View Full Version : Wrath of the Righteous - Worldwound Incursion [IC]

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2018-07-15, 12:06 PM
You come to in darkness. As your senses refocus, you find yourselves aware of clatter of rocks, moans of pain, coughing and dust everywhere, getting in your mouths and nostrils. A quick assessment reveals that you yourselves, though in pain and discomfort, as well as lying on a slightly cold rough stone, are unharmed in general sense. You might be in shock though, as you still have little idea how anything came to pass to deposit you here.

Last you remember, Armasse festival was getting properly started.

I figured I'd do a cold open. As you see or find other PC's you might recognize that you met them before whatever just happened, whether briefly or a lengthy chat. Most of you have Darkvision, so you can see more, which I'll describe a bit later. The dust still limits your sight past the immediate surroundings.

If this feels poor, we can go back to Armasse properly.

2018-07-15, 12:56 PM
Esper was more than excited to join in on the festival that she had been preparing for. Getting what some might call over excited, she dawned all her gear. This didn't just stop at weapons and armor either as Esper made sure to gather what she'd wear if she was to travel with the crusade. As such she carried all her traveling gear as well. in truth she wanted to show her strength off that she could lug around that amount of accoutrement; thus proving she had some value to offer more than just being a newly ordained paladin. Walking around and taking in the sights were the last memories Esper really had before waking up coughing as blunt pain radiated through her body.

Getting up she'd do her best to take in a quick assessment of what was going on. It seemed she was elsewhere from where she was before and there were a few others around her moving as well. Using her Soul Seer ability to see who needed help the most she'd move over to do her best to and make sure they were okay.

"You okay?"
"Hold on I'll help!"

For now Esper would focus on aiding others and making sure everyone was okay before trying to remember what had happened. Once it seemed everyone moving was up she'd turn to making sure no one needed patched up as she used her Darkvision to take in the area.

2018-07-15, 02:16 PM
OOC link (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?563900-Wrath-of-the-Righteous-OOC)

Lunalesca Slaveborn


The aasimar was excited when she reached Kenabres. Following in Our Lady in Shadows’ cryptic vision, she knew not what she would see in this place, but a festival is always fun. She didn’t even rent a room for an inn yet, drawn to the parades and food and the games and the exercises. All things she missed out on during her youth, spent as a pleasure slave in the hands of a (now murdered) noble in Cheliax.

Luna enjoyed the lizard-on-a-stick kebab while she waited for some important bigwig to give a speech. The kebab was free, compliments of a young man who seemed very interested in the way Luna really puts the “breast” in “breastplate” (although technically her armor is scale mail).


Luna rubs her head. “Ow...” She mutters as she feels a small bump on the back of her noggin. “What...what happened? All I remember was waiting for a speech, and then...maybe some loud roar? My heads ringing so much I don’t remember.”

As it is pitch dark in here, the aasimar does the first thing that comes naturally to her in this situation. “Let there be light...”

A blue-ish white soothing light, as bright as a torch, materializes over a few seconds. It appears to be floating above the woman’s head, in the form of a glowing halo. She looks around at her surroundings.

2018-07-15, 03:47 PM
The wall of the cavern nearest to you is formed of fallen rocks, debris and body parts. An arm peeks out from beneath a piece of rock, and a pair of legs peek from the wall of rubble. The owners of these are not alive, at least you hope. Besides you all, you see a few figures near you that appear mostly intact and probably alive. More dead bodies and rubble are on the ground.

One of them is a woman lying prone on the floor, unresponsive, her left leg trapped under a rock below the knee and bent at an angle you think it probably shouldn't.
Another is an elven man, clutching his face, breathing short, panicked breaths, his fingers and hands painted with blood, dripping down his forearms.
The last one, in best shape, is the one that was rudely awakened by a dropping rock. A man progressing in years, he sits up, shakes his head and yells out "What is going on? I demand that whoever is behind this explain themselves at once!"

As the dust clears little by little, it reveals a jagged, immobile shape near the periphery on the far side, perhaps forty feet away, as well as larger pieces of a building that tumbled down here. The ceiling lies twenty or so feet above you, and the chamber stretches out beyond your vision on the far side.

2018-07-15, 09:24 PM
The ringing in her head is bad, sure, but nothing she hadn't experienced a thousand times before after being cuffed upside the head for ruining a crosspiece. Or so Rung Thlûk tells herself as she slowly pushes off the broken ground, shaking her head and blinking rapidly, her eyes taking a moment to adjust to the lack of light ... and then having to adjust again a moment later when someone nearby flashes their magic. Where ... what happened? is all she can think, as her short-term memory draws a blank. She'd made it to Kenabres, the festival had been in full swing, then ... what?

She glances around to see a few other people on their feet, but finds her eyes drawn to a woman pinned under a large piece of debris nearby. Rushing over, she glances down helplessly, bemoaning her own uselessness; about all she knows to do is check whether the woman is breathing. "H -- Hey!" she coughs sharply, dust spraying before getting the word out. "Anyone help me with her?" She points numbly down, before striding over and gripping the rock. This at least she can do ... but she freezes. "Am I gonna kill her if I move this or something?"

2018-07-15, 10:02 PM
Kreedic remembered enjoying this festival a lot more as a child. He had vague memories of Armasse as a child; back then his father had been supplying various booths with various alchemical items for their shows, games, and challenges. Every once in awhile he'd catch a glimpse of someone he thought he recognized from back then, but it was difficult and he had not been prepared for the sheer quantity of people attending the festival. They made him a little nervous, constantly jostling him, and an overwhelming amount of sensory information from the various smells, sounds, and colors didn't help either. To top it all off was the chittering voice in his head that belonged to the purple dragon standing attentively on his shoulder. Not attentive to him, of course, Ylby was far too easily distracted for that.

"So many colors everywhere! And there, those two are going to duke it out! Hmm, I hope the blond one wins, he's cute. Oh nope, never mind, that's a broken wrist. Hey do you small that? That smell of meat? I wonder what it-- HOW BARBARIC. A GRILLED LIZARD."

Kreedic rolled his eyes. "Oh calm down Ylby, according to you, you are only extremely distantly related to lizards; even if you ate one I don't think it would be cannibalism."

The pseudo-dragon set to chittering again, this time a fair bit of grumbling mixed in about how he should take that lizard from woman he saw eating it, but Kreedic ignored her. He did his best to enjoy Armasse, sampling a few different foods (besides the lizard) and even attempting a few of the carnival games. He was quite successful, until he got caught using prestidigitation and mage hand on a cup and balls gambling game. For some reason the proprietor was angry about that. Wasn't the point of the game to use your best skills to win? If someone used magic to help themselves and you didn't want that, it was your own fault for not having your wits about you if they succeeded. Kreedic was actually about to congratulate the man on his superior perceptive abilities when he was kicked out!


"SSSSSS!!" Kreedic awoke to a hissing noise in his face, then a voice in his head. "Wake up numbskull! We're all trapped and there's people who need your help down here!" Kreedic sincerely wished his skull had actually been numb, but he managed to sit up. Realizing he had no change in vision when his eyes were opened or closed, he whispered in the darkness.

"Ylby! I can't see a thing!"
"Well of course not! Didn't I tell you you needed to work on your dark vision?"
"Yeah yeah yeah, I don't think it works like that. Regardless, get the torch will ya? If there's people that need help I'll need to be able to see them."

As Ylby rummaged in his bag, a halo of light appeared a little ways off from him. Blinking in the sudden illumination, he saw a few of the other people lying on the ground, and the woman underneath the Halo. Oh, Ylby's gonna love this... he thought to himself. After a moment the dragon had a red light around it, and then it emerged with a red everburning torch, which Kreedic promptly accepted. Seeing someone that seemed healthy working on the woman trapped under a rock, Kreedic makes his way over to the panicked man, getting ready to cast stabilize on him if needed. He grimaces at the carnage in the 'wall' but turns away from it to help the man. "Whoa there friend, easy does it. Look, we've got light now, we're all gonna be okay."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2018-07-15, 11:17 PM
Lunalesca Slaveborn

The aasimar (and she is very clearly an aasimar, with the halo and all) sees all the carnage, and puts a hand to her mouth. "Oh my Lady...this is terrible!"

She walks over into the center of everything. Not knowing who may be beyond saving, she tries to tag as many people as she can at once with what she is about to do. There's no time to waste. "May the gods save these people and alleviate their suffering! Worry not, you are in good hands." She kneels in prayer, and white, but not blinding, light pours forth from Lunalesca. The light gives succor and healing warmth to everyone it touches.

Channel energy on everyone, healing [roll0]

2018-07-16, 12:35 PM
Kreedic manages to keep the elf focused with his voice. "Where is the light?" he asks, his voice still coming in pained gasps. The healing light washes over him, relieving his pain q little. He unhands his face, revealing a bloody ruin where his eyes used to be. It looks like something slashed across his face. "I can't see the light" he says, breathing faster.

The woman with her leg pinned beneath a rock comes to, gasping with pain but suppressing a scream. She looks around in the light and takes stock of the situation. She tries to move the rock pinning her, but can't get a good leverage.

The man stands up, appreciating the light to see by and the healing that closes the scratches he accrued. He remains quoet for now.

Finally, the healing energies causes one More thing to stir. It flows over the dead without reacting, but a fourth body is touched by the light. A young, willowy woman, her left arm a charred stump at the shoulder, and most of the rest of her doing little better. She doesn't regain consciousness.

2018-07-16, 01:38 PM
"Welp, he's toast."

Kreedic raised an eyebrow at the candid, matter-of-fact comment, but internally he struggled to disagree. He'd been effectively sightless a few moments ago and knew fully well that he would have had no chance of getting out without a light source.

"Uhmm..." he hesitated, trying to decide whether or not to tell the elf about his predicament and whether the truth was likely to send him into hysterics. "Well you probably just felt it's effects, I guess there's just something... keeping you from seeing it." His voice was a little uncertain at the end, and he grimaced to no one in particular. Trying to sweep the first part of the discussion under the rug, he stooped down to help the man up, hoping the distraction of movement would prevent him from thinking too terribly hard, and also to keep his head elevated. "Anyways, I can see so I can help. We're in some sort of large caved in chamber, but there's a disturbance in the shadows a little ways away that might contain a way out. Come on."

Kreedic begins guiding the man towards the jagged, immobile object just visible at the edge of his vision. To be honest, he had no idea if there was an exit over there, but figured it was more important to keep the elf doing something for the time being. As they started moving, everburning torch in one hand, other hand helping the elf, Kreedic turned towards Ylby and spoke to her in draconic.

"Hey Ylby, you can see better than I can, could you go check the far side of the cavern, see if there's a way out over there?"

"Are you completely useless in the dark?" she responded telepathically.

Kreedic rolled his eyes at her. "Just do it. I'll by you something tasty at the festival later, assuming it's still there. There being relative because I'm not entirely sure where here is."

There was a clattering of claws on the floor as the pseudo-dragon turned and took flight towards the other side of the chamber.

2018-07-16, 02:35 PM
Rung manages to lift the rock clear off the woman's leg. She nods her head gratefully and struggles to her feet. She manages about half a step before her leg gives way and she starts tumbling down.
You can catch her easily enough
She gasps in pain, and says "No... Not gonna walk on that."

The shape looming in the dark resolves into the shape of a body. It is a giant spider, lying on it's back with its legs curled and thrust toward the roof of the cave. Dead

2018-07-16, 03:58 PM
Esper seeing that everyone was more or less alive was being helped but one. Taking note with her Soul Seer vision she'd make sure there wasn't anyone else left alive and just unconscious they might miss. Finding only one she'd go over and review her injuries. It seemed that her arm was a charred stump and was unconscious but otherwise alive.

"She looks pretty bad and she might have broken bones. It seems 4 of us came out of this unscathed somehow."

"Praise be to Sarenrae"

She wasn't speaking or yelling really. It was just habit for her when something miraculous happened that it must be due to divine intervention. Bending down she'd carefully pick up the unconscious woman and bring her over to the others.

"Everyone. Let's head to the next room. If we stay in here more rocks might come loose and fall on us. Let's get everyone injured into the next room, then take stalk of our situation and introduce ourselves."

Assuming everyone else was in agreement she'd take her own advice.

2018-07-16, 07:02 PM
Lunalesca Slaveborn

The aasimar is saddened to see so many dead,but the time to mourn is later. Now, there are people to be rescued. And apparently also people who are over-eager. "Everyone, slow down a bit. I think if there are going to be collapses, they probably happened already. Who knows how long we've been down here for. Think about it from the injured people's perspective. They're hurt, unable to control their situation for one reason or another, and now there are strangers here who are going to pull them deeper into the unknown. Let's take a breath, take stock of each other, and make sure we can trust each other to look out for each other. We'll need to work as a group if we are to survive."

She takes a breath. "I'll go first. I am Lunalesca, a divine will-worker of some talent. This is not my first scrape, and I'll keep a level head. My magics can keep all of you relatively healthy."
Trying to make a good first impression.

2018-07-16, 08:10 PM
With the shorter woman's arm slung around her shoulders, the weight barely slowing her down, Rung half-carries her away from the place where she'd been pinned and towards the other survivors, where it seems agitation is rising. She picks her way easily across the darkened, broken ground, not for the first time grateful for her orcish ancestry, and then cursing it when she remembers herself. "Just look at the faerie light," she gruffly tells the human woman over her gasps of pain. "Just get there and you can take a rest. Dunno what's out there yet."

Drawing towards the center of the room, she goggles in disbelief at the apparent introductions under way. This really the time for getting to know you games? she thinks, but doesn't let herself say; to distract herself, she takes a glance at the ceiling overhead, realizing that these unhurt, too-pretty women didn't seem sure whether they were safe here or not. Yup, that's the only reason I'm averting my eyes. Uh huh. Out loud, she grunts, "Rung, blacksmith. Charmed, I'm sure. Let's get the hells out of here."

Knowledge Engineering about whether the ceiling seems stable for the moment. [roll0]

2018-07-16, 11:57 PM
The elf allows Kreedic to lead him on. "Thank you.", he says, focusing a little. "A way out? I... remember a fall... Anyway, I'm Aravashinal. Wizardly persuasion." he says, with rapidly deflating pride, as he realizes that he is not going to be much use.

"So we're trapped underground? Great" the gruff man says. He looks on at the interaction between Rung and the woman with the broken leg. "Will you please help her? It's obvious she can't walk on your own. Are you blind?"

Ylby reaches the far side of the cave. There are two narrow paths forward at the far wall, some 50 feet from the corpse of the monstrous spider.

Esper picks up the unconscious woman. She heads out into the darkness. As Esper and Kreedic approach the spider, they can see it shift. Not its legs twitching, but a squirming in it's body. Up close, you can see a small hole in it's carapace. Something moves inside it's shell. A pair of corpse feeders, big white maggots the size of your leg, burst out and gun for the two approaching their snack.

They got the surprise on you. Their initiative is 8. Roll initiative on Discord and take actions if you go before them.

2018-07-17, 02:05 AM
The first speaker was easily recognizable as a paladin of some sort; today alone had been enough to teach him to spot them in a crowd, though this woman did not appear to be of Iomedae like most of the people above. She did have the good sense to suggest moving the wounded from the site of the cave-in at least. The next woman spoke. A 'divine will-worker of some talent' huh? His teachers hadn't been wrong about religious officials' tendency for conceitedness. Though given the halo above her head, he could hardly argue the point as being untrue. And then a blacksmith. Great. He only hoped that the gruff woman knew how to handle a weapon as well as make one.

He paused and turned part-way to face them. "I am Kreedic Mengar. I--" he paused for a moment. What was his skillset, exactly? He had been training to become a Wizard back in Hermea, but that had ceased a few years ago. Mengkare the dragon had term for him though, so he decided to go with that. "I am a partial wyrmling." If he receives any strange looks he merely shrugs and continues with the elf.

The elf allows Kreedic to lead him on. "Thank you.", he says, focusing a little. "A way out? I... remember a fall... Anyway, I'm Aravashinal. Wizardly persuasion." he says, with rapidly deflating pride, as he realizes that he is not going to be much use.

"Aravashinal? I used train for wizardry myself. they arrive at the spider. Kreedic gives a slight grumble. "Well, unless you know some pretty strange transmutation magic, that certainly isn't our way out. Maybe Ylby has-" he sees the maggots erupt from the spider, and he pales slightly. "Aravashinal! Get some Mage Armor on yourself!" he yells, casting the same spell on himself after tossing aside his everburning torch to free his hand.

2018-07-17, 08:04 AM
Esper thought the Aasimar had a good point now that she pointed it out, but then again cave ins could be a tricky thing if there was to be an aftershock of somesort. Still she'd started to pause her movements and turn to speak.

"I'm Esper. I'm a paladin of Sarenrae. I know this is a bad situation but I urge everyone to have faith. Even if it's not in a diety, have faith in your own skills and everyone else's, that we may pool our resources to get out of this. It may seem grimm but we will get out of this, and we will get back home. A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat."

Esper would speak in a calm matter-of-fact manner but she would also make sure to throw in that ray of hope that everyone in dire situations need. She'd also take acknowledgement that everyone here had something to offer, no matter how big or small as it would lead to their eventual survival.

"A Aasimar. I hope she doesn't hold any prejudice towards me for being a tiefling....A partial wyrmling? I have no idea what that means."

Esper would be caught off guard along with Kreedic as two big white maggots like creatures bust out of the spider. She didn't know what they were but she knew they were obviously hungry and didn't like being intruded on. Placing the unconscious woman down carefully Esper would then move up to interpose herself between the maggots and everyone else while she readied herself to their approach in order to attack whichever got there first.

2018-07-17, 12:57 PM
Lunalesca Slaveborn: AC 19

Luna is certainly confused by the 'partial wyrmling' response. The tiefling speaking out brings out mixed feelings. On the one hand, she has been in Cheliax for long to see how badly tieflings are treated there: second-tier citizens at best. She empathizes with tieflings and how they get mistreated. On the other hand, Esper claims to be a paladin, and she tenses momentarily. Their ability to detect any evil auras based off of a person's faith can cause Luna a lot of grief. One third hand, Sarenites are usually good and compassionate people, unlikely to smite first and talk never.

