View Full Version : Starfinder Society: Sanctuary of Drowned Delight [Starfinder, Group B]

2018-07-23, 11:16 PM
Absalom Station, Lorespire Complex Briefing Room 18B

The meeting room is well furnished and stocked with various refreshments, but Fitch—the meeting’s initiator—is nowhere to be seen. After several seconds of silence following the last arrival entering the meeting room, a large holoscreen descends from the ceiling of the northern wall. Fitch’s small, albino ysoki face appears in clear resolution. She whispers quietly to the assembled group.

"I have a very important mission for you. You should be aware that the Master of Stars, the best ship in the Starfinder Society’s fleet, is undergoing extensive renovations. Well, we’ve hit a bit of a roadblock. We need some clophirium to complete the next repair, but supplies have been quite scarce in the Pact Worlds for the last forty years. Luckily, we searched our archives and found a planet in the Vast with substantial reserves: Arniselle." Fitch’s transmitted image picks up a datapad but accidentally knocks a screwdriver off the desk while doing so. She flinches as the tool clatters to the ground, then continues whispering in an even lower tone. "NO! I’m sorry about that. They’re finally all asleep, you see."

"Now, back to the mission. We established a lodge on Arniselle about a century ago. It was abandoned when the First Seeker at the time decided to refocus Society resources closer to the Pact Worlds and abandoned several outposts in the Vast. Unfortunately, our scans show that Arniselle has undergone substantial seismic activity during the intervening years, and now the whole lodge is underwater. We assigned a special team to go investigate; they’re all kalos, call themselves the Manta Corps. Maybe you’ve met them. Anyway, a ship dropped them off, but the Manta Corps never reported back for their pickup."

Suddenly, a loud shriek erupts from the holoscreen, followed by quick pitter patter footsteps. Fitch drops the whisper and turns away from the screen. "Hey, you’re all supposed to be asleep for another hour! Back in the beds before I duct tape you in and leave you to find a way out!" Fitch turns back to face the screen. "Anyway, the current First Seeker agrees with me about the importance of this mission and has authorized me to mount a second expedition. We must finish repairing the Master of Stars, and to do that we need Arniselle’s clophirium. This could be dangerous, so I’ve selected you, some of our most experienced agents. Go to Arniselle and investigate the submerged lodge. See what it will take to re-establish our presence there. And try to find out what happened to the Manta Corps. Best case scenario, they’re just down there working, but it’s not like them not to report in."

"I’m sending you information on the planet now. Oh, and remember! There could easily be intelligent life on this world. The lodge wasn’t staffed long enough to really explore the oceans. If you meet any new species, be diplomatic! It’s not only our mission as Wayfinders, but locals might help us with getting that clophirium as quickly as possible. Any questions?"

2018-07-24, 07:33 AM
While his drone, Slik, was exploring the room, prodding at the walls and unoccupied chair cushions, Qiqi was sorting through the refreshments looking for his favorite liquor. Being the last one to the meeting, the little reddish rat-man hadn't had the time to get himself settled. Out one ear he listened to Fitch explain the mission. The mention of clophirium took him back to Uncle Toto's bar in the Diaspora, memories of grizzled old smugglers too stubborn or cheap to buy themselves new engines complaining about how hard it was to find the once favored mineral filled his head.

Letting out a gasp of satisfaction and turning to the holoscreen, liquor in one hand and glass in the other, Qiqi asked, "Say...it isn't easy - or cheap - to come by the location of a good cache of clophirium. What's it worth for us to bring it back to you rather than sell it to other interested parties?"

Qiqi poured himself a glass of potent smelling blue liquid and downed it, making a mental note to contact his uncle and see what the going price of a map to clophirium might be.

2018-07-24, 08:20 AM
Alez stood slightly to the side, eyes on both the Ysoki who was offering them a job and also on the crew that he had signed up with. His assignment had been clear, find out what the Starfinder Society was up against, and report back any part of that which might be a specific threat to the humans. The blonde man had found a mercenary crew rather easily, and with the range of skills he had, he was able to convince them that he was just looking for a decent payday and wasn't likely to stab them in the back. He hadn't decided quite yet if he thought the same as them.

Alez racked his brain as the assignment was mentioned, he had heard of the Manta Corps before, an all Kalo group that normally deployed to underwater locations. This was the rub, then. They were being deployed to a place that had sunk into the water, and that raised a whole slew of questions about their ability to actually do anything once they got there. "If the lodge is underwater now, is it even still functional? Also, assuming we can even get in it, won't we need some sort of special equipment to actually operate down there?"

