View Full Version : Empire 4 - The Arts of War - Emjata's militaries

2018-07-18, 12:06 AM
This is a thread for Empire 4, a Grand Strategy/World Building pbp game on the forums. If this interests you at all, please check out our recruitment thread here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560786-EMPIRE4!-Community-World-Building-Game-Recruitment-Thread-II) We're always open to new players!


The tome is tucked into a back corner of the library, entirely out of its proper place and yet left for so long a layer of dust has covered it. As you pick it up and blow the dust off, you see that the book is bound in a dark leather from a creature you don't recognize. Its title is embossed in gold.

The Arts of War
A Comprehensive Guide to the Militaries of Emjata
Volume 1

Your curiosity is piqued. You don't remember any book like this being covered in your own military courses.

You open the book and leaf through the foreward for information on the book's origin. You don't recognize any of the names or dates, but you do recognize the map. It is Emjata, but with many different realms from those you know today. Some of these names you do vaguely recall from nap time your history lectures; they were realms that existed during the Age of Strife. You can't tell exactly when, but you imagine Cynna can tell you later.

Dismissing the exact date as unimportant, you find the book's first proper page. It reads:


This series will cover the great military powers of Emjata, as well as their doctrines and ways to counter them. We will cover militaries past and present, strong and weak, young and old, small and large. This first volume will be dedicated to the broad strokes of each military, so that we have a working basis going forward for each volume.

Before we begin, understand this: I am an educator, and my goal is to teach you how to command an army in battle. I don't care who you fight for or why. If I talk about whatever Realm you come from, know that this is how the world sees your military and how they will act to counter you.

This is critical to understand: the art of war is not like in songs and stories. A battle plan is strength against weakness. Learn your strengths and weaknesses, and you will have a plan. Learn their weaknesses and strengths, and you know their plan. Know your plan and their plan, match your strengths to their weaknesses, and no one will be able to stand against you.

With that said, despite this volume's title, the knowledge in this tome is not entirely comprehensive. It is incomplete for various reasons. Primarily, that military strategies are difficult to come by while still in operation. In addition, there is little history here, save that which would provide crucial context; the histories of these militaries will be covered in future volumes.

Turn the page, and let us begin...


You notice that, despite the instruction to turn the page, you don't actually need to turn the page to begin; just move your eyes from the left page to the right.

You hope that sort of thing is not indicative of the rest of the volume.


Teased this in the Discord.

I'm gonna be writing up a hypothetical chapter on Kunai military tactics, both how they fight in an ideal (or less than ideal) scenario and how one can potentially beat them in battle. And maybe other realms in Emjata.

Feel free to contribute your own chapters/details on the various military forces of Emjata, especially your own, and have fun with it~

2018-07-19, 10:52 AM
The Kunai Clans


One of the most secretive forces on the planet, the Kunai Clans barely qualify as a military force. They are more akin to spies and assassins, with their greatest work being in intelligence and sabotage. However, the Clans have, on occasion, marched to war, and when they do so they are a terrifying force.

The Kunai are shadows and secrets, fighting more like ghosts than like men. They thrive in the chaos of the enemy tide, and wait until the enemy has lowered their guard to slide in the knife. Each Clan has mastered their own way of warfare, from brutal ambushes to making your commander fade into mist.

To face them is to face the very shadows that follow behind you. It is to know the wrath of a thousand disparate ideas, all focused on the same goal:

Killing you.


The Kunai are experts in information gathering and stealth of all kinds. Kuniumi, their homeland, is a place of treachery and shadows. No one among the Kunai makes any kind of name for themselves if they cannot sneak, and so they live and breathe it every day of their lives.

Honmyo is the Kunai philosophy, and most of it is irrelevant to this subject. What you need to know for this is that the Kunai value individual strength and skill above all else (save for the Mure Clan, but they're an odd duck) and so every Kunai you face is a threat.

Some of you are rolling your eyes at this. After all, every enemy soldier is a threat to an extent! And yes, that is true. But the Kunai deserve special mention in this regard, as each is a unique threat, even within their own Clans. This is because the Kunai will regularly move from one Clan to another, taking on skills and ideas from each, and seek to distinguish themselves among their fellows. Fighting one Tensar Clan member is nothing like fighting another; one may be a sneaky and careful saboteur who slips poison onto his blade before he even thinks about hitting you with it; another may rush you and shove you off a cliff, laughing like a maniac the whole way down. Honmyo encourages such wild diversions in character and temperament, as it makes your "True Name" more distinctive by contrast.

This chaotic, fractious nature is one of the Kunai's greatest strengths. Splitting the Kunai's squads into their component parts will not be as effective on them as other forces in Emjata; while it will obviously disorganize them, the Kunai train to fight as individuals and will engage as such. They will inflict heavy casualties long before you manage to finally put them down.

Lastly, we must discuss their form of magic, what they call "Wordsmithing". The Kunai have the ability to endow items with properties other than the norm by writing upon it in a form of magical ink called Enku. The symbols they use are called Kanji, and the larger they are able to make it, the more powerful the effect. They may, for example, write 'quiet' upon a blade to make it fly silently through the night air. While not particularly powerful on its own, it provides powerful enhancements to the Kunais' abilities and skills.

[Ideal Conditions]

It is important to understand how an enemy wants to engage you, so you may thwart their attempts if at all possible. No one in their right mind would hold up in a castle against siege engines.

However, the Kunai present a problem in this regard, in that their various clans all wish to engage in different ways. Kunai are a very fractious bunch, and each of their clans specializes in different forms of attack and warfare (for example the Chojo Clan favors infiltration, while the Mure Clan prefers ambushes). As a general rule of thumb, the Clans want to get in, do damage and get out before you even realize they've arrived or figured out where they are going. They heavily favor ambush, spying and assassination.

For the purposes of this section, however, I will be discussing how the Satsujin would attempt to destroy an enemy. This is because the Satsujin try to learn the techniques of all active clans and incorporate them into their own style of warfare. (and surprisingly often, they succeed).

If at all possible, the Satsujin will want to lay extremely low and keep hidden from enemy forces, preferably within a forest. Depending on the particular enemy, they will employ various different strategies in order to keep the enemy off-balance. If an enemy prefers to camp in the field, supplies and personnel will go missing without a trace, scout groups will never report in, the food that does arrive will be heavily poisoned, things like that. The Satsujin will not engage in an open battle unless absolutely necessary and will always favor assassination and ambush tactics.

What if such a thing is not possible? What if, for example, the enemy is holed up in a castle? In that case, the Satsujin will attempt to infiltrate the castle's personnel, whether as servants or even fellow soldiers. At the same time that this occurs, they will send their own people to enter the castle as a clear and obvious threat, such as by scaling the walls and climbing in the window, to act as a decoy. They will then allow themselves to be "captured" by one of the infiltrators. If this goes well and is done properly, the infiltrator will be ingratiated into the local commanders' ranks, and act as a spy of sorts within the fortress. The decoy will often complete their own objective as well, particularly if the infiltrator has already been caught.

