View Full Version : Shows Babies Watch

2018-07-13, 01:10 PM
So, I wind up watching a lot of TV with my kids, as well as YouTube videos. And, as an adult watching TV shows designed for the 2-5 year old set, I have lots of complaints that would never occur to toddlers. And I need a place to vent about them. If you are in a similar place (parent, grandparent, babysitter), feel free to join me in venting about the stupid, stupid shows you watch with your kids.

It is perfectly acceptable to hate on Calliou.

Me, personally, I'm conceiving a great hatred for Papa Bear, of the Berenstain Bears.

2018-07-13, 01:16 PM
I can't remember what kid show or movie it was, but I was watching something with my 4 year old and realized that the main character was a massively powerful reality warper. Like, if the setting took itself seriously, that was immensely powerful.
I think it was a roughly modern setting tech-wise and no magic, though maybe with talking animals, vehicles, and/or anthropomorphic animals instead of people.

My main gripe overall, though, is that I rather dislike modern animation styles. It probably is mostly just "I like what I grew up with" but some of the cartoons just nag and seem repellent visually. I recall some show about two bears that are brothers and detectives, but I didn't catch the name. (Show seemed somewhat decent, for what it it was.)

Darth Ultron
2018-07-13, 01:30 PM
My advice is to not watch any kids shows. Ever. Don't even get the idea started. Watching TV is not something you should really do with your kids. At least not as an everyday thing, and defiantly not the adult watching the kids shows. Let the kid watch some TV, but don't watch it with them.

If you want to spend time with your kid, I highly recommend doing something, anything, other then just sitting and watching TV.

2018-07-13, 01:33 PM
There's also the really weird YouTube videos designed solely to generate clicks from young children. This video from the channel Folding Ideas has a pretty good description of the phenomena and the (outside appearance of the) business practices of the companies that perpetuate it:


Kitten Champion
2018-07-13, 03:02 PM
I watched soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much Pokemon with my 3 and 5 year old cousins, particularly the Pikachu side adventure things where it's just Pokemon being adorable for hours which they wanted to see over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. This was largely my doing, as at the time I was in a preamble for a Pokemon tabletop game and taking care of children for a string of weekends. So, two birds with one stone.

Prior to that I sat through a lot of... mostly Franklin the Turtle that isn't dreadful but really doesn't hold your attention that well. There was also a lot of Lego animated stuff - which is pretty good really - and general Disney stuff. Like, I've seen Moana at least 12 times at this point, twice of which was of my own volition.

The really, truly, horrendously boring stuff -- like the kind that's usually British and mind-numbingly dry where nothing seems to ever happen and the narrator is there to ensure you fall asleep to the drone of their voice, I won't watch. Because I'm bigger than them.

2018-07-13, 03:23 PM
Me, personally, I'm conceiving a great hatred for Papa Bear, of the Berenstain Bears.

He's basically a G rated version of the idiot dad in Dysfunctional family cartoons.

Rogar Demonblud
2018-07-13, 03:40 PM
That's pretty much what he was in the books, from what I remember.

2018-07-13, 06:13 PM
If I never have to hear my neice snort and grab at my phone (because she can't yet say "Peppa pig"), it'll be too soon. She recognizes it on any T-shirt, sheet of stickers, or cheap toy at the grocery store. You don't notice that Peppa is everywhere until you learn to hate it. When I'm babysitting and trying to work on counting or catching, I'm competing with the fact that she's learned how to work a doorknob and buttons just so she can get into his room and navigate his TV to YouTube for Peppa.

But her father's always so tired, and that's what she wants, so every time I see her it's more and more Peppa. Literally every time I come over and my sister isn't home, he's napping and she's watching Peppa.

2018-07-13, 09:37 PM
It is perfectly acceptable to hate on Calliou.

I wouldn't do that if I were you.


