View Full Version : Middle of Malik's Maze of Many Malicious Monsters [5e] INC

2018-07-18, 02:18 AM
You awaken in a stone room, 25 ft wide, 25 ft long, with ceilings 10 ft high. A solid looking wooden door sits at the center of each wall. The surfaces of the walls, floor, and ceiling all appear to be made of smooth-worked stone. There is also a trapdoor in the very center of the floor and the ceiling, seemingly made of the same solid wood as the doors. Other figures gradually sit up in the room, appearing in one form or another to be adventurers such as yourself. The room seems to be filled with steady blueish-green light, though no source seems to be giving the light off. You have no memories of how you got here or what happened prior to you losing consciousness. You seem to have all the gear you had on you the previous day. Any attempts to send a message to your friends and allies is being blocked, you can tell before you even begin trying.

The group of adventures that gradually come to include: a fair-skinned human female, young of age yet with silver hair; a devilish man with red skin, studded leather armor, and a lute; a golden-striped lizardfolk with splint mail and a shield with a symbolic road traveling into a sunrise emblazoned on it; a male deep gnome wearing off studded leathers with an owl waking up beside him; a thin, bull-headed being wearing splint armor; a dark-feathered bird-person; and a hairless, grey-skinned man with a silver battleaxe on his back. The air is silent save for the breathing and movement of this group of individuals, who could never expect what will happen to them next.

2018-07-18, 03:08 AM
The grey hued gnome shoots upright and blinks his coal black eyes. The lines on his face lessen for a moment as he glances at the feathered familiar at his side. Then, in a graceful frenzy, the gnome whips out a series of tools and begins to test and tune the strange features on his suit of armor.

”Synaptic reflexivity...Check!
Abjurative Asymmetry...Check!
Necrosis diversion...Check!
Evocation synthesis...Check!
Divination augmentation...Fault!
Recalibration...Still faulty!

Well, I’ll be bug-beared, we must have stepped in another Slaad pool, Flux! That must have been some good Stygian wine...or we stepped in the Lady’s Shadow.”

The gnome grimaces at that thought before pulling out a jeweler’s monocle. He inspects every groove, cobble, seam, and facet with a methodical stride, seemingly ignoring the other occupants in his investigation of their shared cell.

Investigation (https://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm): 20 (composite)
Arcana (Planar Traits): 17
Arcana (Magical Effects in place): 21
http://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah13/Theophilus28/854DF116-BC25-4B4E-B75F-E45FB6F7F092_zpso0eoogkd.png (http://s1376.photobucket.com/user/Theophilus28/media/854DF116-BC25-4B4E-B75F-E45FB6F7F092_zpso0eoogkd.png.html)

2018-07-18, 04:57 AM
The dark-feathered bird-person skitters up to a crouched position, one feathered hand to the ground. Its back to the wall, a look of panic engulfs it as the eyes dart back and forth, taking in the sight of each companion being in the room.

......... Recalibration...Still faulty!

Breathing quickly, a shortsword and dagger are unsheathed as it backs into a corner in a defensive stance. Eyes still darting between the others sitting on the floor, the hunched form allows itself a few isolated moments to divert its attention to the walls, floor and ceiling, ready to ascertain the room's original purpose and determine its builders.

The hand holding the dagger is raised, twitching subtly, ready to be thrown at the slightest hint of hositility.

Aleister VII
2018-07-18, 06:56 AM
The human girl awakes just to find herself in such an ominous place with a group of weird looking strangers and on top of everything some of them are carrying weapons, she quickly get up from the floor and corner herself to put some distance between herself and the most likely dangerous humanoid that accompany her.

Why..? Where... you..? YOU KIDNAPED ME!? Yelled the human as she rationalized that as the most logic answer yet it isn't her logic but her fear what's currently speaking.
She then proceed to use some weird form of magic to create a barrier around herself, it was visible only for a split second before disappearing yet it's pretty obvious that it's still in effect.
Also a weasel -a familiar- comes out from her clothes but falls as she dashes towards the corner landing on the girl's stuffs that lies as a pile scholar-like things on the floor where she was unconscious a few seconds ago, oddly enough there was also a set of stubbed leather armor among the papers.

Eek..! Raziel! Stop hiding in my clothes! That's just wrong! the girl scolded her familiar who apparently goes by the name of Raziel.

Casted Inertial armor with Mastery of Force -2 psi points.
Psi points: 12/14.
AC: 13 > 17.
Her familiar currently takes the shape of a weasel, is a celestial and is named Raziel.

2018-07-18, 10:36 AM
The demonic being stands and dusts himself off. "Well Hilary, we are not in Barovia anymore." He looks at the air beside him as he speaks. "Well met fellow travelers! I, am Fladriel, hunter of that which is evil. I am assuming that you are all here for the same reason as myself, the powers that be need something killed, and it is probably us. But do not worry, I will keep you safe and guide us to safety." His voice boomed out as he spoke in the clearest voice he could muster.

Aleister VII
2018-07-19, 06:29 AM
Despite the demonic appearance of Fladriel, his words brings some calm to the agitated Roseweiss.

"You don't seems to be evil" commented the human as she warily approach Fladriel, her familiar also runs towards it's master like if it wants to protect her despite it's harmless appearance.

2018-07-19, 09:22 AM
Galdr continues to study the intricacies of the apparent exits, but comments aloud to no one and everyone one.

”Abjuration works. Good. We will need that!”

“No, the sod who hipped us isn’t in this room—not where we’d see ‘im. This stinks of the Blinds, berk, and no would-be minder is going to be enough to give ‘em the laugh. You can chiv each other or pact together. If you’re into the first, kindly pike off.”

The owl circling overhead swoops to land on his shoulder. While Galdr continues to study the area, the owl swivels its head completely backward to watch the others dancing around.

2018-07-19, 02:30 PM
"Well, there is safety in numbers, and until one of you shows untrustworthiness, I would prefer that we stick together." Fladriel tries to speak in kind tones. "First order of business, since we do not seem to be in immediate danger, is to devise a way to search for an exit. Blindly opening doors and running through could get us killed. So, inspector, what is your assessment of the room, doors and a point to start?"

2018-07-19, 07:57 PM
Having checked his belongings and applying a Blessing of the forge on his armor, the thin Minotaur looks around. "If none of you are responsible for this, it may be helpful to make sure everyone is properly armed before we move on in mass. I somehow doubt any of these doors go home."

2018-07-20, 12:14 AM
”That’s a canny statement, cutter. I’ll wager we will find most these doors lead to danger.”

Galdr smacks his lips like tasting something for the first time. ”As stale as alchemical shroom shine...We did step into the Blinds. Well, someone’s blinds, anyways. Let’s hope it’s not the Lady’s.”

He turns to the Tiefling, ”Better synch yer armor tight. Looks like we’re in someone’s personal plane—and I’d guess it intends to peel us for a laugh.”

His owl flutters excitedly, shrieking.

”I don’t hear anything stirring behind the doors, though they seem solid enough. No traps so far, either. However, this cage reeks of magic. Plenty of ways to turn a sod on ‘is head when you run the rules of existence.”

Arcana: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

Aleister VII
2018-07-20, 06:23 AM
"All that you've said So far makes sense but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be So buddy-buddy, if this is the personal plane of someone... why did he or she put us here? What have we all in common apart from being humanoids? Just by looking at you I can assume that some are warriors of some sort or are at least martial trained. Rationalized Rose as she keeps her distance to most of the others persons in the room.

2018-07-20, 07:12 AM
"Even if this thing or person has malicious intent, we stand a better chance together. Of course there is always the possibility that we will later be pitted against one another. But until such a time comes to pass, perhaps we can pool our skills and cunning." Fladriel walks to the trap door in the center of the room and then looks up.