The infiltrator/decoy's primary purpose is to find the highest-ranked officer in the fortress and to capture him. If this is done perfectly, the Kunai can interrogate him for news on supplies, reinforcements, garrison size, and even overall strategy. Sometimes this will even cause the fortress to descend into infighting, which the Kunai will try to influence with their infiltrators.


We've talked a fair bit about how the Kunai engage if conditions are ideal. So what can you take advantage of to make their plans not so ideal?

Earlier, I said that the Kunai's fractious nature was one of their greatest strengths, and it is. However, it is also one of their most crippling weaknesses. The Kunai are never going to side with foreigners (gaijin, they call them) over their own people, so don't even bother trying to recruit them to your side. However, in large groups, they are prone to infighting among themselves, especially if their defeats are terrible enough. If one of their leaders dies, then there is no clear line of succession; the Kunai will obey whoever they respect the most, which often is several very different people with heavily contrasting strategies.

In addition, the Kunai favor ambushes and stealth to an extent that would be suicidal for any other force. They lack dedicated cavalry (though some Clans employ animal companions) and even their best troops are generally unarmored or lightly armored.

In anything bigger than a 1-to-1 fight, the Kunai do terribly in direct engagements. If they cannot achieve the element of surprise, Kunai will often back off and wait for you to lower your guard. Sometimes they will do this while leaving their comrades behind to be slain.

Lastly, outside of ambushes and straight-up murder, the Kunai do not do well with stopping an enemy's movement. They will ambush supply caravans and poison water sources during a siege, sure, but a siege encirclement held by the Kunai is very easy to break out of, as are roadblocks. So long as you avoid their traps and do not die, you should be fine moving troops anywhere.

[How to Fight Back]

Now, should you, dear reader, find yourself the unlucky commander chosen to fight against a force of the Kunai, what do you request from your generals and what do you do with them?

Well, you'll want to know the specific Clan you're facing and what tactics they like to employ (specific Clans at time of writing will be covered in a future volume). If you're facing the Amidasu, for example, you'll know that your enemies will rely on heavily unorthodox tactics and engineering. If you know the specific Clan, you'll know how you're going to be attacked.

At the absolute top of your wishlist, you're going to want any method to perform long-range scouting operations (spyglasses are ideal here). If you happen to have access to airborn scouts (pegasi or perhaps a formation of Inyoni Knights) thank your lucky stars and have them get to work immediately.

Next, you'll want cavalry. Heavy cavalry, in particular. Armored knights and horses are ideal here. One might think that against as mobile and sneaky a force as the Kunai you would prefer to employ lighter cavalry. These forces CAN be very useful, but they're also fairly easy to take out. Armored knights and horses are much harder to dismount or to kill with a poisoned blade. Heavy infantry can also be useful, but are generally too slow to catch the Kunai properly. You don't need lancers, or any dedicated anti-armor of any kind (since the Kunai rarely use it); they can serve better on other fronts.

Thirdly, keep long-range snipers with your army. Kunai leaders make use of a form of Wordsmithing that strengthens them as individuals, but it also is extremely easy to spot; they affix massive pieces of paper to themselves, with their best guess at their own True Name written upon it. While the paper DOES protect them to an extent, they can be overwhelmed. Kill these leaders, and the Kunai's aforementioned fractious nature will send them into disarray. It may be tempting to send these snipers out on solo missions, but resist this temptation; the greatest assassin you have may have trained for a decade at hiding in the shadows, but Kunai live and breath stealth every moment of their lives, practically from birth. You cannot match that level of experience, especially not en masse, don't even try.

For your headquarters, you'll need to know your terrain. Maps, aforementioned scouts, it's all useful information. You're looking for a location that is easy to fortify and difficult to sneak up to or into. An ideal place would be a castle in an empty plain with its own internal water source. Kunai Clans will often try to infiltrate their enemies through their own command and military structures, but if you keep careful track of who comes and goes and when, you can easily root out such traitors. The best counter to the Kunai is to find somewhere where they cannot hide from you, and hold it. Set up alarms and rotating guard posts such that there is no way to enter your fortification without being spotted. Doing so takes away their ability to perform hit-and-fade attacks and ambushes. If you cannot find such a location, get some engineers and build one. Trust me, it'll be worth it in the long run.

More... extreme commanders may deign to burn forests down to take away their hiding places, but I wouldn't recommend it. Doing so is very likely to enrage the Kunai, at which point you will be facing far more Clans.

For ambushes, have your soldiers and commanders (yourself included) keep a weapon on their person at all times, or concealed in the immediate area. Should they come under direct attack, they will at least stand a chance of holding off the enemy. Even if they only last a few extra seconds, that is a few extra seconds to find and capture/kill the Kunai.

For spies, keep your true plans close to the chest, and only tell those commanders who you trust completely. The remainder of your forces only need to know that you're facing an enemy known for spies and infiltrators. Use codes to send messages. The Kunai will eventually break the code (probably), but it will take some time, and time is all you need to set up a strongpoint. (ways to construct such a fortress, such as the use of Nightingale floors, will be covered in more detail in the Kunai Volume)

That is how you win: Once the Kunai are found, they are easy enough to defeat. Take away their ability to hide and to perform hit-and-fade attacks, and you will have won.


As you finish the section on these 'Kunai', you decide that you're curious enough to read the full book. You know that several of the realms of the Age of Strife made it to the modern era, albeit in another form. (Might even have made it entirely intact; history and geography were never your best subjects, war was) If their strategies echo those of other realms in this book, then perhaps you might learn how to deal with armies of the current day as well.

Albeit with greater magical and technological advancements.

2018-08-03, 11:02 PM

Overvann is a land of proud warriors. To challenge them is asking for a war that will drag on to the bitter end. They do not surrender in any case. One would think this makes them predictable and easy to rout with superior numbers, but this is sadly not the case.

The Overvann have a unique form of governance which allows their captured territories to retain their much of their original culture and traditions. As a result, groups from all over the Assembly of Lords fight in different ways. Predicting an Overvann assault is like drawing colored marbles from a hat. You never know what you're going to get. A commander may most likely find himself facing Overvann berserkers, sailors, or cavalry, Innfodt archers and scouts, or Kobold sappers and guerillas. It is important to recognize the different threats they could pose.
The Overvann are sailors by trade, and it is at sea that they are the strongest. In a battle of navies, Overvann ships use several unusual strategies not found in other navies. First of all, larger ships near shore often act as mobile stables for pegasus cavalry. These can stage quick raids on ships and coastal towns alike, and are excellent for disrupting supply chains. The next major threats are berserkers. They work themselves into a trance before battle using special herbs and rituals, then are able to shrug off many lethal wounds. Aboard the close quarters of a boat, a berserker can cut through his enemies with ease.
The Innfodt are a very different threat. They are skilled archers and scouts and use their expertise well. At sea, they provide ranged fire against enemy ships, far more accurate than siege engines and often using flaming arrows. On land, they provide defenses against aerial assault and act as forward reconnaissance, determining the enemy forces.
Lastly are the Kobolds. They are the least suited to the Overvann concept of war, but they are still formidable. They are sappers first and foremost, and are most effective on land, against fortified defenders, where they can put their knowledge in tunnelling to work.