Her rumination is cut short by the disgusting sounds of two mega-maggots the size of Luna's (long) legs chew their way out of the corpse of the spider! EWWWW!

"Protect the wounded!" she shouts as she moves forward as well. She sees that each of the others are already protecting someone, except the wealthy-looking one. She interposes herself between the maggots and the noble, unless Rung sets the woman with the broken leg down in order to go attack the maggots, in which case Luna will interpose herself in front of the woman with the broken leg instead.

"Naur pilin'!" shouts the young woman as a streak of orange shoots from her fingertip towards the first maggot!
That's Celestial for "Fire arrow"

Move forward, then use Fire Bolt domain ability on a maggot.

Ranged Touch Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-07-17, 08:32 PM
Rung listens to the strange, dragon-befriended man introduce himself and banter with another survivor with barely half her attention. These people, she starts to think, but then her lack of scrutiny pays off by allowing her to notice two ... grub maggot things? ... crawl out of the darkness, clearly in search of easy prey.

No time for gentle treatment. She spares a moment's pity for the human woman's leg before dropping her with as much weight on her good limb as she can; as her previous burden staggers and possibly falls, Rung's surprisingly deft hands blur to the hammer strapped to her back and the strange dagger half-hidden in her belt pouch. "Eeeuurgh!" she cries, half with the adrenaline of battle and half with the disgust of seeing the giant maggots up close as she charges toward the nearest one, her hammer striking out with crushing force. Giant or no, bugs always made a satisfying squish.

Rung Quick Draws her weapons and charges the nearest grub with her warhammer (as I do not believe the base Dual Attack (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/dual-wielding) ability allows her to get the off-hand attack on a charge), attempting to crush the disgusting thing.

I included Rung's maintenance bonus in the damage, as there's little reason she wouldn't have performed it on her own weapons this morning, but if you rule that she wouldn't have done that, just subtract 2 from the damage.

Warhammer attack roll (charging): [roll0]
Warhammer damage: [roll1]

Her AC only suffers a -1 penalty for charging due to her Knightly Training (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/equipment-sphere#toc49), leaving her at AC 15.

2018-07-18, 02:17 AM
"You're safe for now, don't move." Kreedic says hurriedly over his shoulder as he dashes towards the remaining maggot that was currently trying too... bite the Paladin? He couldn't be totally sure since it was a slimy invertebrate. As he moves, his forearms, hands, and fingers thicken with muscle, fingernails becoming sharp talons. Scales form on his skin, fully covering his arms but diminishing further away from them, with only the faintest suggestion of draconic features added to his face. He yells as he brings his right arm in a wide slashing motion near the ground, using his momentum to add to the force of the attack.

Move Action: Charge
Free Action: Manifest claws (5/6 rounds remaining)
Standard Action: Attack!

Claw: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-07-18, 04:54 AM
The woman with the injured leg manages to hold her balance as Rung charges forward. She crushes the worm with her hammer.
Lunalesca fires off her bolt and strikes the maggot, which is charred but manages to advance towards Kreedic and Aravashinal. It launches into a bite, but fails to strike them. The elf casts his spell, surrounding himself with protective energies. The worm is still recovering from its strike when it is torn asunder by draconic claws.

"Did you all die?" Aravashinal asks after the sounds of battle stop. "Should I be worried?"
"It's fine." the gruff man says. "Anyhow, you did well I guess. Have you figured a way to get me out of here?"
"Do you think that you could fix up my leg?" the woman with the, well, broken leg.

There are two exits visible in the light now. Left and right.

2018-07-18, 12:20 PM
Wiping a bit of sweat from her brow Esper would be internally happy that they were able to dispatch the giant worms. Last thing they needed was to escape from death only to find it in the bell of another. Taking stock of the situation it was clear that everyone here had varying opinions on what should or shouldn't be done. Esper herself, while attractive and charismatic, wasn't wise or smart. If anything is was slightly below average. but more than competent enough to get by from day to day.

"Lunalesca as a practitioner of the healing arts I ask that you to take charge on accessing on how we should best go about patching everyone up before we move to far in. Kreedic could your friend scout to make sure there aren't any more worms lying in wait in or around the spider."

At first she was worried about getting out from the rubble for fear of further cave-in but now that she had time to clear the fogginess from her head she realized that they may have all been unconscious awhile before waking up. One thing was clear even to her. If they were to get jumped again by something more dangerous than two worms having to carry 3 injured people it could pose a problem. It was best to get everyone in as good as shape as possible before moving on.

While she waited for Lunalesca to respond, Esper would take her backpack off and rummage through it to pull out her waterskin. Once it was out she'd rip the cuff of her sleeve off and soak it in the water and start dabbing it on the forehead of the unconscious woman. It was clear that she was going to wake up in pain, so Esper wanted to make it as comfortable as possible when she did.

"Miss wake up. Can you hear me?"

"The Aasimar is going to have her work cut out for her. We need to bandage all the wounds, possible set a leg, build splints and if this woman doesn't wake up we might need to make something to drag her in that can be put down quickly and safely if we get jumped again."

2018-07-18, 12:39 PM
Lunalesca Slaveborn: AC 19

The aasimar aims her palm at the now-still corpses of the putrid maggots, keeping her guard up for another few seconds before finally relaxing. She looks at the injured (and the gruff, somewhat annoying man). They all seem to be untouched.

"Did you all die?" Aravashinal asks after the sounds of battle stop. "Should I be worried?"
"No, Aravashinal, no one was injured during this fight." she answers in a reassuring tone. She quickly adds, "Except the giant maggots. Mind your step."

"It's fine." the gruff man says. "Anyhow, you did well I guess. Have you figured a way to get me out of here?"
"Yeah, easy peasy on the fight, but we don't even have any idea where we are yet. We'll find a way back I'm sure. Just keep calm. I can create all the fresh water we need." Luna is beginning to think this man is a bit...entitled.

"Do you think that you could fix up my leg?" the woman with the, well, broken leg.
"Yes, of course, we'll do our best. What's your name, miss?" The cleric begins examining the injured leg to see how she can best help. She calls out to the others, "Can you all look for pieces of wood and such to make a splint with? Once we have that, I'll need someone to help hold her leg steady but gently..." Luna tries to sound like she knows exactly what she is doing as she asks for help, but she is mostly going off of instinct here.

"Oh, and can the little dragon scout a bit while we're doing this? Thank you very much"
Anyone that can successfully AID ANOTHER on the Heal skill wioll give Luna a cumulative +2 on her roll.
She takes 10, for a base of 14. If 3 of you can succeed, that becomes a 20.

2018-07-18, 12:58 PM
It would seem that the unconscious lady would need to wait while they worked on the one awake first. This is why Esper had asked someone more qualifying to take over how best to heal and who to work on first after all. Looking around she'd go about all the debris looking for wood, rope, cloth, even plaster if possible. Once she gathered it all she'd go about aiding in the healing of the broken leg.

"Here is a bunch of stuff to use."

2018-07-18, 01:42 PM
"I'm Anevia Tirabade" the woman with the broken leg says. Lunalesca and Esper manage to splint her leg, a fact that she is highly grateful for. "Thanks for your help, both of you" she says. She can now limp about, and goes on to fashion a crutch to help her move about.

Aravashinal, having listened to you all, is trying to decide the best course of action. "We need to get to the surface" he ponders, "But excess haste seems counter-productive. I'm going to need someone to be my eyes here."
"I can do that" Anevia offers, "Not like I'm going to be much use otherwise. I can still keep us both safe, no need to worry"

Finally, it looks like Esper's efforts make the unconscious woman stir a little. She shivers and moans in pain, but does not come to. Lunalesca thinks that she could be resuscitated with just a bit more healing.

Your heal check tells you that she is at -1 hp at the moment. Both Anevia and Aravashinal are also on single digits.

On the left side, she see the remains of an old campsite. On the right, she spotted something long and thin coiled among the rocks. Maybe another maggot or something?

2018-07-18, 02:17 PM
Lunalesca Slaveborn: AC 19
"Nice to meet you, Anevia. Think nothing of it. Do you have anything to defend yourself with?"

Luna goes to examine the unconscious woman, and determines that she can be brought back to consciousness with a bit more healing. After using whatever is available to bandage the stump, she says "I know all are hurt. Gather around for more healing." Once again, bright luminescence comes forth from her halo, and everyone has their stamina and health restored more.
Channeling: [roll0]

2018-07-18, 02:23 PM
"Did you all die?" Aravashinal asks after the sounds of battle stop. "Should I be worried?"
"No, Aravashinal, no one was injured during this fight." she answers in a reassuring tone. She quickly adds, "Except the giant maggots. Mind your step."

"Yeah, we're all good here." he says, as his arms ripple and the extra mass on his arms seems to feed back into his skin, leaving his human limbs. He stretches out a hand and his everburning torch flies tumbling end over end back into his hand, and he walks back towards the group. Once Anevia is on her feet he guides Aravashinal to her and turns to look for Ylby. As if on cue, the glides out of the darkness and lands on his shoulder.

"Already ahead of you, Luna." He switches to draconic.

"So, you find anything over there?"The dragon wrinkles her nose at him. More importantly, what is that smell on your arm?"
"A giant flesh eating maggot."
"And you couldn't have just torched it instead of sticking your hand in it?"
"You know I don't have a breath weapon."
"Well you should."
"You're one to talk, you're an actual dragon."

"So, you find anything over there?"... "A giant flesh eating maggot."... "You know I don't have a breath weapon."... "You're one to talk, you're an actual dragon."

Ylby glares at Kreedic, then seems to notice Luna and starts glaring at her instead.

"So... lizard lady fell down here too? Serves her right..." Kreedic rolls his eyes for the umpteenth time that day. "Forget that, come on, what did you find? Ylby doesn't take her eyes of Luna, but does respond. There's two exits over there, one has a long coiled thing, maybe another of your maggots. And for the love of Apsu, PLEASE kill it with something you can wash. The other one has an abandoned campsite, which is portentous."

"Forget that, come on, what did you find?...

Kreedic suddenly gives an exclamation of triumph and goes back to speaking common. "Yes! Hey everyone, I don't think we're trapped down here after all! Ylby here found an abandoned campsite, which means there must be a way to the surface nearby!"

2018-07-18, 03:20 PM
Anevia escorts Aravashinal to Lunalesca for healing. It has the additional side-effect of bringing the final injured woman to consciousness. She lacks the stoicism of the others and is more vocal about her suffering.
"Shut her up before she calls in some monster" the gruff man says.

Nothing comes your way though. She gets a hold of herself soon. She is still more or less in shock, but gets up on shaky feet.
"I... Guess I have... you to thank?" she asks, speaking slowly and trying not to look at her missing arm. "I'm Emilie" she volunteers after a while.

Anevia carries a short sword, as well as a shortbow, though her fall was not kind to her arrows. She scans the rubble for any gear that could be useful, finding Aravashinal's staff in the rubble after a little description.

The bag hanging from the ledge. The pack itself is a masterwork backpack that contains 10 days of trail rations, a flint and steel, a set of caltrops, two flasks of oil, a bundle of 12 arrows, a potion of cure light wounds, and a potion of lesser restoration.

2018-07-18, 04:05 PM
Lunalesca Slaveborn: AC 19

Seeing Emilie still in pain, she summons her goddess's healing powers once again. Once that is done, she introduces herself. "Nice to meet you, Emilie. I'm Luna. Glad I was able to save you. We'll need to stick together to find our way back to the surface. I think we fell a long way. Can you walk?"

MOAR channeling: [roll0]

2018-07-18, 04:20 PM
Armasse officially began at noon, with the blessing of the festival by Lord Hui run himself, ruler of Kenabres. The crowd gathered in Clydwell Plaza quieted as the aged inquisitor took the stage, clad in shining, resplendent armor. He cleared his throat, but just as he was about to speak, a bright light shone from the west, as if the sun were rising from the wrong direction. Hulrun's shadow fell huge and distorted across the cathedral's facade. A moment later, the sound of a thunderous explosion ripped through the air and earth, along with a violent tremor. To the west, the fortress known as the Kite-the location of Kenabres's wardstone-had vanished. In its place, a brilliant plume of red fire, lightning, and smoke erupted into the heavens. A moment later, a powerful roar accompanied a welcome sight rising from the crowd-Kenabres's greatest guardian, the ancient silver dragon Terendelev, who had until that moment been attending the opening ceremony disguised as a human. Above, another form appeared, as nightmarish as the dragon was breathtaking. A humanoid shape three times the size of any man, with skin coated in fire and lightning, gripped a flaming sword and whip. The creature's identity was immediately obvious: Khorramzadeh, the Storm King of the Worldwound, had come to Kenabresi As the ground continued to shake and disgorge demons into the streets, the dragon and the balor lord clashed above. The fight was over in a few harrowing moments, as the balor cut deep into Terendelev's body, swooping down to strike the dragon and arresting her charge. A few more blows, and the titanic duo spiralled downward toward the crowd.

The sight of the dragon smashing into the facade of the Cathedral of St. Clydwell is one no witness would ever forget. At that moment, a titanic demon erupted at the far end of the plaza, reducing several buildings to ruins as it smashed into this world. The rift it created shot across the plaza, and this time there was no escape-it opened below your feet, angling away into darkness. Even as you fell, the dragon noticed your plight. Though she saw death standing over her, she seized this final chance to save a few more souls. After she uttered a few arcane words and stretched out a bleeding talon, you felt her magic take hold of you, slowing your plummet into the darkness as if you were feathers falling into a pit. Yet the fall remained as inexorable, and as you drifted downward into the depths, the last thing you saw was the Storm King standing before the ancient silver dragon, his sword lashing out and cleaving full through her neck. As her severed head fell, the rift above you slammed shut, and the light of the world above was gone. Darkness fell and you lost consciousness.

"Yes. I... think so, yes." Emilie says. With everyone finally capable of moving you can set off. The gruff man introduces himself as Horgus. Keep him safe and get him out of here and there's good money in it for you.

As for how the NPC's assign themselves, Horgus avoids Anevia, preferring to walk behind her and keeop an eye on her. Emilie is wary of Aravashinal, though not very much after realizing that he cannot see.

A torn bedroll lies next to the cold remains of a fire. A pile of bones, broken equipment, and rubble lies just past the campsite. A thorough search of the room turns up a torn bedroll, three candle stubs (each can burn for 30 minutes), a bent fishhook, 10 feet of badly frayed hemp rope, and a copper brooch depicting a bat perched on a mushroom. Both of the bat's eyes are tiny amethysts

Soon enough the path from the other possible room joins the one you took. After traveling the winding route from the abandoned campsite for a long while, half an hour of walking in the still underground air, you reach the tunnel's end at a junction. To the north, a 5-footwide opening in the wall leads into a cave filled with soft but nasty-looking green light-the tunnel itself continues south at a small incline.

A single sizable 20-foot-tall building remains in the center of this 30-foot-high cave, a bunkerlike structure with no windows and walls of worked stone blocks. A 10-foot-long carving of a hammer decorates the building's facade. The ruins of collapsed outbuildings stand to either side.
You can roll knowledge (Religion) to know who this shrine might belong to.

2018-07-18, 04:43 PM
Esper was relived to know everyone was mobile enough for them to start to move again. Everyone knew who each other was at this point but the lingering image of the Silver Dragon felling to the Demon was etch in her mind. It bred fear into her heart that once they made it out of here they would be met with even greater danger. Still she had to press forward, she had to do the right thing and she needed to do her best.

Having her memories back Esper couldn't just ignore the fact that demons had made it into the city. It brought back haunting memories of her childhood when a similar incident happened and her mother was killed. Not wanting to take the risk she'd focus on all the party members with her Detect Evil ability granted to her for being a paladin. If she got any hint at all that there was an evil aura she'd continue to keep focus on her ability and not cancel it.

"Anevia. It seems the fall wasn't kind to your arrows. If no one objects, you should take these arrows from the campsite. You're injured and can't help in the front lines. Stay in the back while you assist Aravashinal in getting around."

Once reaching the shine Esper would not like the nasty-looking green light one bit. Taking note of the walls she'd attempt to ascertain who the shrine belonged to and what was causing the nasty-looking green light.

2018-07-18, 05:24 PM
The memories came flooding back suddenly to the cleric. “Oh, so THAT’S the important event Nocticula probably wanted me here for. But what am I supposed to do? Whatever it is, I need to help these people first.” she thinks to herself.

Before leaving the initial area, she searches around for any sign of the silver dragon’s head. After all, it may have fallen in woh them. Or pieces of it perhaps.

Will do the shrine later, since Esper detected evil as soon as she remembered what happened.

Esper detects a Faint evil aura on Lunalesca.

2018-07-18, 08:40 PM
After some grumbling to Kreedic about being a dragon and not a gopher, Ylby retrieves the backpack from it's precarious spot. It seems to weigh her down a lot, but she manages to glide to the ground with it (her maximum for a light load is 11.5 lbs). As she does so, the sight of the tiny dragon flying upwards brings to the forefront the memories he had been trying to suppress: the last flight and subsequent death of Terendelev.

Mengkare the gold dragon had asked Kreedic to send his regards to Terendelev, but unfortunately he had been unable to locate her. He had been excited to meet another dragon, Ylby even more so, but before he could say a word she had been slain. The tiny dragon's extra sarcasm and impatience down in the cavern suddenly made more sense; she was grieving too. The murder of a dragon would not be tolerated.

Once Ylby returned, Kreedic hands off the arrows to Anevia at Esper's request, then sifts through the rest of the pack as they walk. He smiles at the sight of the trail rations; he hadn't worn his pack to the festival and was without his rations and cooking gear. Once the mundane gear is sorted through, he puts on the pack, leaving only the potions out as he examines them. Once he'd determined what they were with detect magic, he pockets one and hands the other to Luna, explaining that he believed it contained a rejuvenating spell called lesser restoration.

Upon reaching the campsite Ylby surreptitiously swipes the brooch, but does a poor job of it, earning an yet another eye-roll from Kreedic. "Finders Keepers!" she says telepathically, and a little defiantly. He responds in draconic. "Whatever you say, though you might have to give it up later."


