View Full Version : Strange Aeons: In Search of Sanity II [IC - Group #1]

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2018-07-12, 02:41 PM
DAY 10

You wake up as normal, and nothing seems different about your environment. And yet, in the little corner of the sanctuary that the party has set up for themselves, other than Heck Hanley, you don't see Corbin, but you DO see a whole new batch of new faces. Or at least, new-ish. Several of them (but not all) you remember from your first terrifying dream in what seems so long ago, and there are a couple that you might recognize as having been with you before the strange dimensional shift at the Argus Wall.
What the -?!?

Not only is there something slightly, ephemerally ... different ... about the sanctuary, but Björn and Gaye are missing! But there are two others in their place. Brother Jaume might recognize the red-bearded, dark-skinned (Akbar) from before the time of the Argus Wall. There is also an unknown, strangely-featured short creature that is ugly ... either a slender, misshapen dwarf, a runt human, or a mutant gnome; all might be possible.

2018-07-13, 10:48 PM
The large man staggers, grabbing his head and moaning “not again! ...Agh!” He is of medium height but thickly muscled with a Pronounced gut, shorn close black hair and bushy beard. His huge hands grip a large, wooden quarterstaff. Black eyes stare out from the Sun darkened skin of his face and the laugh lines around his eyes. He is wearing a rough spun wool robe and a patched leather cloak with a brass long bow and arrow holy symbol clasp. Leather Sandals cover his feet.

2018-07-13, 11:50 PM
Slowly pulling out of the vitriolic haze of his fevered dreams, Jean spends several minutes with his eyes closed - sitting up, and trying to put his mind back together. His grey face is a shade lighter than normal, like chalk mixed with black sand, and his beard much less tightly-trimmed than is his want. Spider-like hands work their way through meditative gestures, and after a moment, he opens his eyes.

"I am no longer dreaming, but... I do not remember you."


2018-07-14, 08:07 PM
Upon closer inspection, one sees that the Small person is a human with dwarfism, with stubby legs, a jutting forehead, mismatched eyes of green and black, and a mixture of pale blond and black hair. His unique stare has been said to make most people uncomfortable, which you will later note he tries to use to his advantage.

Unlike the rest of you, he wears a noble's outfit - complete with a full littering of jewelry. He doesn't seem to wear armor or carry a weapon, though he does have two belt pouches. Though these pouches both seem like unremarkable coin purses, perhaps one of them acts as a poor man's spell component pouch? Time will tell.

"Akbar," he says cautiously and measured as he rises to his height of not even a full 4-1/2 feet, "do you know these people?"

Though possessed of the faintest "noble's lisp," yet there is a power in his voice. Or, maybe it's entitled arrogance.

2018-07-15, 09:41 AM

He was once a hale and hearty man, and in truth he still is. This man of 50 fifty winters has a balding, gray-white pate and gleaming hazel eyes that seemed to take in everything around it while conveying compassion. He isn't very tall, though not particularly short, either, and is of a slimmer weight (5'8", 173 lbs.). Some of that height might be because of a noticeable stoop. He doesn't appear to have any physical ailment ... no hump or anything, yet it seems he is used to stooping for some reason. There on his forehead - not a tattoo or birthmark, but a type of blue ash or paint - is the symbol of an iron hammer. The head is down and the handle up. It is simplistic design, and likely done with a type of devotional finger paint with only a few minutes of application at best. He has seen some years, and old age is not too far away.

His studded leather is simple, serviceable, even poor by comparison to the armor possibly worn by others in the party. It has seen some use. In the man's hands is a simple warhammer, and that warhammer bears some type or runes and the same upside-down hammer symbol, though a little more ornate. He wears a scholar's outfit with his studded armor. Hanging from his neck is a gleaming version of this same symbol, this time more ornate than anywhere else.

He instantly senses something off and he looks around and sees most of his companions, but Bjorn and Gaye seem to be missing. He steps up to the midget (or is it little person? or small folk?) He looks him up and down (but looking more down). "I don't know you."

He then steps over to the rotund gentleman of the vineyard-ly persuasion. "But you," he says in his gruff tenor, "I never forget a face .... Brother .... Jaume.

"Tell me, where might I find Captain York?"

2018-07-15, 08:20 PM
A woman, likely of Varisian stock, sits simply. She looks around wide-eyed and curious. It is hard to tell that she is Varisian and only her cheekbones and jawline seem to give that much away. Otherwise, her hair, the irises of her eyes, and even her skin has a sickly, jaundiced color ... the observant among you will note that it is the same shade of yellow as the sickly yellow mist you may have encountered elsewhere. She has on the basic clothing of a Briarstone Asylum patient, and nothing else.

Those that "came with" her know her, but she is a cypher to Akbar (and Heck).
Next to the man with the ashen skin is a crow, but the crow is the size of a full-sized eagle!

Swami Monsoon
2018-07-15, 08:33 PM
Akbar shakes his head, both as a "no" and to express his confusion. Yesterday... that wild fight and desperate escape... was that a dream? And speaking of dreams...

"I've never met them, but for some reason they look familiar."

Akbar is a short and stocky man who appears to be in his mid 30's. He has dark brown skin and striking bright red-orange hair, beard and eyes. His ears are slightly pointed and his teeth and nails are slightly longer and pointier than "normal." He is dressed in plain but well made traveling clothes of an Eastern style.

2018-07-16, 10:37 AM
Dorn gives a sharp nod. A pause. "Right."

He looks at the two new folks, and gestures to each of his teammates, as appropriate. "This is Brother Jaume, clerical and right hook powerhouse. Jean, pretty much our sage and good with a scimitar ... and his friend, the crow, Javert. That's Nadya Sabay; she managed to survive unseen for days ... she seems to have lightning abilities, flies, and has some minor spellcasting.

"And my name is Dorn. I came with a friend of mine who I don't see here, having been saved from being overborne by the Splatter Man in the halls of Harrowstone, only to end up in this fire. I have some minor miracles Torag grants me, backed up by a warhammer.

"Who are the two of you?"

2018-07-17, 08:59 PM
"Raven." Jean coughs, still weak. "Javert is a raven."

2018-07-20, 12:45 PM
The party reports to Winter earlier than normal (you still haven't done any morning routines). She doesn't seem to outwardly register any confusion, shock, or even indifference to the new batch of people in front of her. In fact, she looks to Jean and seeing that the fever broke she casts lesser restoration on him to help Jean return to fighting trim (effectively repeating the action of healing him that he experienced before this shift). In acknowledging Jean (and Brother Jaume & co.), she just as easily acknowledges Akbar and Heck.

It is as if the shift in party personnel has gone entirely unregistered by the non-party NPCs, as if each of you had always been there.

She begins. "With the dangers of the Tribals broken in the northwest and the dangerous survivors in the central north corridors, Dr. Elbourne and I have been discussing what we need. Until now it seems to have been more random and haphazard exploration. Lord Hanley has learned all that the library might tell us, so now we need experiential knowledge. You encountered an oneirogen in the tower room, but we really don't know what that means for us, just that one of these creatures belches out yellow mist.

"Instead of launching a renewed attack on what seems to have been terrified survivors to the north anyway - survivors that seem to have some stores of food - I ask that you hold off on the northern section for now. We need answers, and the best place(s) we are going to receive them is if you continue to explore the rest of the administration halls in the south section and to see what is north of the library."

She then adds, "I am curious to know if you are able to get any clues on what might have happened to Administrator Losandro."

2018-07-20, 02:54 PM
Before anyone else that "came with" Dorn can cause unnecessary confusion, Dorn pipes up quickly, "That would be great. I agree. Anyone else have any other matters before we ready ourselves for the morning?" He then stands up.

Dorn gives a hard stare to everyone in his "old" group, though without telepathy it's hard to understand what he's trying to get across.

2018-07-20, 04:27 PM
“Good idea Dorn!” says Brother Jaume with a savage grin. He moves to begin his prayers and exercises.

2018-07-21, 11:58 AM
Dorn performs his morning ritual.I take it that we are having deja vu and I am re-opening what I unlocked "this" morning?

Swami Monsoon
2018-07-21, 03:35 PM
Akbar looks through his possessions, checking if everything is where he remembered it...

"As far as the plan goes, with what's in each part of the building and what's been cleared out... how sure we can be about that, the way things have just been... scrambled?"

2018-07-21, 05:39 PM
BJ wonders who the stranger Akbar is speaking to as he is focused on his prayers.

2018-07-21, 08:44 PM
Your possessions are all present and accounted for.
With the strange change of dramatis personae, will you keep your current spell selection?
That is correct. This morning is deja vu as far as self-discovery.
Given the strangeness of late, what are you going to do with your morning setup?

2018-07-21, 10:13 PM
BJ will keep his spell selection the same for today.

2018-07-26, 01:37 PM
Jean will change nothing

2018-07-26, 04:30 PM
Alright, Winter gave her request for what the party should explore. Also, not everyone in the party necessarily has "all the info" about what was discovered in Losandro's room.

What's the plan?

2018-07-26, 09:26 PM
BJ will gather together what amounts to the new group. He says “Let’s head out to the Argus wall and then decide what to do next.”

2018-07-26, 09:58 PM
Heck looks annoyed. "I got rid of the Argus Wall. Do you mean where it once stood?"

2018-07-27, 05:22 AM
Brother Jaume smiles monkishly, his hands clasped in the sleeves of his robes. ”As you say.”

2018-07-27, 11:51 AM
"Yeah," says Dorn as he walks (towards the site where the Argus Wall stood), "We got rid of it with a mirror. What'd you do?"

2018-07-27, 08:12 PM
Assuming everyone followed (and to move things along), everyone is now standing where the Argus Wall once stood. Denomar Winoparess is there with crossbow, guarding that vacuous "entrance" to the sanctuary areas ... this one leading to the great Admissions Hall.

Now what?

2018-07-27, 11:50 PM
“There are subtle differences in this place, I think. When we “whatevered “ this time, Dorn , Jean, Nadya and I jumped to this reality. Heck and Akbar were together in this reality. How far have you explored in the area past the former Argus wall?” he asks Akbar.

Swami Monsoon
2018-07-28, 05:58 PM
"We searched the library and a couple of rooms near it, got into a fight with some rat people. We made peace with them, at least for the moment... We also found an exit to an outdoor area, but that path is probably blocked. There were lots of big, dangerous looking critters moving around in the fog..."

Akbar pauses.

"Of course all of that assumes that this place is just how it was when I went to sleep last night."

2018-07-28, 07:14 PM
“If the two realities really are similar, hopefully we can combine our knowledge of this place. Before this switch, we explored further North of the library and fought more Ratlings and a nasty diminutive undead before finding the Briarstone Administrator’s office and library. There is a Oneirogen there, spouting yellow mist like the kind outside. There was useful information to be gained there in the form of books and other documents. I believe I can find it again.”

2018-07-30, 07:52 PM
"Assuming nothing has changed. Yes, we should move - and perhaps this time we can help her in some way."

2018-07-30, 10:57 PM
What is the plan?

2018-07-31, 03:35 PM
"Here is what I recommend," says Dorn. "We do a quick reconnoiter of the few rooms we think we check previously that are south of the library: the two rooms just south (including the broom closet) and then over to the visitor's room with the taxidermy. We make sure the haunt is still defunct.

"Then, we leave the eastern set alone and go back through the library to the north. We hit the western portions of those admin offices first, and the pickled punks. Then to the right where we dealt with the other ratlings, and finally north again to the administrator's office."

2018-07-31, 04:12 PM
“Sounds reasonable to me.” says Brother Jaume with a grin, “I think the Ratlings were the first door with the fissures in the floor, followed by the pickled punk in the pantry.”

2018-08-01, 10:31 AM
So, Dorn will lead the party to do exactly that ...
1) Room with six bodies
2) Cleaning locker
3) Check double-door exit is still shut firmly (because those fleshy things make him nervous
4) Visitor's room with the robed bodies.