[Ideal Conditions]
Engaging the Overvann at sea is suicide. Their sailors have been plying their trade since they were old enough to pull an oar. Naval and coastal battle is what they live for. What they want is to get your army on a few boats against their navy, especially with untrained infantry aboard, rather than skilled sailors. If they can't get that, they will raid ports until your military is forced to engage at sea.

The greatest weakness of the Overvann is that their ruler is present in every battle. It would be a sign of great dishonor for a ruler not to go into battle with his people. If you are able to kill the leader, you have struck a crippling blow against their attack. However, you will also have convinced the heir to start a blood feud with your nation. The second weakness is that Overvann strategy is tuned toward the attack. They are far less effective defending their own land than they are taking their enemies. Lastly, they are far less effective inland than at sea.

How to Fight Back
One should definitely consider intelligence efforts against the Overvann. Discovering what types of troops they're fielding will allow a much more accurate prediction of their strategy. Moreover, try to force the Overvann to do battle on land, or bring the fight to their own territory, where their defenses are weaker. If you're desperate and don't mind destroying any chance of a peace treaty, assassination is a valid response.

2018-08-05, 09:05 AM


The Imperial Sultanate of Regno, also known as the Sultanate, Imperial Regno, and the Regnans of Regner are a well known force. Their merger of military might and magic to create their Legionnaires is only as strong as their ability to have technological superiority. Which they more often than not have.

They are, to the good grace of the rest of us, primarily a defensive force; rarely are the Regnan Legions called upon for an offensive assault, but when they are, you will see them coming. They lack subtly, preferring to overwhelm opponents with skill, numbers, and curious weaponry. This does not mean they lack tactics; only a fool considers the Legions to be 'simple and straightforward'.

Where your army will camp the night before the battle, and the sounds they make - from simple conversations - will slowly build, the Legionnaires do not have this noise. They have hundreds more conversations, even during battle, and not a word passes through their lips.


The Imperial Sultanate of Regno, as a whole, is run by the region of Regno. Their primary strengths are not getting in a battle. Early in history, one of Regno's leaders - Grand Magus Viclean - made a deal with not only the nation of Izbefe to Regno's south (which was later absorbed into the Sultanate), but also the nation of Dvalta to Regno's east. Both of these countries were much more militant, and at the time, could have chosen to invade and conquer the much weaker Regno. Instead, through skillful diplomacy, Izbefe and Dvalta became Regno's allies against other enemies that might attack Regnan lands.

Regno became honor-bound to help Izbefe and Dvalta as well, but only if the two aggressive countries were - themselves - attacked. Not if they started a fight. In essence, for those of you reading whom have ever been in a bar room brawl, if Izbefe and Dvalta were the ones to throw the first punch, Regno would stand back and drink their beer. Watching. Gathering information. Waiting. The moment someone punches Izbefe or Dvalta below the belt, or heaven forbid, before they punch someone else, Regno would sigh, put down their beer, and bring their full military might to bare.

Military commanders reading these words may scoff at the lack of initiative or desire to fight, but do not be fooled: The Imperial Sultanate of Regno had ambitions. Ambitions that made them terrible to fight against. While other kingdoms of the world were squaring off against each other, losing men and women by the thousands in traditional battles, Regno was sending out diplomats and ambassadors, making connections around all of Emjata. They were becoming a nation known as "philosophers, spiritualists, and teachers" (to quote a famous member of the Serene Masara Pride), and Regno had - and still has - arguably the best schools of Emjata. And that is their other strength: intelligence. Not the kind where they gather information about their opponents, no. They already have everything on their opponents. Gathered openly, and lawfully. They studied your culture for years, under the guise of diplomacy, wrote flattering and passionate 'intellectual papers' that were 'accredited' by the Three Towers of Initia, and then sent copies of those scrolls to every school and learning center in the Sultanate lands.

The average solider of Regno is as educated as the average commander in other nations. Not because Regno set out to have it this way; no. They did it because of curiosity. Because the Sultanate reveres Magi, who have to be smart to become Magi. Who have helped invent numerous technologies and methodologies for the betterment of the Imperial Sultanate. And then traded those technologies to other nations in exchange for more technologies and methodologies to better the Regnans of Regner. Sometimes, because of their unassuming and innocent seeming diplomatic practices, Regnan Magi can trade simple things, like "How to prepare for a long journey overseas" and "How to cook a nice meal for guests" for complex military secrets. That Regno then TEACHES to their Legionnaires, to incorporate into their own military practices. And the nations whom Regno makes these trades with? Often are very grateful.

There are plenty of religious texts, dear reader, regarding the subject of Initia. Know this, though. Regnans don't consider it a religion. They espouse that it is a way of learning and that anyone can do it, just that some people - smart people - have a greater skill with it. And - if you ignore the fact that Regno has political allies honor-bound to fight against their attackers, and the fact that not only are most Regnans smarter than you, and better equipped than you - this, then, is their final advantage. Nearly every soldier in the Legions is an Initiate of some level. The higher up the command structure, generally speaking, the more powerful a Magi one is; simply because that allows them to utilize the primary advantage that they have over anyone else in the middle of battle: communication.

Regno's Legionnaires can speak with each other, mind-to-mind, in the middle of battle. The stronger the Magi, the longer the range of this communication. There are no chances for an order to be missed. There's no way to claim that you 'didn't hear it' or 'didn't get it' in time. They move in unison towards a battle in complete silence, noise made only by the sound of their superior armor and superior weapons hitting the ground in a practiced motion.

Yes, the Regnan Legionnaires march straight at you. You will see them coming. They lack subtly. They won't ambush you. They won't assassinate your leaders, your commanders, or anyone else before a fight. They don't need to. For more information as to why, please see the section in this book on The Confederated Northern Syndicate of Bhule.

[Ideal Conditions]

Regnans don't want to engage you. Ask a Regnan, they will tell you that their ideal condition is in a classroom. Their Legionnaires are primarily a policing force, made to defend against attacks. They want you to attack them. As a people - an eclectic mix of races, but primarily long-lived Desert Half-Elves - Regnans of Regner are peaceful, and slow to anger. They become a unified force of destruction if and when someone assaults them first. Usually without warning. If Regno has enough warning that an attack is coming, their leadership under the Sultan of Regno, will almost always try to use political pressure to call off the attack. Politely reminding the potential attacker that they would be facing not only Regno, but all of it's allies.