2018-07-20, 07:42 AM
Esper was torn as what to do. Certainly it was odd that Luna was emitting a faint aura of evil, but she was channeling positive healing energy before, which is a paradox. No demon could do that unless they were good, and as far as she knew evil clerics channeled negative energy that harmed others and healed the undead.

'What should I do? If I point it out right now it could disperse what fragile trust and composure we have going on at the moment. Plus we have all these injured here we need to get to the surface and safety first. Even if she is evil, it may well be I have to worth with her for the greater good....plus the venerable silver dragon saved her as well it seems. Maybe Tev....maybe she saw good in Luna? Maybe I can redeem her!"

After some internal struggle Esper would find the best course of action to remain silent for the moment. At least until the party was in better shape or in clear safety.

"It seems we have stumbled upon a defiled temple to Torag. We must cleanse this place before moving on. I know we are in a hurry but I am duty bound."

Short, polite but matter of fact. The way Esper liked it.

2018-07-20, 10:20 AM
"I agree" Aravashinal says. "The influence of evil must be fought no matter what form it takes. Perhaps this insidious corruption beneath Kenabres was the chink in its defences that allowed the attack?"
"Here we go with another of your crazy theories." Horgus says. "Every moment spent here is a moment wasted. I say we move on."
"Easy for you to say" Anevia interjects. "You made it out unscathed. I'm grateful for the healing you did, Luna, and if you want to press forward, we are able. But this looks like a safe place if we must remain here, provided that we can undo the corruption herein. I trust Aravashinal can help with that."
"Well, I might have something in my notes" the elf starts, reaching for a book hanging at his waist before trailing off. "I'm sure it will work out. And I insist. We should listen to Esper."

2018-07-20, 11:14 AM
The aasimar agrees with Esper. “We should investigate. If nothing else, we want to make sure nothing can stab us in the back as we travel this road. If there is some sort of evil cult here. Perhaps if we capture one member alive, we can even learn a route to the surface.”

She is ready to investigate.

2018-07-22, 02:45 AM
Kreedic grimaces at the sickly light. "I know the symbol." He looks back and forth between the others as they converse about what to do about the shrine. "Aravashinal, now might be a good time to tell you that you can't see because you were blinded in the fall. Though you've probably figured that out by now... Sorry I didn't tell you before, I didn't want you to panic on us. I know this is presumptuous, but I was trained to be a wizard before I developed other talents. If you'll let me be your eyes I might be able to help you in figuring something out."

He turns to Horgus, the gruff man. "Questionable levels of moral responsibility aside, there's a decent chance we'll find a map or something less cooperative, like Luna said, that will help us navigate to the surface if we go and investigate. A shrine like this, this close to Kenabres is or was probably visited regularly by the dwarves in the city, and they'd have a way of getting back and forth from the surface.


2018-07-22, 11:11 AM
"I did hazard a guess" Aravashinal says. He doesn't seem to mind being lied to. "It was prudent to get us moving. I'm syre that there is someone in Mendev that can sort me out"
"Fine" Horgus says. "Let's go check it out. Can't wait to get going again."

As you enter the cavern, there is an odd ambient sound, some kind of buzzing that comes and goes. Anevia and Aravashinal hold the rear, Emilie and Horgus are before them, the man with his hand hovering near the hilt of a fancy and probably decorative sword.

You cross the small cavern to the front doors.

The NPC's will stay one room behind you.

Inside the doors is a small antechamber, roughly square. On the far side, there are stone doors engraved with the hammer icon. On the right is a stone bench, covered in dust. On the left, you find a small stone pedestal, still filled with water.

Old stone benches sit in rows before a dais holding an altar. Everything is quite dusty and unkempt. You also see a figure seated on the front row, equally dusty. Cloaked, their head bowed.

2018-07-22, 04:28 PM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Effects: None

The aasimar cleric, with her shield at the ready, walks close to the front. "Be on your guard. I don't like that buzzing noise. I mean, we saw maggots earlier. Who knows what monstrous blood-sucking flies their kind morphs into. Once inside the antechamber, she examines the water. "If a temple has been defiled, sometimes the water turns unholy." Regardless of the results, in the next room, upon seeing the cloaked figure seated at the front, Luna greets it.

"Hello there. Our apologies for interrupting any prayers you might be in. We are quite lost in these caves. May we trouble you to give us some directions?" She keeps her distance for now, but tries to see what she can glean about what this person is. Is it a dwarf?

Perception check to see the features of this person: [roll0]

2018-07-22, 06:45 PM
Esper's paladin instincts would kick in. At first her reaction was to rush up and check on the person for they might also be a survivor that made it this far and was close to death, but then the deflined nature of the shrine and the sickly-green slight gave her pause for what normal person would take rest in such a place...no this didn't sit right with her.

Using her birthright powers she'd activate her soul seer eyes to determine the condition of entity first. Soon she would instantly know whether the body was dead, fragile (alive and wounded, with 3 or fewer hit points left), fighting off death (alive with 4 or more hit points), healthy, undead, or neither alive nor dead (such as a construct).

Additionally she wasn't about to be caught off guard again so she had her shield and deities favored weapon; the scimitar, at the ready.


Esper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1631495)
Female Lawful Good Tiefling (Demon-Spawn "Succubus") Paladin 1;
HP 12/12, AC 19;
Touch 11, Flat-footed 18,
CMB +5, CMD 16;
Init 1, Speed 30 ft.;
Fort 4, Ref 1, Will 1;
Base Attack Bonus +1;
Scimitar +5 melee (1d6+4, 18-20 x2)
Shortbow +2 ranged (1d6, x2)
Lamellar (Leather) / Shield, heavy wooden
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 18

2018-07-23, 01:14 AM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Effects: None

Luna noted that the basin still carries holy water, and shares this fact with the others. A good sign. She has 2 doses of her own, but refills are nice. Upon the cloaked figure's eyes becoming red, the creature's nature becomes clear. "Huecuva! Undead. Use magical or silver weapons. I want to try something. Please delay attacking."
Asking those that have an initiative of higher than 11, to delay their actions.

2018-07-23, 03:40 PM
The Huecuva was not listening to Luna. It leaps off the bench and rounds to the central path. Glowing red eyes shine from beneath a hood and above a bushy and unkempt beard. Beneath the cloak are faded and torn vestments, and it wears a fine broken chain around its neck. It rushes Esper, thrusting it's clawed fingers at the Paladin

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] damage. Also, she's going to want a Fort save if she is hit.

2018-07-23, 06:48 PM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Effects: None

Everything is happening fairly quickly. The undead's decision to attack the paladin instead of attacking Luna gives Luna the time to study a few important details.

Temple is well below-ground. Earthly domain of Torag, the Father of Creation.
Huecuvas are created when cleric of high piety lose their faith and blaspheme their deity right before death.
Remote location which is not in enemy territory, and undisturbed dust suggests this place was forgotten, or perhaps never known.
Conjecture: Bitterness and loneliness are driving emotions.

The cleric reaches into her pack as she begins her long-shot ploy. In a clear voice, she begins, "Caretaker of this shrine, hear me! I understand your pain and your loneliness. I can see how you feel slighted and abandoned. You have worked so hard for this place yet this beautiful sanctuary lies empty and unused, and you lost your faith. I myself know very well about staying on the road even in the face of sparse or no evidence of progress or favor. It can be hard, but faith is not supposed to be easy. But despair not! It is not too late. I beseech you to cease your attacks and join us in rededicating this temple to Torag. In doing so, you rededicate yourself as well. After we are done, you can finally go Torag's forge in Heaven. I promise, I will make sure this waystation is known to dwarven-kind, and it will be a useful safe haven for travelers." She holds out to the huecuva the piece of chalk she just retrieved from her pack.

Use entire round to make speech on a hail mary.

2018-07-24, 01:07 AM
Lunalesca's words seem to reach the monster. It freezes, then seems to hesitate, stopping to listen. The malicious red glow of it's eyes flickers a little as Luna offers the chalk. For a moment, you can see intense self-loathing reflected in its eyes, before it lashes out at you with it's claw. It's attack is a far cry from the original charge, lacking purpose, and it doesn't immediately follow up. It seems to be struggling with itself.

Outside, the buzzing you heard initially intensifies. You see Anevia drop her crutch and draw her bow, nocking an arrow and loosing one towards the outside roof of the structure. Horgus gallantly takes Emilie to the antechamber, coincidentally placing himself in shelter. You see that he has not drawn his sword yet, merely clutches the hilt with white knuckles. "What is that?" he asks, spotting the Huecuva. Outside, you see that a giant fly-type monster lands on Anevia, trying to bite at her with its mouth-parts.

2018-07-24, 02:24 AM
Despite being intrigued that the defiler of the shrine would leave holy water in the pedestal, he continues onward. He was curious about the place; though born in the strongly, and sometimes even fanatically religious city of Kenabres, he'd lived most of his life in Hermea where religion was expressly forbidden. His curiosity turned to puzzlement as Luna attempted to converse with the obviously undead creature before them, then got walloped for her trouble.

"There's a time and a place for platitudes!" he yells in annoyance, crouching, and then throwing his weight behind a backhanded claw swipe meant to take the huecuva's head off.


It's only then that he notices the fly. "Great, one injured damsel under attack from the maggot's mother, one (now injured) damsel too caught up in her ideals to make sure that when you convert someone you're first in a position of power!"

If attack hit: Five foot step towards Anevia
If attack missed: Stay put

2018-07-24, 06:51 AM

Creature is Helpless per discord, DMG rolled in discord.


Esper was shocked that Luna's tactic worked but this was due to her limited knowledge of undead and the fact that it understood her in the first place. Esper would make note to ask Luna everything she knew about this type of undead in order to learn more. Still the creature seemed to want death, it was asking for absolution and to be freed from it's torment. Maybe doing that and cleansing this temple would allow it salvation to return to his deities home.

Saying a pray to Sarenrae for the creatures redemption (thats what shes about) she'd drop her shield down and hold her scimitar with two hands to perform a Power Attackk Coup de Grace on the undead and smite while at it. It wasn't out of any sense of urgency really, no she was Smiting as to not have to strike the helpless creature more than once if she could avoid it. Even in it's undeath Esper wanted to spare it as much pain as possible while she provided a path to another existence, and hopefully it's salvation and redemption.

"I'll take care of this. Help the others out with the giant bug. I'll come with I can."


Discord roll for DMG was 20 with the crit

2018-07-24, 11:03 AM
The huecuva simply sighs as it is slain in a single, clean blow.

Rung pushes past Emilie and Horgus, rushing outside and striking at the fly with her hammer and missing the nimble flyer. Anevia drops her bow and draws her sword, still trying to keep Aravashinal behind her. The elf grips her shoulder with one hand, holding his staff in the other. He lets go, gesturing and beginning to cast a spell. The woman stabs her sword through the fly's thorax, pushing at it, moving it before the hand Aravashinal extends over her shoulder. He concludes his spell, a bolt of green acid shooting from his hand and striking the head of the fly, which melts away into nothing, and it goes limp. Anevia, Horgus and Emilie just stare. Aravashinal is just happy the buzzing stopped.

The combat is over. The acid eats away more of the fly, sizzling for a few seconds before evaporating

knowledge (religion) can give you an idea for how to fix the shrine.

2018-07-24, 05:37 PM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 0/5
Effects: None

Lunalesca offers a reassuring smile to the huecuva, even as she feels a pang of sadness inside. She got through to the undead, but this is apparently the only solution. "It's ok, this shrine will be in good hands." Esper's single, clean, powerful stroke destroys the undead. At least it was quick.

She turns around, a confident look on her face even as her arm is bleeding. "All in a day's work! Now, let's go out and help the others." The cleric charges outside, arm outstretched and ready to deliver some fiery justice, only to find a pile of melting goo. "Oh, I guess you guys took care of the threat. Anevia, you're hurt again!" She gathers everyone, and channels her healing once again, multiple times. "We all need to rest and recover. This shrine has been secured, after I talked the undead that was inside into committing suicide."

Luna has a good idea of what she needs to do to reconsecrate this shrine to Torag, and she will do so after everyone is on board. She is prepared for the entitled noble to be...argumentative.
Channel energy 3 times to heal everyone. If anyone else is still injured, she has two spells she can convert into Cure Light Wounds.

2018-07-24, 11:56 PM
Anevia, Aravashinal and Emilie gather around Luna to further recover. Once more, the healing light washes over them, sinking into their wounds which close. You can see the bite wound on Anevia's arm close and the burns on Emilie's arm and body peel off from more or less healthy skin newly restored beneath them. Aravashinal seems to be doing better, though magic like this cannot help with his obvious injuries.

As they enter the shrine proper, Anevia dallies at the entrance for a moment, clearing her eyes before properly entering.
"That was really well done there" Horgus says, oozing with sarcasm.
"I agree. An achievement to be sure" Aravashinal says, sincere. "I'm going to have to ask for some notes later."

"We should rest, yes" Anevia says.
"Of course you would say that" Horgus replies. "We need to press on. You even got healed there!"
"Of injuries she only just sustained" Emilie counters.
"Details!" Horgus exclaims, exasperated. "We cannot dally here. Do you not remember what was going on before we ended up down here? We need to get there yesterday"
"Getting there worn out and powerless serves no purpose" Aravashinal says. "Unless you are more interested in saving your wealth than the town"
"Again with your theories, elf?"
"We need to recover" Aravashinal says with finality.
"Not that I don't agree" Emilie chips in, "But you could get a better attitude. Both of you"
"Don't be too hard on him" Anevia says, stepping by Aravashinal. "He has been through a lot"
"And I haven't?" Horgus exclaims. "We need to press on. We don't have time to rest and especially not reconsecrate some old shrine here where no-one will ever visit again!"
"Big words from someone afraid to admit their own faith" Anevia accuses.

The argument seems set to go on for a while.

2018-07-25, 12:52 AM
Kreedic was ready to lay into the undead with both claws this time, but the creature inexplicably stopped moving, and Esper downed it with her scimitar. He didn't have much time to think about that though, because the buzzing was still going on outside. He wheels around and runs outside just in time to see Aravashinal literally melt the fly's face off. He frowns. "I need to learn some elemental magic like that." he thinks to himself.

As Anevia is pulled out from underneath the corpse and Luna begins healing, he takes mental inventory of the situation and what needs to be done: Alright, we sorted out the undead and the pest problem, though the shrine remains defiled. Probably some sort of longterm magical effect. We still don't know how to get to the surface, and contrary to my prior supposition this shrine doesn't seem to have been visited in awhile, judging by the dust on the Huecuva. He grits his teeth. That wasn't a good sign.

He follows the group inside as the argument starts up, and though he was originally intending to keep his observation to himself the situation seems to call for it. "Horgus, I'm afraid my initial hopes about this place were incorrect. You probably weren't able to see, but that huecuva was covered in dust, meaning there's a decent chance that no one has been through here for awhile. For better or worse, we may be stuck down here for a couple days, and this shrine is about as good of shelter as we can hope to find from things like that fly. If you're anxious to keep moving though, I'd like to scout around this place while the injured rest. You're welcome to come along; I may need you to use that sword of yours. Before that though... he turns to Luna. "You seem familiar with religious things," "even if your priorities about them are a little odd" he adds in his head, if a shrine like this kept travel maps or some other useful documents, where would they be?

2018-07-25, 04:00 PM
Esper didn't feel this was the time for arguments and that they needed to be squashed. She doubted she even had the social presence to even calm their arguments or come up with some diplomatic solution. No, her skills and talents were better left elsewhere at the moment and that was using her knowledge to fix up the temple and cleanse it. Not only that but she'd do her best to bury the old dwarf as well in a respectful manner on top of cleansing the temple as well. She knew this was going to take a while but there was one thing that she agreed with, they were going to be down here several days. Still she'd say what she needed to say and get to work.

"Listen I know we are tired, injured and weary. We all have differing views of what we should do but I agree that we won't get out of here anytime soon. We could be down here days until we find a way out. That said, we had a fairly direct path here. I'm going to cleanse the temple and then backtrack and make sure we didn't miss any paths, or supplies of use. I am doing this because this temple will make for a good place to fall back and rest and I want to make sure nothing can come up from behind us. Tactically it's better to only have to guard on direction than two or more."

Instead of the back and fourth why don't you all say what we can do to assist here. I'm a paladin and as such have combat skills. Luna is a healer as we all well know and wise. Kreedic by the sounds of it is a practitioner of the arcane arts. Rung is a blacksmith and knows how to fight.

Aravashinal you are also a user of the arcane arts and seem quite knowledge. Your assistance in cleansing the temple would be welcome.

Anevia your leg is injured but you're skilled with the bow and obviously have some training in combat a well. You'd do well to protect the back and our healer while you assist Aravashinal in getting around.

Horgus you seem most vocal to keep pressing on. However from the look of it you are no fighter and no user of magic. You have a fine sword and a air about you, so you must be from noble birth or have great wealth from other means. That said I have no doubt you still have skills and talents that will be of great help. In my experience people of wealth are good at keeping track of things. Maybe you can go over our supplies, rummage back in the cave for things we might need after we can assure it's safe, keep track of things. It might seem small but every army has a quartermaster for a reason. (holding up her hand to pause any reply) I know we aren't an army, but I would say we are a unit at the very least.

Emilie, with your arm you are the must injured it seems and have not had time to voice who you are. Are you mage, merchant, house wife? Do you have any talents or skills that we can make use of while we get out of our situation?

Everyone here can be of use and is of use. Even a single grain of sand can change the scales after all."

With that Esper would get to work.

2018-07-25, 06:53 PM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 0/5
Effects: None

The aasimar shakes her head at all the arguing. She tries to settle it, especially directing her attention at Horgus. "Horgus, let's say we did hurry. Let's say we somehow managed to get back to the surface, and re-emerge onto the streets. What do you think is going to happen? We're in this situation...and we've suffered these INJURIES..." She gestures at the elf's lack-of-eyes as she says this. "...because there is a demon INVASION of Kenabres right now. Our greatest defender, Terendelev, is dead. We rush back out there, and I guarantee you we will be DINNER. And not your pretty little rapier, and not all of the gold in you vault will save you. We take it slow. We recover. Most importantly, we do not act impulsively. Do you understand? Everyone, let's calm down. We're all in this together."