2018-08-01, 08:34 PM
What are the light sources/ holders for the party?

2018-08-01, 10:51 PM
BJ will cast light on his quarterstaff

2018-08-02, 12:49 AM
Because of the size of the party and the way things work out, do we have a second lightbearer of some sort?

2018-08-02, 11:08 AM
"Mighty Torag," begins Dorn's prayer. "I beseech You, grant your servant the power to make your weapon shine with your holy light, that you may protect us from the waiting evils of the dark."

A quick prayer follows in holy language and Dorn's warhammer is now lit.
Cast light on warhammer.

2018-08-02, 12:17 PM
Brothers Jaume adds a dramatic flourish to his casting of his light spell.

Swami Monsoon
2018-08-02, 12:43 PM
"Nice trick..."

Akbar finds a broken chair leg and sets it alight with a heatless flame.

2018-08-03, 09:37 PM
Brother Jaume has it in mind to add a dramatic flourish ... well after he already cast the spell ... but not being able to define anything or having any training in such touches, it not only comes off as definitely late, but probably non-specific and wishy-washy, which is exactly opposite of the very purposeful motions involved with spellcasting.

Akbar's chair leg has a normal light like any other, but in his mind's eye he wishes of a time or a means where he could actually create a heatless flame.And now, you have the RP-based impetus to learn continual flame, which is magic that is not wildly beyond you (2nd level).
Can I get some sense of a marching order ... not specific for now, but a general concept for 5-foot-wide and 10-foot-wide situations?

2018-08-03, 11:11 PM
Lacking any ability to create light, but also not needing it, Jean is willing to walk in front. At least that way they will not be ruining his darkvision.

2018-08-04, 01:21 PM
"Lord Hanley," says Dorn, mustering the respect he can when talking to the misshapen little man. "I know you don't want to get involved. But you were the one who did all of the research for your group before we got here. Now, Jean here did the same for us in our group before we were sent here. Still, there have been times when we've seen something and didn't understand what it was. Sure, the answer might be in the library, but knowledge in the moment can be incalculable. We could use that knowledge, sir. As I am an Emissary of Torag, I promise that I shall do all in my power to protect you. Will you follow with us as we try to fight the forces of darkness in this place and perhaps earn our way to freedom?"
I know you do the Diplomacy thing, but let me know here. My recommendation for marching order depends on him.

2018-08-04, 04:50 PM
"Fair enough," says Lord Hanley, "but I am under no obligation to do anything brave, i.e. stupid. I am just here as a scholar."

2018-08-05, 02:27 PM
Dorn looks to the group, "Here is what I recommend for us for now, based on what I've seen so far. It can change as we learn each other better."

"Jean, you think you can take point, that's fine. Brother Jaume, you should be next to him in wide areas, or behind him, since you are good at your twirling staff defense, smashing things, and your pretty hardy. If we find ourself in an area with the Tribals, you should not be front rank.

"I will be protecting Lord Hanley next - either side-by-side or with him behind me.

"Akbar, behind Lord Hanley, but leave a five-foot-gap to allow for an ally ease of dropping back, and because you don't need to be close to folks. However, you are behind Lord Hanley so that there is always someone in rear to add a buffer for his Lordship.

"Jean, we should have Javert and Nadya undesignated, or in the rear since they can both fly and Javert has a bird's keen senses.

"How does this plan sound to everyone?"
Here's my illustration of what this means
10-foot-wide or wider ...
Jean + Brother Jaume
Dorn + Lord Hanley
(5' gap)
[[Javert + Nadya]]

Brother Jaume
Lord Hanley
(5' gap)

2018-08-05, 04:36 PM
BJ nods in agreement. “Jean, do want me to follow right behind you?”

Swami Monsoon
2018-08-05, 04:51 PM
"That sounds like it will work."

2018-08-05, 05:48 PM
C2 was barricaded from the inside. IIRC, the barricade wasn't removed (did it need to be?).

C3: The room is partially collapsed, destroying most of the buckets, mops, and feather dusters that were stored here. A portion of the western wall had fallen away.

C2 (from C3): A long desk, several chairs, a sideboard, and numerous once-stately landscape paintings barricade the door of this somber conference room. A toppled wall opposite the barrier undermines the room’s defenses, a point driven home by the formerly-masked bodies littering the ground (the party had removed the masks to investigate previously). Six bodies, battered by a variety of blunt implements. Their faces were previously wrapped in sheets, shirts, or grain bags and cinched tight around the neck. The corpses consist of Briarstone staff and patients alike, and that not all the residents succumbed to the taint of this strange place (Tribals, Grays, etc.).

Do you do anything else in here?

2018-08-06, 09:41 AM
BJ is OK with moving on.

2018-08-06, 02:51 PM
"I think we got distracted last time we were here," says Dorn to the desiring-to-exit-quickly cleric. "We have to deal with two weeks of decomp now, but let's take a quicker look. Jean, bird's have great senses, if he can help us with the search and a quick check of the bodies?"

2018-08-06, 03:51 PM
With a look of ambivalence, Brother Jaume shrugs and says to himself, “It’s a waste of good furtilizer, if you ask me.”

2018-08-06, 05:12 PM
The bodies have undergone two weeks of decomp, so you cannot tell actual cause of death from a quick check. Bludgeoned or suffocation, for all six had to deal with both.

Dorn's check of the bodies does require the group to look more carefully than G1 had previously (or G2 in "their reality" for that matter.) One of the bodies was a formerly orderly that wore a suit of padded armor and had a sap. Tucked inside his armor are two thunderstones and a golden ring. Between Heck and Akbar, they determine the gold ring is worth ~ 150 gp.

Padded armor (with two weeks decomp body inside ruining some of the armor at that) has no good resale. Ring into treasury. Who takes the thunderstones? Nadya is interested in one of them.

2018-08-08, 01:51 AM
"A thunderstone isn't of much use to me. Make a note of the bodies so that they may be disposed of, and let's move on."

2018-08-08, 05:04 AM
BJ will hold anything not claimed by other party members.

2018-08-08, 02:07 PM
Dorn is fine with Brother Jaume and Nadya having a thunderstone, and "holding" (not claiming) the ring until we get back to our little encampment at the end of the day.

On to the taxidermy room to the east. He looks to Akbar and Lord Hanley. "Did you guys destroy the haunt in here?"

2018-08-08, 09:03 PM
Heck and Nadya, both new, have no idea what Dorn means, but the assumption is no. Akbar ....?

Swami Monsoon
2018-08-09, 10:24 AM
Akbar tries to remember...

"I'm not sure... what did it look like?"

2018-08-09, 03:16 PM
"Well, Haru got lifted off the ground," Dorn recounts, "while at the same time a taxidermed songbird in the cage was giving the most gods-awful noise. Bjorn (iirc) killed the stuffed bird pretty easily, and that seemed to end the magic that was holding Haru aloft."

2018-08-12, 11:59 AM
BJ will follow Jean and explore the room.

2018-08-12, 07:40 PM
Jean listens at (nothing) and opens the door. As though it had been plucked from the halls of some warm, country estate, this room is filled with inviting furnishings, a hearth ready for a fire, artwork populated by picnicking families, and a mansion-shaped cage with colorful taxidermic birds inside. Large windows might have once looked out over colorful flowerbeds, but now show only yellow mist. A battered corpse is impaled on the antlers of a stuffed elk head hung above the hearth.

Brother Jaume, standing behind Jean, sees that the Visitor's Room is as it was when G2 first came to it ... the corpse is still on the elk.

What does the party do now?

2018-08-12, 09:34 PM
“The room is undisturbed! It appears as before the first time we entered.” says BJ in a rough voice. “We had removed the body from the antlers. Ware! That means the haunt in the bird cage may be active.”
He follows Jean as they move into the room.

Swami Monsoon
2018-08-12, 09:44 PM
"Did that thing have any kind of magical signature?"

Akbar tries to sense the presence of magic in the cage or anywhere else in the room, being careful not to touch anything...

Detect Magic

2018-08-13, 04:49 AM
“It is a haunt and undead in nature. I was not sure of the trigger but destroying the cage ended the effect.”
BJ will try to recall any useful information about haunts that might pertain to this situation.

knowledge religion check

2018-08-13, 09:38 AM
Dorn doesn't waste time wondering what. He rushes right in past the others and right up to the cage, smashing the cage and the birds within as best he can.
[roll0], damage [roll1] + [roll]1d6[/roll vs evil

2018-08-13, 02:59 PM
With a mighty swing, Dorn totally destroys the little cage, the birds, and display.

There is a stunned pause, but nothing happens. After a few minutes of small talk to be sure, either there was no haunt in this "version," or the simple destruction of - whatever - is all that was needed to cleans this area.

What do you do in here now?

2018-08-13, 03:12 PM
If there is sufficient room, BJ will enlarge to remove elk and corpse from the wall so it can be examined .

2018-08-13, 03:27 PM
Brother Jaume will need help - the awkward nature needs more strength than he is able to easily bring to bear.

The corpse is exactly the same as he and Brother Jaume remember. The same dead body, including the other dead body in the room. Of course, that also means you get the following from each one....Masterwork Silver Dagger
amulet of natural armor +1
(2) potions of cure light wounds

So, besides just Brother Jaume (who seems to jump at everything; but yes, BJ, cast a vote if interested in something) ... who is interested in what? The two NPCs (Heck, Nadya) are interested in what is here as well. Heck is particularly interested in the amulet to keep his little self alive. Nadya thinks the dagger is pretty, but isn't sure she'd use it, so is willing to take a potion to hold. ("To hold" because she feels that if she had it, it would be her responsibility to not hoard it as "her own" but use it if someone drops and no healers are around.)

2018-08-13, 04:14 PM
BJ would like the amulet since he has no armor and is a front line cleric.

2018-08-13, 08:55 PM
Jean is happy to leave the items for the rest of the party to divide, while he helps Brother Jaume with the elk's head.

2018-08-15, 02:18 PM
Dorn is interested in the dagger as a backup weapon.

2018-08-15, 04:51 PM
Akbar, did you have interest in anything?

Swami Monsoon
2018-08-15, 10:32 PM
Akbar wouldn't mind one of the potions...

2018-08-16, 02:19 PM
Brother Jaume gets the magical amulet; Dorn the silver dagger; Akbar a healing potion, and Nadya the other healing potion.

Brother Jaume and Jean manage to lower the body to the ground. Now what?

2018-08-16, 05:07 PM
“To the library and beyond?”

2018-08-16, 08:15 PM
"I am always one for a library," says Lord Hanley.

Nadya, on the other hand, looks less than impressed at the prospect, until Lord Hanley lets her know that you have to go through the library to, (and here he sighs), "find anything 'interesting.'"

Not getting the condescension in his voice, she brightens up at that. The party gets into formation and heads into the halls beyond.

C8, Central Hallway: This L-shaped hall runs from a collapsed space in the west to a small waiting area outside the asylum administrator's office. Nadya, Jean, and Javert notice mucuslike smears on the tile floor. Dorn easily points out what was noticed before in his previous "reality," that these antiseptic-smelling smears form a trail that runs between the doors of areas C9, C10, and C13. Next to the door to area C14 is a nameplate that reads: "Administrator Eliege Losandro."

What now?

Swami Monsoon
2018-08-17, 10:33 AM
"Remember that if things are truly different here and now, the library will be well guarded. My group finally came to terms with the rat people, but we can't be sure it, uh, stuck..."

2018-08-17, 11:10 AM
“Agreed. Everyone be on their guard.”

2018-08-17, 08:50 PM
Okay, but which way?

2018-08-17, 09:57 PM
“What do you say Jean? Clear the rooms on the right and then the left? You have the lead.”

2018-08-17, 10:34 PM
"Let's start with the rats. Hopefully they remember at least some of us." Jean says, beginning to make for the door.