And that, truly, is Regno's ideal conditions. Convince an enemy to throw the first punch, and Regno can not only retaliate with it's own not-inconsiderable military, but also the military strength of it's Imperial Vassals, it's ally Dvalta, and all the help that the Sultanate can call in. Their theoretical enemy may soon find that a much needed source of iron has been quietly purchased by the Omanush Convoys. That their capital region is being pressured by the Company of the Crescent, through both military and diplomatic channels. That the Republic of Khirus - another long time ally of Regno - is stirring up trouble, on Regno's behalf. That the Initiates from the Concordance of Azenhal have sent missionaries to reason with your people, converting them to Regno's way of thinking.

All of that is without much lost in the way of political favors to Regno. If they really placed themselves in diplomatic debt, it's very possible that Ti Linnad, the Kunai Clans, and pirates from Glen Gwitna may join the fray. Regno does not want to be seen as the aggressor. If they are 'just defending themselves' from an outside attack, nearly all of Emjata will sympathize with them. This could be because of the careful national friendships that the Sultanate has cultivated; however, dear reader, it could also be because a large number of those political leaders were taught in Regnan schools and by Regnan tutors, and have a more personal reason to assist the Regnans of Regner.

However, in the event that you do find yourself against Regno's Legionnairs, without the aid of their allies, the tactical ideal conditions for Regno's forces are thus: flatlands. They want to fight you where they can see you. They will attempt to control the very terrain through the utilization of their magic, and it's much easier to do that if the terrain is already flat. Flatlands allow them to spread out their Legions in a neat, orderly manner. It allows them to utilize all of their strengths to their advantage, and because of this, the Legionnaires will often times fight defensive retreats - baiting their enemies - until they have reached an area that is ideal for them.

These defensive retreats allow them to pick their ground, and also give their diplomats more time to try and convince your commander's leader that this action is unwise. Give the Sultanate time, and it won't just destroy your armies, it will destroy any support you may have with other political powers. Be wary of the soldier whose ideal conditions are in a classroom.


Political superiority. Technical superiority. Magical advantages. Educated soldiers, trained to follow the orders of the voices in their head that cannot be intercepted or misinterpreted. Where are the Legions weaknesses?

Regno would boast that it has none. That it has 'learned' and it 'remembers'. Yet, as previously mentioned, Imperial Regno is... slow to act when it comes to military matters. They have their Legionnaires and their naval 'Sea Wolves' spread out to help protect and police the Imperial Sultanate as a whole, which is a large swath of land. They have educated soldiers, yes, but are not a military oriented kingdom. They rely on just a few, key, tactical minds, and often times this is not the Sultan himself.

Surprise attacks will often be very effective against the Sultanate, as they must recall and redirect their resources. Being so open and forthright and friendly, those within Imperial Regno choose to believe that others will do the same for them. Regno has a long history of being formally and dead set against the group of assassins known as the Bloodied Hand, as Regnans have difficulties dealing with more subtle means of destroying one's enemies.

The morals and education of the average Sultanate citizen can also be used against them, if done with enough skill that investigators cannot conclusively prove otherwise. Deaths of key figures that are ruled as 'natural causes' will often find little purchase from the citizens for a reason to 'defend the realm'. Historically, Regno is a large and open-minded sultanate, outright encouraging their citizens to think and act for themselves. This has caused the Sultanate to have an overall higher morale, overall higher recruitment rate for their armies, but also many internal struggles. Regnans of Regner will question everything, including oddities among their own knowledge.

Additionally, if you've been paying attention, you'll note that Regno's armies are trained to be defensive. This means that they are not as skilled with assaults of their own. They can orchestrate them, if pressed, but their calm and collected marches will almost never turn into outright charges against an enemy. They will prefer to be the anvil to someone else's hammer.

[How to Fight Back]

Assume for a moment that you have been placed in charge of an army that is facing off against Regno's Legionnaires. First, dear reader, I am sorry that it has come to this. You will lose many men and women. Whether you are victorious or not, the Legionnaires will exact a heavy price through the use of their superior arrows and ballista weaponry. However, do not fully despair. There are ways to fight back; assuming, of course, that you are only facing the Sultanate's Legionnaires and the Sea Wolves. If their allies are there with them? Well, I hope you have read the rest of this book. It's the only way you stand a chance. (Assuming, of course, that a member of the Syndicate or the Kunai Clans are not right behind you; you did check, right? Check again. No, I am not kidding. This may save your life.)

Primarily, your ability to fight back will be the speed at which you can mobilize and attack. Hit them hard, hit them fast, and leave to do it again later. Do not, however, utilize this as your only tactic. Regnans do learn, quite quickly. You will want multiple tactics, already discussed with your subordinates, for the moment it appears that the Regnans have created a new counter to your current tactic.

For all their intellect, Regno's Legionnaires are still curious people, and defensive by nature. It is to their detriment that they will want to see what you will do, before they react. If they have never seen such a tactic before, they won't have something planned to deal with it. In short, you must surprise them. And continue to do so. Ambushes are not likely to work, because of the Legion's defensive movements, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Just be aware that they are likely going to attempt to lead you to a place where their Magi can more fully use the Elements of Initia to their advantage.

Aim for their commanders, when you can identify them. If you manage to locate and remove enough of the leadership within a Legion, Regnan armies will more often then not retreat, rather then attempt to exact vengeance. Their mind-to-mind communication is, in essence, a form of a relay system. A highly practiced, rarely incorrect, relay system; take out the key figures within that relay, however, and their primary advantage becomes their downfall. Without a skilled enough Magi to step in an act as a new point of contact, the base level Initiates don't have the 'range' or practice to properly communicate much farther than a few meters during battle.

But if you manage to make them attack you, then congratulations. All the political support that Regno would be able to bring to bare is severely reduced. And... Regno is not on solid footing. Regno does not like to start fights. They prefer to finish them. So if you can make them throw the first punch? You will have circumvented quite a lot of their strengths.

Enrage them. Surprise them. Remove their leadership. I can't tell you how to do these things, because I don't know. If I did... well, it's very unlikely that this book would have been published. After all, it's extremely probable that you are reading this in a library supported, in part or fully, by Initia Scholars.

2018-08-05, 02:28 PM


The Kunai and Syndicate speak of secrets, and there is no denying how impressive their culture is when it comes to their ability to hide truths and manipulate information. The darkest secrets however were found not in the forest of the clans or in the donnes frozen kingdom. It was in the deserts of oblivion and among the wearers of masks in the republics.

Nightmares emanated from this place for centuries and it is time to reveal an irrefutable truth. Vampires are real, or at least were when this place existed. Blood sucking monsters toyed with men like puppets, making mortals love and worship them while they sent legions off to their death and played nice with nations from across Emjata while they built up power for a purpose no one understands.