She turns to Kreedic. "As far as maps and documents go, I'm not well versed in dwarven architechture, but this place isn't that big, and we've got many hours to search it. I doubt we'll find much though. Come, let's consecrate it. I think I know how to do that..."

Luna will lead the group in the consecration and dedicating ritual.

Diplomacy to calm down the situation and convince Horgus to stop complaining: [roll0]

2018-07-26, 01:25 PM
Your attempts at diplomacy do not really reduce the amount of complaints, only the volume.

You bunker down to rest, while Luna, Esper and eventually Horgus get to work cleansing the shrine. First thing to do is to clear away the dust and dirt of ages. After that is the more religious part. You wish to dedicate the shrine again to Torag, the Father of Creation, but none of you worship him. You do recall some rituals and how to enact them. The fell greenish glow eventually subsides, leaving the place darker. In that darkness, the altar glows with soft golden light, briefly, and there is a profound sense of safety that falls over the place.

By the time you are finished with cleaning and rituals, the others have had a good rest. Horgus has, in addition, searched the place and assembled what you have found thus far.

You've also eaten and drank, but there hasn't been fresh water here underground.

Do the ones cleansing the shrine want to take their rest as well?

From the shrine, you have obtained two potions of Cure light wounds, as well as two vials worth of holy water, a masterwork warhammer, as well as a golden and ornate holy symbol of Torag, with a piece of broken chain.
From the campsite, you obtained a filthy bedroll, candle stubs, 10 feet of rope, as well as a decorated copper brooch claimed by Ylby
From the initial cave, you found a third potion of Cure Light wounds, two flasks of oil, 10 days of rations (of which your group would have consumed 8 at this stage), flint and steel, a set of caltrops, 12 arrows claimed by Anevia and a potion of Lesser Restoration given to Luna.

2018-07-26, 10:32 PM
Luna is beat, and after spending her remaining spells to heal the blind wizard, she will try to get some rest. Perhaps 6 hours of sleep.

2018-07-27, 03:14 AM
Though the anxiousness to rededicate the shrine before scouting the area reinforces Kreedic's low opinion of some of the others' abilities to prioritize, the others do notice a crude broom bobbing about the place seemingly of it's own accord, slowly sweeping refuse out of the building. OOC: Prestidigitation

Meanwhile, Kreedic explores the exterior of the building, taking Horgus along if he's willing. He was pretty sure he could hold his own against one of those flies, especially with Ylby's sting to help if he got in trouble, but he saw no sense in risking one sneaking in while they were asleep. If those maggots were of the same species they were apparently carnivorous...

He doesn't find much, just some old mining tools, which makes him chuckle a little at dwarves incorrigible tendency to mine and dig, even here around their shrine, but as he thinks about it he realizes that the tools probably predate the shrine and were used to widen the cavern.

He comes back and sets the weird looking broom to running up and down corners for any remaining cobwebs, then comes over to look at what Horgus found. He hefts the warhammer. "Hmm, good balance, if a little crude compared to more elegant types of weapons." He sets it down and turns to Horgus. "Good work locating this stuff, even if we couldn't find a map. I've looked around outside and there doesn't seem to be anything dangerous out there right now and we should be safe here for a bit. Ylby was eyeing the holy symbol, but a glance from Kreedic kept her in check. He frowned as he saw the rations, however. "I will say though, once everyone has rested up we should continue without stopping unless we manage to find some more aqueous and nutritious supplies..."

Once things slow down he makes his bed in one of the corners. He'd spurned soft beds for some time now; they just felt wrong to him, like the soft cushiness was making him soft too, sapping away his strength. Stone and earthen beds didn't feel quite right either, but were marginally better and so he didn't mind sleeping on the floor; it's what he had been doing anyway since he arrived in Kenabres.

2018-07-27, 08:28 AM
Esper was ready for a good nights sleep after all the hard work they put in today. Even Horgas was of a lot of help, a fact she'd thank him for. She'd also thank everyone else for their efforts and help before volunteering to take the nights first watch. It was also now that she'd have time to think about things. Why was Luna displaying a evil aura but she herself was good. Esper with her paladin training knew enough to know that evil clerics use negative energy, not positive, but maybe it was possible to use the other after all?

"It would be unwise to confront her about this now given the fragile state of everyone. We must get out first, then I can confront her about it."


Baring not issues the rest of the night Esper would wake up and search through her backpack. Setting up her cooking kit she'd make green tea and coffee for those who wanted it and have rations sent out to everyone. She'd use up all her clean water in the process but she vaguely remembered luna saying she could make more. Either way what tea people didn't drink she'd pour into her waterskin. When everyone was ready to move on she'd gather her gear and take the front, weapon and shield ready, suggesting that the small dragon act as a forward scout while we pressed forward.

2018-07-27, 01:43 PM

You have been travelling for hours on end through narrow paths, through small chambers and long, winding caves, making your way to the surface. Quite recently, you entered a larger chamber through a narrow opening high on the wall. There you found first signs of life. Not a heartening sight at all in itself, rubble and ruins of bodies but for the fact that you recognize that these pieces are from Kenabres. From the surface. While your instinct still tells you that you are deep beneath the ground, you can see signs in this chamber that there were survivors. It still takes a long time, wandering through more winding passageways, to come across a small opening on the passage wall, containing a shrine to Torag

You are about rested and recovered

2018-07-27, 03:12 PM
Hesper moves as close to silently as she can under the weight of her equipment toward the hole in the wall. She peers through it.

Checks are probably not really applicable here, since I know OOC who's on the other side, but just in case, Stealth check: [roll0]
Perception check: [roll1]

2018-07-29, 04:02 AM
Kreedic awakes, and though he has no idea what time it is the growling in his stomach tells him it's time to go find a couple of bird's nests and poach (no pun intended) some eggs. It's only as his eyes settle on the carving of a hammer set into the wall that he remembers where he is: stuck underground in a dwarven shrine, hoping against hope that the city above both still existed and had a route to it.

He goes through a stretching routine to limber up, then drinks a bit of water (If no one has conjured some he'll try to sneak some of the holy water in the pedestal. Sure it's useful for it's holy properties but that's no reason to ignore it's hydrating ones, at least in his opinion.) This done, he gathers up the pack and the miscellaneous non magical items they've found (minus the nasty bedroll, who would want that?) and puts it on. He figures he's the strongest person there that isn't already wearing pounds of armor, so it makes sense for him to take it. As he's doing so though, there's a sharp thought, not his own, that enters his mind.

"Something's approaching from the outside!"

Immediately he hurdles the bench he was working at and runs to the door, where he sees... a dwarf. "By Apsu's scales, some dwarf actually came down to visit this place after all!" he says to himself, then he calls out. "Hey! No need to worry, the demons didn't quite make it down here. You must have come down from the surface! How are things up there? We have wounded, though stable people that need to get to a surgeon. You're probably anxious to check on the shrine, but could you lead us out?"

2018-07-29, 07:39 AM
Putting down her cup of tea and pulling out her shield and sword Esper would take up arms at the proclamation that a dwarf was down here by their friendly neighborhood dragon-touched. Activating her Detect Evil she'd approach the dwarf wearily.

"Kreedic step back. The dwarf might be a demon in disguise.

You. By what manner did you make it down to this place?"

If Esper didn't pick up any evil aura then she'd relax her stance a lot and sheath her weapon but would stand firm in wanting to know the answer to her question. It was important to know if there were other caves in's elsewhere where people may have lived so they could save others. It was equally important to her to know if they were close to an exit to the surface.

2018-07-29, 08:43 AM
"Ah, hello!" Hesper says, assessing the strangers. "I'm not a demon. I fell down here when that really big one smashed the ground. Terendelev cast some spell that saved me from dying in the fall, but unless you can fly, you couldn't go out that way. Actually, I think it closed behind me even if you can. You said something about a shrine? Down here? How old is it?"

2018-07-29, 01:20 PM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5
Effects: None

The cleric was glad to collapse and sleep after spending hours cleansing the shrine. 6 hours later, she was woken by sounds of activity. She gets up from her bedroll, groggy. With no time to don her armor (which she had removed before sleeping), she straps on her heavy shield, picks up her light mace, and heads to the door. Seeing that it is just a dwarf, she wonders their efforts in consecrating the shrine has already paid off.

"We're in much the same boat as you. This shrine is very old. Decades. Maybe more. But, this place is a safe place to rest. Hi, my name is Lunalesca, the resident healer. What's your name?"

2018-07-29, 03:24 PM
"I'm Hesper. Pleased to meet you. I can generally sense which way's up, anyway, when we want to move again." She comes into the room with the others and sits down.

2018-07-29, 05:19 PM
"Likewise, Hesper. I shall prepare quickly. Just a few prayers, a bite of rations, and to put my armor on..."

The aasimar doesn't seem very suspicious of this dwarf, and goes about her business. Besides, if this were a demon that can take the entire group on, then there's nothing Luna can do anyways.

2018-07-31, 09:09 AM
The rest of the group has mixed reaction to the new arrival. Aravashinal is suspicious, asking probing questions, initially believing that she might be an agent of fiends. After hearing the explanation, he is fine with the newcomer.
Horgus is likewise a little suspicious, which is the first point they agree on during the time down here. He doesn't want to bog things down, however. He would rather the focus be on getting up and out.
Anevia and Emilie simply accept it. They have rested and recovered, full of energy that they are going to need.

March order for non-player characters: they will hold the rear. Horgus and Emilie walk a few steps behind the main group. Anevia and Aravashinal will Be behind them, and Rung will bring up the rear.

2018-07-31, 11:42 AM
"I can be flexible," Hesper says. "Maybe second in marching order? Who wants to go first?"

2018-07-31, 05:51 PM
Esper detecting no evil would pack up the tea and coffee as soon as everyone had their fill. Once everyone was ready she'd take out her sword and shield and get ready to head out. Assuming everyone was on board she'd set out.

"Think the little dragon can scout ahead?"

2018-07-31, 08:57 PM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5
Effects: None

Lunalesca is glad that there are relatively little complaints, and that he newcomer is accepted. "The more, the merrier, especially if you can take care of yourself. I'll be in the middle, as to not get in your way when you all go forth to meet the enemy. My purifying flames can be flung up to 30 feet."

Luna is in the back of the PC group, and directly in front of the NPCs.

2018-07-31, 09:28 PM
"Which god do you pray to, Lunalesca?" Hesper asks.

2018-08-01, 01:03 AM
Ylby gives Esper a haughty look. "Her name is Ylby, and I think that's a good idea, don't you?" he says the last part directly to the pseudo dragon, who stares back at him then with a weird noise that might have been a sigh flaps off to the cave exit, where she waits expectantly.

"I prefer to fight at close range, but my defensive magic takes a moment to put up so I'd rather stay towards the back, so long as those in the front can fan out a bit if and when we run into trouble."

2018-08-01, 01:51 AM
You set off from the shrine. As before, it is mostly an uneventful journey through winding tunnels. You occasionally hit branching points, but taking the ones that are inclined should lead you to the surface. Your going is slowed by Aravashinal and Anevia, who cannot quite keep up even with Hesper's pace. They keep calling out at you whenever you stray out of their sight. There have yet to be any significant natural obstacles. The tunnel is broken up by small chambers here and there, but it takes almost an hour of walking at the slowed pace for you to reach a larger chamber.

The new chamber is roughly round, larger than what torchlight illuminates from the doorway, but Ylby can just about see the far wall, as well as the continuing path ahead, but there is something odd with the chamber. She can sense that there is something there, but there are no discernible creatures anywhere.

The walls are lined up with carvings of men in armour. Each depicts a crusader with an expression of deep sorrow. Lunalesca can determine from the armour which, while hardly depicted in great detail or level of artistry, clearly represents that worn by soldiers of the First Crusade.
By the time that he arrives there, Aravashinal asks that you describe the place to him, seeing as he can't see it himself. He has some thoughts on the matter if told (by NPC's if not you)

So how much effort do you want to put into searching the chamber for the vague threat sensed by Ylby? Do you want to have someone guard the far entrance? Do you spread out or group together? Do you tell the NPC's not to come until it's safe?

2018-08-01, 09:42 AM
"Looks like crusader pictures. Down here, though?" Hesper steps into the chamber.

She won't get more than maybe ten feet ahead of the rest of the party, in case something attacks the group from behind, but she has darkvision.
Perception: [roll0]

2018-08-01, 02:45 PM
"Get ready, there's something in here. I'm going to hover at the ceiling. sniff sniff No scent of fresh air yet... bummer."

"Thanks for the warning." says Kreedic aloud in draconic. He forms a symbol with his free hand and utters a few syllables. A moment later, a dim orange shimmer passes over his body. "Keep your ears open everyone, neither Ylby nor I can see anything dangerous right now, but she has an uncanny ability to pick things out not visible to the un-magically aided eye and she's on edge now.

Perception (Kreedic, Lowlight Vision): [roll0]
Perception (Ylby, Blindsense 60ft, Darkvision 60ft, Lowlight Vision): [roll1]

Kreedic wanders into the left side of the room, everburning torch in hand. He frowns at the odd carvings. "You know, these guys look somber enough that you'd think they had just been routed in battle, but I don't see any depictions of demons or other enemies." He calls over his shoulder to the NPC's. "Any of you good with history? Carved men in armor that look like they just got denied a good steak dinner?"

Steak? it was one of the few words of common that Ylby knew, and she was hungry enough that she broadcast it telepathically to everyone.

Ylby has a +15 Fly check and hovering is DC 15 so I won't bother rolling. However, if there's a spot where she can get purchase with her claws she'll just hang from the ceiling rather than continually beating her wings. Kreedic cast Mage Armor, duration 1 hour.

2018-08-01, 04:37 PM
As Ylby approaches the cave roof, her senses finally pick up the disturbance, as one of the stalactites suddenly detaches from the ceiling. It folds out, what appeared to be mere stone even to a dragon's perception folding into membranous wings, their inside surfaces bearing wicked hooks. Another such creature detaches from the roof, diving against Hesper, unfolding itself moments before impact, wrapping it's hooked tentacles around her arm and squeezing. Ylby is not doing much better, as the creature is larger than she is. A wave of darkness spreads around the room, and the shadows deepen. Luna's halo is suppressed, still visible but shedding no light about itself, but the everburning torch carried by Kreedic blazes brightly, keeping the darkness at bay.

Darkvision works just fine. Any mundane light, as well as magical light that you can call upon personally is suppressed by the darkness.
[roll0] vs Ylby (flat-footed)
[roll2] grab vs Ylby (flat-footed)
[roll3] Constrict

[roll4] vs Hesper (flat-footed)
[roll6] grab vs Hesper (flat-footed)
[roll7] Constrict

PC turn.

2018-08-01, 04:53 PM
Ylby screeches in alarm, attempting to jab the creature with her tail before tucking her wings and diving for the ground.


Poison:save Fort DC 14; frequency 1/minute for 10 minutes; effect sleep for 1 minute; cure 1 save.

"Cave Octopuses? I like surf and turf as much as the next guy but this is ridiculous..."

He runs over toward Hesper, bringing a red circle of light from his torch as he goes. When he has a clear shot he reaches out his hand and fires out a swirling vortex of multicolored flashing lights onto the bizarre creature.

Casting Color Spray, DC 14 Will Save

2 HD or less: The creature is unconscious, blinded, and stunned for 2d4 rounds, then blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, and then stunned for 1 round. (Only living creatures are knocked unconscious.)

3 or 4 HD: The creature is blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, then stunned for 1 round.

5 or more HD: The creature is stunned for 1 round.

Sightless creatures are not affected by color spray.

2018-08-01, 05:02 PM
The monster facing Ylby in the air attempts again to catch the small dragon, but it can't quite catch it with its tentacles. It is stung, but appears to shrug it off.

The one that tried to grab Hesper lets go and flops to the ground after Kreedic's spell

2018-08-01, 06:41 PM
"Gah!" Hesper lurches as the flying creature hits her. She first grabs for her rapier, but when it falls to the cavern floor in response to Kreedic's spell, she grabs her bow instead and shoots at the still-flying octopus.

Attack: [roll0] Critical threat check: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]

2018-08-02, 01:25 AM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 7d7
Effects: None

In response to Hesper's question, Luna merely gives a vague answer of, "I worship the philosophies of beauty, freedom, and redemption."

Now, with flying octo-monsters trying to eat the party, the aasimar quickly springs into action, aiming her palm at the enemy fighting with Ylba. "Eat Fire Arrow!"

Luna uses Fire Bolt (touch atk). Firing into melee gives -4 penalty.

2018-08-02, 02:27 AM
The fight in the air between the monster and Ylby continues, as the people on the floor lend their attacks to support the tiny dragon. The arrow shot by Hesper and the Fire Arrow launched by Lunalesca both miss their target, fortunately also missing Ylby. The rest of your group staggers into the chamber.
"Aravashinal! There are monsters here. Stay behind me!" Anevia yells at the elf as they reach the entrance. She hands her crutch to the blind elf as she draws her bow and looses an arrow at the tentacled monster close to the ceiling, painted stark red by the magically lit torch of Kreedic. Her arrow grazes the monster but does little damage. Aravashinal fumbles with his staff and Anevia's crutch, trying to remain behind her and unable to tell where the enemies are. He grinds his teeth in frustration, trying to fight the feeling of powerlessness washing over him.
Horgus stands beside Emilie by the entrance, watching the battle and clutching the hilt of his blade with white knuckles. He has adopted a protective stance beside the burnt and one-armed young woman. She has other ideas. Stepping out from her place behind the wall, speaking in a loud, deliberate voice, whose words you cannot understand. She conjures up a spear and casts it at the monster. The weapon tears into the monster, which staggers a moment, tearing free of the weapon and struggling to remain in the air.