2018-08-18, 11:32 AM
"Just remember," warns Dorn, "the ratling possessed sorcery mixed with brutal targeting that the weaker ratlings of the library did not. We didn't talk the ratling leader down. He simply seemed to escape while invisible."

2018-08-18, 09:52 PM
"And just be aware," adds Gaye, "that little bastard ratling sorcerer kept sniping from on top of a desk on the far east side of the room."

The door is checked and Jean opens the door. On the other side of the door is a Rodent of Unusual Size(R), and another 10' behind that one! But with Former-G2's intel the party was ready enough not to be surprised.

Begin Round One ...

R1T23: One of the ROUS' (DR2) runs up into the corner by the door and tries to nip at Jean but because of cover can't quite get him.

R1T20: A piece of rock from inside the room zooms at DR1 and misses. ???

R1T19: Dorn, as before, two dire rats. You know they usually carry disease with their bites, but are otherwise weak. You don't see the (likely invisible) ratling sorcerer). What do you do?https://pre00.deviantart.net/1600/th/pre/i/2018/230/6/8/central_hallway_by_lostsole31-dckjl8w.png

2018-08-19, 03:32 PM
Dorn casts a spell on himself, but otherwise stands ready.
Cast expeditious retreat.

2018-08-19, 09:28 PM
R1T19: Dorn casts a spell on himself, but otherwise stands ready.

R1T18: Jean, you are facing down an ROUS. What do you do?

2018-08-20, 02:40 PM
Shifting into a gliding, half-focused combat stance, Jean swings his scimitar at the nearest rat and sends a thought twirling towards Javert. "Find the invisible one."

[roll0] [roll1] Will also use Disturbing Blow.

2018-08-21, 03:24 AM
R1T18: Shifting into a gliding, half-focused combat stance, Jean swings his scimitar at the nearest rat and sends a thought twirling towards Javert. "Find the invisible one."
You didn't expressly state it, but your fluff leads me to believe that you are now in leaping spirit stance, so that is what I have you doing.It is a devastating cut, but DR1 does not yet drop.

R1T13: DR1 attacks Jean and misses.

R1T12: Akbar, you are well away from the battle and any vantage for it. What do you do?

Swami Monsoon
2018-08-21, 01:44 PM
"Hey, guys, remember us? No need to start fighting again...."

Akbar's voice trails off after Jean's sword strikes the giant rat with a gristly thud. So much for that. He casts a spell to protect himself and waits for whatever else might come out of the library.

Mage Armor

2018-08-21, 06:24 PM
R1T12: "Hey, guys, remember us? No need to start fighting again...." Akbar's voice trails off after Jean's sword strikes the giant rat with a gristly thud. So much for that. He casts a spell to protect himself and waits for whatever else might come out of the library.

R1T11: Nadya delays ...

R1T10: Brother Jaume, what do you do?

Javert on deck, DR2 in the hole ...

2018-08-21, 09:30 PM
“Jean, try to move in so we can bring numbers to bear!
The simple warrior takes a defensive stance and readies his staff.

take a full defense action

2018-08-21, 11:15 PM
R1T10: “Jean, try to move in so we can bring numbers to bear!" The simple warrior takes a defensive stance and readies his staff.

R1T9: Javert flies in, and in doing so provokes an AOO from both ROUS'. DR2 hits for 3, and DR1 hits for 1. Javert shrugs it off and continues and upwards until he flaps at the height of the top of the tall desk inside."I don't see any sign of him up here!"
End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T23: Despite cover and his martial stance, DR2 still manages to nip Jean on the side of his abdomen for 1.

R2T20: Another bit of rock bounces towards DR1 and misses.

R2T19: Dorn, what do you do?
Jean on deck, DR1 in the hole ...

2018-08-22, 12:53 AM
Jean makes another cut down at the rat in front of him, hoping to finish it's miserable little life and buy them more room to work with.

[roll0] [roll1]

If that attack is successful, Jean will 5ft step into the room. He'll also use Spilled Salt against the next attack to come his way. (And yeah, I had meant to dip into Leaping Spirit Stance. Whups. Thanks.

2018-08-22, 11:44 AM
Dorn casts a spell on Jean (following him as needed). Jean's figure is limned by a ghostly radiance of holy power.
Cast shield of faith on Jean (+2 deflection).

2018-08-22, 10:35 PM
R2T19: Dorn casts a spell on Jean. Jean's figure is limned by a ghostly radiance of holy power.

R2T18: Jean makes another cut down at the rat in front of him, hoping to finish it's miserable little life and buy them more room to work with, but he ends up spinning wildly.

R2T13: DR1 bites at Jean, but Jean does sort of strange maneuver and it misses.

R2T12: Akbar, what do you do?

Brother Jaume (total defense) on deck, Javert in the hole, Nadya delaying ...

Swami Monsoon
2018-08-23, 06:57 PM
Akbar waits for any more threats to emerge from the room...

Readies an action to Ear Piercing Scream at any enemy that makes it out into the hallway.

2018-08-24, 01:21 PM
R2T12: Akbar waits for any more threats to emerge from the room.

R2T10: Brother Jaume, do you maintain your total defense posture, or do something else?

Javert on deck, DR2 in the hole ...

2018-08-24, 02:19 PM
Perceiving no immediate threat targeting him, BJ will be ready to heal an ally if they should take moderate to severe damage.
ready an action. Casting on the defensive if threatened.

2018-08-24, 05:00 PM
R2T10: Perceiving no immediate threat targeting him, BJ will be ready to heal an ally if they should take moderate to severe damage.

R2T9: Javert lands on the high desk and pecks around to try to find the ratling sorcerer you are sure is here.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T23: DR2 tries to nip at Jean.

R3T20: Another piece of rubble flies at DR1, but this time actually hits the ROUS for 1.

R3T19: Dorn, what do you do?
Jean on deck, DR1 in the hole ...

2018-08-25, 10:44 AM
Dorn takes a careful swing at DR1.
I know I'm dealing with cover penalty (which I'll let you deal with).
Attack [roll0], damage [roll1], plus [roll2] vs. evil, though these are prolly just oversized Neutral animals.

2018-08-25, 06:49 PM
R3T19: Dorn takes a careful swing at DR1, but is fouled by the doorway.

R3T18: Jean, what do you do?

DR1 on deck, Akbar (readied action) in the hole ...

2018-08-28, 04:16 AM
Crouching into a reversed cut, Jean tries to make up for his earlier mishap.

[roll0] [roll1]

2018-08-30, 10:15 PM
R3T18: Crouching into a reversed cut, Jean tries to make up for his earlier mishap, and drops the ROUS for 11!

R3T15-14: Erupting from all around the group just outside the door are hundreds and hundreds of rats! Heck takes 6, the rats can't seem to harm Dorn, Brother Jaume takes 5, and Jean takes 2!"Rat-guy with crazy arms on top of the rear bookshelf!"
R3T13: Akbar, you were surprised by the sudden appearance of the rat swarm. Though you don't have scholarly knowledge, from the ratling fight in the library you know that ear-piercing scream is useless against a swarm (as is any single-target spell). What do you do?

I need Dorn, Brother Jaume, and Jean to all roll Fort saves vs. DC 12 or be distracted ...
Brother Jaume (with readied action, which he may drop) on deck, Javert in the hole ...

2018-08-31, 06:10 AM
[roll0] FORT save

Whether distracted or not, Brother Jaume will drop the readied action and will move past Jean into the room, dodging any attacks that might come his way. If attacked and if not distracted, he will return any attacks after moving out of the rat swarm and into the room and enlarge. If distracted, he will move into the room and dodge attacks.

mobility to dodge AOO. Full defense if distracted.
If he can attack, then power attack, enlarge
attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2018-08-31, 09:41 AM
I know that a swarm of rats are neutral, but they were conjured by an evil spellcaster (yes?). If so, does that mean this is a save against a spell effect cast by an evil creature and he gets his protection from evil bonus? If so, please add it.

Fort save [roll0]

Swami Monsoon
2018-08-31, 08:39 PM
Akbar concentrates and the hall appears to become a pool of water, covering the rats and reaching about knee deep on the people.

"Don't worry, it's not real. To us, at least..."

Silent Image... maybe being "submerged" will make the rats move away or panic? Akbar has no real answer for this.

2018-08-31, 11:28 PM
Some text to pacify the filter.


2018-09-01, 03:14 PM
Lord Hanley starts a freak-out from the rats. Jean barely keeps it together. Dorn starts to feel psychological repulsion, but his blessed skin unaffected by the bites, he is likewise unaffected by the squirming of the mass. Brother Jaume is just fine.

R3T13: Akbar concentrates and the hall appears to become a pool of water, covering the rats and reaching about knee deep on the people. "Don't worry, it's not real. To us, at least..."

R3T11: Nadya, who has been delaying all this time, disappears in a puff of white smoke (much like a magician uses smoke bombs to escape). The brain-bending part is when the smoke doesn't drift in her square or begin dissipating, but begins moving, occupying the same space as Dorn!

R3T10: “MOVE!” shouts Brother Jaume. Brother Jaume moves past Jean into the room, dodging any attacks that might come his way. He turns to the ROUS still moving in the room and whomps it hard with one blow so it doesn't move.You posted two rounds worth of actions. You did a move action to move, and a standard action to attack. Done. As far as enlarge person (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/e/enlarge-person/), please note that it is a 1-round action, just like a summoning spell. This means that at the beginning of your turn you "begin" concentrating. The spell doesn't go off until the beginning of your next turn a round later.
R3T9: Javert pecks the ratling for 4, then a talon for 1.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T20: Bothered by the rats, Lord Hanley tears into the room.

R4T19: Dorn, what do you do? You recognize the water as an illusion.
Jean on deck, rat swarm in the hole ...

2018-09-02, 10:55 AM
Dorn speeds in and hops up onto the chair. If possible, he will swing at the ratling.
MA: Move in and do a hop-up on the chair. Acrobatics to jump with my boosted speed is an auto-success.
SA: Warhammer [roll0], damage [roll1] plus [roll2] vs. evil

2018-09-02, 12:12 PM
Jean scrambles away from the rats and into the room, staying near the north wall in the hopes of not providing the rat with a target.

Will Save: [roll0]

2018-09-02, 06:17 PM
R4T19: Dorn speeds in and hops up onto the chair artfully. He then swings at the ratling but hits the corner of the bookshelf instead.

R4T18: Jean scrambles away from the rats and into the room, having trouble sloshing through the water as he does so. He stays near the north wall in the hopes of not providing the rat with a target.

R4T15-14: Devoid of any tasty targets, the rats seem to act as if they're in water, but are skilled swim-walkers and move into the room. As they enter the room and fill the area, Brother Jaume splats several of the rats (11 damage). Once in, they nip and bite Brother Jaume for 2, and Lord Hanley for 5. Neither one of them are distacted this time. The ratling skitters west along the top of the bookshelf, pressing against the wall.

R4T13: Akbar, you are concentrating on an illusion that has nobody in it. What do you do?
Nadya on deck, Brother Jaume in the hole ...

Swami Monsoon
2018-09-02, 07:34 PM
Realzing that the illusion had little effect, Akbar dispels it and moves to the doorway. Finally seeing a true enemy, he lets loose with some very harsh language...

Stop concentration.
Move to door (square just left/west of B-J).
Painful Stare and Ear Piercing Scream vs. Ratling
Damage [roll0] [roll1]

2018-09-02, 09:39 PM
R4T13: Realzing that the illusion had little effect, Akbar dispels it and moves to the doorway. Finally seeing a true enemy, he lets loose with some very harsh language. Then he casts a spell and shouts wordlessly, doing 6 sonic and the ratling seems a little off-kilter now.

R4T11: A wispy cloud drifts past Akbar, Brother Jaume, then up to the top of the bookcase just north of the cleric.

