View Full Version : Starfinder Society: A Night in Nightarch [Starfinder, Group A]

2018-07-20, 11:30 PM
Absalom Station, Starscape Chamber

Venture-Captain Naiaj watches a map holographically projected onto the spherical wall of the dimly lit chamber. This meeting room is aptly named the “Starscape Chamber” and hosts various important strategic meetings for the Society. The pale bleachling gnome slightly nods a greeting, hardly looking away from the stellar map. "Thank you for meeting with me on such short notice," she says, as she finally turns away from the map. "As you should already know, the Starfinder Society lost not only many agents but also a great deal of equipment in the Scoured Stars incident. Since then, we’ve been dealing with a shortage of guns, ammunition, armor, tools, and provisions. Over the past four months, the Society has recovered to the point that we are able to start replacing some of the equipment we lost. While we are explorers, right now, battle-ready firearms are sorely*needed."

Naiaj momentarily turns to face the map and makes a request: "Starscape, show me Nightarch." The map on the wall zooms in on one of the outermost planets of the Pact Worlds, showing a gloomy, air-sealed settlement on the small gray planetoid identified as Apostae. "After calling in a lot of favors and holding lengthy negotiations, we managed to secure a deal with the drow of Apostae to obtain a shipment of weapons. House Zeizerer arranged a deal between the Starfinder Society and House Xicton, a lesser drow house with a solid track record on sales. I personally oversaw the negotiations, and only recently returned to Absalom Station to deposit the down payment owed to House Xicton."

“My intention was to send you to Nightarch, the drow’s surface settlement on Apostae, to guard this delivery. However,” Naiaj pauses briefly, staring blankly at the map on the wall before continuing, "I just received word that the weapon shipment has been stolen. According to my contacts in Nightarch, the thief is a minor noble of House Zeizerer named Villyth, who went rogue and stole the weapons. We do not know her motives or the current whereabouts of the shipment, but I’m sending you to Nightarch to find the weapons and bring them to Absalom Station. As you may have heard, the interhouse politics of the drow are lethal and treacherous, and you will find only trouble if you start searching blindly. Agent Zeizerer may provide some guidance on this front," she says, gesturing toward the solitary drow agent present for the briefing. "While Agent Zeizerer has been instrumental in finalizing this deal between his House and the Society, his purview is strictly business. The recent developments and escalation of the situation has put all parties involved in an unsettling position. For this reason, I’ve arranged for you to meet with Ceobarn Zeizerer, who will represent the political interests of House Zeizerer in this specific matter. You are to discuss how the Society can get its shipment back without causing a diplomatic incident."

"Your shuttle is ready, so I expect you to get your things and get going as soon as possible. If you have any questions, now is the time to ask."

2018-07-21, 03:37 PM

Mischief politely turns off the vintage death metal playing inside her helmet so she can listen to what the Venture-Captain is saying. Coming from a poor background she's always concerned about the bottom line however.

"Can we expect any payment for this mission, perhaps being able to keep some of the weapons for ourselves if we recover them?"

Despite how it might sound Mischief is more than willing to help the society without being paid, after all they are her main ticket to seeing the stars.

2018-07-21, 05:17 PM
M-rald considered apostate carefully, the drow "homeworld" was well chosen a catacomb of ancient technologies hidden bellow the surface. Where clans of matriarchs wage war openly, covertly, and politically on the backs of orcs. Few places in the solar-system were as dangerous as Apostate. Still on the plus side many things were legal, with proper clearance of coarse. Pictures of mutilated bodies came to mind, living and useful to some degree. She had often thought about what she might accomplish in her own research there, however as an android it seemed too dangerous. Orcs were not the only slaves in those tunnels.

Can you tell us more about Villyth Zeizerer? I would like to know how well connected he is with out the rest of house Zeizerer backing him. That being said some more information on house Zeizerer would also be wise before we make contact.

2018-07-22, 12:10 AM
“Oh, of course, your fee for this mission will be well paid,” the bleachling gnome answers Mischief, tapping her lips with a forefinger. “I’ve 4000 credits for each of you upon successful retrieval of the shipment of weapons. Plus, establishing a connection with the arms trade on Nightarch will be a boon for the Society. You can expect an appreciable drop in munition prices moving forward.” She is not phased by the immediate interest in payment, in fact, she clearly expected the subject. Money has proven a powerful motivator for many of the newest ranks of the society’s hirelings.