Monster 1: unconscious, stunned, helpless
Monster 2: Suffered 13 damage, 15 feet in the air.
Anevia: 14 arrows left

Waiting for Esper

2018-08-02, 03:19 PM
Looking up it would seem the party was under attack by something strange, something she had no clue what was. Still it seemed one was brought down and the other was still in the air fighting Yiby. Dropping her weapon and shield Esper would pull out her bow and notch and arrow. Aiming she'd zone in on the monster, doing her best to avoid hitting the little dragon. Letting lose her arrow she'd see if luck was on her side.

2018-08-02, 03:24 PM
The last arrow flies past the monster. It tries once more to grasp the nimble pseudodragon but to no avail.
From beyond in the cave, you hear distorted words. Something is out there.

2018-08-02, 03:31 PM
Hesper fires at the creature once again.

Attack: [roll0] Critical threat check: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]

2018-08-02, 03:46 PM
Hearing noises Esper was in no mood to dilly dally. Putting away her bow and arrow she'd pick back up her shield and weapon. Esper would think back on her training days when in the fields. Howe she always did well in hand to hand combat but her archery skills were less than desirable. Still she was trained, though her current actions didn't prove that.

Moving up on the one laying on the ground Esper would raise her weapon and perform a coup de grace to end it's suffering. Once finished she'd speak to the party.

"Everyone form ranks. Sounds like something is coming."

Esper would make sure to put herself first, forever the shield.

2018-08-02, 06:20 PM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 6/7
Effects: None

Luna takes up a position near the front. "Keep an eye our above us as well, in case there's more of those things. I will shield us from the front."

Move to the front alongside Esper

2018-08-02, 07:00 PM
"I hear someone saying something in Dwarven," Hesper says.

2018-08-02, 10:22 PM
"You think those things taste good?" send Ylby, gliding to the ground behind Kreedic.

"Everyone form ranks. Sounds like something is coming."

Ranks can be good or bad, depending on what it is... Kreedic thinks to himself. Though he starts somewhat in rank, falling back to where he was initially inspecting the wall, he starts edging around the edge of the room towards the opening at the other end of it, craning his neck to get a peek at whatever was making the racket. Ylby remains on the ground behind him, slinking along as well. He would try to be stealthy, but his torch probably painted him as a target so he didn't bother.

2018-08-06, 07:08 AM
The two monsters lie dead on the floor. There is an expectant silence from the next room, now that the fighting has stopped. Anevia takes her crutch again and makes to move into the room proper, quietly describing it to Aravashinal. Emilie throws out her hand, beckoning the spear she threw earlier. It floats towards her, and she fumbles with it a little awkwardly. Horgus waves away at you to check the next room already.

Around the corner is a chamber around the same size as the one you are in. On the far side, a dim orange glow suggests a campfire or something similar. There is a faint smell of smoke in the room. "Falaich!" the voice from earlier shouts. Your eyes are drawn to a short, stout figure whose outline shimmers away, leaving an indistinct blur in it's place.

You can roll Perception to see it more closely.
You can roll Spellcraft to identify what it was.
It is your turn.

It means "Conceal".

2018-08-06, 07:49 AM
"What is that? A tiny giant?...A dwarf? I can't tell because of that darn blur spell. Either way is one friend or foe? Maybe another victim who fell down here with us, or a demon in disguise. Best to air on the caution and not attack until I'm sure."

Steeling herself Esper would activate her Detect Evil paladin ability while looking in the direction of the blurred creature in order to detect the presence or absence of evil. If she picked up the presence of evil she would make and advancement up onto the dwarf. If she detect the absence of evil she would call out to the party to hold off attack, hoping they'd listen.

2018-08-06, 12:15 PM
Hesper hesitates at seeing the strange dwarf. "He said 'Conceal'," she says.

2018-08-07, 02:22 AM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 6/7
Effects: None

Some sort of spellcaster? A friend or foe? It seems wary however.

The aasimar makes sure to not make any threatening moves. "Greetings! We are lost travelers trying to find our way out, and mean you no harm. Did you by chance also fall into these caverns during the demon attack?" Luna wishes she knew Dwarven, but she never had the chance to learn it.

Try to start a dialogue.

2018-08-07, 10:00 PM
Ylby slinks up Kreedic's back, taking up a position on his shoulder. Kreedic couldn't quite make out what the creature was, and though the blurring was fairly obviously magical, he wasn't familiar with the spell. He listens to Luna call out to the creature.

"Yes please do tell us, and make it quick. Because if it turns out that you are allied with the demons who attacked the city we actually do mean you harm.

Bonus is same for both skills

2018-08-08, 01:50 AM
Sounds like diplomacy.

The dwarf's outline flickers, and he takes off towards you. "You'll never take me alive!" he shouts, a mad glint in his eyes as he rushes close. He extends his hand and sends out a dazzling wave of colours with a word, covering Esper, Hesper and Luna.

Make Will saves (Luna rolled 18 and passed).
You can roll Spellcraft as well

2018-08-08, 06:57 PM
Esper was so taken back by the attack that she couldn't even defend herself from the mad assaulter. Shocked the last thoughts she'd have before succumbing to the spell was that he wasn't evil and why would someone not evil act in such a way. Placing a foot back to prepare herself and raise her sword she'd find her body wouldn't move. No muscle even twitched before everything went white.

"What's going on. I can't move....I can't see...I can't....but he wasn't evil....w..hy."

Falling to the ground esper would lose all consciousness.

2018-08-11, 03:27 AM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 6/7
Effects: None

Ok, DEFINITELY hostile. Let's see if we can't use magic to force him out of that mindset.

Luna uses one of the abilities granted by her goddess...one that does not require waving her arms around or speaking specific words of power or prayer. "Peace be upon you, my friend. We are not here to harm you. Can you not see this is just a misunderstanding?" A wave of power, not unlike a spell, washes over the dwarf...and keeps on going. The dwarf's resistance to magic serves him well indeed.

Use Charm Person SLA on the dwarf.

2018-08-11, 03:40 AM
The dwarf ignores the success of his spell, his form still blurring and flickering. He turns to the ones standing, shrugging off a charm spell from Lunalesca. There was little doubt now that this dwarf was hostile. Kreedic and Ylby were spared the dwarf's spell, but of the three affected, only Luna remained standing. From behind you, you hear the others reacting.
"That was a spell. Color spray, if I am not mistaken. Not cast by Kreedic either. Go, I can follow along the wall." Aravashinal says.
"What are they doing" Horgus asks, rounding the corner and witnessing the scene. "There's nothing down here but mad and corrupted. Kill it before it gets a chance to do that again.
"But... it's a person" Emilie says, beside him. "I can't just..."
"Kill it before it kills you" Horgus snaps.
Emilie focuses for again, doing her chant. She summons a pair of connected weights and sends it at the dwarf, but it sails right past.

The dwarf rushes at Emilie and Horgus, past the unconscious people on the ground, drawing a knife as Anevia finally rounds the corner.
"You!! You must die!" he yells
Horgus, with his face pale and knuckles white, draws his blade. "D-dont take a step closer!" he says, "I'll strike you."
The dwarf doesn't halt or even slow down. Horgus closes his eyes and thrusts his sword forward. A shimmering protective enchantment flares up but parts before the blade. It finds a home in the dwarf's chest. He screams like a lunatic, pushing Horgus back and mustering his will for another spell, which fizzles out.

Emilie gestures again, calling back her weapon which wraps around the dwarf's legs. Anevia drops her crutch and draws her bow, loosing an arrow that lodges itself next to the hole left by Horgus' blade. The dwarf starts yelling something in dwarvish, any lingering traces of reason gone. His struggles lead him to topple over. Despite his words earlier, Horgus' own hesitation costs him the opportunity to attack.

I had Kreedic ready an action to attack if an ally was attacked. He ended up out of reach though. It is the PC turn.
The mad dwarf mage has taken 17 damage, and looks pretty hurt.

2018-08-11, 03:48 AM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 5/7
Effects: None

Luna curses beneath her breath. Damn dwarven resistances...fine, time for more firepower.

She walks up next to the prone dwarf, and once again a bolt of fire races from her outstretched hand down at the enemy! "FIRE ARROW!"

Walk up to dwarf. Point blank use a Fire Bolt.

2018-08-11, 05:10 AM
Between the attacks of Anevia, Horgus and Luna, the dwarf falls down, unconscious.
"Are those two alright" Emilie asks, gesturing at the two that fell victim to the dwarf's spell.
"They should come to soon" Aravashinal says, leaning to the wall. "Assuming all that happened was the spell I recognized, and the enemy didn't finish them off"
Anevia stows her bow and bends down to retrieve her crutch.
Horgus eyes the prone, unconscious dwarf, his eyes drifting between the dwarf and the bloody point of his blade. "What are you waiting for? Aren't you going to finish it off?" he asks, looking around.

It doesn't take long for the others to come to, though it takes a while yet to regain their senses and strength enough to stand.

Possibility of a new character arriving soon are high. Provided that Qwanch replies at some point.
Everyone is pretty much recovered. I do not believe anyone took actual damage in this room.

2018-08-11, 05:56 AM
Kreedic had been worried about the color spray spell; it was a potent spell, one of the one's he had worked on in his studies back in Hermea and then had suddenly mastered around the time his draconic powers began to manifest. After the first spell he took a ready position, ready to counter spell should the dwarf try that trick again, but the dwarf just rushed, leaving Kreedic out of position. "Teach me to hesitate and be reactionary instead of just dealing with the problem" he thinks to himself. He comes up behind the dwarf, arms just starting to turn scaly, but a bit of fire hits the dwarf and it falls down in front of him. Fire. Such a practical thing.

"Nice job with the sword Horgus! Sorry he got between us though, I was worried he'd fire off another spell and wanted to make sure I could deflect it." He nudges the dwarf with his foot. "I'm somewhat inclined to just leave the fool, once we relieve him of any dangerous things he has on him...

2018-08-11, 10:59 AM
"Gugh," Hesper says, rising to her feet. "Being suddenly attacked by a dwarf mage was unexpected. Wonder how long he's been down here. Is he still alive?"

On receiving an affirmative answer from anyone, she says, "We should find out if he knows a way to the surface--but we should tie him up first."

2018-08-12, 07:56 AM
~Esper sleeps like an angel~

2018-08-12, 05:52 PM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 5/7
Effects: None

Sighing, the cleric busies herself with tying up the crazy dwarf. "Well, at least no one was hurt. Everyone, great job for not panicking. You all stood firm and took down this maniac." She looks at Horgus as the man asks about executing the dwarf. "That should not be our first action. First, we need to question him to see what he knows. Then, we kill him only if he shows no willingness to be civil. He seems to think we're after him for some reason. Maybe NOW we can clear this misunderstanding."

2018-08-12, 08:34 PM
Having regained her senses and picking up her fallen gear Esper would swallow her pride. She was embarrassed by the fact that she fell so easily and beforehand couldn't even hit the creature with her bow the room before. Worried that faith would be lost in her she'd double down on her paladin beliefs to compensate.

"Killing him just because he doesn't want to be civil isn't a valid enough reason and is paramount to an evil act in of itself. He is tied up, helpless and has his gear taken off of him. While we are at it tie up his hands as well with my rope so he can't weave any signs. We should try to get him to renounce his evil ways and repent, to make a vow to Sarenrae.

Yet if he has no interest in redemption, and still holds glory in slaughter and death, then we may preach swift justice delivered by the scimitar's edge.

I will search the area, if I can get some help while someone interrogates him when he wakes."

2018-08-12, 09:04 PM
Once the dwarf spellcaster is bound, Hesper gives him an unfriendly look, to which he is of course entirely oblivious. "Emile or Aravashnial, can either of you conjure water to wake him up, by chance?"

Once he is awakened by some method, she speaks to him. "Do you know a way out of here? To the surface?"

2018-08-12, 10:44 PM
Diamond Clearstone

On small stumpy legs, carrying his pistol in his unarmored hand and a dagger in the other guantlet-clad hand, Diamond Clearstone’s green eyes darted about the room, fear obvious on his dirty face. Clumps of sod hung in his red unruly beard, and his gunsmith work outfit which seemed to be made out of untanned soft leather, was torn and tattered in several places. The dwarf’s backpack was stuffed and appeared heavy.

“Friends or foes?” the Dwarf said, his gun shaking.

2018-08-12, 11:12 PM
"Put that thing down before you kill somebody," Hesper says to the new arrival. "That depends on who you serve." She moves to one side of the prisoner so that if the new strange dwarf fires his weapon in her direction, it won't hit any of the others, and if he fires it in the direction of any of the others it won't hit her. Her weapons remain undrawn, for now.

2018-08-13, 03:18 PM
"I fear I cannot" Aravashinal says, standing to the side and leaning to his staff.
"Likewise" Emilie says. "Isn't that something for godly types? like Esper? or Lunalesca?"

You will be able to get the dwarf to awake soon enough. However, he is not very helpful. He raves about being caught, forgets what he is asked or even what he was talking about mid-sentence. He struggles against the bindings and unleashes strings of dwarven cursing. It seems pretty clear that he isn't all there, and what parts remain are not interested in making friends.

"Hold on" Anevia says, having wandered over to what passes for a campsite. "The campfire is still warm. The room should be filling with smoke."
"And that helps us how?" Horgus asks, his voice showing how little he thought of Anevia's opinions.
"It means that there is a shaft upwards for the smoke. With any luck, it will be our way out as well."

She is correct. Above the campsite is an opening in the cave roof. Large enough to admit a person, certainly. Using your torchlight, you can see that there are pitons and carved handholds there, but it is out of reach. Even an amazing jump would be hard-pressed to reach it. However, if you could climb the adjacent wall, you might have an easier time.

The dwarf bore two scrolls and two potions, as well as his dagger and a light crossbow with 10 bolts remaining in his quiver.
In a pouch on his person you find carefully hoarded coins, 8 Platinum and 7 gold.
Around his camp you find another bedroll, enough rations for all of the group to eat once, as well as a worn spellbook and a 6-inch tall marble statuette of some spear-throwing humanoid.

2018-08-13, 05:29 PM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 5/7
Effects: None

Luna ends up creating the water that wakes the dwarf up later when the group will be ready to question the prisoner. But for now, she looks at the newcomer warily. "Whoa there, watch where you point that...umm...wand? We are merely lost travelers trying to get back into the surface. Do you know this dwarf here that tried to kill us?"

2018-08-13, 07:51 PM
After hesitating a moment so he could listen to the two women speak, the dwarf said “I serve Torag as a dwarf and blacksmith, Abadar as a merchant, and Erastil as a marksman. I serve the city of Kenebres and its crusades when I provide arms and alchemicals at low prices. I do not know the dwarf over yonder. In fact, y’all are the first souls I’ve seen in a day. I was demonstrating some of my wares at that bar called “The Last Electruum” when I heard a commotion and saw demons swarming the streets. Then there was a great dragon and a big demon fighting and then the ground opened up. Next thing I know I’m underground in a dead-end cavern. Who do you serve? An enemy to the evil that put us here will be a friend of mine.”

Diamond does not lower his gun yet. Its obvious from his expression he doesn’t want to fight, but will defend himself if the situation escalates.

2018-08-13, 09:31 PM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 5/7
Effects: None

"Yeah, we're all against the demonic invasion, trust me." The cleric squints at the dwarf newcomer. "Wait, I've seen you around before. Yeah, I stopped by at the Last Electruum before I joined the festivities. You were trying to sell some alchemical ointments that were supposed to keep mechanical parts working frictionless or some such. I just thought you were a snake oil salesman. Diamond, right?"

2018-08-14, 01:39 AM
"Here we go with the pontificating again..." Kreedic mutters under his breath. He busies himself rummaging through the dwarf's pack. He tosses the nonmagical stuff over his shoulder carelessly, then settles down to examine the magical stuff while the others interrogate the dwarf. When yet another dwarf voice echoes through the chamber he scrambles to his feet though. Was that a gun in his hand? So uncivilized...

"Don't be too quick to revoke the snake-oil salesman status Luna." He then calls out to diamond. "This moron here with you?" he says pointing to the captive dwarf on the ground.

Scrolls: (DC 20 + Spell Level)
Potions: (DC 15 + Caster Level)
Misc Magical Item (Spear Dude?)

2018-08-14, 05:36 PM
Diamond visibly relaxes considerably. He puts away his dagger and his gun. He leaves the guantlet on his left hand worn, however.

”Ah, yes. I’m horrible with names, but I remember your face. You are that beautiful maiden who spent so long watching me demonstrate my tools. What I have here in my holster is a pistol—a weapon that makes a lot of noise and can pierce any armor within 20 feet. I have a portable forge, an alchemy set, a gunsmith kit, and some travel supplies in my pack since I was planning on a day trip for raw supplies after I tried to get some cash on hand from my pitching at the bar. Not many people understand the craftmanship behind a well-made gun. It’s art! You are right, by the way. I’m Diamond Clearstone, Gunsmith of Kenebres. I came this way because I heard y’all fighting. I don’t know this dwarf you have tied up here, but I had to be sure I was helping the right people. For all I knew, y’all could have been agents of the abyss and the bound dwarf over there could have been a survivor like me. We should take the tied-up dwarf to the surface with us—some fresh air could do him good. I think there are enough of us to stand on each other’s shoulders and get at least one of us to the surface. Up there, I’m sure one of us can make way to the city stables and use rope from there to help the rest of us climb up.”

Diamond looks at the well-dressed nobleman.

“Do you have a good idea of where things are in the city?”

2018-08-14, 08:32 PM
Esper was disappointed that the mad dwarf wasn't willing to repent and be saved but clearly evil was set to far in his heart. Harding her soul Esper would take the solem task of being the one to dispatch the evil one; following the tenants of her deity.

"Forgive this poor soul and if it is seen fit to reincarnate him in life that he shall be born righteous and a tool for good."

Turning to the newcomer she made sure to keep an ear on everything being said but as she took time she remembered seeing the newcomer before and knew him to be of good reputation. Using her Detect Evil to make sure just encase she'd welcome him and and extend pleasantries.

"Welcome. It's good to meet someone not trying to kill us down there. As long as you're a good shot with that their....thing, you'll be a fine addition to this."

