View Full Version : Nexus Seaside 4: Where Every Week Is Shark Week

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2018-07-24, 07:30 PM
Seaside 4

What is this place? Seaside is exactly what it sounds like, a sea.

Isn't there already a sea in Outside? There is an archipelago outside the cost of outside but Seaside is the ocean outside that coast.

So how can I get here? Seaside is actually more connected to the rest of the nexus than one might think. From the ocean you could reach HALO, Inside, Outside, Riverside, Random Places, The Hunting Grounds and other locations you can justify being near the sea. There are boats going to every major island in the ocean so a PC can easily get to Seaside from any of those locations as well.

But what can I do here exactly? Seaside is made for sea-based plots take take place under or on the sea. Riding pirates and vikings, giant sea monsters, sunken cities, great reefs, eldritch monsters, underwater exploration, volcano islands with cannibalistic tribes and epic battles both under, on and/or above water.

Seaside is a vast ocean which links many of the major cities within the Nexus as nearly all rivers eventually end up here somehow. You can probably find a lot of the garbage and filth from the cities washed out here near the coast. But the majority of the ocean is clean, far from the city centers of inside and riverside.

Seaside have it's own cities instead both above and underneath water populated by all manners of underwater creatures who can't live above land or too far away from the water. Here you also find sailors, pirates, submarine crews, vikings and other air breathers that are associated with the sea.
The environment these people live in can be from tropical coral reefs and sharks to frozen seas and ice bears. Anyone can feel free to make up what exactly exist in Seaside as long it's primarly connected to the sea, for more land bound adventurers there is Outside (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=289592) and if it doesn't fit there either Srs (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?548582-Serious-Plots-7-Why-so-srs) or Silly (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?491651-Silly-Plots-2-Electric-Boogaloo) plots might be what you're looking for.

Locations in Seaside

This floating island have recently risen from the very depths of Seaside and is completely inhabited by various species of crabs, some of them perhaps related to the crabs in Outside? Recently it is said that the new island has been overtaken by mermen slavers.

This lone island sits on its own surrounded on all sides by mildly turbulent waters. It sits on the water, the horizon of the city in it a mix of short and tall futuristic buildings with Nigerian and Japanese decor being the main theme, from its buildings to its inhabitants, who've settled here in Seaside, a home away hide away in the Nexus.

It is inhabited by numans, humans enhanced by eons of genetic enhancements. They're dark-skinned (ranging from 4 to 6 on the Fitzpatrick scale), with mixed Nigerian-Japanese features and black sclera.

Run by: Meltdowner

On the coast of a more arctic region, a small village lies near the water. It is little more than a collection of small igloos. They all face toward an area where water has collected on top of the ice, creating a shallow pool.

The inhabitants of this village are a number of selkies; people with mostly human-like upper bodies wile the rest of them resemble sea lions. They live here in a simple hunter-gatherer society.

An olde time beach (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17670284&postcount=1438) for parties!

An wild island filled with ancient ruins of a civilization that simply disappeared one day. Yorichi is infamous around seaside as few ever return from there despite the rumors of the treasures that are said to be hidden among the ruins. Those who survived claim that the island is inhabited by all manners of jungle beasts and ancient golem guardians placed there by the former civilizations.

Over the sea of storms towers the spires of the rather aptly named city of Galespire. A symbol of arrogance some would say as it's location would be completely uninhabitable if not for the large force walls protecting it from the extremely violent storms that build up nearly every day. But it was not the arrogance of man that had built this place, it was the ethereals, energy beings from a world far from the nexus. With a reputation of traders they had apparently thought the nexus being important enough to set up an entire city here, though who they had done so on an island in the middle of seaside is anyone's guess. The city's trademark is its many bridges and floating spires reaching up to the sky. The majority of the city is in fact flying above ground with only teleportation being able to take a person in-between the different sections of the city.

Under the protection of the force walls other beings have decided to settle down here, building up a form of undercity out of shackles and huts nearby providing a sharp contrast to the advanced Galespire. While these settlers now live under the ethereal collectives laws they are not allowed to share their technology which is held from other beings by ethereal law.

A buzzing port city not too far from Galespire and one of their most important trading partners. Generally you can't go to Galespire without passing Bayside first as only they have the captains crazy and skillful enough to sail into the sea of storms. The city have under it's long existence been claimed by a good number of different pirates and warlords which still somehow hasn't effected it's trade. The citizens of Bayside simply don't care who they're ruled and have learned to adapt to even the harshest of systems rather than trying to resist whatever new warlord that's parading into town.

That said, the current ruler is Don Juliano Karnago, an upstart goblin pirate that raids both the sea and the air with his fleet of ships and airplanes.
He has adapted Bayside to not only accommodate ships but airplanes as well with a primitive airport build in the middle of the jungle that his air pirates use as a base. Anyone else is welcome to land however, as long as they're willing to pay a very reasonable fee.

Spread across an archipelago of smaller islands is the home nation of the seaside goblins. While their technology isn't as advanced as the ethereals they have far better living conditions than the rest seaside and even have their own navy protecting them from slavers. But it hasn't been needed in many years as the goblins have a 'understanding' with most slavers and pirates operating out here and is even rumored to partially practice slavery themselves. Nothing official however. The goblins have advanced enough technology that slavery shouldn't even be needed after all, still the rumors persist thanks to the high number of goblin crime lords that have spread across the nexus. From the infamous KABAL in skyside to Don Juliano Karnago, ruler of Bayside, who both originated from Ithki-Ithki isles.

The Sea of Storms is very appropriately named, as the violent, ship-ending, storms here are nearly constant. Countless of ships, both air- and seabased have sunk here, creating the so-called ship graveyard that is rumored to be in the very center of the sea, a huge swirling whirlpool that pulls everything sunk here into it. The sea is quite obviously cursed, some say as a divine punishment for some long-forgotten civilizations sins, others by some angry sea entity, what is known however is that whoever braves these water is either a treasure hunter or a foolish landcrab. As a precaution, the ethereals have set up a warning system around the sea to warn those uneducated of the dangers that only they consider themselves powerful enough to brave.

If you want a location added to Seaside, just PM me and it will be added to the list. More locations will be added as more characters end up here.

Previous Threads
Seaside 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?291836-Nexus-Seaside)
Seaside 2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?358834-Seaside-2-Rising-Tides)
Seaside 3 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?491350-Seaside-3-A-load-of-carp)

2018-07-24, 08:00 PM
Raiders Cove Drow Messenger

"I was not allowed to read the message, though I was told the general content. This meeting was approved by the Matron, but spearheaded by her niece and right hand Erelae Xar'Cha." He explains.

Beach Party Sam and Aly

"Oh who's your friend?" Aly asks. "You should introduce us."

2018-07-24, 08:55 PM
Beach Party- Sam and Aly

Sam peers over at Lucy.
"Oh, Lucy's my roommate. Uh, you can meet her some other time. I think she's uh, busy." he says with a wink.

2018-07-24, 08:57 PM
Mount Kitsuki

Artie giggles.
”Well I’m having a few. I can’t expect quality and quantity. Though really it’s going to be hard. I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing.” she admits. She doesn’t have any proof there’s more than one. She just knows.

[Mount Kitsuki]

"You've never had kids before. Of course you don't know what you're doing." Kitsuki chuckles. The jury is out on if she knows what she's doing yet. "You'll probably figure it out, though." Probably.

2018-07-24, 10:07 PM
[Beachside - Beach wit' Tina]

Reinholdt just smirks a little, making no promises at this time. If she wants her coin back, she'll have to earn it or steal it! The latter of which would be just as good as the former as far as the Treasure Hunter's concerned.

Raising an eyebrow of curiosity as Tina teases alternative truths about her handbag, Rein settles for grabbing their drinks and carrying them to a nice spot not too far from the bar. They want sun, but they also want alcohol. It's a solid compromise.

The fey watches with strong interest. Sure it's hard to tell if he's most impressed with Tina's legs or with the hard light beach chairs, but they're both pretty impressive really. "Very nice." He hands Tina's drink back to her before he settles into the other chair, letting his shirt flap open so the sun can warm his chest. His free hand runs along the chair, poking at it, having never really encountered any hard light objects before. The one light saber he stole surely doesn't count by nature.

"What are these? Where did you get them?" Reinholdt asks, his curiosity piqued. He might have to acquire a few of these things himself. They certainly seem handy.

Tina sips her drink and eyes the treasure hunter. What was he after, really? The facts of their first encounter from so long ago made her pretty wary about offering any flirtatious comments, but he was eyeing up her legs pretty blatantly, and there were other hints...

Of course, that's just how I would interpret it, Tina reminds herself with an inward roll of the eyes, so to speak. One also had to remember she was wearing an utterly tasteless slingshot bikini that left little to the imagination. People eyeing her up a little was the point, and to be expected. Not like Tina doesn't snatch the occasional, mutual ogle, but she probably thinks she's much more subtle.

So Tina just says, "Hard light chairs. My father gave them to me. Or at least the modes to shape them how I want." She raises her eyebrows. "You have sort of a seen-it-all air about you. I'm glad you're so impressed. You can maybe even keep that one if you want." Fettina lets out a tinselly laugh. "One of the greatest achievements from my Earth and we use it to make ******* beach chairs."

[Beach Party - Bar]

Lucy smiles and nods, "Yeah, he's cute. Needs the odd word of encouragement to keep him getting too down on himself, though. Hopefully seeing a beautiful lady such as yourself applaud his performance will give him a bit of a boost to the old self esteem." She winks at Vivi, refusing to let slip an opportunity to compliment her.

As for her suggestion...

"Um, I dunno about me getting up there and singing. Obviously I'd love to hear you sing, but the music I know isn't exactly, um, party music?" She takes a moment to glance over at Addie, but quickly gets the message that she's not going to want to take part. "Tell you what, Vivi, I'll sing if you sing. Aaaand if you go first." She grins a toothy grin and folds her arms, throwing down the musical gauntlet.

"Awh, you just never stop!" Vivi says, grinning up at Lucy and swatting the middle of her back with one petite hand. She listens, and also gives Addie a quick look. Gaze back upon Lucy, Viviana lets her eyelids droop till they're hooded and smoldering dramatically. It's admittedly a bit entrancing. "I thought we could sing together. A duet."

2018-07-24, 11:36 PM
Raider's Cove - Drow Messenger

Brokenfang reads the missive, her expression likely unreadable to the Messenger before she rolls it up. "It seems to me that I will be paying Delmah Phor a visit." She comments, about to put the scroll away before deciding to pass it back to the messenger. "You may read it as it concerns you as well. It seems that you are mine to do what I wish. So, I offer you a place here. From my understanding of Drow society, there isn't much advancement for you but if you stay here and find suitable work, your origins are wiped clear. But only if you wish. Otherwise I would have you return with me once I find suitable attire to present myself in."

2018-07-25, 12:16 AM
[Beachside - Beach wit' Tina]

"Yeah? Did your father invent them?" Rein asks. Probably not right? Tina just mentioned gave them, not created them. Still, you can never be sure sometimes. Reinholdt taps the chair one more time before settling back into it and sipping at his drink.

Tilting his head back to look at the vibrant blue sky, he considers just how much he's seen. "I don't know about seen-it-all, but I get closer every day. I guess I've spent a lot of time seeing the bigger stuff so it's the little things like this chair and this party that get me excited now. Spent too much time in throne rooms and back alleys, so now it's time to explore the promenade. If that makes any sense." Having fun is the objective now!

"I'll definitely keep it. Thanks. What about you? Sounds like you're not a native to the Nexus either. You've probably seen a lot in your travels too, right? Or at least, since you've gotten here. What brought you to the greatest hive of scum and villainy anyways?" Reinholdt inquires.

2018-07-25, 12:27 AM
[Beach Party - Sam and Aly]

Aly'ithra giggles when Sam winks, flashing some pointed teeth. "Alright. So, how about we get a drink?" She suggest. "I just got here, but I'm thirsty."

[Raider's Cove - Drow Messenger]

The messenger reads over the letter, but doesn't seem surprised. He frowns. "I... I will have to think about it. Perhaps get a look around at life around here?"