2018-07-24, 09:16 AM
Jove sat back in his chair. His eyes glazed over peering in between his long hair, focused at the coin he twirled in his hand. He thought it best to play the uninterested party to get the upper hand in negotiation. He fumbled the coin for a moment, catching himself, then sat up to address to hologram. "Fitch I pressume? Sounds like you have your hands full, so lets not waste our time. The name's Jove. I think it best to get the fee out of the way first and foremost. We don't want to get ahead of ourselves here and be disappointed when we spend all this time talking without being up front. I would like to think my compatriots feel the same." Jove smiles warmly, "If you sent in The Manta Corps then you must have anticipated some kind of trouble, or at least wanted to cover yourself. And if they haven't responded then it safe to assume they must have found it."

Jove stands up and looks and extends his hand in an open motion, "So we have a hazardous locale, missing commandos, and a need for diplomatic discretion. It also sounds like this is real important to you. Well you came to the right team, but to consider such an significant undertaking... might take some special supplies and resources... those costs are going to rack up and right quick."

2018-07-24, 11:44 AM
Enceladus-3 remained standing throughout the briefing, as he usually did, staring unblinkingly from under the deep hood of his coat as the white Ysoki spoke. Money was less of a concern for him, but puzzles were always fascinating. Still, his companions did speak the truth when it came to the need for specialized equipment.

“The kalo are naturally suited to this task. What will we need to simulate their natural capabilities?” His flat affect could be off-putting to some, but he had come to terms with it.

2018-07-24, 05:23 PM
Jehiri sighed. This crew was so... greedy. He had never worked with beings who spent so much time worrying about the next pay day. Talavet always provided, after all. He looks at the screen, trying to see through it, and into Fitch's tiny Ysoki soul.

He looked around the room at his partners, willing them to focus on the necessities. They were not wrong about the need to aquan adaptions. "It is a great honor to be chosen for such a task. Besides, I am sure the Society has the gear we need to complete our mission, my friends. They will provide the gear, certainly." He smiles reassuringly. "When do we meet our drop ship, Fitch?"

2018-07-24, 09:18 PM
Fitch laughs when the conversation immediately turns to compensation. "Right to the point, aren’t we? You’ll each be paid the standard Provisional Field Agent rate of 4000 credits. And if you’re thinking about moving on this opportunity as a solo venture, I’d offer you the chance to think twice." Her eyes are piercing, even through the holoscreen. Her gaze is locked directly with the Ysoki agent. "Organizing an expedition into the Vast is not an easy task. You need the right connections, solid personnel, permits for Drift travel, and good enough tech to get you there safely. You got those kinds of resources, then why are you here working with us?" She rubs a clawed thumb and forefinger together making a human gesture that represents money.

She lets her words hang a bit, then addresses Alez’s remarks about the lodge’s condition. "Starfinder lodges are built to withstand almost anything. It might be flooded, but the structure should still be intact. The Society built a lot of lodges during that time, using a standardized design to be cost-effective and resilient. That means every lodge, including the one on Arniselle, has airlock systems, even if the atmosphere is normally breathable. If we’re lucky it could still be dry inside. There’s usually one airlock to enter the building, an airlock to go between levels, and an airlock to get into the records room."

She clears her throat awkwardly before continuing. "Of course, you need to get down there before you can find out if the lodge airlocks are still working. So, Agent Enceladus-3, yes, you will be doing some swimming. You all have armor, don’t you? That will let those of you that breathe do so underwater just fine. We will also be providing you with Low Power Diving Jets mods for your armor. If you can spare the slot, they provide mobility assistance while submerged. You’ll also want to be sure to bring some piercing weapons; those work pretty well underwater."

"And yes, Jove, we will include the standard first aid and basic supplies package like we do for all expeditions to the Vast." Fitch says, addressing Jove directly. Finally, she smiles when Jehiri asks when the shuttle will be ready. "Now there’s some enthusiasm! You may leave immediately, you’ll find the shuttle is already stocked with supplies and at your command."

Your supplies for this mission include:

[5] Medpatch
[2] Sprayflesh
[2] Healing Serum Mk II
[1] Basic Medkit
[5] Flashlights
[5] Low Power Diving Jets

Additionally, the shuttle is equipped with a food synthesizer and enough fuel to support a three week expedition.

The Low Power Diving Jets provide a +4 bonus to Athletics checks for swimming.

Land-based creatures usually have considerable difficulty when fighting in water, as it affects attack rolls, damage, and movement. The following adjustments apply whenever a character is swimming, walking in chest-deep water, or walking along the bottom of a body of water. For more information, see page 405 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook.


All armor can facilitate self-contained breathing, protecting you against vacuums, smoke, and thick, thin, and toxic atmospheres (including any airborne poison or disease). Self-contained breathing functions underwater and in similar liquid environments.


Characters swimming or floating in water that is at least chest deep and characters who are fully immersed have cover against attacks made from the surface.


Most attacks made underwater take a –2 penalty and deal half damage. Attacks that deal fire damage do only one-quarter damage. Attacks that deal electricity damage take a –4 penalty rather than a –2 penalty. Melee attacks that deal piercing damage deal full damage. Thrown weapons are ineffective underwater, even when launched from land.


