View Full Version : [IC] [Exalted 2.5] In search of All-Encompassing Bible

2018-07-17, 11:43 AM
In search of All-Encompassing Bible
Chapter 1: The formation of the Circle

Confederation of Rivers

It was a beautiful summer day in the biggest city of the Scavenger Lands. The rays of the sun in zenith were shining down on everyone. The haze would be unbearable, if not for the cold northern breeze.

The group of strangers stood outside of Council Offices. The Solars and one Lunar were invited – separatedly – by the Emmisary, who offered them in a letter a chance of forming long-term friendship with „others like them” and an artifact from the First Age, the former if they would like to work for them, the first if „things will go well”. Interested, all followed. After all, what’s wrong in listening to an business offer?

The Exalted waited. Their awakened Essence told them they had 15 minutes till the hour of the meeting. They memories from the Time of Wonders told them that they have meet in the previous life, yet they were strangers to each other. They did not know their names, occupations before Exaltations, personal backstories, everything was shadowed by mists of mistery.

Maybe it was now a good time to clear such mists?

2018-07-17, 02:32 PM
Daughter of the Bright Star hops down off a very large beast - a dire wolf, easily towering over human heads. The girl that touches down appears to be in her mid-teens. Her skin is fair, and her long, bone-straight hair is a blonde very close to white.

"Hail, friends." Her Low Realm is heavily accented - she clearly grew up far east of here. "I am Daughter of the Bright Star, and this is Amaruq. It seems I am not the only one to make enough noise to be noticed."

2018-07-17, 02:38 PM
Ling had been in Nexus before, when she had been part of the crew of an airship from Lookshy and she remembered the city as a cesspool of vile and villany. Now she also remembered the first age city of Hollow that used to be here. She had arrived in Nexus a couple of days previously and she wondered how it came to be that they had already heard about her being here, given the amount of people entering the city every day. Of course, if some of the stories about the Emissary were true, he could do all that an much more. She had never believed all these stories, but she wasn't eager to test things and find out they were true.

One of the reasons she was here was because she still had some deeds to land and buildings, some in Nexus, and working together with the government might actually make those easier to cash in.
"Hey guys," she said to the others, using the riverspeak common to Nexus and the River Province, "and girls of course. I must say it's good to see you all again, even if my memories are of other bodies, although I haven't understood a word of what you said."

2018-07-17, 07:25 PM

The emissary, being the most mysterious, and noteworthy entity in Nexus, is the perfect first client. Hopefully we can come to terms.

TST get there early to observe the arrivals.

Should I roll Investigation against each PC?

2018-07-18, 01:06 AM
"I'm sorry, ma'am- I didn't get a word of it, either. Do you know Riverspeak?

As for the rest of you: the name is Manosque Simon, alchemist and martial artist. Pleased to meet you all."

Maybe she's on board more for her enormous hammer than her language skills. The hammerhead alone has got to be the most orichalcum I've ever seen in one place: even if they do feel lighter when you attune them, I'm impressed that she can even lift the thing.

The speaker is a grizzled warrior with the reddish-brown skin and straight green hair of an ethnic Haltan. He has an athletic, lean physique, packed with lean muscle- and dressed in a black-and-white kimono that subtly shows his wealth in its cut and quality. And while he's got an attractive face, it's also one that's scarred, seriously enough that he can't be a Prince of the Earth- the Chosen simply heal too well for that. Maybe there's something subtly recognizable about the way he carries himself- but on the other hand, perhaps there isn't. It could be a leftover trace of deja vu from how familiar the other four feel.

"You'd be talking about reincarnation? I'm afraid you have the advantage of me, then. I've never had much in the way of memories from a past life."

That much is true, I guess. I never have- until now. And if I 'remember' them for the reason I think I might...well, this is going to be awkward.

2018-07-18, 04:29 AM
"I think it's more linked to the exaltation than to re-incarnation of the mortal soul," Ling explained, "I get these flashes and dreams of lives centuries and even millennia ago. Quite interesting and I'm itching to try and create some of the equipment they had back then. And it's from that time that I remember all of you, although I can't really put names on it at the moment. It's more of a feeling that we've met before. Maybe it will come back, as so far all I've gotten are fragments."

2018-07-18, 05:25 AM
Daughter of the Bright Star bears a wide grin, despite being beset upon by unfamiliar languages on all sides.

"Forest-Tongue?" A little less hopefully, she adds, "Uqaq?"

She looks up to the dire wolf, as though it would suddenly start translating for her.

2018-07-18, 12:57 PM
"That might work," Ling replied in the same language, then looked at some of the others, "but not for everyone I guess. Well, languages are easily learned and in the mean time we'll just have to translate for each other."
To accentuate this, she translated her own words in Riverspeak, which all the others seem to be able to understand.
"Nice pet," she added to the young woman, "what is it?"

2018-07-18, 03:02 PM
The dawn perks up at hearing a familiar language. Seems her mood can always get better.

"This is Amaruq! He's a dire wolf. What dire wolves were doing so far east, I have no idea, but I raised him from a pup. He was there when I exalted."

2018-07-18, 10:50 PM
As this latest tidbit gets translated, Simon blinks and visibly reassesses each person in the room.

"Wait. So all of you are Exalted, not just one or two? No other mortal thaumaturges, martial artists, none of that kind of thing?"

A wide, somewhat feral grin splits the man's face.

"Oh that will be interesting. Prizefights in the Cinnabar District were starting to get old: too many small fish, not enough real challenges. Getting to know some sparring partners who can give me a proper asskicking again will be very good indeed."

2018-07-19, 01:46 AM
"I'm not the best in combat," Ling said. While she was armed with a spear that had some orichalcum accents and a normal sword, that didn't mean she was excellent in using them.
"I can probably spell your ass if you want to," she added, then turned to the two who hadn't said much (or anything at all).
"So, what are your names," she asked.

2018-07-19, 08:15 AM
I am not sure of what you have been told, but I am not here to fight and have no intention of doing so. (He speaks in rivertongue)

2018-07-19, 08:27 AM
”Between me and Daughter of the Bright Star, I’d be astonished if the Council doesn’t intend for us to fight something.

To say nothing of tall, dark and silent over there.”

Simon nods at Forsaken Midnight Claw.

”What’s your story, big guy? You carry yourself like someone who knows how to handle a scrap.”

2018-07-21, 11:26 AM
The big guy said nothing - mayhaps he was one of those strong, silent types that so many women craved? Who knows, but one thing for sure - he was really mysterious.

The time was up and the Circle entered the Council Offices. Inside the building was full of furniture and rugs in good taste, but nothing too extraordinary - seemingly someone wanted for this place to be functional, and not "flashy", even though the Guild was able to buy much more nonchalantly. One servant appeared close, guiding the Exalted through halls and rooms into the office of the Emissary.

- Ah, welcome - the entity was ready for their guests. Wearing a simple white robe and a silver mask, they were sitting behind a desk full of papers. On the opposite side, there were chairs for the Exalted, waiting for them. The whole room was more like a library or study room than some kind of palace. All the Exalted could feel really relaxed, even though the occasion was something special.

- I am the Emissary, as you surely do know. Please, do not bother with your names, I know them all too well. To the point. I want my city to be more independent and do not want to look up at Lookshy with every militant case. You are Exalted, born to fight and survive, I have assets. What there's more to explain? There are sad and brutal times and that needs some kind of solution. If you will work for me, for Nexus, I will grant you an easy life - when outside of a battlefield, of course. I'm sure that you will want Jade and fear not, I have plenty. But, of course, that would not suffice for extraordinalies of your sort, I have no doubt. So, let's have an agreement. You will work for me, and I, in addition to money, will give you this - he said, producing from his desk a set of documents, much like the others in this room. He passed it to Ling Mei, seemingly knowing best who will be able to use it most. When the woman looked at the documents, she understood that it was a kind of a technical report on a flying boat, seemingly untouched by years of the Second Age. It was small but fast, in a perfect state and ready for Exalted to mount it. It was probably one of a few of its kind left in the world.

- So? Will you work for me? - asked the Emissary, looking for signs of greed in the Chosen eyes.

2018-07-21, 11:57 AM
"I have a few questions," Ling said, passing the documents around so the others could also have a look, "one: do you have the ship or just the blueprints? two: what do you expect from us? If it's taking out some fair folk or undead or something, we can certainly come to an agreement, but I'm not going to raid for slaves for instance. And three: how long would this take? Approximately?"

2018-07-21, 12:04 PM
- I have the ship ready, I can grant it to you today if you will be my mercenaries. As to what do I need you too, well, Thorns not that far away. I certainly would not waste such... treasures - they underlined the word - for slave-hunting. I also expect it will last as long as we all will see a greater sense in that. One full season for the airship, and you will be getting paid handsomely in jade each month after that. Plus you can keep whatever artifacts and money you will get from enemies of Nexus. I hope I satisfied your curiosity?

2018-07-21, 12:08 PM
"I can live with these conditions," Ling said to the others, "and as to Thorns, as soon as some of us manage to get access to Solar circle sorcery, we might even have a permanent solution for that."
She remembered from one of her dreams that one of her previous exaltations had created a spell to destroy a shadowland, but it was not magic she had access to at this point.

2018-07-21, 12:39 PM
"I have never had, nor had use for, jade... but I suppose I could really use a new bow..."

The contradiction isn't lost on Daughter of the Bright Star. She smirks and crosses her arms in mild embarrassment.

2018-07-21, 05:22 PM
Transcendent Seeker of Truth's eyes narrow.
Is it attempting to trick me, or is it testing me? It surely knows I am not a warrior. Look at what it has provided: A small speedy transport, an engineer to manage it (given her reactions) 3 elite warriors and me.

You want us to find something or some people. Are we to be your assassins or sabourteurs, or are we retrieving what you seek?

2018-07-23, 03:39 PM
Simon frowns pensively.

"I have little need of jade or comfort. This is a wealthy city, and my talents are in high demand: I can and do make a lavish living on the strength of my knowledge as an alchemist alone, let alone my abilities as a sorcerer, exorcist, geomancer, or martial artist.

If you were offering the permanent loan of a First Age airship, that would be one thing. But if it's conditional on continued employment? This, too, is uninteresting.

