View Full Version : [EarthenRite’s Dead Suns Campaign] Round 2

2018-07-22, 08:57 PM
- You don’t need text colours, but I won’t stop you
- Roll your dice here in spoilers preferably, but either way summarize any rolls to hit and damage
- It’s not going to be a hugely fast-paced game
- If you are in Society, PM me your number since I do intend to run this for Society credit

The civilian shuttle that you all find yourself in has the unique antiseptic scent that commonly accompanies public transportation. It is acrid enough to communicate to its passengers that it is effective, but vaguely pleasant enough that some effort went into its aesthetics.

Aside from you, the shuttle is nearly empty. A Kasathan is reading news on his personal comm and two young Shirren are comparing articles of clothing in a bid to find ones that match, at which point they play a game not dissimilar to rock paper scissors to see who has to take the matching article off and who gets to keep it. The pilot is a uniformed android, who is perhaps even more monotonous than the stereotype of its species.

“Attention passengers; we are making our approach into Absalom Station space. Docking in approximately 4 minutes, 38 seconds. Please make sure you disembark safely. Weapons and baggage may be collected upon docking. Thank you for travelling Absalom Public Transport.”

You have the remaining 4:38 apparently to introduce yourselves (or continue introducing yourselves) to one another.

2018-07-23, 10:09 AM
Zell "Biggie" Hindalos

A uncommonly burly Ysoki male sits near the back of the shuttle, his troop ceremonial plate half-donned. He's using a filthy, grease-and-other-viscera-stained rag to wipe down the pauldrons and helmet, which are covered in grime, bloodstains and scratches; his equipment is well-worn, dirty and battered from combat. An insignia on the chest plate of his armor has been scratched off, leaving a misshapen unidentifiable gash in place of whatever crest that used to mark his armor. Still, it's clear he's the mercenary type, from his furrowed, unfriendly gaze, to the multitude of scars crisscrossing his face and ears. His fur is dark brown and patchy in places, his exposed skin on his chest and shoulders covered in old burns and scar tissue.

He carries no weapons - presumably they've been checked in with the rest of the shuttle's cargo, for his hand keeps wandering to the empty holster at his hip which makes him grumble quietly to himself. Eventually, he's satisfied with his cleaning job - while the armor is still smudged and far from gleaming, at least it isn't covered with gore. The rag, however, is stained brown and crimson, utterly filthy and useless. He crumples it up and tosses it under his seat.

He glances around the room at the rest of the occupants, producing a cigarette from his pack and lighting it with a flick. He breathes deep and unleashes a cloud of smoke from his nostrils. Then, he speaks in a suprisingly low and growling voice for a Ysoki. "Ah, **** it. Spent enough of this ride keepin' to myself, and now I'm bored. Let's toss things up. Name's Zell Hindalos, but you can call me 'Biggie'. What brings y'all to Absalom Station?"

2018-07-23, 01:27 PM
Kiagram Wickes

Standing up, a human male with cleanly cut, stylishly disheveled hair and deep eyes tugs and shifts his just too large heavy armor. Satisfied, he quickly changes his dissatisfied look and stretches a smile across his face.

Walking over to the Ysoki, Kiagram produces a hand to shake, "Nice to meet you- Biggie. I thought for a moment that we were going to spend this whole solemn trip in silence. Boy do I hate traveling economy." Kiagram looks around the shuttle with a slight look of disgust. The name is Kiagram, from the house of Wickes. Pleasure to meet you!". Kiagram glances down at his clean polished armor then over to Zell's. "Looks like you've been on quite the adventure, I wouldn't mind chatting in exchange for one of those", Kiagram points to the lit cigarette. "So what brings you to Absalom Station? Me, I'm hear to join up with the Starfinder Society and hopefully see those number on my account tick up, if you know what I mean." he motions with his hand, rubbing his two fingers and thumb together while raising his eyebrows suggestively.

2018-07-23, 02:01 PM
Zell "Biggie" Hindalos

Zell laughs at Kiagram’s comment and nods in agreement. “I hear ya, brother, always lookin’ to get these grubby paws on whatever credits I can scrounge up.” After a moment digging in his pack, he tosses a cigarette to the dapper man, then offers a light, a small handheld blowtorch aflame in his outstretched hand. It’s a peculiar device, haphazardly constructed from makeshift materials, with stray wires and bits of metal sticking out of the poorly-fitted casing. It may or may not be particularly safe.

“Yeah, been workin as ‘clean-up’ for the Redstone Raids at the Five-Tines Fortress on Akiton. Before that, military work,” the Ysoki explains while he lights Kiagram’s cig. “You?”

