View Full Version : Multiplatform 20XX: I want to make out with this game.

Scowling Dragon
2018-07-15, 09:59 PM
This game...This game has just left me in astounding levels of enjoyment I never thought possible from a roguelike.
BTW: For those who don't know its a heavily Megaman X inspired Roguelike.

I have a love-hate relationship with them, as sometimes I feel like their more a form of padding instead of a benefit to the game.
But not here. It feels strange but I don't think I could even go back to traditional Megaman X games. I feels like its added so much innovation to a game that has stagnated for so many entrees. Even if this was a dedicated non-rougelike game this is a MASSIVE advancement of the Megaman Formula in millions of different ways.

But its also so not frustrating. Even Roguelikes I love sometimes make me angry from just random RNG mishaps. But not this game. I have never even felt a TWINGE of "Oh COME ON" that happens from being punished from the RNG gods.

Because the game is so friendly. Its a rougelike that wants you to like it. It doesn't relish in so much of the Rougelike obscurantism that you could only ever learn from a wiki. It doesn't feel like its having a laugh at my expense because it suddenly spawns a piece of garbage as a item when Im on my last legs.

Its hardmode is so truly fantastic as well. You select the things you want to make difficult yourself. Want deadly pits? More enemies? No Items? Longer levels? Higher damage? More Enemy HP? You can have them all at the same time or not at the same time!

Thats such a fantastic customized experience!
The bosses have such good veriety even while having that Megaman X feel. Some are immobile, some are Bullet Hells, some are minion factories, some really take advantage of the environment.

2018-07-16, 12:11 AM
I think one of the benefits of the friendliness of 20XX is that it doesn't have any bonus items for doing a perfect no damage run on a level or boss that are quite powerful and can make the run *COUGH Binding of Isaac COUGH*. Instead it's a pretty generous timer to complete the level (I generally go for side paths and Glory Rooms when I can, and I still end up with 1-2 minutes to spare) and is usually just a large pile of pickups or an extra regular item.

Also, the Item descriptions are great, it's like Dr. Light and Dr. Wily- I mean, Dr. Sharp and Dr. Flat co-founded Aperture Science.

Scowling Dragon
2018-07-16, 12:37 AM
Also, the Item descriptions are great, it's like Dr. Light and Dr. Wily- I mean, Dr. Sharp and Dr. Flat co-founded Aperture Science.

I like the Prototypes especially. I feel like they deserve to be vague.

2018-07-17, 12:27 PM
The game is a ton of fun, and has gotten more and more polished and refined. The older version of the plant boss was a pain, with his vertical stage, but the current iteration feels better to fight.

2018-07-28, 05:36 AM
I've been quite crazy about this game a few months ago. And I still think it's very cool, to the point of me buying both DLC characters.
It just sucks that I am way too bad to get the harder achievements..
I still sometimes do a run and frankly, if there weren't many other good games I would not mind playing only 20xx.

Scowling Dragon
2018-07-28, 11:25 PM
It just sucks that I am way too bad to get the harder achievements..
I still sometimes do a run and frankly, if there weren't many other good games I would not mind playing only 20xx.

I wish I was better, but my current "Project" with the game is playing it with the double damage skull turned on. Also on the Switch both the DLC characters are free!....But one of them isn't available yet.

Still this is the one rougeline I come back too time after time and rarely ever feel frustrated with.

2018-07-30, 03:38 AM
I liked this, but the levels get repetitive after a while compared to other roguelikes, for obvious reasons. It still offers a good playtime, though.

Also, personally I could have done with less precision jumping, but eh. It's great for Megaman fans.