I don't want money. I'm not even really interested in artifacts, at least not straightforwardly. What I want is access, contacts, and above all, knowledge. Access to a full copy of the Crystal of Kuan in the original, portions of the Gunshoza Tactical Manuals, fragments of the Procedures of Creation. A month's worth of lessons from a professor of sorcery at Valkhawsen or the Heptagram. A copy of the Black Treatise. The secret scrolls of the Jade Mountain style. Tutelage from a master of Even Blade. A sparring match with an Immaculate master. Permission to enter one of the First Age tombs that dot Nexus, and clues for gaining entry."

Perhaps even the location of the All-Encompassing Bible in Orichalcum."

The man smiles confidently.

"Offer me something like that, and I think we can do business. You won’t even have to pay me so much as an obol. "

2018-07-24, 02:08 AM
Ling looked at the man. While she could agree with a lot of what he asked, she knew there would be practical problems.
"I can understand and partially agree with you and I won't say no to most of those things either," she said, "but a copy of the black treatise. Why would you want to foul creation with necromancy. And as for not wanting jade, you could use it to pay for a lot of the things you ask for. Things like those books or access to Valkhawsen. I know that the tuition fees are quite steep for foreigners. Also make sure you hide the fact that you're an anathema or you don't get in. The same goes for the Heptagram. They would love to have what they call anathema come to them. Saves them the trouble of finding you."

2018-07-24, 02:36 AM
Daughter of the Bright Star waits for a translation, then replies, "To find and destroy necromancy is a fine goal. I am with you in this endeavor. Death without Lathe is disgusting."

She might have been mistaken about the intent.

2018-07-29, 12:54 AM

Simon sputters in outrage for a bit before lapsing back into coherency...

"Brigid's Black Treatise, not that horrible little book of murder and madness! Why would you even-"

...and then he blinks, his mouth hanging open for a moment as his brain catches up with the rest of what Ling is saying.


Hold on a moment. 'Anathema?' You think I'm a Solar? You're all Solars?"

He sits down heavily, as if to process this.

"That's...okay, look."

Simon strikes a pose for a moment, hands flickering through the Mudra of the Indomitable Spirit as he assumes the Path of the Arbiter Form. A faint, barely-there corona of white light emanates from his body- the 'anima' of an enlightened mortal.

"I've worked like a dog my entire life to make myself the equal of the Exalted, so this whole situation is honestly rather flattering in a strange way. But I don't have a proper anima, I've got scars that show I don't heal like the Chosen do...you are mistaken."

2018-07-29, 03:22 AM
Another memory stirred in Ling's head.
"Right, I had forgotten about that," she said, "cute girl, Brigid, but a bit shy for a Solar, at least before she discovered sorcery."

She looked at Simon.
"I think our silent friend there is a Lunar," she said, "and while you indeed don't have the anima of a Solar, you are somehow familiar, although I can't really put a name on it. It is as if I've met you before, a long time ago, and I'm quite sure I haven't, at least not in this life. Don't worry, we'll figure it out."

2018-07-29, 09:44 AM
Transcendent Seeker of Truth to Simon
What you are, does not matter more than what you can do. Your numerous talents put you on a different level than traditional warriors.

2018-07-30, 01:20 PM
The Emissary is listening patiently to the Solars, allowing them to voice their thoughts.

- It seems that there had been a misunderstanding. After one season, the airship will be yours. I just cannot grant it to you to see you run away after a day, can I? But at the same time I believe that your usage of this artifact could be good for the city, so that are my terms. If you will decide to work for me after the one season necessary to pay for the airship, more jade will follow. Maybe even some rare book on sorcery, who knows?

They are silent for a moment and then continue.

- As for the All-Encompassing Bible, I'm surprised you know of it. They have been some rumors about it in Yu-Shan - long time ago, to be exact - but it was never proven. Maybe it exists, maybe not. Nobody was able to find a trace of it. Probably just some kind of post-Usurpation mythology describing how great the Solars of old were, regardless of the complete truth. Maybe you remember it because of past life? - they joked. The Solars could swear the entity was smiling slightly behind the mask. Seemingly they too were certain that Simon is a Solar, no matter how hard he tried to convince the others.

- So my terms are clear now, I believe? One season of your working for the ship, further jade, and books if you will still be my mercenaries. I believe it's a good deal for all involved, wouldn't you agree?

2018-07-30, 02:07 PM
"As I said, I can live with those terms," Ling said, "if I ever want Creation to be what it used to be, we have to start somewhere and this seems to be as good a place as any."
While Nexus wasn't the best city in the world, especially if you remembered Hollow, it wasn't the worst either and hopefully they could make some reforms later on. Like getting rid of the Wyld zone in Firewander. But that was for later. Now she needed to learn and to gather resources.

2018-07-31, 06:46 PM
Simon steeples his fingers before his face, hiding a small frown.

It's a good offer. Generous, even.

And what happens if I refuse it? This is not some polite and orderly hamlet of the Realm. This is Nexus, the City of a Million Lice. To refuse would invite the knife in the dark, the subtly poisoned cup, the rough knocking of a thousand thugs at the door in the dead of night. And even were I strong enough to endure all that, I still could not prevent the harassment and murder of my students and household.

He studies the expressionless, gleaming mask of the entity before him for a long moment.

Assuming that my blood doesn't simply boil out of my veins the instant my refusal leaves my lips, that is. The Council did not choose to open negotiations by having us meet with their terrifying, supernatural hatchet man by accident.

He takes in a deep breath, forcing himself to exhale evenly and calmly.

...and it's a good offer.

Simon looks up with a broad and open smile, offering a martial artist's salute to his new business partner.

"Your terms are both fair and acceptable. I look forward to working with you."

2018-07-31, 10:29 PM
Transcendent Seeker of Truth
I will not be your assassin (Not that I have talents for that), but I am willing to find the enemies of nexus, or other assorted assets. Jade will be sufficient payment for now.

In case it was not clear, italics are thoughts to self.

2018-08-01, 11:53 AM
After listening to the translation and considering it for a moment, Daughter of the Bright Star replies, "Killing won't be necessary. That's why I use a blunt weapon. I'm in.

2018-08-02, 12:31 AM
Simon gives Star's weapon a puzzled glance.

Is she serious? Blunt or not, the damned thing is gargantuan. You don't carry around a goremaul that weighs more than you do because you're a big believer in being nice to your enemies.

2018-08-02, 05:31 AM
The Emissary pretended to not hear what Simon said to the Daughter.

- Well then, let’s make an agreement. One season of your service in exchange for the flying ship borrowed to you from day one. Here, that’s our contract – they said, producing a document from their writing table. They have signed it on the left and then have given it to Solars. They could read it – it was written in Riverspeak – and then sign on the right, in a column made to hold six signatures.

When everything was done, the Emissary took the document back – It was a pleasure – they said. For the first time in the meeting, you could swear they were genuinely satisfied, maybe even truly happy? - And now…

They have suddenly stopped. The Emissary stood up, looking somewhere behind their backs. The atmosphere changed instantly, from one of lazy happiness to one of incoming doom.

- The Tomb… - they said after a few long seconds, more to themselves than the others - The tomb have been… broken into. It’s… impossible…

The Emissary turned around so they could face his new mercenaries – One of the tombs of ancient Solars have been desecrated. You need to go there instantly and protect its contents. I do not know who could do something like that, but they need to be powerful. Only you have the power to match them. Go now, go fast and protect Nexus. That’s what I’m paying you to do.

2018-08-02, 06:48 AM
Daughter of the Bright Star doesn't react as quickly to the information as she was probably expected to. Not until there was a translation at least. Once she understood, it was an entirely different matter. Sprinting away from the meeting, she whistles loudly to Amaruq, and he matches her speed. Vaulting up onto his shoulders, she snarls in Uqaq.

"Tomb raiders. Take me in."

Switching to Forest Tongue, she calls back to Ling. "You all can outrun a dire wolf, right?"

2018-08-02, 09:47 AM
"I can't outrun it, but I can outfly it if you give me a bit to cast the spell," Ling said, "although that would be quite obvious. Maybe not start like that."

2018-08-02, 10:08 PM
To Bright Star I do not know, but I do not want to have to.
To the Emmissary Location of the tomb? Do you have a map of it?

2018-08-03, 11:41 PM
Go now, go fast and protect Nexus. That’s what I’m paying you to do.

"My, what curious timing," Simon observes dryly.

He's testing us. The timing is simply too convenient: those breaking into the tomb are the Council's catspaws, there to see if our services are worth what he's offering.

Nonetheless, he springs to action upon the instant, rushing to the doors of the Emissary's chambers and throwing them wide open.

"This way! We'll plan on the move."

"You all can outrun a dire wolf, right?"


An instant answer, confident and unambiguous. Daughter of the Bright Star needs no translation.

"I can't outrun it, but I can outfly it if you give me a bit to cast the spell," Ling said, "although that would be quite obvious. Maybe not start like that."

'Obvious'? A Cirrus Skiff is an unremarkable cloud. Stormwind Rider is a wind- not visible itself- and though it demands flying close to the ground, it's maneuverable enough to weave between buildings and keep a low profile. That leaves...

"An Azure Chariot may be obvious, but I say that's fine. Our role here is to arrive like a thunderbolt, shout 'stop, thief!' and detain the scavengers, not to slink about and suss out why they want to enter it.

It can't hold all of us, though. Tell the hammer girl that I'll guide her and her wolf to the Tomb."

2018-08-07, 10:55 AM
- The tomb is in the very center of the city, just by the central marketplace - explained the Emissary - The commotion should be big, you will not miss it. Do everything in your power to stop the trespassers, they are dangerous.

2018-08-07, 01:47 PM
Ling pulled up a mental map of the city. In the little time she had visited the location of most of the tombs out of interest.
"That's the skull one," she said, "too close for the Azure Chariot. At a run we're there in five to ten minutes and I might need the essence in a fight. Let's go. We'll think of something to get in on the way, or follow the people who apparently did."

She left the council building at a run, making a note to see if she could learn Stormwind Rider for these short distances.

2018-08-07, 05:25 PM
TST will not run, but will settle for walking briskly.

2018-08-09, 10:48 PM
At first, Simon tears out of the Council Offices like a ravening pack of erymanthoi is at his heels, only begrudgingly slowing down when it becomes apparent Transcendent Seeker of Truth refuses to hurry. He instead attempts to remain between the hurrying group and the lagging one, ensuring that everyone makes it to the same place...before breaking out into a full-on sprint to catch up when it becomes apparent that no one's going to speed up or slow down, and he needs to choose which group to arrive with.