2018-07-25, 12:51 AM
Raider's Cove - Drow Messenger

The Wolfen Alpha shrugs. "Up to you. Take a day and look around if you like. I'll head out in the morning. Do you know if I will be expected to bring a gift? Admittedly I do not know much of the Matron's niece. What is she like?" She wonders as she gets up and finally puts the scroll away if it is given back before pouring a couple glasses of sweetened ice tea. One is given to the Drow, and Brokenfang takes an awkward moment to take a sip of it through a straw given the tear of flesh on her jawline. It might seem a bit humiliating to drink something in such a fashion, but she would rather sip through a straw than spill sugary fluids on herself.

It'd be a pain to get out of fur.

2018-07-25, 01:01 AM
[Raider's Cove - Drow Messenger]

The drow accepts the drink, taking a sip. He's never had iced tea before, but it was sweet and cold, so to his liking. "Lady Erelae is..." He thinks, taking another longer draw on his drink. "She's nice, actually. One of the key diplomats for the family. Young, not particularly well placed in the bloodline, but because of that the Matron trusts her. She's not likely to take over."

2018-07-25, 01:25 AM
Raider's Cove - Drow Messenger

"Nice is usually not a word you hear used to describe a Drowess." Brokenfang points out with a slight frown, as if such a description might be too good to be true. "And trusted even? That truly is a surprise." She admits, shifting in her seat so she can lean forward with her hands folded in front of her in thought. "Trusted by the Matron and in a disadvantageous position in the family line. Has she made a name for herself apart from politics?

2018-07-25, 01:32 AM
[Raider's Cove - Drow Messenger]

"She's an accomplished dancer, actually." The drow replies. "decent fighter and priestess as well, though she hasn't made a name for herself."

2018-07-25, 04:05 AM
Beach Party

A content post snuggle Felandria returns to the party and obtains another beverage.

She looks around to make a new friend or possibly reconnect with an old one.

2018-07-25, 12:38 PM
"Awh, you just never stop!" Vivi says, grinning up at Lucy and swatting the middle of her back with one petite hand. She listens, and also gives Addie a quick look. Gaze back upon Lucy, Viviana lets her eyelids droop till they're hooded and smoldering dramatically. It's admittedly a bit entrancing. "I thought we could sing together. A duet."

Raider's Cove - Ithuriel

Brokenfang seems to smile slightly and gives a shrug. "Stay as long as you like, though I insist that if you decide to stay for more than a few days I'll be forced to put you to work." She warns. She was probably actually rather serious about that too. "The guest rooms are on this floor and to the left as you exit. There's even hot water for a shower in the rooms if that is something that sounds appealing. I will have someone bring up fresh linens however. I do ask that you understand why we keep bars on the windows though. Not all guests turn out to be amiable." She points out with a shrug.

"Other than that, all I ask is that you don't go through the jungle at dark. The creatures there have free run of the place then and they really dislike smallfry like us intruding." Now that was something she sounded serious about.

[Beach Party - Bar]

A counter-challenge! Lucy contemplates the metaphorical second gauntlet that just got thrown on top of hers. "There's no fun in stopping too soon, is there?" She certainly looks entranced. "You wouldn't be planning to show me up with this suggestion, would you Vivi? I'd love to sing with you, but I doubt I know whatever you have in mind. How could I ever do justice to my part?"


[Raider's Cove]

There's still something of an adventurous spark in Ithuriel. She can't help but perk up a little at the mention of big scary creatures in the jungle at night that'd consider her smallfry. Though it is just a brief expression of interest, far short of the sort of reaction that'd suggest she actually intends to act upon it.

"Just the one night, Brokenfang. I'm on duty tomorrow. If you're okay with seeing if anyone wants to head back that soon? Otherwise, I can come back in a few days. Otherwise, I think our business is concluded for now."

Assuming Brokenfang has nothing else to add, Ithuriel moves to take her leave and get settled into a guest room. She will join in any festivities that take place overnight, but is otherwise perfectly quiet and well-behaved for the night. Issues were resolved, well enough.

((Assuming there's nothing else to add, I guess we can skip ahead to the following morning?))

2018-07-25, 02:09 PM
Raider's Cove - Ithuriel

"Before you go, I think you misunderstood something, and perhaps that is what started us off on the wrong foot so readily." Brokenfang says right as the angel gets up to leave. "The purpose of Blake's poem was never to ask who the tiger was. It was a counterpoint to another work, The Lamb. His work was never asking who the tiger was, and perhaps it asked why it was there, but ultimately the question was What being could create both? So when I quoted it, I never meant to question which of us was the tiger and which wasn't. The real question is "What sort of world would spawn us?" Now that I find an interesting debate. But perhaps one for later." She admits, finally standing up and taking the two empty drinking glasses to rinse them off in her personal sink.

Raider's Cove - Drow Messenger

The Wolfen gets up from her seat and begins to browse through her well-worn books. "...I am not much of a dancer, though I can fight and sing. I think I will be able to come up with a decent enough gift however. Something personal." She decides, finally picking a book and drawing it from her shelf. It was an old leatherbound brown book with golden etching on the front labeling it Watership Down. "This'll do." She decides before eyeing the messenger. "So, tell me. Was there anything else others wanted said to me...unofficially before I accepted an invitation to meet?"

2018-07-25, 05:04 PM
Haar has landed on the shore, where the waves are currently cresting. He's jumping after the water as it recedes, then retreating, very occasionally dipping his claws or wingtips into the water.

"I must thank you for your help as well. I shall remain here, for a time. I admit, it is... not often I come to a place this peaceful." Faudre doesn't have much intention of socializing, but that likely won't matter here.

Anchor nods. "You should! I mean, if you want to stay awhile and enjoy the party, if you want to. I could even whip you up a suitable outfit if you wanted to swim or-"
"Oh, I never even told you my name, did I? I'm Anchor. And, uh, good luck, Faudre."
Finding a way home is rarely easy. People have tried their whole screen-times without making it.

[B]"If you could make suitable clothing for me, it would be much appreciated. I can put my armor aside, but my other clothing isn't very appropriate," Calm Reed says.

2018-07-25, 05:21 PM
A counter-challenge! Lucy contemplates the metaphorical second gauntlet that just got thrown on top of hers. "There's no fun in stopping too soon, is there?" She certainly looks entranced. "You wouldn't be planning to show me up with this suggestion, would you Vivi? I'd love to sing with you, but I doubt I know whatever you have in mind. How could I ever do justice to my part?"

[Beach Party - Bar]

"I thought karaoke was supposed to have a big, electric screen you could read words off of. We can just sing some silly they put up there, right?" Vivi suggests. "Maybe our audience should pick!" She almost starts giggling again at the very thought.

[b][Beachside - Beach wit' Tina]

"Yeah? Did your father invent them?" Rein asks. Probably not right? Tina just mentioned gave them, not created them. Still, you can never be sure sometimes. Reinholdt taps the chair one more time before settling back into it and sipping at his drink.

Tilting his head back to look at the vibrant blue sky, he considers just how much he's seen. "I don't know about seen-it-all, but I get closer every day. I guess I've spent a lot of time seeing the bigger stuff so it's the little things like this chair and this party that get me excited now. Spent too much time in throne rooms and back alleys, so now it's time to explore the promenade. If that makes any sense." Having fun is the objective now!

"I'll definitely keep it. Thanks. What about you? Sounds like you're not a native to the Nexus either. You've probably seen a lot in your travels too, right? Or at least, since you've gotten here. What brought you to the greatest hive of scum and villainy anyways?" Reinholdt inquires.

[Beachside - Beach wit' Tina]

"Oh, gods, pfft, no. Daddy is a surgeon, and he's absolutely smart enough, but this stuff isn't his area of expertise," Tina explains. She pulls out her heart-shaped shades again and pops them over her eyes, shimmying her shoulders as she settles with a sigh. "Makes good sense to me. Everybody can get burnt out with what they do. Even adventurers I guess."

"Um, I haven't seen as much as you might think. Except in the Nexus here. I hopped a few dead rocks before I wound up in this place. Used to run with a band." She smiles slightly. "So long ago now. Hey, can we talk about you again? I started to wax all nostalgic there and that just ain't sexy."

"I guess I'm here... because I couldn't go home. And I wanted to see it. The center of everything. Or our layer of everything. I've had it explained to me like, seven different ways," says Tina. "I loved it, so I stayed."

2018-07-25, 06:16 PM
[Raider's Cove - Drow Messenger]

"Nothing I was instructed to tell you" Replies Kalanyl, "Though I would suggest you come armed. Not heavily, but... respect the danger you may be walking into."

2018-07-25, 06:27 PM
Beach Party- Sam and Aly

Sam smiles, showing his tusks.
”Sure, Aly. How have you been? How’s the wings working out for you?” he asks, leading her to the bar.

Beach Party- Mount Kitsuki

Artie nods appreciatively.
”Thank you. It can be intimidating, honestly. My mother always said it terrified her. And then there’s people like my sister in law...” If Sakura was ever intimidated at the prospect of having children, that part of her is long dead.

2018-07-25, 06:30 PM
[Beach Party - Sam and Aly]

The 3/4 dragon flexes her wings. "I keep getting them caught on doorways, and I haven't tried flying yet. This might be a good place to try, though. Lots of soft sand, plenty of open space."

2018-07-25, 06:56 PM
[Beach Party- Sam and Aly]

"Well, I'll catch you if you fall. I promise. " Sam assures her.
He gestures to an open spot at the bar, letting her order first.
"After you."

2018-07-25, 07:33 PM
Beach Party - Bar with Dena

"Oh gods, the Skyside thing." Magtok's going to need another swig of his drink for this. The buyback campaign was a goddamned mess, and probably one of his most miserable experiences in the Nexus. It might've helped a few people, but gods know it didn't have any lasting impact. It raised awareness towards a problem most everybody else was content to ignore, but from the things he's heard, Skyside is no closer to solving the slavery issue now than they were before he did any of that nonsense. God, things were so much simpler before he developed this stupid, useless conscience.

"I know I do a pretty good job of acting like the big bad former villain sometimes, but raptor christ, there was this one slaver...I still have nightmares about that scumbag. I'll sponsor whatever law you want if I don't have to talk to people like that again." He's not quite sure what she means by royal guard, though. Skyside has royalty now? Was there some kind of huge retcon when he wasn't looking, shifting from the flawed 'council of captains of industry' concept to something that wouldn't require all those deadtimed or disinterested players to get involved? Drat, he should've sold all his assets in the city and ran off while he still could. I suppose this is what happens why you get so overwhelmed by a city's oppressive anarcho-capitalism that you studiously ignore it for as long as possible.

"Oh, and before I forget to mention it, Rein's a breeder. He likes to knock up his one-night stands. You sleep with him once, boom, you're pregnant, and kitty daddy's moving on to the next girl. It's gross, I'm not actually his friend, and I can name three separate examples of this if you don't believe me. Don't get up and talk to your friend about it yet, but...you know, maybe pull them apart later, keep things from going too far. Sneak a pill into her food tomorrow," Magtok suggests, keeping his voice down and glancing at Tina and Rein now and then to be sure they're still too busy with whatever insipid flirty nonsense they're undoubtedly up to.

[The Crystal Apex]

Damon follows along after Jaccalish, definitely having difficulty trying to keep up with these frustratingly oversized stairs in the way. He lets out a disgruntled hiss as he half-runs, half-clambers up the stairs in pursuit of his "companion".

It's safe to say that Damon probably isn't a huge fan of the demon.

Still, the sudden violent jerk actually provides an opportunity to catch up. Damon swiftly lobs a ball of black fire in an under-arm motion, sending a line of flames running along the stairs, then uses it to 'port his way up beside Jaccalish. "Come along. You can't let yoursssself get thrown off that easily!"

Beach Party - Bar with Dena

Magtok's 'breeder' comment makes Dena raise an eyebrow, but that's all the reaction he's getting out of her concerning the Rein situation for now. She seems intent to discuss business first. And it wasn't like they were sneaking off and pulling a certain already, right?