To the Android, she nods. “Yes, we’ve prepared a short dossier on Villyth, it’s being uploaded as we speak.” She checks her wrist communication device and personal computer, tapping out a few commands on the interface. “Ok, should be accessible to each of you now,” she continues. Her eyes linger on the drow agent momentarily, and it looks like she is about to say something. However, that moment never comes, and she eventually breaks her gaze, waiting for any further queries.

Appearance: http://imgur.com/PDWq1Ih

Villyth is a minor noble in the hierarchy of House Zeizerer. Known as something of a rebel, and as far as the Society can tell, her actions were not sanctioned by her house. She acted alone, although her exact reasons for hijacking the shipment are unclear.

Ilorin Lorati
2018-07-22, 01:47 AM
Ibaco Zeizerer

Ibaco gave a stoic wave when his position as an Agent of House Zeizerer was brought up. This particular job wasn't high on his list of things to handle; after brokering the deal between the Starfinder Society - whose assets and orders were much too small to be worth the time for his own house to handle in full - and House Xicton for a solid 20% of the latter's profits from the deal, his job was supposed to be done. One and a half problems had arisen, however: One, the shipment had been stolen, and he had been offered payment to actually help recover it, and one-half, it was his own half sister that he was now staring at a picture of. With an ill-advised mohawk in a rather tacky color, no less.

Not that his armor, a stereotypical black and chromed can with a large number of spikes, was much better. But still. He could tell with absolute certainty the real reason why the woman had stolen the equipment, but he was not about to indulge their curiosity on that front. "As an agent of house Zeizerer, we would obviously prefer our rogue sister to be brought back in alive, so she may be given suitable punishment by our matriarch. Please keep this in mind as you engage her. Use lethal force only if necessary."

Anyone that knew the Drow, of course, would know that "suitable punishment" usually meant "torture", but that was another tidbit he was not about to say outright. Some plausible deniability was warranted here.

Hattish Thing
2018-07-22, 03:05 PM
Khaz'rha Kurkhova:

With an expression of impatience bare upon her scarred face, Khaz'rha leans up against a nearby wall, repetitively tapping her thick metallic combat boots against the marble flooring in order to fill the awkward silence while the Starfinders wait for a Venture-Captain to make an appearance. An irritated scowl can be seen bare upon her rugged, jade-colored face, causing her large, white tusks to appear particularly prominent. Pitch black eyeliner, vaguely reminiscent of tribal paint, can be seen below and around the woman's eyes and painted over her thick, scarred lips, causing her tusks to stand out in contrast. Her long, unkempt brown hair falls down her back messily, shaved on one side, exposing her large, pointed orcish ears, decorated with piercings of skymetal and bone. The relaxed, athletic figure maintains a slightly slouched posture, shoulders raised up in a clear sign of agitation, her muscular arms crossed over her broad chest, her able-bodied frame perfectly chiseled and maintained.

Once the Venture-Captain arrives, she grunts in acknowledgement. She remains quiet throughout the mission briefing, nodding once the four-thousand credits are mentioned. The drow speaks shortly afterwards, however, which causes her small smile of approval to once more fade into a scowl.

"Only force I got is lethal."

"Why ain't we sendin' her off for the stewards to deal with?"

2018-07-22, 10:34 PM
What would the stewards take as payment? She let the question hang for only a moment I assume most if not all of our cargo. As long as I get paid I am fine to join on board. The android pushed her pink hair out of her eyes. Besides we only need to attempt to take her alive, I'll give her one chance, if she doesn't take it I am not to blame.

Other than the shuttle have you provided us with any other provisions or gear?

2018-07-23, 10:59 AM
Naiaj addresses the disagreement between the drow and half-orc quickly and curtly. “Our other contact from the House, Ceobarn Zeizerier, specifically requested our discretion in this matter. Therefore, the Stewards won’t be involved.” She flips her hair back out of her face in irritation. “It’s imperative that the Society maintains a lasting relationship with both House Zeizerer and House Xicton. We need these weapons. We need shipments to continue for the foreseeable future. House Zeizerer has requested that we leave Villyth’s fate to the House Matron. At least attempt to respect their wishes.” Breathing a drawn-out sigh, she continues. “Still, should something happen, you are under the protection of the Society. But please, try to capture her alive.”