Ideological warfare. Its a strange thing to think about, you would expect legions of undead and horrifying fiends from nightmarish places to be the armies of choice for packs of vampires but that is not what made Khirus so dangerous.

Khirus relied on the ignorance of the people. They learned how to manipulate information, control the minds of merchants and nobles in places of power and moved from region to region pushing the ideals of freedom and the republic against the “evil” of kings and warlords. It was a tactic that claimed half of Palmor and has infected every other part of the continent to some small degree.

When it did come to traditional warfare Khirus did use the zealotry of its people to expand rather violently. Their nation moved wildly from two very different combat styles in different periods of their existence.

The first was the use of ghoul armies. These were humans infected with a mind controlling blood curses that made them stronger and faster then normal humans, they were said to be able to crawl over fortifications and murder generals in their sleep and massacre soldiers in fortified locations without much effort. Vampires wield blood magic and crushed armies in evening raids and battles forcing conflicts on their time.

The second strategy was utilizing the people. The vampires of Khirus were most powerful when they hid behind humanity and used it as a shield. They created zealots who WANTED to die for their ideals and they threw these people into the meat grinder of war. These warriors were cannon fodder who were able to fight during the day and when spear cracks against spear elite units crush enemy forces from the flanks.

Ironically though Khirus was not famous for their invasions, no most of their most brilliant victories weren't committed by them, instead they convinced the population to turn on itself and they walked in on these rebellions claiming the regions with relative ease. They are not an amazing offensive military power.

[Ideal Conditions]

Khirus infiltrated societies and religions using a variety of filthy tactics, their most famous was their networks of drug dens (nick named feth dens) which they moved into a country and began to erode everything that nation valued. They invade a nation of crusaders? Introduce hedonism, selfishness and Republicanism, make it impossible to escape and make devils bargains with those in power. Half a dozen Absolute monarchs had collapsed and been replaced with councils of vampires claiming to be elected by the citizens in a fifty year span.

The vampires also loved defensive conflicts, while they were almost always aggressors nothing pleased them more then an enemy entering their territory. Due to their ability to control people everyone was a potential enemy for invading armies and every village contained agents of the blood sucking monsters. Imagine, you are leading an army against these creatures and you believe you're saving them and suddenly a pregnant woman rushes your soldiers with nothing but a knife and is strong enough to murder three of your guards before you are forced to stab her to death. That is what invading Khirus is like, and this doesnt happen once or twice but a half dozen times in every village you visit. To the vampires they are little more then cannon fodder but to the armies invading they are children, and women. No one ever left their “Republic” the same, the horror stories told haunt generations even today.


Daylight, fire and faith are the most powerful weapons in the arsenal of an invading army.

Always fight your battles during the day if you can, there might be a vampire wrapped head to toe in ceremonial regalia and shadowflax but his mind will not be as fast and he will be far weaker and far less effective on the battlefield. While you're still facing normal humans on the battlefield the chances of killing a general increase 10 fold in the day.

Burn it all, and leave nothing. You are not a savior to these people you are the enemy and they have had their minds consumed by fear and mistrust, add the devilish magics of the vampires and even the youngest child is a threat to your men. Murder them all and in case one is pretending to be human set every corpse to the flame. It is the worst way to wage war, but its the ONLY effective means.

Units based around faith are particularly effective against vampires and most magically imbued units can hold their own against young vampires.

[How to Fight Back]

If you are to lead an army against the undead vampires of the Republic of Khirus you have two primary strategies available to you. The first is to lead the vampires into a region they have not infected with their ideological victories. Make them fight in a region where the citizens are loyal to you and CRUSH their armies during the day. Large daylight battles are essential to victory and only when their armies have been completely crushed do you continue to end their reign in their own regions.

If you must invade them, I recommend you don't. Keep them contained and just avoid the whole squalid ordeal BUT if you have no choice then its a slash and burn campaign. Everyone dies, everything burns. Set it all to the flame and let decent people return to the land 20 years later when the blight has subsided from these creatures. They infect everything, and ghouls will do things a normal person could never do for the sake of victory. They will poison, food and water, they will commit suicide to murder a leader or multiple soldiers belonging to the enemy so just be safe.

2018-10-02, 12:29 PM
A history of war in Emjata after the death of Dejan
(OOC: This only includes conflicts between PCs, incredible events or very famous NPCs)

Imperial Reckoning 110 Perivian war for Arfordir- Perivan marches a militia force of scattered tribesman under the direct command of Lady Selaissie 4 units totaling 8400 men against Arfordir which could barely field 2 units totaling 4000 soldiers. Perivan appeared to want to conquer the region for its wealth and to grow its rather small independent kingdom and believed the victory would be an easy one. Support arrives from neighboring Ti Linnad another 2 units totaling 5000 troops enter the field under the command of Lira Jinna who takes control of the desperate forces of Arfordir. Ti Linnad believed it had some rights to Arfordir and so marched to their defense presuming they could bring the nation into their own territory. The battle is brutal but Lady Selaissie had been caught off guard by the arrival of allied troops for the tiny kingdom ruled by its council of nobles. Total death count was 2340 Ti Linnad troops 1972 Arfordir and 6351 Perivan tribesman. Lira Jinna and Lady Selaissie both survive.
Total Casualties: 10,662

The First Palmor War/The first War of Southern Horror Imperial Reckoning 114-122
It begins with raids on Pician gold deposits by Azenhal and quickly spirals into chaos when the king of the dwarves invades the basins in an attempt to slow down vampiric expansion. The dwarves split their forces in half they directly confront Khirus and aid local warlords to stop the Picians. Unfortunately neither gambit works and they are defeated in battle three times. Finally at the root of their mountains the Azenhal and their allies the whitefeather kingdom begin a final battle. Azenhal and Whitefeather forces are completely butchered. A twist takes place, neither the vampires or the Picians appear capable of invading the mountains and despite consuming every being that didn't make it into the heart of the volcano kingdom they remained independent and both failed to create Azenhal into a vassal. Another stroke of luck would follow for Azenhal soon after...
Total Casualties: 35240

Imperial Reckoning 114 Azenhal Invasion of The Basins- Dwarven stalwarts and long-beards march their army under the direct command of King Harlaus 4 units march under the king totaling 6000 dwarves and lowland men. They march against the hideous forces of the “Republics” they wield the much smaller force of 2500 led directly by Chancellor Treves. The dwarves are an impressive race and they hold fast against the ghouls who have the strength of 3 men each. The orkish mercenaries make up the bulk of the army and are used as fodder being butchered by the much stouter shorter dwarves. Due to the fact they were fighting in a narrow mountain pass it granted the Khirese several advantages and despite the mountains becoming slick with gore the ghouls did not seem to tire and eventually broke the lines of the invaders. Over 2000 dwarves were dead as were 1000 orcs and 690 ghouls. King Harlaus and Chancellor Treves both survive.