Dena steals a glance in their direction, just to be extra sure. For a moment not even trusting her snakes who've been keeping an eye on them all this time.

Yep, still there. Phew.

She turns back to the cyborg. "I was thinking a series of commercials actually, I know you're good at those. You'll be directing and acting in them, but you won't have to even look a Skysider in the eyes. I'm talking full creative freedom here, as long as they fulfill the intended purpose and you don't draw us bankrupt." She tilts her head and focus her (thankfully sunglass shielded) gaze. "So what about it?"

[The Crystal Apex]

Jaccalish grunts and have to take a moment to get their bearings, which is when the eyes of the paintings suddenly all lit up in red. Then there is that voice in Damon's head again which is more of a laughter now, drowning out everything else for a moment.

We are the same. You are one of my many pilgrims, drawn here to the altar of hate and vengeance. So what does your instinct tell you Damon? To kill every demon? Such wishes is not beyond me.

2018-07-25, 07:38 PM
[Beach Party - Sam and Aly]

Aly orders herself a strawberry daquiri. She raises an eyebrow at Sam. "You sure? I don't want to hurt you if I fall on you."

2018-07-25, 09:14 PM
Beach Party- Sam and Aly

Sam just gets a soda. He doesn't want to risk getting intoxicated this early in the day.
"Aly, I weigh a lot and I have four arms. Literally the only risk is if you stab me with your horns. So don't aim your head towards me and we'll be fine." he promises her confidently before taking a swig of root beer.

2018-07-25, 10:09 PM
[Beach Party - Sam and Aly]

"I'll try not to, besides, my horns aren't so big." Aly reassures him, before taking a sip from the swizzle straw in her daiquiri.

2018-07-26, 12:55 AM
[Beachside - Beach wit' Tina]

"Oh, gods, pfft, no. Daddy is a surgeon, and he's absolutely smart enough, but this stuff isn't his area of expertise," Tina explains. She pulls out her heart-shaped shades again and pops them over her eyes, shimmying her shoulders as she settles with a sigh. "Makes good sense to me. Everybody can get burnt out with what they do. Even adventurers I guess."

"Um, I haven't seen as much as you might think. Except in the Nexus here. I hopped a few dead rocks before I wound up in this place. Used to run with a band." She smiles slightly. "So long ago now. Hey, can we talk about you again? I started to wax all nostalgic there and that just ain't sexy."

"I guess I'm here... because I couldn't go home. And I wanted to see it. The center of everything. Or our layer of everything. I've had it explained to me like, seven different ways," says Tina. "I loved it, so I stayed."

[Beachside - Beach wit' Tina]

"Talking nostalgic isn't sexy?" Reinholdt's hand dramatically grips his chest where theoretically his heart is supposed to be. "If we're talking about me again, I don't know what else I can offer. I'm supposed to be the wizened, old, retired adventurer after all." Doesn't look old. Sure doesn't act wizened. Barely even retired. His whole life is a lie. "Nowhere near as interesting as a musician. What part did you play? I've been practicing the violin for a few years now. I don't think I'm great but I don't suck completely anymore at least." Requisitioning a magical violin will encourage you to learn how to actually use it.

"Anyways, I guarantee you none of those explanations are actually the correct full truth. People talk like they know things even when they've never studied the subject and just use word of mouth." Like Rein's doing now! "Good to find some place you love though. What did you like more? The people or the places?"

Lord Magtok
2018-07-26, 04:19 AM
Beach Party - Bar with Dena

"So long as the intended purpose of the ad isn't bulldozing Groundside with all the poor people still trapped inside, sure," Magtok shrugs. Yeah, why not? I mean, it's not like we have a sense of pride or anything. Why not whore ourselves out for MERC, taint our image and reputation by putting it on the market for anyone with a halfway decent cause and a few pieces of gold lying around? Magtok, you aren't seriously, honestly thinking about doing this, are you? I mean, is it safe to announce your presence in the world like that? Just visiting a party like this is fine, but what if Marciano is still out there? What if Riv still wants revenge? Affy, Rein Prime, maybe even DC? If word gets out that you're around, they could come after us. We don't have the resources to fight any of those people, Magtok.

"I'll expect actual payment, of course. None of that 'publicity and fame is reward enough' nonsense, or the enchanted weapons they give out to adventurers for completing a task." That kind of payment might work on the crazy murderhobos of the world, but Magtok's a bit more civilized than that. We need a home, and the place we've staked out is going to require a great deal of money and risk to get up and running again. A magical pair of boots that shoot fireballs when you kick people would be pretty cool, but not something we could really get any use out of. Cold hard cash is where it's at.

2018-07-26, 07:16 AM
Beach Party - Bar with Dena

"Sorry Mags, it would seem I forgot my mysterious stranger hood back home and this ain't a tavern." To be fair, she actually had one of those. All gorgons were required to at least owe one. "MERC has its own reputation to uphold and unlike other mercenary companies that have sprung up recently, we don't screw people over with phony deals or demolish ghettos to the ground. We will of course have to decide what kind of law we want to sponsor of course, so if you have any ideas of what would work best with you, give me a clue, 'kay? But otherwise, it would seem we have a deal."

2018-07-26, 10:25 AM
Beach Party - Shore

"I don't swim. But clothing more suitable for the heat would be appreciated, this armor is getting rather uncomfortable." Plate armor isn't as stiff as people think, but the sands and heat of the beach were starting to get to Faudre, even without her helmet. "I cannot pay you right now, though."

2018-07-26, 10:45 AM
Anchor sizes Calm Reed up, figuring out what would fit her, and suit her. Her shadow, in defiance of where the sun is, slips over towards the exalted.
She lifts up a hand to catch some of the summer sunlight, and with a twist fabric spills from between her fingers. She weaves and folds it in on itself and it takes shape as a one piece bathing suit. A moment to step over to the shore and snatch up the glint reflected off the waves with which to add some modest frills and ruffles, and it's done!
Anchor offers the exalted the finished piece, a fine gold-and-blue garment that shines with an inner light.

"Huh? I wasn't going to sell them to you. Consider it a welcome present."
For Faudre, if she's not swimming, hmm...
Anchor gathers up a broad stretch of the color of sand, and stitches it with the shadow of a passing seagull into a pale sundress with matching floppy-beach-hat.

Hattish Thing
2018-07-26, 02:27 PM
The Sea of Storms - Great Hurricane:

It appeared seemingly overnight; a vicious, permanent hurricane located off the western coast, at the heart of the infamous sea of storms. Its arrival, sudden as it was, was heralded by a single flash of bright green light, a crackling beam which reached up into the heavens, piercing the sky. The thing manifested soon after, nearly a thousand miles long, its enormous presence causing the sky to blacken, turning dark and vengeful. Lightning began to flash soon after, streaking across the black, storm-wrought sky above, illuminating the rotten wooden masts of countless ships below, the creaking wooden pillars reaching towards the sky like the claws of some long-forgotten titan, splintered and worn. The gulls were tossed like paper as the storm began to rage, flashes of white in the grey, tumbling as they struggled against the gale. Beneath them the sea rose as great mountains, anger in the form of water, turbulent and unforgiving. The accompanying roaring of thunder and unfathomably violent wind reverberated across the region, reducing some of the largest wrecks into little more than wooden slivers, displacing countless creatures and wrecks.

However, the sea creatures of the region were not the only victims of the seemingly otherwordly hurricane, for the storm has continued to rage for several days, only ever seeming to expand, threatening to eventually consume all things unfortunate enough to exist in its wake. Periodically, the calamitous spiral tempest has spawned smaller storms, most of which have traveled up and down the coast, bringing torrential rain and hurricane-speed winds to outlying regions, tearing apart coastal villages and ravaging the landscape. These rogue storms have produced enormous waves, the likes of which have never been seen so far inland, which batter and pummel against the white cliffs, occasionally causing large chunks of land to separate and plummet into the depths below, creating whole beaches of debris.

2018-07-26, 02:34 PM
Calm Reed watches Anchor work with some bewilderment and awe. What sorcery is this, to create clothing out of thin air so quickly?

[B]"Thank you," she says as she bows slightly and walks off towards the water. She steps into the waves without hesitation and as the sea spray hits her, the armor she's wearing seems to melt into it, vanishing as if it was never there. Once that's done, the monk goes somewhere secluded to change into the swimsuit.

2018-07-26, 09:10 PM
[Beach Party - Sam and Aly]

"I'll try not to, besides, my horns aren't so big." Aly reassures him, before taking a sip from the swizzle straw in her daiquiri.

[Beach Party- Sam and Aly]

Sam double-shrugs.
"Well, then we got no problem. You give it a shot when you're ready. Just uh, just don't land on anybody else."
Yeah, it would likely be a problem if Aly got a horn in the host's eye and got them both kicked out.

2018-07-27, 03:49 AM
[Beach Party - Shore]

Anchor nods. "You should! I mean, if you want to stay awhile and enjoy the party, if you want to. I could even whip you up a suitable outfit if you wanted to swim or-"
"Oh, I never even told you my name, did I? I'm Anchor. And, uh, good luck, Faudre."
Finding a way home is rarely easy. People have tried their whole screen-times without making it.

Beach Party - Sand Castles

"Thanks. My name is 'Honeysuckle'. As I mentioned, I work in a bakery, and I also have a shift at the New Hodgepodge Power Plant, and that's because anything I look at gets incinerated, or completely disintegrated if I focus. I'm basically blind, of course, but I have a sort of second sight that helps me get around." And that's what the blindfold is for. Don't want any accidents.
Honeysuckle stretches her arms and flicks her tails (trying to shake out flecks of sand) before starting to pile up sand into the central tower of the castle.
"It's important to have a sense of humor about things because, they're just-just so sad, a lot of the time."
"And I used to be sad and worried all the time, on account of, well, lots of things in my past. But since the eclipse I don't feel so afraid."

"How about you?"

Beach Party - Sand Castles

"Oh eh.. I'm Sorry." Mia replies not really sure if she should or not since well Mia isn't sure if that is true.

"I'm Mia Mechanicus. High Priestress of Deus mechanicus the god of machines." she says. "It is a busy job. mostly dealing with Repairing or inventing of new machines. There is also a lot of meetings with the people about their problems and requests to DM. Sometimes I'm happy none here seems to be religious, but as a High Priestress it also makes me sad."

2018-07-27, 11:07 AM
"I thought karaoke was supposed to have a big, electric screen you could read words off of. We can just sing some silly they put up there, right?" Vivi suggests. "Maybe our audience should pick!" She almost starts giggling again at the very thought.

[The Crystal Apex]

Jaccalish grunts and have to take a moment to get their bearings, which is when the eyes of the paintings suddenly all lit up in red. Then there is that voice in Damon's head again which is more of a laughter now, drowning out everything else for a moment.

[B]We are the same. You are one of my many pilgrims, drawn here to the altar of hate and vengeance. So what does your instinct tell you Damon? To kill every demon? Such wishes is not beyond me.

[Beach Party - Bar]

Vivi's explanation gets a blank stare from Lucy. She has no idea what "electric" is. She's kind of taken a lot of this stuff in her stride, but she might not actually be taking in any of the details on the way. Nod and smile and hope no one asks you about things you haven't heard about yet. "That you read words off- oh! Like a book or something? I gueeeess that could work. But I'll admit I'm a little disappointed I have to be up there with you, instead of watching you perform."


[The Crystal Apex]

Like something straight out of an episode of scooby doo.

Okay, maybe it's a little more terrifying than that, but it's still got a bit of a kooky house of horrors feel to it.

"Pesssst. Your wordss mean nothing." Damon would growl if he wasn't forced to hiss constantly, his hand reaching out to send a torrent of black fire blasting towards the paintings. "My insstinctss tell me to run. My rage tellsss me to kill the one demon here that actually mattersss."

Earl of Purple
2018-07-27, 03:04 PM
Beach Party- Jack & Kray

"That's OK. I just thought it'd be a nicer date than one of the pubs." Jack's kind of exhausted that subject, so she's silent for now.

2018-07-27, 09:28 PM
[Beach Party- Sam and Aly]

Sam double-shrugs.
"Well, then we got no problem. You give it a shot when you're ready. Just uh, just don't land on anybody else."
Yeah, it would likely be a problem if Aly got a horn in the host's eye and got them both kicked out.