2018-07-13, 10:21 PM
Inevitably when my niece is over Disney Jr. is put on even if she isn't watching. So it is hours of PJ Masks, Mickey Mouse Club House, Puppy Dog Pals, and Vampirina. The last two I take issue with the most. In Puppy Dog Pals the two dogs often travel to different parts of the world while their owner is a work for the day. Like in the last episode that I saw they flew in a commercial jet to go to a beach with the intent to bring back sand for their owner. How did they get plane tickets or get on a plane? In another episode I remember, they went to England and met the Queen, yet they still managed to return to the US without their owner knowing. It isn't even played off as the dog playing make believe since they did manage to bring back sand in the first episode I mentioned.
Vampirina is the worst offender of the two. The titular character and her parents have blue skin and fangs, but the normal humans they interact with never question it. It is supposed to be a secret that they are vampires. They also don't drink blood or have any particular aversion to sunlight. The only time sunlight has come up that I've seen is the father using a sun lamp at night so he can try to sleep and be awake during the day. I just don't understand what the point of the main characters being vampires was if the only vampire traits they have are turning into bats, the fangs, and wanting to sleep during the day. I get that drinking blood would have been too much for a G rated show, but then why have them be a monster whose most defining trait can't be used. The show creators could have made it a show about ghouls, named the little girl Ghoulia (pun on Julia) and had the same basic show.

An Enemy Spy
2018-07-13, 10:36 PM
I have no idea what most of these are but I'm afraid I will since my niece is being born in October.

2018-07-14, 09:09 PM
My headcanon is that the child watching is Daniel Tiger's imaginary friend.

2018-07-14, 09:51 PM
My headcanon is that the child watching is Daniel Tiger's imaginary friend.

What few times I've seen this while babysitting my cousin, that feels less headcanon and more actual canon.

Babysitters, parents, aunts and uncles. Pray for the day they're old enough to watch actual shows.

2018-07-15, 09:30 AM
theMycon : Point out to the parents that the show has been known to teach small children dangerous things. (Like that it's safe to play with spiders cause there friendly. I'm not kidding. That's an actual episode plot.) See if you can get it black listed. She'll throw a fit for some weeks I'm sure, but then she'll forget it existed.

gooddragon1 : No, no he didn't. Stop that nonsense! We saw Saitama with hair! I REJECT YOUR *Sunglasses* HEADCANON! :smallsmile:

leafman : En, it's like the Count in Sesame Street. It's baby's first Vampire. Let them have it. As for the puppy's, ok, shows kinda brainless, but there are worse things. And it does form what I've seen while visiting with friends who now have there own small children have the benefit of an occasional witty remark.

An Enemy Spy : See all the above.

LaZodiac : One of the kids wanted the TV put on while I was hosting D&D with the parents. AS a compromise to keep them occupied but let me finish the session, I put something on on the laptop.

It was a Montage of all the 1st openings for all the 42 (At that time) Super Sentai Series. He was mesmerized.

Kid is now very into Power Rangers, and as soon as he's able to read subtitles, I'm planning to buy him the subbed Shout Factory Releases of Super Sentai. XD!

Honest Tiefling
2018-07-15, 11:21 AM
theMycon : Point out to the parents that the show has been known to teach small children dangerous things. (Like that it's safe to play with spiders cause there friendly. I'm not kidding. That's an actual episode plot.) See if you can get it black listed. She'll throw a fit for some weeks I'm sure, but then she'll forget it existed.

In Peppa Pig's defense, the show is made in England which I believe has no dangerous spiders. Teaching kids not to play with spiders is probably better for the spider in general.

2018-07-15, 12:20 PM
In Peppa Pig's defense, the show is made in England which I believe has no dangerous spiders. Teaching kids not to play with spiders is probably better for the spider in general.

The Show can be seen in Australia and the USA and Canada. All of which have some REALLY, REALLY, REALLY bad news species of spiders that can do serious harm to if not outright inflict death no a child in that target demographic.

This was not an early episode were the writers didn't know they had a massive global audience.

This was not an episode, to the best of my knowledge, that got pulled shortly after first airing to never be seen again because of the dangers involved.

There's no excusing this. Even from a good show it would be insanely hard to excuse and the show does NOT have that kind of a cushion.