R4T10: Brother Jaume, you are standing in rats. Again. What do you do?
Javert on deck, Lord Hanley in the hole ...

2018-09-02, 10:37 PM
“Move out of the rats!” BJ yells at Lord Hanley. He then waits for the little man to move before taking his action.

delay until after Lord Hanley has taken his action.

2018-09-03, 10:51 AM
R4T10: “Move out of the rats!” BJ yells at Lord Hanley. He then waits for the little man to move before taking his action.

R4T9: Javert hops over to the bookcase with the ratling on it and pecks again at the rat-man but misses.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T20: Heck moves back out into the hallway behind Akbar.

R5T19.5: Brother Jaume, you wanted to wait until the little lord cleared, so....
Dorn on deck, Jean in the hole ...

2018-09-03, 11:36 AM
BJ will move to the square directly in front of the ratling mage. He drops his quarter staff and attempts to pull over the shelf to the left with the fluffy cloud above it in an attempt to squash as many of the swarm as possible.

2018-09-03, 02:38 PM
R5T19.5: BJ will move to the square directly in front of the ratling mage. He drops his quarter staff and attempts to pull over the shelf to the left with the fluffy cloud above it in an attempt to squash as many of the swarm as possible. With tremendous effort and an impressive display of strength, the bookcase falls over onto the rat swarm to do 6. The remaining rats quickly swarm around or even through the cracked and ruined bookcase.

R5T19: Dorn, what do you do?
Jean on deck, rat swarm in the hole ...

2018-09-04, 11:04 AM
Even on the chair he's probably dealing with cover, but Dorn begins an onslaught.
Attack #1 [roll0], damage [roll1] + [roll2] vs. evil
Attack #2 [roll3], damage [roll4] + [roll5] vs. evil

2018-09-04, 01:46 PM
R5T19: Even on the chair Dorn deals with cover, but he begins an onslaught that does poorly.

R5T18: Jean, what do you do? As a Medium creature, if you get to a square that is adjacent to the ratling, unless you get height (like Dorn), the ratling will have "improved cover" because of the angle. What do you do?

Rat swarm on deck, ratling in the hole ...

2018-09-07, 04:34 PM
R5T18: Jean doesn't waste his time with a ratling he can hardly hit. He goes for the enemy he can hit, moving foward and trying to cut down some rats, actually doing quite well and badly damaging the swarm for 6 mod. Knowing his current stance doesn't help against a swarm, he shifts his footwork and glares at the rats and ratling threateningly.I had you switch to aura of misfortune.
R5T15: The rat swarm moves east towards Brother Jaume, Jean, and the chair with Dorn on it, and Brother Jaume smashes mightily with his quarterstaff, dispelling the swarm!

R5T14: The rest of the party might not understand exactly why, but Akbar realizes his spell worked wonderfully as the ratling is having trouble doing anything more than defending itself right now before shaking his head and regaining focus.

R5T13: Akbar, what do you do as your opponent is no longer dazed?
Nadya on deck, Javert in the hole ...

Swami Monsoon
2018-09-08, 03:11 PM
Akbar gives the rat man another dose of the same medicine...

Painful Stare and Ear Piercing Scream vs. Ratling...
Damage: [roll0] [roll1]

2018-09-08, 04:55 PM
R5T13: Akbar gives the rat-man another dose of the same medicine, but it only takes 5 sonic now.

R5T11-9: The little mist in the corner by the ceiling no longer moves but stays there. Javert bites the rat-man for 2, misses with a talon, and misses so wildly with the next talon, that Jean can feel that Javert is frustrated and is now hell-bent on killing the rat-man. Javert begins cawing wildly and angrily.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R5T19.5: Brother Jaume, what do you do?

Dorn on deck, Jean in the hole ...

2018-09-08, 05:46 PM
Brother Jaume moves back onto the shattered bookcase to gain some room to maneuver. The unarmed monk grows larger taking up a ten foot square. His fist lashes out blindingly fast at the rattling mage, reaching across the intervening 10’ space.

move 5ft in difficult terrain, SwA to enlarge. Regular punch for accuracy.
to hit [roll0]
to damage [roll1] includes seance bonus and enlarge bonus/minuses.

2018-09-08, 06:31 PM
R6T19.5: Brother Jaume moves back onto the shattered bookcase to gain some room to maneuver. The unarmed monk grows larger taking up a ten foot square. His fist lashes out blindingly fast at the rattling mage, reaching across the intervening 10’ space, but missing the small man.

R6T19: Dorn, what do you do?
Jean on deck, Ratling in the hole ...

2018-09-09, 08:40 AM
Dorn will go full onslaught on this thing from the chair.
Attack #1 [roll0], damage [roll1] + [roll2] vs. evil
Attack #2 [roll3], damage [roll4] + [roll5] vs. evil

2018-09-09, 12:45 PM
R6T19: Standing on the desk chair, Dorn goes full onslaught on this ratling. Still, the cover from the bookshelf throws off what would otherwise have been a great attack sequence. But the cover only ruins the focus of the shot, the hammer still smacks against the ratling, but it seems it has some force-based protection as armor.

R6T18: Jean, you currently are in aura of misfortune stance. What do you do?
Ratling on deck, Akbar in the hole ...

2018-09-09, 08:57 PM
Stepping further into the room, Jean points towards the ratling with a free hand and feels a fishook of occult essence settle into its flesh. Now, even if it runs they will be able to follow it.

Moving 5ft southeast and Claiming the ratling. Will use that to recover Spilled Salt and Disturbing Blow. Claimed creatures take a -2 on Combat Maneuver and Skill checks, and Jean knows where they are at all times, though this doesn't affect miss chance in any way.

2018-09-09, 10:37 PM
R6T18: Stepping further into the room, Jean points towards the ratling with a free hand and feels a fishook of occult essence settle into its flesh. Now, even if it runs they will be able to follow it.

R6T14: The ratling casts attempts to cast a spell defensively, but fails.

R6T13: Akbar, what do you do?
Javert on deck, Brother Jaume in the hole ...

Swami Monsoon
2018-09-11, 04:26 PM
Akbar aims a streak of flame at the ratling...

Painful Stare and Fire Ray
Ranged touch [roll0]
Damage [roll1] [roll2]

2018-09-11, 07:58 PM
R6T13: Akbar aims a streak of flame at the ratling, but the cover of the bookcase (and giant Brother Jaume) fouls his shot.

R6T9: Javert murderously attacks the ratling. When he goes to bite, he tears a muscle - 1 STR drain! The anger is overwleming though and he pushes through the pain to talon the little bastard for 3 (new max damage).His ego is no longer brusined after that successful hit. He will still attack, but no longer feels compelled to attack beyond all reason.
R6T19.5: Brother Jaume, do you maintain your size (SwA)? What do you do?

2018-09-12, 04:42 AM
The enlarged form of Brother Jaume suddenly shrinks back to normal size. Then just as quickly, the monk spins and grows, lashing out at the rattling with a flurry of strikes and kicks.

SwA to enlarge (only lasts 1 round)
flurry of blows. He will use only strikes if that improves the angle.
to hit [roll0]
to damage [roll1]
to hit [roll2]
to damage [roll3]

2018-09-12, 10:48 AM
Dorn hops off the chair and looks to Jean. "You're a better fighter than I am. Hop up there and swing, man."

2018-09-12, 12:55 PM
R6T19.5: The enlarged form of Brother Jaume suddenly shrinks back to normal size. Then just as quickly, the monk spins and grows, lashing out at the rattling with a flurry of strikes and kicks. The first strike hits for 12, but the second strike seems to just skip off of a magical protection on the ratling.

R6T19: Dorn hops off the chair and looks to Jean. "You're a better fighter than I am. Hop up there and swing, man."

R6T18: Jean, if you get onto the chair like Dorn said, you will only have to deal with standard cover, not improved cover. What do you do?

Ratling on deck, Akbar in the hole ...

2018-09-12, 10:33 PM
Jean hops up onto the chair and does his best to stab awkwardly at the ratling.

[roll0] [roll1]

Will use Spilled Salt if the ratling tries to attack anyone.

2018-09-13, 05:47 PM
R6T18: Jean hops up onto the chair and does his best to stab awkwardly at the ratling, but finds that in trying to stab with a slashing weapon, he only gets a piece of the bookcase for his troubles.

R6T14: The ratling concentrates again, and disappears!Even with your Claiming, you don't quite sense the ratling!
R6T13: Akbar, what do you do?

Javert on deck, Brother Jaume in the hole ...

Swami Monsoon
2018-09-15, 03:05 PM
Akbar watches, waiting for the enemy to reappear...

Ready action to Fire Ray vs. ratling if it appears in range with a clear shot.

2018-09-16, 01:38 PM
Javert also looks around.

Brother Jaume?

Dorn on deck, Jean in the hole ...

2018-09-16, 01:44 PM
Dorn will get out of big BJ's way, but look around and listen for the little bastard.

2018-09-16, 02:01 PM
Brother Jaume ...?

2018-09-16, 04:47 PM
BJ will move over to pick up his quarterstaff.

2018-09-16, 09:43 PM
... and shrink back to normal just before doing so.

Jean, see PM.

2018-09-17, 07:44 PM
Jean closes his eyes, drawing all his attention and focus to the constellations spinning across the inside of his eyelids - a personal firmament, and one of those stars pulses with an ugly glow. "It's... beneath us. Far, far beneath us in the bowels of the earth."

Swami Monsoon
2018-09-17, 10:24 PM
"That sounds... unpleasant. Did he, uh, mean to do that?"

2018-09-18, 12:15 AM
As you discuss the fate of the ratling, with combat effectively ended, Jean's Claim on the ratling will expire.

After searching this office, there is nothing of value in here.

Where to next?

2018-09-18, 04:59 AM
“Those of you that have sustained injuries, gather around me and let the power of Erastil heal you. Let me know if you were bitten by rats as I will need to watch you for signs of disease.”

BJ will check the party with mundane medical knowledge, treating for disease as appropriate.
BJ uses two channel energy for healing

“Let me know if you require further healing.”

2018-09-19, 01:34 AM
Other than take what precautions may be taken, there is no way for Brother Jaume to know if someone is diseased or not. The little puff of mist gloats down to the ground and turns into Nadya.

All gather close to Brother Jaume and he does a healing burst. Brother Jaume assists Dorn and determines...
The following are wounded:
Brother Jaume ~90%
Lord Hanley ~80%

2018-09-19, 04:16 AM
Bj will cast a spell on lord Hanley. He grasps the symbol of his faith and prays for Etastil to heal the injured man.

Convert “shield of faith” to “cure light wounds” and cast on lord Hanley.

2018-09-19, 01:31 PM
"Let's get the next room to the north," says Dorn.

2018-09-19, 05:19 PM
“Beware the pickled punk in the closet! They throw jars of foul smelling liquid,” warns BJ.

2018-09-20, 09:17 AM
"Yeah, but that is in the conference room down the hall to the west. I think there's a dead doctor in the next one?" Dorn tries to remember.