2018-08-09, 11:02 PM
Once he is out of the council's building, and is content that the more violently inclined are ahead of him, he will pick up the pace.

2018-08-10, 10:24 AM
The Exalted ran through the city, choosing lesser and bigger streets, just in order to get fast to their destination. After a ten minutes of running - which seemed like eternity - they finally arrived at the city central market.

The tomb that's been opened was surrounded by chaotic mass of people. Ewerybody was shouting "what, WHAT?", "I wanna see too", "the tomb's open? How come?" and so on. The Solars moved through the crowd and finally saw.

The golden gates of the tomb has been violently ripped, leaving a black hole leading into the tunnels. However, it was impossible to proceed further. Emerald-colored forcefield had stood in the opened gates, blocking all in its path. It looked stable, yet powerful and dangerous. It must have been a work of some sorcerer.

2018-08-11, 12:32 AM
While the rest decide on how to deal with the barrier, he will look for witnesses to the intrusion. He will consult with mortals and spirits.

He activates Spirit Detecting Glance for 4 peripheral so that he can interview spirits as who may be in the area.

2018-08-11, 08:11 AM
Transcendent Seeker of Truth looked around with a new sight. He soon spotted a god of the tomb, looking shaken. It was a white-dressed entity with some golden jewelry. The lesser gods were usually very little things, not aware of much that happened outside their area of interest, but speaking to it could shred some light on recent events.

2018-08-11, 10:40 AM
Transcendant Seeker of Truth walks up to it.
Hello there. Yes I can see you, No you have nothing to fear from me. Can you tell me what you saw happen here?

2018-08-11, 01:54 PM
"Let me get rid of that barrier," Ling said, looking at the ward, "It's a protection ward, but I can get rid of it."

She started casting, without lettinng her anima flare and let go of the spell. The ward flared and then in a shower of burning embers, it shattered.
"There you are," she said, "ready to enter".

I spend 1 willpower and 10 motes personal essence (and activate my gem of sorcery to reduce the cost for the other 10 motes as it normally costs 20) and cast emerald countermagic.

In the description of the spell it says that it shatters with some effects, so I described those myself. If not correct, please let me know and I'll edit.

2018-08-11, 04:08 PM
"Well done, Ling. We should speak about sorcery, later- I'd like to know that spell, and I'm sure there some that I know that you'd find interesting."

Simon takes a deep breath, taking a moment to find his center.

"I stand armored in discipline, in self-control, in Temperance."

Simon strikes his chest- and it rings metallicly, a shining breastplate of blazing light forming around his body.

"I stand armed with my warrior's soul, with bravery, with Valor."

Simon throws an arm out to the side, fingers curled as if holding a sword- and a burning brand emanates from his palm, solidifying into a short blade.

"I stand with two feet firmly on the Path of the Arbiter. Those I have set myself to judge will know my strength, and I will know theirs: and that knowledge will be justice, or my death."

He clashes his forearms together, and the polished, heavy bracers he wears liquefy and flow into one another, reconstituting themselves into a shining round shield. On it is the ancient emblem of Nexus- a stylized crossroads, roads great and small converging from every direction unto a central point.

The gathered mass of people murmurs, impressed by Simon's transformation- and he seizes the moment he has their attention, speaking in a loud, confident voice that carries over the crowd.

"If any of you saw what happened, come forward and tell me what you know."

14/14 personal motes
22/43 peripheral motes
4/5 Willpower

Charms active: Path of the Arbiter Form, Forging the Armor of Integrity, Forging the Soul-born Sword, Invulnerable Skin of Bronze, Unbreakable Bones of Stone, Disguise of the New Face

Dodge MDV: 8
Parry MDV: 5

Dodge DV: 5
Parry DV: 9, 10 vs. opponents with higher Parry DV than Dodge DV

Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 13, Damage 7B, Defense 14, Rate 3
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 12, Damage 9B, Defense 10, Rate 2
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 12, Damage 7B, Defense --, Rate 1
Shield: Speed 6, Accuracy 14, Damage 7B, Defense 17, Rate 1 'Jade' short daiklaive: Speed 3, Accuracy 15, Damage 8L/2, Defense 14, Rate 2
Soak: 20L/28B (8L/12B Hardness) ('Jade' reinforced breastplate, 10L/9B)

2018-08-12, 12:06 AM
Daughter of the Bright Star raises an eyebrow at Simon's display. It would probably be even more impressive if she'd understood any of the words.

"I will assume that was well said, brother! Come, Amaruq. Let us cleave the rot from this city."

The dire wolf walks into the tomb, solar on his back, as casually as he would into his companion's home.

2018-08-12, 10:51 AM
The spirit of the tomb was shaking. They moved his head front and back, just like an autistic child.

- My tomb... my tomb... they have broke in... black, dark... so black... the darkness... oh, the darkness...

It seemed impossible to get anything else from them.

At the same time, some people around, encouraged by Simon, stepped forward.

- Anathema, they were Anathema! Bunch of them, dark as night, in black armor and with swords of death. We were so afraid. Will you... will you get rid of them? From our city? P-please? - asked one man, not knowing fully if to trust or not the strange party.

2018-08-12, 10:57 AM
TST realizing he will not get any more out of the spirit, will speak to those volunteering information.
How many were there, more than 5?

2018-08-12, 01:18 PM
- We do not know - answered somebody in the crowd - They had appeared out of nowhere. One moment there was nothing in particular, the second there was big "boom" and the commotion. When the dust had fallen, the barrier was arleady in place.

2018-08-12, 04:35 PM
Simon grimaces. It’s not much information- but it’s enough to give him a distressingly good idea of what’s waiting for them. Gritting his teeth against the fear suddenly gnawing at his guts, he strides forward, leading the way into the tomb.

I did say that I was looking for a sparring partner who could kick my ass. Perhaps a Maiden was listening. Here's hoping it was Mars, not Saturn.

Once the group is a few paces into the tomb, away from any prying ears, he speaks.

”...Ling, please translate carefully: this is important. I think I know what they are.

Not Anathema, as you’re understood to be- similar, but worse. I’ve heard them called Death Heroes, deathknights, Abyssals. Powers like yours, but more tightly focused... on killing, the dead, destruction and decay. Negotiation is somewhere between unlikely and impossible: we will kill or be killed.”

Could the Council really have arranged this? This is a little beyond what would be expected of a mere test.

2018-08-13, 01:17 AM
The dawn pats her wolf, prompting it to stop, while she listens closely to the translation.

"I may have seen one before. He led an army of undead, in a shadowland out east. He attacked my village, but fled when I exalted. Hideous, cowardly creature."

She turns her head and spits on the ground.

2018-08-13, 02:16 AM
"I've seen some reports as well, back in Lookshy," Ling said, "they are quite concerned about Thorns and there there were also reports of these dark exalted. Let's move forward with caution. Wait, let me first cast another spell, just to be sure."
She quickly casted another spell, this time using personal essence, which made her anima flare hard, but that couldn't be helped. It would also give them something to look by. Her eyes turned the color of granite, her skin became cold, tough and ashen.
"I hope that the extra weight won't matter," she added.

Casting unbreakable bones of stone, using 20 peripheral essence and 1 wp (+3stamina, +3strenght, half wound penalties).
left: 9 personal essence, 22 peripheral, 8wp

2018-08-13, 08:51 PM
Transcendent Seeker of Truth
This way.

2018-08-14, 01:12 AM
"If you say so," Ling said, not being good with mazes at all. So she just followed, as she assumed that someone called Trancendant Seeker of 'Truth' should be, unless the name had been given sarcastically. She opened her fire lance just to be ready, glad she had charged the essence batteries before arriving in Nexus.

2018-08-16, 12:43 PM
The Exalted went into the dark corners of the maze of the tomb. The corridor was twisting, at times intersecting with other corridors, more often not. The forks lead further into the darkness, but they went still, ready for the encounter.

It had not happened instantly. They had to go back-and-forth a few times, but thanks to a piece of chalk Simon was carrying with him, it was much easier. Still, getting to the center of maze took them whole 20 minutes.

They could listen to shouting from the Dark Exalts a long time before they saw them. They all stopped, listening.



They weren’t sure if there was more than two people, the others could be silent or just over-voiced by the leading par. Still, it was – they had hopped – a few twists before entering the battle. Now would be good time for planning.

2018-08-16, 02:40 PM
"So, what now," Ling whispered, "Charge in, wait them out, try to hear more?"
Her weapon was ready, her spell was too, but she was flaring too much to be all that stealthy. They would see her coming as soon as the group would round the last corridor.

2018-08-16, 02:44 PM
"I do love charging in. Not much of a sneaker. This guy, though. This guy is sneaky."

She pats her dire wolf confidently as she offers the somewhat dubious claim.

2018-08-16, 09:28 PM
TST puts a finger to his mouth in the sign of silence, and taps his ear twice and gestures toward the foes.

2018-08-17, 12:48 AM
Ling nodded and strained to listen to the conversation, but still ready to charge in just in case she heard them do something they shouldn't be doing.

2018-08-17, 02:50 PM
Moving deliberately and carefully, Simon takes off his pack and sets it down, leaving his sword on top of it for the moment. It makes a soft sound of clinking glass and earthenware muffled by layers of padding. He stretches languidly, catlike, shoulders and back curving to an extent that seems almost inhuman. The man is incredibly flexible.

After a moment of careful consideration, he reaches into a side pocket and withdraws a vial of fine, clear glass, filled with an opalescent, milky liquid swimming with specks that glimmer like fire. He breathes deeply, pops the cork, and swallows it down with a wince.

Finally, he picks up his blade once again- and it shimmers, as if seen through a heat haze, before reforming into a longer, more elegant blade. Abruptly, he seems different- hard-eyed, tense, his stance wide as if ready to charge forward upon the instant. He nods towards Transcendent Seeker of Truth, speaking softly.

"Tell me when."

Using Meditation on the Enemy three times to get a three-dot Martial Arts specialty on the tomb raiders, spending 9m.

Drinking a dose of my special Bright-Burning Candle Solution. +1 Wits, +2 Valor, -1 Compassion and Intelligence for the scene. +1 to all actions involving Physical Attributes for the scene. In the next scene, -1 Compassion, Temperance and Intelligence.