Honest Tiefling
2018-07-15, 12:36 PM
This was not an episode, to the best of my knowledge, that got pulled shortly after first airing to never be seen again because of the dangers involved.

Huh. I double checked, and you are right...The darn thing apparently had to get pulled TWICE. Well then! Then again, I wasn't aware it had a large following in the states, which is a concern. I never really thought that a cartoon pig would garner so many complaints, since I have heard that Peppa is kinda a terrible person.

I must also wonder, are the subtilted shows helping your borrowed sprog learn another language? Probably won't pick up much, but it's an idea.

2018-07-15, 01:31 PM
Huh. I double checked, and you are right...The darn thing apparently had to get pulled TWICE. Well then! Then again, I wasn't aware it had a large following in the states, which is a concern. I never really thought that a cartoon pig would garner so many complaints, since I have heard that Peppa is kinda a terrible person.

I must also wonder, are the subtilted shows helping your borrowed sprog learn another language? Probably won't pick up much, but it's an idea.

I don't know if they would or not. I known when I started watching Subbed Anime and reading Manga that sometimes had to leave the name/word in Japanese and give the english meaning, I picked up a few words that, to the best of my knowledge, are actual words. Mind you, I can't hold a conversation in the language or anything.

Maybe he will pick up on it since he's getting started loads younger.

If nothing else, at least there not going to teach him that playing and trying to make friends with random spiders he just comes across is a good idea. I'd really like him not to do that to a Banna Spider. Or a Brown Recluse. Or a Black Widow. Or a Funnel Web Spider. (We have them as an invasive species in my neck of the woods now.).

Also, yes, she is. She's on par with Calliou in her best days. And the spider thing is just too far beyond the pale. (Also, again, it's not just US were she has an uncomfortably big following, it's Canada, which has many of the same spider species, and freaking Australia, home to the 2 most dangerously venomous spider species on the planet!

The whole show should have been canceled for it frankly. Better shows have been axed for less. )

2018-07-15, 03:08 PM
theMycon : Point out to the parents that the show has been known to teach small children dangerous things. (Like that it's safe to play with spiders cause there friendly. I'm not kidding. That's an actual episode plot.) See if you can get it black listed. She'll throw a fit for some weeks I'm sure, but then she'll forget it existed.

I would like to think that Mycon is maybe not the sort of uncle who would try to get his sister to ban her daughter from watching her favourite cartoon because he finds the toddler's excitement for it a bit annoying. :smalltongue:

The whole show should have been canceled for it frankly. Better shows have been axed for less.

"Two episodes had to be pulled from the overseas broadcast" I don't think has ever been a reason for the cancellation of a UK television series, at least as far as I can recall. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure it's exactly a common reason in other countries' television industries either.

2018-07-15, 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Mark Hall
If you are in a similar place (parent, grandparent, babysitter), feel free to join me in venting about the stupid, stupid shows you watch with your kids.

Why not just read them books instead?

2018-07-15, 10:03 PM
Why not just read them books instead?

Short attention spans.

I don't know about other kids, but in the case of my niece the TV is mostly background noise that she occasionally watches while playing. Usually she asks to watch a kid kid show or movie (her words not ours :smallbiggrin:) and then plays on the floor. It's only the adults in the room that aren't part of what ever she is playing that really pay much attention to the show. We do read to her when she wants to read a book and she gets a bedtime story every night.

2018-07-16, 01:50 AM
What, nobody's mentioned MLP yet? Is it too good to hate?

