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2018-07-15, 07:59 AM
In the middle of nowhere, among the harsh weather of the Gray mark, stand out a small town. In the gray mark, there is almost no lives for miles around and villages are spread out far away. You traveled these lands to explore the ruins and remnants of ancient civilization and history. Your group in all their preparation didn't expect that.

Cherry trees surrounding a small town, all in bloom, verdant gardens, with flowers, fruits and vegetables of all kind, all flourishing in this impossible weather conditions, a surreal spectacle. There is a wooden sign with Welcome to Cerezomuerto, near the entrance and road leading into town.

The people walking around, appears to be like the typical persons you see in Argos, burly people but of average height with slightly darker skin tone, more like a tan. Most are obviously farmers, and working their gardens. Many of them turn their heads, to check your party out while keeping their distance. Not surprising, many of the people living in the Gray Mark don't get many visitors, so strangers do stick out.

"Felipe, get back inside! Now!"
You can clearly hear one woman shouting to her son.

2018-07-15, 09:32 AM
Cassandra trudges along in the wastes, her embroidered brown cloak wrapped tightly around her body and head. Even the highest quality boots can't protect the unaccustomed traveler from blisters, but after days of walking they wear less than they did at first. She spots the trees in the distance as they approach the town. She'd heard of oases in Kushistan and Estigia, but of none as far South as Argos. One word echos through her mind and puts a renewed spring in her step as they advance: Bath!

"Pleasant day to you, goodwife!" she says happily to the first person they meet in the town, as she exhorts her offspring to hide himself. "Would you know where several weary travelers might find lodging?"

Lord Raziere
2018-07-15, 12:36 PM
Nihilon Terminus has many curses. But currently the one most relevant is the sun. Ever since he was a child, it has always burned him instantly and disoriented him, while everyone else, even fair skinned people could walk in it without harm. Combined with his childhood sickliness, he could never enjoy the beach. He didn't hate the sun for this- it clearly makes many people happy with all the other things it did, he just wishes that it would let up on him y'know? So here he was, dressed entirely in white robe-like desert clothing head to toe, to cover himself from its rays, including his face. Even his eyes were covered by sunglasses. It was not his usual appearance. Normally he wears his black longcoat that tends to billows dramatically in the wind. He wasn't broody or broken up or anything, he just....liked it. It made him feel cool. He guessed this all white outfit he had to cover up from the sun made him feel mysterious though. And that was almost as cool. Next best thing, he'll take it. His katana was of course, sheathed at his hip.
He says with his nervous thin voice, raising a gloved hand.
"Don't mind me. I'm just the bodyguard, y'know how dangerous it is traveling these uh....days..."
He looks around the village.
"Nice plants by the way."
Quite odd indeed. Was this what the Requiem sent him to investigate?

2018-07-15, 05:10 PM
Anya raise a hand in greeting and smiled disarmingly towards the locals watching. No stranger to the desert climate she was wearing loose light colored robes with wrappings that covered most of her head keeping her skin well protected from the scorching sun. "I hadn't expected such verdant vegetation around here. An underground spring perhaps." She mussed quietly as she bent down to take a closer look at a flower. An abundance of greenery was a rare treat in the deserts of Kushistan and The Gray Mark.

When they had first reached the outskirt of the village she had let Michael fly off on his own. She trusted that he could look after himself well enough for a while and call for help should anything happen. Villagers were generally suspicious enough of strangers and Michael did not tend to improve their disposition.

2018-07-15, 10:56 PM
Peracles brought up the rear... Largely because, he and Cauttri carried the supplies. Cauttri was his steed... Or rather, the steed that pulled his cart. He sat upon its front, reigns in one hand while the other rested casually at his side. The man was heavily robed as well, his face partially obscured by thin pale cloth. Sharp eyes scanned the town from beneath, but they were not so wary. A casual glance over the local fauna confirmed the rumors. This was definitely a unique condition to the area. Even the Oasis in Kushistan wasn't quite so vibrant. Though he was wont to touch them, the care of the civilians made him second-guess himself.

2018-07-16, 06:43 AM
The woman stares at Cassandra then the others right behind for a moment then point down the streets. "Ignacio runs a small inn for the occasional visitor, if you go down the street, left from the chapel, you won't be able to miss it."

Anya looking down at the flowers and plants is astonished of the appearance and quality of the flowers and plants, something that she could barely even see or remember from Kanon magnificent timber forests.