A creature that is attempting Constitution checks to hold its breath can’t concentrate enough to cast spells. Some spells might work differently underwater, subject to the GM’s discretion.

2018-07-24, 09:42 PM
Enceladus-3 nodded as Fitch ended the conversation.

“Before we depart, I would like to obtain a layout for the standard Starfinder Lodge. If they are all uniform, it would be helpful to know our way around. That completed, I am prepared to depart when all of you are. I am most intrigued by the puzzle set before us.”

I assume there’s no roll to find the schematic? And once on the shuttle, I will install the modification directly into Enceladus’s personal upgrade slot, not the armour’s, if that is feasible. If it isn’t, then I’ll put the backup power generator there instead.

2018-07-25, 08:23 AM
Qiqi laughed to himself and shrugged. It was no wonder an organization with no patience for negotiation found itself hiring a hodgepodge group of mercenaries to retrieve a supply of fuel for an antiquated drift engine. For one of its grandest vessels, no less. The mission and the Society were a means to an end for Qiqi, and he meant to keep his word. It didn't mean he wouldn't try to swing a deal on the side with one of his uncle's fences, but certainly the Society would get its fuel. He poured himself another glass of the blue and downed it as he turned, setting his glass down where he found it and surreptitiously sliding the bottle into the flap of his jacket, hoping Fitch wouldn't notice.

Qiqi thought maybe Jove could be an ally in his hunt for fortune, thinking to inform him of any opportunities. Men with a disposition like Jove's always seemed to slip out of trouble at the last second in Toto's Tavern, and skills like that could be helpful to him.

Signalling to Slik to lead him out of the room, Qiqi said over his shoulder, "It's nice to meet you fine people. I'm going to look around and see if there are any old fashioned projectile weapons I take a liking to and meet you on the ship." He waved his fingers in the air, "Don't leave without me!"

2018-07-25, 08:38 AM
Alez nodded thoughtfully and tapped a finger against the side of his face. This wasn't going to be the easiest of missions given the location, but it seemed like their contact was at the very least being fair to them and attempting to set them up for success. That boded well for any future potential of working with the Society, this crew seemed to gravitate towards the mission payout, and would most likely not be willing to stick around if the setup was stacked against them.

With Qiqi's mention of going looking for a weapon, Alez's hand moved to his own pistol, a human weapon that he had spent a good deal of his credits on when assigned his mission. He had a variety of other skills, but he also knew that would have to trust in his weapon on more than one occasion, so he had spent more in order to get something more substantial than the weaponry that the Organization was willing to provide. In this case, it mean that he was already prepared, a happy surprise.

"I believe that I have everything I need, and all my questions answered. Fitch, thank you for the information, and we will be back with your clophirium." Alez waited for the others to get whatever else they needed, then prepared to follow the group to the shuttle.

2018-07-25, 11:14 AM
Jove frowned, "Well that negotiation was brief." Jove motioned towards Qiqi moving his index finger to his head and raising his eyebrows in acknowledgment.

"I'll leave the shopping to you all. I think I have everything that I need. I like to improvise anyways. I'll see you guys back on the ship?"

Jove rubbed the bump on the back of this neck where he just had a personal enhancement unit installed. Spending all of that money was a good investment, but left his account dry. That jetpack armor upgrade seemed like a good idea at the time, but would not be very useful underwater. Well, it was cool anyways.

"Water, huh? I hope its not cold water.", Jove says at no one in particular. "Maybe this mission will be a nice change of pace."

2018-07-25, 03:51 PM
"I'm not sure there is any other kind." Alez responds to Jove, not really being invited to a conversation, but taking the opportunity to initiate one anyways. "Unless there's some sort of Hot Tub planet that we aren't aware of." A smile crosses the blonde mans face. He extends his hand out, "I'm Alez. I know we've all exchanged names and what not, but wanted to make it more formal. I think I've seen you around a bit. You've from here aren't you?" The Operative motions around him, indicating Absalom itself.

2018-07-25, 07:02 PM
Enceldaus-3 turned around to depart just as the blond man spoke. His eyes first went down to his outstretched hand, then upwards. Interposing himself very obliviously between the profferer of the handshake and the recipient, he took the man’s hand and shook it.

“Ah. Human mode of familiarity and greeting. Thank yoh for your assumption that we are to be more than professionally acquainted. I am Enceladus-3, technomancer. I hope you do not die on this mission.”

When finished, he stepped back deliberately to his original path and continued.

2018-07-25, 08:23 PM
"Ahhh... Right. Seems like you two are acquainted," Jove smiles and scratches his head awkwardly. "Well, since you aren't angry I think it's safe to say we haven't met. The name is Jove, nice to meet you," Jove leans to the side to yell after the Android, "and you too, Encul-Encledias-3." He returns to extend a hand and a sheepish smile to Alez.