The increased Valor causes my Soul-born Sword to reconfigure from a short daiklaive to a reaper daiklaive.

5/14 personal motes
22/43 peripheral motes
4/5 Willpower

2018-08-17, 07:13 PM
Transcendent Seeker of Truth closes his eyes for a moment, and opens them to the world of essence and looks around while listening to the Dark Ones.

All Encompassing Sorcerers Sight, Keen Sense Sight (again) from the personal pool.
20 Peripheral
3 Personal Remaining

2018-08-21, 09:26 AM
The argument of Abyssals continued, uninterrupted by waiting Solars.


It was quite possible that the female would argue back, but she was seemingly silenced, for the third voice, masculine and calming, spoke:

- Okay, good, no need for arguments here. We need to focus. So we have a rare language we do not know and it contains instructions on how to proceed further. Any ideas? - he asked his companions.

- It’s… some kind of barbarian language. I know this is a melting pot of all Creation, but chances of finding a speaker are… low – explained the female.

- Okay, okay, let’s think. Can we somehow crash the doors?

- No, it’s orichalcum. They are indestructable. And they are not even drawings, lemme remind you, so we do not have the slighthest idea of what we should do.

- Pfffff! - the first voice seemingly wanted to say more, but dared not in this context. It was possible that the second male was their leader.

- Okay, if we will go back, try to find some speaker – hey, Underwold is a big place – and go back, what do you think about that? - asked the second voice.

- No, we have a moment of surprise. This is our only chance. What the other Exalted will know about breaking into this tomb – and they will – they will come here. We know that Sidereals are supposed to watch over the tombs as well, or at least used to in the ancient past. Now it will bring the attention of both Creation and Yu-Shan. Also… - the woman’s voice trembled, as if she were afraid – our Master will not tolerate any misadventures…

- Right – the calm voice seemed to share her concerns – We shall counqer the Nexus, then? Somebody out there should know the language, or maybe the libraries have any written record. If we will treaten the Nexus, somebody sooner or later will help us, even if only to stop the rampaging. How about that?

2018-08-21, 10:52 AM
Daughter of the Bright Star considers the implications of this for a moment before speaking - just loud enough for Ling to hear.

"In the east alone, there are enough barbarian languages that even the nearest neighboring tribe might not be understood. We might never find someone who speaks the correct language. Even if the original tribe still exists. But we don't need to get in."

2018-08-21, 12:11 PM
Simon leans in close, speaking quietly but intensely.

"...and they'll only carve a bloody swath through Nexus before they figure that out.

We've confirmed what they are and what they're here for. What else are we waiting for? An engraved invitation? They need to die."

He turns away from the group, holding up a hand with four fingers extended. Three...two...one...

2018-08-22, 02:04 AM
Clearly someone was quite impatient, Ling thought as she prepared. Since she was flaring her amina quite hard at the moment, she decided to stay at the back for now. She also had her fire lance, which could be used as a distance weapon if needed.

2018-08-23, 01:58 PM
...zero. Simon pumps his fist in a rallying gesture, then darts ahead, as swift and silent as an arrow.

2018-08-26, 11:17 AM
The Exalted ambushed the Abyssals. Perhaps they were prideful and thought nobody will follow them, or maybe just expected any gathering of warrior to come later because of the labyrinth? No matter the cause, Solars took them unaware.

When the heroes turned the corner, they could finally see who was talking. They were 2 women and 3 meen. The first female was wearing glasses and a simple black robe. Her hairdo was a bun of black hair tied in place by white, metallic needles. She struck you as a bookish type.

The second female was much more beautiful than the first. She had long, white hair and black kimono with white, silk figures on it, representing various behemoths known from mythology, all dead since the Times Before.

The first of three men stood the closeer to you. He was wearing a big suit of Soulsteel armor. On his back rested a great, gigantic even sword made of that same substance. On his black-and-white face the only thing givin him any sign of life were two blood-red pupils, currently in total surprise.

The second man had short white hair and light armor. His main weapon was a big bow. You were quite sure he was an equivalent of Night caste in Solars.

The last man was handsome. He was wearing a large armor too, just like the first one, but his was more ornamented, with representations of roses and drops of blood – all made from the red jade. He was wielding a small sword, the smallest knows to Exaltedkin.

Behind your back, you could sense the excitement of your Lunar companion. He already took his Beastman shape a while ago, when everybody was talking about what to do with Abyssals. He was a hybrid of tyrant lizard and man, big, with giantish teeth and claws – his hands were more human that lizard and not so short as one could expect – and ready to fight.

2018-08-26, 12:12 PM
TST with only a moment to take in the scene he selects the woman without the glasses as his target.
Fire comes from his eyes attempting to smite her in this moment of indecision.

Use Bloody-Eyed Burning Gem
Spend 4 Peripheral mote for 2 additional successes
Att: Wit+Awareness [roll0] +2 (Keen Sight) +2 (Excellency)

Dmg (6 + Extra successes) (She does not appear to have armor made of the 5 magical materials)

Rolling a bunch since I do not know how many get through.

Any Stunts:

16 Peripheral Remaining (Anima 4 mote level)

2018-08-26, 01:56 PM
Daughter of the Bright Star immediately leaps out at the biggest guy there. The grand goremaul appears in her hand, and a fraction of a second later, comes crashing down on his face.

Call the blade, first melee excellency. The grand goremaul is +16B/3. Not sure what will make it through armor.

To hit: [roll0]

2018-08-26, 11:41 PM
Swordplay in a duel is a complex and subtle thing- full of feints, deception and trickery.

None of that matters now. With an opponent taken utterly by surprise, Simon is free to concentrate all his formidable skill and talent into producing a swift and powerful strike, no matter how obvious or clearly-telegraphed.

The green-haired hero rounds the corner, covers the ground, and chooses his target in an instant, putting all the momentum of his charge into an overwhelmingly powerful overhand blow. The blazing sword strikes like a bolt of lightning, the power in the stroke belying the man's small frame.

"I am the master of the Blazing Heart Dojo, Manosque Simon.

You will not conquer Nexus- because you cannot conquer me!"

I'm assuming here that I'm within five yards, and so don't have to flurry an Attack and Dash action. So I'm simply running forward and Attacking the nearest, most obvious threat- the fellow with the enormous daiklaive. I think that's the Dusk, but I'm not 100% sure. That's a Speed 3 action, so I next act on Tick 3, with all the people who got no successes on Join Battle.

I'm making a Called Shot to deliver a Fierce Blow (corebook p. 158), raising my damage by 2L at the cost of -1 to my pool of attacking dice.

[roll0] 1-die stunt: [roll1] 2-die stunt: [roll2] 3-die stunt: [roll3] EDIT: Six successes, seven if it's at least a one-die stunt.

Dodge MDV: 8
Parry MDV: 5

Dodge DV: 4 (-1 DV penalty for Attack maneuver)
Parry DV: 9 (-1 DV penalty for Attack maneuver)

Soak: 20L/28B (8L/12B Hardness)

-0 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
Incap. [ ]
Dying: [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

5/14 personal motes
22/43 peripheral motes
4/5 Willpower

2018-08-27, 07:27 AM
Ling knew combat, but she wasn't a good fighter, so she went for the bookish woman. That one was probably a caster and she was, as far as she knew, the only one with countermagic in the group. Also if she could take her out immediately, they would have one less adversary to take into account. Using a mote from the essence battery of her lance to charge it up, she simply planted the lance in the middle of the woman's stomach and let her weight drive it in, twisting the head to drive it in even further and the discharge do the extra damage.

roll to hit, using first melee excellence to add 5 dice (5 motes personal essence):
[roll0] EDIT: 9 successes

rolls for stunts if applicable:
[roll1] EDIT: 2 successes
[roll2] EDIT: 1 success
[roll3] EDIT: 1 success

damage: (14L + net hits)

2018-09-04, 01:08 PM
Simon had striken the dangerously-looking Abyssal. His daiklave made of pure light had fallen at his enemy, but even though the warrior was unable to block the strike with his giantish sword - he had made a funny face - the martial artist was not able to penetrate his hard hide of a armor.

After that, the rest of his companions rushed to the battle. Solars and one Lunar were moving as a tidal wave, ready to sweep off the Chosen of Oblivion.

Daughter of the Bright Star moved next, swinging her giant hammer at the warrior. The strike was accompanied by loud “BOOM” as the weapon struck the plate of heavy armor he was wearing, crashing his ribs and other bones and throwing him a few meters back, unconscious.

At the same time, Ling attacked the bookish woman. Her strike put the Abyssals clothing ablaze, revealing underneath a soulsteel chain shirt. Nonetheless, the enemy shrieked as the power of the bow and high temperature destroyed her body. She had fallen down and after a few more shrieks she lost her consciousness too, to a smell of burned flesh.

Transcendent Seker of Truth looked at the second female, his eyes burning with holy wrath. The flames he conjured had struck her pretty badly, but unlike her two companions, she was still standing. He could see that underneath her robe - now with big hole - was another set of chain shirt.

The bowman was attacked by the Midnight Claw. Maybe because of how others fared well, he did not use any Charm, but still, he hit the Day caste, even if his strike was not so impetuous.

The next second, Amaruq rushed forward, but…

- STOP, STOP! - shouted the second man in heavy armor. - Let’s talk, right? - he asked.

2018-09-04, 09:43 PM
Transcendent Seeker of Truth
I am amenable to hearing what you have to say dark one, but I cannot speak for the rest.

2018-09-04, 10:27 PM
Amaruq lets out something similar to a chortle, and Daughter of the Bright Star responds with a hearty laugh. She puts one hand on her hip, and slings the two ton grand goremaul over her shoulder with the other hand as though it were a toy.

"You should speak quickly. Amaruq is starting to feel left out."

She beams at the remaining opponent with a confident grin. In her short time in Creation - both as a solar and as a mortal - she hasn't known defeat, and is rather certain that today won't be teaching that lesson.

2018-09-05, 11:02 PM
"Weapons down, and not at your feet. Throw them- a good distance past us, so you need to go through us to get to them.


Simon stands alert, on the balls of his feet- ready for the first sign of treachery, the first errant twitch.

2018-09-06, 04:10 AM
Ling wasn't all that happy with it, but she couldn't attack alone. She did point her fire lance towards them, ready to use it as a ranged weapon. While she was better in melee, she could distract people with it. What she did do was activate Sagacious Reading of Intent to figure out what the abyssal was planning. The feeling she got was one of panic. Okay, that she could use.
"Very well, but what he said," she said, nodding towards Simon.

