View Full Version : Does bite of a werebear scale up?

2018-07-14, 03:00 PM
The description for the spell says it deals D8 claw damage, D6 if you're small.

What happens if you're already large or bigger when you cast it? Does it scale up as well?

2018-07-14, 03:48 PM
RAI it should

2018-07-14, 03:58 PM
If you're a hydra when you cast it, will you grow a 13th head, or will it modify one of your existing primary bites?

2018-07-14, 04:13 PM
A claw is a natural weapon, which innately scales with size, just like any other natural weapon. Stuff like this should be in the RAW thread though.

If you're a hydra when you cast it, will you grow a 13th head, or will it modify one of your existing primary bites?

Wherein the text does it equate a bite to a claw? If you're a hydra when you cast it, it is added to your repertoire of natural attacks (but you would take a penalty if you attacked with your claw in addition to your heads).

2018-07-14, 04:25 PM
If you're a hydra when you cast it, will you grow a 13th head, or will it modify one of your existing primary bites?

All of your heads merge into a single large bear head.

2018-07-14, 04:56 PM
That's an interesting interpretation.

And if you cast the effects in reverse order?

2018-07-14, 05:05 PM
And if you cast the effects in reverse order?

You are moving backwards in time, which makes you vulnerable to attack from Hounds of Tindalos. If you're playing on a grid, every square has four corners, and you suffer an AoO from every corner.

2018-07-14, 05:18 PM

2018-07-16, 08:51 AM
The description for the spell says it deals D8 claw damage, D6 if you're small.

What happens if you're already large or bigger when you cast it? Does it scale up as well?

RAW, the spell doesn't scale. You get 1d8 damage for every size except small... Unless you don't have hands, then you don't get claw attacks at all.

Also, if you have hands with claws already, up to two of them are replaced with the new claws and the new damage, even if the old damage was better.

If you have more than two hands, they all get claws, but you only gain attacks with two of them.

On the upside though, the two claw attacks will always deal full strength bonus damage, no matter the situation, such as using them as secondary attacks.

Basically, the spell could have referenced the normal rules for natural attacks, but instead they rewrote them just for the purposes of the spell.

If you're a hydra when you cast it, will you grow a 13th head, or will it modify one of your existing primary bites?

RAW, one of the heads will now resemble that of a bear. Separately, your bite attack now has 2d8 damage, and since you have more than one bite attack already, they all become 2d8.

Unfortunately, the spell resets the damage gained from their strength bonus to 1/2 instead of the full bonus you would normally get for a primary attack. On top of that, since hydra's don't have hands, they don't get claw attacks either. So, the hydra would look cool, and be able to be affected by spells that target animals, but otherwise it would not be super effective.