"Yeah, you may have seen me around. That doesn't surprise me. You know, you kind of look familiar too. Who knows, maybe we've even shared a drink on a hazy night before. Us humans have to stick together. Tough world out there for us now." Jove looks solemn, then glances around, creeping a bit closer, "just between you and me, Hot Tub planet does exist. Well, its less of a planet and more of a moon. Picture this- low-grav. hot tub. bikini party." Jove raises his eyebrows suggestively. "How long you been running opts for the Society?" Jove says, quickly changing the conversation.

2018-07-25, 11:23 PM
The group continues their conversation as they make their way to the central lifts of the Lorespire Complex. Before long, they've left the structure behind, walking the crowded streets and corridors of the Ring, on the way to the shuttle in Kavalasa's Arm. The trip is fairly quick and uneventful, save for a few moments spent navigating the Vesk Quarter, in attempt to circumvent a large military parade being held along the main thoroughfare in the Quarter.

2018-07-26, 07:05 AM
Delighted albeit surprised he managed to keep his bottle of blue, Qiqi found a comm terminal and sent a message to Uncle Toto before he put too much more of the bottle down his gullet. He informed his uncle of his opportunity and inquired about how much he might be able to make for selling the location of such a mine as Fitch had discussed. He had no intention of selling any clophirium itself, that he made clear. Halfway through the blue he managed to exchange his azimuth rifles for upgraded hunting rifles. He stumbled across a fascinating procession during which large men danced stiffly with their weaponry in what appeared to be an extremely formal courtship ritual with the gods of war - or a military parade. Eventually he grew bored and walked Slik to the ship to rejoin the group.

2018-07-26, 10:27 AM
Alez had been caught off guard by the android stepping into his handshake, but tried to keep the surprise from his face as much as possible. He made a mental note about Enceldaus-3 and his (it's? He'd need to find the specifics of that soon) apparent unfamiliarity with direct human contact. There was more to this story and something that Alez would need to delve into later on when it was more appropriate. His natural curiosity would lead him to uncover Enc's history, but at a pace that was more appropriate given they had just met.

Alez continued his conversation with the Android and Jove as they traversed the ring, an area that he knew by heart having grown up in this district and spending his youth exploring it in great detail. He probed his companions with light questions, never anything too deep, but enough to start to get a general feel for their demeanor and motivations. Finally, they arrived at the shuttle. Having all of his equipment already with him, Alez prepared himself for the shuttle ride as they waited for the others to appear.

2018-07-27, 11:14 PM
Making his way to the shuttle with his gear bag in one hand and a protein pack in the other, Jehiri uses his other two hands to leaf through a pamphlet the Manta Corps had put out as advertisement for their services. After the meeting earlier, he had his armor fitted for the underwater upgrade and packed a brace of old tactical pistols he kept around for strange jobs. They should stand him in good stead, along with a carbon-fiber pike. He reminded himself to talk with the android about spell selection so they wouldn't have significant overlap and could be ready for more eventualities.

2018-07-31, 04:02 PM
Shuttle Docks, Kavalasa's Arm

Eventually, the group arrives at the shuttle docks in Kavalasa's Arm. There, a large personnel freighter emblazoned with the words The Peregrination into Night across the hull awaits. The ship is a fairly standard Drift transport equipped with housing and supplies for about twenty passengers, plus a crew of about ten. However, this time, the only passengers aboard are the group of Starfinders. The bay doors to the shuttle open with a soft skiiiish and a female Shirren skitters out. "Ah, yesh," she says in a slight lisp, her mandibles clicking softly while she speaks, "you musht be the team that Fitch organized. I am your captain, Zhasht. Off to Arnishelle, aren't we?" She leads the group inside the shuttle, where she gives a short tour of the amenities. "Cabinsh are a bit utilitiarian, but you'll shleep well enough," she explains, opening the door to one of the sleeping quarters down one hall in the shuttle. Inside is a simple bed and desk setup, lit by a single floating orb of light in the center of the ceiling. There's a common room, equipped with a holoscreen and a couple of tables lined with chairs, enough for ten people to sit comfortably.

"Are we all ready to shet off?"

2018-07-31, 11:37 PM
Jove slaps a bulkhead. "Fine starship you got here Zhasht. Thanks for the tour captain. Speaking of which, let me know if you get tired of being captain, I don't mind taking over," Jove jokes. "You know, when I was little I always wanted to meet the captain and get one of those Starfinder pins. Do you guys still do that? My parent's always told me not to bother the crew, but seeing as we've already been introduced, it would be a nice memento to remember our time together on this fine piece of engineering."

Jove moves to sit down on one of the chairs. "Does this ship come with windows?"

2018-08-01, 12:33 PM
Enceldaus observes Jove’s actions after the tour, and then nods, as if finishing processing information. He leans forward and likewise strikes the hull.

“Ceremonial act of violence completed. If you desire to furtively sponsor mutiny against your control of this starship, Zhast, I will also assist.”