2018-07-21, 12:52 AM
The gnome chuckles at both of their statements, coal eyes gleaming. “If it wanted us for dinner (and I mean, not as in a Slaad salad), then why a room with trapdoors, no furniture, and no welcome mat or servant? We all are knocking spores from our brain-boxes, and I don’t think I willingly forgot the last moments of my free life. If it’s a friendly sort of host, then I’ll point you in the direction of a fine bit of Limbo grass you can buy and sow your dreams in, Rube.

He paused and tugs at the silver beard on his chin. “Ahem, I see gate-hopping might be new for some of you berks. By the looks of our bed-raggled lot, we got plucked because we are useful in a fight but not too great to be missed. As I’ve said, we will do best together. I took a look at the place. Let someone with better receptors than mine take a gander and maybe we can get a jump on what’s behind the doors and trapdoors without having to throw ‘em open first. Anyone gifted in the divining arts or have a special snout for sniffing out danger?”

The short figure in its odd mechanical suit pulls out a book whose cover looks like many teethed wheels fit into each other. The gnome begins to mutter in strange tones and gesture arcanely, its eyes following lines in the metallic book.

Begins casting Detect Magic as a ritual.

2018-07-21, 06:35 PM
Szass yawns as she stretches to her full height, tensing in her armor. Her eyes flit from one to another of the people awakening, and she listens to them talk about the situation. What begins as a low and quiet chuckle develops into outright laughter, though the humanoids cannot sense any of the normal emotion behind it as a person might express. Instead it seems rather like a mechanical sound, which stops abruptly.

"A strange place, with strange scalelesses, here. Grouping, safer, yes. Call me Auntie." She laughs again but it rapidly cuts off. Szass glances at their attire, seeking to understand if any wear familiar national symbols or holy symbols, or if the walls bear such instead. "I bring the Morninglord's light, warming skin, burning off fogs. You do...what exactly?" she says to none in particular, but sniffs the air.

2018-07-22, 02:00 PM
Tuhrrad turns to the other cleric. "I serve the World Smith in order to keep my tribe strong. As a result, I do not have divination spells prepared. Might you be able to help the tiny being with his spells?"

Aleister VII
2018-07-22, 08:37 PM
"What I do? Huh... well my name is Roseweiss Phoenixsong, I'm a student, scholar and researcher of sort... my area of specialization are the Psionics, I've gone through an intensive course of ritual casting, I live in Sigil and this is my familiar Raziel, he takes the shape of a weasel just because I think it looks cute that way... apart from that and my academics deeds there isn't much to say about myself except that I'm a Psionics user and can cast some wizard spells via rituals." Introduces herself Rose trying to spill any unnecessary information, she certainly don't trust these persons but at least they aren't violent, in any case she immediately notes the gnome casting a ritual and recognizes it as detect magic.

[Color=Gray] "If we're gonna stick together I suggest moving, staying in this room won't help us to figure what kind of perv put us here and what are their deplorable intentions... Ugh..! Just thinking about it makes me shudder."[/ Color] Complained Rose as she walks near the tiny fella that's casting the ritual as she feels more comfortable at being near something she understand and can help with.

2018-07-23, 10:30 AM
Fladriel stamps on the trap door twice, listens for a moment, then walks to the "east" door.

2018-07-24, 08:57 AM
Szass snorts. "I serve the sunlight, I hear his voice everywhere the light is...and here...is...not very good to hear. Perhaps the Dawnlight can still help." She stretches again, taking up her shield and making motions with her free hands alongside a series of hisses, then pressing her head close to one of the doors and trying to listen through it. She repeats with each of the other doors, including the trap door on the floor.

Szass casts Guidance, then checks out each door with a Perception check to try and hear or smell something from the other side, casting Guidance again before each new check.

Wall 1: [roll0] Guidance plus [roll1] Perception
Wall 2: [roll2] Guidance plus [roll3] Perception
Wall 3: [roll4] Guidance plus [roll5] Perception
Wall 4: [roll6] Guidance plus [roll7] Perception
Trapdoor: [roll8] Guidance plus [roll9] Perception

2018-07-24, 03:47 PM
Watching the lizardfolk, the Minotaur snorts before shrugging. "If anyone can climb to the top to check that door, say so. Otherwise, I figure our best chance is with the one casting." He turns to Rosewiess and the feathered creature in the corner. "You do not appear to be warriors. Before we are in danger, how sturdy are you?"

2018-07-24, 07:59 PM
Szass recoils slightly from the trapdoor and hisses. "Death smell and bone-clicking. Walking dead-thing that should be still, down there." She then points at one of the side doors. "Drip drip drip like leaky roof..." And twists her free claws to point at another. "That one - fresh meat popping over fire, and greenskin orcs chat-chattering," she begins to chuckle, and this time it is a nasty sound. "Fresh meat cooking meat...good supplies that way. Also, no climbing."

One of her eyes flits to the minotaur. "Lift up to there?" At full height, she's about six-and-a-hald feet tall, but still a few feet shy of being able to check out the ceiling door. "Or send your little-bits up," she says to the arcanists with their familiars.

2018-07-25, 10:38 PM
Upon completing his lengthy ritual, Galdr snaps closed his tome, blinks a few times, and gazes about the room. His saucer-shaped eyes linger on each person with an intense stare before shifting to another.

He interjects himself back into the conversation, "Orcs seem better than unliving things below and the suspicious drip behind. With luck, we will give them the laugh before they get a chance to draw cold steel."

“Some of these doors have mystical presences beyond them...and I’ll wager you will find necromancy in the pit as likely as you will get scribed for kissin’ a succubus.”

2018-07-26, 06:40 AM
The feathered creature in the corner begins breathing a little more easily, noticing that the others in the room are in a similar situation upon having awoken, and noting particularly that the minotaur appears to show concern.

"How sturdy" ... *snapping sound, as of a branch being stepped on* "We are in danger"

Slowly approaching the minotaur, the eyes dart to Szass and then back to the large, horned creature that had previously addressed it. Motioning to itself, and then to the minotaur: "Lift up to there?" It points to the door on the roof and angles its head, as if suggesting it could listen.

A brief moment passes, before it seems to remember that it is no longer safely pressed into a corner, and the head darts both ways over its shoulders as if to check that no ambush is approaching.

2018-07-26, 07:10 AM
"Orcs eh, well, the dirty beasts may not take well to us, but we cannot assume that they are not also trapped here, like us," Fladriel expresses his concern.

Aleister VII
2018-07-26, 07:26 AM
"Orcs? Yuck... those foul things are just savage brutes I rather avoid them but if you guys go ahead like the front lines we may work out something, yet a little more info would be useful, like how many of them there're and if they're waiting for us or perhaps are sleeping or something else... Your call Raziel." Explained and then commanded Rose to her familiar who tilted it's head in confusion.

2018-07-26, 12:22 PM
"Orcs eh, well, the dirty beasts may not take well to us, but we cannot assume that they are not also trapped here, like us," Fladriel expresses his concern.

The gnome turns to the tiefling, My guess, tiefer, is that all things in this place were hipped from other planes. Still, I have met several fiends that won’t skewer you on the street, but nary an orc. Since we have to choose one danger, let’s not be gully rubes and end up a deader for trying to sweet talk a sod with a sweet tooth for two-legged meals.”

The owl on his shoulder launches into the air and circles the trap door above. The gnome closes his eyes momentarily as if listening or thinking intensely.

2018-07-26, 01:26 PM
"Not sleeping. Eating. Talking. About...guard watches," Szass adds. "Not sure how many. Not sure what kind of meat they have either."

2018-07-26, 02:50 PM
"One moment," Tuhradd adds, before extending his hand to the feathered creature and casting Guidance. "Need me to lift you up?"

He turns to the rest of the party. "Let us see if the difficult path may be easier to follow."

2018-07-26, 03:42 PM
One black, beady eye stares for a moment into Tuhradd's, before a deep breath and a sharp nod.

"Let us see"

Snap takes a step forward to be lifted by Tuhradd up toward the trap door on the ceiling, ear already cocked and ready to be placed against the upper portal.