2018-09-10, 06:11 AM
The Abyssal dropped his sword as asked, and then started to talk.

- Listen, it’s not like it seems. Really. It’s you who attacked us, not the other way around. We were just supposed to break into this tomb and retrieve it’s content. No killing, I swear. It’s you who used the violence. Sure, the cityfolks got crazy when they saw us, we had to blown up the entrance to the tomb and we put a spell to stop pasers by, but I swear, it was supposed to be a smooth task. You, you complicated it all. We were armed, sure, but we weren’t expecting any opposition. Just… let us take care of our comrades. It’s… it’s not like it was meant to be. - said the Moonshadow. It seemed to you like he was afraid, but more of his master than you at the moment. His voice was shaking a little, so were his hands when he gestured.

2018-09-10, 06:27 AM
"And we were asked by the city to stop some tomb robbers," Ling said, "so we acted within due authority against thieves and robbers. How did you get in here and who's your deathlord?"

Not the montion that your abominations who deserve to die, she didn't add.

2018-09-11, 05:00 PM
- Lover - the Moonshadow nodded at the unconscious female with glasses - cast a spell on us so we could look like any other people. As to our Deathlord, it's Mask of Winters. I presume you too are after the contents of the tomb? It's of Glorious Morning Sword, by the way, a Solar of the First Age. But worry not, you will not advance further even if you would spend an eternity here. Nobody knows how to proceed. We tried.

2018-09-11, 11:12 PM
Simon sighs heavily.

"Are you not paying attention? We aren't tomb raiders, we're law enforcement.

You were briefed on details of who built this tomb thousands of years ago, but not on modern local laws? Opening any of the Six Tombs is punishable by death or exile, and the law within Nexus is famously uncompromising. That's just-"

He blinks.

"-actually, that's kind of a halfway understandable mistake to make for someone who's getting briefed by the dead.

Regardless, you are all in very deep trouble. The Council is unlikely to accept exile as a punishment: you're outsiders to begin with. By the letter of the law, that leaves only one possibility."

There is a pregnant pause.

"As Exalts, however, you are useful. There's some chance that you could convince the Council to let you live, if you can think of some substantial service you could do them.

And...if you aren't acting, it seems that you've more fear than loyalty to your dark master. Which at least suggests that you might not immediately stab Nexus in the back."

Simon frowns.

"A vote, then. Do we kill them, or bring them back to the Council?"

2018-09-11, 11:12 PM
Our motives are irrelevant. You will explain your task and goal more thoroughly, and then perhaps we will send you back to your dark master with a message. Know that if you speak a false word, your life is forfeit here and now. What do you seek from the tome?

Activate Judge's Ear Technique with peripheral.
12 Peripheral Remaining.

2018-09-12, 10:27 AM
Ling kept silent for now, letting others better suited do the interogation. She did remember some things about the solar buried here, but she would keep that for herself for now. Those abyssals didn't need to know how much she knew. She also glanced around in the tomb, just to see if she might recognise something.

2018-09-12, 10:57 AM
Ling glanced around, indeed. She saw beautiful paintings, depicting the life story of the Solar buried here. There were also some descriptions, but in a language, she could not recognize.

Daughter of the Bright Star followed her, and to her very surprise, could recognize the language! Well, kinda-ish. It was similar to her own, but really old. Maybe she could decypher it? The sample was big, but the time commitment seemed big too. However, she was in no particular hurry, was she?

2018-09-12, 10:57 AM
Daughter of the Bright Star is thoroughly unimpressed with the grave robbers. She spits at the abyssal's feet, and Amaruq snarls, matching her sneer with uncanny precision.

"There is no excuse for your kind. If death was your only other option, you should have embraced death. You'll get your chance soon, in any case."

As Ling moves to investigate, she elects to stick with her translator, glancing over the tomb.

2018-09-13, 07:44 AM
- You... do not comprehend, do you? - asked the Abyssal - For us, death is final. If you will die, your Exaltation will seek a new host, and your soul will pass into the Yu-Shan to reincarnate. For us, the only option is the cold yaw of the Oblivion. There's no afterlife for us, only nothingness.

2018-09-13, 09:08 AM
"That's a choice you have made," Ling said coldly, "we never had the choice really. And what are you exactly looking for in this tomb?"

2018-09-14, 11:48 AM
- Well, I would not phrase it like that. Either we would accept the Dark Exaltation and have some power, or do not go to Yu-Shan and spent eternity in Underworld. But that matters not, you would not understand etiher way. As to what we were seeking here, it is said that Glorious Morning Sword was an elder brother of some other Exalt from the First Age, which works we are after. We thought that this tomb might reveal something about his sister. Just so.

2018-09-14, 11:56 AM
Transcendent Seeker of Truth
What is the name of the sister you seek knowledge of from this tome? Why do you seek information about her? What else did you hope to obtain from the tome?

2018-09-14, 01:51 PM
- The Clear Song of One Thousand Words Calligraphed With Pure Gold, another Solar of old. Rumor has it she wrote a very powerful book that could bring true enlinghtement to anyone who would read it. It's a very precious artifact and our job is to find it for our Master. If we would find her other atrifacts, we should bring it to the Mask of Winters, but the book location was our first and foremost goal.

2018-09-14, 05:28 PM
Very well, I am satisfied by your responses.

To the allies:
We have stopped these miscreants from despoiling this tome further as we were tasked to do. Technically they have not violated any of Nexus's laws except trespassing to my knowledge. I suggest that they be brought before a magistrate for a suitable fine, and that we inquire with the council regarding further sanctions.

2018-09-15, 03:21 AM
"One more question," Ling said, "how did you manage to break the enchantments on the tomb to gain entry. Many have tried in the past centuries and all have failed?"

2018-09-15, 12:53 PM
- Mask of Winters did something to the daiklave of Violent Sword. We dunno what, but with one slash it was able to pierce through. The power's gone though, it's no longer a special weapon in any way.

2018-09-15, 02:07 PM
Daughter of the Bright Star nudges Ling and pulls her aside. Quietly, she reveals her discovery.

"This is the language of my ancestors."

2018-09-16, 12:58 AM
Technically they have not violated any of Nexus's laws except trespassing to my knowledge.

Simon winces.

"There's actually a specific penalty for breaching any of the Six Tombs- death or exile.

You all keep discussing this- but we can't continue to negotiate with the deathknight in good faith while her comrades bleed out at our feet. Keep an eye on her: I'm going to get my medical supplies and see to them."

Simon runs back around the turn in the corridor, where he left his bag- then returns and swiftly examines each of the fallen Abyssals in turn, carefully binding their wounds and then tying each of them up.

2018-09-16, 02:19 AM
"Interesting," Ling wispered back, "We'll have to see if we can stay behind or come back later. If Mask of Winters is going for this book, the race is on."

Then she turned to the rest of the group.
"Don't do too much," she said to Simon, "Just keep them from bleeding out. Then we can bring them before the emissary. And see with him/her/it on how to get the wards back in place. It wouldn't do to have just about anybody wander in here."

2018-09-16, 02:03 PM
My apologies, I am relatively new to Nexus and was not aware of that detail. Given their cooperation, we should advocate for exile.

To the deathknights:
Prepare yourselves to be taken into custody. Weapons over there, and armor off. If we can get you exiled, we will make sure to have your possessions returned.

2018-09-19, 08:36 AM
The Abyssals dropped their weapons, definitely giving up a fight. SImon ran from uncosncious one to the next and wrapped their wounds the best he could. Then, you all moved out of the tomb, bringing the defeated enemies with you.

At the Emissary

The masked entity looked intensely - you could sense their gaze even though they were wearing a mask - and sat behind his desk, his fingers entangled wit themselves.

- So - their begun - they are the trespassers. This I get. But why they are alive, some of them bandaged, this is a mystery for me. My swords-to-hire, explain yourselves.

2018-09-19, 09:15 AM
"you said to protect the contents of the tomb and Nexus," Ling said, "this we have done. You didn't say we had to kill them. Besides, you might want to ask a few questions yourself. And one other things: there is need to find a means to put the main wards back on, as I don't think any of us can do that. I certainly can't."

2018-09-19, 10:39 PM
Simon insists on securing the tomb as best he can as the group exits. First, he measures out a carefully-measured line of pure salt.

"Rin. I invoke the protection of Namtösé, yellow-faced General of the Fiery Legions."

His fingers interlaced in an occult gesture, a burning stick of incense in his hands, Simon burns five round holes into the prayer strip before him, carefully spaced to form a perfect pentagon. Carefully, ceremoniously, he blows out the stick of incense in two and marks the prayer strip with the resulting charcoal, drawing tracing a crude but recognizable Old Realm character.

"Hyo. I invoke the protection of the Cloud Queen, proud Daimyo of Thunderbolts."

Simon's fingers form another intricate mudra, and he cries a single tear, which splashes onto line of salt. He examines it briefly, as if to ensure it's fallen in precisely the right place.

"To. I invoke the protection of Humble Glittering Legalist, first and foremost among the leonine students of Implacable Shining Barrator."

His fingers intertwine to form a third gesture, and he nods once, twice, a third time- then closes his eyes, reaches out for the prayer strip, and carefully and precisely marks it with his fingernail, making a crude but recognizable Old Realm character by creasing the paper.

"Sha. I invoke the protection of Implacable Shining Barrator, first among the lions of Heaven in rectitude and sternness."

Another mudra, with a calligraphy brush carefully held between two fingers. He dips it into an inkpot and makes eight straight, sure strokes- none of which visibly mark the paper. Then he tears open a packet of black dust, pours it into his palm, and blows it over the prayer strip, revealing another Old Realm character written in clear glue.

"Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen. I invoke Fire. I invoke Wood. I invoke Water. I invoke Air. I invoke Earth. I invoke the protection of each in turn as Dragons, and all together, as Creation. I swear that I have invoked their protection wisely and well."

The four corners of the prayer strip are dipped in ink- in turn, red, green, deep blue, sky blue. A brown dot in the very center of the prayer strip completes the work: Simon kneels and touches the ofuda to the line of salt, and it glows faintly and hovers up to navel height. He reaches out to tap on the barrier he's created, and it momentarily flares with blue light.