Some curious children are staring from their windows. Checking down the streets, there are more people mostly concentrated toward the center, some appearing to be more busy than others, while children play various games.

A pale thin woman, notices your group, with dark hair. A middle aged woman with small wrinkles around her eyes, forming dark circles. Wearing a long robe, she approaches your party.

"Welcome to Cerezomuerto, we don't receive many visitors around here..." as she speaks slowly while breathing deeply. "...did you come for the Harvest? We are still making preparation for tomorrow night."

It isn't Cherry tree season to say the least or even most of these flowers. Cassandra recognizes the signs of a possible ritual around, it looks like someone was using magic to help plants grow in this environment. Which specific ritual, it would be too hard to tell, there are so many rituals related to fertility, growth, and harvest.

It is obviously not the season for Cherry Trees and most of the flowers that can be seen around town. While not the greatest expert, there doesn't seem to be any logical reason for them to be active during this season.

2018-07-16, 07:27 AM
Cassandra thanks the first woman, and leads the group down the road towards the inn, catching the eye and smiling at small children in windows, making them duck back out of sight again.

She smiles at the woman who approaches them, the first in the village to appear friendly. "I'm afraid we didn't know about your Harvest Festival, but I am so glad we arrived just in time for it! My name is Cassandra DuLancey", she leaves a small pause for the other woman to introduce herself, but it slips her mind to introduce her companions. "If you are not too busy with your preparations, may I buy you a meal at the inn? I would so love to hear about your town and its festival."

She slows drags the woman's gaze around as she maintains eye contact and circles to her side, and before the other woman knows it the five of them are walking slowly towards the inn.

2018-07-16, 07:11 PM
"Cassandra DuLancey, I'm Bernadine nice to meet you. I can spare some time before the harvest festival." as the woman accompanies the group toward the inn.

On their way to the inn, they could see some of the villagers setting up the harvest, place wooden tables, pumpkins and barrel with apples and plates with various fruits and vegetables. Some children could be seen playing with wooden swords and sticks, apparently playing warfare and various battles. A reality often too common for many children living in principalities with always war on the horizon. Some of them, throwing rocks at each other, while a few did appear to be wounded than their rough play, the parents didn't appear to mind.

Passing by, the group would notice that while there are preparation for the festival, the chapel is closed down. The Inn in front of them, is a simple building with a stable that hasn't been taken care of in a long time. Inside, the dusty building, a middle-aged lanky man is cleaning the tables. He looks up at the group coming in.

"Welcome to my humble establishment, travelers and hello ms. Bernadine. I'm Ignacio. I almost thought we weren't getting any visitors this year. I'm sure that you are hungry. I can offer, a cabbage stew with some bread. We do have some Ale as well to quench your thirst wary travelers. How can I help you?"

Bernadine simply nods to acknowledge Ignacio as the group comes in.

2018-07-16, 08:07 PM
Peracles was ever in the background. His vantage let him see quiet a bit, and beneath his guise he’d watch the children at play. They were violent, but only as much as those back home. It did not alarm him.

It it would take Peracles a little longer to duck into the cool interior of the inn. He had a horse to saddle, and ensured that the locks upon his wagon were all clasped tight. Humorously, stealing the locks would probably be the most profitable for any potential pilferers.

“That will be enough for me, thank you,” The man spoke softly, unwinding the cloth from his head to reveal a dark yet fiery complexion and starkly contrasting white hair, “Do you have rooms available, then?”

2018-07-16, 08:35 PM
"I do have some rooms available, nothing too fancy I'm afraid, you will have a bed and a closet to put your clothes in. It would be 4 copper crowns for each room." Ignacio's establishment is made with just the bare necessities in mind, but not surprising in the Gray Mark, visitors are few and this inn probably only businesses during festivities.

Lord Raziere
2018-07-16, 09:54 PM
"Thank you Ignacio, I am.... Nihilon Terminus. I'm uh... this caravan's bodyguard."
It wasn't his real name, but he wasn't supposed to speak that. That and this one sounds cool to say, makes him seem more mysterious and ominous than he really is. Just say the name out loud in the deepest voice you can muster, that is how he says it. Mostly he was glad to be in the shade, the wine, stew and bread was a bonus. He was however, literally in debt. Hopefully he either got paid enough for bodyguarding to cover his own room or one of the people he was protecting would cover him.
"Huh, those children....I remember when I was a child. Was too sickly to play those games. Matters not now....by the way have you heard of uuuh.... any myths or legends of treasure? Something worth a lot of gold? Just curious."
He asks Ignacio. It was a forlorn hope to be sure, but Nihilon always kept a look out for rare treasures he could get to pay off his debt. Might as well ask in addition to his investigation here, and if the anyone suspects him of investigating, the treasure-seeking question would throw them off from what he really is here for. and who knows? He might hear some interesting stories along the way.