Esper would remain very calm and matter-of-fact after killing the dwarf before speaking. She would however speak in a generally cheerful but frank manner none the less. The truth was that Esper, while not an idiot or unwise, was still what some would call below average her personalty quark was more of a way to hide her lack of "mental aptitude" than anything.

2018-08-15, 12:02 PM
Hesper frowns as Esper casually kills the captive, but she looks at Anevia and says, "That's clever, Anevia, but I can't think of any means of getting all of us up there."

2018-08-15, 03:36 PM
"I... I admit it will be tricky." Anevia says, looking down at her splinted leg. "But it's not like it'll be an impossible climb. Just a leap of faith..." she trails off.
"I'm not exactly an accomplished climber" Horgus says.
"I would need a guiding hand every step of the way" Aravashinal says. "Not like I can see the handholds"
"That puts a damper on that plan I suppose" Anevia concedes. Maybe we could get a rope tied above?"
"Bah. Climbing a rope is physically impossible" Horgus says.
"No it isn't" Anevia says. "Can any of you climb the wall and get to the shaft. The pitons should hold the rope. And we might be able to lift Aravashinal up there"

"The shaft itself won't be hard to climb" Emilie observes. "Once you get there, it should be easy. Can any of you climb?"
"If I had use of my other leg" Anevia says.
"Same. I can't pull myself up like this"
"We can't be stuck here" Aravashinal declares. "There must be something we can do." He gets an idea. "I have a spell that could help" he says, excited. "I can pick one of you up and lift you through the opening. ...Provided somebody tells me where it is"

2018-08-15, 05:04 PM
"I can climb, if someone holds onto my backpack. Luna? Oh, that will be safer."

Hesper looks to make sure that it's feasible that Anevia and Emilie can climb up the shaft if they reach it. She won't explicitly volunteer to be the one levitated, but will acquiesce if what she's already said is taken as doing so.

2018-08-16, 12:23 AM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 5/7
Effects: None

The aasimar thinks on the predicament. "Hey, how long does this levitation last? Can we use the person being levitated as basically a ferry service to the top? Wed have to make multiple trips of course."

2018-08-16, 07:39 PM
Turning to Horgus, Diamond said ”I’m sure the crusade ahead is going to be long and difficult—when we get up there, I know we will need all the help we can get. Would you be willing to offer some of the coin from your coffers to our crusade?”

2018-08-17, 04:09 AM
As the conversation about the exit continues, Kreedic and Ylby suddenly seem to realize what's being discussed and turn to look at each other, and odd expression on their faces. Then there's a mad flapping of wings and flailing arms as Kreedic tries (unsuccessfully) to grab the tiny dragon as she flies out the exit, he himself ending up on the ground.

"You could at least take a rope and tie it for the rest of us ya selfish lizard!" Kreedic yells after her in draconic, pounding the ground with his fist. He sighs, an exasperated expression on his face as he gets up and faces the group. "It would be best if we saved your levitate spell for someone with injured limbs, but if it comes down to it we can always tie a rope around them and drag them up. Not the most dignified of scenarios but it'll work..." he thinks for a minute, then his face brightens and he snaps his fingers, slipping off the backpack.

"I've got a better idea! Aravashinal, you levitation lasts a few minutes but can only affect one target right? So cast it on this backpack! It's plenty sturdy to long as those in armor remove any sharp edges around the straps. We can get everyone at least into the mouth of the exit, and if we work efficiently we might even be able to get those with injured limbs to the surface with it. he stands underneath the opening and yells up to Ylby in draconic. "Hey! How far underground are we!"

OOC: Assuming nothing ate her up there feel free to continue as if she responded. We don't know the exact number but we do know that it's likely less than 100ft based on what Kalimakus said about the amount of rope we had relative to what is needed to get out. Note that Kreedic does not have his rope on him; the only gear he took to the festival was a dagger and his scroll case.

2018-08-19, 04:22 AM
Ylby flies to the top of the shaft. It merely leads to another cavern. More tunnels, though these look like they've seen travel at some point.
Horgus listens to the question. "Assuming there's any left of either. I have no love for Demons." he says.
"The problem with my levitation spell is that it is not a precise effect. Or rather, it is. But without sight, I need to be careful of how I move whoever I cast the spell upon. It can be carelessly undone by the subject if they should be frightened for example. Imagine that I pushed you up towards a sharp rock. Is the roof sharp? No matter. Should you feel that you might not want to be lifted at a pointy thing, the spell will be undone. You need to accept it." He smiles a bit at the suggestion of using a backpack. "Aha! That is a great idea. It will be secure, it cannot undo the spell, and it can be given to different people. It will work for sure!"

It does, but there is a problem. The shaft runs up at an angle, which means that he cannot levitate the backpack down the whole way. You do manage to coordinate things well enough that everyone gets to the start of the shaft. You need to pick up Aravashinal and Emilie with the rope as the spell runs out, the former because he cannot see and thus guide himself to the shaft very quickly, the latter because she has some arm-related problems with the backpack, and would honestly prefer the rope to get her to the start of the shaft.

Up above, more tunnels. You emerge into a dead end, and the corridor still inclines upwards. It is suggested that you should still wait for everyone, that splitting up is a bad idea. It takes the more handicapped members a long while to make it up the shaft, but they manage it safely. After a brief walk, you find yourselves in a new expanse. The tunnel opens into a large cavern, about seventy feet across. Cylindrical rock formations along the walls arch up to make a dome like chamber, but the walls and floor are riddled with cracks. At the center of the cave, a stone tower that may once have reached the fifty-foot-high ceiling has collapsed onto its side. You see a few shapes moving in the shadow of the tower.

You can roll Dungeoneering to try and determine your depth underground
If you wish to approach the end of the tunnel with stealth, feel free to roll

2018-08-19, 09:17 AM
"There's someone up there. Hopefully friendlier than the lunatic was." She heads toward the shapes.

2018-08-19, 01:03 PM
Luna frowns. "My ability to move quietly is...atrocious, especially in this armor. Guess we will scout ahead. Let's try to see what we're dealing with here."

2018-08-19, 03:00 PM
Esper would move up behind everyone else. She was going to be the noisiest out of everyone and she wanted to protect the rear in case something came up the shafter after them, shuttering she remembered the dark creatures from the ceilings and just how sneaky they were.

However she'd use her darkvision to peer ahead as best as possible while moving forward with everyone.

2018-08-19, 03:46 PM
Diamond drew his gun again. He tried to remain as quiet as possible while he scouted ahead. Diamond used his dwarven darkvision to spot what he could while he snuck forward.

stealth: [roll0]
perception: [roll1]

2018-08-19, 04:15 PM
Scouting ahead, you see that the two figures are attempting to clear the rubble of the fallen tower. You hear one of them speak out.
"Are you still there?" There is a muffled response from the rubble, and the two figures redouble their efforts. Getting closer, it's still hard to make sense of them. The speaker seems to have a single, goat-like horn. The other is a hunchbacked creature, lifting aside the rubble with its companion. They hear your approach late, their attention obviously elsewhere.
"We're here. We won't rest until we get you out."

Having come closer, you can recognize them with a knowledge (nature) check

2018-08-19, 04:30 PM
"Could you please not menace people who we don't have a reason to think are hostile," Hesper says to Diamond. Then she calls out, "Ahoy there! Do you need help?"

2018-08-19, 10:44 PM
Diamond winced and scolded Hesper under his breath “What makes you think they mean us well, either? I prefer to deal from a position of strength. Now that they know we are here, I say you be the good cop and I’ll be the bad cop.”

Loudly, the armed dwarf shouts We will allow you to speak, but if you try to hurt us in any way, I have a weapon than peirce the strongest armor. Show yourself, tell us who you are, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

Diamond’s voice is stern, but a careful observer could see the slight glint of fear in his eyes. His guantlet hand was clenched and so were his teeth.


2018-08-20, 02:23 AM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 5/7
Effects: None

The cleric literally face-palms as she hears what the newcomer dwarf is saying. She trudges forward, already thinking of what she might have to say to not make more enemies today.

2018-08-20, 06:47 AM
The man turns to face you, a bit startled, but any edge of that is robbed by weariness. He looks like he hasn't slept for a day. The right side of his fave looks almost normal, except for the horn growing from his temple. About at midline skin gives way to smooth green scales, and the left side of his face is decidedly reptilian. His hand is likewise scaled, though lacking any sharp claws. "Would you rescue your comrade buried beneath a fallen tower? We will" he says in response to Diamond's threat. He doesn't seem to recognize the gun. "And if you are good in your meaning, help we could use". he says, tense. He speaks common, though his phrasing and accent suggest that he has not heard modern speech very often. "If you mean ill, please move along and hurt us not." he says.

2018-08-20, 09:52 AM
Hesper glares at Diamond, but decides to deal with him later. "If you need help, of course we will."

She looks at the fallen tower.

Does she see a way to help? Preferably a way that doesn't require being terribly strong, for her part.

2018-08-21, 02:07 AM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 5/7
Effects: None

"Yes, we will help. It looks like the tower is too heavy to move with just you two. But with all of our strengths combined, we have a much better chance. I can also tend to your friend's injuries once he is free." Luna tries to get everyone to lift the rubble at the same time.

2018-08-21, 03:13 AM
Though at first Kreedic was genuinely curious about the odd appearance of the men, this quickly changes to a sense of urgency to get the poor creature out. He rushes over to help. As he arrives, he mutters an incantation under his breath, then raises his arms in a motion that seems to pantomime drawing something out of something else. As he does so, a steady stream of dust billows out from the rubble pile.

OOC: Casting Prestidigitation to move dust out from between the rocks to make it easier for whoever is trapped to breathe.

"Ok, that should clear the air out a little bit for them." He inspects the rubble critically, making sure that he won't accidentally collapse it.

K Engineering: [roll0]

Then he begins heaving rubble away with all the strength of someone who is well rested, physically fit, and trying to save a life.

2018-08-21, 06:27 AM
Diamond likewise attempts to help clear the rubble.

2018-08-21, 06:07 PM
Esper would be relieved and saddened to know that more were in need of help. In truth finding danger at every corner was starting to become annoying...but wasn't this what she signed up for? Her dream was to join the crusades and fight off the demons and devils plaguing mortals.

Shaking her head she pushed away such thoughts and went to helping clear the rubble.

"We will help you."

2018-08-23, 05:49 AM
You get to work. With so many hands helping, you manage to shift the large piece of rubble and free the last mongrelman. All the while, one of the mongrelmen keeps talking, saying that they have help now and that the trapped one will be free in no time.

The rubble reveals a third mongrelman, its form a new mix of different features. Its features shift in surprise and then realization and relief. It hugs both its kin with relief.

"Thank you, surface folk. We are in your debt"

2018-08-23, 09:08 AM
"We were happy to help, of course. Do you happen to know a way to the surface?" Hesper asks the mongrelman who spoke.

2018-08-23, 04:35 PM
Diamond wearily scopes his surroundings while Hesper speaks to the mongrelman.

Take 20: 27 perception

2018-08-23, 08:08 PM
Esper would go to making sure the one released, and the others, were okay by use of her Deathwatch eyes. Once she knew if they were fragile (alive and wounded, with 3 or fewer hit points left), fighting off death (alive with 4 or more hit points), healthy, undead, or neither alive nor dead (such as a construct) she'd relay the information so appropriate action could be taken to heal/patch them up.

2018-08-25, 03:16 AM
The buried Mongrelman is at 2hp, so fragile, and the other two register as fighting off death.

"There is a way. But it is not safe. First, we would take you to our home. Neathholm lies close by, and is along the way. We owe you, and I am sure our chief will be delighted to have you as guests. I'm Lann. These two are Crel and Dyra" the talkative mongrelman says, gesturing at the trapped one and quiet one respectively.

"I don't think we should..." Horgus says, interrupted by Anevia jabbing him with her elbow. "We would be delighted" she says instead.
Aravashinal, who has received information about these goings from Anevia, is burning with questions now that the problem has been solved.

There doesn't seem to be anything else in the cavern.

2018-08-25, 08:42 AM
"All right. But safe or not, we need to get back to the surface as soon as possible." Hesper looks at Emilie, Esper, and Luna for reactions to the invitation.

2018-08-25, 03:50 PM
“Sorry for frightening you. I prefer to be on guard after what happened on the surface yesterday. I would like to meet your chief and rest for a spell before we begin to trek this dangerous route to the surface you mentioned.”

2018-08-26, 08:15 PM
Esper found the invitation welcome. They needed a safe place to rest and learn more about the undergrounds of the city. Helping out in what ways she could she'd relay the information on how injured they were and that it would be prudent to get them home safely.

"We should escort them home and see what we can learn of the underground the city. Information is a strength of itself. They are also injured and need healing and rest. We should go with them."

2018-08-28, 02:38 PM
The mongrelmen nod. They even accept the apology of Diamond, though you can tell that they're still sore about that. As you go, Aravashinal briefly bombards them with questions about their heritage, but doesn't push it after they become increasingly uncomfortable. Anevia also tries to get some rapport with them, along with Emilie, both of whom seem to want to be on the best side of these people. Anevia also talks about the crusades on the surface. From what you learn, the mongrelman tradition tells that their ancestors were crusaders too.

You travel for a bit less than half an hour before tunnel you are in is split by a great fissure. You can just about see the bottom with torchlight, some 30 feet away. It is 10 feet wide far from a difficult jump. The mongrelmen are distraught. The same earthquake that felled their watchtower appears to have wreaked havoc. They rush you on, each making the jump easily enough thanks to being patched up a little. Right now, their families and friends might be in the same predicament as they. It doesn't really dawn on them that you are in the same situation, cut off from the surface. Something that Anevia does point out.

"You are not the only ones with families that might be in danger. Mine is on the surface. We are grateful for your help, but we need to get to the surface as soon as possible. I can't make the jump with my leg, but I'll make it across. We'll see to the safety of your people.

It is a DC 10 Acrobatics check to jump the gap. The fall deals 2d6 lethal damage if you fail.

2018-08-28, 02:54 PM
"Don't expect me to join you in threatening anyone else, or count on me being on your side if you start a fight," Hesper tells Diamond bluntly.

As they travel along, she also tries to make a positive impression on the mongrelmen.

At the chasm, she frowns. "I could probably jump if someone--meaning Esper--threw my backpack across, but we need a method of crossing the gap that will work for everybody. We have a lot of rope, right? We can knot it to make climbing easier, climb down to the chasm floor, then climb up on the other side. It shouldn't be harder to climb than the shaft was. It'll take a little while, though. If anyone has spells that would get us across faster, now's the time to mention them."

2018-08-28, 02:59 PM
"My bonded staff has enough energy to weave a single spell. I could levitate us again, but I will not have us go into danger without that lifeline." Aravashinal says.
"I can't climb the rope, up or down" Emilie says, "But I can make the jump, so that doesn't matter. Anevia though..."
"I'll need some lifting."

2018-08-28, 03:10 PM
"I'm sure we can manage to lower you down and pull you back up. I would prefer that no one risk jumping that unless it's absolutely necessary--and I doubt it's necessary, with the rope we have and Aravashnial's spell," Hesper tells both Anevia and Emilie.

2018-08-28, 08:48 PM
”That’s a big gap. Who will hold the rope?”

2018-08-29, 01:29 PM
"Those of us who can climb--that is, Esper, me, Horgus, Luna, potentially you, Diamond--will lift those who cannot--that is, Emilie, Anevia, and Aravashnial," Hesper says.

2018-08-29, 02:40 PM
"Look. You people are obviously overestimating my rock-climbing skills. Even with a wall to brace against, I..." Horgus starts, but is interrupted by Emilie taking a running start and clearing the chasm.
"Just toss us a rope." she says. "Lann, Crel, Dyra, help us get across and we'll be to your home that much sooner, right?" The mongrelmen nod.

2018-08-29, 02:42 PM
Luna has spent the time trying to make friends with these mongrel people, and she is glad that they seem to be friendly and willing to help. At the chasm, she blushes. “I’m not a good climber or jumper, honestly. I can try, but I will certainly need to remove my armor first.”

2018-08-29, 06:53 PM
"Quite. Esper, I'm pretty sure you're the strongest of us; can you throw things--Luna's armor, my backpack--over the chasm?" Hesper asks.

2018-08-30, 10:35 PM
“Use my back as the target of the spell!”

2018-08-31, 01:18 PM
Esper was always supernaturally strong for her figure, a fact she contributed to her heritage but it was clear that this chasm was going to be an issue.

"Yes I"ll toss over gear if need be. Just let me know when everything is ready."

2018-08-31, 01:28 PM
Hesper knots her rope, and offers her backpack to Esper. "We should lower down Anevia and Aravashnial first."

2018-08-31, 06:45 PM
Diamond helped Anevia and Arivishnal with the rope.

2018-09-02, 01:51 PM
You overcome the obstacle, lowering and lifting Aravashinal and Anevia. Horgus needs a little persuasion, but he can make it to the far side, out of breath after the superhuman exertion of light exercise. The rest of the group manage the way afterwards.

"I should warn you" Lann says. "The shortest way goes through a dangerous room. There is a spore-cougher there, moved in a while back. It makes you see things with its spores."

DC 15 knowledge (nature) can tell what it is based on their description.

2018-09-02, 02:02 PM
"That sounds unpleasant. I'd think the group of us would be more than a match for this creature on its own, though," Hesper says. "How short is the second shortest way?"

2018-09-02, 03:28 PM
"About a day, at the pace we're going, with the injured. Bunch of jumping and climbing. And we don't have time for that. Our families could be in danger now."

2018-09-02, 09:14 PM
“I don’t know about the others, but I think we should take our chances with the spore-cougher. My pistol should make short work of it. I have to check on my shop...at least what’s left of it. They will hopefully be something left we can use on our journey.”

2018-09-04, 06:12 PM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 5/7
Effects: None

Luna considers the choices. "Well, I'm pretty good at keeping my wits about me. We can take this spre cougher if we work together. Plus, can it move? If not, we can just use arrows on it until it dies?"

2018-09-05, 02:50 AM
"If it were that easy, do you think it would be a problem?" Lann asks. "Sorry. Just... worried." Looking at the mongrelmen armed with unsophisticated clubs, you would be forgiven any thoughts of their primitiveness.