2018-07-16, 02:37 AM
Inevitably when my niece is over Disney Jr. is put on even if she isn't watching. So it is hours of PJ Masks, Mickey Mouse Club House, Puppy Dog Pals, and Vampirina. The last two I take issue with the most. In Puppy Dog Pals the two dogs often travel to different parts of the world while their owner is a work for the day. Like in the last episode that I saw they flew in a commercial jet to go to a beach with the intent to bring back sand for their owner. How did they get plane tickets or get on a plane? In another episode I remember, they went to England and met the Queen, yet they still managed to return to the US without their owner knowing. It isn't even played off as the dog playing make believe since they did manage to bring back sand in the first episode I mentioned.
Vampirina is the worst offender of the two. The titular character and her parents have blue skin and fangs, but the normal humans they interact with never question it. It is supposed to be a secret that they are vampires. They also don't drink blood or have any particular aversion to sunlight. The only time sunlight has come up that I've seen is the father using a sun lamp at night so he can try to sleep and be awake during the day. I just don't understand what the point of the main characters being vampires was if the only vampire traits they have are turning into bats, the fangs, and wanting to sleep during the day. I get that drinking blood would have been too much for a G rated show, but then why have them be a monster whose most defining trait can't be used. The show creators could have made it a show about ghouls, named the little girl Ghoulia (pun on Julia) and had the same basic show.

And this goes double because there are so many other kids shows that do monstrous main characters better (ie. "Hotel Transylvania" "Camp Lakebottom" "Jimmy Twoshoes" "Sesame Street" "School for Little Vampires" "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy" "Invader Zim"... Admittedly some of these are PG not G, but Sesame Street is G and Count Von Count is a much more compelling vampire than what I've seen of Vampirina.

That said, bear in mind that in the original version of Dracula sunlight merely suppressed Dracula's powers; it didn't hurt him

2018-07-16, 03:45 AM
I would like to think that Mycon is maybe not the sort of uncle who would try to get his sister to ban her daughter from watching her favourite cartoon because he finds the toddler's excitement for it a bit annoying. :smalltongue:

"Two episodes had to be pulled from the overseas broadcast" I don't think has ever been a reason for the cancellation of a UK television series, at least as far as I can recall. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure it's exactly a common reason in other countries' television industries either.

I've yet to hear a good thing out of the UK from a parent about that show. Or ANY of the country's it's broadcast in for that matter.

Palanan: I'm kinda with you. They want background noise, there's plenty of good instrumental music, classical, Jazz and even Swing that they can play too at that age range. By the time there old enough to properly start watching something, there are better things to show them. And for the smaller doses where they occasionally watch it, there are better things to show them before there ready for a proper show. Sesame Street comes to mind.

2018-07-16, 04:00 AM
Inevitably when my niece is over Disney Jr. is put on even if she isn't watching. So it is hours of PJ Masks, Mickey Mouse Club House, Puppy Dog Pals, and Vampirina. The last two I take issue with the most. In Puppy Dog Pals the two dogs often travel to different parts of the world while their owner is a work for the day. Like in the last episode that I saw they flew in a commercial jet to go to a beach with the intent to bring back sand for their owner. How did they get plane tickets or get on a plane? In another episode I remember, they went to England and met the Queen, yet they still managed to return to the US without their owner knowing. It isn't even played off as the dog playing make believe since they did manage to bring back sand in the first episode I mentioned.

Sooooo...it's a cartoon?

2018-07-16, 09:19 AM
Sooooo...it's a cartoon?Yeah. You had to ask?

2018-07-16, 12:14 PM
I'm not really asking, that's a rhetorical device, or an attempt at one at any rate. The idea was that he had just described a pretty generic cartoon. Because out of the prdinary things like dogs ordering plane tickets happen in cartoons. In general, not just in this one.

2018-07-16, 12:18 PM
Well, in GOOD cartoons, they at least do a bit of lampshading.

2018-07-16, 12:25 PM
When my kid was 3, she watched the end of the movie Boss Baby. My wife was watching it when we got home.
I wouldn't recommend it for little kids, since the kids in it are brats to each other and other reasons, and it doesn't seem great for getting a kid to play nice with their sibling (even if the ending 'moral' includes that), but by the end of the movie a lot of their bickering was resolved so I let my kid watch the end.

I didn't expect it to send her into a crying fit for about an hour. (She was rather tired.)

When the parents were captured, and the baby was about to get hurt on the rocket ship, she lost it. I think it was out of the idea that something could happen to me and her mom, or something to her baby sister, but--I really didn't expect that.