2018-09-21, 12:49 PM
The party moves to the next room to the north. This would look like a typical physician's office if it weren't for the preponderance of grotesque anatomical sketches, most depicting traumas and deformities of the head and brain. A sturdy display case stands open and completely empty.
You notice spilt preservative fluids pooling here that lead out into the hall.
The desk and bookshelves here are in fine repair, but contain little of value. Any character who spends 5 minutes looking through the desk drawers finds that the notes within belong to a Doctor Arosh Chawaar, who pursued new treatments for hydrocephalus. Many of these notes bear marginalia from the doctor’s sister, Doctor Anya Chawaar of Katheer. The sum of Arosh’s research is compiled in a worn, rust-colored notebook in his desk drawer. Dorn and Brother Jaume saw this book in "the other reality." Though it's valuable, its worth is hard to determine. Though the legiitimacy of the notes would take months to verify, most medical institutions or scholars of medicine (as one might find in any significantly-sized city) might pay several hundred gold for the journal. If the notes are returned to Anya Chawaar, she'd probably pay more since it was her brother's. That's now in the treasury.
Nothing else in this room, the group then goes across the hall to the one room with a door on the west. The newcomers remember that it is a ruined lounge and a buried doctor, but if it hasn't been discovered, there should be a syringe with healing fluid. The door opened, the ceiling of this room has collapsed, crushing a table and a well-worn couch. This lounge once served as a private place for Briarstone's doctors to step away from their research and relax for a bit. The ceiling has collapsed most of the furnishings, as well as the doctor who occupied the room. The newcomers go right to where they suspect, and sure enough ... a pale hand extends from the rubble. With 10 minutes of work to extract the body from the rubble, they find the individual crushed beyond recognition. And as before, in her pockets they find a capped syringe with an alchemist-created potion of cure moderate wounds inside. Dorn and Brother Jaume can instruct that this potion cannot be ingested, but must be injected (a standard action which provokes an AOO).

Who gets the syringe?

2018-09-22, 01:34 PM
Dorn would like the syringe, since he is the lead mundane healer and Brother Jaume has his healing spells.

2018-09-22, 02:17 PM
BJ nods in agreement.

2018-09-22, 11:05 PM
Jean is fine with that.

Swami Monsoon
2018-09-23, 02:01 PM
Akbar agrees.

2018-09-23, 04:08 PM
Dorn gets the syringe.

The group then falls back before tackling the Administrator's Office to the north, moving to the western spur of the central hallway to the first door to the north, just west of the library's northern entrance. Normal door checks.

Two desks are crammed into this crowded office. More space has been dedicated to filing cabinets, bookshelves, and stacks of loose research than room for occupants. Despite the cramped nature of this office, there is room for two junior doctors to work closely here. This is evidenced by two bodies slumped over the desks. Brother Jaume and Dorn, as before, can point out that the young doctors here were slain by blows to the back of the head. This time, however, Dorn realizes some further evidence than the first time he came through: the doctor's legs have been savaged, as if by something small but vicious. The blows to the back of the head seem to have been made by small claws, digging into the base of the skulls - the results, the two healers are sure, of the pickled punks trying to "liberate" more members of their family from their prisons of bone.

Ever on the look out for fun things, as the group does their search, Javert finds a thick yew wand etched with the symbol of Sarenrae hidden in the back of the eastern desk. A piece of twine is wrapped around it, connecting to a note that reads, "Mr. Lantz, this is a place of science, not faith. Please keep your religion at home."

This is something that was not found in the "other reality." Akbar and Brother Jaume, despite both having detect magic, are useless with that spell without having any theoretical knowledge to help guide what they see. Lord Hanley asks to see the wand and studies it. He likewise shrugs (he didn't cast a spell). For now, the wand - which detects as magic but of an unknown type - goes into treasury.Yeah, you can't even begin to figure out what the aura is that you're looking at without training in Knowledge (Arcana). And only after that can you take knowledge of what school of magic you discover and then apply what you know about magic items to actually identify an object .... Spellcraft. So, it's probably a good idea ... if Akbar and Brother Jaume are going to be the ones with detect magic prepared, for them to start learning Knowledge (Arcana) and beefing up Spellcraft.
The next room to the west is the conference room where you fought the pickled punks.

Does Brother Jaume or Dorn or Jean have anything to say about that threat .... that given everything else is likely still there in "this reality?"

2018-09-23, 04:40 PM
"In the next room," says Dorn, "Are a handful of tiny guys that are basically walking, deformed brains that died and are now undead brains ... that walk and claw. Their juices can irritate you, as Brother Jaume found out. I recommend we have a firing line of pure missile hatred and positive energy channeling."

2018-09-23, 06:53 PM
Okay, then, what's the plan?

2018-09-24, 10:08 AM
Dorn recommends the following plan: Jean opens the door. Brother Jaume and I step in and create a two-man wall. Brother Jaume to channel-burn them (or simply super-smash them), based on his knowledge of his abilities as to which is most effective - but channeling hurts more at once. I will whomp them with my hammer; Torag protects me from minor damage (and these things are Tiny) while bringing greater pain to evil enemies. Everyone else is more susceptible to them, so stay back unless you really feel the need to whomp little undead brain creatures; attack as possible over our heads with spells or whatever.

2018-09-24, 05:15 PM
Brother Jaume agrees with the positioning of the party. “I will try to save my positive energy bursts as they are relatively weak and better used for healing and turning the undead.” He grins and spins the worn quarterstaff between his beefy hands.

I can’t make it not sound dirty when he plays with his staff, so I am going the other way now.”

2018-09-24, 11:25 PM
Proceedingly, thusly, Jean opens the door as Brother Jaume and Dorn rush forth. A once-handsome wood conference table now sits marred by the partially toppled southwest walls. Between heaps of collapsed stone, a closet door still stands ... shut.

So, using the same concept as before, they get to the closet door. This time, however, Jean stands back - scimitar in hand to pick off any stragglers - as Javert perches on the table. The casters and "civilians" stand to the east. Brother Jaume opens the door under which the slime trail has led. Unlike last time, the two pickled punks on the shelf do not seem to have been aware of the party. Brother Jaume and Dorn both know that if they go into the crowded closet with the shelves, they will be at an disadvantage in the tight space, so it is best to make them come to you. They can't drop jars on you this time, and the jars are too big and heavy for them to throw.
Begin Round One ...

R1T20: Nadya delays.

R1T18: Brother Jaume, what do you do?

2018-09-25, 12:51 PM
Brother Jaume will draw a silvered dagger from his belt and flick it at one of the little monsters.

Retrieve item for a move equivalent action.
[roll0] to hit
[roll1] to damage

2018-09-25, 06:13 PM
R1T18: Brother Jaume draws a silvered dagger from his belt and flicks it at one of the little monsters, but it is a difficult shot with the doorway, the shelves, and their small size and the dagger smashes a jar of preserved fluid which splashes to the ground.

R1T14: Akbar, you have no bead on any target. What do you do?

Swami Monsoon
2018-09-26, 09:56 PM
Akbar waits for a target to emerge from the cabinet...

Ready an action to use Fire Ray against any enemy that becomes visible with a clear shot.

2018-09-27, 01:36 PM
R1T14: Akbar waits for a target to emerge from the closet.

R1T12: Javert delays, waiting for a punk to puncture with its beak (but not excited to bite into formaldehyde-brined brain).

R1T11: Dorn, what do you do?

2018-09-28, 12:39 PM
Dorn allows his grace to flow forth.
Stop suppressing his Grace ability.

2018-09-28, 01:49 PM
R1T11: Dorn stands in graceful readiness for the enemy.

R1T10-7: One of the punks (PP1) comes out of the closet towards Brother Jaume. Brother Jaume and Dorn both destroy it. The other punk then comes out to likewise attack Brother Jaume, but Dorn destroys that one in a single stroke as well.

Combat Ends ...

There is a single shelf in the closet, 6' off the ground. The late Dr. Chawaar's entire collection of floating, aberrant brains, spinal columns, and dissections have been relocated into the closet here. There, the pickled punks created a nest for themselves from lab coats and the remains of Doctor Chawaar himself.

Those who search the body of Doctor Chawaar get a hint of his intention in coming here. There are six flasks of alchemist fire on his body. Additionally, PCs can find eight lab coats about the room. These coats might help to impersonate a doctor, but are otherwise worthless.So, there are exactly six flasks of alchemist's fire and six humanoid members of the party. Does anyone NOT want a lab coat?

2018-09-28, 02:52 PM
The group, feeling that you've made a huge "recovery circuit" of what you've seen before (and recovering new, or doubled up, goods), heads back to give the debrief to Winter. She suggests tomorrow that you push forth into the Administrator's Office (which I'm sure you were going to do, anyway).

If nobody has anything pressing, I'll push forward and we'll get to the next day.Hold off on selecting anything for the new day, since the ones who do that all leveled up, anyway. I will inform each of you when I am done adjusting your sheets.

2018-09-28, 03:42 PM
BJ agrees that we should return to camp.
He will use the rest of his channels and swap spells to heal the party and then anyone else at the chapel. He will try to save one spell to Enhance Water.

2018-10-03, 04:53 AM
The group returns to the sanctuary to rest and reflect on what you've learned, remembered, and exercised. After the debrief with Winter, the group has plenty of time for other pursuits.

Akbar seeks out Captain York's help. Not having any armor of his own, the red-bearded man surprises the captain when a pair of armor of an off-duty guard is lent to him, for it seems that Akbar is not unskilled in simple armor. Captain York runs Akbar through physical drills with the armor before he has to remove it and it goes back to its owner who awakes for evening duty. Brother Jaume spends time among the patients, helping Winter and the staff calm the more anxious ones. Dorn and Lord Hanley discuss strategies. Jean meditates on something he thinks he discovered within himself. Nadya does nothing special, though once Brother Jaume makes some magic wine later, she is first in line for a drink.DAY 11

Brother Jaume wakes up today feeling under the weather. Sure enough, with Winter and Dorn the three of them determine quite easily ... given the symptoms and the fact he was bitten by rats yesterday, that he has contracted filth fever (2 DEX damage, 2 CON damage). On the other hand, Brother Jaume is also elated to find in his morning prayers that Erastil has blessed him with a mightiness of holy power nearly double what he had before, and perhaps this is a small price to pay. Then, Winter prays over Brother Jaume to at least buoy his health. He gets 1 CON healing (lesser restoration), but that is enough to do the trick, and Brother Jaume only has to worry about being a little slower in his reflexes for the day.

When he returns from looking over Brother Jaume, Dorn prays to Torag as usual. Torag's helper, who had temporarily shown Dorn a possible other path, no longer answers her intercession. Nonetheless, Dorn receives a holy vision and a charge!Go ahead and post your thing.
Jean, likewise, realizes he has made psychic breakthroughs across the board.
Please set up your mental focus and maneuvers for the day, then let me know when done.
To shake the cobwebs and limber up minds and bodies for the day, Winter wants the group to train before heading out. Jean and Javert work on meditative combat drills together. Akbar meditates to strengthen his mind. Dorn prays and studies strategy. Brother Jaume works on unarmed power kata.

Brother Jaume, is being down 2 DEX (and 1 CON, not enough to drop you a rank) enough to deter you from adventuring today?

2018-10-03, 08:16 AM
”I feel a little dizzy, but I ...*sneeze* should be able to join you today on the quest to escape this place”, Says a slightly flushed Brother Jaume as he wipes his nose on the sleeve of his robe.

2018-10-03, 12:35 PM
Dorn nods at Brother Jaume. "I need a formal witness for holy vows I am to take. Will you be my witness, Brother Jaume, cleric of Erastil?"

2018-10-03, 01:01 PM
“It will be a great honor to assist you in taking your vows, friend Dorn!”

2018-10-04, 12:06 PM
Dorn goes over to the shrine that includes Torag (since you mentioned that most of the gods are represented in little shrines here).

"Father of Creation, you have sent your servant to teach me your will, but also to help me find my own. I accept these signs and teachings that age shall not be an impediment to the pursuit of duty, and I dedicate myself to protecting not just the lives, but the way of life for those under my charge, to hold the ways of your chosen people as holy, especially when they are the centuries-old works and traditions of an entire race. Though I am human, yet I shall endeavor to be as your chosen people and commit myself to the following affirmations:

"My word is my bond. When I give my word formally, I defend my oath to my death. Traps lie in idle banter or thoughtless talk, and so I watch my tongue.

"I am at all times truthful, honorable, and forthright, but my allegiance is to my people. I will do what is necessary to serve them, including misleading others if need be.