Then, she addresses M-Rald’s follow-up question. “As for special provisions, while the surface of Apostae is otherwise airless, Nightarch is a sealed city. Its towers, domes, and halls are all constructed with contained environmental systems similar to those on starships, so you won’t need any special equipment. Armor and weapons are not only permissible, but everything short of mandatory while wandering the city streets. Be sure to keep your wits about you. Additionally, you’ll find that the shuttle is equipped with standard first aid supplies. They’re portable, so feel free to take them with you on the mission. Last, this,” she places a set of stainless steel manacles with a keyed security panel onto the table in the center of the room with a dull clunk. “For Villyth.”

Supplies provided by the Society:

[5] Medpatch
[2] Sprayflesh
[2] Healing Serum Mk II
[1] Basic Medkit
[5] Flashlights
[1] Manacles

2018-07-24, 12:10 AM
Laktcho stood quietly, attentive to the mission briefing. His large eyes did not blink once through the discussion, and his antennae were still, a tendency while focused. Use of nonlethal force was met with no resistance from him. Taking lives was never a great ambition of his. Unfortunately, given the nature of where they would be going, death could well be on the menu.

His mandibles parted briefly as if he was about to speak, but he held himself back. Instead, he considered what he knew of Apostae. Traditionally matriarchal society. The drow agent mentioned a matriarch for his own house. Perhaps they are more of a traditional group, which could explain the oddness of Villyth acting in such a rebellious, deviant manner.

Unsurprisingly given the relationship of the two races, the half-orc was already providing resistance to the drow. Laktcho made a mental note to keep an eye on the two agents in case of further hostilities.

He finally contented himself by adjusting his posture slightly, rubbing the base of his left antennae softly in a gesture recognized as similar to one scratching one's chin.

2018-07-24, 02:05 PM

Mischief takes the manacles and examines them, while doubtlessly not an uncommon device high technology fascinates her. If nobody objects she attaches them to her belt. She says "We seem a bit short on non-lethal options, but we'll do our best to take her alive" A not so subtle hint that if the Society has any takedown weapons to loan out now would be a time to say so.

Knowing a little about medicine, Mischief can't wait to see what's loaded on the shuttle. She hopes it will be better than the basic medical kit she's already carrying.

2018-07-24, 03:52 PM
I have a nonlethal option. I am sure with minimal effort we may be able to get others as well. The android looks once more at the crew. Well if no one has further questions, perhaps it is time to assign a pilot and be off.

Ilorin Lorati
2018-07-24, 07:10 PM
Ibaco Zeizerer

"I have a non-lethal sidearm, as well, alongside... other methods to subdue her. We do not want for ways to take her back to the Matriarch in one piece." As he talks, the draw pulls an almost comically small, considering the weight of his armor, sidearm from a hip holster and presses a switch on the side, presumably to change it to a "stun" setting. "I believe we'll be using a Zeizerer ship for this particular mission?"

2018-07-24, 11:29 PM
"That's correct. You'll be arriving on Apostae aboard a House Zeizerer cargo shuttle. We can't afford to draw any attention to the conflict, and your mission isn't something we want on official record. The other drow houses would jump all over the opportunity to capitalize on House Zeizerer's internal conflict. So, keep a low profile."

"Oh, and about nonlethal options... you can purchase a pulsecaster pistol for 100 credits from the armory before you head out. Don't need anything fancy. We didn't say you couldn't rough Villyth up, after all." If there are no further questions, Naiaj ends the briefing and dismisses the team from the Starscape Chamber. After exiting the chamber and taking the elevators down to the ground floor of the Complex the party sets off to find their transport to Apostae. It takes about thirty minutes to travel from the Lorespire Complex in the Ring to the dock in the Arms, taking a series of lifts and and transports high above the streets most of the way. The shuttle beacon places it on the map right near the restricted area of Fardock on the tip of Kavalasa’s Arm.

It takes you mere moments to spot the cargo ship in question once the party arrives in Fardock. It's a freighter-class vessel, on the smaller side, but still covered with traditional Drow ship elements, like a spiked, ridged, radial design to hull plating and a purple-crimson engine glow. On the dock outside the ship are two Drow commoners, low-ranking members of House Zeizerer. They've already been briefed of the situation and are expecting the team.

2018-07-25, 03:10 AM

Since she saved some creds and could use a sidearm she'll take advantage of the offer and buy a Pulsecaster Pistol for 100 credits just to be on the safe side. With that she departs. Arriving at the shuttle she tries not to look too impressed, after all it's just a shuttle, but being a former groundling ships still impress her and she loves flying on them. This will needless to say be her first time on a drow spacecraft.

