View Full Version : Adventure League Help- False Advertising in FLGS

2018-07-12, 08:53 AM
Good morning Playground. Long time lurker here. I have almost never posted in my years and years of coming onto the boards, simply enjoying the banter, stories, tips and questions from afar... But now I implore you to please help me figure out this particularly nasty pickle I've found myself in. And as such, a little backstory...

I have been playing for a little over 10 years now as my girlfriend, now wife, introduced me to the gaming sceneback in 2008. We were in junior college and gamed all the time. From there we got married, and moved away to go to big boy college to get our degrees. After finishing all that and more we decided to move back closer to home and buy a house, get full time jobs, ect. and so time passes. From there my time for D&D has plummeted. As in maybe three sessions lasting a grand total for 6 hours in the last two years- we have no group, our internet connection is so sub-par Roll20 won't even work for us, and though my wife and I literally live together it never seems like the two of us can ever carve out the same time for gaming- something always comes up or happens to where it just never seems to work. So, feeling the pangs of loss, and the hunger for the clattering of dice- I started looking everywhere for a way to get some stable gaming in. Nothing crazy, just a reliable gaming experience, and so I stumbled upon Adventure League.

So I went to the web, got on the WotC Adventure League finder site and found a couple of stores. I then called up not 1, but 2 semi-local gaming stores and asked if they do Adventure League. I got two solid yesses, and agonized the wait until when I was told the first one would play. I did my research, made my character, created a backstory, chose my faction, all the bits and bobs that help make a character to come alive. Then, on the day, as soon as I got off work I picked up my game bag, dusted it off, and drove. But when I got there, even though I was told explicitly that it was Adventure League, and their website said the same, it... wasn't. It was about as homebrewed as it could get, and I was told there would be anywhere up to 12 people coming in to play. It was... ok, but not what I was looking for. I was looking for something more traditional and less hodge-podge, but at least the people were nice. They hand waived the whole actual Adventure League part, telling me it was just to help the store out so I shouldn't worry about it. But I kept my head held high and waited for my chance at the other FLGS, which also told me via phone, website calendar and Facebook that there were 3 Adventure League tables, each dedicated to different tiers of play. So once again, I packed up on the day and headed over. This one was... worse. Much worse. Almost all of the tropes were there including the sadistic DM, screeching players, in party fighting and stealing, a complete disregard for all common sense, humanity and published rules, you name it. As for the "Official Adventure League" I was told proudly by the DM (and store owner) that they simply told WotC that it was AL to get the free stuff, but it wasn't so I should get used to it. The man used three different editions of rule books for DMing for goodness sakes! Sneak attacking wasn't allowed, ranged attacks would hit party members if you missed the baddies, and the fact that the tables had over 10 people in each... *shudder*

So, here is the cake of my little pity party-- What do you do when a store explicitly states that they are running Adventure League, straight up doesn't, and doesn't have any plans to? I can't keep driving far and wide looking for a place that actually does Adventure League, neither my wallet nor my heart can take it. I just want to game in a small, respectful gaming group that actually uses the rules and shows up.

Thanks for listening, Playgrounders, and I thank you in advance for any advice you might give. Also, sorry for the huge text block.

TLDR- My gaming stores advertise Adventure League, but don't actually do it- what should I do?

2018-07-12, 10:53 AM
Wow, that sounds miserable. And isn't an uncommon complaint I've seen around various forums. Couple of ideas for you to try out.

1. Reddit sub LFG usually has a bunch of people who are looking for groups. I mean, that's what it's for. Might take a little longer to build an in person table.

2. Facebook groups. I know there are several fan groups for Adventure Zone and Critical Role and have put together a group from those in the past. Same caveat as the Reddit deal.

3. I offered to run a game as a DM on Facebook and got so many replies I couldn't keep track. Maybe try your hand at being a DM and just announce you'd like to start a game on Facebook. People you'd never expect will pop out of the woodwork to try it out.

4. Tabletop gaming bars are popping up everywhere. I run my home game at one, and found a 2nd game I play in at the same place.

I wish you luck. It's rough not being able to find a game.

2018-07-12, 10:57 AM
There might be a Meetup group of some sort in your area that focuses on RPGs or just board games, and there's obviously a lot of cross-pollination between board game people and D&D people. I know there's a Meetup thing that happens at my local library periodically, and I'm betting attending those for a while could get you to knowing some potential players. Alternatively, suck it up for one session at those lousy AL games and look for anyone who looks as uncomfortable as you and talk to them afterwards and see if you can poach them for your own game.

You could also always troll for players at work; leave a couple 20s on your desk as bait, and see if anybody comments on them.

2018-07-12, 11:18 AM
I found my current group by trying out the local adventurers league. Had a lame experience (was told I could play with a pre gen or not at all, the plot and combat was lame, there was no group rapport), then started socializing with the wargamers after the AL session concluded. I got pointed in the direction of an interesting group, and those are the people I've been playing with for 2 years now. If nothing else AL functions as a ttrpg nerd watering hole where you can ingratiate yourself with the local nerd community and find real games to play.

2018-07-12, 11:22 AM
Maybe you could contact WotC to see if there are any AL stuff in you region?