In general, I like to review shows before she watches them. Not every episode, but at least one. She loves Bill Nye the Science Guy. But I'm glad I reviewed Bill Nye Save the World to find out it's for adults before letting her know it existed.

All in all, I've been pretty lucky. I like most of the shows my kid likes, so I'm not annoyed if they're on while I do other stuff. Those few she likes that I don't, I can generally get her not to watch.

2018-07-16, 12:26 PM
What, nobody's mentioned MLP yet? Is it too good to hate?

My Little Pony jumped the shark in season 3 when they randomly and abruptly gave Twilight wings, not as part of an arc or a thing that was foreshadowed, but as something that randomly came up in the second act of an episode. They also had a bunch of other random poorly written stuff happen throughout the season.

Rogar Demonblud
2018-07-16, 12:37 PM
Given that was a half season, I'm wondering if there was a batch of behind the scenes stuff that cost them several episodes of development.

Personally, the first two seasons are the only ones I'd rewatch willingly. But mine have gotten old enough they don't care any more, so now I'm subjected to things like Bunk'd and Andi Mack.

2018-07-16, 04:29 PM
What, nobody's mentioned MLP yet? Is it too good to hate?

The Boy really likes MLP, and has been requesting a lot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) recently. He's not into Transformers: Prime, so Daddy watches that alone.

An Enemy Spy
2018-07-16, 06:14 PM
Why not just read them books instead?

Reading the same book three times in a row because they shout "Again!" is torturous.

2018-07-16, 06:33 PM
Why not just read them books instead?

For me, "Baby" mean >2 years old.

Actually reading books is not practical until they're old enough to grasp the concept of reading.

Before a certain age, kids have figured out that you're supposed to turn the pages, but not that the words you're saying are related. So they see you read to them, and they grab at the book, giving you the choice of "let them rip it to shreds", "give up on reading the story", or "listen to them scream and cry because you stopped them from turning the page".

Baby books have thick slabs of cardboard for pages, so you only have options 2&3. And lots of bright colors and moving parts on the pages (and a bare minimum of words), so you can drill into their minds that what's ON the pages is interesting, while sorta-reading while using the right voices & cadence. So you can ease them into being read to.

2018-07-16, 10:28 PM
Why not just read them books instead?

Short attention spans.

I don't know about other kids, but in the case of my niece the TV is mostly background noise that she occasionally watches while playing. Usually she asks to watch a kid kid show or movie (her words not ours :smallbiggrin:) and then plays on the floor. It's only the adults in the room that aren't part of what ever she is playing that really pay much attention to the show. We do read to her when she wants to read a book and she gets a bedtime story every night.

Adding to the "background noise" benefit, it's an activity the parent can more easily multitask during while still engaging with the child. Reading them a book or playing minecraft with them (for slightly older kids) while cooking or cleaning or fixing something is tricky at best and can even be dangerous if your attention is divided too long.

2018-07-17, 12:45 AM
My Little Pony jumped the shark in season 3 when they randomly and abruptly gave Twilight wings, not as part of an arc or a thing that was foreshadowed, but as something that randomly came up in the second act of an episode. They also had a bunch of other random poorly written stuff happen throughout the season.Yeah, yeah, also A Canterlot Wedding, the Derpy controversy, Equestria Girls, Starlight Glimmer, and Slice of Life (in which they literally jumped a shark). But is the show too painful to watch with the kids?

2018-07-17, 09:38 AM
Yeah, yeah, also A Canterlot Wedding, the Derpy controversy, Equestria Girls, Starlight Glimmer, and Slice of Life (in which they literally jumped a shark).

especially since Canterlot Wedding could have been good if they dropped the whole "royal wedding" angle and focused more on shapeshifters

2018-07-17, 10:35 AM
You know your ragging on My Little Pony in a world were Teen Titans Go is getting a theatrical movie, has 5 seasons, and that theatrical movie is possibly what will determine if the old Teen Titans series ever get's a proper anything, right?

2018-07-17, 11:41 AM
Teem Titans Go isn't so bad. It's probably doesn't deserve a movie but it isn't so bad. I think that at some point they need to do an episode where they bring in the Joker to berate the fans of the old show for being too serious

2018-07-17, 01:06 PM
My headcanon is that the child watching is Daniel Tiger's imaginary friend.