Pleased, but not satisfied, he takes a few additional measures on his way out. He lays down a carpet of nasty caltrops with the searing Elemental Benediction of Radiance- and some distance from these, another, subtler field of razor-sharp glass caltrops, reinforced with the Benediction of Solidity. Between these, he improvises a low 'wall' composed of two stout wooden poles which miraculously extend to wedge themselves firmly into the walls upon command...the idea being not so much to stop an intruder as delay them and trick them into climbing or hopping over them, right onto the nearly-invisible field of glass caltrops.

Finally, he hires a fang of Bronze Pioneers to secure the mouth of the tomb, with strict orders to let no one in or out until he personally arrives to stand them down.


As the group escorts their prisoners to the Emissary, a light seems to leave Simon's eyes, and he stumbles slightly as he comes down from the wind-fire potion. His face looks gaunt, his eyes sunken: it is not a subtle difference. Exhausted, he leaves it to others to explain their actions, though he briefly mentions the means he's taken to secure the site.

"I did reward the site, set up a perimeter of Bronze Pioneers and a few basic traps- but it's just enough to deter opportunism, not another serious attempt at the Tomb. Anyone with determination, kung fu, cunning, and Emerald Countermagic could defeat what I have set up."

2018-09-19, 10:59 PM
Trancendent Seeker of Truth
As our employer, it is your prerogative to treat us as if we a simple devices of violence, but you will get better returns assuming that we possess a modicum of intellectual competence. We are not total morons, and of course understand the political benefit of being able to claim and prove capture of an entire circle of deathknights without killing any of them. And surely it is in the best interests of the Law Enforcement of Nexus to show due process to those who surrender.

2018-09-20, 06:56 AM
- Hm... - the entity went silent for a moment - What you are saying is... capturing them alive proves our efficiency, and they could... work for me? - their weren't sure if it is a good or bad idea - Aren't they inherently wicked, beyond redemption and dangerous? What about the dark miracles that happen around them I've heard rumors about? And their Deathlord? Nexus could be a centre of new war if they could break loose. I do not think I want that kind of trouble for my city, definitely not.

2018-09-20, 07:40 AM
"We could simply destroy them. By my understanding, they aren't real people anyway." Daughter of the Bright Star shrugs, then chuckles as Amaruq nudges her. "I don't think your stomach would agree with that, my friend."

2018-09-20, 07:44 AM
"I don't think that's what we meant," Ling explained, "at least it was not what I meant. I meant that you can ask them some questions yourself should you wish to know things we didn't think about and then dispence justice according to the laws of the city. And as to their deathlord, that's Mask of Winters."
She looked at the rest of the group. At least one thought the same as she did. Deathknights were too dangerous just to let them wander around.
"Even if it's dead flesh, it's quite well conserved," she said to Daughter of the Bright Star, "he might like it."

"The restauration of the wards around the tomb is completely separate from the discussion what should happen with these people," she continued to the Emissary, "as my colleague has said, he put a temporary ward, but emerald countermagic can get rid of it and that's something too many people know to leave it just at that."

2018-09-20, 08:29 AM
TST suddenly unsure if the emmissary is less politcally aware than he thought, explains plainly.
What I meant is that while killing them in the crypt sends a message to our enemies that we can deal with whatever they throw at us, exiling them would send an even more impressive message indicating they were a trifle, and that Nexus can deal with such things easily. I do not know if they would work for you, but it is possible they would be useful to you farther away from the city. I imagined you might sell them back to the Mask for coin, as that seems to be something that the city values.

2018-09-20, 10:53 AM
Simon sighs.

"Why even argue, at this point? We've been hired as mercenaries, not as policymakers. We brought them here because the penalty for breaching the tomb was exile or death, and we weren't sure which our employer would prefer. Now, we know.

Not half an hour ago, we gave our word to work for Nexus, to enforce the will of its rulers. A child could have told you that this would occasionally involve killing for them. That is the nature of rulers, of rulership, of power, and of mercenaries.

And, really, Abyssals? Creation's greatest champions of death? We're not exactly drowning in moral ambiguity here."

2018-09-20, 11:41 PM
TST turning to Simon

Why argue up until this point?

For 2 reasons.

1) Because I said I would, and I honor my obligations.
2) Foolish Pride. We went through the effort of providing maximal value, and our employer mocks us by assuming we are too stupid to provide anything other than the minimum.

2018-09-22, 06:38 AM
"Look, I don't care about abyssals either," Ling added, "but if you immediately killed them, we wouldn't have had that information we got. And now we have them, we can Always kill them if we have to, but first lets see what else we can find out and if they give enough information, I'm willing to consider exile."

2018-09-22, 08:09 AM
- Alright - said the Emissary - If they will share their knowledge, I will let them live in exile. If not, I will put them to the sword. Any information about the Mask of Winters is invaluable. Now - they continued, reaching for sheets of paper and ink - write everything you know - they said to the Abyssals.

- And you, my mercenaries - they called you directly - is there anything else I should know of?

2018-09-22, 08:31 AM
Ling walked to the other end of the room and asked him to join her.
"There might be," Ling said softly, thinking it best to come clean, "but when they are gone, please?"
She pointed to the Abyssals. She didn't want them to know what they knew. If they were released, they might come back, but she really didn't want them to start hunting her, or send other people after their little group. They had managed to get them by surprise, but if they were prepared, it might be another fight allthogether.

2018-09-25, 05:57 AM
The Abyssals had written everything they had known about the Tomb, Mask of Winters, other Abyssals, Underworld and such. For the next 15 minutes only their scribbling noises were heard in the room.

Then, Black Rose promised by the power of Abyss that they will not hurt Nexus. They were set to leave the city, their black amors and weapons left behind, as an additional price to be alive.

- Alright - said the Emissary efter everything - Now, you wanted to tell me something? - they asked Ling.

2018-09-25, 06:22 AM
Ling had been looking at the artifacts of the Abyssals. While she probably couldn't use them, and frankly, didn't want to, she found it fascinating to see how they were made. And she knew that even in the old realm there were artifacts that required soulsteel. It was a magical material and could also be used in other things. Maybe she could...
she was interrupted by the emissary.
"Yes, I do," she said, "as you know, the Abyssals were searching for the All-Encompassing bible and they entered the tomb because the Solar buried there was the brother of the one who has written that book. They were trying to read the inscriptions to get more information but couldn't understand it. Well, Daughter of the Bright Star can. At least, with some study, as it's an older dialect of course. Since this is an important book which we don't want to see in the hands of the Mask of Winters and you will probably need some time to get the wards reset anyway, I would like to ask permission to investigate these writings."

2018-09-25, 11:46 AM
- Of course. That would be profitable - the Emissary agreed with Ling - Do you need something? I can grant you an access to forbidden section of Nexus' library, but I doubt you would find there anything useful. What do you need? Time? Money? Helpers? Say your need and I will see to that.

2018-09-25, 12:11 PM
"I don't need anything but some time to help Bright Star with the translation," Ling said, "depending on what we find, we might take you up on that offer. And maybe when we're a bit further along, I might want to have a look at your library. You guys need anything?"

She looked at her fellow exalts.

2018-09-26, 12:12 AM
Transcendent Seeker of Truth
Access to the complete penal code of Nexus would be useful, so that I do not make a similar mistake again. Additionally having a list of potential targets or missions would allow us to do a bit of ground work ahead of time.

2018-09-26, 06:42 AM
Daughter of the Bright Star watches the others speak, listening to the translations as they come to her. Though she can read and write, her people are not scholars, and she's nothing if not her father's daughter. The type of weight being placed upon her shoulders is unfamiliar. She has no idea what she needs.

Watching the abyssals simply walk away - even if it's sans their necromantic equipment - also makes her uneasy. If she solves the problem they couldn't, would she be playing into their hands, or heading them off at the pass? It's a difficult nag to shake, but she elects to trust in her companions' instincts.

"I am not sure of how Uqaq came to be. If you could connect it to other languages, would texts on those languages prove useful?"

2018-09-26, 11:30 AM
"The main languages were all derived from old realm," Ling said, "but some solars and lunars made their own in their domain. So it might have been one of those and then changed by countless generations of mortals. It will have some basics in old realm as well, but so changed that it's unrecognisable. I think it's best if you were to study these texts and translate them into another language you know. That way we can all have a look at it. I wish I had managed to get that translation crystal to work, that would have made life so much easier."

Then she had an idea and looked at the Emissary.
"Do you by any chance have a translator crystal we might borrow for this," she asked.

2018-09-27, 11:48 AM
- I'm afraid I do not possess one - explained the Emissary - in Old Realm there was a thinking machine network that provided translations, among other things. It was Creation-wide, so the need for other artifacts from that time was non-existent. After the fall of Solars, the network got destroyed. Since all artificers were on the Blessed Island, in Yu-Shan or at the edges of Creation, our part of the world never got their own equipment to deal with translations.

- However, we are - added the god - into the very heart of human civilization. We have some capable linguists and scholars that could help you with your work. Shall I arrange a meeting betwen your group and them?

2018-09-29, 04:10 AM
"Maybe later," Ling said, "let us first try ourselves. This might be information you want to keep limited to certain people. What has been seen can't be unseen."

2018-09-29, 08:08 AM
- it shall be that way - the Emissary told - Of course you have my permission to check the tomb for as long as it will take. The information is extremely important and though I do not want to speed things as it is my understanding it takes time, please, remember, other Abyssal can appear, this time better prepared in equipment and knowledge. Time is crucial for this operation.

2018-09-29, 09:16 AM
"Okay, we'll go immediately," Ling said, turning to the others, "let's go, the faster we get this done, the better. Simon, I hope you can get through your own wards, as I'll have to take a rest for a while before I can get this emerald countermagic thing done again."

2018-09-29, 09:53 PM
TST will follow them back into the darkness.

2018-10-01, 10:40 AM
Simon nods confidently.

"It shouldn't be a problem."

Indeed, when the group returns to the tomb, Simon reaches out and casually swats the floating prayer strip aside. The wall of blue light flares into being for a moment, then gradually collapses: the ofuda burns away into white ash before it touches the ground.

The next few weeks are to be spent in the demanding and finicky work of translation- and while Simon is a clever enough fellow, he knows that he's not enough of a scholar or linguist to be of much use. Instead, he focuses his energies on securing the site- setting up an elaborate system of semi-permanent wards, expanding the mercenary force at the tomb's entrance to two scales of Iron Brotherhood archers and heavy infantry, and setting a network of camouflaged, poisoned, and magically enhanced traps. He even sets up a tent and sleeps on the site, ensuring that it can't be broken into while he's away.