2018-07-25, 11:02 PM
Before long, two drow agents dressed in uniform with the insignia of House Zeizerer approach the group on the docks. Behind them, a drow freighter awaits. It's a medium size vessel with two decks - one lower storage deck and one upper deck equipped with cabins and a common area for the crew. The hull of the ship is built from an iridescent magenta polymer made up of tiny fibrous strands, woven in a latticework web pattern of incredible density and strength. This material makes up these massive spiked protrusions that form several ridges running fore to aft along the dorsal hull of the starship. The design of this ship is unmistakably drow.

When the pair of drow reaches the group, they stop and give a short military salute to Ibaco. Then, one speaks, his voice quiet but stoic. "Your shuttle to Apostae, agents. And remember, we're transporting a shipment of atmospheric synthesizers for Nightarch Air and Water." Anyone who knows anything about Nightarch and the drow houses that vie for control of the airless planetoid is familiar with the company, and most know that it run by House Zeizerer. It's how the house maintains it's position atop the intricate political web of Nightarch's drow nobles - by controlling the two most important and most scarce resources that everyone on Nightarch needs to survive.

The hull parts and a walkway extends from the interior of the ship to the dock. After a moment, the two drow turn, beckon for the group to follow, and lead everyone into the shuttle. The amenities inside are sparse but functional, each crew member assigned a small cabin for sleeping quarters, with the larger common area a usual gathering place during the weeklong journey through the Pact Worlds to Apostae.

As the shuttle approaches the dull gray planetoid, several fighters emerge from a hulking capital ship identified as part of the local fleet defense: the Blood Armada. These fighters whizz past like a swarm of angry wasps. The navigation computer lets out a blaring alert as the capital ship scans the shuttle, but soon after, the alert ends and the fighters fly back to the massive carrier. The shuttle descends into low-orbit, and several small settlements with sealed atmospheres come into view. Further out, beneath clouds of dust, several mile-wide blast doors, many large craters, and miles-deep crevices can be seen across the planetoid’s surface. The shuttle soars closer to Apostae’s surface, fast approaching the dark city of Nightarch. The eponymous arch and various tower houses can be seen within the city limits. Nightarch’s vast spaceport is alive with hundreds of blinking red and purple lights, which guide the shuttle into the gloomy capital of the drow.

Once docked, the wall of the shuttle parts and the access ramp extends to the dock outside. The two drow guards - who had eventually introduced themselves as Laibross and Sirendeil during the long ride to Apostae - escort the group of Starfinder Society Provisional Field Agents through a labyrinth of air-filled, enclosed tunnels. Soon, the docking tunnels emerge into the climate-controlled dome of Nightarch proper. The wide streets sprawl under the dome, while above the endless field of stars stretch into infinity. The streets are crowded and full of activity, and are lined with great halls and towers that make up the entirety of the surface city.

Before long, the group arrives at Mileshadow, a tall corporate building owned by House Zeizerer, evident from the sculpture in the shape emblem of the House in the courtyard. Inside, the party is escorted to an elevator that speeds straight to the top of the tower. The guards open the door to a spacious office on the top floor of the tall building, and without even a hint of emotion, one drow barely mutters, "Wait here." The greentinged windows in the room offer a majestic view over the gloomy Nightarch. Several statues and holographic devices depicting grinning fiends sit on shelves on the walls and on a darkwood desk at the far end of the room. A curious fixture reminiscent of a demonic spider looks down from the ceiling with many glistening eyes.

A few moments stretch on for what feels like forever, when finally a wall panel at the back of the office slides open, and a middleaged drow walks in and settles into a red armchair behind the desk. "I am Ceobarn Zeizerer." He gives a nonchalant wave of his hand, and the demonic statue in the ceiling starts shedding a purple glow, illuminating the room. "I take it that your eyes haven’t adjusted to the light levels on Apostae. You are the team sent by Naiaj, correct? I heard about the shipment. A most unfortunate setback. Villyth has always been a troublemaker." His eyes lock briefly with Ibaco's and a faint smile appears on his face before disappearing into his usual cold unfeeling mask.

