath, Fear/Fly, Stoneskin or Polymorph, and Control Winds?

2018-07-10, 07:54 PM
I did it like a Warlock, with Pact Magic slots and Invocations.

Link is in my sig. :wink:

2018-07-10, 09:57 PM
I’d make it a Warlock patron; first level feature is that your Eldritch Blast comes from your mouth (remove components) and but has to be an elemental damage type of you do; tack on some AoE possibilities as higher levels, maybe a few custom invocations

2018-07-10, 10:12 PM
What Death From Above? Well first you need some jump jets....

Oh wait Dragonfire Adept whoops.

I would say that previously it was mechanically an alternative warlock so I would make it a pact you make with dragons. As I recall there were such things back in 3e in the Dragon Magic book.

I would create a new cantrip that would be a versatile breath weapon type. Then as part of the pact you can invocations that can let you further enhance the effect. The pact itself can give you dragon related abilities and you can fold in some dragon shaman abilities such as auras in with it.

2018-07-10, 10:36 PM
Because that can and will result in them being toppled by the mortals they foolishly empowered? :P

The easy way out is that it involves some sort of soul-binding to the dragon. Like, they own half the player's soul*, and it's within them - if the Pc kills the dragon, the PC dies too. Mutually Assured Dragonification. It also allows for a good dragon mentor situation.

* I am specifically thinking of Megatron taking half of Rampage's spark and putting it inside Dinobot II, in Transformers: Beast Wars

2018-07-10, 10:49 PM
How would I do it? Like this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?369033-Homebrew-Dragonfire-Adept-for-5e-PEACH). /shameless_plug :smallcool:

I like your take as well, though your breath weapon seems too powerful given that it is at-will. Might not be too much of an issue in actual play though.

2018-07-10, 11:10 PM
The obvious solution is for the two of you to collaborate and make a super-DFA then make a killing from it on the DM Guild.

2018-07-11, 01:05 AM
I dunno if this was already mentioned here, but a long time ago, I asked Mike Mearls if the DFA would come ahead to 5e, and he said that the official 5e answer to the DFA was the Draconic Sorcerer (https://twitter.com/knuckleofvecna/status/752074330968772609).

2018-07-11, 10:32 PM
Direct Federal Assistance? Well, I'd probably start by doing some assistance directly from the Federal government. Then I'd move on from there.

But seriously, always good to spell out something like Dragonfire Adept the first time you use it so that people know what you're talking about.

thank you! I've been playing dnd since early 90s. I dont clam to know it all, but i know a lot. Drives me nuts when people just drop an acronym. Even worse, the OPs message was so vague, I thought he was just trying to troll the forums

2018-07-11, 10:39 PM
For a moment I thought Death From Above, but that's a different game.

BattleTech? Yeah, me too. I was all ready to come in here and say, "roll falling damage normally but split it between attacker and target proportionately to their mass; 200' fall onto a guy your same weight does 10d6 to you and 10d6 to him; 2000 lb. of Earth Elemental falling onto you does 18d6 to you and 2d6 to the Earth Elemental." It's not very physical but it's gameable.

2018-07-11, 10:41 PM
Lol yeah I see the same thing happened to Meepos

2018-07-12, 04:49 PM
Draconic Sorcerer, with Extended Dragon's Breath spell and Warcaster. I'd allow a 'feat' that would unlock the second breath of the specific dragon and provide +1 Cha, so that good dragons are not the only viable option.

2018-07-12, 05:17 PM
What Death From Above? Well first you need some jump jets....

I preferred cliff side ambushes and using buildings with my heavies and assualts for the extra umph.

But I think using a monk chassis would do very well. Make a scaling ki use breath with a few different options that use more ki, roll in that dragon shaman aura, skip the spell casting, but maybe throw in access to a few well themed cantrips. Maybe also toss in a "draconic might" type ability with uses/rest and lasts 1min that gives natural armor, an element resist, and claws that.... Do claw things. At higher levels add wings and later a tail attack(i.e. another attack)

2018-07-13, 03:09 PM
You could probably get away with it as a Warlock patron, if you want to insert it in a limited way. Have it give you the breath cantrip, but specifically bar you from taking Eldritch Blast, and put whatever dragon-type spells you need on the list of patron spells.

Say, 1st level gives you "Eldritch Breath" as a free cantrip, and-- oh-- the Dragon Sorcerer's ribbon. At 6th you get power-up-your-breath-weapon-at-the-cost-of-a-recharge, at 10th get elemental resistance, and at 14th, maybe wings? Spells... maybe one new breath-boosting spell per level, and... Chromatic Orb, Dragon's Breath, Fear/Fly, Stoneskin or Polymorph, and Control Winds?

I got bored at work and did the thing. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?563755-The-Dragon-Patron-(Dragonfire-Adept-adaptation))

2018-07-14, 02:06 AM
For a moment I thought Death From Above, but that's a different game.

Not gonna lie, I now want to build a Scottish barbarian with expertise in Athletics whose entire schtick is jumping on people to perform a Highlander Burial.

Sorry for the off topic, but I thought the same thing with DFA.