Imperial Reckoning 115 The Atrisia slaughter- The Pician tide wipes out the organized forces of man along with the single unit sent by Azenhal to protect them from the coming nightmare. 10,000 men and dwarves were brought down by Pician swarm tactics. 18,000 Pician troops had only suffered 5000 losses, half their outnumbered counterparts.

Imperial Reckoning 117 The Occupation of Azenhal- 10,000 Picians and 1500 ghouls of Khirus march under the banner of speaker Mlagarblargle. Pinkfeather of the Whitefeather kingdom leads 6000 dwarven and human troops alongside the cursed flyers of the whitefeather kingdom who was bringing 7500 soldiers. The Picians as beserkers charge head long into enemy spears creating a horrifying battle of hours men and fish die in droves shattered on the mountains edge. The battle went back and forth but the organized forces of Khirus had waited for an opening and had not risked their soldiers until the perfect opportunity. When they noticed a falter in the ranks they rushed the flanks and tore into the enemy while letting the Picians absorb most of the punishment. While it had taken all day serious wounds were left and the ranks broke turning the battle into a slaughter. Over 7000 Inyoni men and 4000 dwarves had perished. Alongside that the Picians only lost 5000 soldiers and the ghouls had suffered some 550 of their number. Pinkfeather survives returning with the remnants of his army but Mlagarblargle (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?537234-EMPIRE4!-IC-Thread/page4) perishes chasing the dwarves into the mountains, consumed by the fire and smoke.

The Sattyathanya Crusades Imperial Reckoning 124-135

On the eve of Whitefeather and Azenhals surrender Abhidic monks rise up. These organized and militant Abhidist soldiers lead grassroots movements throughout Palmor only upon making peace with Khirus agreeing to Khirese control of Aaenna (and the promise of religious liberty) and the formation of the Sattyathanya organization does peace return to the region.
Total Casualties: 33,000

Imperial Reckoning 126 The Sattyathanya invasion of the basins- 20,000 soldiers (9 units) march under the banner of the Sattyathanya and by extension Azenhal against a mere 3000 ghouls and General Rishard Whidden former general of Azenhal. It is due to the generals innate understanding of Azenhal tactics that despite their overwhelming numerical superiority Rishard is able to lead a guerilla war that massacres over 5000 of the enemy while they lose 1500 of their own number. Despite still holding a massive advantage infighting leads to them retreating from the dense forests of the basins.

Imperial Reckoning 126 The Sattyathanya Campaign part 1- Khirus invades the heartland of the Sattyathanya (Aaenna) believing that due to a failed invasion by the Sattyathanya a year prior it would be an easy victory. The Chancellor of Khirus personally marches 5000 human soldiers supported by 1500 ghouls (4 units). The Chancellor initially crushes the enemy forces and claims several forts along the border but deeper inland the arrival of 10,000 men (4 units Sattyathanya that left Whitefeather kingdom to protect their capital) joined the fray of the already 7500 men defending their capital. Khirus is driven out suffering 3000 casualties while taking 8000 of their enemy with them.

Imperial Reckoning 128-129 The Sattyathanya Campaign part 2- This invasion is viewed as a military disaster after the consistent success of Khirus to kill many times their enemies number even if they could not claim a region. This time they lead 5000 Pician berserkers and 4000 of their own Republican Defenders, ghouls and orkish mercenaries. The Sattyathanya have only 10,000 troops making them practically equal but their past battles have made the Sattyathanya stronger, and being forced to directly lead the Picians without decent translators creates issues among the officers and forms infighting. Khirus and the Picians suffer terrible losses before the 2 year campaign ends 8000 troops have died or deserted and a skeleton force maintains the forts claimed and held on enemy territory. The enemy suffer less losing only 7500 zealots.

Imperial Reckoning 125-The Setjura Confederacy Invades Wasipacha- Wasipacha is consumed by civil war and Setjura led by Kodora looks to avoid the civil war spreading into the surrounding regions and into their home. With 10,000 troops (4 units) its easy to fight those locked in internal struggle and soon enough 5000 Wasipachans (2 units) are slaughtered and the region is taken by the confederacy, their own casualties are negligible.
total casulaties: 6000

The Avakonian Invasions/The Savages at the gate Imperial Reckoning 129-138

Conflict brews between the various states and the decadent remains of Avakonia due to the LoWS. Avakonia does not even hide their assassination of the Sartek which is a final nail and Dvalta joins the anti Avakonian forces. The battle begins during the events of the Statue Gardens conference. The battle ends only when Dvalta leads a daring capture of the capital which succeeds while the empress is off fighting Ti Linnad in the north.
total casulaties: 68000

Imperial Reckoning 129 Whitefeather Invasion of Masdoli- 12,000 Whitefeather soldiers march against 14,000 Kunai and imperial Avakonian soldiers. It is believed the numbers may be closer but the Kunai employ many scouts and logistical technicians. The Kunai also led large forces of beasts against the enemy tearing forces apart and shattering lines of Inyoni who while granted the power of the air found that the Kunai were an adaptable force and took to killing any birds they saw (rumor has it they cooked the corpses but thats unsubstantiated). 10,000 Whitefeather soldiers perished in the fighting while the Kunai lost 3000 soldiers and the Avakonians lost 7,500 soldiers Whitefeather did not retreat and did claim key territory but had not driven Avakonia out, however King Keat Whitefeather was captured and ended Whitefeathers involvement in the campaigns that followed.

Imperial Reckoning 129 Dvalta Invasion of Zachodnie- 18,000 Dvaltan soldiers march on Zachodnie including the first showing of the famous camel riders who had been created by Regno. Avakonia and the Firethorn Regiment march together and with 20,000 legionaries of the imperial army they meet their enemy and the empress herself leads the attack shattering Dvalta surrounding and pinning their king down. Even though he survives hes nearly encircled. Dvalta loses 7500 troops Avakonia loses 2500 troops as does the firethorn regiment.

Imperial Reckoning 129 Ti Linnad Invasion of Wybrez- 10,000 Ti Linnad troops are led by Premier Jannellai Norraissa has been provided the easiest job facing what is a single garrison of 2500 soldiers with no decent general to stand by their side. The captain of the garrison attempts to hold back the raging flood but in little time all 2500 soldiers are dead or have surrendered and Wybrez falls into Ti Linnads hands.