The whole thing is a pain to deal with, honestly- getting in or out safely takes half an hour, everyone needs to memorize a different watchword to tell the guards each day, you need to step in an intricate and complicated pattern to keep from losing a foot, and the alarm wards on the outer perimeter trip once or twice on a wandering elemental or little god. But nothing less can be trusted to trusted to keep out the kind of beings who'd take an interest in the tomb's contents.

When the day comes, Simon is on-hand and prepared- his rich black-and-white kimono swapped for something in simple black with a utilitarian cut, his mirrored gauntlet-shield traded for a stout tower shield that he lifts and maneuvers with impressive ease.

2018-10-01, 11:40 AM
Ling would let Simon take care of security, although she didn cast her protective spells each day and made sure she brought her weapons with her. Inside the tomb she organised the work. While it was Daughter of the Bright Star who knew the language, Ling did realise that she was the one with the most experience in looking at old and difficult to understand things. Back in Lookshy she had to read the manuals of the skyships, things often created during the Shogunate era.

Together with Daughter and Seeker, she tried to get the translation done as quickly as possible, using all her knowledge of languages and any other old realm lore she had to make the connections they needed and make the work go faster.

2018-10-02, 06:52 AM
The Exalted were working tirelessly on the translation. They had a lot of sheets of paper with them, and bottles of ink too. They were writing a lot – first they made notes of current Daughter’s language, then tried to work out basics of its grammar. They basically had three sets of notes – one for logics of language, the second for its pronunciation and third for its written form. They weren’t sure how much and how the language changed over time, so it was better to be prepared for every possibility.

They also weren't linguist themselves – and even those who had knows some languages had not any kind of Linguistics Excellence – so they tried the more theoretical and tiresome approach. Getting to know the language without desirable charms was hard, but still possible, even if they quite often had to invent the wheel anew.

They worked and worked. With time, they started recognizing words, meanings, possible sounds and even changes in grammar. At the beginning it was hard and there was much more of questimation than an actual translation, but as time went by, they became more confident in their theories and understanding.

Finally, after two weeks, they had the full translation of the script available. It read:

„This is the tomb of Glorious Morning Sword, Uplifted by the Holy Sun, Dawn Caste, General of the Realm, He Who Kills Demons With Grace Unknown Before, Brother of The Clear Song of One Thousand Words Calligraphed With Pure Gold.

I have come to live and die in the Age of Wonders. Beware those of you who would like to pass through the Second Gate, for there is much danger inside. As the glories of the Age of Wonders were great, so is the price to possess them. Only the ones of pure heart and enormous bravery can attempt to put their hands on it.

If you would like to, draw some of your Exalted blood and put the bleeding wound to the doors, it will get opened. Inside, you will find all my material possessions, gold, silver, jade, the items that were supposed to accompany me on my last journey. The most glorious of all is my holy Daiklave of Conquest. But remember, only the biggest of warriors can win it from the guardian.”

There was also another inscription, detailing his relationship with his sister:

„Oh, Clear song, sweet sister of mine. Although I have died, you are still alive. Long live to you, and may your grace forever bless the world you are a part of. May your beloved books always accompany you, give you comfort, wisdom, and companionship in my stead. May we met again in another live, with memories of the time we shared together in this incarnation.

May you be safe while your elder brother is absent.”

Below this text, there was a set of five coordinations in cardinal directions, one for every Elemental Pole, which would lead to the manse that was supposedly her home.

It was lying further east, in the endless forests.

2018-10-02, 12:45 PM
Long had pushed herself to get this done as quickly as possible, including using a spell to boost her stamina so she could stay awake longer. When they finally had the full translation she read it over and then looked around the tomb for the doors mentioned in the message.
"I guess this is more for dawn under us than for people like me. The easiest would be if one of us was the incarnation of Glorious Morning Sword and the guardian would recognise him or her as such."

"As to the manse, after we get the coordinates fixed a bit more towards the current map, we can see if we can take our airboat and go have a look. Anyway, anybody wants to do that wound, door and guardian thing right now?

2018-10-02, 02:25 PM
"The easiest would be if one of us was the incarnation of Glorious Morning Sword and the guardian would recognise him or her as such."

"I doubt it will be that simple. Even if someone is your own reincarnation, why not test them for worthiness? It'd be embarrassing to have a cowardly, flabby version of yourself gallivanting around with your holy relics."

"Anyway, anybody wants to do that wound, door and guardian thing right now?"

"Absolutely. There's no time like the present."

Simon produces a small knife.

"Be careful: it's quite sharp."

2018-10-03, 12:05 AM
After weeks of study, and the whining of a bored dire wolf, they finally had it. While it was quite obvious that she couldn't have gotten this far alone, this part was just as obviously her responsibility. She takes the knife from Simon, slices open her left palm, and presses the wound to the door.

2018-10-03, 01:16 AM
Ling scrambled to grab her weapon, just in case she needed it and then went to stand at the back, towards the entrance of the tomb. She didn't know which guardian had been installed here, but she did know from her memories that those guardians could be quite strong.

2018-10-03, 06:41 AM
Daughter of the Bright Star pressed her wound to the Second Gate. She could feel her dense, scarlet blood drip slowly out of her injury and soaking the gates. After a few moments, the double door have opened inward, revealing its contents.

Inside, there was a large, rather luxurious room. In had contained elegant, big daiklave made out of pure orichalcum, inside a perfect sphere of transparent, crystal-like ice on a ornate pedestial. Other contenst included various valuable substances, piled in orderly stocks.

There were also elementals inside, 5 of them, all of them ifrits. They were beautiful muscled, shining and noble-looking.

- Welcome – said one of them – We are the guardians of the tomb of Glorious Morning Sword. If you opened the door, it means you want this sword, right? Well, you have to win a just duel with us. Are you ready?

2018-10-03, 11:09 AM
Simon steps forward right away, but makes no immediate move to prepare himself for battle.

"I accept. What are the rules?"

2018-10-03, 11:13 AM
This was going to be fun if they both want it, Ling thought, looking at both Dawns. She would keep out of it for now as she wasn't really interested in the big sword anyway. The other items might be something else, but the sword was clearly not for her. She looked at TST to see what he was planning to do.

2018-10-04, 12:34 AM
Looks on as the more militant members of the group decide to do battle, but makes no move to participate.

2018-10-04, 01:11 AM
Though she didn't understand at the time, Daughter of the Bright Star had already attuned to a weapon of her previous incarnation, making her less inclined to care about yet another weapon from a tomb.

"What is the special purpose of this weapon that it requires so much protection?"

2018-10-04, 08:53 AM
- It is one of the most potent weapons of the First Age, made specially for Dawn castes - answered one of the ifrits, seemingly a leader - It was meant to not only made them more powerful but also their foes weaker and troops more valorous.

- As to rules - he continued, looking at Simon - you need to win with us an equal battle. The sword can be wielded by one person, but up to five can fight with a number of us, one per one. If you win, we will use a charm to melt the crystal ice and give you the sword. If you lose or cheat, we will not. You can step down at any time, but the one of us that is fighting with you will rush at your other companions, so you will be at a disadvatage. We will also stop fighting if you will deal serious damage to us, and then the one fighting weakened ifrit can help their ally.

- So -he asked - how many of you would like to fight us?

2018-10-04, 01:43 PM
Simon frowns deeply.

So. A weapon of war, and a powerful one. I have no ambition quite so bloodsoaked as conquest, and I'd just as soon not own such a thing. But I like the idea of some future explorer of this tomb having that power at their command even less.

Worse, word of the damned thing will draw prospective conquerors to Nexus like flies to honey if it's left unclaimed. It must be dealt with, and quickly.

"I am Manosque Simon, of Nexus. I will fight armored in Temperance..."

A breastplate of blazing light forms.

"...armed with Valor."

His sword shimmers into existence, lengthening into a more dangerous form as he again downs his dangerous elixir.

"Star. <Join me?>"

He's been making an effort to pick up Uqaq in the past weeks: that last sentence is actually comprehensible to Daughter of the Bright Star, if heavily accented.

Using Meditation on the Enemy three times to get a three-dot Martial Arts specialty on the ifrit, spending 9m.

Drinking a dose of my special Bright-Burning Candle Solution. +1 Wits, +2 Valor, -1 Compassion and Intelligence for the scene. +1 to all actions involving Physical Attributes for the scene. In the next scene, -1 Compassion, Temperance and Intelligence.

The increased Valor causes my Soul-born Sword to reconfigure from a short daiklaive to a reaper daiklaive.

5/14 personal motes
18/37 peripheral motes (5 committed to various traps and walls that need the Elemental Benediction of Water to function)
4/5 Willpower

Dodge MDV: 9
Parry MDV: 6

Dodge DV: 5
Parry DV: 12

Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 17, Damage 7B, Defense 15, Rate 3
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 16, Damage 9B, Defense 11, Rate 2
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 16, Damage 7B, Defense --, Rate 1
Shield: Speed 6, Accuracy 18, Damage 7B, Defense 21, Rate 1
'Jade' reaper daiklaive: Speed 3, Accuracy 21, Damage 9L/2, Defense 15, Rate 3

Soak: 20L/28B (8L/12B Hardness) ('Jade' reinforced breastplate, 10L/9B)

2018-10-05, 04:54 AM
Daughter of the Bright Star chuckles in response to the invitation, stepping up next to Simon. Amaruq flanks her other side.

"Maybe we'll get a real fight this time! I'm not much for shiny things, but we came all this way, right? Besides, I went longer without a hunt on this little detour longer than I had in my entire life beforehand. I have some energy to work off."

Amaruq crouches low, ready to pounce, and the dawn mimics his pose - one hand touching the floor and the grand goremaul pointed behind her in the other hand like a runner with the world's heaviest baton. They bare their teeth in unison, both sporting a vicious grin, as they wait for the signal to strike.

2018-10-06, 05:19 AM
"Sure," Ling said, stepping up as well, "I could do with a scrap as well. Work out a bit of frustration."

One of the things she was frustrated about was that she hadn't had a decent drink in about two weeks while they were working on the translations.