He pauses a bit longer and then looks to Jove.

“I was under the impression suborning the captain of a starship was done in secret. This is a refreshingly honest and open transaction. It reminds me of my home.”

“I am ready to leave now, captain.” The android winks in an exaggerated fashion at Zhast, before turning to whichever of their company is nearest. “You see, I engaged in humorous juxtaposition of our current conversation.”

2018-08-02, 06:09 AM
Qiqi hopped up into a chair at the common table next to Jove and let Slik roam the ship. He listened to the interchange between Zhash, Jove, and the android with amusement, guffawing at the android's joke.

"Now that was funny! I've been searching far and wide for a true comedian and I think I've finally found him." Taking on an air of formality he continued, "If you ask it of me, Mr. Roboto, I will join you in your attempt to take over this ship by force of personality alone." Chuckling to himself he slid what was left of his bottle to Jove and winked. "Anything can have windows if you try hard enough."

He turned back to the android and stood up on his chair, extending his paw as far as he could over the table. "I don't think we've actually been introduced...the name's Qiqi, and before you ask, yes, just like a party. I have to cover my ears anytime the parents try to tell the story of me."

2018-08-02, 07:56 AM
Alez simply shakes his head at what unfolds in front of him. As he had thought before, he was going to need to talk with the android to explain some of the subtleties of social interaction. Otherwise he's going to say something like this to the wrong person and get us killed. Stowing his gear securing, he finds his way over to Zhast as the others continue talking amongst themselves. "Sorry about this captain. They've all been pent up a little too long and so have some real energy now that we're on our way off-station." Alez gives an apologetic smile, shrugs, and finds his way to a seat near the rest of his crew as they prepare to depart.

2018-08-06, 11:05 AM
Shuttle Docks, Kavalasa's Arm

Zhast laughs at Jove's suggestion. "You're a pilot too, huh? I think we could figure shomthing out, we've got quite the trip ahead of ush." Then, her eyes widen with surprise as Enceladus-3 jokes about mutiny, before a flash of realization at the android's dry sense of humor washes over her. Alez's apology for his companions is taken in kind. "I aim to keep it from coming to that, if you boysh need a releashe valve to let of shteam, use the common room'sh holoshcreen aerobicsh training! And if Jove really needsh time at the helm, like I shaid, I won't mind relaxing in my cabin for a day or two. Drift jump is precalculated, sho really, the shuttle practically fliesh itshelf!" It seems the opening exchange has made Zhast warm up to the group quickly.

As everyone makes preparations to depart from the dock Zhast engages in quiet banter with the group, sometimes asking for help with small tasks like checking ship status levels on the helm's holoscreen, distributing everyone's luggage to the cabins, and making sure any loose articles in the common room are securely packed away for the initial jump into the Drift. Before long, Zhast chitters happily, "We're ready to depart!" With a few button presses at the holoscreen control console in the cockpit, the shuttle engages the automated undocking procedure and propels itself out of the docking bay into into space outside the station. After the shuttle has cleared Absalom Station and reached safe Drift jump distance from the station, the Shirren captain engages the Drift drive. The starfield visible in the viewports around the ship bleeds into a white sheen and everyone feels a sharp jolt as the shuttle launches itself into hyperspace. And then, the turbulence is done and the ship travels speedily along the endless expanse of Drift, making the journey to Arniselle.


Drift Coordinates [100.2923.4921.91, 4682., 6.192.7841.7.444]

Before long, the shuttle's sensors pick up an anomaly in the Drift. As the ship speeds closer to the anomaly, it eventually comes into visual range. It's an organic arkship floating slowly through the Drift. Zhast tunes the shuttle's communicator's to lock on to the signal from the biomechanical arkship, which uses the channel and signature of the Xenowardens faction of the Society. The shirren captain downloads a data packet encoded in the broadcast. "Hmm, looks like a Xenowarden research ship. Wonder what they're doing out here?" She taps a clawed finger to her mandibles, then continues. "Well, I downloaded the data packet, but it looks like it's just a bunch of planetary survey results. Still, if you're interested, you can download it from the helm holoscreen terminal yourself and check it out."

The data packet in the holoscreen terminal is filled with a dense packet of planetary surveys, from a multitude of planets ranging from the Pact Worlds to the edge of the Vast. These include information like plant growth rates, precipitation patterns, and atmospheric composition, with a collection of science officer notes for each.

You're able to parse the information quickly. Most of it is fairly innocuous, but one of the notes for a planet with a horrible habitability rating includes a line: "Plans for relocation and rehabilitation include the cruel relocation of the last known Feathered Renkrodas into captivity on small Castrovelian wildlife preserves."

Castrovel is a warm, verdant world with intense storms, powerful tides, and sprawling jungles and swamplands in which a tremendous variety of life roams freely. The wilderness is kept wild, and the planet's resources harvested sustainably, due to a lashunta desire to allow the same evolutionary processes that created them to develop and improve other life on the planet.

