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View Full Version : Using Claws

2007-09-11, 05:07 PM
A little background:

My char is a lvl 6 elven Psion (Kineticist). I'm trying to avoid being a blast cannon, instead specializing in battlefield modification (Psionic Grease, Dimension Twister, Dispel Psionics/Magic, Astral Construct) and melee combat. To this end, I'm going into the Elocater prestige class starting at lvl 10, picking up the Control Body power next level (one use of which is to effectively replace my 10 str with my 16+ Int), and using the Expanded Knowledge feat to access the Claws of the Beast power.

My question is this: Is there anything (particularly items) that you can think of that would be better for this character than an Amulet of Mighty Fists? Paying for three weapons and getting two is annoying, and I'd rather use my throat slot for Chronocharms (MIC). The 3.0 Savage Species book has a couple of items, but my GM and I both strongly prefer 3.5 (to make certain it's balanced).

P.S. I know this character is non-optimized. He is not now and never has been intended as a combat monster. Actually, I designed him as a prankster, so any suggestions for powers that help this wouldn't hurt.

Fax Celestis
2007-09-11, 05:12 PM
Try a Psicrown of the Beast (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/psicrowns.htm#beast). Takes the head slot, and gives you access to a number of natural-attack augmenting powers.

2007-09-11, 05:18 PM
I hadn't noticed that particular item. I'm not sure it's the solution I want, though, for two reasons. First, I try to avoid consumable items in general, aside from cure potions/wands. Second, I want to occupy my head slot with an Int booster.

Fax Celestis
2007-09-11, 05:23 PM
As far as "consumable" items go, it's not very consumable. It holds 450 power points, and most of the powers involved cost about 5 to 7 pp per use. After a while, yes, it'll be empty, but it'll take a long time.

Further, one can add an Intelligence booster to the psicrown by adding the cost of the Int bonus to the item--which may cost an additional 50% of the int-bonus cost, depending on your DM's usage of the Magic Item Compendium.

2007-09-13, 11:01 PM
I've found an item in Savage Species (3.0) that would help:

Beast Claws

Usually found in a size that fits a Mediumsize
humanoid, this pair of +1 spiked gauntlets sports claws at
the tips of the fingers. They allow the wearer to make claw
attacks (1d4/×2 slashing damage for Medium-size characters;
see Changing Weapon Size earlier in this chapter to
adjust for wearer’s size).
If worn by a creature that already has a claw attack, beast
claws have an enhancement bonus of +2 instead of +1. The
creature does its normal claw damage while wearing beast
claws plus an additional 1d6 points of damage. Creatures of
animal intelligence will usually not willingly wear coverings
on their forelimbs.
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
Armor, polymorph self or ability to wild shape; Market Price:
9,610 gp

Both my GM and I agree, however, that this item is horribly underpriced. After all, these would grant both my claws a +2 enhancement bonus and additional 1d6 damage. This is slightly better than a +3 equivalency (considering a +1 equivalent mod adds energy damage, rather than further boosting the physical damage). Why is the price so low, and what would be a fairer price?

2007-09-13, 11:32 PM
To be honest, doing something like a King of Smack build is best done as a Psychic Warrior. Metaphysical Claws and Claws of the Vampire are both PsiWar ONLY powers, meaning more feats blown, however that combination will lead to you dishing out insane damage and healing yourself half the damage done in the process.

Empathic Transfer, Hostile (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/empathicTransferHostile.htm) is another handy one. You get hurt, your opponent gets hurt instead, at a Will save for half. Sadly, it is Telepath or PsiWar only.

Claws of Energy is a trap, don't bother with it.

As an Elocater, you may find Freedom of Movement, Psionic... very handy.

Quite bluntly: Why did you choose Keneticist if you didn't want to be a blaster? Nearly all the Keneticist powers are blasting of some form or another.

2007-09-14, 12:31 AM
Another option from Savage Species is tha Amulet of Natural Weapons (I believe that's the name) that costs 600 GP base, and any enhancements you want to put onto one set of natural weapons. In other words, +1 Merciful Claws would gost 8,600, or +1 Vorpal Claws would cost 72,600. It's a useful item, but it does take up the throat slot. But, sacrifices sometimes must be made.

2007-09-14, 02:53 AM
another okay weapon is the symbiote psionic claw thingey from fiend folio. Gives you +4 to strength and inertial armor

Duke of URL
2007-09-14, 07:09 AM
Another option from Savage Species is tha Amulet of Natural Weapons (I believe that's the name) that costs 600 GP base, and any enhancements you want to put onto one set of natural weapons. In other words, +1 Merciful Claws would gost 8,600, or +1 Vorpal Claws would cost 72,600. It's a useful item, but it does take up the throat slot. But, sacrifices sometimes must be made.

Well, you could always pay the extra price premium (what is it, +50%?) to make the same item on a non-affinity body slot... it would make a nice ring, after all.

2007-09-14, 08:44 AM
Ask the DM to help you homebrew a rune-psicrown which works exactly like runestaffs from the MiC. This should solve your consumables issue.

2007-09-14, 09:56 AM
Kineticist are blasters. Enjoy being one, or consider being something else.

As mentioned before, standard King of Smack build uses Psychic Warrior. Or you could go Psion/Warmind. But a Psion melee build is not advisable unless you're high level Psion/Slayer, have high Con, and use a good combo (Claws of the Vampire + Robilar's Gambit + Karmic Strike).

Elocater is a weak PrC in my opinion. Mobility and Spring Attack are a huge waste because Spring Attack only allows you to make 1 attack. The class only progresses your manifester level by 7/10, since everything is scaled to your manifester level (damage, Inertial Armor, Vigor, etc). And with the exception of Capricious Step, all of its special abilities can be more efficiently duplicated with feats of psionic powers.

2007-09-14, 12:12 PM
I took Kineticist because it fit the character. Unless anyone can suggest a different discipline that's better suited to carrying out childish practical jokes? And Telepathy wouldn't work, because he discovered his psionic abilities in total solitude. This character was never build to be super in combat. He was built to be fun (and believe me, he is). His combat style to date has essentially revolved around support, tactics, and using his prankish powers to sadistic combat effect. Even at level 5, he's still using Psionic Grease (which doesn't exactly scale well) to good effect. I have taken exactly two blasting powers (Energy Missile and Concussion Blast), and I don't intend to take any others. Next time I level up, Control Body will make a high Strength score unneccessary, or it will allow me to effectively turn enemies against each other.

As I said earlier, I know this build is far from optimal. I went into that with my eyes wide open. What I'm trying to do now is give my character a non-worthless option in combat that doesn't involve just being a blast cannon. I'm pretty much saving blasting for when things go south and we need the extra firepower, because combat frankly gets boring when the blast cannon comes in.