[Beach Party - Sam and Aly]

"Once I finish my drink, we can go down the beach a ways, away from people, and give it a try?" Aly suggests.

2018-07-27, 10:07 PM
[Beach Party - Bar]

Electra claps when Sam finishes singing. The music isn't really her cup of tea, but he sung the song well, and that's all that really counts. She grins at Fayyaad's request.

"Oh, lively I can definitely do," she assures him, before looking to Cass, "But is there something specific you'd like to hear?"

Lord Magtok
2018-07-28, 12:30 AM
Beach Party - Bar with Dena

"Sorry Mags, it would seem I forgot my mysterious stranger hood back home and this ain't a tavern." To be fair, she actually had one of those. All gorgons were required to at least owe one. "MERC has its own reputation to uphold and unlike other mercenary companies that have sprung up recently, we don't screw people over with phony deals or demolish ghettos to the ground. We will of course have to decide what kind of law we want to sponsor of course, so if you have any ideas of what would work best with you, give me a clue, 'kay? But otherwise, it would seem we have a deal."

"Alright. I don't have any suggestions or ideas right now, I just don't want to do anything too morally sketchy is all. Once you guys have figured out exactly what you want to do, just contact me by-" Magtok pauses, patting his pockets a few times. Oh crap, we never bothered to pick up a phone, did we? Of all the things to not loot from that abandoned MagMart, jeez...I mean come on, Magtok. You must've known you'd make allies and business deals sooner or later, right? You must've known they'd need a way to contact you that doesn't involve hiking to Mt. Enn and seeing what a dump the MagCave has become. How did you screw this all up?

"Crap, left my phone at home. Just send a courier to the MagCave, and tell them to watch out for wolves. The forest around the cave has grown back and gotten a little wild, so don't send anyone you're not afraid to lose in a tragic wilderness accident." The worst of it is the stuff that's inside the MagCave. We probably shouldn't mention that we've completely lost control over our own home, though.

Ashen Lilies
2018-07-28, 11:39 AM
Electra claps when Sam finishes singing. The music isn't really her cup of tea, but he sung the song well, and that's all that really counts. She grins at Fayyaad's request.

"Oh, lively I can definitely do," she assures him, before looking to Cass, "But is there something specific you'd like to hear?"

Electra's smile lights up, even as she notes Cass's sudden hesitation.

"I can go first, if you'd like. I like to sing, after all." She winks at Fayyaad. Considering the first time they met, she gave him and Dena a little mini-concert, he's probably all -too aware of this. She glances around, looking for the karaoke machine. "Any requests?"

[Beach Party - Bar]

Fayyaad looks up at the stage when Sam sings. Isn't that the fellow he once helped pick out clothes? He sings pretty well and looks like he could use a confidence boost. Fayyaad claps and cheers on him before he leaves, then turns back to Electra and Cassandra.

[B]"Something more lively seems appropriate for a beach party. Last time we heard you sing it was at the Halloween celebration."

[Beach Party - Shore]

[B]"Sorcerers tend to be solitary, outside the school of Heptagram, where I'm from," Calm Reed says. "But this place is clearly not like home." She looks back towards the party. "Thank you for all your help. Perhaps I should go mingle at this celebration, but I'm hardly dressed for the occassion."

"Oh, yes. Anika's in Vigil too," Wenomir says, then nods. "Have fun exploring, then."


Thariza remains silent throughout the explanation, then nods.

[B]"I guess that makes sense."

Kal nods. An underwater wreck, huh? Sounds interesting, though being a noted airbreather, this doesn't seem like an adventure he can participate in. [B]"Have fun."

[Beach Party - Bar]

Unfortunately, Cass' isn't able to appreciate Sam's singing on account of being slightly more focused on... someone else.
"Uh... no? I'm sure you'll choose something fine. Great."

2018-07-28, 12:08 PM
[Beachside - Beach wit' Tina]

"Talking nostalgic isn't sexy?" Reinholdt's hand dramatically grips his chest where theoretically his heart is supposed to be. "If we're talking about me again, I don't know what else I can offer. I'm supposed to be the wizened, old, retired adventurer after all." Doesn't look old. Sure doesn't act wizened. Barely even retired. His whole life is a lie. "Nowhere near as interesting as a musician. What part did you play? I've been practicing the violin for a few years now. I don't think I'm great but I don't suck completely anymore at least." Requisitioning a magical violin will encourage you to learn how to actually use it.

"Anyways, I guarantee you none of those explanations are actually the correct full truth. People talk like they know things even when they've never studied the subject and just use word of mouth." Like Rein's doing now! "Good to find some place you love though. What did you like more? The people or the places?"

"Wow, yeah, how boring," Fettina scoffs when Rein describes himself with all those nice adjectives. "I played the piano, and sometimes I sang. Maybe I can play for you if you play for me sometime, too." She peers at him over the top of her sunglasses and purses her lips around the straw of her mojito.

"And I love the people, of course!" Tina grins broadly, white teeth gleaming. "The people make the place! And you never run out of interesting people. I mean, that's anywhere, but I even just mean purely aesthetically. I'm a very visual person, you know." She gives him something of a significant look.

[Beach Party - Bar]

Vivi's explanation gets a blank stare from Lucy. She has no idea what "electric" is. She's kind of taken a lot of this stuff in her stride, but she might not actually be taking in any of the details on the way. Nod and smile and hope no one asks you about things you haven't heard about yet. "That you read words off- oh! Like a book or something? I gueeeess that could work. But I'll admit I'm a little disappointed I have to be up there with you, instead of watching you perform."

Vivi doesn't seem too judgemental about Lucy's apparent ignorance of modern technology. She's only sort of savvy herself! "Well, what if I promise you'll get to watch me perform later, instead? Would that help you be less disappointed?" Vivi asks with a wink.

2018-07-28, 10:03 PM
[Beach Party - Bar]

Electra gives Cass a mysterious smile and finishes the last of her drink.

"Well, then. I'll see if they have anything interesting to sing."

She saunters up to the machine and looks through the selections for a few moments, before finding something she thinks might be appropriate. She takes up the microphone and surveys the crowd before the music starts, spotting Tina at the bar. Oh dear, this might be very interesting indeed. The music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8g6h1vI4Xv0) starts with a couple of guitar flourishes before starting to pick up, and she gives a quiet vocal flourish just as the original singer did as the music picks up. She taps her foot in time with the beat, nodding her head as well, getting in time with the music, before starting the first verse, her gaze not on the screen, but on the crowd, belting out the lyrics in her clear mezzo soprano. As the song goes on, her whole body gets into it, and she starts moving around, working the stage just a bit, swaying her hips every so often to the beat. She's not trying to overdo it, but she's definitely enjoying herself.

2018-07-28, 11:45 PM
Beach Party - Shore

Faudre is about to thank Anchor, before she's taken in by her weaving clothes out of the strangest of materials. She was no stranger to magic, sure, but this was stranger than any magic she'd seen. She gingerly takes the sundress and hat, then nods to Anchor. "My thanks, Anchor." She gives her a respectful nod, before withdrawing to change out of her armor.

2018-07-29, 07:20 AM
Fayyaad watches and listens to the performance with a grin. Electra does know how to put on a show, even on a short notice. He leans towards Cassandra a little.

[B]"Impressive, isn't it?"

2018-07-29, 11:31 AM
[Beach Party - Bar]

Vivi's wink is answered with a toothy grin as Lucy nods and finishes what remains of their shared drink. "Worry not, Vivi, you don't need to provide that much encouragement, though I'll certainly take you up on that offer." She turns to watch as Electra finishes her performance, "Seems we might have to join the queue. I'm, um, not really used to singing a song on the fly like this, but I'll have to do a good job, won't I? Can't go letting you down in a duet, can I?" She slides a hand down to give Vivi a light pat on her lower back for emphasis.

Ashen Lilies
2018-07-29, 04:58 PM
[B]"Uh... yeah."

Hold on there Fayyaad, give Cass a few moments to collect that wit of hers.

2018-07-29, 07:14 PM
[The Crystal Apex]

((Need some time to ponder, will post here tomorrow.))

[Beach Party - Swimming]

"Yep! I'm technically a member of VIGIL. But whatever, if you guys aren't coming, shall we get diving? I'm itching for some discovering before I can lazy about in the sun." Anika replies, already starting to swim outwards.

Beach Party - Bar with Dena

Dena reaches into the picknick basket and produces another of her business cards which she gently presses into Magtok's hand. "Why don't you take one of these and call me once you get your phone? Or are you gonna make me go dungeon spelunking in your cave? Since I'm not losing anyone in it. Public perception, remember?" Losing coworkers to cyberwolves did horrible things to morale, unless people really hated those guys of course.

2018-07-29, 07:36 PM
[B]"Electra is a striking woman in general, with her looks, voice and demeanour," Fayyaad continues. "I think you'll enjoy getting to know her better."

2018-07-30, 12:32 AM
[Beach Party - Swimming]

"Technically? What does technically me- Hey, get back here!" Ilpholin gives Kal and Wenomir a wave goodbye, puts her diving mask back on, and swims after Anika. She needs to stay close enough so she can grab a shark tail when she turns into one again.

[Beach Party - Tanning wit' Tina]

Reinholdt holds out his hands and shrugs a little. "Sure, I'll be happy to play for you. But you won't be impressed. Maybe it'll motivate me to get good at though. Find a mentor. Ask around for some tips. Raril's a bard, maybe he can point me in the right direction." There's no shortcut to success better than years of practice and experience. At least none that Rein's found yet. He'll keep looking though.

"Well now," Rein's lips curl upwards into a smirk, though his eyes glance away a blush fills his cheeks. "I'm happy to be a part of the aesthetic that convinces this place is special with its... Gah. I knew where that sentence was going when I started it." It's a bit of a mess now though. Better shift gears a little. "Eh-hem. As a connoisseur of the visual, what do you look for? The variety, the abs, or something else entirely? Maybe, just maybe, I think you might have something for esoteric pink eyes." They do fall under the exotic and unique.

"Which reminds me. You're a bit less neon than I recall. Did you decide that look wasn't for you anymore?" Maybe he's misremembering though. There was a lot of booze involved then too. Too much alcohol can make everything more neon.

2018-07-30, 06:24 AM
Beach Party- Jack & Kray

"That's OK. I just thought it'd be a nicer date than one of the pubs." Jack's kind of exhausted that subject, so she's silent for now.
Beach Party- Jack & Kray

Kray walks for a bit before looking self-conscious.
”Do you...really think I look good in this little thing? Or were you just saying it?” she asks Jack quietly.

[Beach Party - Sam and Aly]

"Once I finish my drink, we can go down the beach a ways, away from people, and give it a try?" Aly suggests.

Beach Party- Aly and Sam

Sam double-shrugs.
”Yeah, that’s fine, Aly. Take your time.” he says, sipping his soda.
Sam claps for Electra when she sings. It’s only fair. Hopefully her obviously better performance will make people forget about his little incident.

2018-07-30, 09:11 AM
Beach Party - Sand Castles

"Oh eh.. I'm Sorry." Mia replies not really sure if she should or not since well Mia isn't sure if that is true.

"I'm Mia Mechanicus. High Priestess of Deus Mechanicus, the god of machines." she says. "It is a busy job. mostly dealing with Repairing or inventing of new machines. There is also a lot of meetings with the people about their problems and requests to DM. Sometimes I'm happy none here seems to be religious, but as a High Priestess it also makes me sad."

"You're a nice person, aren't you? Yeah, you are." Honeysuckle gives her a smile. "Well, you can't just be sad about it! You have to go out and recruit them, tell people about Deus Mechanicus. I'm not very religious myself. A goddess saved my life once, so I say thanks for that, but just living life is hard enough without adding deities to it."

Calm Reed watches Anchor work with some bewilderment and awe. What sorcery is this, to create clothing out of thin air so quickly?