The Feathered Renkroda are an endangered form of hypercarnivore native to Castrovel, which are larger than the more common Whiskered Renkroda.


Arniselle, In Orbit

Finally, after nearly a week of otherwise uneventful Drift travel, during which Zhast was happy to hand the helm over to Jove for a couple days (although the shuttle was basically locked into the coordinates of the Drift jump and woudn't accept manual override), the Peregrination into Night arrives near Arniselle. The shirren captain deftly maneuvers the shuttle into orbit over the planet. "I've locked theshe coordinatesh, you should be right near the lodge!" Zhast says to the group. "Use the shubmersible at the back of the shuttle, it's jusht large enough for the five of you to drop off into the ocean and find the lodge." She gestures to the back and the cargo bay doors open, where a large glass and steel spherical vessel is parked. It seems to maneuver using technology similar to the underwater mobility jets, by hydraulic propulsion underwater. It also includes a pair of mechanical legs for terrestrial navigation. "I'll be back to pick you up in two day'sh time - the shuttle can't washte too much fuel in orbit or we won't have enough juice to make the Drift jump back home."

The submersible awaits command. It looks like it includes remote controls to open the cargo bay blast doors to allow the submersible to drop out of the back of the shuttle into the ocean below. Additionally, there's controls to deploy a parachute to make the drop into the ocean safely.

Feel free to respond to any of the points in time for the journey or arrival, I just wanted to move things along to Arniselle, but we can jump back for further scenes in the Drift if needed.

2018-08-06, 11:37 AM
Alez spends most of the time on their voyage in his chair, casually chatting with whomever is sitting nearby. In his head, he has already gone over the necessary checklists for their arrival multiple times, to the point of boredom. There were too many unknowns to really get into any sort of real plan, so the Operative was unable to build out a list of things to accomplish short of ensuring that the Lodge they were landing is was actually structurally sound enough for them to stay.

Thankfully, a distraction appeared as they traveled through Drift. Alez happily downloaded the packet locally to dig into further, his fingers tapping away quickly as he parsed through the data. It was an interesting note on Castrovel, and specifically relocation of one of the species there. It was also a bit strange, as from what he knew of Castrovel, there weren't preserves as much as various areas where the animals didn't have free reign.

Overall, it wasn't much of a major intel find. Still, true to his training, Alez noted it away in his mind as something to file for the future. He needed to get his hands on a personal computer so he could either store things like this locally or send it off to his superiors without someone noticing (for example, the owner of the ship they were traveling on). The data consumed, Alez sat back and tapped his fingers lightly on his chair, boredom slipping in again.

2018-08-07, 08:37 PM
Jehiri spends the trip familiarizing himself with the new upgrades to his armor, learning to maneuver and fight in an aquatic environment. He quickly comes to understand that it bears some similarities to moving in the vacuum of space.

2018-08-07, 09:52 PM
Enceladus spends the majority of the trip observing, occasionally demonstrating his unique ineptitude with the vast majority of “normal” topics and conversational cues. When the data came in from the Xenowarden ship, he was able to speak knowledgeably, but the nature of massive biological organisms seemed almost...boring to him.

During the trip it would have had to come out that he is a native of Aballon, having been built there. He is a devotee of Triune who believes his calling is to experience the universe and bring knowledge back to his home planet.

Upon disembarking, he delivers what is an incredibly uncharacteristic speech to the captain. It is in his own words, that much is clear, but to careful ears he is synthesizing popular films and entertainment to applaud the Shirren’s nobility, courage, and loyalty. He has effectively created a pastiche of images appropriate to the moment. Once delivered, he moves to the submersible.

2018-08-08, 03:17 AM
Qiqi sobers up during the voyage and his conversation with the rest of the team normalizes as much as it can for the little red rat man. He takes a guilty moment to assure Zhast that he has no intention of any kind of mutiny, not sure whether his addled mind interpreted her benevolent reaction to the joke appropriately. The team's company is thoroughly entertaining to him, especially the antics of Jove and Enceladus, but by the time the journey is complete Qiqi is eager to get on to the adventure.

Qiqi ushers Slik onto the submersible. Turning to the others he asks, "Any of you fine gentlemen fancy yourselves pilots?"

2018-08-08, 08:52 PM
"I have some experience with Piloting," Alez responded "Though, I thought that I heard you talking about having some as well Jehiri. I'm fine either way." The operative was intentionally vague in his skillset to not let on just yet how many different things he had some capability in. He wasn't about to hold back when push came to shove if he was able to help the group in the action, but he was going to play his cards close to his vest for a while as he felt them out further. In the heat of the moment, he was likely to let on more than he probably should, but it would be easy enough for them to overlook or accept it when it was helping the group accomplish their goals.