2018-07-17, 05:17 AM
Cassandra casually hands the innkeeper 40 copper (in silver). "We'll take five rooms. Please bring us some hot food, and please have a bath ready for me after the meal." She leaves the unpacking and brushing down of the horses to Beth, and sits down at the table across from Bernadine.

"What sorts of things go on at your Harvest Festival? I noticed your church is closed today; do you celebrate a rebirth ceremony along with the harvest? And such an interesting time of year for a harvest! The weather must be quite different than I'm used to, this far south." She continues to draw information out of the other woman about her town and its goings-on.

Persuade: [roll0]

2018-07-17, 07:36 AM
Ignacio is amused by the question about treasure, even letting a bit of a chuckle.

"I'm afraid that I haven't heard much about treasures but there are many legends and stories in the Gray Mark. Many heroes rose up when our land was under attack in ages past, after we lost the greatest king, Julian of Zed. Many received the titles of Saint, it should be possible to find them, somewhere in the Gray Mark. But the desert is dangerous place to be."

When Ignacio receives the 4 SC, nods and excuses himself from Nihilon to make some preparation.

"The Harvest Festival is a blessed time of the year. Like many villagers around, we lost crops and livestock every years...until the blessed day that Agatha came into our lives. Such a precious child, she shown us how to take care of crops and make them grow even in such a harsh weather. She will be quite happy to meet you tomorrow. We had a priest a few years ago...but he hasn't returned since his last trip into the Gray Mark. We didn't have another priest in our ranks...so the Chapel is closed until we get a new one."

Bernadine is visibly happy and even smiling when she talks about Agatha, standing out easily from her usual somber demeanor and slow pattern of speech, even stopping to breath deeply just for that moment.

2018-07-17, 08:59 AM
"Sounds like mister Terminus is complaining about his pay." Anya stage-whispered. "To me your town itself appears as quite the treasure. Especially after weeks surrounded by nothing but desert." Anya said with a smile before Ignacio left. "My name is Anya, some cabbage stew and ale sounds lovely."

"I hadn't expected to see such flourishing farm land on this side of the mountains." Anya said as she was seating herself beside Cassandra. "It is quite remarkable what you have achieved, the difference compared with other villages we have past is staggering. Agatha must be quite wise in the ways of agriculture. How fortuitous that we would arrive in time to experience the harvest festival, celebrations are so rare."

2018-07-17, 07:44 PM
After eating and hearing about Agatha, Cassandra excuses herself saying that Bernadine must have festival preparation duties to attend to and they had best not keep her, and then goes for her bath.

No, definitely not natural, she thinks in the bath. I had better learn more about this Agatha and caution her. The Church will not take kindly to what is going on here, despite it being for the good of the commoners.

Afterwards, in fresh clothes she goes downstairs for a mug of ale and a walk in the cooling evening air. She wants to get a closer look at these out-of-season trees. She invites her companions along, except Beth who she leaves to keep an eye on their belongings.

2018-07-17, 09:08 PM
"He had best not, he's well on his way to buying a home in this town," Peracles hummed in the background, awaiting the completed preparations. The smith wandered back to the table where the girls sat. He was paying attention to their conversation, but they seemed to be doing an excellent job of gathering information on their own. Agatha was the public face for whatever event caused these cherry trees to grow, check. Miss Bernadine seemed exceptionally enthusiastic when speaking of her.

By the time that Cassandra was ready to go, he’d been to the room assigned and made it his own. Cauttri was fed. He is more than happy to leave the little inn and do something productive with his evening.

Lord Raziere
2018-07-18, 12:17 AM
Nihilon just dips his head in sadness.
Is all he says. Now he just screwed this up with the others. He sighs. Oh Well. Its not as if him screwing things up was new in his life. Or the universe deciding to give him a hard time. First the sickliness, then the sun, then the debt.....he just seemed to be cursed in one way or another, with no specific cause or reason behind it. Time to continue this, nevertheless.
"Agatha sounds nice. I hope I meet her soon. Your right I was silly, thinking about the wrong thing...."
Thoughts about her being the witch here was running through his head as well, definitely something the Requiem would be interested in. He ate the stew and bread, then went on his way with Cassandra.