"I respect the forge, and never sully it with half-hearted work. My creations reflect the depth of my faith, and I will not allow flaws save in direst need.

"Against my people’s enemies, I will show no mercy. I will not allow their surrender, except when strategy warrants. I will defeat them, yet even in the direst struggle, I will act in a way that brings honor to Torag.

"I do commit myself to this task, and shall observe your obediences all the days of my life until such time as death or senility take me. So say I, Dorn Krolaeg Blackminer, so blessed by your favor four years prior as St. Dorn the Protector."

And with that, Dorn takes out his masterwork silver dagger and tries to cut his hand to seal the oath.

And he tries again. There is an awkward pause.

And still he tries again.

Not missing a beat, he looks up and continues, "And in witness whereof, Brother Jaume of the allied faith of Erastil, shall notarize this pledge by drawing your servant's blood!"

Dorn hands the silver knife to Brother Jaume, and points to the meaty part of his left hand. "Don't hold back."

2018-10-04, 01:11 PM
BJ will solemnly take the dagger from Dorn.
“Erastil, please bear witness to the commitment of this member of our community as he continues a life of devotion and self sacrifice to the ideals of Lawful community and Goodwill. Bless this blade, so that the blood spilled by this devoted servant shall be sanctified and his sacrifice be seen as worthy to his God and his people.”

BJ casts “magic weapon”

BJ will draw the blade across Dorn’s palm.

2018-10-04, 01:22 PM
Brother Jaume is surprised when the first pass fails to cut Dorn's skin. Perhaps he was a little squeamish. But the second pass manages to do 1 mod, and therefore draw blood. And with that, the ceremony is sanctified.Brother Jaume rolled a '1' on the d4 for the first attempt. Even with magic weapon off-setting the 1-point penalty to damage for using a silver weapon, it wasn't enough. The second attempt was a '2' on the d4, and that was just barely enough.

Brother Jaume, it appears that Dorn possesses DR 5/? ... and that DR is not overcome by magic. When you think about it, there have been times you have witnessed Dorn get hit in battle (not often, actually), and he sometimes doesn't get hurt. Against the rat swarm for example, the hundreds of rats didn't seem to mark him at all. This isn't a new development. This is just the first time you've squarely faced this issue .... with, admittedly, a tongue-in-cheek comic effect.

PSinger, well played on making your DR a comic hindrance in a sacred ceremony. Oh, and it wasn't lost on the fellow Jew that you now have a second, dwarf-god-worshipping holy guy with a schechitah for ceremonies.

Blackhawk, for your edification, a schechitah - in Judaism - is a silver blade used for sacrifices in holy rituals back in the times of the Temple, Leviticus, and those Old Testament days.
Anything else before the morning debrief?

2018-10-05, 03:17 PM
Dorn thanks Brother Jaume for being a witness for him, cleans his knife, and then takes 10 minutes to carefully clean and polish his warhammer, all the while muttering prayers to Torag.

After that he's ready to face the morning.

2018-10-05, 05:11 PM
Not to be outdone, Brother Jaume grasps his thick shaft and performs a series of thrusts and parries while working up a good sweat. Nothing better than a good workout to get the juices flowing when you are ill.

2018-10-05, 06:46 PM
At the morning briefing, Jean, Brother Jaume, and Dorn mention what is to be expected in the Administrator's Office, but it is necessary ... including putting the monstrosity that is what remains of Eliege Losandro out of her horrific misery (remember, she's an "inert" oneirogen). Once there, the party can recover all of the creepy, wild things you had gotten before ... Eliege's notes, Zandalus' sketches, and the useful items that were in Losandro's desk. In fact, Dorn still has the ring of keys to open the desk.

The party gets into formation and heads towards the office of the administrator.
Opening the door ...

Yellow fog soundlessly roils against the cathedral-like windows of this opulent, two-story office. The ground floor features overstuffed furnishings, elegant side tables, and an altar-like desk of dark marble. A delicate spiral staircase and balcony of dark iron rises to a lofty library overhead. Both floors’ fixtures frame the lake of blood spread across the room’s center.

The office of Briarstone’s administrator, Eliege Losandro, combines the features of a psychologist’s office and a queen’s lounge. While dedicated to her work, Losandro still made herself and her favorite aides comfortable with Count Lowls’s excessive donations. Rich appointments in soothingly dark shades once left office visitors with an impression of Losandro’s even-temperedness and good taste. Now, the place bears the gruesome evidence of something gone incredibly wrong.

The pool of blood here belongs to Losandro herself. Her office’s appointments have fared better than she has. While the furnishings and books in the administrator’s personal library are impressive, there’s nothing especially remarkable here.

Before the "veterans" of this site point it out, Lord Hanley notices a set of six small but powerful images sketched with coal upon torn parchment and set in fine frames. They depict eerie vistas of an endless, empty city under a sky of whirling mist. In the corner of each, a delicate copperplate records a year from 4708 to 4715 and the name "Ulver Zandalus." Characters who study the images find that they feel familiar, finding them quite similar to the city from the shared nightmare they experienced at the adventure’s beginning.You remember, don't you? That short, shared vision of something stalking everyone in the mist and killing all of you before you awoke in the cellar?
Before you go too far, though, in the mist in the middle of the room (about a 10-foot-radius worth), the weird multi-colored mist unlike the normal yellow, is the oneirogen that was once Administrator Eliege Losandro. She/ it is inoffensive. What do you do?

2018-10-05, 10:32 PM
BJ frowns. I remember that my previous group avoided harming the Oneirogen. Does anyone remember something different?”

2018-10-06, 01:04 PM
"Additional," says Dorn. "I remember something additional. That sparkly cloud is a sleep-maker, so anyone going in there should be careful. Also, just seeing the strangeness of the former administrator was a jarring experience, and we shouldn't make Akbar, Lord Hanley, or Nadya view it, so as to protect them from the sight."

He breathes low. "Also, I have been plagued with doubt. But this is a sin that I can correct this time around. I truly feel that ending Losandro's misery is the best thing we can do for her. Her spirit is trapped in a shell of a body she can do nothing with. As a mortal she is done, but she is trapped. I am willing to be the one to brave the drowsying cloud, say a pray to Torag to protect her spirit, and then to end her torment. I am pretty sure that what has occurred to her is irreversible. What say you?"

2018-10-06, 01:19 PM
”I don’t have enough information to make the decision to end this persons life,” says BJ sadly. “Maybe she can still be saved. I wish there was a way to communicate with her. Do as you must, Dorn.”

2018-10-06, 11:05 PM
"No-one here has a bow, do they?" Jean asks. "I would prefer we do this from afar, lest we lose more people trying to carry you out if you succumb."

2018-10-07, 08:46 AM
"It's not like we can see her in there, anyway," Dorn heads into the fog to find Losandro.

2018-10-07, 01:04 PM
Dorn, you barely manage to shake off the soporific effects of the mist, but find yourself standing over the inert Eliege ... inert, but for the mist pouring from the mouth. What do you do?

2018-10-08, 07:36 AM
"Mighty Forgefather," says Dorn, standing behind the form of the administrator. "This once-mortal vessel has been corrupted and turned into a planar rift, but even then is broken. The soul that was Eliege Losandro's lies trapped in her limp flesh, a prisoner to folly and horrible events. I ask you to bless my strength and aim that I do not cause harm or injury. I ask you to bless the soul of Dr. Losandro, that she be released swiftly after my hammerfall, and that while she must go to whatever plane is proper for her judgment by the Lady of Bones, that she be protected on that journey that she suffer no more than she suffered gaining this condition. I commit my soul to this action, and ask that you look favorably on it as an act of mercy and not condemnation; but I accept if the judgment is severe and that those blessings that you've newly minted me with, or any blessings you have given me ever, be stripped. I do this act and I alone that I may protect my fellows from guilt or sense of wrongdoing, and that I leave my soul in your care however you judge. So be it."

And with that, Dorn performs a coup de grace on the ongeiren that was once Losandro. Once the deed is done, he says a final rite as appropriate, takes the keys out of her pocket that are likely there - and steps out of the cloud to be with the living and relatively whole members of the party.

2018-10-09, 01:50 PM
The marble desk here features several drawers filled with mundane writing supplies and extensive but uninteresting documents. One of these drawers is locked, but the key to the lock is on the ring that was in Administrator Losandro’s pocket, now held by Dorn. Unlocking the drawer, you uncover Losandro’s journal, a concise record of her daily duties and observations. Those who spend 10 minutes perusing the journal find it to be largely mundane—filled with notes from staff meetings and interviews with the families of would-be patients—but in entries written during the last year, the names Haserton Lowls and Count Lowls appear with increasing regularity. You all know that both names refer to Count Haserton Pragmus Lowls IV, ruler of the County of Versex in Ustalav. The final entries prove to be of particular interest; see the Handout below. There is nothing else in the journal referring to Lowls’ associates or The Chain of Nights.
Continuing to investigate Administrator Losandro’s office, you find a number of interesting and modestly valuable curios, the most valuable being a brain-shaped sculpted wooden box, bookends depicting twin screaming and crying figures, and a brass sculpture of an Osirian pyramid. With Akbar aiding Lord Hanley, the latter determines that each of the three items is worth 50 gold pieces (the vets couldn't appraise it last time). Zandalus’s paintings can also be collected and might fetch up to 100 gp for the set. (The vets only valued it at 75 gp last time).

No doubt the group spends at least 15 minutes perusing the crowded bookshelves. Lord Hanley recognizes a number of mundane but remarkable texts: On the Treatment of Ambitions, Disappointments, and Regrets by Doctor Beaurigmand Trice, On Violent Sands by Doctor Henri Meirtmane, and a signed copy of Ailson Kindler’s Galdyce’s Guest: Feast of the Nosferatu. Each book weighs 2 pounds and is worth somewhere around 70 gp. Lord Hanley can't be quite sure, as "tripe" such as Kindler's work (she rights "romantic horror" as Hanley says) is not really his forte.

Lastly, in addition to Losandro's Journal, the locked desk drawer also contains a magnifying glass, two vials of alchemist's kindness, a vial of smelling salts, two vials of smoothe syrup, 4 doses of antitoxin, 2 doses of opium, three scrolls, a candle, a small tin, and three talismans of some sort.
Just to verify, Jean is able to cast read magic and effortlessly determine that, as before, the scrolls are:
1 scroll of fox's cunning
2 scrolls of remove paralysis (Brother Jaume happens to be carrying one from the "last reality," though he hasn't taken the time to decipher that one for himself, yet.)

A candle, as before, that previously detected as unknown magic. However, Brother Jaume recently had learned the fundamentals of arcane schools and their classical markers in spells, and determines that this candle has an aura of moderate necromancy. Aiding Jean, the two realize that the candle that they found before (and was "left behind" with other "group treasure" in the last reality is in fact a candle of spirit protection (http://www.aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Candle%20of%20 Spirit%20Protection).

They already had identified, but verify again, the small tin filled with incense of open thoughts (http://www.aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Incense%20of%2 0Open%20Thoughts).

Two of the three talismans had previously been identified, but are verified:
A greater talisman of beneficial winds (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/r-z/talisman-lesser/) on a thin silver chain (a greater talisman lasts 1/day, instead of being used up after the first time).
A lesser talisman of warrior's courage (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/r-z/talisman-lesser/).
The third talisman was one that Bjorn Vinter in the other reality held, but its properties were not known. Brother Jaume now can see an aura of moderate conjuration. Still, even assisting the brilliant Jean, its exact properties are still not determined.
Wow. A lot of information. A lot of loot.

What now?

2018-10-09, 06:07 PM
”We should return to the chapel and inform Winter of our discoveries. I will carry Dr. Losandro’s body back so that she can be given her proper burial. It seems the least I can do.”
BJ will look for a carpet or drapes to wrap up the body.