[B]"Thank you," she says as she bows slightly and walks off towards the water. She steps into the waves without hesitation and as the sea spray hits her, the armor she's wearing seems to melt into it, vanishing as if it was never there. Once that's done, the monk goes somewhere secluded to change into the swimsuit.

Faudre is about to thank Anchor, before she's taken in by her weaving clothes out of the strangest of materials. She was no stranger to magic, sure, but this was stranger than any magic she'd seen. She gingerly takes the sundress and hat, then nods to Anchor. "My thanks, Anchor." She gives her a respectful nod, before withdrawing to change out of her armor.

"Enjoy, you two."
Woah, how did she do that, make her armor just disappear? Must be convenient.
But now that the monk is settled, Anchor wanders off to-

Beach Party

A content post snuggle Felandria returns to the party and obtains another beverage.

She looks around to make a new friend or possibly reconnect with an old one.

Get a drink of her own, and wave briefly at the giant woman and all the other interesting people here.
It's not that she was waiting for someone to leave the bar area before coming over, it's just that the timing worked out this way. >.>

2018-07-30, 01:28 PM
Sea of Storms - Hurricane

Someone is foolish enough to brave such an insane storm. A small, high-tech hover skiff sails above the waves. Its lone passenger steers the ship with one hand, while his other holds an ancient iron astrolabe traced with glowing silver patterns. Currently, the patterns flicker and shift rapidly. The sailor cries out into the storm, despite no one being there to hear him. "It must be around here somewhere! Maybe the storm is causing elemental interference, or perhaps the quintessence wasn't as pure as I thought. Come on, work!" He shakes the astrolabe to no effect. "No use. I need to find somewhere to land."

Earl of Purple
2018-07-30, 02:40 PM
Jack and Kray

"I did. The colours suit you, and it shows off your stomach and muscles." Breasts, too, but skintight costumes do that too. And as a former male, Jack thinks Kray might be a little less happy with those. "If you got a date like that, why'd you think you don't look as good?" Jack's own frame is lithe, not muscular, because muscles are heavy and she spends a lot of time flying and using quite a lot of energy. I'm not entirely sure how that works, but shapeshifters are weird.

2018-07-30, 03:00 PM
Jack and Kray

Since she is a former male, Kray might sputter at being complimented specifically on her feminine traits, but would probably benefit from hearing it.
”Well I don’t know, it’s just...” she doesn’t have any reason to think Asterios doesn’t just treat everyone that way. What if he wasn’t serious, or is just a flirt?
Kray trails off, unable to say that out loud.

Earl of Purple
2018-07-30, 03:18 PM
Jack & Kray

"I've not met a minotaur before, but if they all have physiques as nice as yours, I wouldn't mind meeting some more. I'm not picky, I'm happy looking at boys or girls, but I like looking at you. If, um, you know what I mean." Jack blushes slightly and looks away. Hopefully that helps Kray a little.

2018-07-30, 03:47 PM
Jack and Kray

Kray smiles, and puts her hands on Jack’s shoulders.
”You’re a sweet girl, Jack. If you want to look you’d probably be better off looking at my nephew, though.” I didn’t quite catch Jack’s visual age, but Kray is well into her thirties, even if Rassa looks a few years younger. Kray at least thinks Jack is too young for her. Though Jack’s probably too old for Koshal as well.

Earl of Purple
2018-07-30, 04:11 PM
Jack & Kray

Jack looks like she's maybe early twenties, maybe late teens. She's quite hard to pin down age-wise, which also plays into her usual androgynous appearance. She isn't human, though she looks like one, so she probably ages differently.

"I, um. Will keep that in mind." Jack's a little embarrassed about it all, because this isn't something she's done before. To be fair, though, it's hard to tell how old a minotaur is by looking if you've not met one before.

2018-07-30, 09:10 PM
[Beach Party - Bar]

Electra throws her head back with the final few refrains, and lets the last note ring out for a moment, before swooping into a quick bow, replacing the mic on the stand, and heads back for her little group at the bar, a pleased smile on her face.

"How was that? Lively enough for you, Fayyaad?" She asks, more than a hint of mischief in her voice. "Or do I need to get a bit more rowdy the next time?"

2018-07-31, 01:52 AM
[Beach Party - Sam and Aly]

Aly also claps for Electra when she finishes her song. "She's pretty good!" She comments. The 3/4 dragon give Felandria a nod when she approaches the bar. Friendly, but under no obligation to talk.

2018-07-31, 02:49 AM
[Beach Party - Sam and Aly]

Aly also claps for Electra when she finishes her song. "She's pretty good!" She comments. The 3/4 dragon give Felandria a nod when she approaches the bar. Friendly, but under no obligation to talk.

Felandria nods back.


Lord Magtok
2018-07-31, 05:26 AM
Beach Party - Bar with Dena

Beach Party - Bar with Dena

Dena reaches into the picnic basket and produces another of her business cards which she gently presses into Magtok's hand. "Why don't you take one of these and call me once you get your phone? Or are you gonna make me go dungeon spelunking in your cave? Since I'm not losing anyone in it. Public perception, remember?" Losing coworkers to cyberwolves did horrible things to morale, unless people really hated those guys of course.

"Right, yeah. Probably for the best." Magtok takes the proffered business card, and studies it with a nod. Probably for the best if he just digs around the ruins for a functional phone, yeah. No need to worry about people dying horribly that way. Nobody except Magtok himself, of course, because the MagCave is kind of one big enormous deathtrap right now. We were going to risk our lives cleaning that place out anyway though, so what's one more sidequest on the spring summer cleaning adventure?

"Oh, one last thing before I go," Magtok flips over the business card, and starts writing down a set of simple instructions. He holds it up so Dena can see, carefully angling the card so it stays 'offscreen,' as it were, out of view of the general public and any roving OOC eyeballs. "If you can do that for me, I will make history with this ad, and you can cut my fee in half. Deal?"

2018-07-31, 08:23 PM
Jack & Kray

Jack looks like she's maybe early twenties, maybe late teens. She's quite hard to pin down age-wise, which also plays into her usual androgynous appearance. She isn't human, though she looks like one, so she probably ages differently.

"I, um. Will keep that in mind." Jack's a little embarrassed about it all, because this isn't something she's done before. To be fair, though, it's hard to tell how old a minotaur is by looking if you've not met one before.
Jack and Kray

Kray does her best to reassure Jack, giving her a slap on the back.
"Oh Jack, you'll be fine. My people are rare unfortunately. That's what got me into this whole mess in the first place. Got lonely. It'll be so much easier for you, looking human. Everyone likes humans." Even Kray, after Rassa literally mind-warped Krayger into being attracted to anything she turned into, which included human and deer-like forms.

[Beach Party - Sam and Aly]

Aly also claps for Electra when she finishes her song. "She's pretty good!" She comments. The 3/4 dragon give Felandria a nod when she approaches the bar. Friendly, but under no obligation to talk.
[Beach Party- Sam and Aly]

"Yeah she is..." Sam says, idly looking around. He's glad someone else is getting attention.
"You know, you told me you were musically inclined. You could sing." he suggests.

2018-07-31, 09:23 PM
[Beach Party - Sam and Aly and now Fel!]

"I should!" Aly says, taking another sip from her drink. She was getting a little giggly now. She waves for Felandria to come over. "Hi! I'm Aly'ithra and this is Sam."

2018-07-31, 10:39 PM
[Beach Party - Tanning wit' Tina]

Reinholdt holds out his hands and shrugs a little. "Sure, I'll be happy to play for you. But you won't be impressed. Maybe it'll motivate me to get good at though. Find a mentor. Ask around for some tips. Raril's a bard, maybe he can point me in the right direction." There's no shortcut to success better than years of practice and experience. At least none that Rein's found yet. He'll keep looking though.

"Well now," Rein's lips curl upwards into a smirk, though his eyes glance away a blush fills his cheeks. "I'm happy to be a part of the aesthetic that convinces this place is special with its... Gah. I knew where that sentence was going when I started it." It's a bit of a mess now though. Better shift gears a little. "Eh-hem. As a connoisseur of the visual, what do you look for? The variety, the abs, or something else entirely? Maybe, just maybe, I think you might have something for esoteric pink eyes." They do fall under the exotic and unique.

"Which reminds me. You're a bit less neon than I recall. Did you decide that look wasn't for you anymore?" Maybe he's misremembering though. There was a lot of booze involved then too. Too much alcohol can make everything more neon.

[Beach Party - Bar]

Electra gives Cass a mysterious smile and finishes the last of her drink.

"Well, then. I'll see if they have anything interesting to sing."

She saunters up to the machine and looks through the selections for a few moments, before finding something she thinks might be appropriate. She takes up the microphone and surveys the crowd before the music starts, spotting Tina at the bar. Oh dear, this might be very interesting indeed. The music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8g6h1vI4Xv0) starts with a couple of guitar flourishes before starting to pick up, and she gives a quiet vocal flourish just as the original singer did as the music picks up. She taps her foot in time with the beat, nodding her head as well, getting in time with the music, before starting the first verse, her gaze not on the screen, but on the crowd, belting out the lyrics in her clear mezzo soprano. As the song goes on, her whole body gets into it, and she starts moving around, working the stage just a bit, swaying her hips every so often to the beat. She's not trying to overdo it, but she's definitely enjoying herself.

[Beach Party - Tanning wit' Tina!]

"Hey, I can point you at some good tutors. Music school dropout, right here," says Fettina, aiming her thumbs at her chest, then grinning and flicking the straps of her sling bikini so they give a little twang. Her smile only turns wicked as Rein blushes and goes on. She giggles melodically, probably doing very little to help. "Um, well, abs help. But I'm not necessarily an ab girl. I do like the exotic. I love to see and touch things that I haven't gotten to before. Your eyes are, well... the only other pair I've ever seen like them are mine, when I'm cotton candy pink and blue."

"Which is probably the colors you remember. I like to change it up. I can look a whole lot of different ways, too." Tina explains. "What, don't you like my natural hue?" A teasing flick of a very bright blue tongue in Rein's direction.

A pause. Tina is distracted. Who was that singing?

"Electra?" Tina says, hopping up and stepping past Rein for a minute, her backside facing him. She bounces up and down on the balls of her feet to get the blonde cyborg's attention, waving her skinny arms in the air. "Hell yes!" She whistles as loud and long as she can. "Come sign me after your concert, babe! You're amazing!"

She quits bouncing and tossing up sand, turning back to Rein to smile sheepishly. "Sorry. Friend of mine."

[Beach Party - Bar]

Vivi's wink is answered with a toothy grin as Lucy nods and finishes what remains of their shared drink. "Worry not, Vivi, you don't need to provide that much encouragement, though I'll certainly take you up on that offer." She turns to watch as Electra finishes her performance, "Seems we might have to join the queue. I'm, um, not really used to singing a song on the fly like this, but I'll have to do a good job, won't I? Can't go letting you down in a duet, can I?" She slides a hand down to give Vivi a light pat on her lower back for emphasis.

[Beach Party - Bar]

Vivi gives a hearty clap for Electra as well, leaning slightly into Lucy. "No, you certainly can't. Don't worry, it's just like singing in the shower! In harmony with your lover. Who's also in the shower." She leans up, whispering, "Though stripping is optional. Whatever makes you most comfortable."
Presumably they can go up to join the queue as they fritter and banter.

[Mount Kitsuki]

Azren returns from the snackbar with Chaco Taco (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/03/Choco_taco.jpg) in hand for Kitty's itty bitty daughter. "Here we go," he says, squatting down. His eyes go to the girls. "And how are you getting along?"

2018-07-31, 11:09 PM
Beach Party- Mount Kitsuki

Artie nods appreciatively.
”Thank you. It can be intimidating, honestly. My mother always said it terrified her. And then there’s people like my sister in law...” If Sakura was ever intimidated at the prospect of having children, that part of her is long dead.

[Mount Kitsuki]

Azren returns from the snackbar with Chaco Taco (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/03/Choco_taco.jpg) in hand for Kitty's itty bitty daughter. "Here we go," he says, squatting down. His eyes go to the girls. "And how are you getting along?"