2018-07-18, 01:44 AM
"Oh don't take everything so seriously, mister Terminus." Anya said stifling a chuckle. "Why don't you come take a seat with us?" Slowly she reached into her robes and guided more by vision than touch pulled out a deck of large elaborate cards. "Wealth and treasure huh, Grey Mark certainly is the place for it, many things are lost between the dunes of time."

She began shuffling the cards but soon lost control of them and they all flopped down to the table. Without giving any sign that something unintended had occurred she finished shuffling the cards by shifting them around the table and laid all twenty-two of them in a row with the face down. "Perhaps treasure awaits you in the future mister Terminus. Do you want me to read your fortune? Pick any three cards and turn them over."

2018-07-18, 05:10 AM
"Agatha has shown us the way, how to make sure our village prosper and grow." As Bernadine replies to Anya before, being let go by Cassandra.

The woman simply goes back to her business while the group is getting ready for their excursion around the village. After the meal, it is getting to around the middle of the afternoon in Cerezomuerto with wind picking up a bit.

The cherry trees, are in great shape. The villagers all appear to be busy with the festival, putting up decorations. Their curiosity hasn't faded yet, with many glancing at your group.

The chapel is the only other building of interest in this small town, the general store only sell the bare necessities while the chapel is barred down wooden building at the moment with a graveyard to the side of it.

Walking a little bit further north of town, there is an extravagant garden, standing out from all the abundant harvest around town. A middle-aged man is tending to the garden, next to a little girl with hair as black as night, wearing a dark dress, apparently not bothered by the heat, and cutting one of the many white roses, from this bed of flowers.

Unlike many of the other villagers, those two don't turn around to check on your group exploring the town. In particular, as you pass by those two, your dark impulses and feelings seem to be intensifying. Dark thoughts creeping in your mind, seeing the world a shade darker, insecurities, or any violent impulses coming to the front of your thoughts.

Cassandra unlike the others can see, a creeping, dark aura, spreading from the little girl. The aura is disturbingly palpable emanating from her. Cassandra only heard tales of people with strong manifesting aura...but they were just tales until now. She feels a pressure on her chest, as if the aura could engulf her. (See the Supernatural benefit)

2018-07-18, 03:03 PM
Walking through the town she couldn't help but wonder what Michael was doing. He hadn't seen fit to share his senses with her for a while now. Usually that meant he was doing aright and hadn’t ran into anything particular interesting or dangerous. He was so young… the familiar feeling of guilt grew heavy in her stomach. It was probably the beautiful surroundings reminding her that he wasn’t here, that he was practically exiled. He shouldn't have to be alone so much when he was so young.

If only she had been better at merchant craft it wouldn't have come to this. She needed clothes, foods and supplies she couldn't provide for herself. She bet this trip was going to take forever. She glared at Perry when he couldn't see. A voice in the back of her mind told her that it wasn't his fault yet she felt resentful, like he and his stupid contract was keeping her from Michael. She had enough money now didn't she?

She pushed her foot forward but found it stuck in something. A panicked look down revealed the cause. Her foot had gotten tangled up in her other foot. Too late to pull it back now. "Ah?!" She stumbled once, twice, and fell forward face first into the ground.

"Damn it!" She let out a curse in a strange language while hammering her fist once into the ground. Grumbling she tried untangling herself and stand back up. Why was she so bothered? Usually she'd just laugh off her missteps but now it built upon the guilt and resentment she felt, mostly for herself.

Lord Raziere
2018-07-18, 03:38 PM
"Oh don't take everything so seriously, mister Terminus." Anya said stifling a chuckle. "Why don't you come take a seat with us?" Slowly she reached into her robes and guided more by vision than touch pulled out a deck of large elaborate cards. "Wealth and treasure huh, Grey Mark certainly is the place for it, many things are lost between the dunes of time."

She began shuffling the cards but soon lost control of them and they all flopped down to the table. Without giving any sign that something unintended had occurred she finished shuffling the cards by shifting them around the table and laid all twenty-two of them in a row with the face down. "Perhaps treasure awaits you in the future mister Terminus. Do you want me to read your fortune? Pick any three cards and turn them over."

Nihilon, looking uncertain, turns over....

The World Reversed
The Star Reversed
The Chariot Reversed

He doesn't seem surprised at this result.
"Aw man, not again. I never get anything non-reversed..."
He turns to go do business.
"I appreciate the effort anyways though Anya. Its not your fault these things always give me bad results..."