You move along the tunnel until it starts to widen. Getting ready, the mongrelmen heft clubs. Anevia prepares her bow, ready to drop her crutch and loose an arrow or two. She still has a decent store. Horgus has positioned himself in the back, but at least he has a sword drawn this time.
The mongrelmen go first, shouting a fierce battlecry and rushing into the cavern ahead, hoping that you follow.

The tunnel opens into a circular cavern, roughly forty feet in diameter. Thick sheets of fungus grow in the cave, and several tunnels branch off. All of these save one in the north wall lead downward; the northern one leads upward. What appear to be two dead bodies lie on the ground in the middle of the cave, next to a strange heap of ropy green fungus.

Both men are dressed as crusaders of Iomedae, and each still wears a masterwork chain shirt. One of the dead bodies still carries a potion of cure light wounds, while the other has a scroll of cause fear in a pouch. Between the two of them, they also carry 129 gp.
They also wield spiked gauntlets and barbed glaives. Furthermore, the body on which the scroll was found clutches something tightly in his fist—a small symbol of a brass bull’s head with tiny red gemstone eyes. Neither actually bears the holy symbol of Iomedae, nor carries a longsword as would be assumed by her followers.
DC 15 Religion can identify the symbol.

2018-09-05, 07:30 AM
"Looks like someone got to the spore-cougher first. Crusaders? Weird weapons for crusaders, though," Hesper says quietly. "Anyone recognize this symbol?"

2018-09-05, 04:37 PM
“I have no idea whose holy symbol that is. I’m keeping my weapon drawn, though. This feels like a trap!”

2018-09-10, 04:16 PM
Luna looks through the belongings of the corpses. When she finds the brass bull head symbol, she frowns. “I know this symbol. This is an unholy symbol of Baphomet, the demon lord of Minotaurs. These people were dressed as Iomedaen crusaders, so I bet they were false crusaders. Spies, most likely. Or maybe saboteurs. I guess they died fighting the sore cougher. But why were her down here?”

2018-09-11, 07:35 AM
Shocked Esper would walk over to Luna and inspect what she was holding from a distance.

"Baphomet, the demon lord of Minotaurs? Why would that be down here? I know were have been fighting crusades against the demons but just what is going on here? It's like there is a whole nother world down under the city that no one even knew about. This doesn't bode well. Let's be careful and collect what we can and keep moving. The sooner we help out the injurned and the monglemen the sooner we can get back to the surface."

Esper despite her words wouldn't actually help with gathering anything but instead would make sure her shield and weapon where at the ready standing guard during the process, something she was starting to feel was going to be a necessity every second now.

2018-09-16, 08:20 AM
In a loud whisper, Diamond glares at Hesper “See? There are enemies surrounding us!”

After pausing a moment, Diamond starts shouting and waving his pistol around, saying “Cowards, come out and face punishment for your crimes against Kenebres!”


2018-09-19, 10:36 AM
The mongrelfolk look at Diamond a bit puzzled. "Who is he talking to?" Lann asks.

"There are cultists of Baphometh here?" Anevia and Aravashinal ask almost at the same time, though in different tones. Anevia is angry and disgusted, while Aravashinal seems more curious.
"We should bring them along. I've long believed that cultists of Baphomet have been infiltrating the area, and studying the bodies may just help us to detect them. Or something." Aravashinal says.
"We should burn them" Anevia says. Who knows what corruption they might cause even in death."

The tunnel continues for another span of time before you reach a small, circular cave of worked stone. Four mongrelmen guard a large stone door on the far side. Lann and his companions emerge first and speak with the guards. Everything goes smoothly until one of them spots the jewelled brooch carried by Ylby.

"Where did you find that?" one of them asks, in a harsh tone.

2018-09-19, 01:41 PM
"I think hauling bodies through these corridors is a bit more than we can justify. Burning them should be possible, though," Hesper says, "and we can study them first to see if their are any physical indications of them being cultists beyond the strange unholy symbol."

2018-09-21, 01:09 AM
Luna definitely opposes taking the bodies. "They are WAY too heavy for us to carry. And even if we did get them back to the surface, then what? The surface is likely overrun by demons. Let's travel light. Study what we can, then burn the bodies. Their equipment and clothing, however, will be useful props..."

When Diamond shouts, the aasimar raises an eyebrow. She just shrugs when Lann asks what the dwarf is doing.

Later on, when the mongrelmen guards question Ylba regarding the brooch, Luna asks, "Didn't we find that at some sort of abandoned camp site a while back?"

2018-09-28, 07:29 PM
Esper would travel with the party mostly quite. She wan't the brightest or wisest person, she wasn't an idiot but she was what she wagered a long thinker. It wasn't until they traveled the tunnels that she'd speak up, and then again to the guards.

"I agree, carrying bodies would be bad for us if we were to get attacked. We should mark where they are so we can come back at better times and give proper burials, same with those killed in the cave in.

I know not what you mean by what we got what from, but we are injured and need of rest. We could have someplace to sit so we can talk with someone in charge and explain everything please."

2018-09-30, 11:36 AM
It might be time to do a rerecruitment to bring in some fresh blood.

Diamond led the way, guns drawn, actively searching his environment as he walked.

Every round, take 20 on perception and a move action.

2018-09-30, 03:15 PM
Still 4 I think, so no need to rerecruit. Realizing that taking 20 takes 2 minutes per square, and that you always fail to spot anything by definition at first, not a great plan.

"Fine. We'll leave the bodies." Aravashinal yields.

Ylby tells the mongrelman guards that it found it in an abandoned campsite, and that the brooch belongs to it. The guards are dubious, but that was not why they inquired. The brooch belonged to their chieftain's son, who was missing. They will take you to him, as guests. No harm will come to you here. They are peaceful folk. They lead the way through their guard post.

A small, dark lake ripples in the center of this two-hundred foot-wide cavern, the walls and ceiling aglow with thick sheets of luminescent fungi. In the center of the lake, over two dozen low stone buildings cluster on a rocky one-hundred-foot-wide island. Lights glow in the windows of the buildings, giving the settlement an almost welcoming look. Rafts made of mismatched planks of timber bob along the length of a crooked pier at the lake's closest shore.

You see some mongrelfolk looking at you curiously. They have likely never seen people like yourselves. They remain far away. You are escorted to the largest building atop the island's low central peak-this is the home of Chief Sull, a bloated and unpleasant-looking but mild-mannered mongrel with one clouded white eye. Lann bows respectfully and explains the events that he and his friends went through, the collapse of their tower and how the heroic surface folk helped him save the life of one of their own.

The chieftain then turns to you. "What brings you so deep beneath the surface" he asks.

2018-09-30, 03:20 PM
"Chief Sull." Hesper inclines her head respectfully. "The surface has been attacked by demons, and during the attack some of the ground collapsed and we fell down here. We need to reach the surface so that we can reunited with our loved ones and, hopefully, help fend off the attack or otherwise do something about the demons. Can you please tell us a way to reach the surface?"

2018-10-02, 07:44 PM
Reaching the chef Esper is no stranger to proper Etiquette when meeting higher ranking paladins and clerics of the order. Taking a respectful bow she didn't need to say much as her traveling companion said all that needed to be said, but she would add a little.

"Yes, what is said is true. There was an attack on the surface and we fell down below. We are slowly making our way back up."

2018-10-03, 10:53 AM
”...and we got the firepower to kill anything that tries to stop us. I’m running a doomday special: reduced price firearms! With Diamond’s firearms, you are unstoppable!”

2018-10-04, 03:57 PM
Luna is quiet and reserved as the group is escorted through the territory of the mongrel-folk. She makes sure that the injured people are safe and sound and doesn't accidentally fall off the barge into the lake. "The fungus have a type of beauty. Eerily calming."

Once in front of the chief, the cleric bows respectfully. "While we got down here by accident, the cultists down here may not be. Have your people heard or seen any signs of other cultists or demons? Perhaps we can help?"

2018-10-06, 12:42 PM
"The surface has been attacked?" he asks, alarmed. He breathes out in frustration. "I will gladly tell you the way to the surface, and provide what help I can. My folk might look strange to your eyes, but we are no friends to fiends or their worshippers. We have seen these cultists, Templars as they call themselves, before. You say they worship a demon lord?"
"Yes chieftain" Lann confirms.
"Then it would appear we stand united against a common enemy. The road to the surface lies beyond, but it is not free of danger. Others of out kind, violent and twisted, have made their lair in those tunnels. We have not the strength to oust them, and they do not listen to reason."
Anevia speaks up. "If you are no friends to demons, perhaps you would provide more direct aid?"
"Yes indeed" Aravashinal picks up on this. "You are descendants of the First Crusade, are you not? Though your forms may be more base, a righteous heart still beats there, no?"

The mongrelmen take some offence to the elf's comments, but don't say anything in response. "As he says, our forms have seen us mistrusted before. I would not bring misery to my subjects by going where we are not wanted" he says.

2018-10-06, 12:46 PM
"Aravashnial, don't be rude to these people," Hesper says, and then to Chief Sull, "Any help you can provide would certainly be welcome, but I can't be certain the people on the surface would not respond badly to seeing those who looked strange to them--especially now. We should be able to deal with these violent, twisted people anyway, though."

2018-10-06, 02:03 PM
"Let's get going, then!"

2018-10-07, 11:16 AM
"I have no warriors to lend you, but perhaps you might take potions? We have a few in store." the chieftain says. He asks Ylby to show the brooch. His good eye grows misty for a moment. "That was my son's. We had a falling out some days ago and he stormed out. I... I suppose he will not return, then." he says sadly. "Still, you brought back word of him. My old heart can rest easily" he says. "I would like to give you this" he says, ambling to a chest and producing a glowing morningstar. This is my weapon, and was my fathers', and his. One day, it would have passed to my son. Would you bear it against the fiends?" he asks.

A chest is brought containing 12 slots for potions. Nine are filled, labelled "healing" and "restoration". It contains 6 potions of CLW and 3 of Lesser Restoration.

2018-10-07, 11:22 AM
Extending a hand of gratitude Esper would show no fear, bias or racism towards the chieftain and his people. She only wished to offer him solace in his lose and thank him for his contribution so that they may make it to the surface.

"I am sorry for your loss. I thank you for your offer of aid in the form that you can. If we run into these brethren of yours on our way to the surface what do you want us to do with them? As suggested, they may try to get in our way.

(Taken back) Are you sure about the weapon? I'm sure there is one of us who could use it but that is a treasure to be sure."

2018-10-11, 04:58 PM
Luna face-palms at the elf Aravashnial's words. "I'm sure you meant to praise these people, Aravashnial, but who are we to judge their forms? Their forms are no more 'base' than ours. Different, yes, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Those words may be a bit funny coming from a woman who was literally bred for conventional attractiveness. She turns to chief Sull. "That said, right now, I'd wager that the people above are willing to take any help they can get. I think that if you aid in the city's defense, or perhaps help in its evacuation if all is lost, you will be looked upon favorably. I will personally vouch for your tribe here."

With the gift of potions and even a magical weapon, the cleric bows respectfully. "These resources are not easy to come by for you, I wager. You have our thanks. Regarding your son...maybe not all is lost. We didn't find a body. Can you describe him to us? Perhaps if we find him with the...less reasonable tribe, we could try to save him?"

2018-10-12, 02:04 PM
"Yes, I'm sure. It is a weapon of prestige. If you do not wish to have it, I will find another worthy successor" he tells Esper. "The fallen kin... I doubt they would return to us. Do not get yourselves killed to spare their lives."

He turns to Luna, a bitter smile on his face, holding the brooch. "You are kind indeed... but my son could not have reached their lair without returning to Neathholm.

"You can move faster without us" Aravashinal says, noting to himself and including Anevia. "If you wish to forge ahead faster, we can follow up."

You leave the mongrelman settlement, heading up once again. Rough tunnels are steep at times, but free of obstacles. Horgus carries your potions accompanied by Emilie. Anevia helps out Aravashinal, bringing up the rear. The tunnel narrows down to a 5-foot-wide passageway, the walls carved with picks and chisels. You must be approaching the place where the corrupted mongrelmen dwell.

2018-10-12, 02:14 PM
"I'm...not sure about letting you fall behind us, Anevia, Aravashnial...but if we're certain nothing will attack from the sides, then all right," Hesper says. "Probably best if Esper goes first, I go second, then Lunalesca, then Horgus and Emilie, with Diamond guarding the rear of our lead group."

2018-10-12, 04:26 PM
Given how tired some of the group are, and how much resources have been spent, the cleric suggests that the group rests a night before continuing on. She spends the time trying to get to know the various first descendants better, especially chief Sull and Lann if they have time to talk. Lunalesca reassures them that she will talk to the surface folk (what's left of them anyways) about how helpful the mongrefolk are. She also cooks for then, if they will let her. If the mongrelfolk have any spicy peppers or herbs, she will use them liberally in a stew she calls "Ghost pepper Stew".

The next morning, after finishing breakfast with any of the first descendants that have become friendly with the group, Luna has an idea. "Oh hey, if there are cultists down here, I bet they've got a base or at least some operations we can disrupt. This is a good opportunity for us, especially with what we got from the cultist bodies earlier. Esper, we can pretend to be cultists of Baphomet!"

With that, Luna immediately starts stripping. Even in her nude form, she seems to not care that the rest of the party and even probably Lann is still here. Years of pleasure slave training is hard to shake. As she reaches into her pack to grab one set of cultist clothing (which looks like crusader clothing for the most part), the priestess somehow makes sure to arch her back, and bend only at the waist and not the knees, etc, making sure parts of her body jiggly enticingly.

A slip of paper also falls out of her pack.
Take 10 on profession (cooking) for a total of 18, to cook for everyone that night. Next day, change.

Also, someone should ID the Morningstar.

2018-10-12, 05:43 PM
"I'm dubious about the value of going past," Hesper starts, then blinks as Lunalesca starts undressing in front of everyone.

After a minute, Hesper picks up again, trying to ignore the apparently unembarrassable aasimar's actions, "If these people are willing to let Baphomet cultists pass where they wouldn't let other surfacers pass, then they're enemies, and we'll be surrounded if we get halfway through their territory and then someone figures out we're not really what we're pretending to be. And if anyone we encounter is hostile to cultists, they'll attack us and we'll be in the wrong. I think appearing as ourselves and fighting our way through if they attack us would be a better idea."

She looks at Esper, Emilie, Anevia, Aravashnial, Horgus, and Diamond for their opinions.

2018-10-13, 02:17 PM
Lunalesca's stripping does not go unnoticed. Horgus makes a small sound, looking unabashedly at the naked woman. He seems captivated by the display. Anevia looks, keeping her face at a neutral disinterest. Lann covers his eyes, though from his spread fingers he's taking an eyeful. The chieftain is disinterested in the display.
"What's going on?" Aravashinal asks. Emilie explains that Luna is an unrepentant harlot bent on corrupting the heart of an "innocent maiden" like herself. Her tone is teasing, so she probably doesn't mean much of what she says. Aravashinal gets a small blush and you can almost see his long ears drooping.

The mongrelmen do have somewhat limited culinary supplies, though they have spices suitable for a variation of the dish. All in all, Neathholm hosts 38 mongrelfolk. A small number, though there are others of their kind underground. The dish is enjoyed.

Aravashinal is the first to speak up. "I think the disguises have a fair chance of working. At least, I don't see them hindering us." he says
"As long as it's not me wearing one, I don't care. We need to get to the surface, however" Horgus says.
"I agree with Horgus" Anevia says. The nobleman looks surprised. "What? We need to get to the surface." she says.
"If Esper doesn't want to dress up, maybe I can?" Emilie offers. "Though... with my injury..."

2018-10-14, 09:08 AM
Esper would think a moment. She was torn as what to do. For the betterment of the party maybe it was a good idea to dress as a cultist so that they could better move in, but to pretend to be a follower of a evil deity was beyond reproach and out of the question. Still she saw the value in it and would make pray silently to her own deity for the strength. As a warrior and having succubus lineage Esper was not one to be bashful or ashamed of her body. Many times had her clothing got torn up in practice and she kept fighting as nothing happened. In essence this helped her win some fights as the men became distracted by her alluring body and amazing looks. Stripping she'd change where she was to make herself look more like cultist but would forgo dawning the holy symbol of the evil deity, not even wishing to carry it.

"I am ready, who here would like to use the magical mace? I am partial to swords but if no one has use of it I will carry it at my side as a backup."

Paladin or no, Esper was who she was and couldn't help but smile at Horgas if she also took notice of her. If anything she hoped it's improve his disposition towards her, but all things considered she was ready to move on and make way to the surface.

2018-10-15, 05:43 PM
Diamond stood silently while Luna undressed, politely averting his gaze. ”Hurry up and get dressed so we aren’t caught in a compromising position!”

2018-10-16, 02:21 PM
Lunalesca smiles. Briefly, at Horgus and Lann, and longer, at Emilie. As she puts on the cultist outfit, she says, "Oh, you WISH this unrepentant, naked harlot is trying to corrupt you, Emilie. Although, I think I would enjoy that that..." The cleric's tone is also semi-teasing.

After she finishes up and puts her armor back on, she continues, "You should carry to mace, Esper. We can use it as a prop if we need to. We can say something like, 'Of course we're cultists! We even killed their chieftain and took his magical weapon as a trophy!' or something like that."

2018-10-16, 07:56 PM
Lunalesca smiles. Briefly, at Horgus and Lann, and longer, at Emilie. As she puts on the cultist outfit, she says, "Oh, you WISH this unrepentant, naked harlot is trying to corrupt you, Emilie. Although, I think I would enjoy that that..." The cleric's tone is also semi-teasing.

After she finishes up and puts her armor back on, she continues, "You should carry to mace, Esper. We can use it as a prop if we need to. We can say something like, 'Of course we're cultists! We even killed their chieftain and took his magical weapon as a trophy!' or something like that."
”Good thinking...should those of us without costumes stay behind?”

2018-10-18, 07:17 PM
"No, just follow from a short distance behind us. If we see someone we need to fool, we will signal for you to stop."

