View Full Version : Roleplaying Dragonborn!

2018-07-23, 01:12 AM
Tl;dr Im starting a new dragonborn character (Barbarian or maybe fighter) soon and I am looking for character art as a source of inspiration. Namely on mannerisms and the like. How do I play up their different natures while also communicating well. You can stop reading if you like.

Also color! My dragon-born is going to be descendant from a chromatic dragon but havent chosen which yet because it's not hyper important so mechanical thoughts and advice are important.

Haven't decided their sex/gender. Sex just because I haven't (have been playin a lot of chicks lately, so I do lean towards a dude) gender is in all probability just western norms. (I may reserve the right to play with that, it's a home brew game.

This is what I have so far on backstory

My Dragonborn has just recently freed themselves from bondage as a gladiator and is hoofing it back to their home (or at least where they think it is.) They remember being young and being called scratcher but one day was captured by a group of overzealous and morally scrupulous adventurer's. They were raised as a gladiator by people who mostly treated them as a beast, not a person. Their only friendships were with people they almost exclusively ended up having to fight against. But both they and they commoners showed them a much softer and better side of humanity.

By ancestry they are a handful of generations away from a chromatic dragon. Which for a good character is a concern. For most of their history they've just assumed "You are a dragon beast, i.e. you are evil" when running into racism; and finding out "noope, great grand daddy was a red dragon who drank too much and is actually an evil creature".

I kind of want their sire to be a lawful evil sort, just so that there's something to work with, "True you are a chaotic good being... but you are still my kin." I dont know if draogns have gotten recovered in 5e but if memory serves dragon allingments are fairly locked.

Weapon Im thinking halberd or great axe. Though nothing wrong with sword and board. (My DM is going to let us take the weapon feats)

2018-07-23, 01:19 AM
For sex, it might be fun not to disclose that. You're a reptile, after all, so maybe it's very difficult for non-dragonborn to distinguish males from females. (Other dragonborn would presumably have no such difficulty, but might plausibly rely on something like scent rather than anything that's easily visible.)

2018-07-23, 01:32 AM
Oooh that's nefarious..... I like it.

We are using roll 20 and this tokens but I'll just grab a male and female dragonborn in the pic.