Imperial Reckoning 129 Glen Gwitna Invasion of the capital Avakonia- One of the most famous battles of the Avakonian invasions a mad genius known as Suicide Sandor rebels against his king, captures him and then leads a massive fleet against the very capital of Avakonia. Sandors fleet was said to have 21,000 souls aboard in total though how many were fighting men is not completely known. What is know that only half the soldiers were for fighting a land battle the other half were top notch pirates and sailors. What met this fleet was the battle hardened Captain Sofrid a magnificent soldier and bold commander who had been fighting slavers and rebels of the empire for years. The two forces clashed at years end as the Glen Gwitna landed on shore and were met with a superior ground force which butchered them in the thousands. This would have appeared a major victory if defeating a Glen Gwitna army had anywhere near the same value as their fleet which with only half its fighting force was able to completely pin down the firethorn regiment. Thousands of forces died but that was all a distraction as Suicide Sandor led a small force behind enemy lines and captured the famous Captain Sofrid. A huge blow to Avakonia and would shape negotiations moving forward. In the end 4000 Firethorn regiment troops had perished while 10,000 Glen Gwitna soldiers had been slaughtered BUT few of those had been from the famous Gwitna fleet.

Imperial Reckoning 130 Dvalta invasion of Zachodnie- King Khasglis of Dvatla 12,500 men as both sides had begun to show fatigue and gathering armies became more and more difficult as did finding competant commanders. With no general left but the empress herself she left a lessor commander in charge with a massive force of 10,000 troops to stand against one of the mightiest warrior kings seen in some time. His name is lost to history but despite that a great poem was written of the event as he managed to (for the price of the region) take the head of King Khasglis of Dvatla. A charge of his personal retinue cut through the kings own and brought him down only to then be met with the ferocious anger of the Dvaltans who did not break down at the death of their king but instead lost their minds and tore apart all on their path taking the region as a gift to their liege lord. Dvalta lost 5000 men in the fray and Avakon lost Zachodnie and 2500 of their legionaries.

Imperial Reckoning 132 Ti Linnad invasion of Zeměvčel- Sennu Moku leads a force of 10,000 troops against the empires 12,500 legionaries. The Empress herself leads this force to protect territory so important to the survival of the empire. Most of the battle is fought on the sea and around the ports, no single battle decides this campaign it is instead various small battles fought on land and sea as Sennu Moku tries to lay claim to important choke points and stop food from reaching the region. In turn the empress looks to rip those locations back. Initial success falls into the hands of Sennu Moku but a freak storm turns the tide and enough key locations are broken from Ti Linnads grip that the empress survives and is victorious in keeping the strait in tact. Ti Linnad loses 5000 soldiers their control of the air had been invaluable until the storm hit and had cost the empress 7500 of her legionaries.

Imperial Reckoning 134 Dvalta invasion of Avakonia- The New king of Dvalta takes a desperate gamble leading a mere 2500 soldiers against the most powerful army in the world in their capital. They face a powerful mercenary force of 7500 men who are protecting the region with their lives. Expecting a traditional pitched battle outside the walls the confident mercenaries march all 7500 of their troops against their counterparts 2000 Dvaltans alongside 200 camel cavalry. The battle is one of few losses, Dvalta appears on the defensive and appears to be intentionally keeping their casualties to a minimum. The realization comes too late 300 Dvaltans enter the palace and hold the royal court hostage. The captain surrenders the city in exchange for the royal court within it. Disgusted 2000 soldiers abandon their captain. Less than 1000 men die in the taking of the greatest city on earth. The barbarians break down the gates with barely a whisper.

Imperial Reckoning 135 Ti Linnad invasion of Zeměvčel second campaign- 10,000 men led by Sennu Moko face 15,000 legionaries and the empress. It will be another victory for the empress, in fact she succeeds in every battle she fights in. Its an incredible show of strength and impressive valor and yet despite every victory this successful battle ends with a letter telling her she has lost the war. The capital has been taken by Dvalta. Her family lives but her capital is in the hands of the enemy and it will shape the north forevermore. Ti Linnad loses 5000 men in her distraction and the legionaries lose 7500 defending land they must surrender without a fight in the coming years.

2018-10-02, 12:31 PM
WIP claiming page for the invasion of the Picians into the heart of Avakonia and the Inkia civil war and beyond

2018-12-05, 01:35 AM
The Theocracy of Coatl


The armies of Coatl are a formidable force upon the northern half of Palmor. Often sandwiched in between larger Empires to the north and south, the Theocracy of Coatl maintains a large army and navy in order to defend the region's sovereignty in addition to protecting trade within the Badan and eastern Uhariya. When fighting those who don't follow the will of Xincoatl the army of the Theocracy serves another purpose. Particularly observant visitors and scholars will learn that the great monuments of the east were built off the backs of slaves gathered in these campaigns. Prisoners of war gathered can fetch a high price in northern markets, and often serve can puff the pockets of a dutiful soldier.

The Icoatzin of Coatl have a dedicated warrior caste that makes up the core of the armed forces. The one class that you cannot be born into, most warriors consist of the second sons of landowners, magi and slaves. From a young age warriors are trained in the traditional martial arts, clubs, spears and bows. Full membership is signified by official war paint, placed on the face and back. Icoatzin often gain entry into the warrior cast by surrendering any claims of inheritance in exchange for a decade of training. After a decade of service veterans are often rewarded with personal tracts of land, bags of silver, or shares in exotic goods. Typically members of the warrior caste come from Coatl proper and the stone cities of Shona.

Auxiliaries are gathered from the edges of the Empire in order to fill strategic gaps in the warrior castes training. Frequently they fill the niche of skirmishers and scouts. It is the responsibility of the imperial governor to gather and compensate any Auxiliaries gathered.

The last group of soldiers the Theocracy gathers are foreign mercenaries. Consist of between 10-20% of any given army mercenaries bring exotic skills not covered by any of the soldier drawn normally. Avakonian pike men and Linnadi Pegasi riders are the main mercenaries employed, however occasionally a Kunai assassin will provide their services for the right price.

Ideal conditions

Ideally the theocracy's army is operating near the coast with the full support of its navy of galleys and war canoes. Terrain wise the army prefers to operate on either flat or lightly forested terrain so that it can freely apply the force of numbers. Before deciding the on the field of battle many opponents will be harassed by the armies scouts and skirmishers, pelting vulnerable units with rocks, javelins, and poison arrows. If on the defensive the army will dig into a strategic position while deploying extensive mobile earth works and fire bombs to break apart enemy formations.


Despite having some horsemen and charioteers the Theocracy's army is fairly slow without the assistance of its navy. Lack of tactical mobility means that the theocracies army can be easily out maneuvered when not near a major water way. In addition, rocky and heavily mountainous terrain limits any possible numerical advantage the Theocracy may have. The naval forces in particular, while experienced, are weak against flying opponents. In battle applying a shock cavalry charge upon any significant concentration of auxiliary units may route a large fraction of the Theocracies forces.

Elite Warrior caste:

Serpentine Martial artists- Taken from the well trained warrior caste, Serpentine martial artists are anti armor infantry with long two handed maces. Disciplined an armored in a bronze/ steel scale mix These infantrymen serve as the elite reserve infantry to be deployed in the midst of formation combat. Frequently they wear helmets and armor painted in the style of a serpent or other jungle animal.
Holy charioteers- While the horses of Estensule are renowned for riding, the horses of Palmor are far less suited for riding. Instead of shock cavalry the theocracy uses chariots withe scythes attached to the sides as a means to break up infantry formations.

