View Full Version : IC: Planesfinder

2018-07-20, 10:23 AM
Welcome to Yulgamot! the only safe haven in the Astral Plane. A constantly changing population, with only a rare few sticking around. The sky is made of silvery clouds...the ever expanding and void known as the Astral plane. In Stranger plateau, a large platform with many warehouses and the plaza your group find themselves in, has many visitors from all over the planes.

Humanoids and creatures of all shapes, sizes and colors are strolling through the plaza, as if going on their usual business. There are many tall buildings with ladders helping many of the people who can't fly to climb up, those tall edifices.

Some pink tall humanoids are riding disks made of stones in the sky, traveling around with ease. You are far from home at the moment, standing not too far away are the party members that walked through the portal with you. It was a simple quest, now you are in unfamiliar territories.

Mostly a good time for introduction and get to talk with the others. Just wanted to give a chance for people to post first before we get this party started.

2018-07-21, 04:42 PM
Kip Quarrington

Kip whistles loudly in amazement. “I gotta get me one of those!” he exclaims, staring up at the floating stones the creatures were riding through the sky, his eyes starry.

He turns back to the small band of adventurers, his accompaniment through the gate. “Well, we made it by Chaldira’s luck. Glad we’re all still in one piece!”

2018-07-22, 06:18 PM
The stocky vanara puts a hand over his eyes as he looks at the flying things. "Hm, I thought these were stepping stones of the gods, yet these things use them so freely! Most curious," he comments, before replying. "Aye, we're in one piece - but far from home. Maybe it's destiny."

Stelio Kontos
2018-07-22, 07:54 PM
Milil looked around, clutching his bow tightly, pondering the new sights. "Most unusual" he finally whispered. "Most unusual."

2018-07-23, 02:29 PM
Loralynn nods in agreement, "I'd love to ride one of those! I wonder if they'd let me?" She waves her hands frantically trying to get their attention before giving up and turning to her companions. "Have any of you been here before? Anything we should check out while we're here? I love exploring new places!"

2018-07-23, 03:49 PM
"I haven't been here before," Kip answers, taking off at a sprint, "but I know the first thing I do anytime I head somewhere new! Find the nearest street food cart and get my grub on!" He darts through the crowd of people until he arrives at a food vendor's cart in the center of the throngs of people. His mouth watering, he quickly starts pointing out item after item of strange foods - fried tentacles on a stick, some kind of cup of weird orange-and-blue goop, an array of multicolored glittery powders in jars, and a strange, still-moving crispy insectoid creature are among the items he orders from the slightly amused vendor. "I'll take this, and this, and this, and oooh! Yes, one of those!" He's incredibly excited to try everything, and he turns back, his eyes wide with excitement, to beckon the rest of his companions over to taste his newfound treats. He takes a huge bite out of a fried tentacle with a loud crunch, the juicy flesh dancing on his tongue sending his tastebuds roaring with excitement over a taste he'd never experienced before.

"DAMN, THIS IS GOOD!" the halfling says, happily munching away. He's completely forgotten about paying the impatient vendor behind him, who begins tapping his foot with an annoyed look on his face. "C'mon guys! You gotta try this stuff! The food here is amazing!" Kip yells, completely oblivious.

Stelio Kontos
2018-07-23, 04:31 PM
Loralynn nods in agreement, "I'd love to ride one of those! I wonder if they'd let me?" She waves her hands frantically trying to get their attention before giving up and turning to her companions. "Have any of you been here before? Anything we should check out while we're here? I love exploring new places!"

"I have not" Milil said quietly, taking in the surroundings in as much detail as he could given the, erm, distractions. "We appear to have been transported to the Astral Plane, I believe."

2018-07-23, 06:55 PM
Jess checks on her stuff, quickly opens her backpack and checks everything's in place. "My... chalk? This uh, thing? Yes! Everything's here! I'm fine, too."

She looks above and opens her eyes in amazement. "Woah, this... place is weird! Ah! But in a cool way, not in a eww way, totally!" Then she turns to the halfling, who looked as amazed as her should be. "Well, it's bad mannerisms to not accept food from strange places!" And she goes with Kip to share whatever he picked up.

2018-07-23, 11:55 PM
Kip's face splits into a wide, goofy grin as Jess walks over to share the treats. By this time, the shopkeeper's had enough of the halfling's dalliance of payment, and he taps him sharply on the shoulder. Kip starts, then yelps "Oh, right!" Unfortunately, the halfling is now in a bit of a conundrum. His arms are full of the snacks he purchased, which leaves him no easy way to reach his coin purse. He gestures with his shoulder to Jess, making a slight beckoning motion. "Hey Jess, help me out, willya?" If she obliges, he continues. "My coin purse, inside my pack. Can you get it and pay this fine gentleman?" He turns around to allow full access to his well-laden backpack.

Inside the pack is a multitude of supplies and cases, all neatly tied down with straps, rope and fasteners. There's several scroll cases, parchment, and ink, what looks like tools for weapon and armor maintenance including cloths, whetstones, oil, and needle and thread, as well as a small wooden box containing a plethora of beard oils and grooming tools. Finally, at the bottom of the bag, is the coin purse, bulging with gold and silver coins.

2018-07-25, 12:08 PM
Loralynn happily joins Kip at the food truck and orders a few foods as well. "This was a great idea!"

Stelio Kontos
2018-07-25, 12:21 PM
Milil stood back, letting the others have their bit of fun; perhaps he wasn't quite as interested in diving head-first into something without a care in the world, or perhaps he just wasn't hungry just then. Instead, he spent his time casting an eye -- and ear -- about for any informative conversations that might be ongoing.

2018-07-25, 02:41 PM
Jessica does as told. "Huh, full of stuffy stuff in here." She says while searching the backpack. "Is this a cat? No, wait that's wrong. Cats prefer purses, what was I thinking? Oh! I found it." Finishes talking and takes out the coin bag, ready to pay the shoopkeeper for the food.

"So, umm. What's next, guys?"

2018-07-25, 03:35 PM
Loralynn nods in agreement, "I'd love to ride one of those! I wonder if they'd let me?" She waves her hands frantically trying to get their attention before giving up and turning to her companions. "Have any of you been here before? Anything we should check out while we're here? I love exploring new places!"

"Only in stories, and I'm not sure how many of these are right," the Vanara clicks his tongue. "The tall ones on the discs? We call them shulsaga. Great hunters, but very aggressive. Chase everyone away, supposedly, but they just ignored us. Can swim in the astral - and catch those who they don't want. Not much for big cities like this one... so I thought."
Vaki sniffs at the food. It is strange-smelling, but the little one says it is tast. "How much for that one?". he points at a stick with several small grilled animals, a cross between an insect and a mouse, on it.

2018-07-25, 04:01 PM
Loralynn nods as Vaki explains, pulling out a well-worn journal and taking notes and making rough sketches of the scene around the group while they decide on their next course of action.