We banned Daniel Tiger after it started teaching anti-social behaviors to children. Specifically, there was an episode where when the kids got mad they were supposed to stomp 3 times. I'm all for people expressing their anger and angst, but screaming and stomping I don't approve of.

The Boy really likes MLP, and has been requesting a lot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) recently. He's not into Transformers: Prime, so Daddy watches that alone.

My eldest liked Transformers: Rescue Bots. I spend at least half the time she was watching it complaining. It was either "that's not how science works!" or "what kind of horrible town is this that the [stupid thing of the week] isn't immediately destroyed?" It was like the whole town was contractually obligated to be as stupid as possible! I mean, sure, the robots got more screen time saving people, but some of the plots were just atrocious.

After she watched it all, I tried to get her into Transformers: Prime, but it is a bit dark (one of the characters dies gruesomely in the first episode). I like it, but I can't bring myself to finish the series. I peeked at the descriptions for the last season and am worried that it is going to get really dark.

I have to give a shoutout to "Animal Mechanicals" for being truly mind numbing. It's like the characters are trying to be dense.

2018-07-17, 05:39 PM
Which Transformers series was the one where the girl turned out to be a human-cybertronian hybrid cyborg? Because that was my favorite Transformers

2018-07-17, 06:06 PM
Speaking from a mostly technical perspective one thing I've noticed in the last five years is that CG, especially bad or cheap CG, has become far more commonplace. My mentor was a lead on such a project just before this period and I understand the crews involved have to make a lot with very little in the way of resources but every year it seems the actual act of making the show gets a bit harder and more of a scrape as everything from the writing to the animation to the modeling gets a bit more bare bones.

This is just my opinion as a childless nobody that occasionally works on the OTHER side of the TV but I did see a few comments to the above effect and just wanted to give my two cents. Can any parents or sitters weigh in on how noticible this is to them or their kids or how it affects what they actually want to watch in terms of tv and movies?

2018-07-17, 06:10 PM
Speaking from a mostly technical perspective one thing I've noticed in the last five years is that CG, especially bad or cheap CG, has become far more commonplace. My mentor was a lead on such a project just before this period and I understand the crews involved have to make a lot with very little in the way of resources but every year it seems the actual act of making the show gets a bit harder and more of a scrape as everything from the writing to the animation to the modeling gets a bit more bare bones.

This is just my opinion as a childless nobody that occasionally works on the OTHER side of the TV but I did see a few comments to the above effect and just wanted to give my two cents. Can any parents or sitters weigh in on how noticible this is to them or their kids or how it affects what they actually want to watch in terms of tv and movies?

I haven't watched something with bad CG in years. I think it has actually gotten to the point where the bad CG floor is about where the good CG ceiling was 20 years ago, but I'm sure somebody will pull out an example of really, eye-bleed inducingly bad CG that was made in the last year.

2018-07-17, 06:24 PM
I haven't watched something with bad CG in years. I think it has actually gotten to the point where the bad CG floor is about where the good CG ceiling was 20 years ago, but I'm sure somebody will pull out an example of really, eye-bleed inducingly bad CG that was made in the last year.

You probably aren't wrong. Bad CG now, still looks better than good CG even a decade ago, and I know for a fact the system's have gotten easier to use by leaps and bounds. Such shows only really exist because bad visuals just means ok visuals in a modern context and good visuals mostly mean incremental improvements the audience rarely notices, if ever. It's not like kids or parents really care about the fidelity of simulated cloth or hair and techniques to fake both have long since been proven.

2018-07-17, 09:40 PM
Teem Titans Go isn't so bad. It's probably doesn't deserve a movie but it isn't so bad. I think that at some point they need to do an episode where they bring in the Joker to berate the fans of the old show for being too serious

Because all of the other episodes that made fun of fans of the original were such good ideas.

Note my sarcasm.