Warrior caste:

Cobra militia- Basic militia men with iron tip spears and wicker/bronze shields. Armor is normally limited to cloth in addition to a helmet and shin guards.


Gwitnan magpie auxiliaries- Skirmishers armed with javelins and bows who can speak to magpies as a means of scouting.
Wagadigi auxiliaries Archers from Palmor's east coast that make use of poison arrows fired from short bows.
Peledian camel riders Drawn from the savanna's of Peledia, camel riders throw javelins from atop the speedy Peledian camels before closing into melee with short swords and clubs.


Mercenary Avakonian pike men- Pike men drawn from the Theocracies coast, drawn from Avakonian settlers living on the coasts. Often from merchant families these mercenaries find themselves fighting in order to gain coin to finance a commercial adventure or build influence within the capital to gain special privileges.
Mercenary Pegasi skirmishers- Rarely available, and deathly expensive, Linnadi Pegasi riders fire projectiles atop their flying horses, scouting and harassing opposing formations. However, its not unheard of for the Pegasi riders to quickly beeline for the enemy camp in order to get dibs on treasure.

2018-12-23, 11:53 AM
Ti Linnad


For many years after the fall of Dejan, Ti Linnad was merely a footnote to the great powers. The Mandanagar states of the northeast, Siestok, and Avakonia itself all disregarded the small, feuding Pylliar of the highlands. But with time, they have become one of the most powerful players in the north.

The armed forces of the Northern Council are, perhaps, unique in all Emjata. While numerous other nations (notably the Theocracy of Coatl, Overvann, the former Whitefeather Empire, and the Regno Sultanate) make use of pegasi-mounted warriors, Ti Linnad is the birthplace of aerial combat. Blessed with powerful flying animals and the small stature needed to use them as mounts, fighting the Linnadi is like fighting no other force in the world.


The Linnadi plan of battle has many obvious innate strengths. Reconnaissance is made easy by a bird’s-eye view, often actually using birds - or at least Inyoni Skyfarers, which compose a significant portion of the Northern Council’s forces. Raiding, too, is easy for them - conventionally well-defended places are often merely traps against missiles rained from above.

Arrows and stones from the skies are a staple tactic of the Linnadi, and are often more difficult to defend against then might be thought. While a relatively small ground force keeps you busy, Wingknights and Skyfarers will approach from any angle, easily flanking your forces, then slipping away to attack somewhere else. The stronger pegasi can keep themselves and their riders well out of arrow range while still in position to loose arrows or cast stones down upon you. When the time comes for closer combat, the Wingknights remain just as deadly, making use of powerful charges. Using height to build up momentum, they soar through your lines, striking with lances and swords.

Even without their aerial advantage, the Linnadi remain a formidable force. While physically small in size, their footmen fight using some of the longest spears found anywhere in Emjata. Approaching them is difficult, even if they do not have a fortified position to defend. Their use of magic is usually non-offensive, instead controlling supplies and terrain, but a few famous counterexamples exist.

[Ideal Conditions]

Linnadi generals have long studied their craft, and they can adapt to almost any situation. Even so, their ideal battlefield is an open plain without cover form above, preferably surrounded by forests or hills to mask flanking movements. However, even without this advantage, sharp archers are quite capable of firing down through the treetops. Attacking fortifications is an even better situation for the Linnadi: their ground force can set up a siege, while their aerial force bombards the fort with firebombs, rocks, and arrows, crushing and burning the trapped defenders.

It is in the rare times when they must defend their own lands that the Linnadi truly shine. Their cultural value of unity is brought to the fore, as militia join the standing companies and the whole countryside funnels supplies to the troops. If you are unfortunate enough to be invading the Highlands, you have only poor choices available. Assault by sea leaves your ships open to harassment from above, made worse when you must scale the sheer cliffs that pass for a coastline. Any land route requires you to take territory from them to reach their capital, and even if you do succeed in this, their cities are almost universally built in ravines. By now you should see a pattern: attacking any major settlement forces you to scale the ravine walls and leaves you open to attack from above, giving the Linnadi every possible advantage.


These aerial tactics are powerful, but strict reliance on them comes with issues of its own. First, the Linnadi are often ill-equipped to sustain a prolonged offensive. Their armies are quite capable of outracing their own supply lines, which cannot fly, and if you can prevent or reduce their use of Coatlean sacrificial magic to bolster their supplies, they may run into issues. The Linnadi often attempt to fight along the coast for this reason, but their navy is rarely as strong as their infantry.

Second, the Linnadi are paralyzed by weather. Storms in particular will ground Wingknights and block naval supply, famously demonstrated in the Zeměvčel campaign of the Avakonian War and the short-lived 1st Linnadi-Coatl War - the latter example involving the complete destruction of the Linnadi navy by the prolonged storms referred to as the Brinefather’s Rage. Without aerial superiority, their ground forces alone are smaller than a comparably-sized foreign force, and you should be able to surround them.

Third, while devastating in pitched battle, the Wingknights are often more manageable in skirmishes and asymmetrical attacks. They typically fly low when not in battle to preserve their mounts’ endurance, opening themselves up to surprise attacks by grounded forces.

[How to Fight Back]

Firstly, if you have some method of creating a storm to ground the pegasi, do that (and then sell it to the Initiates or the shamans - someone would pay a lot for that). In the unlikely situation that this is the case, you will find yourself at a great advantage.

In the much more likely situation that you cannot lure them into a storm, you will have to get creative. If you are defending against them, take a page from Obroslo. In the Linnadi wars with that small kingdom, net traps among the trees, catapults, and a sort of shrapnel launcher were all used to great effect. Neutralizing their Wingknights should be your first priority, and they know this, so you must always stay one step ahead. If you are lucky, enough attrition will force them to withdraw. If you are not, you may have to meet them in pitched battle.

Contrary to popular belief in many parts of the world, this is not entirely impossible. If you can predict the flanking movements of the Wingknights, you can take them unaware or meet their charge. If you can break through their infantry, you may be able to push past their lines, especially with good cavalry. Finally, if you can keep well under cover, you just might be able to break through their reconnaissance and take them by surprise. Even so, you will need incredible luck and skill to pull any of this off.

If you are attacking the Linnadi, you will have many, many problems. They are almost undefeatable on home soil if there is any force left to defend it, and many of their defensive wars will draw in their vassals, Rhune and Yondar, and the other northeastern states. Their longstanding agreements with Dvatla against common enemies, and their religious ties to Gwitna, Lazar, and Coatl, mean that with even a fraction of their allies you will be facing overwhelming odds. The easiest way to win the offensive is not to attack in the first place, though if you can slip past their forces and infiltrate their strongholds it just might be possible.