The Redstone Raids are an annually broadcast event where a rich Ysoki benefactor named Zukar Nurkop releases a multitude of exotic and lethal creatures into a luxury floating citadel called The Five-Tines Fortress for contestants to fight for prizes. It doesn’t always end well for the contestants, and the ensuing bloody carnage nets high scores in broadcast ratings throughout the Pact Worlds. Clean-up crews of hired mercenaries are dispatched after the event to slay any remaining beasts and triage surviving contestants.

2018-07-23, 02:29 PM
Kiagram takes a deep, emphatic drag before letting out a stifled cough. "Been a while since I've had one of these. You sure like full flavor. Now if only there was halfway decent coffee to along with this..." Kiagram mumbles, examining the smoldering end of the cigarette before returning his gaze to Zell.

"Wow, I caught one of those in bar a while ago. Now that was intense. Remind me not to mess with you." Kiagram smiles and pats Biggie on the shoulder, grimaces at his hand before wiping it down on his pants discretely.

"I've been caught up in-" Kiagram stops for a moment, "Let's just say family business. I was hanging around Fireside and decided it was time for a change of pace for a bit. Plus, I'm sure you would appreciate how frustrating it can be to deal with corporate types", Kiagram shrugs and rolls his eyes.

2018-07-23, 03:28 PM
Zell "Biggie" Hindalos

"Eh, cleanup fer the Raids's more of a glorified janitor job, really," the Ysoki says, smirking slightly when he catches Kiagram wiping his hands after touching his fur. "But I know my way around guns. Big guns, bigger the better. 'Course its been hard to get a permit for the really good stuff lately..." When the Envoy mentions 'corporate types', Zell laughs so hard he starts coughing. "Oh, don't get me started! *cough cough* Damn bigwigs are always so itchin' full of 'emselves, but they're the first to turn tail and run when things get hairy."

He listens intently while Kiagram continues talking about his past. "Fireside, eh? Can't say I've ever been. Too damn hot," the mercenary remarks, with a shudder.

2018-07-23, 10:40 PM
Kiagram crosses his arms, "The heat's not even the worst part. The shear brightness of the place is unbearable. Not just from the sun either." He studies Biggie for a moment then waves his hand in the air in an aloof gesture, "The Solarian's can be such a pain, I swear the sun blinds them. The corporate's there are no different. But you know what they say, the brighter a place, the longer it casts a shadow...", Kiagram trails off.

The smile on Kiagrams face spreads even further as he looks back up, "I tell you what, though. If you like big guns, the easiest way to get those permits is through corporate. You just cozy on up to them like a Asana Blood Tick on a Lashunta's behind. Once you get what you want, just disappear." Kiagram motions with his hands, spreading them apart into the air while making a whoosing sound.

2018-07-24, 11:09 AM
Zell “Biggie” Hindalos

Zell considers Kiagram's suggestion. "Hm, work for the man to get the big guns, then poof, hightail it out of there? I like the way you think." The Ysoki sighs heavily. "I just hate that I had to check my trusty Azimuth Artillery Cannon in with the cargo. I mean, I get it, safety for passengers and all that," he crosses his arms and pouts a little, "but it makes me feel naked." By this time, his cigarette has accumulated a generous ash end, which the rat flicks onto the floor and grinds down with a booted foot. Zell then extends one arm into the air, making a gun shape with his forefinger and thumb. He closes one eye and stares down his arm, aiming his pretend gun out the window of the shuttle. Then, he mimes taking a shot, jerking his paw back to simulate kickback. "Not having any weapons makes me antsy."

2018-07-24, 06:05 PM
D4 R3N

The android suddenly seems to begin paying attention. Its bald head showing the energy lines that run across face and, one would assume, its body, in symmetrical patterns. After a few moments of listening to the other two speak, it tilts its head, mouthing the words a fraction of a moment after the speaker, as if trying to understand the speech. After a few seconds of this it steps forward from the darker alcove it was standing in, suddenly appearing not to be just another android working on the carrier but actually a passenger.

Its pale skin is accented with the slightly glowing eyes, it has a fairly light build and clear complexion, its eyes glowing a lightning blue.

It speaks in a flat, monotone voice, that is a tiny bit higher than you might expect, and clearly sounds slightly synthetic.

"Have any of you been to the station before? I have never been and could use any advice you would be willing to part with."

2018-07-24, 06:52 PM
A Shirren melts out of the shadows beside Zell and Kiagram. "There is strength in numbers, friendzzz," he says, rubbing his palpus together. "And it so happens that I am going to Absalom for the same purpose as you two. If we were to all band together, we could safely take jobs that pay more."

2018-07-24, 07:16 PM
Zell “Biggie” Hindalos

Zell nods at the Android’s query, then answers. “Been once or twice. Only the Arms, though. Guard’s work for shippin vessels. Transportin’ exotic beasts from far space to Akiton for the Raids. Station sure looks pretty from space, at least, The Eye does. Fardock ain’t so nice, inside or out.” He looks the Android up and down, his hooded, beady eyes dark and inscrutable.