2018-08-08, 10:04 PM
"I am a pilot. It is one of the gifts the goddess gifted me with
to help my people." Jehiri says, without a hint of arrogance. He speaks as if he is simply stating fact.

2018-08-08, 11:02 PM
“From this point we are almost assured to be acquired by the planet’s gravitational pull towards the sea. This will be akin to falling, with course corrections. I can guide the craft as it hurtles from space. Perhaps we can all hold on to the steering apparatus?”

2018-08-10, 08:19 AM
Alez chuckles and shakes his head. "How about Jehiri pilots? We can all find something to do, I'm sure." It was going to take a little getting used to the android. The Human had known roughly of Androids while growing up and going through his Operative training, but hadn't directly interacted with any socially in that time. If they were all like Enceladus, it would certainly make for interesting conversations.

2018-08-10, 05:11 PM
"Its a little cramped in here, isn't it? ", Jove says jokingly, trying to hide his discomfort from the closed space.

Jove looks around the weird submarine, drop-ship, spacecraft for a screen used for communications, "Well if anyone tries to talk to us while we 'fall' towards this planet, I can talk back at them. Otherwise, I am here to serve refreshments," Jove removes a flask from his jacket, takes a swig, and motions towards the others offering a drink. "I don't have a problem with space travel, but I've never been too keen on the landing part. Maybe just past experiences..."

2018-08-13, 10:59 PM
Outside Arniselle Starfinder Society Lodge

"Good luck, Shtarfindersh! Remember, you have two days!" Zhast says cheerfully, giving the group a wave before she presses a panel on the wall and closes the interior door to the cargo room. She vanishes behind the closing portal. The crew load up into the submersible, then shove off. There's a distinct feeling of weightlessness as the vessel drops out of the back of the cargo hold into free fall for a few moments, before a parachute deploys overhead, slowing the descent into the churning waves below.

After a few minutes floating down from the sky, the submersible lands with a splash, and Jehiri takes the controls, directing the craft downwards into the yawning deep below. The submerged Starfinder lodge is simple to find, about a quarter mile under the surface. As the submersible approaches the lodge, the structure appears to be intact. The lodge's northern edge is pushed into a cluster of rocks and boulders, with obvious signs of other past impact. Broken parts of the rest of the exterior - constructed of the same material as spacecraft bulkhead - are haphazardly repaired, exterior lights are active, casting a fleeting glow out into the murky depths. At the front is a sealed, steel airlock door, fairly standard issue. Curiously, a strange broken chain decorates the door. To the right is a standard door control panel, like any found on Starfinder Society spacecraft.

The door control for the airlock can be activated as a standard action. Additionally, your characters know that there are similar controls inside the airlock. At the beginning of that character’s next turn, the airlock chamber finishes draining or filling with water (depending on direction) and the other side automatically opens. Once activated in this fashion, no other creatures can enter while the airlock is draining or filling. The exterior airlock can comfortably hold 12 Medium creatures.

You realize that the chain is displayed as a holy symbol, but it doesn’t match any known religion that you've ever heard of.


2018-08-14, 12:21 PM
Alez was pleasantly surprised when the lodge appears to be intact. Not having to swim around in wreckage makes for a nice start. Still, it's interesting that it appears as if something has been repaired. Who or what would have repaired them doesn't make much sense, and the odds of finding the previous team inside happily unaware they were missing is pretty small.

The operative draws his pistol, and takes position slight to the side of the airlock, ready for someone to activate it in case something happens to be on the other side. "Alright, looks like we need to go explore some. Who wants to hit the button?"

2018-08-14, 09:03 PM
Jehiri congratulated himself as he deftly guided the shuttle into dock with the airlock. The **shnikt** as connection was made was very satisfying. A tool, rightly used, must feel like this...

__________________________________________________ ______________________

Checking his suit one more time, Jehiri nods to Alez. It is time to explore. He lifts his right lower arm to activate the airlock. The arms on his left both grasp his pike, while the right upper practice the movements of a spell. "This is a crack team who have gone off the grid. We need to be prepared for anything."

2018-08-15, 11:25 AM
Enceladus leans in to examine the chain, not willing to touch it yet, nor the door it is attached to.

“This is a symbol of some faith that I do not recognize.”

He scanned the door, raising a hand splayed open in front of himself, palm outward, allowing his processors to open themselves to the weave of magic that could be present.

I’m activating Detect Magic

2018-08-17, 09:28 AM
Arniselle Lodge: Airlock A1

Enceladus doesn't detect anything magical about the chain in question, nor does he find any other magical auras within the range of his spell. When Jehiri activates the airlock using the panel, there's a hum and rushing sound as the airlock depressurizes. Then the doors open after but a moment, revealing the interior chamber, currently filled with water. It's a small room, about ten-by-thirty feet, lit by dimly glowing red LEDs in each corner. The door on the opposite side is sealed, and yet another control panel awaits within the chamber.