[Assuming no checks needed for lifting:]
Perception check to hear anything through the upper door, with Guidance from Tuhradd:

[roll0] Guidance plus [roll1] Perception

2018-07-27, 01:31 AM
Galdr (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Galdr/characters/3865079)
Level 3 Inventor Wizard | AC:15 | Slots: 4/2, 2nd level | HP: 21/21 | PP: 12, PI: 15
Superior Darkvision: 120 ft.
Flux: Owl Familiar (Fly 60 ft. | Keen Senses | Flyby)

Galdr opens his eyes and turns toward the minotaur, saying, "I do not know if that chimney will be easier, but some lass seems to be sobbing her head off somewhere up there."

2018-07-27, 03:56 AM
Galdr's address to the minotaur prompts Snap to realize what the owl circling the upper door had been doing. Gaze shifting back and forth between Galdr and Tuhrrad, Snap nods and repeats, "Seems to be sobbing her head off", followed by a perfect recreation of the sobbing noise.

2018-07-27, 11:35 PM
Galdr (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Galdr/characters/3865079)
Level 3 Inventor Wizard | AC:15 | Slots: 4/2, 2nd level | HP: 21/21 | PP: 12, PI: 15
Superior Darkvision: 120 ft.
Flux: Owl Familiar (Fly 60 ft. | Keen Senses | Flyby)

The gnome’s eyes expand briefly in surprise. "I’ll be nicked! You peel voices, eh? That may come in spades down the path."

Aleister VII
2018-07-28, 05:45 AM
"You guys are weird... but whatever, let's just move on this room is kinda depressive." Demanded the human girl.

2018-07-29, 06:16 PM
Putting Snap down, Tuhrrad turns to Roseweiss. "The crying sounds more like a trap to me. Who wishes to take our chance with the Orcs?"

Tuhrrad then casts Aid on himself, Snap, and Galdr (1 2nd level spell slot used, +5 health and max health for all three for 8 hours, no concentration)

2018-07-29, 09:39 PM
Szass nods eagerly. ""Good, good, action!" she lets out a long bellowing laugh. "Time for meat!"

2018-07-29, 10:35 PM
Any of the gathered strangers who were near the door the orcs were beyond can here a muffled laughter, as if one of the orcs had heard a joke. (DC is 10 so anyone with a Passive perception of 10 or better hears it as long as you are within 10 ft of the door.) As long as the group stays quiet they should be able to open the door and move into the room without the orcs being prepared.

2018-07-30, 01:02 AM
Galdr (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Galdr/characters/3865079)
Level 3 Inventor Wizard | AC:15 | Slots: 4/2, 2nd level | HP: 21/21 | PP: 12, PI: 15
Superior Darkvision: 120 ft.
Flux: Owl Familiar (Fly 60 ft. | Keen Senses | Flyby)

The gnome nods with a wicked gleam in his eyes. "Let's get to it. By their guffaws, we should be able to give them the laugh before they know the dark of things."

2018-07-30, 11:26 AM
Snap kneels down and quickly pulls out a scrap of parchment and a small, sharpened stick of charcoal from the pouch containing his Cartographer's Tools. After thirty seconds or so of furious scribbling, he holds up a note, motioning to Szass and Galdr. It reads:

Never met an orc but these sound happy
Maybe in same situation as us
Did nothing wrong to deserve attack
I have food if you need

2018-07-30, 12:03 PM
Galdr (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Galdr/characters/3865079)
Level 3 Inventor Wizard | AC:15 | Slots: 4/2, 2nd level | HP: 21/21 | PP: 12, PI: 15
Superior Darkvision: 120 ft.
Flux: Owl Familiar (Fly 60 ft. | Keen Senses | Flyby)

The gnome chuckles mirthlessly. ”They are probably laughing because they caught your kin and plucked it to roast. Orcs are happy to eat berks like you and me, caged or free range matters not."

2018-07-30, 12:12 PM
Snap's eyes betray a flurry of emotions: fear, suspicion (at Galdr's words), disgust, and finally sadness.

Ducking behind Tuhrrad's left leg, putting the minotaur between him and the door hiding the orc band, Snap again draws the shortsword from its sheath, waiting for the door to open. His demeanor turns to one of concentration and resolve.

2018-07-30, 03:25 PM
"Hmmm....you want to talk to orcs, you talk first. Can't hurt." the very large lizard does not seem particularly troubled by the idea, but loosens her javelins nevertheless.

2018-07-30, 03:44 PM
Fladriel approaches the orc door and tugs, trying to open it quietly.

2018-07-30, 08:25 PM
The door opens silently and the next room over, while roughly the same size as the one they are currently in, appears for more "lived in". A small fire sits in the center of the room with a spit over top, the carcass of some creature roasting over the flames. An orc stands beside it, turning the spit. This orc wears a patched together apron of leather over a random assortment of hides forming armor. A greataxe lies at his feet. A pair of orcs sit off to the side, one wearing red robes and a hood hiding its face from view, the other in simple hides and a pair of pale leather gloves. Five more forms lay on bedrolls around the room, which is littered with weapons and hides on racks, leantos made of leather and bone, and a cage in a far corner. None of the three orcs seem to notice the tiefling opening the door.

(Religion, Perception, and History checks from those that can see into the room. Which is anyone gathered around the door really.)

2018-07-31, 12:22 AM
Galdr (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Galdr/characters/3865079)
Level 3 Inventor Wizard | AC:15 | Slots: 4/2, 2nd level | HP: 21/21 | PP: 12, PI: 15
Superior Darkvision: 120 ft.
Flux: Owl Familiar (Fly 60 ft. | Keen Senses | Flyby)

The gnome utilizes the stacked birdfolk and tiefling for concealment as he gestures with an ornate rod that appears to be constructed with copper cogs and metal bands throughout it. He aims the gem tip at the flames and a popping sound occurs under the roast.

He continues the arcane gestures and anyone staring at the flames will see a chunk of smoking meat in the heart of the fire.

2018-07-31, 06:52 AM
"Looks like we will not be negotiating, should I still try?" Fladriel whispers.

2018-07-31, 09:18 AM
Galdr (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Galdr/characters/3865079)
Level 3 Inventor Wizard | AC:15 | Slots: 4/2, 2nd level | HP: 21/21 | PP: 12, PI: 15
Superior Darkvision: 120 ft.
Flux: Owl Familiar (Fly 60 ft. | Keen Senses | Flyby)

Galdr wrinkles his nose, nods toward the hooded orc, and simply whispers, "Your funeral."

2018-07-31, 09:57 AM
"So be it," Fladriel says as he pulls a flask from his bag, then points to the fire (casting true strike), then lobs the flask of oil into the fire.

2018-07-31, 10:33 AM
Galdr (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Galdr/characters/3865079)
Level 3 Inventor Wizard | AC:15 | Slots: 4/2, 2nd level | HP: 21/21 | PP: 12, PI: 15
Superior Darkvision: 120 ft.
Flux: Owl Familiar (Fly 60 ft. | Keen Senses | Flyby)

Galdr eyes go wide briefly before he furrows his brow and feverishly whispers arcane words through gritted teeth. He then quickly sidesteps to stand against a wall. "Well, that ends any fun to be had."

Meanwhile, a large fog cloud blooms and consumes most the adjacent room.

2018-07-31, 12:28 PM
At the sight of the thrown flask, Tuhrrad's eyes narrow. "We're not all suicidal" he hisses, stalking up to the edge of the doorway and draws his quarterstaff as he does so.

Edit: typo

2018-07-31, 01:05 PM
Snap moves with Tuhrrad, as he'd previously been utilizing the minotaur's leg for cover. Keeping the doorway just in sight from the new position behind the relocated Tuhrrad, Snap sheathes the shortsword and instead draws a dagger, readying to throw it at the first sign of movement through the doorway.

