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View Full Version : Landlord feat + vow of poverty

2018-07-11, 11:10 AM
Thoughts on permissibility?

If you have to donate your acquisitions towards nonprofit goodness, can you use this feat to build a public library or orphanage, or godblessyoursoul, a redeemery?

I'm leaning towards yes, what do y'all think?

2018-07-11, 11:14 AM
I think you are correct, though you certainly can't get away with what that one Hoardstealer build did in the current ICOC (The Professor I believe it was called?). Then again, if you use it as a roving orphanage rescuing children maybe?

2018-07-11, 11:17 AM
As long as the character isn't actually using or owning the stronghold? I'd absolutely allow it. Wish I'd known about it back when I was running my VoP Monk - this would have been an even bigger upgrade to the Lantern Street Orphanage (re-branded as the Mordechai School for Kids who Can't Read Good and Do Other Stuff Good Too).

2018-07-11, 12:19 PM
The Landlord feat doesn't say anything that implies you must 'own' the property, and so long as you do not use it yourself, it would not violate the basic requirements of Vow of Poverty. I honestly think this is a fantastic way to apply both the spirit and the mechanics of VoP. I'm not sure most players would go this route, since they are giving up a feat that gives them no personal benefit. [If one did this in a campaign I was running I'd seriously consider slipping a visit to a Legendary Site (i.e. from Complete Scoundrel) in a future adventure just to balance things out. I like rewarding choices that benefit RP more than just min-maxing.]

2018-07-11, 01:05 PM
So that's three votes for not owning or using the property. Does that mean that the VOP needs to make a blind trust or a board of directors? How do you vet that board so that you're not accidentally having a priest of asmodeus raising your little orphans into the future tyrants of faerun?

This got technical real fast. ;)

2018-07-11, 01:29 PM
So that's three votes for not owning or using the property. Does that mean that the VOP needs to make a blind trust or a board of directors? How do you vet that board so that you're not accidentally having a priest of asmodeus raising your little orphans into the future tyrants of faerun?

This got technical real fast. ;)

You'd need somebody to be in charge of it; same as any other organization that you're donating your share of the loot to.

As for the Priest of Asmodeus thing, take Touch of Golden Ice as one of your bonus Exalted feats, and shake hands before sitting down to discuss the details. If he starts screaming, find a different accountant.

2018-07-11, 01:49 PM
As for the Priest of Asmodeus thing, take Touch of Golden Ice as one of your bonus Exalted feats, and shake hands before sitting down to discuss the details. If he starts screaming, find a different accountant.
This looks siggable.

2018-07-11, 02:31 PM
So that's three votes for not owning or using the property. Does that mean that the VOP needs to make a blind trust or a board of directors? How do you vet that board so that you're not accidentally having a priest of asmodeus raising your little orphans into the future tyrants of faerun?

This got technical real fast. ;)
Keep in mind also "Note: Multiple characters can purchase this feat and pool their resources to construct a stronghold together." So a good way to partially vet an administrator for the property is to find someone willing to commit their own feat to the property as well. (Golden Ice is still a good idea though.)