View Full Version : 30 Minute Shortventure Ideas?

2018-07-20, 02:23 PM
Hey DnDers,

I'm going to be running a series of short adventures for anywhere between 50&100 people. There will basically be a number of people coming out of an audience to take turns and I'll be running three or four, time permitted, separate sessions back to back. Then I'll take a break and someone else will run three or four more.

We've done this before with Adventurer's league 1hr modules for about 70 people, but this time around we are doing shorter games to include more players.

Fire off some adventure ideas that you think would be enjoyable to partake in and listen to!

It's d&d so typical levels of violence are expected. Just no overly sexual themes please.

Ready, go!

-Dungeons & Degenerates

Honest Tiefling
2018-07-20, 02:32 PM
I'm going to be running a series of short adventures for anywhere between 50&100 people.

Sweet baby Pelor, you have more confidence in yourself then a munchkin with a CoDzilla.

If so, here are some ideas:

You are told by a priest that a demon summing ritual is happening in a few hours. Get in, kill the demon, get out. (yeah, yeah, killing it won't end it, but you have a time crunch here.)
Someone has come to kill a village, or a nymph or other non-evil target that can't easily just run off.
YOU are here to kill an evil village or an evil nymph or other evil target that can't easily just run off.
Someone pick pocketed you in a city. Have fun getting it back! By the way, the city is run by an evil tyrant, so the guards are not going to of any help and are not going to look upon shenanigans lightly.
Someone thinks YOU have stolen something and the guards are on their side. Have fun getting out of the city and fast.
When in doubt, zombies are attacking RIGHT NOW.
You are in a tavern. The Tavern is now on fire. Try not to be on fire.
You are on a ship. You are either pirates or pirates have showed up. Board the enemy and try not to drown horribly.
To mix things up, get a larger group on an air ship. And yes, falling off does mean you are eliminated.
You are captured by a cult. Escape! If you have a co-DM, for extra fun have killed party members become possessed and start chasing the rest of the party.
And lastly, gladiatorial combat! I'd prepare this just in case you run out or a party experiences an extremely quick TPK and you need to stall for time.