2018-10-11, 09:41 AM
The Exalts gathered, ready to fight. Before them, their opponents stood.

- So you have officially challenged us to fight over the Daiklave of Conquest – said the leader of ifrits – Prepare yourselves. You can activate any charms, combos, martial arts forms or other magic, as long as it does not hurt any of us. We will do the same. After the preparation, the fight will begin.

Then, the elementals closed their eyes and went introvertic for a moment. When in this meditative trance, their bodies were set aflame with Essence rushing through their very veins. Then, when they opened their eyes, you could see a glitter in them, just as their reached for perfection.

- It’s your turn – encouraged the chief of elementals.

In the meantime, one of the ifrits who was not fighting approached the Transcendent Seeker of Truth – Would you like to get a tour of this tomb? There’s a high chance your companions will win, so it’s better if you will get acquainted.

The Ifrits are using Fire Dragon Form and Infinite Martial Arts Excellency (8m).

Expenditure: 13 m, 1 wp
Rest: 62 m, 6 wp

2018-10-11, 01:54 PM
"I'm good," Ling said. Just like Simon she had been activating Unbreakable Bones of Stone in the morning to have it last all day. It wasn't something to do when you were going on a boat, as you became heavier, but while in a city it wasn't really a problem. It was about the only thing she needed. She did charge her fire lance and waited for the others.

2018-10-11, 09:35 PM
I would like that.

2018-10-14, 11:14 AM
Fire Dragon? An aggressive style. Getting tagged will be dangerous, but...


When did they learn one of the Fivefold Dragon Paths? Immaculate propaganda aside, I don't think any of those styles date to the First Age. Are they not bound here, but free to enter and leave the tomb as they please? Even then, teaching Fire Dragon to a spirit would be a serious offense for a monk: those styles are supposed to be weapons for use against spirits. Curious.

Simon frowns thoughtfully, then reaches into his kimono and displays a shining silver coin.

"I am ready. The signal to begin will be this obol: I will throw it into the air, and when it touches the ground, we can begin."

2018-10-15, 12:36 AM
There's a trick to starting a duel in this fashion. A novice will track the coin as it falls, spend a second to shift their focus to their opponent, then attack. Someone a little more savvy will keep their focus on their enemy, watch the coin in their peripheral vision, and attack the moment it hits the floor. A real expert will know that it's an instant faster to react to the sound of the coin than to attempt to track it visually.

Simon doesn't bother with any of these methods. He does not react, he predicts: by careful practice and long experience, he knows exactly when the coin will strike the ground from the moment it leaves his hand. He surges forward to strike at the very instant the fight begins, not a moment late or early.

His sword moves like a thing alive, flickering and dancing like a swallow in flight- the tip moving too fast for the eye to follow, the motion of the hilt giving a dozen confusing and contradictory hints about the blade's trajectory in the space of a second. As the dangerous edge grabs his foe's attention, his foot lashes out in a swift and crushing kick aimed at the knee joint- then the edge of the shield slams down on the efreet's toes, a second viciously thudding kick threatens to send its genitals up into its stomach, and the combination finishes with a quicksilver slash to both wrists and a shove with the shield to keep the efreet unbalanced and out of position to effectively counterattack. His mortal's anima of colorless light is hazy and dim compared to the Exalts he fights with- but in this moment, it shines bright.

I'm closing with the lead efreet and, first, making a flurry of three attacks with my reaper daiklaive: three ticks later, I'm the first to recover, at which point I make a huge giga-flurry with every available weapon. Starting with two slashes from the reaper daiklaive, then a kick, then an attack with the shield, a second kick, then a final slash. The last attack is augmented with the Charm Secret of Bright-Burning Passion for 3m, allowing me to spend three Willpower on it- the first to channel Valor, adding three dice to the attack, and the other two for automatic successes. Since this is clearly an Exalt-tier fight, my Motivation is to find a way for mortals to stand as equals to Exalts, and I haven't used any Charms or other abilities beyond the reach of an enlightened mortal, this action is intended to further my Motivation- which means I can spend two more Willpower on automatic successes. Since this involves spending 5 Willpower, and I only have 4, this requires me to use Path of the Arbiter Form to sacrifice an aggravated health level for a point of temporary Willpower.

First flurry of three daiklaive slashes:
[roll0] EDIT: 8 successes
[roll1] EDIT: 10 successes
[roll2] EDIT: 11 successes

Second flurry of six attacks:
Daiklaive attack: [roll3] EDIT: 11 successes
Daiklaive attack: [roll4] EDIT: 7 successes
Kick: [roll5] EDIT: 2 successes
Shield attack: [roll6] EDIT: 5 successes
Kick: [roll7] EDIT: 4 successes
Daiklaive attack: [roll8] plus Valor channel [roll9] plus four automatic successes EDIT: 11 successes

Let's say for simplicity and sanity that the stunt award for these two flurries is one entity, to be applied to every attack in both flurries if applicable. If one-die: [roll10] If two-die: [roll11] If three-die: [roll12] EDIT: So if all of the above is at least a two-die stunt, add 1 success to all the above rolls.

2/14 personal motes
18/37 peripheral motes (5 committed to various traps and walls that need the Elemental Benediction of Water to function)
0/5 Willpower

Dodge MDV: 9
Parry MDV: 6

Dodge DV: 0
Parry DV: 6

Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 17, Damage 7B, Defense 15, Rate 3
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 16, Damage 9B, Defense 11, Rate 2
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 16, Damage 7B, Defense --, Rate 1
Shield: Speed 6, Accuracy 15, Damage 7B, Defense 21, Rate 1
'Jade' reaper daiklaive: Speed 3, Accuracy 21, Damage 9L/2, Defense 15, Rate 3

Soak: 20L/28B (8L/12B Hardness) ('Jade' reinforced breastplate, 10L/9B)

Health levels:
-0 [A][][][][][][][][][][][]
-4 []
Incap. []
Dying: [][][][][][]

2018-10-19, 07:23 AM
Simon slashed at the chief ifrit, attacking him relentlessly. Since he was fact, he was able to do so twice, both times not holding back and assaulting him with a furry of sword. He succeeded both times. The ifrit was paiting slightly, when Simon crashed throught his defences. The elemental was agile and good at avoiding attacks, however, Simon was better swordman still. The wounds he had dealt were relatively slight, but still, they were.

- You’re good – admited his opponent. In his eyes Simon could see a sparkle of true challenge.

At the same time, other ifrit wents with Transcendent Seeker of Truth. The tomb was vast, he told Exalt, and contained many different rooms. The first elemental wanted to show him was a library, an ever-growing gift from sister of Glorious Morning Sword. After his death is stopped increasing in size, but still, the books and stories within them were an eternal proof of love that connected the Solar siblings.

- No matter what’s your literaly taste, you will surely find there something worth your attention. We have legends, history books, military studies ones, even works of fiction such as romances. The Clear Song had a weak spot for romances and always presumed her brother would be happy by having some of those. Funny things how people think, don’t you agree? By all accounts Glorious Morning Sword wasn’t that big of a reader, but Song flooded him with reading material.

- Oh, and by the way, you struck me as a reading type, so that’s why I’m showing this to you. I’m not wrong, am I?

2018-10-19, 09:55 AM
Daughter of the Bright Star launches herself forward, her anima erupting in a coruscant aura. Practically on all fours, she slides to a stop under the nearest untouched ifrit. Her wide eyes and bared teeth gleam in the light of her anima.

"Don't blink!"

An upward swing sends two tons of orichalcum up toward the ifrit's jaw, and lifts her off her feet. The momentum carries her to the ceiling, as she twists and flips to get ahead of the weapon. Her feet against the stone, she pushes downward, rocketing herself back at the ifrit and bringing the grand goremaul down on the top of its head.

2018-10-19, 09:56 PM
You have not missed your guess.

2018-10-25, 11:13 AM
The first attack of Daughter of the Bright Star missed, when ifrit she was attacking was moving gracefully, like a flame, avaiding her powerful strike. However, the attack from above was something he had not quite expected, for her giant hammer had falled on him. Still ,she could have damaged him more, for in the last second he had made an evasive meneuver, which resulted in her strike to fall on his shoulder and not head.

Then, it was time for chief ifrit to take his action. He unleashed a fulurry of bows at Simon, but was not s oeffective, maybe because he was injured? No matter the result, only first of his attacks had striken Exalt, and this particular hit fell right in Essence plate of Solar, absorbing all damages. Monosque Simon was safe.


- Good - said elemental to Transcendent Seeker - Are there any particular genres or works you are interested? I could try to look them up, but I do not know what you would like to look at.

2018-10-25, 11:31 AM
Ling had followed the coin until it dropped on the floor and by then the real fighters in the group had already acted. She would have to ask them how they did that. too bad she couldn't summon another elemental to keep these off her. But she had also noticed that the ifrits weren't the easiests to damage, so she didn't try to attack, instead taking a step back, lifting her head and howling like the Thunder Wolf of the north, while also making some gestures and trying to keep out of the rebound of the ifrits. Placing the center of her spell near the back of the room, she managed to place two of the ifrits inside it's effect and none of her allies, as they probably wouldn't have liked it all that much as the howl started to reverb inside the area of effect of the spell, in short inducing harmonic vibrations inside the target and shaking them appart from the inside.

She did flare her anima quite hard for this, but she hoped to take them out, or at least reduce their effectiveness.

using a shape sorcery action to cast Thunder Wolf's howl.
effect: The caster’s player rolls (Intelligence + Occult) to inflict a number of levels of bashing damage equal to the character’s (Essence + successes); the sonic attack ignores worn armor. Undead and inanimate objects receive only half their normal soak against the howl. All living creatures in the area of effect are also deafened and disoriented. They suffer a -2 internal penalty on all actions for five ticks per success on the casting roll. The players of Exalted and other wielders of Essence may attempt a refl exive (Stamina + Resistance) roll. Each success on this roll reduces the period of disorientation by five ticks.

so intel + occult: [roll0] EDIT: 3 successes
using second excellency for 10 motes to buy 5 extra successes.

So 8 successes in total, for 11 Bashing damage to both ifrits. No worn armour counts, they have a -2 internal penalty on all actions for 40 ticks, can make a sta+res roll to reduce this.

used: 20m peripheral essence, 1wp.
left: 19 personal, 22 peripheral, 9wp

2018-10-25, 06:24 PM
I am partial to histories, mysteries, and non-fiction