Quietly, between shaky breaths: "Not all suicidal"

2018-08-06, 01:59 PM
Galdr (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Galdr/characters/3865079)
Level 3 Inventor Wizard | AC:15 | Slots: 3/2, 2nd level | HP: 21/21 | PP: 12, PI: 15
Superior Darkvision: 120 ft.
Flux: Owl Familiar (Fly 60 ft. | Keen Senses | Flyby)

The gnome scans the lot gathering at the door with weapons."If you want to help peel the orcs, I’d recommend stirring them up without going into the stew. After this sod threw his flaming chamber pot, the best chance we have of them doing the deadly work for us is to get them fighting each other."

2018-08-07, 01:59 AM
The cooking orc grumbles as he hears the meat popping and looks down at the illusion piece that has fallen into the flames. He grabs a javelin, leaning in to poke at the meat and seems confused when he is unable to skewer it. The hooded orc shouts something that sounds berating at the cook just as the flask of oil lands in the midst of the cooking fire, bursting out with a flash of flames. The cook yelps in pain and the two casters bolt upright just as a fog cloud covers a large portion of the room, including them and the fire pit. There is some shouting as several of the sleepign orcs begin to stir, grumlbing as they slowly wake up from the surprise.

Snap 20
Tuhrrad 19
Cook Orc 15 (surprised)
Hooder Orc 9 (surprised)
Galdr 7
Fladriel 5
Pale Gloves 5 (surprised)
Sleeping Orcs 5 (surprised)
Szass 4

Roseweiss (No roll)
Ba-kon (No roll, also has not posted in OOC)

Snap is first, then Tuhradd. The Cook and Hooded orc will go then Gald and Faldriel, the rest of the Orcs, Szass is last.

Hooded orc Arcana check [roll0]
Pale Gloves Arcana Check [roll1]

Orc Perception checks
Cook [roll2]
Pale Gloves [roll3]
Hooded Orc [roll4]
Sleepers [roll5], [roll6], [roll7], [roll8], [roll9]

2018-08-07, 05:19 AM
Like a child shrinking in on themselves in fright while watching fireworks, Snap cowers ever smaller behind the leg of Tuhrrad. The knife, still shaky, is raised up higher, still ready to be thrown at the first sign of movement through the door.

2018-08-07, 07:41 AM
"Stir them up?" Tuhrrad smirks, leaving snap's side. He strides into the fog to where he saw the hooded and gloved orcs. Hoping the two have not moved, the cleric strikes out with his horns toward whichever one was closer to the door; first to gore and then to hammer any target in that location.

Horns: [roll0] (with advantage and disadvantage cancelling out). Upon hitting, it deals [roll1] piercing damage.

Krynn Minotaur's Hammering Horns: [roll2] shove attempt as a bonus action. If it succeeds, he pushes the orc (hooded or gloved) 5 feet in the direction of the other one.

I'm not clear on how much movement this takes or if there are any extra rolls needed to make sure he finds the right location.

Irrelevant of whether Tuhrrad hits or misses (or there is no orc where he is attacking) he then turns around and heads back toward the doorway, trusting the fog to cover him.

2018-08-07, 10:52 PM
The Krynn charges forward to where he last saw the pale-gloved orc and slams his horns down. They find their target and Tuhradd can feel something splash onto his cheek. He shoves, sending the orc tumbling back. Turning to make his way back to the door he has no issue retracing his steps, the mind of a Krynn memorizing the path he took. With the heavy fog he is able to withdraw without issue, the only potential threats is one of the awakening orcs he passes by, but that one has not yet drawn it's weapon to slash at him.

The cook shouts in pain as the fire continues to burn him, though it is dying down now. He stumbles about randomly, and manages to make his way towards the door, leaving the cloud. His bloodshot eyes narrow on the fleeing form of the krynn and with a surge of anger the cook rushes forward, slashing with his large axe. The orc's fury allows him to just catch Tuhrrad in a weak spot of his armor, but the slash is shallow and doesn't draw any blood. The orc shouts out behind him, growling as he is focused on Tuhrrad. Within the dense fog their is a flash of red energy and shouting from the hooded orc, which sounds like commands being given.

Tuhrrad you take only 4 damage from your currently increased max hit points. Tuhrrad was able to get into the fog, attack the pale gloves orc and make it so he is standing in the room at the doorway. The orc is outside the fog cloud standing beside Tuhrrad. Snap get's to throw his dagger now as his readied action. Galdr and Fladriel are up right after Snap reacts.

2018-08-08, 12:12 AM
Galdr (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Galdr/characters/3865079)
Level 3 Inventor Wizard | AC:15 | Slots: 3/2, 2nd level | HP: 21/21 | PP: 12, PI: 15
Superior Darkvision: 120 ft.
Flux: Owl Familiar (Fly 60 ft. | Keen Senses | Flyby)

The gnome chants and makes wild gestures, cocking his head so he can glance into the other room. He looks past the scalded orc toward the fog

The roar of a Drow spellslinger chanting erupts from deep within the fog.

Meanwhile, the owl swoops through the door and begins harassing the solo orc with flyby swoops in and out of the mist.

Galdr casts Minor Illusion (Sound) to imitate a Drow shouting spells in Undercommon. He aims 20’ away, so that it seems like a mage has attacked from the other side of the room.

He sends Flux to conduct the Help action (flyby) in order to aid anyone attacking the visible Orc.

2018-08-08, 05:28 AM
Snap's eyes widen as Tuhrrad barrels forward into the fog, but narrow in determination the moment an orcish figure appears beyond the doorway.

Not sure whether he's considered an unseen attacker (for Advantage), but I'll add a second roll in case that's the ruling:
Attack roll: [roll0]
Second roll, if at advantage: [roll1]

With Tuhrrad standing beside the orc, damage roll if the dagger hits:
[roll2] dagger plus [roll3] Sneak Attack damage

2018-08-08, 07:32 AM
The cook is completely focused on Tuhrrad and doesn't see the dagger as it lodges firmly in his chest, up to the guard. The axe slips from the book's hands and he slumps to the ground, dead.

2018-08-09, 07:53 AM
Fladriel draws his longsword and casts Thaumaturgy, generating a clicking noise from the center of the room.

2018-08-09, 11:33 PM
As the orcs all start shouting in disarray there are the sounds of metal hitting hide and cries of pain. Two orcs stumble out of the mist, one seemingly confused but the other more determined. Upon seeing the slain cook on the ground before Tuhrrad both roar angrily and charge, one slamming it's axe hard ahainst his side but the other overswings and deflects off of the Krynn's shield harmlessly. From within the mists there is some muttering and a soft flash of yellow light. (DC 15 Perception check to make out the words over the sound of the fighting, Arcana check to figure out what was cast)

Two orcs now stand before Tuhrrad, tryign to move around to get in flanking positions. The other three orcs that were asleep as well as both casters remain inside the mist.

Tuhrrad takes 10 damage.

Szass is up, then back to top fo the round with Snap and Tuhrrad.

2018-08-10, 05:55 PM
Szass's free hand contorts as she makes a series of hisses, and a large golden flanged mace appears floating in the air next to one of the orcs menacing Tuhrrad.

Readying one of her javelins once the spell is cast, Szass tosses it at the source of the flash of light in the fog.

Bonus Action: cast Spiritual Weapon. It attacks the orc that overswung: [roll0] for [roll1] force damage.

Action: throw javelin. [roll2] to hit, [roll3] damage if it hits.

2018-08-11, 08:38 AM
Having just watched a pair of orcs emerge from the fog and attack the ally that has shown kindness and aid, Snap emits a growl that sounds uncannily like a large canine, darting forward while drawing his shortsword that glints with a particularly silvery sheen.

Moving into flanking position on the side of the orc that damaged Tuhrrad:

First attack will be against the orc that hit Tuhrrad. Second roll only for advantage if flanking rule is in use (regardless, SA dmg from being next to Tuhrrad):
to hit, [roll1] second roll if with advantage
... dealing [roll2] slashing plus [roll]1d6 Sneak Attack

Will spend 1 ki point to do Flurry of Blows; will attack the same orc each time unless it dies, in which case he will then move around to flank the second orc next to Tuhrrad and attack. 40 ft. movement should cover all of that.