2018-10-10, 02:34 PM
Dorn shakes his head, "Your heart is in the right place, but you also remind me what we have overlooked. We already had this discussion. Remember what we were doing yesterday? So, let's get some rubble and build a cairn for her. Then, go back to the office with the dead doctors and build cairns for them as well since we forgot yesterday, even though we started the day right with cairns for those in the south.

"We are not dragging dead bodies back to the chapel or surrounding area."

2018-10-11, 03:50 AM
BJ grunts in agreement.
“Aye. My heart may be in the right place, but with your plan, it’s my back that will be out of place come the morrow.”

With that, BJ hitches up his sleeves and starts gathering stones to bury the former administrator in her office and then the other corpses.

2018-10-11, 02:01 PM
Dorn does the same. Losandro first, then back to the other office where we dunced when we forgot to take care of the other dead doctors.

2018-10-11, 08:37 PM
Jean is more than happy to help, the spread of disease is not to be trifled with.

2018-10-13, 03:04 AM
With all of that done (takes about two hours, including mini-services held by Brother Jaume) .... and with the stuff from Losandro's office. Now what? Is there any interest to divvy what you've found right now?

2018-10-13, 09:09 AM
BJ is interested in the scrolls and talisman of warriors courage but is willing to divvy up the items as the group sees fit. He will take the time to read his scroll of remove paralysis and any other scrolls he acquires.

Cast read magic

2018-10-13, 08:52 PM
Brother Jaume remembers that he has the same problem now as before in that while he can't cast (or use) the spell read magic until such time as he gets the focus component required (that's why Jean has been doing this).

Who else is interested in anything that's there?

2018-10-14, 04:27 PM
Dorn already has a scroll of remove paralysis from before. He can see a use for all of these things, though admittedly a scroll of fox's cunning would be of limited use to him. The opium should go to the staff helping the survivor-patients, as well as any other alchemical whatsit we don't claim for ourselves. Dorn has a vial of antitoxin. A dose of soothe syrup might be alright. He'll see if anyone wants anything. Protection is his racket, so the candle makes sense, but it is also an occult item, and that seems more like Jean's bag?

2018-10-14, 04:39 PM
Jean will happily take the candle.

2018-10-14, 08:15 PM
BJ hands his scroll of remove paralysis to Jean.
“You might as well keep this too, lad. I know the trick of reading it but I don’t have the glass.”

2018-10-15, 12:18 AM
Akbar, are you interested in anything here, or have suggestions for other items?

Swami Monsoon
2018-10-16, 04:34 PM
Do Wishcrafter abilities work with spells cast through scrolls? If so, he might be the best one to hold the Fox Cunning scroll.

2018-10-16, 11:40 PM
Wishcrafter abilities do NOT work through scrolls, any more than using your own CL works that way (or rather, doesn't).

Akbar, is there something else you would like?

Swami Monsoon
2018-10-21, 07:38 PM
Akbar will request one of the protective talismans (warrior's courage or beneficial winds).

2018-10-21, 10:44 PM
Lastly, in addition to Losandro's Journal, the locked desk drawer also contains a magnifying glass, two vials of alchemist's kindness, a vial of smelling salts, two vials of smoothe syrup, 4 doses of antitoxin, 2 doses of opium, three scrolls, a candle, a small tin, and three talismans of some sort.
1 scroll of fox's cunning
2 scrolls of remove paralysis (Brother Jaume happens to be carrying one from the "last reality," though he hasn't taken the time to decipher that one for himself, yet.)

candle of spirit protection (http://www.aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Candle%20of%20 Spirit%20Protection).
incense of open thoughts (http://www.aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Incense%20of%2 0Open%20Thoughts).

Two of the three talismans had previously been identified, but are verified:
A greater talisman of beneficial winds (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/r-z/talisman-lesser/) on a thin silver chain (a greater talisman lasts 1/day, instead of being used up after the first time).
A lesser talisman of warrior's courage (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/r-z/talisman-lesser/).
The third talisman was one that Bjorn Vinter in the other reality held, but its properties were not known. Brother Jaume now can see an aura of moderate conjuration. Still, even assisting the brilliant Jean, its exact properties are still not determined.

BJ is interested in the scrolls and talisman of warriors courage but is willing to divvy up the items as the group sees fit.

The opium should go to the staff helping the survivor-patients, as well as any other alchemical whatsit we don't claim for ourselves. Dorn has a vial of antitoxin. A dose of soothe syrup might be alright.

Jean will happily take the candle.

BJ hands his scroll of remove paralysis to Jean.

Akbar will request one of the protective talismans (...beneficial winds).
Here's what we have given out so far ...
Akbar: Greater talisman of beneficial winds (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/r-z/talisman-lesser/).
Brother Jaume: lesser talisman of warrior's courage (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/r-z/talisman-lesser/).
* Problem ... talismans take the "Neck" slot, and B-J already has amulet of natural armor +1. I doubt he wants to trade out, so you may want to re-think that ...
Dorn: Soothe syrup (1 vial).
Lord Hanley: Scroll of fox's cunning.
Jean: candle of spirit protection (http://www.aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Candle%20of%20 Spirit%20Protection).
Nadya Sabay: incense of open thought.
(http://www.aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Incense%20of%2 0Open%20Thoughts)Chapel Survivors: 2 doses opium.

Lord Hanley accepts that the (2) doses of opium aren't useful to adventurers but as actual medication. However, he and Nadya are interested in other items, and Brother Jaume actually probably doesn't want the lesser talisman of warrior's courage because it interferes with his far more useful amulet of natural armor. And it is uncool to hoard items you can't use "just in case."

Here is What Remains:
(2) scrolls of remove paralysis
magnifying glass
(2) vials of alchemist's kindness
vial of smelling salts
(4) doses of antitoxin
Unknown talisman.
Lesser talisman of warrior's courage.

Brother Jaume, choose something else from the remaining pile.

Everybody, do you wish to choose anything else? Make one choice until we have nothing else, please. If you choose "for the survivors" that is your choice, not assumed party agreement. Lord Hanely states that the group is going up against strange beasts, ghouls, and other fell things, and you need all the help they can get, however inane you think it might be. The two NPCs get last pick of this round as well.

2018-10-22, 09:21 AM
BJ will ask to take the magnifying glass and a scroll of remove paralysis.

can the magnifying glass act as a “clear crystal” focus for read magic?

2018-10-22, 10:19 AM
Dorn will take a scroll of remove paralysis.

2018-10-22, 12:25 PM
Jean will take the antitoxin, keeping two and leavING the other two with Winter (assuming no-one in-party objects).

2018-10-22, 03:47 PM
Akbar, what about you?

Swami Monsoon
2018-10-23, 12:40 PM
Akbar will hold onto the second paralysis scroll.

(Most of what's left seems like community property.)

2018-10-23, 11:09 PM
Here is What Remains:
(2) scrolls of remove paralysis
magnifying glass
(2) vials of alchemist's kindness
vial of smelling salts
(4) doses of antitoxin
Unknown talisman.
Lesser talisman of warrior's courage.

BJ will ask to take the magnifying glass and a scroll of remove paralysis.

Dorn will take a scroll of remove paralysis.

Jean will take the antitoxin, keeping two and leavING the other two with Winter (assuming no-one in-party objects).

Akbar will hold onto the second paralysis scroll.
Okay, Round Two Picks ...
Brother Jaume: Realizing that a magnifying glass is a really expensive version of a seeing glass (and therefore should be no problem being used as a focus for read magic, he takes the magnifying glass and 1 of the TWO remaining scrolls of remove paralysis. He casts read magic, finds it is successful, and deciphers the scroll.
Dorn: Takes the last of the TWO remaining scrolls of remove paralysis.
Jean: Takes (2) vials of antitoxin, and recommending Winter gets the other two.
Lord Hanley: He does object, and takes the other (2) vials of antitoxin.
Nadya: She takes the lesser talisman of warrior's courage.
Akbar: Unless he makes a case for one of the scrolls, he was a little late to vying for it. Besides, he might botch reading it, whereas the the two holy men shouldn't have a problem reading it and likely fear little scroll mishap.

That leaves the unknown talisman (for later study), a vial of smelling salts, and (2) vials of alchemist's kindness. The vial of smelling salts is something useful for the Briarstone staff, so that will be given to them for first aid purposes. The vials of alchemist's kindness is likewise in community property in case someone has a bad night with Brother Jaume constantly casting enhance water to make wine in the evenings.

Now what?

2018-10-24, 04:19 AM
“We should report back to winter before exploring further,” BJ suggests to the group.

2018-10-24, 02:19 PM
Dorn does a private facepalm. When it draws the obvious look, he says to Brother Jaume, "That was for me, not you. Yeah, you're absolutely right. I forgot that this Winter hasn't been told about this yet. This gets confusing."

2018-10-25, 10:06 PM
"Very well." Jean says. "But that should not - that can not be the end of the day. We have only limited amounts of food and the day is not half over; we should continue exploring once we've told Winter of this 'Chain of Nights'."

2018-10-26, 02:46 AM
The party gets back to have a mid-day debrief with Winter to tell her about the final fate of Administrator Losandro, the burying of the bodies, and showing her the strange sketches and the Losandro's notes concerning the Chain of Nights. (Also, to give the opium to the thankful staff.)

"Group amnesia?" Winter muses after reading the notes. "I can only guess that means the lot of you. This tells me that Count Lowls knows, or at least probably knows, what happened to all of you. And I have to think that Losandro and Lowls were knocking on a very particular door. And how, if at all, does all of your research regarding the Briarstone Witch and this site fit in to anything?"

2018-10-30, 08:11 PM
"Zandalus..." Jean murmurs. "Those notes, on the history of Briarstone, they did mention a Mother Zandalus - part of the town council of Thrushmore. And the 'Tatterman'... 'The Tatterman is only a dream...'"

The arab trails off, eyes cast upwards at the windows flanked by strange gods. "Is that where we are then, where the first inhabitants of Thrushmore ran when the outsiders came for them? And was that thing that chased me in my nightmares the dreaded 'Tatterman'?"

2018-11-01, 01:06 PM
Dorn moves forward in his seat to listen to what Jean has to say.

2018-11-01, 10:18 PM
Jean's eyes widen and he shakes his head wildly. "I... I was afraid. A man in rags... speaking backwards. A razor. Wingless vultures and crocodiles built of twisted bodies." A shiver crawls its way up his spine like a spider. "I died. Please do not ask me to remember that."

2018-11-02, 01:43 AM
Akbar, Brother Jaume, do you say anything? Does this sound famiiiar to you?This might jog your memory (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?503379-Strange-Aeons-The-Nightmare-Miasma-Combined-IC).

Swami Monsoon
2018-11-02, 10:13 AM
"I remember a dream... We were lost in a fog, hunted by hidden enemies, being picked off one by one. I'm not sure of the details anymore." Akbar pauses. "I'm not entirely sure that what we're living now isn't a dream. Especially when we have to do so much of it over again..."

2018-11-02, 11:51 AM
”Aye, I had a similar...experience. I am not sure what is going on, but I believe we are getting closer to the answers.”

2018-11-02, 03:02 PM
Dorn shakes his head. "I have had no such dream. Still, it is interesting that three of you had a shared vision."

2018-11-13, 04:03 PM
What do you do now? Rest or continue exploring?

2018-11-13, 05:14 PM
“Let us press on my friends. Time is against us and Chaos looms near.”

2018-11-14, 09:21 PM
"Agreed. The day is still young."

2018-11-14, 10:08 PM
Okay, where to next? Winter continues to ask that you close out the Administration Offices on the north side.

2018-11-15, 08:19 AM
Brother Jaume sniffles as he gathers his things. “Let us return to the administration area. I am curious how the removal of the Oneirgon affected the yellow mist in that area.

2018-11-15, 06:11 PM
Fast forward ...

... once the party returns to Losandro's office, there the outline of her once-broken body lies below the area where the party vacated her corpse.... easily seen as the kaleidoscopic mist that had spewed from her oneirogenic mouth is no more.