[Beach Party- Mount Kitsuki]

Oh thank goodness. Azren showed up before Annie got worked up about something. "Come here, baby girl. The nice man brought a snack." Annie whips around and quickly abandons her shoveling. She hurries over to her mom and leans against her big tummy.

"Snack?" She beams at Azren with a pointy smile. If Azren will hand Kitsuki the Choco Taco, she'll hold it and let the little girl take a big, overeager bite out of it. She'll return to grinning with ice cream all over her mouth.

2018-07-31, 11:15 PM
Beach Party

Ellrin reappears at the party. However, he doesn't seem to be here for the ambiance this time. He is now wearing red and gold robes and is armed, a curved sword and three pistols hanging from his belt. He carries a rusted iron astrolabe coated in glowing silver tracery under his arm. The markings on the device shift as he moves. "This is as good a place as any to start."

2018-08-01, 03:28 AM
[Beach Party - Sam and Aly and now Fel!]

"I should!" Aly says, taking another sip from her drink. She was getting a little giggly now. She waves for Felandria to come over. "Hi! I'm Aly'ithra and this is Sam."

Fel obtains a noo drink and joins them.

I’m Felandria.

How are you two this fine afternoon?

Earl of Purple
2018-08-01, 12:32 PM
Jack & Kray

"Most people like humans, not quite everyone. But, um. Thank you." Jack grins, still a little embarrassed at how the conversation went, but glad it did go there. "I will certainly keep it all in mind."

2018-08-01, 12:41 PM
[Beach Party - Bar -> Stage?]

"A tempting thought, Vivi, but this isn't a nudist beach. We'd get in trouble if you stripped off on stage! I doubt I'd even have time to enjoy it." Lucy grins and gives Vivi a nudge, "You'll have to save that for a private performance later."

And then because they're walking away from the bar, she'll momentarily gatecrash Sam's conversation! "Sam! You were awesome! Hi Sam's friends! Sam, you gotta introduce me sometime! Oop, gotta go!"

Straaaight back to Vivi's side so they can go sing together.

2018-08-01, 05:58 PM
[The Crystal Apex]

Like something straight out of an episode of scooby doo.

Okay, maybe it's a little more terrifying than that, but it's still got a bit of a kooky house of horrors feel to it.

"Pesssst. Your wordss mean nothing." Damon would growl if he wasn't forced to hiss constantly, his hand reaching out to send a torrent of black fire blasting towards the paintings. "My insstinctss tell me to run. My rage tellsss me to kill the one demon here that actually mattersss."

Beach Party - Bar with Dena

"Right, yeah. Probably for the best." Magtok takes the proffered business card, and studies it with a nod. Probably for the best if he just digs around the ruins for a functional phone, yeah. No need to worry about people dying horribly that way. Nobody except Magtok himself, of course, because the MagCave is kind of one big enormous deathtrap right now. We were going to risk our lives cleaning that place out anyway though, so what's one more sidequest on the spring summer cleaning adventure?

"Oh, one last thing before I go," Magtok flips over the business card, and starts writing down a set of simple instructions. He holds it up so Dena can see, carefully angling the card so it stays 'offscreen,' as it were, out of view of the general public and any roving OOC eyeballs. "If you can do that for me, I will make history with this ad, and you can cut my fee in half. Deal?"

[Beach Party - Swimming]

"Technically? What does technically me- Hey, get back here!" Ilpholin gives Kal and Wenomir a wave goodbye, puts her diving mask back on, and swims after Anika. She needs to stay close enough so she can grab a shark tail when she turns into one again.

Beach Party - Bar with Dena

She eyes the card just for a second and then nods once. "Sounds fair to me. I'll make sure it happens." She extends her hand. "Deal, swing by our office some day and we'll go through all the paperwork."

[Beach Party - Swimming]

"Okay, I am a member!" Anika shouts back just before she dives.
Soon, a shark fin rise into the air, just waiting for Ilpholin to grab it.
Once she does, its full speed down into the sea. Ilpholin will be able to see the white sand bottom stretching beneath the waves. A shoal of purple fish flees at the sight of them and a giant clam with two red eyes giving them the stink-eye as they pass.

But then they suddenly get into deeper water and in the distance Ilpholin might note what appears to be the half of a antique wooden ship sticking out from the sand. Considering how overgrown and busted it is, it has to have been there a while.

[The Crystal Apex]

((Will have to wait a bit further with this scene...))

2018-08-01, 08:26 PM
Jack & Kray

"Most people like humans, not quite everyone. But, um. Thank you." Jack grins, still a little embarrassed at how the conversation went, but glad it did go there. "I will certainly keep it all in mind."
[Jack and Kray]

Kray smiles sympathetically. Maybe she's given Jack something to think about. She knows she does, from all of today.
"Well, I'm going to find a chair to lounge on. You can come with me. Otherwise, you have a good day." she says, and exits the water to find and open chair.

[Beach Party - Sam and Aly and now Fel!]

"I should!" Aly says, taking another sip from her drink. She was getting a little giggly now. She waves for Felandria to come over. "Hi! I'm Aly'ithra and this is Sam."

Fel obtains a noo drink and joins them.

I’m Felandria.

How are you two this fine afternoon?
[Beach Party- Sam and Aly and Fel?]

Oh no, Aly. What have you done? Don't you know who that is? Fel is in Vigil. Vigil has a show!
She's been on TV.
Sam is talking to someone who's been on TV.
And she probably saw him singing.
Okay Sam, don't worry, there's nothing to-
"Oh wow you know that's my roommate maybe I should go introduce her sometime like she said speaking of maybe I should get that drink you know they say it's four o clock somewhere haha you know right haahahaha-" Sam tries to make his quick escape before he embarrasses himself in front of a celebrity! Quick Aly, catch him before he escapes!
Though you know, Fel might be the first person to not seemingly spend the first ten seconds of meeting Sam not wondering what the heck he is. He's really gotten used to that particular 'ok but what are you' look from people.

[Beach Party- Mount Kitsuki]

Oh thank goodness. Azren showed up before Annie got worked up about something. "Come here, baby girl. The nice man brought a snack." Annie whips around and quickly abandons her shoveling. She hurries over to her mom and leans against her big tummy.

"Snack?" She beams at Azren with a pointy smile. If Azren will hand Kitsuki the Choco Taco, she'll hold it and let the little girl take a big, overeager bite out of it. She'll return to grinning with ice cream all over her mouth.

[Beach Party- Mount Kitsuki]

Artie giggles at the girl, but holds back laughter so the girl doesn't think she's being laughed at. She sidles up to Azren.
"So? Did you get anything for your dear wife?" she asks him.

Lord Magtok
2018-08-02, 01:44 AM
Beach Party - Bar with Dena

She eyes the card just for a second and then nods once. "Sounds fair to me. I'll make sure it happens." She extends her hand. "Deal, swing by our office some day and we'll go through all the paperwork."

"Pleasure doing business with you," Magtok says with a grin and a short nod, before he gulps down his drink and strides on outta there. Best get going before we get roped into any more awkward conversations with hated enemies, or business dealings with shady mercenaries. The cyborg grabs his things and heads out, stopping only to pull Needs' head out of the sand on his way back to the pickup truck. That ridiculous wizard deadtimes in the weirdest places sometimes, I swear.

Oh! Speaking of the weirdest places, what the heck is this folder doing in the glove compartment?! Who broke into our automobile and put that there? Why does Needs claim to know nothing about it, when asked? All very good questions, none of which our cyborg has the answer to. Rather than leave right away, he sits the folder in his lap and pages through its contents. Maybe there'll be some vital clue revealing exactly who this asshat is who thinks he can just break into Lord Magtok's stuff and leave spooky files behind. Whoever they are, they've got a lot to answer for already. We have a great and powerful wizard sibling, people can't go pushing us around like this!

2018-08-02, 01:59 AM
[Beach Party - Swimming]

Well that didn't clarify much. Talking time is over now though. Ilpholin is taken on a short tour of a small part of under the sea. That clam only gets the stink eye back, daring it to try anything. Anything. She'll put it in its place.

There's that ship Anika mentioned. It seems to have crashed fairly close to the shore all things considered. She wonders what happened. Maybe it stopped to drop anchor and send out those smaller landing craft, but they dropped the anchor way too hard and it took everything with it.
Yeah, probably not that. A closer inspection is needed.

[Beach Party - Tanning wit' Tina]

Tina's gentle teasing does little to alleviate Reinholdt's blush. He's so much better at dishing it than taking it. Still, his smile changes from bashful to warm as she compliments his eyes and compares them to her own. "I can't say I change as often as it sounds you do, but I mix it up occasionally." If by mix it up Rein means sometimes he's a cat, sure. I guess. He's not adverse to trying out a new look, it's just harder to get it to stick by nature of his shapeshifting.

"Oh you're more than beautiful as you are. I just remembered wanting to eat your hair and see if it tasted like sugar." Rein sticks his tongue out in return. It's not as special though. In terms of coloration at least.

The playful banter gets a brief interlude as Tina steps past Rein to enjoy the karaoke 'concert'. Reinholdt twists in his chair to get a better look, but most of his gaze is drawn to Tina's backside as she bounces wildly and cheers. It's really, really hard to look away from that, but Rein does manage at least for a very brief moment so as to give a regular wave in Electra's direction.

When Tina turns back around, Rein rapidly looks away and focuses intently on sipping his mojito. "Hah, no, it's fine- it's fine. I, uh, should have known you knew Electra since she and Dena were so tight and you know Dena. We went on a quest together relatively recently taking care of some drow business. I forget, are you also a member of MERC?"

Earl of Purple
2018-08-02, 11:09 AM
Beach Party- Jack & Kray

"I'm too impatient to sit around and do nothing. I'll keep paddling, but thank you for the company. You have a good day too." Jack nods and smiles, continuing on walking in the surf.

2018-08-02, 04:42 PM
[Beach Party - By the Stage!]

"Really? You think people would complain about us stripping naked?" Vivi gives her a quite serious look. Nexus people were such prudes, though... "But if you insist. I'm not wearing much to perform with though... It wouldn't be teasing for very long."

Gatecrashing! Oh my, piggy fellow and his friends! The tiny curvy brown lady Vivi in her leaf bikini gives them a wave, then slips an arm companionably around Lucy's hips again.

[Beach Party - Tanning wit' Tina!]

Fettina turns back to Rein fully and breaks down giggling, bending to put her hands on her knees. "Wait, I just realized you said you thought about eating my hair. You really are a cat at heart, aren't you? Sounds like a cat thing." The comes forward and tries to sit on the edge of Rein's chair, her butt brushing his hip.

Tina tries to put her hand down on his knee, clearly just to steady herself as she leans back, and brushes her hand through her hair - which turns a shockingly bright neon pink as her fingers pass it over. She goes on with the conversation as though it didn't even happen, giving him a sidelong look. "A nice boy named Fayyaad introduced me to her, actually. I think Dena is embarrassed of me. Or she likes to try to keep me to herself." She makes a scoffing sound at the prospect of her being a MERC member. "And no, I'm not a company girl. I've actually been taking up a little adventuring."

Ashen Lilies
2018-08-02, 10:13 PM
[B]"Electra is a striking woman in general, with her looks, voice and demeanour," Fayyaad continues. "I think you'll enjoy getting to know her better."

Electra throws her head back with the final few refrains, and lets the last note ring out for a moment, before swooping into a quick bow, replacing the mic on the stand, and heads back for her little group at the bar, a pleased smile on her face.

"How was that? Lively enough for you, Fayyaad?" She asks, more than a hint of mischief in her voice. "Or do I need to get a bit more rowdy the next time?"

[Beach Party - Bar]

Cass blushes as she catches on to Fayyaad's implications - thankfully, she's "saved" from having to respond by the reappearance of Electra. Saved. Yes.

[B]"I uh... well, I think you certainly got a lot of attention as it is."

2018-08-02, 11:59 PM
[Beach Party - Tanning wit' Tina]

Clearly it's just to steady herself. It's for the same reason Rein places one hand around her waist. Just to make sure she doesn't fall. Or at least, she doesn't fall into the sand. Falling into his lap wouldn't be the end of the world. Either way, he's not as bothered with physical contact as he is with compliments, being naturally attracted to the warmth of body heat. "I don't think I've actually attempted to eat anyone's hair," Reinholdt clarifies. That'd be a little weird, but it would be cat weird.