Flurry of Blows:
Attack 1: [roll3] to hit, [roll4] second roll if with advantage
... dealing [roll5] bludgeoning damage
Attack 2: [roll6] to hit, [roll7] second roll if with advantage
... dealing [roll8] bludgeoning damage

If the first orc is still alive or is only killed on the last of three attacks, Snap will dart back just outside the door. If the first orc dies, Snap will move to attack the second (as mentioned above).

Edit: Messed up a little formatting

2018-08-11, 08:40 AM
[Continued from above; messed up the Sneak Attack roll and it can't be edited in. Here's a 1d6 roll for that]

[roll0] Sneak Attack damage

2018-08-11, 10:22 AM
Szass' flaming mace slams into the shoulder of the off-balance orc, nearly driving it to its knees. Her javelin sails into the fog but it sounds like it clatters on stone.

Snap, filled with anger, slips out from behind Tuhrrad and moves unseen behind the orc that injured Tuhrrad. While the orc is raising his axe for another swing, the rogueish Kenny slices both calves then plunges the shortsword into its lower back, a critical blow! The orc looks dumbly down at the tip of the shortsword poking out of its sternum as it slumps forward, dead. With quick speed Snap depositions to the off-balance orc and sweeps out its legs then slams a knee into the orc's throat as it falls.

Both orcs are killed. Remaining orcs are still in the fog cloud. Tuhrrad is up then Hooded orc goes.

2018-08-11, 11:41 AM
Upon being struck, Tuhrrad whirls around to see the orc with Snap's dagger sticking out of it. "Thank yo-" Tuhrrad begins, as two more orcs appear out of the fog.
Tuhrrad barely manages to knock one greataxe away as the other orc strikes him. A shocked grunt escapes his mouth as a floating mace and Snap take care of the two orcs.

"Let's find the rest," he growls, turning to follow toward the sound of the drow.

Roll to find one? [roll0]

Attack action: [roll1] to deal [roll2] piercing damage.

Shove: [roll3] to shove the target away.

Whether or not he finds a target Tuhrrad slinks off to the left side of the room for the rest of his remaining movement (left when facing through the doorway, likely the orc's right).

2018-08-13, 03:26 AM
Tuhrrad wades into the fog and manages to find one of the orcs shouting in confusion, but between the fog and its flailing about his horn are not able to pierce flesh. He shoves the confused creature away from him and is able to safely move across the room, finding a door on that wall similar to the previous ones. He is also now within 10ft of a crude cage covered partially by hides. As he looks into the fog he notices a form step out from the area of the spell, the hooded orc. It moves between Tuhrrad and the cage, raising up a hand as it clutches a spear made of brilliant red energy in it's other hand. It barks out a word in common, power dripping from its lip as Tuhrrad is close enough now to get a look under the hood, the face of this orc is covered in scars and a single eye has been ritually gouged out, the socket left uncovered. The remaining eye, bloodshot with rage and almost glowing with the same energy as the spear.


The word washes over Tuhrrad, his muscles tensing as his mind reels and... The energy is shrugged off by Tuhrrad as easily as if he had to let out a yawn. The caster looks at the Krynn perplexed and seems unnerved by Tuhrrad's mental fortitude.

2018-08-13, 01:11 PM
Fladriel steps through the door and into the room before side stepping to move out of the way of others, keeping his back to the wall.

2018-08-13, 01:51 PM
Galdr (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Galdr/characters/3865079)
Level 3 Inventor Wizard | AC:15 | Slots: 2/2, 2nd level | HP: 21/21 | PP: 12, PI: 15
Superior Darkvision: 120 ft.
Flux: Owl Familiar (Fly 60 ft. | Keen Senses | Flyby)

The gnome’s suit begins to course with eldritch energy. Small gears spin and whir as well. Galdr steps out of the door and toward the edge of the mist, barking a series of words in Undercommon. He extends his gauntlets and all the energy on his suit flows into his gauntlets, firing a cone of brilliant light into the fog.

His owl swoops deeper into the fog in search of orcs to harass and further confuse.

Reckless Casting Color Spray. Hit Points affected within 15ft cone: [roll0]

Galdr moves 5’ into the fog from the right side, walking in at a diagonal angle so that he is pointing across the Fog Cloud and would hit to the farthest extent of the cloud. He then takes the last 10’ of movement back toward the wall on the right side of the door.

Flux wait for the spray and then will use its full movement to dart amid the fog and use the Help action on any orc it finds this round.

2018-08-13, 10:36 PM
The brilliant colors backlight the heavilly obscured figures of several orcs near where the illusionary sound of the "drow" is coming from. They all cry out in confusion, flailing about as all three are blinded by Galdr's spell.

The sounds of the orcs attackign each other continues, a loud cry of pain issuing from one of the orcs. From the direction of the fog that Galdr fled through the orc with the pale colored gloves steps out, shaking off hsi disorientation and noticing Fladriel. He huffs and rushes forward with one arm outstretched. The gloves glow a sickly green as the orc takes a swipe at Fladriel but misses. The air takes on an acrid smell of decay comign from the orc.

No hits land on any PCs, yay!

Szass is up then back to top fo the round!

2018-08-15, 12:49 PM
Seeing the orc attempt a magic attack, Szass unleashes a screaming hiss and moves to engage it, her magic flail trailing after her. "Bad magic! No! Light burn you away!" Drawing her wicked yklwa, she moves to block the gloved orc's path with a stab, while her spiritual mace closes in on the other side and takes a swing.

Bonus action Spiritual Weapon attack: [roll0] and damage [roll1] force

Yklwa: [roll2] and damage [roll3] piercing

2018-08-15, 05:01 PM
Snap watches with apprehension as Tuhrrad disappears into the fog. A moment of hesitation, breathing with rapidity, before hearing "HALT!" bellow through the haze. Just as his eyes begin to screw up with courage and determination and he appears ready to barrel into the fog, the swift emergence of the pale-gloved orc causes him to flinch and the moment of bravery fades.

Seeing Szass pummel the orc with weapons magical and mundane, Snap takes one last look at the adjacent wall of fog before darting over in a flanking position on the gloved orc, echoing the feral canid growl he'd given moments before.

Flanked attack (advantage) against the gloved orc:
Silvered shortsword: [roll0] or [roll1] to hit, for [roll2] slashing plus [roll3] Sneak Attack

- If the attack hits and the orc is still standing:
Unarmed strike: [roll4] or [roll5] to hit, for [roll6] bludgeoning

- If the attack hits and the orc dies, Snap's attacking ends

- If the attack misses, Snap draws his second shortsword and repeats:
Regular shortsword: [roll7] or [roll8] to hit, for [roll9] slashing plus [roll10] Sneak Attack

If the gloved orc is still alive, Snap pivots to give Fladriel a flanking position but stays in melee.

If the gloved orc is dead, Snap moves to extricate his previously thrown dagger from the dead cook.

2018-08-15, 10:39 PM
The spiritual weapon and Szass's spear both connect, the gloved orc crying out in pain. A blur of feathers rushes behind the orc and Snap's shortsword finds the creature's throat, spilling out vital blood as it falls to the ground, gasping. With the gloved orc down Snap is able to retrieve his dagger from the cook's body.

Gloved Orc is dead.
Tuhrrad is up the the Hooded Orc!

2018-08-16, 11:37 AM
Tuhrrad bellows gleefully, and casts Searing Smite before lashing out at the hooded orc or sound where the order came from.

Horn attack: [roll0] dealing [roll1] piercing damage with [roll2] fire damage.
If the spell doesn't work with Tuhrrad's horns the piercing damage is replaced with [roll3] bludgeoning damage (based on his background, I'm assuming Tuhrrad knows whether or not his horns work with the spell).

Whether or not he hits, Tuhrrad moves back to the party, maintaining concentration on searing smite (either to keep the orc on fire or maintain it for his next attack).