2018-10-18, 07:20 PM
”Alright, then. Lead the way.”

2018-10-19, 12:07 PM
Esper blushes at Luna's comment, looking away a little. And Horgus does take equal note of Esper as she displays her body.

You advance along the path. At the far end, there is a barricade. Esper and Luna move along the corridor, the others hanging back. When they approach the barrier, they spot a mongrelman guard. "Halt" it says. "Where have you been?" he asks. he let you get pretty close, easily able to charge and make an attack if you choose.

2018-10-21, 06:18 PM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 7/7
Effects: None

Before all this, Luna has instructed everyone to come, swords swinging, if they hear screams from the Esper or Luna. Or if they hear the code word 'fatespinner'.

Luna snorts at the mongreman. "As if we answer to YOU. But, for your information, we ran into what you call a 'spore cougher'. Well, we're still alive and it isn't. It's tough, but not tough enough."

2018-10-21, 06:23 PM
Diamond has his pistol ready to fire, albiet with a shaky hand and a terrified expression on his face.

2018-10-23, 03:36 PM
"Alright big shot. Your mistress is expecting a report anyway" he says, moving aside. You can see another skulking behind the barricade, a mismatch of features across their bodies. The second opens a door to a dark room beyond. It's a resting area, with mattresses and sleeping bags scattered across the floor. A few seem occupied.

2018-10-31, 02:19 AM
Looking confident, Esper walks straight in, already thinking of ways to fool the other cultists, and to call for a sneak attack.

2018-11-02, 01:17 PM
Hesper fidgets, waiting impatiently for the alert from ahead.

2018-11-06, 12:13 AM
The infiltrators press on. At the door on the far side, they realize that they are doing a fine job cutting themselves off.

2018-11-06, 02:21 AM
Diamond follows the others.

2018-11-07, 05:20 PM
Luna isn't afraid. She has a plan to draw the leader out, and she confidently walks forward!

2018-11-08, 06:05 PM
Before she goes further, the cleric turns around the says loudly to the two guards that were at the front door, "Hey you two! I think you'll want to come join in for this meeting. You'll LOVE what we have to report. Trust me, there will be celebrations. Even a piñata of sorts!"

2018-11-08, 06:46 PM
Diamond gets antsy. He still doesn’t know these people very well, after all. He keeps his weapon loaded and drawn.

2018-11-12, 04:31 PM
The floor to Luna's left opens. A female mongrel steps through. She has the airs of someone in charge. "The guards stay here" she says simply. She seems to be made up mostly of various lizards, a rainbow of scales, a horn curved backwards. "So what's this about a report?"

2018-11-12, 05:02 PM
Diamond continues to hang back.

2018-11-14, 04:50 PM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 7/7
Effects: None

The cleric grins, and hoists up the magic Morningstar that is a gift from Chief Sull. "Look what we've got here! Yes, you know EXACTLY who this belonged to. And yes, I know how much you must despise his gut...and oh how much gut there IS on that disgusting, fat slob. We encountered him after an encounter with a spore cougher, and his guards were no match for us. Still, instead of killing him, I wanted to give you the chance to *personally* slit his throat. We have his unconscious body down the tunnel. He's disgustingly heavy, and we wanted it to be a surprise. So, come on out, do the honors! Follows us. It's not that far. The two door guards can come or not, it doesn't matter, although I suspect they'll want to watch too."

Bluff: [roll0]

2018-11-14, 04:54 PM
Hesper looks for a shadow to conceal herself in, sets her backpack down, and puts an arrow to her bowstring. If this works...

If she sees an enemy, she'll open fire either as soon as she has a clear shot, as soon as she's confident the enemy won't come any closer, or immediately if the enemy indicates seeing her.

Stealth: [roll0]

2018-11-15, 01:26 AM
The leader grabs the two guards, and tells the two sleepyheads to gear up. "Lead the way" she says. "Your leader made tall promises, But I see that you lived up to it."

She and her two cronies follow. The only place to hide is beyond the bends, and the tunnel can't fit two abreast.

2018-11-15, 02:35 PM
Taking careful aim, Hesper fires at the apparent leader.

Attack: [roll0] Critical threat check: [roll1] Damage, including Sneak Attack: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]

2018-11-16, 02:18 PM
Diamond fires off a single shot, the cavern reverberating with the loud bang and briefly illuminated by the pistol’s muzzle flash. [roll0]

2018-11-17, 05:09 AM
"You said this place was CLEAR!" the leader shouts at Esper and Luna, trying to push past the cleric and at the shooters

[roll0] Overrun vs ffCMD, move to Hesper (who was closer) and draw her melee weapon.

The other two, angry at being deceived, also try to push through Esper.

[roll1] Overrun vs ffCMD, move past Esper (can't get past Luna).
The last mongrelman readies an action to attack any enemy in the meantime.

2018-11-17, 05:23 AM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 7/7
Effects: Bless

Seeing as how the enemy hasn't caught on yet, Lunalesca takes this chance to cast some support magic without having to worry about being clubbed. "Don't worry, I shall ask for a blessing!" Besides that, she also generally does her best to get in the way of any mongrelman trying to get past her, without being seen as an enemy.

Cast Bless.

2018-11-17, 01:50 PM
Hesper switches from her bow to her rapier, attempting to stab the leader.

Attack: Critical threat check: [roll1] Damage: 1d6+1 Critical damage: [roll2]

2018-11-17, 09:04 PM
Using a paper cartridge to fire another shot, the cavern once again is illuminated. The sound deafening, everybody’s ears rang once more.

”For Kenebres!”

19 to hit, 3 damage

2018-11-19, 03:07 PM
Esper makes her attack. The one behind Luna is struck by the glowing mace.

[roll0] Esper vs Mongrel 1

The leader continues her attack on Hesper, lashing out with fury.

[roll2] vs Hesper

The mongrels fight Esper and Luna

[roll4] vs Luna
[roll6] readied attack vs Esper, flanking
[roll8] vs Esper, flanking

2018-11-19, 03:43 PM
Diamond uses another paper cartridge to fire another shot.

2018-11-19, 04:59 PM
Hesper, finding herself stuck in melee with a single opponent, focuses on defending herself while waiting for either Esper or Luna to be able to assist her.

Fighting defensively, so AC goes up to 17: [roll0] Critical threat check: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]

2018-11-20, 04:26 PM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 7/7
Effects: Bless

Well, the gig is up. Time to confuse her opponents even more. "Nocticula sends her regards!" she hisses as she steps towards the female mongrel and swings her cold iron light mace!

Flanking the leader with Hesper.
[roll0] [roll1]

2018-11-21, 02:29 PM
The heroes' assault is ineffective. Esper strikes at one of the mongrelmen.

[roll0] Esper attack
[roll1] damage

The leader rounds up on Luna. "Traitor!" she screams, bringing her club down on the cleric

[roll2] boss attack
[roll3] damage

The two mongrels, left alone with Esper, simply gang up on her.

[roll4] mongrel attack vs Esper
[roll5] damage
[roll6] mongrel attack vs Esper
[roll7] damage

Don't forget Bless. I did last round.

2018-11-21, 02:49 PM
As the leader turns her back on Hesper, Hesper takes careful aim.

Attack: [roll0] Critical threat check: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]

2018-11-21, 06:50 PM
Diamond, deciding the others could handle a round without him, reloads a barrel of his gun with a normal bullet.

2018-11-22, 06:02 PM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 7/7
Effects: Bless

"You didn't think us cultists would ever be TRUE allies with mongrels, did you? You are expendable fodder at best, and you've reached the end of your usefulness!"

Flanking the leader with Hesper.
[roll0] [roll1]

2018-11-23, 01:26 AM
Esper attacks the injured mongrel

Leader attacks Luna

Mongrels attack Esper

2018-11-23, 12:20 PM
Diamond fired the bullet he loaded a round earlier.


2018-11-23, 12:21 PM
Hesper tries again to stab the leader.

Attack: [roll0] Critical threat check: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]

2018-11-23, 05:21 PM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 7/7
Effects: Bless

It looks like Esper is having the most success, so it is Luna's job to keep her alive and kicking! She steps toward the paladin, leaving Hesper to deal with the leader alone for the time being. Giving a silent prayer to her goddess, she brings her glowing hands to the paladin's wounds.

Move to Esper. Spontaneously cast cure light wounds.

2018-11-26, 04:48 PM
Esper manages to cut down one of the mongrels. "Could use some help here" she says, turning
[roll0] Fighting defensively and using combat expertise
[roll1] damage

"What are you doing? Kill them already" the leader says. She wasn't making much headway.

[roll2] leader attack

The last mongrelman, still largely unhurt, weighs his options, it still attacks.
[roll4] mongrel attack

2018-11-27, 12:07 PM
As the leader cuts her, Hesper grimaces.

Attack: [roll0] Critical threat check: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]

2018-11-27, 08:37 PM
Diamond loads another shot in his pistol.

2018-11-28, 02:57 AM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 7/7
Effects: Bless

"Stop...MOVING!" she says as she goes back to trying to hit the mongrewoman, flanking her with Hesper.

Flanking the leader with Hesper.
[roll0] [roll1]

2018-11-29, 04:40 PM
Esper attacks the remaining mongrel once more, her glowing mace leaving contrails in the air.

Leader attacks Luna for a change. She is getting irritated with the resilience of these enemies.

Mongrel attacks Esper

2018-11-29, 04:48 PM
Diamond fires another bullet at the remaining mongrel.

firearms use touch ac

2018-11-29, 04:54 PM
Hesper tries once again to stab the leader.

Attack: [roll0] Critical threat check: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] Critical damage: [roll3]

2018-11-30, 03:37 AM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 7/7
Effects: Bless

Luna continues to try to bash the leader's head in. She is getting worried about their luck.

Flanking the leader with Hesper.
[roll0] [roll1]

2018-12-03, 03:50 PM
Anevia and Aravashinal have reached the ambush point. The woman lifts the elf's hand as he finishes chanting his spell.
"Where?" the elf asks.
"Far as you can, forward!" Anevia instructs.
"Kin of Earth. Bar their retreat and close their escape" Aravashinal speaks, stone of the wall growing into canine shape that barrels into the rear mongrelman.

Anevia lets loose an arrow past Diamond and Hesper.

Esper joins the attack, using the distraction provided to strike.

The mongrelman leader, now quite surrounded, snarls and hefts her weapon. If she was to die, she'd take someone with her.

The last mongrel strikes against Esper (assuming it survives.

2018-12-03, 04:42 PM
Diamond loads another shot into his pistol.

2018-12-05, 12:07 PM
HP: 10/10 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort/Ref/Wil = 4/2/6
Diplomacy/Bluff +9 | Knowledge Religion/History +6 | Knowledge Planes +8 | Perception +9 |
Resources: Channels 5/5, Fire Bolt 7/7
Effects: Bless

Luna is out of healing she can use selectively, and keep on trying to hit the mongrelwoman.

Flanking the leader with elemen.
[roll0] [roll1]

2018-12-06, 02:58 AM
"It's over" Esper tells the mongrel leader, pushing past Luna and wiping blood on the white cloth of her disguise. "Surrender"
"It's not over" the mongrel woman says. "I can still fight. I beat one of you. Your group of wounded and cripples and the weakling from Neathholm can't hope to survive the emerging order."
Anevia drops her bow and draws her blade instead, stepping past Diamond to protect Hesper.
Luna tells them to take her alive.
"You want to hamper yourselves further?" The mongrel laughs, hopped up on adrenalin

With the distraction of combat, Emilie grabs onto Hesper, dragging her out of immediate danger to Aravashinal, herself, and Horgus. The man helps the struggling woman, Aravashinal unable to do anything but stand aside, frustrated. His summoned elemental sinks to the ground. The nobleman uncorks a healing potion and pours it down the unconscious dwarf's mouth.

Esper: [roll0], [roll1] attack, damage, nonlethal
Anevia: [roll2], [roll3] attack, damage
Mongrel leader [roll4], [roll5] attack, damage vs Hesper
Elemental [roll6], [roll7] attack, damage [roll8] concealment, 1-50 hits
[roll9] Potion of CLW to stabilize Hesper.

As the mongrel parries the attacks of the heroes, her own blow failing to push through Esper's guard, she laughs, confident. These worthless were no match to her. There is a sudden realization. Where was the stone thi- her thought cut short by a stone limb striking from the wall to the side of her head, sandwiching it to the opposite wall, and leaving the mongrel woman unconscious.

2018-12-06, 08:19 AM
”Well, that was exciting....not. Is anybody injured?”

2018-12-07, 10:05 PM
"Guh," Hesper replies, dragging herself to her feet. "Thank you, Horgus. I had better stay out of melee for the rest of today."

She looks at the enemy leader with a murderous level of disfavor, but doesn't immediately finish her off.

2018-12-07, 10:43 PM
“I should probably let you drink this potion, then. It says ‘cure light wounds’ on the label, so hopefully it helps you.”

2018-12-09, 04:23 AM
"No need for now. I can heal us all. I say we drag this bastard back to the nice mongrels' camp. We can interrogate her to find out what other defenses we can expect, and also find out more about demon cultist activity.

Woth that, Luna carefully heals everyone except the mongrel woman.

Channel twice: [roll0] [roll1]
3 channels left

2018-12-09, 07:34 PM
Diamond fires off a single shot, the cavern reverberating with the loud bang and briefly illuminated by the pistol’s muzzle flash. [roll0]

Using a paper cartridge to fire another shot, the cavern once again is illuminated. The sound deafening, everybody’s ears rang once more.

”For Kenebres!”

19 to hit, 3 damage

Diamond uses another paper cartridge to fire another shot.

Diamond, deciding the others could handle a round without him, reloads a barrel of his gun with a normal bullet.

Diamond fired the bullet he loaded a round earlier.


Diamond loads another shot in his pistol.

Diamond fires another bullet at the remaining mongrel.

firearms use touch ac

Diamond loads another shot into his pistol.

Looks like I fired 2 paper cartrides, and 3 normal bullets. That means I have 67 regular bullets and 8 paper cartridges left. I took 20 gold from the loot pile and a potion of cure light wounds. After Luna healed the others, Diamond rescinded his offer to give away his cure light wounds potion.

”I think I’ll hold on to this handful of gold and this potion if everybody is all patched up. I’m up for whatever you think is best, Luna.”

Diamond follows the others.

2018-12-10, 11:35 AM
Hesper smirks dryly at the quickly withdrawn offer of the healing potion.

"Thanks, Lunalesca. You're low on spells, I take it? All right, we can head back. Let's not split up next time. Anevia, Emilie, Aravashnial, and Horgus from the rest of us, I mean."

She'll help drag the mongrel leader back.

2018-12-12, 04:32 PM
The ragged but victorious group returns to Neathholm. They drag behind them the unconscious form of the mongrel leader. A small crowd gathers, curious but not straying too close. You are again admitted to the presence of the elder.

"You captured Wenduag. The ringleader" he says. "Take her out of my sight for now. I'd rather not face a reminder of our strife"

She is taken to a side room and bound. She comes to in about an hour. You ask some questions
"How many more of you are there?"
"Ten of us remained in our home."
"Why are you working with the demon cultists?"
"They offer us what this place never could. Thrill. Excitement. Blood."
"What are their plans?"
"To complete the sack of Kenabres. The head cultist was waiting for something to be delivered from the city."
"What additional defenses are left?"
"I see little reason to tell you. You'll find out"
"Did you kill the chief's son?"
This actually gets a small emotional response. Shock. "No. He's... dead?"

2018-12-12, 05:31 PM
Diamond stoicly stands in the middle distance, silent.

2018-12-17, 08:43 PM
"The head cultist? He or she is not with you then? Too bad. Do you know what was they are waiting for?"

At the emotional response of Wenduag, Luna becomes more curious herself. "A day ago or so, we found a piece of jewelry belonging to him, at an abandoned camp site. We didn't see a body, however. That doesn't mean scavengers like maggots and giant flies couldn't have gotten it though. When was the last time you saw him?"

2018-12-19, 04:13 PM
"She is here beneath the ground. Though she would not tell me what she awaits." she says. "As for his son, he never came our way" she tells you. She sounds sincere. "I have no love for this place, but we don't kill our own. Even if they could be so much more if they opened their hearts and minds."

Aravashinal is listening intently, curious, as is Emilie, a little bit further away.
Anevia and Horgus are less interested in this, both more alarmed upon hearing that the sack of Kenabres is still underway. That meant that they would be more active in pursuing success tomorrow after you rest.

It is time to rest and try again the next day, and decide what you want to do with Wenduag. How you treat her might influence the views of other mongrelfolk about you and surface folk in general. For better or worse.

2018-12-19, 04:31 PM
"You don't kill your own, but you were thrilled to hear that your cultist allies had done so, eh?" Hesper snorts. "It doesn't matter to me if we execute her now--I'll do it, if you'd rather not (she addresses this primarily to Lunalesca and then, in descending order, to Emilie, Anevia, Esper, and Aravashnial)--or ask Chief Sull if there's a way to hold her prisoner here, but if he can't be certain she'd be secured, then we should definitely kill her."

2018-12-19, 09:28 PM
Luna frowns. "You don't kill your own? You were so excited when you thought I had captured Chief Sull. That said, you should keep in mind what you said about having an open heart and mind, Tomorrow, our journey likely takes us back to finish what we started. If you truly don't want your own killed, then talk to chief Sull, and help us find a non-violent solution. If you do not, then you show your true colors. Our group's beef isn't with your group per se, but the fact that you're working with demon cultists."

2018-12-20, 03:14 PM
"The only future for our people is to join with the "demon cultists"" she says. "And Sull is too proud to admit it. If he were not in charge..." she says. "Siding with you is to invite a doom just as certain as opposing you."

Hesper gets the following responses:
"I'm no warrior. But the demons and their allies did this" Emilie says bitterly.
"I think that she is not beyond redemption.- I know that... sometimes people can be led astray. But it's never too late to turn around."
"All traces of evil must be eliminated" Aravashinal says firmly.
"I can't agree with that" Esper tells Aravahinal. "She has not fallen beyond salvation"