"Well. Dena just needs to learn how to share. Besides, you're a grown woman who can make her own decisions." Presumably. Like the decision to have bright pink neon hair on a whim. Reinholdt leans in a little, getting a better look at it, with the curious interest only a cat can muster. "That's hella impressive. How do you do that? Man, you have so many cool toys." Hard light furniture, instant hair dye, the works. It's like a secret haven of shinies Rein's never explored before.

Reinholdt's interests transition from Tina's hair back to Tina's face. "Oh ho. Adventuring you say? Now that's something I can get behind. We'll have to be... adventurous together some time. You've already proven you can teach me some things I never knew. Surely I can return the favor."

2018-08-03, 04:41 PM
[B]"Much more lively and things may have got out of hand," Fayyaad quips. "You always know how to impress, Electra. Now maybe you can decide if Cassandra or I should go next."

2018-08-03, 08:13 PM
[Beach Party - Bar]

Electra smiles gently at the compliments.

"It's not the quantity of attention you get, it's the quality," she quips, her smile turning mischievous for a moment, "But Fayyaad poses an excellent question. Which of you is feeling brave enough to try and set the bar a little higher?"

Hattish Thing
2018-08-04, 02:01 AM
Sea of Storms - Hurricane

Someone is foolish enough to brave such an insane storm. A small, high-tech hover skiff sails above the waves. Its lone passenger steers the ship with one hand, while his other holds an ancient iron astrolabe traced with glowing silver patterns. Currently, the patterns flicker and shift rapidly. The sailor cries out into the storm, despite no one being there to hear him. "It must be around here somewhere! Maybe the storm is causing elemental interference, or perhaps the quintessence wasn't as pure as I thought. Come on, work!" He shakes the astrolabe to no effect. "No use. I need to find somewhere to land."

This storm, more wicked than any in living memory, is watched through debris that tumbles in the vortices, heavy like bullets, destroying anything and everything, avenging the forgotten. Almost as if alive, the torrential hurricane grows ever harsher as a lone sailor attempts to reach its core, battering the skiff mercilessly as it nears the heart of the storm, thrashing the hull and rocking the deck. An enormous wave the size of a skyscraper roils across the sea, pressing the fortunate skiff closer to a vast floating "island", an unlikely find in the midst of the storm.

Countless ships, both air and seabased have seemingly sunk here, creating a morbid island of wreckage, a cemetary for the souls lost at sea encircling a huge swirling whirlpool which pulls everything sunk here towards it. The wind screams like a banshee over the island, uprooting masts and wooden planks in a fit of ever-consuming rage. Livid black clouds rear up like a great sea-serpent readying itself for attack, spitting lightning mercilessly onto the pitiful scene below, which cut through the sky not unlike burning venom.


The Docks:

Early in the morning, the mysterious woman can be seen, standing outside a small, gray ship.

2018-08-04, 02:07 AM
[The Docks]

Anastasia approaches, still in just as dour a mood as she was last night. Presumably Novus will be walking with her.

This is it? She says, staring at the boat. Turning to look out over the water at the storm, she says: You want to drown then.

2018-08-04, 05:42 AM
Beach Party - Sand Castles

"You're a nice person, aren't you? Yeah, you are." Honeysuckle gives her a smile. "Well, you can't just be sad about it! You have to go out and recruit them, tell people about Deus Mechanicus. I'm not very religious myself. A goddess saved my life once, so I say thanks for that, but just living life is hard enough without adding deities to it."


"Enjoy, you two."
Woah, how did she do that, make her armor just disappear? Must be convenient.
But now that the monk is settled, Anchor wanders off to-

Beach Party

Get a drink of her own, and wave briefly at the giant woman and all the other interesting people here.
It's not that she was waiting for someone to leave the bar area before coming over, it's just that the timing worked out this way. >.>

Beach Party - Sand Castles

"I guess, but I'm see myself neutral." Mia says.
"People here have many deities to decide and I don't want to make promosses I can't fullfill."

2018-08-04, 08:27 AM
Beach Party - Bar with Dena

"Am I?" Dena smiles as she saunters over to Reinholdt and Tina, apparently having overheard parts of their conversation. "Hate to interrupt, but there is a music thing of some sort over there." She points her thumb in the direction of the bar. "I figured you'd like to join, Tina. Unless you were actually discussing something important?" She eyes the two. "I mean, there is a line so you can probably finish whatever you're talking about."

[The Crystal Apex]

The demon lord lets out a uncharacteristically soft giggle in response. "Then you are ready."
The Damon is assaulted by a vision of the temple-creature he's inside devastating the city of Inside.
Its as if he is standing on a cliff overlooking the carnage, helplessly watching as the monster moves from person to person, only needing to get close for their bodies to evaporate in a bright light.
In particular, the vision zooms in on him, who is in Inside for some reason, just getting devoured by the monster.

But then its as if the vision splits into several screens and he can see thousands if not millions zerns (and a few non-zerns) in various surroundings and contexts, one standing in a office, another swimming in a ocean, a third as a dragon flying next to another one who he might recognize as Sarah...
He has an innate understanding that all these beings are all connected, that they are in fact all versions of him just split across countless of alternative dimensions and universes that are all somehow connected to him, to the nexus. But as he is being devoured, they all are, as a fire running between a network of strings, only leaving ash behind, the fire spreading between every dot of light, extinguishing them forever.

The next vision is of the creature again but now far larger and now moving across a devastated world completely devoid of life. The vision then zooms in on the demon lord as all its heads turn to address him. "Go my disciple, tell them what you've seen here, tell them of the future." They all speak in unison.

Then the vision fades only to be replaced by a bright red light that fills the entire temple as the demon lord, suddenly feeling threatened, will attempt to rip him from the temple and teleport him elsewhere. Likely a place in Outside.

((Might get edited, need to talk to shrimp.))

[Beach Party - Swimming]

As the shark quickly closes the distance between them and the wreck it suddenly makes a sharp U-turn once its right in front of it and rapidly moves its tail back and fourth as if to shake Ilpholin off. Regardless if she does let go or not it will then start swimming in circles around the sunken ship.
From here, Ilpholin can tell that the ship must have been huge, even this half looks large enough to be a ship of its own. It does not appear that it simply sunken into the sand as she can see the edges where the must have been split at. It appears like it somehow was squeezed apart as the lower half appear completely crushed, and the other half is no where in sight.

There is no clear opening in the wreck but the wooden frame has been weakened by what must be centuries of mother nature reclaiming what's hers. It's quite the feat that it hasn't fallen apart already as it stands leaning against a cliff coming out of the sea bed.

2018-08-04, 11:16 AM

The pilot spots the shipwrecks. "It has to be in there!" He flies down to them and they anchors the ship, slipping into any sort of shelter from the rain and wind that he can find. He holds up the astrolabe under the cover and shakes it, watching the patterns dance across it. "Below. And moving? How?" It comes to him in a flash. "Someone already has it!" He begins to race back to his skiff.

2018-08-04, 02:16 PM
[The Crystal Apex]

"Whu- Sssarah?" Damon mumbles in confusion as he tries to comprehend what he's seeing. The anger fades. The fire falters.

And then they decide to remove him.

In the brief moment of understanding he has, Damon screams in rage, desperately trying to throw fire at anything in sight, anything to do some harm to this most hated of demons.

And then he's teleported away.


[Beach Party - By the Stage]

Lucy likewise slips an arm round Vivi's waist "Well, it's probably a good thing you're not wearing all that much. Otherwise I might get a little impatient! Still, that's for later." For now, they can just be veeery close. "While I agree with you that people really shouldn't get so uptight about a bit more bare skin, it would get us in trouble here. S-so for now, um, d'you wanna go ahead and pick us something to sing? Try not to embarrass me too much, hmm?"

2018-08-04, 07:44 PM
[Beach Party - Sam, Aly, and Fel]

Aly grabs one of Sam's many arms to keep him from walking away. "Don't be shy, Sam."


Novus rubs the back of his neck. "Can't actually. Well... maybe if I'm unconscious. I don't want to test that theory, though."

2018-08-04, 09:03 PM
[Beach Party - Sam, Aly, and Fel]

Felandria raises an amused eyebrow when Sam gets all flustered, but she merely chalks it up to her own statuesque smexiness and shrugs.

She leans forward, smiling.

Yeah, don’t be shy, Sam.

I don’t bite.

At least in public.

Felandria is clearly not specifically curious about what Sam is, she comes from a world of Dragons and such, after all.

You two might wanna be on your guard, last time we had a beach party, a water balloon fight broke out.

2018-08-05, 11:15 AM
[Seaside - Tannin' wit' Tina]

"Pft, yeah, that grown woman thing? Someone ought to tell Dena," Tina says, leaning into Rein's arm, seemingly comfortable. Speak of the devil, is that her coming their way now? Maybe she's getting jealous!

"The hair, though? Nanites. Little robots. Got em' pretty much everywhere," Tina explains. "Sort of weird to think about, but they certainly put a glitter in your eye," the neon girl smirks. "I can even change the texture if I want."

Fettina is just getting around to asking Rein what he has to teach her when Dena arrives. She'd even seen the gorgon coming and had gotten a bit distracted, not wanting to be the first to look away. Now she peers at the transformed drowess and draws down her glasses, giving her a skeptical look. "Who says we weren't? And that's karaoke. If the people here weren't mostly cool it'd be a snore an' a half. I thought we were gonna steal the show at the end?" Tina smirks. "You know, you dance, I play?"

Tina looks at Rein. "You have got to see her dancing. Nothing like it."

[Beach Party - By the Stage]

"Oh, don't worry," Vivi says, wiggling her hips and smiling daintily as they wait in the queue. "I already have something in mind. What?" She peers at Lucy. "Do I worry you?"

2018-08-05, 05:11 PM
[Beach Party - Ocean]

Once Anika and Ilpholin swim away, Wenomir leans back, floating on the water. He glances at the beach as well, though.

"Koshal seems to be doing fine. I can't remember if you've ever met him. He's a minotaur knight in training who studies swordsmanship with me."

2018-08-06, 04:28 AM
[Beach Party - Swimming]

Looks like a monster of some sort crushed this ship. Probably a kraken, since it's always a kraken. Regardless, the other half of the ship probably just drifted differently than this one before hitting the sea floor. It might be nearby. Nearby of course, could be a span of many, many miles so finding that half is not high on the priority list.

Ilpholin lets go when prompted and starts swimming directly towards the boat. There's bound to be an opening somewhere, either on the deck, where she'll start her search, or where the boat split in half, though that's probably where all the overgrowth is. She'd rather not use a shark ram to create an opening. Though while she's looking around, she'll also try to make note of any possible identifying marks on the boat. Unusual figurehead, faded paint, engraved emblems. It looks old enough that there might not be any of those, but may as well check.

[Beach Party - Tanning with Tina]

Reinholdt smirks a little, but he's not going to be the one telling Dena about Tina's age. Not while he's holding the 'babysit' Tina coin. That'd feel weird.

"Nanites, huh?" It's not usually what Rein thinks of when thinks of nanites. But then, his knowledge of them is limited to pop culture mostly stemming from Metal Gear Solid. Probably not the best source material. Before he can dwell on it any longer though, Dena arrives.

He tilts his head at Dena, curious at her phrasing. "A matter of life and death practically," Reinholdt assures the gorgon. Adventuring is very serious and every little trick you can learn can often save your life. But more than anything, he's surprised. "You don't know karaoke?" Dena must be going to all the wrong bars! Rein's had to learn about it whether he likes it or not. Turns out many drunk people like to sing.

Rein's eyes light up though when Tina says she's going to duet of sorts with Dena. Tina did mention she was a sometimes singer, sometimes piano player, so that'll be worth listening to. And Tina insists Dena has the grove. "Ohh, are you going to dance Dena? I'd love to see it." He is curious to see if the snakes are integrated into the dance in some hypnotic fashion or if they dance their own little dance or if they just do nothing, dismissive about the whole thing.