Nihilon when he enters the dark aura feels....huh where did those thoughts come from? The world was already dark to him though, so its not as if this made much difference, and he was taught to be polite and kind. He looks at the girl and asks
"Excuse me, are you Agatha? Can I please have a word with you?"

2018-07-18, 08:09 PM
The little girl turned around, with her dark dress,standing up after hearing Nihilon calling her name. Raven-haired, gray eyes and a simple smile, taking her time to look at Nihilon then the others present. The middle-aged man stops tending to the garden as well, standing up, only 4 foot and half tall.

"Hello mister, Yes I'm Agatha. What's your name? Are these your friends?"

She looks up at Nihilon, with the expression of a child full of curiosity.

Suddenly Michael forced a connection, sharing his senses, while roaming out of sight from most villagers, The hatchling managed to sneak into a hole on the roof of the chapel. Inside, the Chapel is a strange spectacle, all crosses have been turned upside down. There is dried blood everywhere in the chapel, on the wooden benches and on the altar.

Michael stops looking around when he hears some footsteps coming near the Chapel. Heading out, as fast he could, while interrupting the linking of senses.

Lord Raziere
2018-07-18, 11:01 PM
Ah. A Child. This certainly brings back memories of his experiences of growing supernatural as a child- he was pretty sure sucking the blood of one man then using that as a boost to slit another guys throat to protect his mother was not normal, whatever it actually meant- that made this complicated. It could be hard, growing up like that. Villages have thrown people out for less. When a small community like this relies on everyone working hard to sustain itself, with no good medicine about, anyone with broken limbs or an illness of the mind was pretty much a dead weight to them. Witches were dangerous in a different way. He wagered that she was only safe so far because whatever she did was beneficial to them, so they thought it was a miracle from Christ.

His instructions from Requiem was that he was supposed to decided what to do when he found what he was investigating. He wouldn't be able to contact them, and they could not operate outside Lucrecio. It was a mission that was up to his initiative.
"Yes, they are. This is Anya, Cassandra and Perry. You could say I'm their bodyguard, because I'm a trained warrior. My name is Nihilon. Thing is.....um.....I'm concerned.

About you. Specifically about how you've managed to make all this.....growth occur. Now the villagers here probably think this is some holy miracle. And I'm not saying its not a good thing, because it clearly is, its brought prosperity. But....there are people out there. Who will also be concerned some place like this. These people are not very nice. Especially to people or children that...they might suspect is a witch hiding behind deceiving people into thinking that they're doing miracles, see? And, your a child, with their whole life ahead of you, and I wouldn't want to see anything bad happen to you because you didn't know any better. Now I'm not saying that people will come and burn you for being a witch, they might see this all and proclaim you the next Saint, who knows?

But. Thats....not really a guarantee either way? Point is, there is an entire world out there, that will probably hear about this eventually and....things might happen....not all of them good.....and something should probably be done about that. Something to make sure your safe. And I'm a person who wants that safety for you, regardless of where you think this power comes from, because it can bring trouble regardless. I can help, but you'll have to tell me exactly how your doing this....because well....the thing about the outside world getting interested? Yeah, thats already happened, because I was sent to investigate whats happening here for supernatural activity. Your lucky that its me here rather than someone else, because if it was the Church....or the Inquisition....they....would be doing bad things to you and possibly everyone else right now and.....we want to avoid that, see? If possible?"
He says trying to put this delicately.

2018-07-19, 06:23 AM
Cassandra recoils and steps half-behind Peracles at the darkness she sees emanating from the little girl... apparently the Agatha they'd been told about. She's concerned about Nihilon confronting the girl, wondering if it's foolhardy, but she doesn't interrupt him. Clearly he's had some contact with the supernatural before and is unfazed by it. But that doesn't make it any less dangerous.

2018-07-19, 07:17 AM
"So you are here to save me mister?" Agatha keep staring Nihilon. "I saw no gardens, no fruits, before I came..." as she picks up a flower from the ground. "One by one, they came to me, asking to make their fruits grow, help their gardens...it was a blessed time..."

Staring at the flower between her fingers, as she removes a petal one by one. "but all good things must come to an end. The priest didn't like my methods...calling me a witch. He was going to tell on little ole me..." as she removes the last petal from the rose. "...we had to take care of him."