2018-07-17, 11:36 PM
My Little Pony jumped the shark in season 3 when they randomly and abruptly gave Twilight wings, not as part of an arc or a thing that was foreshadowed, but as something that randomly came up in the second act of an episode. They also had a bunch of other random poorly written stuff happen throughout the season.
And the recent seasons' first two episodes adapted Accepted (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accepted) but with less-capable faculty that we should sympathise (because evil racist school board) despite all, except Twilight, are not trained teachers and not sure if the writers remember that they also have full time job.
Also somehow they decided to have three underage children as school professors.

Rogar Demonblud
2018-07-18, 12:01 AM
Which Transformers series was the one where the girl turned out to be a human-cybertronian hybrid cyborg? Because that was my favorite Transformers

Transformers Animated, which was nearly killed by the Bayverse.

2018-07-18, 12:13 AM
Because all of the other episodes that made fun of fans of the original were such good ideas.

Note my sarcasm.Agree with your point, but I actually enjoyed The Cape.
And the recent seasons' first two episodes adapted Accepted (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accepted) but with less-capable faculty that we should sympathise (because evil racist school board) despite all, except Twilight, are not trained teachers and not sure if the writers remember that they also have full time job.
Also somehow they decided to have three underage children as school professors.Oh yeah, I missed that. Didn't hear a lot of complaints about it, however.

Underage? They're already running a kindofa business.

2018-07-18, 01:14 AM
What, nobody's mentioned MLP yet? Is it too good to hate?

I suspect that the sorts of people who watch My Little Pony with their children have significant overlap with the people who comment in the pony-thread. I, personally, can't stand watching My Little Pony, so my daughter has never seen more than 1 episode.

Speaking of children's shows I can't stand, what are people's thoughts on True?

2018-07-18, 04:42 AM
Because all of the other episodes that made fun of fans of the original were such good ideas.

Note my sarcasm.

My point precisely. They were right up there with that one M. Night Shamalan Movie were he kills the rather blatant stand in for people who were critical of his more recent at that time movies post Signs.

2018-07-18, 06:46 AM
I suspect that the sorts of people who watch My Little Pony with their children have significant overlap with the people who comment in the pony-thread. I, personally, can't stand watching My Little Pony, so my daughter has never seen more than 1 episode.

Speaking of children's shows I can't stand, what are people's thoughts on True?

I couldn't even get through five minutes of True because the songs hurt me.

Meanwhile, I watch plenty of My Little Pony with my small children. Other solid shows for the 2-4 crowd are Sarah & Duck, Puffin Rock (I don't know why this isn't a phenomenon yet; it's SO GOOD), Treehouse Detectives, and Beat Bugs on Netflix. There are also seven "best of" "seasons" of Mister Rogers on Amazon Prime (meanwhile, Daniel Tiger is banned from my house). I think the only regularly played show my kids like that I don't is Clifford, which I try to play sparingly because his friends can be terrible influences, and the it has about five plots that get recycled over and over. I also have two DVD sets of Darkwing Duck that get played sometimes.

Why, no, we don't have regular broadcast TV at my house, why do you ask?

(Also, yes, I read books to my kids daily. It's not an either-or situation.)

2018-07-18, 12:33 PM
I haven't watched something with bad CG in years. I think it has actually gotten to the point where the bad CG floor is about where the good CG ceiling was 20 years ago, but I'm sure somebody will pull out an example of really, eye-bleed inducingly bad CG that was made in the last year.

I've seen really bad CG as recently as two years ago, but it wasn't on a kids' show, it was on the Ratchet & Clank movie, which somehow managed to look worse than the game (like the first game, way back on the Playstation2)

2018-07-18, 01:13 PM
My daughter's 8 now, so she's kind of outside that range, but watching shows with her wasn't too long ago for me. She grew out of Caillou pretty quickly. Two that always annoyed me: Fireman Sam, and Max and Ruby. Fireman Sam: my headcanon is that shortly after the show ended, the insurance agency dispatched the two girls from Trigun to see just what in the heck was going on with that redheaded kid. Max and Ruby: the eternal question of where in the world their parents are.