2018-07-12, 11:47 AM
Although they don’t always do anything about it, the AL organizers like to be told about this sort of thing via email

2018-07-12, 12:09 PM
Thanks for the great ideas! I had looked at Reddit but found nothing for my area, and was too much of a wuss to post anything there myself, with the same problem with the Facebook groups I found. I'm not sure what Meetup is, but I'm definitly going to look into it now! Sadly no bars, my sister took my wife and I to one in Saint Francis Wisconsin called 42 Ale House and it was amazing, but there is nothing like that in our little corner of life. I'm honestly going to probably go back to the less looney group, as the players were all nice, even if I dont quite understand the system. I know that no gaming is better than bad gaming, but I honestly thing mediocre gaming is better than no gaming, so... \_:smile:_/ As for DMing, I've done so once or twice before, and my friends liked it, but I'm still uncomfortable DMing for people I don't know. I'd want to get to know them first... I'm not sure what to say about asking Wizards of the Coast though. According to them, these places ARE running AL, and they just don't know they are being used to game the system, if you'd excuse my horrible pun. A few friends I keep in touch with suggested I contact WotC and turn them in, but I feel like that would leave a bad taste in my mouth. After all, a lot of those other people were having fun, and I don't want to mess up their good time.

Anyways, once again I appreciate everyones thoughts and ideas, and honestly, I feel better about it just getting to rant about it and knowing I have a community of peers who understand. Side note: Who knows, maybe I'll not wait another 4 years to post? And maybe I'll throw my hat into the ring and just give DMing a go!

2018-07-12, 12:11 PM
So, here is the cake of my little pity party-- What do you do when a store explicitly states that they are running Adventure League, straight up doesn't, and doesn't have any plans to? I can't keep driving far and wide looking for a place that actually does Adventure League, neither my wallet nor my heart can take it. I just want to game in a small, respectful gaming group that actually uses the rules and shows up.

Well, if it was me I'd take the time to report the fraud to WoTC, just out of principle of having a hatred of frauds. But I understand that that doesn't help your situation. Unfortunately, if the FLGS (and I don't like the term, given that part of the reason said game stores fail often is the people running them can't muster professional, never mind friendly) isn't running AL, and your internet is that bad, there's not a whole lot you can really do. Online is how I found the group I run for, if I was relying on the real world for my gaming I'd be in your situation of having no one to play with. And that's as a DM, I've given up on being a player because even when I find someone to DM, they're so woeful at it I end up wanting to take over from them.

I'd invite you to my group but given we use a combination of roll20 and discord I don't think your internet would co-operate.

2018-07-12, 12:19 PM
You've mentioned that Roll20 doesn't work for you. I am not sure how your internet could actually be so bad that it wouldn't function, though... it's not like the requirements are notably higher than posting on these very forums. Are you sure that internet's the issue? It may be a software thing instead. Maybe try troubleshooting on that front. Alternatively if your ISP is actually that unreliable, you might try calling them for repairs. There may actually be something wrong with your connection.

Maybe you could contact WotC to see if there are any AL stuff in you region?

The problem with this is that WotC gives you a list of frauds that you waste your time and money driving to, only to be told that they are only advertising that they play AL so that they can get free stuff, and have no intentions of actually doing so.

2018-07-12, 03:22 PM
First thing I would do would be to respectfully express my disappointment with the staff or owner of the FLGSs. They may not be aware that this is disappointing people (they may also not care at all so i wouldn't rest my hopes on it).

But if they are at any point disrespectful to you drop some bad reviews on those places.

Although they don’t always do anything about it, the AL organizers like to be told about this sort of thing via email

This for me is step two. If I could save somebody else form the same experience it would be worth it to try.

As far trying to find a decent group, I don't know. Maybe try the AL finder again, and ask some real specific questions over the phone like "Do your DMs abide by AL rules or not?"

I wish i could be of more help.

2018-07-12, 03:34 PM
If it's not inappropriate to ask, do you happen to live in wisconsin yourself?

2018-07-12, 08:14 PM
I've been to a few FLGS in my area with some good experiences, depends on the DM's and the stores themselves. Eventually if you find a good group of players, you can start your own group.

I would say look for meetup.com groups or start your own meetup.com D&D or tabletop group. You could meet somewhere and get a table at a place and play.

2018-07-12, 09:26 PM
I'm honestly going to probably go back to the less looney group, as the players were all nice, even if I dont quite understand the system.

That's probably the best bet. I've personally had more fun playing and running homebrew games than anything explicitly adventurer's league anyways, and that group sounds like it's more using adventurer's league as a kind of bat signal to bring in new players (like you).

2018-07-13, 09:05 AM
If it's not inappropriate to ask, do you happen to live in wisconsin yourself?

Not inappropriate at all, and no- I don't live in Wisconsin, I'm a state over. I basically live in a cornfield. :smallcool:

Also, I did express to the worse experience that I was expecting AL, as that is what I was told, and got an unapologetic shrug in response. But hey- if I don't like it, I don't have to play there. (Which I definitely won't be doing.)

I am going to PM Adventure League, if for no other reason to try and help other people avoid the same experience as me. I've been thinking on it, and I'm pretty sure that, incentives or not, power-loving DMs will continue to play... So, I don't think I'm in any way going to get their game stopped, so no real harm done.

Appreciate all the ideas, thoughts and interest- this lurker feels a tear welling in the eye.

2018-07-13, 12:44 PM
You may appreciate joining AL online, such as in a Play-by-Post format, or even just using a chat log or a voice chat or even Play-by-Email.

I've run plenty of AL pbp games, mostly using the Paizo forums. And back in the day we used to play D&D on mIRC (back in the 90s) or Skype (00s). These days, Discord app makes for a great format for voice and text, and I've done games on the Slack app as well, since it had a great dice bot in it.

Maybe join the Google+ group or Facebook group and see if others are interested in an online game that doesn't use Roll20.

2018-07-13, 08:13 PM
If you are looking for AL, another thing to look for is local gaming conventions. Not the big ones like GenCon or DragonCon, but smaller ones. They will most likely run AL, and they are a way to find out who runs real AL in the general area. You might end up driving a couple hours.