"So now how are you going to save me mister when your cross is already too heavy to bear?" As her smile turns into a smirk. It's as if, she could see the weight of the sins in Nihilon right at this moment.

2018-07-19, 09:10 AM
Peracles had been enjoying their meandering pace through town. It really did give off a sensation of paradise after moving through so many struggling towns. He had his wits about him, eyes peeled for sign of this towns forge master--or lack thereof. This went on until the thudding of limbs on dirt drew his attention back to Anya. He swept by to give her a hand and speak one cautionary, "You okay?"

But in doing so Perry put himself back from the group. He did notice the girl with black hair and attire, because she stood out so starkly from the rest of the environment. At the sight of her, he felt a headache coming on. It happened often when thoughts of Togarini grew too frequent. He never expected Nihilon to approach so directly though! One brow rose at the lengthy speech of empathy. Peracles stepped forward slowly, just a few of his fingers brushing Nihilons shoulder as he came close. The smith's eyes flickered over to the middle-aged gentleman, beside Agatha, and back. They were not in good company for this talk.

"Perhaps now isn't the best time? Beg your pardon, miss Agatha. We've been hearing about your miracles ever since we arrived,"

2018-07-20, 07:26 AM
For a moment she considered refusing the aid but reluctantly accepted his hand letting Perry help pull her up. "I'm fine." She snipped at him far more irate than usual. This was hardly the first time she had been helped up after tripping. Back on her feet she brushed off her clothes and after a pause added "Thank you." with a more polite tone.

She looked towards the church and shared her vision of it with Micheal giving him a good reference of her current position while Nihilon and the others spoke. A moment a go she had thought everything was fine but now everything was rapidly falling apart. She turned her attention towards Agatha as the conversation escalated but her ire was now on Nihilion. "You fool." She whispered lowly as her negative feelings became overshadowing. The man standing by Agatha could hardly have missed the implications. The church states weren't the kind of place you accused a girl of witchcraft in public unless you wanted her on a bonfire.

Here however it didn't appear like Agatha was the one in danger. "Maybe we should just leave?" She tried. She had been so enjoying the festival but now even the flowers seemed ominous.

2018-07-20, 07:29 AM
Agatha smiles at Peracles and the middle-aged man, stands up not too far from her.

"Perhaps, it is a bad time , after all, the festivities are tomorrow. I'll give a proper ceremony tomorrow, and you'll understand how all these miracles are possible. Abaddon is very generous to his humble servants."

Looking back at the group for a moment, putting her hands behind her back, widening her smile.

"So why don't you go back to the inn and have a good night rest? tomorrow, there will be plenty of times to talk and play. I wouldn't recommend to stay out too late...you wouldn't want to run into someone too eager to party early."

Occult moderate (80) or History Moderate (80) would be appropriate rolls here to find out more about Abaddon. If you have both, feel free to roll both.

As usual, you can use an ability of your choice whenever you want.

2018-07-20, 08:24 AM
"Great, just great" Cassandra mutters after they get out of earshot of Agatha and her companion. "Now we can't even spend a night in the inn. That was a threat if ever I heard one."

"Any ideas where to spend the night, where our new shadowy friends won't think to look for us? The chapel, maybe, if we can break in undetected."

"I think leaving here quickly, before the Inquisition finds out about this place, is in order. On the other hand, I am curious about the festival and would rather not miss it. Though is it safe for us to stay?"

Occult: [roll0]
History: [roll1]

2018-07-20, 09:09 AM
Cassandra didn't pay too much attention during any kind of religious teachings growing up. There are so many names in the bible anyway and all kind of stories that are hard to pick apart from the truth. Abaddon could be a demon or an angel as far as she is concerned at the moment.

Lord Raziere
2018-07-21, 12:03 AM
Nihilon was about to open his mouth to continue but was stopped as people suddenly decided to just.....continue on without this. Without just addressing this right then and there. Um. Ok. He feels like he screwed up. Apart of him honestly just wants to go back and just resolve this right then and now. Its seems pretty obvious what the source of it is.
"uhh.....I don't see why we did that? why did we do that? She seems to be the source of this. Um. Why are we going away instead of just solving this now? We basically know what she is doing....what more could we need to know? And just running is not an option for me- I was sent here by the Requiem. Its my mission to investigate this place and do something about it. I can't just run, these people are doing something horrible."

2018-07-21, 08:00 AM
Cassandra's eyes light up at the end of Nihilon's speech. She looks genuinely curious, and lets out a burst of questions. "The Requiem? Who are they? What do they do? And what would they want you to do here?"