2018-08-17, 12:48 PM
"Alright. So I guess we just go inside then?" Jove readies his spear and looks around at his fellow crew. "Okay I'll go first."

Jove cautiously enters the airlock, looking around cautiously as he enters.

2018-08-17, 12:54 PM
Arniselle Lodge: Airlock A1

The sealed door at the opposite side of the airlock makes it impossible to gauge what might lie beyond in the Starfinder Lodge proper. Jove enters cautiously, and sort of floats in the center of the airlock, waiting for anyone else to follow. It shouldn't be difficult to activate the airlock control, to shut the outside door and engage the airlock draining and repressurization process.

2018-08-17, 01:26 PM
"Seems like it." Alez enters the airlock as well, keeping his pistol ready. He really hoped that the entire lodge wasn't water filled, but he wasn't too confident on that.

2018-08-18, 09:30 PM
Before the drop Qiqi enthusiastically accepts the drink from Jove and grins up at him. "Why not enjoy a drink before the ride?"

After the submersible is safely coupled, Qiqi readies his rifle and has Slik do the same. He enters the airlock gingerly behind Jove. "Seems like things here are in better order than should be expected from a missing team. We should send Slik out ahead of us before we get into the next room and make sure we aren't walking into some kind of trap."

Apologies for the delay in responding. I'm out to sea and the ship is strangling our internet access outside of meal hours. I'll do my best to get onto the forums more frequently.

2018-08-18, 11:03 PM
Jove eyes the drone scooting about, "So that thing- Slik?- comes with guns? Does it have stabbers too? That is pretty slick." Jove lets down his guard for a moment and rests his spear on his shoulder, "Hey, if it means I don't get shot at first, I have no issue with the little guy taking point."

2018-08-21, 08:09 AM
Alez nods in agreement. "I'm fine with Slik going in first, but I'm pretty sure this door doesn't open or close quickly, so we'll just need to be aware in case something is right on the other side."

2018-08-23, 12:23 AM
Arniselle Lodge: Common Room?

The group gathers in the airlock and engage the panel. With a woosh, the doors close behind, and the room begins to drain. Luckily, the airlock is still fully functional. After a moment, the room is fully pressurized and the interior door opens to reveal what should be the common room of the lodge. The airlock door spins open, and two creatures await on the other side. One creature is a vibrant teal and the other a similarly bright indigo. Both are large creatures with an imposing presence, each with a stout body that ends in a single wide flipper. They have articulated side flippers with a surprising level of fine motion, brightly colored whiskers, gills, and four long tusks, two on each side. The tusks are lightly carved with decorative patterns. They both wear white robes that flutter with the movement of the ocean, and the indigo creature speaks in slightly accented but otherwise perfect Common. “Hello, and welcome! I am Hinevera, and this is Teltham of the morlamaw people. Welcome to our home. You must be more Starfinders, I presume? The last group left rather quickly, so we assumed another group would arrive soon. Greetings!”

Behind them, milling about the rest of the room, are four more creatures like these two, each brightly colored and engaged with several activities around the former lodge common room. Some pray quietly at the benches and work busily at the tables, some cleaning fish and others repairing clothing and equipment. A large curtain divides this room, and faint lines on the ground indicates that several walls were likely removed to make this space more open. A five-foot-high stage and eight rows of benches fill the northern half of the room, while the southern half has several large tables. An airlock on the eastern wall acts as a front door, and airlocks on the northern and southern walls lead to other areas. Steel doors lead to the north and south.

So yeah, icons on the map are a little small, and I had to find character art for some of you guys. The roster of characters and their positions on the map are as follows:

Enceladus-3: W5
Alez: X3
Qiqi: W6
Slik: U6
Jove: W7
Jehiri: X7

Let me know if you have questions or need clarification.


2018-08-25, 10:46 PM
Slik skittered enthusiastically into the room but stopped quickly, realizing immediately that stealth was useless in their current situation. It gingerly took a few steps backwards to get out of arms reach of the two mornalaws.

Qiqi deliberately lowered his rifle so as not to immediately flag the greeting party. He didn't totally trust these creatures, doubting that a reliable group of Starfinders would come to this planet and simply leave the mission incomplete without reporting back to higher command. He cast a glance up at Jove and kept his thoughts to himself, deciding that the man's silver tongue would likely be a better way to greet these creatures than his own sarcastic remarks.

2018-08-26, 01:11 PM
"Hello Hinevera and Teltham. My name's Jove, and we are your friendly team from Starfinder Society. I'm here with my friends Alez, Jehiri, Enceladus-3, Qiqi, and his little bud Slik. Its seems like you are enjoying the lodge we dropped down for you guys. We're here to check in and see how you all are going. How's it going? By the way, what happened to the team that showed up earlier? How come they left so quickly? You guys seem like an agreeable bunch. I like what you did to the place!"

Jove looks around the room in admiration, covering as he looks for a control panel.