His evaluation of his Android companion is interrupted by the Shirren’s question. In response he holds up his paws. “Woah, woah there now, let’s take a step back. I’m “Biggie”, don’t think I caught your names yet.”

2018-07-25, 05:08 AM
The android tilts its head.

"I am D4 R3N. You may call me Darren. I thank you for your help. I am hoping I can do some good here."

The android smiles thankfully.

"What are you planning to do once you arrive Biggie?"

2018-07-25, 06:49 PM
The Shirren offers a clawed hand to the Ysoki. "My name is Tore. From Oyojii."

2018-07-25, 07:26 PM
Zell “Biggie” Hindalos

Zell grasps the Shirren’s claws and gives a hearty shake while he simultaneously answers D4 R3N’s question. “I need me some work! And a change of pace. Thought I’d see how I’d fare in the big star station. Make my fortune, all that ****.” He laughs a little, like he only half-believes his own words. “And maybe we will. Or maybe we won’t, can’t know til yeh try.”

2018-07-25, 10:20 PM
The shuttle pulls into the station, specifically Docking Bay 94, one of those that circle the equatorial ring of the station. The android conductor announces that you are clear to depart.

The brightly lit docks of Absalom Station are abuzz with activity as travelers bustle by, preparing to board or disembarking from starships bound to or from any of dozens of worlds. Brash and swaggering star pilots, scurring ysoki, mechanics, and expectant colonists mingle with enigmatic kasatha mystics, hard-faced asteroid miners, imposing vesk mercenaries, and more creating a microcosm of the abundance and variety of life in the Pact Worlds. New arrivals meet friends, loved ones, or business contacts and are whisked away into the humming activity of daily life on the vast space station. Beyond them, ground crews tend to the docked ships and dockworkers in mechanized cargo lifters load and unload freight and baggage. A sharp tang of ozone hangs in the air - a byproduct of electrical discharges from the docked ships - but underneath, the station’s atmosphere has a slightly used aroma. The docking bay’s deck plates thrum beneath your feet, though whether it’s from the passage of innumerable feet or the vibrations of the station’s power conduits and air recycling systems is impossible to say.

Those on the shuttle seeking to become involved with the Starfinders were directed to seek a dwarf named Duravor Kreel and meet him in this Docking Bay.

I need three rolls, if you please:
A) a straight roll of a d6
B) a perception check (visual) from any capable of making it
C) *gasp!* an initiative roll! (Foreshadowing...)

2018-07-27, 12:27 PM
D4 looks at the others as they disembark.

"Would you mind if I joined one of your in the short term? As I said I am new here and could use a bit of direction."


2018-07-29, 10:06 PM
As you all grab your gear and look out over the crowded dock, you all see a friendly face waving at you. The dwarf is of red hair and beard, wearing glasses. You know from his photo in your own devices that this is Duravor Kreel waving to you. You also notice amongst the crowd a growing prevalence of...colors. More than one person is wearing the same shade of red, another the same shade of silver. Furtively, some of these people are keeping to improvised cover around the docking bay. There seem to be six in all, three in silver, three in red.

It is then that time seems to slow down to a standstill. Duravor’s smiling face slackens, and he tumbles towards the ground a distance away from you. There is smoke rising from the blast at the back of his skull and behind him you see a figure wearing silver make a gesture that is unmistakeably a gang sign before ducking behind cover.

Time seems to speed back up as all hell breaks loose. There is a full blown gang war going on and you seem to be standing in the middle of it.

There is improvised cover pretty much everywhere (+2 ACs)

It is clear that there are two gangs fighting one another and you are in the crossfire.

Describe your actions and I’ll handle it cinematically. I’ll always give PCs the “benefit of the doubt” for targeting and whatnot

Don’t worry about initiative too much, just post what you want to do and I’ll resolve it.

2018-07-31, 09:00 PM
Zell “Biggie” Hindalos

“You itchin’ bastids! He was my next meal ticket!” Zell’s voice swells with rage as he watches Duravor’s stout form crumple in front of him. He glances back at the rest of his newfound comrades and yells, “Get movin’, let’s show these silver chuckle****s what for!” Without a moment’s hesitation, he spits a grenade out of his cheek pouch, a ramshackle, DIY construction made from a tangle of wires and poorly fitted UPB casing. He chucks it toward the nearest cluster of gang members clad in silver, then dives for cover.

Swift: Remove stowed Frag Grenade I from cheek pouches.
Standard: Frag grenade attack to nearest silver gang member, trying to catch as many as possible in the explosion, but at least one. (Range 30ft, Explode 15ft)
Attack: [roll0] Grenade throw vs AC 5
Damage: [roll1] DC 13 Reflex half
Miss Direction: [roll2]
Miss Distance: [roll3]
Move: Move to nearest cover

2018-08-01, 01:09 PM
Kiagram is caught off guard by the sudden violence. Hearing Biggies command snaps him back into the action "Let's see, silver or red...silver or red?" Kiagram contemplates as he counts with his digits. "Silver it is then!" Kiagram fires off his pistol towards the nearest silver gang member before ducking towards cover.

