View Full Version : Tempest Cleric 9 / Something 1

2018-07-18, 09:36 AM
I have a 10th level character with 9 levels of Tempest Cleric. It seems that taking a 10th level of Cleric (not expecting to ever get to 11) is rather pointless, as Divine Intervention is almost useless at this level. What would you recommend for a 1-level dip at this point, or why should I stay with Cleric for my last level?

The character is human, stats 18 (Wis) 14 (Dex) 14 (Con) 13 (Str) 13 (Cha) 13 (Int).

2018-07-18, 10:08 AM
Expertise is about the only thing you can add, since it's the last level of that character.

Goolock telepathy might also work, or natural explorer.

2018-07-18, 10:32 AM
1 level of fighter would give you a fighting style (protection?) and second wind. That's not something to scoff at.
1 level of wizard gives you access to all the wizard level 1 rituals
1 level wild sorcerer gives you tides of chaos
1 level shadow sorcerer gives you 120 ft darkvision and a prevent death 1/rest ability
1 level storm sorcerer gives you the ability to use a bonus action when you cast any level 1 or higher spell to move 10 ft with no AoO
1 level rogue gives sneak attack 1d6 and expertise.

All are decent options. Although Wizard, Shadow Sorcerer, and Storm Sorcerer seem the best to me (they will continue you spell progression and give you more options).

2018-07-18, 10:36 AM
For more lightning damage, 1 level of Warlock for Witch Bolt and a Patron Feature. You could also use other features as well, but that is the one that is most tempest-cleric-y, even though it's not very good.

For spell-powered flight, 1 level of Storm sorcerer for a bit of flight each time you cast a spell.

1 Level of Barbarian if you want to rage and hit people with your divine lightning damage for a change.

2018-07-18, 12:57 PM
Probably fighter.

2018-07-18, 01:07 PM
Well after 9 levels of Cleric, what do you feel your character is lacking?

Fighter is probably the easiest.
Druid would get you Shillelagh if you want to be much better in melee.
Sorcerer gets you Lightning Cantrips.

Unless there is something specific you want, I'd just stick with Cleric if you feel you're that close to the end of your campaign.

2018-07-18, 01:09 PM
Do you already have Booming Blade? Because picking that up would probably be the best option.
Edit: Oh, you've got weak physical stats so melee isn't really an option. Feel free to ignore.

2018-07-18, 01:18 PM
Just stick with Cleric to get your extra level 5 spell slot and more level 5 cleric spells known. Divine Intervention isn't exactly junk, either.

2018-07-18, 01:20 PM
Hard to say exactly without knowing your role in the party but 1 level of rogue for an extra skill and 2 expertise would be nice.

2018-07-18, 02:07 PM
I think you should keep taking Cleric. Level 10 gets you one level closer to when the Cleric becomes an S tier monster in the late game. I know it's tempting to multiclass, but level 11 comes after and there's plenty of good things to come from that and beyond.