"But what's done is done. The missing weapons are of no concern to me! Villyth intercepted them after they had already left Apostae's orbit, so, really, this is all the Starfinder Society's problem now, not House Zeizerer. Explain to me why exactly I should care whether or not you succeed or fail at recovering the stolen goods from Villyth?" His voice is high and cold and the words hang flat in the air while he waits for an answer.

The statues and holograms in Ceobarn's office depict different aspects of the demon lord Abraxas, god of forbidden lore and magic. Abraxas is commonly worshipped by drow.

2018-07-27, 12:47 AM
Fair question, but I suspect you already have an answer in mind. Otherwise you wouldn't of spent the resources to have a house ship and two guards travel for weeks to get us. However I assume your interested in our answers. So I will say you saw what the starfinder society once was, if it recovers even a quarter of its size then it will be a very worthwhile client. Secondly I don't imagine you want record of any drow being brazen enough to cross you. Beyond that however I imagine you have tolerated Villyth enough, she is bad for business at this point. The weapons are the societies problem, but Villyth is of your house and rumor will likely be that he knew when and how to hijack the shipment of goods because of a breach in your security, even though it is far more likely to be the result of the negligence of the society. M-rald pauses for only a moment.

It would be my guess you went to the expense of having us here, because you know Villyth is nothing to us, nor are any of your rivals. You know we haven't been bought buy any one other than Naiaj. So we will catch Villyth, return her here so she may be an example with in your house. Your rivals won't ever find out about the stolen goods, or if they have found out they won't be in position to share that knowledge after we recover the goods with out losing face to the other houses. Finally if things go wrong, which they won't, you can deny having knowledge of Starfinder's involvement. I am sure you have faith enough in us but a person does not reach your position by gambling, so you would of considered the unlikely event we fail.

M-rald looks at the statues. I am sure you have other reasons as well. I haven't had as much time to consider the question as you. If it not out of place may I ask you two questions? She waits a respectful time before continuing.

Does all of house Zeizerer pay homage to Abraxas or is that limited to you? Also does my answer satisfy your test? M-rald would not like to fall short in this meeting, if she did perhaps he would decide this wasn't worth the risk and have us removed before we could pull a Villyth and damage his holdings.

Hattish Thing
2018-07-27, 12:39 PM
Khaz'rha Kurkhova - The Journey:

After a long rest, the half-orc stirs awake, grimacing as the lighting levels within her chamber begin to automatically rise, bathing the drab, but spacious room with soft, artificial light. Frowning, she raises her hands up to her face, yawning as the alarm built into the desk module at the side of her cot begins to blare. After gritting her teeth softly for several seconds, Khaz'rha slides her feet onto the carpeted floor of her chamber. With a look of annoyance and impatience upon her blunt features, she reaches over to tap at the alarm, fumbling as she finishes deactivating the device, allowing the room to grow silent once again.

"Ugh. How does anyone manage to sleep well out here..."

After a moment or so spent in quiet contemplation, the tattooed soldier rises before beginning her usual morning rituals; a brief exercise routine, a quick shower, and some time spent tinkering with her oversized firearm. An hour or so passes before Khaz'rha exits her chamber, clad in her usual grayish, buckled, and striped tanktop. A small, metallic rod hangs off of a thick brown belt worn over darker, faded cargo pants.


Eventually, she heads towards the dining pod, now mostly awake but still somewhat irritable due to a night of particularly poor sleep.

As she enters the dining pod, she wordlessly glances towards the others before fetching herself a bountiful morning meal of eggs, sausages, and toast. She sets her tray of food down upon the dining table, alongside a small cup of lightly colored brown coffee. After the meal is done and over with, she disappears once more, clearly not feeling particularly social.

When the ship arrives, she emerges clad in her dented powered armor, features masked by her intimidating helmet.


During the meeting, she merely stares ahead ominously.

Ilorin Lorati
2018-07-27, 03:09 PM

The drow can't help but find the whole exchange comical, but opts to maintain his composure for diplomacy's sake - right up until the mention of Villyth pulls him out of it and makes the mystic wince. Distracting himself for a moment with the android's line of answers and questions, he a hand firmly on the M-raid's shoulder and leans down to whisper to the creature. "Please keep your questions professional; I do not believe the nature of our deity has any bearing on our current situation." He might not like Ceobarn, but at the very least he could navigate the android around the desk jockey's headspace.

With that out of the way, he looks across the desk and asks as plainly as he can manage, "Have we been paid? My understanding was that we would get our portion when the deal was completed." If he was correct, the Android's rather long winded and impertinent line of commentary was entirely moot.