Pistol to hit (30ft): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

move towards cover

2018-08-01, 04:52 PM
D4 R3N

D4 R3N, opens its eyes wider, as if in surprise, but it lasts a little too long, perhaps it was trying to get a better look?

It immediately and calmly moves behind cover before waving its hand in the direction of one of the silver clad gang members, firing an Energy Ray of Electricity at one of them.

[roll0] (Attack)
[roll1] (Damage, assuming a hit)

After flinging the Electrical energy at the enemy, it ducks down behind the boxes.

2018-08-03, 03:51 PM
Busy as he was getting his pistol holsters reattached, Tore is slow off the mark reacting to the gun fire. He does still react in time to snap off a shot at one of the nearest silver-wearing gangers before scuttling his way towards cover.

Attack: [roll0]

Move 30 ft towards nearest cover

2018-08-07, 09:44 PM
The ganger who had put the laser in the back of Kreel’s head tries to move in a flashy manner jumping to cover and his shot, aimed for D4 goes wide and high, causing a scorch in the ceiling paneling. The favour is returned as the android shoots, unfortunately missing as well.

Zell’s colourful explosive lands just between two gangmembers; the one who had killed Kreel and a woman with short green hair and several piercings. They loon at one another a fraction of a second before the explosion hammers them into their respective cover with a sickening crunch.

Popping up from cover one of the non-silver gang members takes the opportunity presented by the blast to hit the green haired woman again with a laser blast, striking her in a gap in the protective layering. She swings her laser around the fray and fires back, shouting something highly provocative about the “rat with the grenades” as her shots manage to hit Zell.

Almost as if he were facing a firing squad for his crimes, or a gangland execution, Tore, Kiagram, and a larger “21’s” ganger rip into Kreel’s murder, dropping him to first his knees, then his chest where he moves no more. There are shouts from his two comrades, a battle cry now of sorts identifying the fallen man as Zamulos.

A hulking silver clad figure, moving more deftly than seemingly possible fires at Kiagram. His shot finds purchase against armour.

Finally, there is a squeal of something like fright from one of the 21s. She looks like the youngest of their crew and she seems to make frantically aplologetic gestures as her shot hit Tore. The crossfire was an awful place.

You killed one of the Gangers!

Zell, my reading of the rules is that grenades can Crit, so I gave you not only double damage but the blast hit two...and no bystanders. They are however quite “Reflexy”

Zell takes 4 damage

Kiagram takes 2 damage

Tore takes 5 damage (she really is sorry!)

The green haired woman is looking very poorly

Everyone seems to be in cover, so we can begin the next round now.

2018-08-10, 04:53 PM
Kiagram notices the silver figure advancing, "Oh shi-"

"AHHHHHH" Kiagram yells as he unloads two rounds into the figure advancing silver figure.

Full Action

Attack one -
Attack two -

2018-08-13, 01:54 PM
Zell "Biggie" Hindalos

Zell breathes heavily, his armor and fur singed from the green-haired ganger's well-placed shot, his back to some metal shipping crates stacked up at the edge of the docks. From his vantage point behind cover, he counts the remaining silver-clad foes. "One hurt chick... and a second bozo left standing," he murmurs to himself, his voice low and gravelly. His eyes widen as he watches Kiagram take some shots at the enemies, and the mercenary takes this cue to continue the offensive. He unholsters his Azimuth Artillery Laser and engages the weapon with a swift motion. It hums quietly and emits a slight orange glow. Then, the Ysoki turns and fires a volley of lasers from cover.

Move: Draw Azimuth Artillery Laser
Standard: Ranged attack against whichever silver enemies are still remaining. Prioritize the damaged woman first, but target the other one if Kiagram's attacks took her down.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Damage: [roll2] + [roll3] Burn

Stamina: 3/7
HP: 9/9
Resolve: 4

Azimuth Artillery Laser: 18/20 Capacity

2018-08-14, 06:54 PM
What passes for a gasp for an insect comes out of Tore's mouth as a shot tears into his shoulder. Any thoughts of returning fire towards the girl are quickly forgotten, though, as the silver-clad figure starts charging their position. Afraid of what it could do if it actually reaches him, Tore pushes deeper into cover and does his best to shoot at it without exposing himself.

Fighting defensively.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-08-17, 02:03 PM
D4 stands up, after waiting for there to be a slight lull in the firing pattern, and immediately fires another bold of electricity at the nearest silver clad foe.


Before ducking back down behind the crates. It waits to see how the fight continues.