View Full Version : Best use of a mimic

Mike Miller
2018-07-19, 06:48 PM
Does anyone have any good mimic stories?

In the World's Largest Dungeon, I used the best mimic in my career exactly as the encounter was written. There is a gelatinous cube the size of a hallway with a chest floating inside. The PCs naturally decided to kill it right away for the chest. They were quite surprised when the cheat jumped out and attacked them once combat carried on after a bit. We still mention that encounter once in a while. No one saw it coming.

2018-07-19, 08:40 PM
Am playing a Mimic/Doppelganger hybrid right now.

Best thing is how the other player's paladin reacts when a new persona shows up to join the quest right after a previous persona wanders off. Or when my character vanishes "behind" a door or piece of furniture no one noticed until just now.

He just smiles at the GM and says, 'The light provides.' :smallsmile:

2018-07-19, 09:30 PM
I have the best Mimic story.

www.rustyandco.com (http://rustyandco.com/comic/level-1-title/)

2018-07-20, 09:33 AM
In my last campaign, we didn't have a lot of time to play, so I tended to overload the encounters so everyone leveled up quickly. But I was worried about going too far into TPK territory, so I would try and put in friendly creatures/allies that could jump in if things started to go pear-shaped for the PCs. I had some gricks hiding behind an illusionary wall, and I was concerned that the four tentacle attacks would overwhelm the PCs.

So I added a "table" to the room where the PCs were supposed to be meeting with some cultists, a mimic NPC named Davenport that would jump in to help out (KoDT reference). Then I noticed that the gricks had DR 10/magic, and I realized the mimic could grapple but might not be able to hurt the gricks. So I added the Celestial template to the mimic to make sure his natural attacks bypassed DR 10/magic. When combat broke out, Davenport helped the PCs pulverize the gricks.

Next big combat was a thone room confrontation, so I put Davenport in there to help out. After that, escape from the palace harem, and Davenport showed up there, as well. At that point, whenever I drew out a combat on the battlemat, the PCs would start guessing where Davenport was "hiding", and I had to work really hard to find a spot I could put him that wasn't super-obvious.

Next campaign I run, I have a feeling Davenport may be making some cameo appearances.