2018-07-27, 08:04 PM

Mischief looks around the room for anything of interest only to be alerted to the left over search results on Ceobarn's computer by the AI built into her head. She says with a shrug "Seems like you care plenty about Villyth going by what you've left displayed on your computer over there. Besides, I figure you want money and there is plenty of money in a long standing arrangement with the Starfinder Society. The Starfinder Society not getting it's weapons means it will take it's credits elsewhere. The Society might be a shadow of what it once was but it still has fairly deep pockets by anyone's standards"

2018-07-31, 01:55 PM
Ceobarn listens to M-raid's impassioned argument with a bemused look on his face, his confusion growing more and more apparent as the android continues to speak. When Ibaco interjects, he nods. "I have absolutely no clue what kind of compensation arrangement you have with the Society. My involvement here is entirely diplomatic. I agreed to meet with your team just to get Naiaj to stop calling me about the damn weapons shipment!" Although he raises his voice, he takes a second to breathe deep and calm back down before continuing. It's at this point that Mischief takes the opportunity to mention Ceobarn's lingering search results on Villyth. "Very well," he responds, shaking his head slowly in slight annoyance. "It is true that Villyth's actions are bad for business - for both the Starfinder Society and House Zeizerer. She must be stopped."

"On behalf of House Zeizerer, I grant you twenty-four hours of diplomatic immunity. Use this time to retrieve the weapons by whatever means you deem necessary. Here's a document that proves you're acting on my authority," he continues, stepping over to his desk to send an encrypted file and key to each of the group's communication units from his terminal. "Try to keep Villyth alive so she can answer to the Matriarchs of House Zeizerer, but if the situation requires it, kill her. But rest assured, if you abuse the power I bestow you, there will be consequences. The drow never forget." He looks each and every member gathered before him in the eye. When he gets to Ibaco, he laughs flippantly and sneers. "I can't imagine it'll be easy to kill your sister, after all. Although, maybe you've been waiting for just this kind of opportunity, hmmm?"

Ceobarn leaves his desk and walks slowly back to the center of the room, talking quietly. "I know Villyth well enough to know that she has guards and other defenses. The more you know, the less likely you are to walk into a trap. So, use your twenty-four hours wisely. Remember that before the time is up, you must locate the weapons, plan your heist, travel to the location, get the weapons, and most importantly, get off my damn planet!" He points to the door with authority. "Every second you waste out here when you could be brokering more deals with the Society is thousands of dollars down the drain, Ibaco. I can't imagine the Matriarchs will like hearing that in your report." His voice is dripping with contempt, and it's almost as if he finds the idea of another male drow with aspirations to greater status and wealth disgusting. Aside from himself, of course.

In the next section, you'll perform some reconaissance to locate the weapons shipment and Villyth's hideout. There's a couple of approaches you can take - one, hack the infosphere to find recent rentals or real estate purchases by House Zeizerer or any shell companies that Villyth may have created, or two, locate an informant that knows more about Villyth's current whereabouts. For each approach, you'll make a check to determine how long it takes to move on to the next task, using the highest appropriate skill modifier in the group. Additionally, you can divide your efforts into two teams, in order to have multiple chances to complete tasks quickly.

Hacking Team
1. Locate relevant databases in the infosphere. (Computers or Culture, add a +4 bonus to this check if any assisting character speaks Drow, the common language of Apostae's infosphere)
2. Access identified databases through illicit means. (Computers or Sense Motive, depending on if the approach is by hacking or by social engineering)
3. Analyze the databases for information on Villyth's whereabouts. (Computers or Perception)

Street Team
1. Track down an informant with ties to Villyth. (Diplomacy (Gather Information), Perception, Survival)
2. Chase and subdue the informant. (Acrobatics, Athletics, Stealth)
3. Interrogate the informant for information on Villyth's whereabouts. (Bluff, Intimidate, Sense Motive)

2018-07-31, 09:53 PM
M-rald feeling a bit abashed at misreading the situation heads out the door. I think I will find a bar or two and start asking some questions. Any one care to join me? She looks at the orc. The planets slave population might appreciate the familiar face and traveling with the orc decreases the chances of being mugged.

2018-08-01, 03:43 PM

Mischief says "I'm going to access the planetary infosphere to look for information, I wouldn't mind someone to watch my back while I do so."