2018-11-15, 08:04 PM
“What in the name of Erastil’s bloody balls is going on! I know we buried that woman!” pants the red faced brother.

2018-11-16, 09:29 PM
Sorry, about that. She is buried. I forgot.
You're back in the administrator's office. Now what?

2018-11-16, 10:57 PM
"Well, now we have something resembling a solution to all of this." Jean says, looking around and stepping over to the closet door before drawing his weapon.

2018-11-17, 05:12 PM
After the normal door checks and Jena opens the door, he peers in and has to look to his left since a hallway ends right at this door. This hall is dark and empty except for the smashed remains of lanterns on the ground. Six doors (including this one) branch from here.

What now? Your door is the far western one on the north side.

2018-11-18, 08:54 AM
BJ casts a spell and his staff glows like a torch.(unless already active)
“Let us proceed with caution.”

2018-11-18, 11:33 PM
"Indeed. First door on the left, then, I suppose." Jean says, and takes the lead as they walk. Before they reach the next door he takes a moment, both to listen and to focus inward on the burgeoning realm of strange mathematics and stellar voids that fuels his magic. To the sensitive, it's as if a soap-bubble of raw inertia materialized around him.

And then he'll open the door.

Casting Shield before opening the door.

2018-11-19, 05:33 PM
Hearing nothing, Jean opens the door. Racks cluttered with boxes and sprawling collections of haphazard junk fill this dusty storage room.

Jean, what do you do?

2018-11-23, 10:48 AM
"Hm. Later, when this area is clear, we should ask Winter to send some men to clear this place - there may be supplies we can use. But for now, we should keep moving."

Jean then moves to the next closest door.

2018-11-23, 04:23 PM
Jean turns around to the facing door. He checks it clear, then opens it.

S1: Stepping into place as the door opens in is a woman (AiO #3, not on map) in a dirty, rumpled yellow robe. She has yellow markings and very dirty skin, and she holds a table leg threatening. She swings it with both hands at Jean with a cry, but it bounces off of an invisible force protecting him!

Begin Round 1 ...

R1T22: She recovers quickly and swings again, but still can't overcome Jean's magical protection.

R1T20: Nadya turns into a misty form and moves forward, sharing the space with Lord Hanley.

R1T18: A man (AiO #2), similarly garbed as the woman but wielding a crowbar, races from his hiding place down the line of shelves to now flank Jean. He only just clips Jean in the neck, yet it hits him at just the right spot for 6.

R1T15: Another door down the hall opens, likely a second door into the personal effects room!

R1T11: Jean, you are being flanked right now (AiO3 is to the south, off-map). The man was surprisingly strong, and even though he barely hit you, he knew how to make his surprise hit count. Another enemy is about to come into the hall, no doubt, from the other door. What do you do? What do you have Javert do?

2018-11-25, 08:30 PM
Trying, and failing, to duck the crowbar, Jean slides quickly to the side while flaring his scimitar. "Wait! Monsters or patients, attack me again and I will kill you all."

SwA: Activate Leaping Spirit Stance
Standard: Total Defense

2018-11-25, 11:54 PM
R1T11: Trying, and failing, to duck the crowbar, Jean slides quickly to the side while flaring his scimitar. "Wait! Monsters or patients, attack me again and I will kill you all."

Javert flits into the hallway, and hops from foot to foot anxiously.

R1T10: Lord Hanley brushes past everyone, and rolls past Jean. While not the best display of acrobatics in getting past, Lord Hanley seems particularly skilled at avoiding blows while moving as both flanking, yellow-garbed people miss him as he rolls past.

R1T9: Akbar, you don't really have a bead on either of the people attacking Jean. What do you do?

Swami Monsoon
2018-11-26, 05:22 PM
Akbar keeps his back to a wall and waits for an enemy to come into view...

Ready an action to Ear Piercing Scream an enemy if moves into range/view.

2018-11-28, 12:32 AM
R1T9: Akbar keeps his back to a wall and waits for an enemy to come into view.

R1T7: Dorn rushes forth past Brother Jaume and is far better acrobatically then Lord Hanely was. It seems his sudden juking movement past Jean faked out both of the yellow-clad patients.Basically, the folks in yellow have Combat Reflexes, so they would've gotten a flanking/ sneak-attacking strike .... but the 50-year-old man trained and raised by dwarves is surprisingly good at battle mobility.Drawing his hammer on the move, he passes Lord Hanley and gets to the second door to the north and looks in and strikes that person for a whopping 11 (max)!

Seeing the effect his strike had on the person in the room he calls out, "NO, Jean! Give honest battle to them to protect ourselves, but they are not evil - only insane patients that have been led astray, no doubt by Ulver Zandalus!"

R1T6: Finally, Brother Dorn, it is your turn. What do you do?

AiO #3 on deck (not shown, one square south of Jean in that room), Nadya in the hole ..

2018-11-28, 08:20 AM
BJ grasps the worn brass clasp on his cloak and carefully reaches out to touch Jean while loudly praying.

cast defensively
cast bulls strength on Jean

2018-11-28, 10:53 AM
R1T6: BJ grasps the worn brass clasp on his cloak and carefully reaches out to touch Jean while loudly praying.You would've lost your spell, but Brother Jaume is wise enough to know that he doesn't need to worry about an AOO when he has cover from those that threaten him, so he does NOT cast defensively and his spell is successful.

Stipulation: Though allies hamper missile combat, acting as "cover" ... they do not act as cover when moving through their squares, as was seen this past round.Jean feels his muscles swell and tighten!

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T22: The cultist to the south attacks Jean, but Jean sets up an easy deflection with his own scimitar against what seems to be a table leg.

R2T20: Nadya-mist passes by Jean and Brother Jaume and goes into the room to the south, basically in the same square as the woman with the table-leg.

R2T18: The man to the north tries to attack Jean while he defends against his ally, but Jean's defensive style moves his blade about him with encircling parries.

R2T15: The man down the hall hits Dorn in the head with a crowbar, only doing 3 mod.

R2T11: Jean, you are currently in leaping spirit stance and using total defense. You feel incredibly strong right now. What do you do? What do you have Javert do?

Heck on deck, Akbar w/ readied action, Dorn in the hole ...

2018-11-28, 10:18 PM
Whatever Dorn's moral objections, Jean's neck is still bleeding. His looping movements turn the edge of his scimitar on his attackers, and he delivers a mighty chop at the man holding the crowbar before stepping to the side to try and draw them out into the corridor.

Using Disturbing Blow. 1d20+9 1d6+7

Also 5ft stepping east.

2018-11-29, 02:25 AM
R2T11: Whatever Dorn's moral objections, Jean's neck is still bleeding. His looping movements turn the edge of his scimitar on his attackers, and he delivers a mighty chop at the man holding the crowbar before stepping to the side to try and draw them out into the corridor. The man moved back enough with the bulk of his body, but didn't include his foot and takes 7 to his left foot, while also seeming just ever-so-slightly out of sorts. Given no other guidance, Javert stays out of the way to the west.

R2T10: "Do you hear that?" comes Lord Hanley's slightly sibilant speech as he looks at the man now fighting Dorn. "He doesn't think you're evil. So, give up. Throw down your weapon, withdraw to the corner of the room, and sit down facing that corner until we decide what to do with you.

"Dorn, do be so kind as to allow him to react to that instead of smashing his face in, please."

R2T9: Akbar's readied action is still hanging ...

R2T7: Dorn delays, waiting for a reaction from AiO #1 ...

R2T6: Brother Jaume, what do you do?

AiO #3 on deck, Nadya in the hole ...

2018-11-29, 05:45 AM
BJ readies an action to attack with his quarter staff should the assailants press the attack and move into range.

2018-11-29, 04:20 PM
R2T6: BJ readies an action to attack with his quarterstaff should the assailants press the attack and move into range.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T24-22: Sure enough, the woman in the room to the south steps out and gets attacked by Brother Jaume, getting hit in the upper chest for 12 (max)! At the same time, Akbar's spell also goes off and the woman takes 5 ... and seems almost insensate.

R3T20: The little floating cloud of mist moves out of the southern room and goes into the northern room, passing through the dazed woman's square.

R3T18: AiO #2 swings his crowbar at Brother Jaume but misses wildly, as if distracted by something.

R3T15: AiO #1 drops his crowbar and withdraws into the room.

R3T14: Dorn tears into the room and attacks AiO #2, but the cultist hears the fast man pounding on the floor and spins quickly enough to block his hammer.

R3T11: Jean, what do you do? You are currently flanking AiO #3 with Brother Jaume, but AiO #2 has cover. Do you have Javert do anything?

Lord Hanley on deck, Akbar in the hole ...

2018-12-03, 07:36 AM
R3T11: Jean wills Javert to keep his position. He then taunts the woman (AiO3) in a language she likely doesn't know (Kelish) while attacking her with his scimitar. His strike nails the dazed woman in the upper right arm for 10, and she drops. He then steps over her body to flank AiO #2 w/ Dorn who is inside the personal effects room.

R3T10: Lord Hanley moves into the room and around. Jean sees him stare at something on the shelf, and a small box flies at AiO #2 and hits him in the head for 2.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T24: Akbar, only one enemy is visible right now, and she is down, though you hear the sounds of battle in the northern room. What do you do?

Brother Jaume on deck, Nadya in the hole ...

2018-12-03, 08:09 AM
Bj will kneel and pull the fallen woman into his square before checking her condition.

Heal check to determine her condition

Swami Monsoon
2018-12-04, 11:23 AM
Still blocked from the action, Akbar takes the opportunity to shore up his defenses...

Cast Mage Armor on self

2018-12-04, 10:48 PM
R4T24: Still blocked from the action, Akbar takes the opportunity to shore up his defenses.

R4T23: BJ will kneel and pull the fallen woman into his square before checking her condition. He determines that she is dying.

R4T20: Nadya-cloud delays ...

R4T18-15: AiO #2 spins on Dorn and swings his crowbar, but the spry older man blocks it. AiO #2 then moves into the corner of the wall and bookcase. AiO #1 is not seen.

R4T14: Dorn begins an onslaught, and crits with an uppercut on his first strike for 22 - a brutal strike that slams the man against the shelves and knocks him down. Dorn forgoes his extra attack.

R4T11: Jean, what do you do? No active enemies in sight. Javert is delaying.

Lord Hanley on deck, Akbar in the hole ...

2018-12-05, 10:54 PM
Jean follows the sounds of combat with his scimitar drawn; as soon as the yellow-robed madman Dorn had knocked down comes into view, Jean lashes out at him with his sword.

Mentally, he calls out: Find the one that ran!
[roll0] [roll1]

2018-12-05, 10:56 PM
Lying on the ground, the man proves easy fodder for Jean's blade.

[roll0] [roll1]

2018-12-05, 11:33 PM
R4T11: Jean follows the sounds of combat with his scimitar drawn; as soon as the yellow-robed madman Dorn had knocked down comes into view, Jean lashes out at him around the corner of the door jamb with his sword. He might not be moving, but Jean doesn't even give him a chance as he disembowels the unconscious man.

Mentally, he calls out to Javert, Find the one that ran!

Dorn looks at Jean with anguish, "Why, Jean? He was already down ... why?"

Javert flies down the hall to the far door and looks in.He's against the far north wall, cowering.
R4T10: Lord Hanley goes out of Jean's sight, further into the room.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T24: Akbar, what do you do?

Brother Jaume on deck, dying cultist woman in the hole ...

2018-12-06, 05:37 AM
BJ will attempt to stabilize the woman.

Heal check to stabilize

Swami Monsoon
2018-12-06, 05:56 PM
Akbar cautiously advances into the room, ready if another enemy appears...

Move to square north of Jean. Readied action to Ear Piercing Scream if a target appears.