2018-08-16, 10:26 PM
His horns lighting aflame, Tuhrrad bashes into the hooded orc, setting his robes on fire as his horns cut into the orc. It snarls in pain and lashes out at Tuhrrad as he pulls away. The pain slows the orc's timing and his spear hits nothing but air.

Attack [roll0] for [roll1]

2018-08-16, 10:34 PM
(forgot it was also his turn, sorry for double post)

Saving throw to stop burning: [roll0]

The Hooded orc barks into the fog at any orcs that remain to follow it's cry as it chases after Tuhrrad, chasing Tuhrrad surprisingly fast and stabbing at the krynn with a crackling red spear. However, despite his anger that orc cannot seem to find any weak points in Tuhrrad's defenses.

[roll1] for [roll2]

2018-08-17, 01:42 AM
Galdr (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Galdr/characters/3865079)
Level 3 Inventor Wizard | AC:15 | Slots: 1/2, 2nd level | HP: 21/21 | PP: 12, PI: 15
Superior Darkvision: 120 ft.
Flux: Owl Familiar (Fly 60 ft. | Keen Senses | Flyby)

Galdr takes a moment to listen to the chaos around him. Then he smirks at the thought some of these orcs are about to stumble doubly blind through the fog. He whispers a jumble of gnomish words and gestures toward the three in the center of the arcane mist. A large pool of slick grease spreads under the three orcs' feet. The gnome then bolts toward the group, aiming to pass through the doorway to take a stand behind the knot of melee specialists. "The fun is coming! If you see a Red One, hit it hard."

Flux shrieks as it blasts through the fog in a puff of trailing mist. It swoops past the hooded orc and flails its wings in the orc's face before ripping back into the hovering cloud.

Galdr casts Grease under the three orcs preparing to charge. Do the orcs have a disadvantage on their Dex save (DC 13) due to being blinded?

Flux uses a flyby Help action against the hooded orc before flying back high and deep into the Fog Cloud.

2018-08-17, 10:39 AM
Fladriel laughs as the orc that attacked him sinks to the ground. He then looks around, ready for the next creature to come from the fog. Then he wonders how long the fog will last.

2018-08-20, 12:01 AM
The orcs have some difficulty from the Grease spell, two falling over and stumbling back to their feet. Blinking away the spots in their eyes they heed the call of the hooded orc and are able to reach the edge of the mist. Their savage nature fuels them with bloodlust and they each rush forward against a different target.

One swing his greataxe into Tuhrrad but the blade bounces harmlessly off the Krynn's armor. A second goes for Snap but hiss wing is too higha nd the agile Kenku is able to duck under the blow. But luck does not hold for Faladriel as the third orc chops down, slicing into the bard's shoulder. The orc shouts something in orcish at it's fellow warriors who hoot back in what can be discerned as a cheer.

Faladriel takes 11 damage.

Szass is up then back to the top of the round.

2018-08-20, 07:54 PM
Repeating what she did before, Szass sends her Spiritual Weapon floating in to assist the injured Faladriel, and shrieks a hiss as she moves to spear the orc attacking Turrhad.

Bonus action Spiritual Weapon attack: [roll0] and damage [roll1] force

Yklwa: [roll2] and damage [roll3] piercing

2018-08-20, 10:40 PM
The orc take the hit from Szass's spiritual weapon to the face, knocking a tooth loose and splattering blood onto the floor. Before he gain regain his balance Szass plants her spear in his gut, knocking the wind out of him and lifting him an inch from the ground. He then comes crashing back down in a heap, the life spilling out of him.

Another orc killed, Snap and Tuhrrad are up.

2018-08-21, 05:13 AM
Having just ducked beneath the swing of a greataxe, Snap thrusts upward with his shortsword at the orc that attacked.

First attack, with shortsword:
[roll0] for [roll1] piercing plus [roll2] Sneak Attack

- If the attack misses:

Offhand attack with second shortsword:

[roll3] for [roll4] piercing plus [roll5] Sneak Attack

- If the orc is still alive, Snap stays put.

- If the orc is dead, Snap darts off diagonally into the fog, behind the campfire in relation to the hooded orc and the other orc attacking Tuhrrad (remaining within the fog cloud).

- If the attack hits and the orc is still standing:

Sharp kick upward (unarmed strike):

[roll6] for [roll7] bludgeoning

- If the orc is still alive, Snap stays put.

- If the orc is dead, Snap darts off diagonally into the fog, behind the campfire in relation to the hooded orc and the other orc attacking Tuhrrad (remaining within the fog cloud).

- If the attack hits and the orc falls dead:

Snap darts off diagonally into the fog, behind the campfire in relation to the hooded orc and the other orc attacking Tuhrrad (remaining within the fog cloud), and as a bonus action attempts to hide within the fog:

Stealth: [roll8]

If Snap happens to step within the grease square, here's a Dexterity saving throw:
[roll9] against Galdr's DC 13
If he falls prone, there should still be enough movement to get up to his feet, I think?

2018-08-21, 01:19 PM
Tuhrrad strikes at the 'regular' orc in front of him, then shoves at the nearest target away to try to maneuver himself into a better position.
[roll0] to deal [roll1] piercing damage.

I forgot Krynn Minotaur have advantage on shoves; [roll2] and [roll3] to push away as a bonus action. If the regular orc doesn't die that's his target, if it dies he'll target the Hooded orc. If he targets the Hooded orc and succeeds he'll move between Fladriel and the area marked "trapdoors?" on the map (otherwise he'll stay put).

2018-08-21, 10:49 PM
Snap's initial thrust with his shortsword misses his target but is follow up blow catches it in the stomach. As it doubles over in pain a rising knee from the kenku catches it in the chin. The orc staggers back, eyes blinking away the pain as it lows down, badly injured but still filled with anger.

Tuhrrad slams his horns down into his intended enemy and impales the orc in the face, shaking them off and turning to attempt to shove the hooded orc away, but the orc proves stronger than he looks and holds his ground.

Roaring in anger at the fall of his allies the hooded orc steps under Tuhrrad's guarded stance and thrusts upward with both hands, driving a spear into Tuhrrad's ribcage and leaving a grievous wound! The crackling red spiritual spear controlled by the hooded orc floats over towards Snap and stabs at the kenku but is unable to land a blow.

Tuhrrad takes 15 damage!
Faladriel and Galdr are up, then the last regular orc, then Szass

2018-08-22, 08:45 AM
Galdr (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Galdr/characters/3865079)
Level 3 Inventor Wizard | AC:15 | Slots: 1/2, 2nd level | HP: 21/21 | PP: 12, PI: 15
Superior Darkvision: 120 ft.
Flux: Owl Familiar (Fly 60 ft. | Keen Senses | Flyby)

Galdr steps toward the injured orc from behind, moving against the far wall. He chants gnomish and his suit hums as blue energy pulses on its cables. He raises his gauntlet and a pale blue beam rips toward the orc.

As Galdr’s suit is charging, his owl dive-bombs the orc from above. It peels away into the cloud as the beam emits from Galdr’s hand.

Galdr casts Ray of Frost. Attack and damage rolls: [roll0] [roll1], [roll2]

Flux uses a flyby Help action against the orc facing Snap to grant advantage on Ray of Frost before flying back high and deep into the Fog Cloud.

2018-08-23, 02:23 PM
Fladriel will cast cure wounds on himself. [roll0]

2018-08-23, 10:30 PM
Galdr's cold beam of energy hits the orc as Flux harasses the enemy, hitting the orc in the back. The orc, already badly injured, falls to the ground as a layer of frost coats his back and he lets out a final breath.

Faladriel's wounds glow a soft light as they heal up most of the way.

Szass is up then Snap, then Tuhrrad.

2018-08-25, 11:37 AM
Seeing the Hooded Orc appear and noticing it directing the action of what also appears to be a Spiritual Weapon, Szass takes on the task of going cleric-á-cleric with it. Her own Spiritual Weapon floats around to strike at the Hooded Orc from the side, and she simultaneously steps up next to Turrhad as well, driving with her own yklwa. "You ok, Mr. Horns?"