The worst of all: LaLaLoopsy. Dear gods, it was impossible to make it through a single episode. I just went catatonic after about four minutes. The idea was to get the kid to want to take a nap, not to put me to sleep.

MLP was wondeful for both of us to watch. So was Phineas and Ferb. (Side note: daughter is going to be the first girl ever in her grade school's robotics club next year). WordGirl made a valiant attempt, but never captured her attention.

2018-07-18, 09:25 PM
For clarification, while I'm dealing with a pair of toddlers, this is mostly about anything you watch where you're way over the target age.

So, my son is recently into the Wild Kratts, which is... ugh.

So, the Kratt Brothers, who are real people, have fictionalized, younger, versions of themselves, who travel around to save animals from a whiny inventor and a hefty chef (who goes by the name Gourmand), and one other, whose thing I think is fashion, but I've never seen an episode starring her. They travel in a high-tech turtle-shaped ship with their inventor friend, Aviva, who can program special suits they wear to gain the powers of any animal... but you have to touch the animal to get the powers of it.

It's just badly written. They have about one and a half plots, and they repeat them endlessly.

It's another that they're not allowed to watch when my wife is home, she hates it so.

2018-07-20, 06:58 AM
Teem Titans Go isn't so bad. It's probably doesn't deserve a movie but it isn't so bad. I think that at some point they need to do an episode where they bring in the Joker to berate the fans of the old show for being too serious

I think I already saw them do an episode along those lines (There was a clown making fun of the older, disappointed fans at least).

On the other hand, the new live action show's trailer makes Go look good.

In regards to the actual thread topic, there's not much to be done except wait for them to grow a bit...

2018-07-20, 11:20 AM
I think I already saw them do an episode along those lines (There was a clown making fun of the older, disappointed fans at least).

On the other hand, the new live action show's trailer makes Go look good.

In regards to the actual thread topic, there's not much to be done except wait for them to grow a bit...

On the contrary: I can bitch about it. ;-)

2018-07-20, 11:23 AM
On the contrary: I can bitch about it. ;-)

Or you can make them watch the things you enjoy and tell them deal.

I think I got through 4 seasons of Gummy Bears before I couldn't find any more episodes.

2018-07-20, 11:24 PM
I think I already saw them do an episode along those lines (There was a clown making fun of the older, disappointed fans at least).

On the other hand, the new live action show's trailer makes Go look good.

Yes, they did, and the episode was a terrible attempt to claim any and all critiques of Go were intrinsically invalid on the grounds of who was pointing out objectively true things about Go.

Also, while the live action trailer does make it look like they got EVERYTHING wrong about it by going too far in the opposite direction, doesn't make Go look good.

The Spanish Inquisition were horrible, but it doesn't mean Joseph Stalin looked good by comparison, just cause one group were religious extremists and the other was a secularist extremist dictator.

2018-07-21, 02:09 AM
One thing disappointing about Teen Titans Go is that they never did the obvious, for a silly lighthearted DC Comics TV series, move of having an episode where Adam West makes a cameo reprisong the role of Batman. And IIRC I think he died sometime over the past year or two so now they no longer have a chance to do that

2018-07-21, 03:38 AM
One thing disappointing about Teen Titans Go is that they never did the obvious, for a silly lighthearted DC Comics TV series, move of having an episode where Adam West makes a cameo reprisong the role of Batman. And IIRC I think he died sometime over the past year or two so now they no longer have a chance to do that

I could have forgiven them a LOT of there BS if they'd done that. But they didn't, and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that that was willful on there part. Given how invested they are in telling anyone who has anything other than mindless praise to heap on there show to suck there unmentionables and thank them for the privilege.

2018-07-21, 11:57 AM
One thing disappointing about Teen Titans Go is that they never did the obvious, for a silly lighthearted DC Comics TV series, move of having an episode where Adam West makes a cameo reprisong the role of Batman. And IIRC I think he died sometime over the past year or two so now they no longer have a chance to do that

Did you see Return of the Caped Crusaders? (https://amzn.to/2mxaqcb)