"As to something horrible, yes, they admitted to killing a priest. But doesn't it seem they're genuinely helping the people feed themselves? Perhaps they just want the church to leave them alone. I just don't see that happening. The church will find this place and destroy it, and I don't want to be here when it happens."

"Perhaps we should use tomorrow night's festival gathering to give the villagers a choice. Yes, now the harvests are good and the village is prospering, thanks to Agatha. But in time the church will find this place and put everyone to the sword. Is a few years of bounty worth all of your deaths?"

Lord Raziere
2018-07-21, 01:04 PM
"....You haven't heard of it? Its what Lucanor Giovanni has in Lucrecio, its like the Church, it seeks out supernatural things and deals with them. Only instead of religion and destroying all supernatural things it finds, it seeks them out and deals with on a case-by-case basis, keeping many of the supernatural safe if they don't think them a threat. They kind of rescued me and my mother from some church fanatics who were attacking my father for completely different reasons. I guess they're still keeping themselves secret so that they don't anger the Church.....they are the people I'm in debt to really. Mostly because they're teaching me something called Nemesis, its supposed to be able to shut down other magic when properly harnessed. I still haven't gotten to that part yet though. had to learn some basic things before that.....its hard to meditate so much that you connect yourself to the indescribable antithesis of all things...."
Now Nihilon feels like he has made some wildly different assumptions here as he rambles. Though he can't exactly pin point what.
"They just wanted me to come, investigate and decided what to do about I find. Given travel times its going to be some time before I get back and letters will take time, so once I'm there I have decide on my own initiative. This might be a case where we can rescue before the Church gets to her and set her on a better path. This.....might be someone thats gone bad and something has to be done about it. We don't know what this ritual does. I don't know what they'll say if I come back to them reporting that I found a witch who killed a priest, making things grow for the prosperity of the village and did nothing about it. I could be letting a threat go for all I know. Just because someone is against the Church, doesn't mean they're a good person."

2018-07-21, 03:11 PM
"You still worry for Agatha? Worry for us! You are supposed to be the bodyguard." Anya said seemingly taking this talk about magic and the supernatural in surprising stride. "They are devil worshipers. Using an ancient name does not change anything. She attributes her miracles to the fallen angel Lucifer."

"I did not think much of it at the time but you heard how Bernadine talked about her. They killed a priest for her. The people of the village can't be all ignorant, not as freely as she spoke and how unperturbed she was about being confronted while among others. I wonder what the festival tomorrow really entails, I fear we are not safe."

Lord Raziere
2018-07-21, 11:29 PM
Nihilon just loses steam at this and sighs, hanging his head.
".....oh....I screwed up....at bodyguarding....sorry I even opened my mouth....I'll go guard something...let me know what we're gonna do...for the record I suspected she was being demonic and was ready to draw my sword if she was gonna....be...evil...."
He turns and walks to stand guard at the door. He screwed up, it always seemed he screwed up. Things just never seemed to go right for him, or he just never seemed to do the right thing, or something. He just wanted to be a good person and do the right thing and have friends...but it never seemed to work out. He didn't even have any real powers he could use, just better defenses and this cursed existence of...whatever he was with nightmares at night, sun hating him during the day and an odd fascination with blood at times, and the Church going to kill him if they ever find out. Oh and the debt that got him into this mess in the first place. He just...wished things would go his way for once. The only thing he seemed good at was swinging his sword around and who needed that?

2018-07-22, 05:25 PM
Perry was quiet, giving Agatha a polite bow of his head as hey left. He was thinking, this had gone south fast. It was not merely Nihilon’s fault, but the fact that the success of this towns agriculture was a possibly cursed girl. Now she’s knew about them, and... That they were at least somewhat competent, and wary individuals. Maybe not her enemies, but individuals of importance to watch carefully... Trying to look inconspicuous, the smith scanned the area for anyone watching them—apart from the obvious townies.

“There was no way to handle that as we were. Evil, or no, we have no proof of her guilt, or that the townies are manipulated,” He tried to appear casual, tapping his chin, “It would be safest for us to leave town but... I’m worried, about what will happen tomorrow. If the priest spoke out against her, maybe there are others here who are unconvinced or resistant to her influence. If we can bring someone with us, a testimony, someone to save, it would be far better than nothing...”

2018-07-22, 06:09 PM
His sharpshooter sight comes in handy.