Bonus action Spiritual Weapon attack: [roll0] and damage [roll1] force

Yklwa: [roll2] and damage [roll3] piercing

2018-08-25, 01:07 PM
Snap, in a frenzy, moves to dart into the corner next to the red-hooded orc. He plants his feet and mimics the sound of a snorting bull, before thrusting upward aggressively with one of his shortswords.

First shortsword attack:
[roll0] to hit, for [roll1] piercing plus [roll2] Sneak Attack

Then, will spend a ki point for Flurry of Blows, going for a knee strike to the inside of the orc's right knee followed by an elbow to the gut:
[roll3] to hit for [roll4] bludgeoning, and [roll5] to hit for [roll6] bludgeoning

2018-08-25, 01:20 PM
"It's Tuhrrad, and I'm still standing."

If the orc is still standing, he strikes out.
Attack: [roll0] dealing [roll1] piercing damage
Bonus action to shove: [roll2] and [roll3]

If the shove succeeds he moves into the fog, toward the cage.

2018-08-26, 10:23 PM
Szass's floating mace slams into the orc's shoulder as Snap ducks in from behind Tuhrrad to deliver a solid stab with his shortsword. The hit to the orc's knee is similar to kicking a solid tree, but the elbow to the orc's stomach knocks the wind out of it. This is only a moment of pain as the orc is able to duck under Tuhrrad's horns, robe catching and tearing to reveal a set of ringmail under the robe. As Tuhrrad goes to shove the orc back he finds his strength is matched at the moment. Tuhrrad being the most obviously injured and the biggest target, the hooded orc stabs with his main spear as his spiritual weapon attempts a prod from behind, but neither attack is able to leave a mark in Tuhrrad, though the impact of the spear just glancing off his armor, the Krynn can tell that if the orc's aim had been more centered it could have meant trouble for him.

The orc sustains significant damage from the multiple attacks and looks very badly wounded.

Faladriel, Galdr, then Szass, then back to the top of the round.

Fog cloud ends in 3 turns.

2018-08-27, 02:20 AM
Galdr (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Galdr/characters/3865079)
Level 3 Inventor Wizard | AC:15 | Slots: 1/2, 2nd level | HP: 21/21 | PP: 12, PI: 15
Superior Darkvision: 120 ft.
Flux: Owl Familiar (Fly 60 ft. | Keen Senses | Flyby)

Galdr’s owl shrieks from overhead and plunges down into the fray. As it swoops, Galdr strikes his gauntlets together. A pale green energy flows over the armor, which he releases as a pulse from his suit. A sickly green hand manifests and seeks to grasp the hooded orc.

Galdr casts Chill Touch. Attack and damage rolls: [roll0] [roll1], [roll2]

If the hit lands, orc cannot heal by any means until Galdr’s next turn.

Flux uses a flyby Help action against the hooded orc to ensure advantage on Chill Touch before flying back high and deep into the Fog Cloud.

2018-08-27, 11:30 PM
The green hand passes through the orc, who shudders and gasps, grabbing at his chest as he falls to his knees, wheezing, before collapsing in an unconscious heap. Everyone around the orc can see he is still breathing but his injuries were just bad enough to knock him out. The fog then evaporates as Galdr dismisses it, revealing the rest of the room once more, including the knocked over meat spit, scattered hide blankets, and the doors on the other walls as well as trapdoors in the center ceiling and floor, same as the last room.

Combat is over and characters can move around more or less freely. The room is suffused with low light like the previous room, so perception checks based on sight to looks around will be at disadvantage everywhere that is not adjacent to the fire pit. Producing a source of bright light (such as a torch or the Light spell) will help negate these penalties. Investigation checks and Perception checks based on hearing can be done normally.

2018-08-28, 01:34 AM
Galdr (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Galdr/characters/3865079)
Level 3 Inventor Wizard | AC:15 | Slots: 1/2, 2nd level | HP: 21/21 | PP: 12, PI: 15
Superior Darkvision: 120 ft.
Flux: Owl Familiar (Fly 60 ft. | Keen Senses | Flyby)

Galdr meanders past each orc like he is searching for something. He pipes to the others surroundinf the hooded orc, ”Sod’s still breathing. I suggest you bind or break his fingers so he can’t sling any more spells...and the cage might be a good home for ‘im while we get the dark of this place out of his hide.”

Meanwhile Flux soars toward the cage and perches on its top if no threat is perceived inside.

Galdr hunts for the bag that radiated transmutation magic. He saw it on an orc before the scuffle and would have mentally noted that for later. [roll0], [roll1]

He has superior darkvision, so not sure how the lighting affects his rolls. I rolled disadvantage just in case.

Flux inspects the cage: Perception: [roll2] [roll3].

2018-08-28, 01:45 AM
Note on Darkvision for all players[/S]]Darkvision gives you the ability to roll sight based perception checks when in complete darkness as if you were in low light. Low light is still treated as low light, so disadvantage is still in effect. Darkvision just means in complete darkness you won't be considered blind, which would make sight based perception checks autofail.

Galdr looks around for the bag that had the magic aura coming from it and despite the orcs having scattered their things in the confusion of the fog cloud he manages to recognize the bag on one of the fallen orcs. Opening it he finds a glass vial. The contents are separated into brown, silver, and gray layers resembling bands of stone. Shaking the bottle fails to mix the colors. Flux does not notice anything more than a heap of something at the bottom of the cage. It looks like just a mound of rags and chains.

GM Note: Edited do to my misunderstanding of Darkvision's wording.

2018-08-28, 05:39 AM
A moment after the hooded orc falls, Snap shakily backs away, moving to put Tuhrrad between the unconscious form and himself. Looking around in horror at the aftermath, he moves to the campfire. After a few seconds of looking around twitchily, his swift and ragged breathing begins to calm, and his visage grows weary. He stares glassy-eyed at the carcass of the creature that had been roasting over the flames...

Not sure which skill for this, but assuming Nature based on the last attempt. Otherwise the modifier can be changed later on DM discretion:

2018-08-28, 08:07 AM
Fladriel walks over and tears part of a blanket and goes to tie the hooded orc's hands together.

2018-08-29, 01:07 AM
Edited previous post for Galdr.

Snap cannot determine what sort of creature the orcs were cooking, only able to figure out that its meat apparently has a consistency of some sort of fish or amphibian and it has at least 5 distinct limbs.

Fladriel, make a Dexterity check to determine how well you tie the orc's hands together.

2018-08-29, 08:04 AM
When the hooded orc falls, Szass sheathes her weapon but keeps her shield out. Her conjured weapon floats by her as she first retrieves her javelin, then, sniffing at the air, moves to inspect the thing roasting on the fire. Being much less squeamish about eating whatever this is than the rest of them, she at least tries to figure out its nature and if it's well-spiced.

Perception: [roll0]

Since I don't know how long we're resting I might encourage people to spend Hit Dice to heal after a short rest. It doesn't seem like we've been "active" long enough to merit a long rest and, spell/Channel recovery being what it is, I'd almost prefer to hold off on using healing spells if a short rest + Hit Die does things well enough, and then I can spend my Channel right before we take a long rest (just remember, Channel Life is more of an emergency button, as it can restore a creature to no more than half of its hit point maximum.

2018-08-29, 11:23 AM
Galdr (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Galdr/characters/3865079)
Level 3 Inventor Wizard | AC:15 | Slots: 1/2, 2nd level | HP: 21/21 | PP: 12, PI: 15
Superior Darkvision: 120 ft.
Flux: Owl Familiar (Fly 60 ft. | Keen Senses | Flyby)

Galdr pockets the vial for further study and shuffles toward the cage for a closer inspection. Before he leaves, Galdr points to the orc’s armor, “Someone might want some extra duds. Let’s not let the sod give us the laugh by coming to with some bark on its skin to match its bite.”

