View Full Version : Puzzled I am starting to wonder about a few things...

2018-07-20, 12:16 PM
First off, if Female Human Vampire Cleric thinks that after this Hel Business she can go "try some things", doesn't that imply she doesn't know that the plan is to destroy the world? Why would Vampire Durkon not tell her?

Second, how is Roy able to take down all 3 of the martial OOTS members, (one hasted) so quickly? I thought he was lower level than them.... is there something in Class/Level geekery that I didnt read right?

Rogar Demonblud
2018-07-20, 12:33 PM
Well, Ponchula could be planning on having her fun in World 3.0, rather than in this one. She has time.

And the first step to Roy pwning the others is that he has d10s and a good CON bonus, and they don't. Belkar has d8s and one or two d12s, Haley and Elan are rocking d6s. And none of them likely has a CON worth mentioning.

2018-07-20, 12:46 PM
First off, if Female Human Vampire Cleric thinks that after this Hel Business she can go "try some things", doesn't that imply she doesn't know that the plan is to destroy the world? Why would Vampire Durkon not tell her?

Apparently they have a plan to plane shift.

We can assume that one of the vampire clerics has prepared the plane shift spell and is ready to cast it moments after the final vote.

But to address the broader point, we should also assume that she only knows the parts of the plan she absolutely needs to know, or has overheard from others. She’s a day old vampire, and they’re not getting orientation meetings. They know their orders, and that’s it.

2018-07-20, 04:13 PM
Well, Ponchula could be planning on having her fun in World 3.0, rather than in this one. She has time.

I dont know if that makes sense though... Durkons evil twin came from Hel because he was a dwarf.... is she even a follower of Hel? I get the distinct impression that she is not in on it, maybe only the dwarves are...

2018-07-20, 04:18 PM
First off, if Female Human Vampire Cleric thinks that after this Hel Business she can go "try some things", doesn't that imply she doesn't know that the plan is to destroy the world? Why would Vampire Durkon not tell her?

Second, how is Roy able to take down all 3 of the martial OOTS members, (one hasted) so quickly? I thought he was lower level than them.... is there something in Class/Level geekery that I didnt read right?

One of the Golden Rules of 3.5 - Do not trade full attacks with the Big Stupid Fighter.

2018-07-20, 04:34 PM
I dont know if that makes sense though... Durkons evil twin came from Hel because he was a dwarf.... is she even a follower of Hel? I get the distinct impression that she is not in on it, maybe only the dwarves are...
Vamp Durkon wasn't made by Hel because Durkon was a dwarf, but because he was a northerner. Link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?339912-Vampire-question-settled/page8&p=17327934#post17327934).

Rogar Demonblud
2018-07-20, 04:37 PM
She also says "What the Boss?" once or twice, which only makes sense if she works for Hel.

Mike Havran
2018-07-20, 04:52 PM
I believe, in case they succeed, Ponchula and the other vampires will withdraw via Plane Shift to Hel's domain before the second world will be destroyed. In the fresh new one, they'll be like demigods among the freshly created L1 inhabitants.

And nobody knows how Roy's weapon of legacy really works; he OHKOed Brother Sandstone, who was about level 11 vampire cleric in a single hit, so he may at this point knock down anything the plot wants.

2018-07-26, 02:24 PM
The vampires know the contents of the plan, and they know how to escape. Brother Mirrham's vampire (or however you spell the name) told Minrah as he was trying to dominate her that if she helped them, she could become a vampire and watch the world burn (or something to that effect).

None of them have been left out of the dark on what they're actually trying to do. They simply don't care because, they presumably have a way to escape, a new world will be made, and they're evil.

King of Nowhere
2018-07-26, 08:16 PM
roy's class specializes in fighting to the detriment of everything else. everyone else has different skills, that they paid with lesser fighting capacities. so roy is stronger than any of them individually in melee. all 3 of them seem a bit of stretch, although he never fought all 3 at once, and belkar only attempted a single attack against him. in general, belkar is good at dealing with mooks, or at underhanded tactics, but he's no match for roy in direct combat. still, for a frontline fighter he goes down fairly easy in only 2 hits.

after that, haley get in a lot of sneak attack damage, but roy has some really powerful skilll with his weapon healing him fully. so from full hit points he could defeat the others.

2018-07-26, 09:19 PM
She also says "What the Boss?" once or twice, which only makes sense if she works for Hel.
The plot twist is that she works for Frigg!

2018-07-26, 10:45 PM
Elan magically heals groups of people and inspires entire armies into hitting better and harder.
Hayley negotiates in a way that gets prices cut in half, finds traps and leads daring prison escapes.
Belkar charms dinosaurs and seems to have scent.

Roy fights.

He also has the best total stats in the party by far and you can probably assume that charmed people aren't at their best due to the internal struggle going on.

2018-07-27, 12:18 AM
The thing in doing a speedrun through the archives is that there's still the Snarl out there, which - if Xykon gets to that last gate first - could cause Hel's plans to fizzle like an ice cube in July in downtown Phoenix.

I mean, what if the Twelve Gods do choose to change the world - and discover the Snarl's already out of the bag and ready to pick a fight?