The townies are preparing for the harvest and seems like a couple of them are actively taking their time to check on your movements around town. You recognize the pale lady from earlier, the innkeeper trying to look inconspicuous while cleaning the front of the inn and a teenager, a young male obviously part of the older kids in town walking around with a book.

2018-07-22, 06:15 PM
Perry’s gaze slowly came to rest on the path infront if them. Below his breath, he whispered only for the party, “Maybe we should get to the rooms first, for this conversation...”

2018-07-24, 02:36 AM
Cassandra thinks things over with a worried expression while they walk back to the inn in silence. Crammed into the room that Perry thinks is least likely to be overheard, she continues.

"If this is a festival to Lucifer, and I believe Anya when she says so, then I want nothing to do with it. We must leave town before then. We must first look to our own safety, and only then think of what we can do to save some of the townspeople or remove Agatha."

"We will be safe in this inn tonight? Agatha has already made a veiled threat along those lines. How can we protect ourselves tonight?"

"When will the villagers be least wary tomorrow, so we have a chance to escape? We should find out tomorrow's schedule and plan appropriately."

"I think approaching villagers to see if they are unsatisfied is too risky. But perhaps we could spend some time apart from the villagers, as we're doing now, and hope that one of them will take the initiative and approach us." She looks expectantly at the closed door, drawing everyone's eyes briefly, as she waits for someone else to speak.

2018-07-24, 09:55 AM
Back in the inn Anya had regained her emotional balance but she hadn't put much thought into why she had been out of sorts earlier. It had after all been a stressful moment that came out of nowhere. "I think that would be for the best, yes. Speaking against Agatha in any way would be very dangerous considering how adored she is." Perhaps the majority of the villagers was just in awe of the miracles and did not have any ill will but after what Michael had showed her she figured assuming the worst was the safest path.

"Agatha did warn us to stay in our rooms tonight. That was a threat if I've ever heard one. Chances are good she will have somebody watching, perhaps tomorrow would be the best chance to slip away." The church was proof that something was terribly wrong in this village but she wasen't certain what the best option was.

2018-07-29, 02:43 PM
Perry leaned his cheek upon the palm of his hand, staring pointedly at the small table he rested by. Nodding his head slowly to the others words, he let out a long sigh, "We've discovered enough, then. We're not here to put a stop to whatever's happening here, only discover its cause and malevolence... Which I think we've determined quite well," Peracles tapped his chin, frowning, plainly displeased with the situation. But he and their one bodyguard were surely not enough protection against a village under the beck and call of Agatha. However much he desired to 'help', there was no guarantee anyone in this town was even interested in being helped, "We'll leave early in the morning and report back... Double up on rooms tonight, to be safe,"

2018-07-30, 07:12 PM
Sharing rooms seems a wise, if unwelcome suggestion. Cassandra politely invites Anya and Beth to use the floor of her room, and to bring whatever bedding they wish. It'll be a tight fit for the two of them, but Cassandra doesn't consider allowing one of them to share the bed. She goes to sleep in something she wouldn't be ashamed to be seen wearing, in case someone comes into the room or she has to flee it, and puts her shoes ready atop the bedspread for easy access. Unnerved by their wild talk and unusual precautions, Beth keeps a heavy frying pan close at hand when she beds down for the night.

2018-08-01, 04:53 PM
"Very well, mister Quintillus." Anya wandered over to a window and briefly glanced outside through a curtain. "I'm sure the morrow will bring a clearer picture of what is going on and where the villagers stand." After accepting Cassandra’s offer she went to fetch blankets from her own room before joining the other two. If Anya found sleeping on the floor to be discomforting she didn't show a hint of it as she curled herself up within the blankets not bothering to undress.

Lord Raziere
2018-08-02, 12:05 AM
Nihilon just nods at this sadly.
"Very well.....I'll take first watch."
He says, not sure what to do. This....wasn't what he wanted to do. But if everyone else decided differently, then he could do nothing. It would be going against the only people that he knows of are friendly with him at all. He was surprised that they still allowed him with them after his blunder. He just sighs and keeps watch on the door, hand on his katana, but not drawn.

He changes, when it is drawn.

2018-08-03, 02:06 PM
Perry had Nihilon sleep in his room, though if he wanted to take watch that would be fine. Peracles took second, only he'd sit with his back against the door so that he could more easily hear movement outside and between the rooms. His spear leaned against the wall beside, and a loaded pistol resting lightly upon his lap.