As he passes the campfire, he asks, ”Is it worth salvaging? A berk can work up an appetite in a slinging contest.”

Flux remains perched on top of the cage and assists her master.

Galdr inspects the cage while Flux does the Help action. Investigation: [roll0] [roll1] (if with advantage).

If we take a short rest, which I also recommend, Galdr will do Arcane Recovery to get two first level spell slots back.

2018-08-29, 12:04 PM
During this time, Tuhrrad has been wiping away blood, starting with his horns and working his way down. "To much luck at the end there." he mumbles.

When he mostly finishes, he turns toward the rest of the party and joins anyone in front of the meat.

2018-08-30, 06:26 PM
Szass carves off some meat and samples it, then starts wildly laughing. "River crocodile, I think, I think! With citrus! Somehow! Do not see or smell any fruit, here, hmmmm..."

Regardless, she starts to carve a larger portion. "Eat, eat," she chides at the others.

2018-09-01, 04:48 PM
Galdr (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Galdr/characters/3865079)
Level 3 Inventor Wizard | AC:15 | Slots: 1/2, 2nd level | HP: 21/21 | PP: 12, PI: 15
Superior Darkvision: 120 ft.
Flux: Owl Familiar (Fly 60 ft. | Keen Senses | Flyby)

Galdr tugs at his beard and then mumbles something in gnomish. An ear-splitting screech emits next to the unmoving creature similar to a gnomish winding drill against a sapphire's skin. He calls out, “We got a breather in here!”

The gnome pipes at the creature in the cage, ”Anything still rumbling around in your brainbox?”

Flux attempts to find a hole large enough to enter the cage and begin pecking at the body.

Galdr casts Minor Illusion (sound) to create the sound of a drill on a hard object (similar to a dentist drilling into a tooth, but for jeweler's)

Flux will enter the cage if it can and poke at the prisoner in an attempt to Help rouse it.

2018-09-05, 06:37 AM
That which slumbers, did so no more. Thankfully in this case it wasn't an elder god, but the mountain of humanoid that sat up at the sudden sound that one could only call Hell for the ears. Especially when he was very keen in riding out his imprisonment in blissful sleep. The man was grey of skin, standing well over seven feet in height, and his skin marked with tribal tattoos that only seemed to stop once they reached his neck. His hair was braided back, several rows of braids leading to one massive one that fell down his back, ending only at the center of his back. When the man woke, chains and rags being all that hid his shame, he did so not in panic or shock from the noise, but by slamming his head against the bars in anger, swearing out to the others. "Let me sleep, damn things! No noise, or Ba-kon (Bacon) rip from you arms and shove deep down your damned-... Wait. Not green things." Somewhat confused, as these were not the ones who captured him. "Who be?"

2018-09-05, 11:36 AM
Galdr (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Galdr/characters/3865079)
Level 3 Inventor Wizard | AC:15 | Slots: 3/2, 2nd level | HP: 21/21 | PP: 12, PI: 15
Superior Darkvision: 120 ft.
Flux: Owl Familiar (Fly 60 ft. | Keen Senses | Flyby)

Galdr recasts the spell, creating a stool in the cage, ceasing the grating sound. He mutters into his beard, “Great, another barmy sod.”

The gnome barks at the creature in the cage, “You name yerself for grub, pr was that your parents? Guessing you let the orcs bar you in while you got yer winks. I am a gnome of no consequence.”

The gnome steps back from the cage as if to look up at the face wedged onto the bulk of flesh.

Flux slips back out of the bars and takes to circling above the room, searching the other doors for signs of life.

Owl perception (hearing through all doors not yet entered): [roll0], [roll1] edit: He has natural advantage on perception rolls.

Galdr Arcana and Nature to recognize creature in cage’s race: [roll2], [roll3] respectively.

2018-09-06, 09:18 PM
The additional rolls required for doors on each wall.

Perception rolls for wall 1 [roll0] [roll1] | wall 2 [roll2] [roll3] | wall 3 [roll4] [roll5]

2018-09-06, 10:13 PM
Flux listens at the trap door on the cieling, then each of the three doors the party had not passed through. Through the trap door on the cieling the owl familiar hears bubbling liquid. Through the door Tuhrrad had gotten close to earlier in the fight low, heavy breathing can be heard beyond that door. Beyond the door opposite the one the group came through and the last door to be checked there is nothing heard.

2018-09-08, 01:24 PM
Piling up the orc's battleaxes, Tuhrrad is visibly miserable about the low amount of material to work with. "We woke up in the next room and fought the orcs, if that is what you mean. I'm guessing you don't like them, if they locked you up?"

2018-09-09, 08:19 AM
"Name Ba-kon, not grub. Grub small stringy things sailor use for fishing, Gnome of no Con...se....quence. Gnome of no Con-se-quence. Woke up in cage, not taken. Would crush orc in heartbeat. They took Ba-kon things, they keep caged." Words all shared as the man moved onto the stool that was added into his cage. Despite the brutish and primal way of the man, he was no stranger, nor fearful, of magic. Snorting loudly as he got comfortable, looking the others over slowly. "Would prefer be let free of cage. Soon."

2018-09-10, 02:57 PM
Szass peers at the being, trying to see if it is injured. "Your name...is delicious," she begins laughing.

2018-09-10, 04:06 PM
"I hope there aren't any hard feelings about us crushing the orcs first," Tuhrrad smirks. He finishes piling up the weapons, and walks closer to the cage. "Once someone gets you out, are there any weapons you would need?"

2018-09-11, 08:22 AM
A confused look was offered to Szass for her comment, "If you know how to eat names, you must teach. Best way to suffer dishonorable foe. Devour name, along with glory. No eating mine, though. Need it for future battles. Hard to get new name." Attention turning to Tuhrrad next, shaking his head. "I know where things are. Just need freed. Then going to plant axe in every slaver face I see. May watch selves, blood splatters."

2018-09-11, 08:45 AM
"Allow me to help with this," Fladriel says as he approaches the cage. He casts Knock to unlock the door for the mountainous man.

2018-09-11, 09:30 AM
Szass lets out a long, hollow cackle at the response, then turns and starts looking for other doors, and also takes a moment to see if the Hooded Orc has any magical implements on him. "I like you. Get food. Tastes like citrus. Questionable meat! But effective for protein! Hmm....orc stew next perhaps..."

2018-09-11, 11:18 AM
The cage lock pops off and the door creaks open. Ba-kon is now free of the cage.

2018-09-12, 12:53 PM
Tuhrrad shrugs at Ba-kon's response, if you have the weapons, great. He returns to the pile of metal he has assembled. At Szass's remark he looks slightly squeamish. "Uh, let's not stay long enough to make stew. Yes, that's my problem with your idea."

2018-09-13, 06:52 PM
Enjoying the tinkling of coins, Szass takes the pouch, then notes the hooded orc's other gear. "This one...priest of Gruumsh. One-eyed orc god. Very angry." She starts to laugh and slices the holy symbol from around his neck with her dagger. "Cannot be more careful, letting a priest keep his god's symbol so close," her eyes flit back and forth as she caresses the icon of the Morninglord on her shield. That done, she sets about prepping this roast meat for transport and preservation. "Oh and there are probably more greenies. Not too many in this war band for a priest. Maybe lost, like us, somewhere else?" She shrugs, then gets back to the food prep.

2018-09-16, 03:48 AM
Tuhrrad considers the chance of more orcs. "they could have ended up here as a group, but otherwise waking up the way we did. Still, caution would be useful." He stuffs the orc's weapons with his gear where he can.

2018-09-28, 10:05 AM
"Which way should we go?" The teifling says to the others.

2018-09-30, 04:47 PM
"Who wants to take a listen?" Tuhrrad hold out his arm, to be ready to cast.

2018-10-01, 10:56 AM
"Why don't we open the one in the floor, we could shut it before anything could jump up to us."

2018-10-03, 10:07 AM
"If you like." Tuhrrad casts guidance on Fladriel and moves over to the trapdoor.