2018-08-06, 11:43 AM
Beach Party - Sand Castles

"I guess, but I'm see myself neutral." Mia says.
"People here have many deities to decide and I don't want to make promosses I can't fullfill."

"Really responsible of you. Truly."
Honesyuckle starts shaping the sandcastle-keep with her hands, flat walls with little depressions for windows.
"Tell me, what can you promise?" she asks, grinning.

2018-08-06, 09:00 PM
[Beach Party - Tanning with Tina]

Dena raises an eyebrow. "Hold on, I thought this was singing only? I mean, I could dance but I feel I'd need an idea what you're going to be playing, Tina-kun. You need to give me a feeling of it first."

[Beach Party - Swimming]

This actually appear to be the back of the boat so there is no visible figurehead. There is a faded black mark of what might be an eel or perhaps a snake. But, there is also what appear to be a few portholes in the ship that she could potentially squeeze herself through or at least use to break through the weakened wood.

2018-08-06, 09:38 PM
[Sam and Aly and Fel]

Sam laughs awkwardly.
"Hahahaha, that's not creepy."

"I'm sure we'll have no problems with water." Sam already lost his shirt so it's not like he could possibly look any worse than he already does. And he won't even smell like wet animal as he naturally smells of ozone.
And he doubt being wet would make Aly look bad...

2018-08-07, 02:08 AM
[Beach Party - Sam, Aly, and Fel]

There's a flash of jealousy in Aly'ithra's eyes. "If anyone is going to do any biting around here, it's me."

2018-08-07, 06:20 AM
[Beach Party - By the Stage]

"Oh, don't worry," Vivi says, wiggling her hips and smiling daintily as they wait in the queue. "I already have something in mind. What?" She peers at Lucy. "Do I worry you?"

[Beach Party - By the Stage]

"Weeeell, maybe a little? I suppose I'd be happier if I know what song you've got in mind?" She flashes Vivi another wicked, toothy grin, leaning in close, veery close to her neck. "Am I allowed to know before hand, or do I have to coax it out of you?" She asks in a soft, sultry voice, giving her a squeeze...and then promptly bursting into a fit of giggles. She can't pretend to be sinister like that for more than a few seconds.

2018-08-07, 11:10 AM
[A tale of two goblins]

In thunderworks bunny-bot testing chamber things were usually exploding so master-Engineer Bumus had almost missed the phone call due to his ear protections, when he suddenly noticed his cellphone vibrating he threw his comic book at at his assistant to catch and dived for it.

"Bumusspeaking!" He announced as he slide along the recently cleaned floor as he also removed the muffs.

"Hey! Bumus! Long time no see!" The other end responded.

Wait, Anton? "Anton! Pal! How long has it been?"

The other goblin laughed. "Too long, too long, I miss you pal. KABAL ain't the same without you."

"Eh, you ratbags can keep to yourself. I'm literary working in a place that is constantly exploding and I still have a higher life expectancy, and get paid more."

"Still not more than me, pal. No matter how fancy titles they give you." Kelligan chuckled. "But I didn't actually call to brag, I got something in mind."

"Yeah? Better not be begging me to join again... or share more of my gadgets. I'm under contract, buddy! And KABAL got a worse reputation than K-bomb at this point."

"Uhhgh... that stupid band still around? Ech, whatever, it's not what I'm gonna ask anyway. No, I want to buy the the petroldactylus from you."

Bumus blinks once and twice, in the distance another bunny-bot decided it had enough of this cruel existence and spontaneously exploded. "The- our school project?! Paaaalll, why would you want that? I couldn't even sell the thing for scraps since they're afraid it'll explode. I dumped that stupid thing years ago."

"So I'll take it off your hands, just tell me where you dumped it and I'll send some people over to collect it."

Not even an ounce of hesitation in his voice. What a madman. "But- I- if its even in remotely working condition, you get a fine for just owning that monster, and if you start it up, they'll send in the army. Pretty sure just starting it up is going to violate a dozen environmental laws."

"Bah, screw the rules. I'm gonna take it where people will truly appreciate it for the artwork it is, Skyside. No rules, pal. I can fly it straight into someone's bedroom and not they won't even call the cops, since there are none."

"Instead they'll just blow it up." Bumus observed as he got up and sat down in his observation chair again. Looked like his assistant was busy desperately trying to put out the bunny-bot fire. He gave the gnoll a thumbs up and continued. "But fine, I dumped it on Toritomo, that trash island near Sama? It was the only place big enough to hold it."

"Ha! Excellent!"

"One condition though, I want videos of it taking off, or exploding, whichever comes first. Actually, do both."

"You got it, pal! In fact, I'll do you one better, you are formally invited to attend its arrival in Skyside! It's gonna be the biggest, most spectacular event the city ever seen!"

Bumus glanced at his assistance who know was running around screaming as her fur had caught fire. "Uh, got a situation here. I'll get back to you about that, 'kay?"

"Yeah, sure. You're not gonna regret this, pal!"

He was so going to regret this, wasn't he?

2018-08-07, 11:20 AM
Raider's Cove - Ithuriel

The revelry goes on through the night. There's music of all sorts, drinking and feasting, and even a few Sea Elves go to hit on the angel in an attempt to take her back to their place or get taken to hers. No matter how that goes, Ithuriel will be entirely unharmed in the morning and provided all the time she needs to speak with the people kidnapped from Inside. In the end, half of them decide to head back while the other half decide to stay. However she decides to depart, each of those leaving is gifted a small bundle of food, clothing, and even a bit of money in the form of small silver tablets. Just enough to get them started, and obviously at Brokenfang's expense. It would seem she wants that Letter of Marque quite a bit.


"Alright, then if you two think that it seems acceptable to target the cultists and won't bother your sense of morality, we can move on." Theo declares, leading the trio of visitors on towards the center of the town where a large gargoyle filled fountain stands. When he gets there, Theo pulls out a gold coin to toss in for a bit of luck. "They expect us to hit in the dark I suspect, so we'll wait until just after dawn to hit them when they are weary. Us three and a handful of others should at least be able to break them off. Capture the leadership if you can. Other than that, no requests." He explains before turning around to look at them. "So, if there aren't any preparations you need to do, just meet here a little before dawn and we'll sally forth. For your part, Ambrosia? I can have someone take you to the Wraith-Queen then as well if you don't want to take part in the fighting."

2018-08-07, 04:47 PM
Tina fidgets a bit, pondering. She's clearly concerned with impressing Rein, now. Not solely due to their flirting, but also because she was pretty out of practice in regards to music. She had to get this right so she didn't embarrass herself. "I know, Reinholdt. Dena can seem so out of touch sometimes. Like she's really right out of Greek myth," Tina has a chortle at the gorgon's expense.

Tina hops up, eyeing the snake-headed gal. "Okay, come here and have a listen, my senpai," the neon girl urges, reaching behind her ear to her neural port and drawing a wire out. The tip of the little strand seems to be some sort of highly mutable material, and it quickly contorts itself into the shape of an earbud. Tina will tuck it in Dena's ear if she can, notably fearless regarding those sinuous serpents. Music begins (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABS-mlep5rY)... "I was thinking of playing piano to the tune of this. Or just turning on the song and we can sing and dance to it together. That sounds like more fun. I got a few other songs in mind if you can't swing those hips to this one, though."

[B][Beach Party - The Stage!]

"Oh, my!" Vivi says, only half in jest as they slowly make their way to the stage. It seems like they're almost there all of a sudden. She leans up right into the tall lady's face, nearer and nearer to her lips. "Well, if you insist... I still won't tell you. Come on, live a little, won't you? Karaoke isn't supposed to be serious! No one expects us to be good!" She breaks down giggling.

Viviana is going to tug Lucy up on stage if she has to, and promptly zap the teleprompter to get it displaying what she likes. Zap, that is, with a gout of greenish magic that leaps from her outstretched finger. How curious. The lyrics start up. "Just follow my lead," she says.

And then the fey lady in the green bikini launches into a... sultry rendition of a timeless, peerless classic (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MahswYBewb0). She swings her hips to and fro in a slow pendulum meter, every motion exaggerated, using her highest and squeakiest voice to start the song off. She mostly hangs back, trying to guide Lucy through the silly words, then deepens her voice to a basso parody to do the part of the telephone man. She licks her lips, flashes her great wet eyes at the audience such as it may be, bumps Lucy's hips with her own. She'll walk her fingers up the girls arm and tease her with closeness, eventually swinging an arm around Lucy's waist to pull her close for the song's lewd ending.

- - - Updated - - -

[Beach Party - Mount Kitsuki]

Adir beams back at the very pregnant kitsune and her adorable daughter before turning on his wife. "Hrrm... let me think..." He somehow makes a second Choco Taco appear from behind his back. When did he even have a hand back there? "That's right, here it was." He leans in and gives Artie a quick peck on the lips.

Hattish Thing
2018-08-07, 06:43 PM
[The Docks]

The woman rolls her eyes at this, gesturing towards several sailors currently on board. "Bah, leave yer fear behind. She's been through aplenty, she can make it through this as well, mark me words. No storm alive can bring 'er down, I reckon."

"Wot, are ye afraid to get a bit wet?"


She snickers at this point, sneering as she begins to board.

"Well? Come on then, fortune's an impatient mistress."

2018-08-07, 06:57 PM
Only a concern for you. Anastasia decides, heading up the ramp. Novus apparently can't drown and she certainly isn't concerned for herself.

She'll settle herself down in the corner of the boat, ready to set off. She might help if any of the sailors can work up the courage to ask her! Maybe!

2018-08-07, 07:47 PM
[The Docks]

Novus looks over the ship with some trepidation. It was, in his opinion, junk. Still, he wasn't get paid by standing safe on the shore. With a heavy sigh, he mounts the gangplank and climbs aboard.

"So, what's driven these poor souls to want to go into the center of a hurricane? I know why I'm that desperate, but what's got them going?" He asks, gesturing to the crew.

2018-08-08, 02:16 AM
Beach Party - Sand Castles

"Really responsible of you. Truly."
Honesyuckle starts shaping the sandcastle-keep with her hands, flat walls with little depressions for windows.
"Tell me, what can you promise?" she asks, grinning.

Beach Party - Sand Castles

"Well. " Mia starts "If you work hard you will get a reward. DM will assist you while inventing machines as long as their propose wouldn't harm his belivers or himself. If you join the priests you may have access to his divine powers, which will include healing, but also more aggressiv tools."

2018-08-08, 04:05 AM
[Sam and Aly and Fel]

Sam laughs awkwardly.
"Hahahaha, that's not creepy."

"I'm sure we'll have no problems with water." Sam already lost his shirt so it's not like he could possibly look any worse than he already does. And he won't even smell like wet animal as he naturally smells of ozone.
And he doubt being wet would make Aly look bad...

[Beach Party - Sam, Aly, and Fel]

There's a flash of jealousy in Aly'ithra's eyes. "If anyone is going to do any biting around here, it's me."

Fel seems slightly abashed and she quickly finishes her drink.

She slumps down and puts her arms on the bar.

Oh crap, I’m sorry.

I shoulda realized you two were a thing.

Let me make it up to you by getting you drinks, what are you having?

She appears to be genuinely chastened.

2018-08-08, 04:22 PM
[Raider's Cove]

For one night, Ithuriel sets her duties as an angel and an officer aside and lets herself just have some fun. The sea elves' advances are, at least at first, deflected, as she's more than a little concerned that she might harm them. But persistence may well have paid off in the end, and she might be leaving a couple of elves behind to nurse their wounds for a few days. Before she departs with those willing to return, she passes on a small horn, carved from a piece of one of the fir trees in her demiplane overnight. A tool for Brokenfang to summon her when the time is right for their raid. Then she's off on her way with decidedly mixed feelings about Brokenfang and her raiders. But it all seems to have worked out well, right?


[Beach Party - The Stage]

Lucy tries. She really does. She sings along as best she can, but she's clearly a little out of her depth trying to keep up, struggling enough that she barely notices Vivi's antics. Although it's hard not to notice at the end when Vivi gets so up close and personal. She even has enough sense to give a half-swoon (which may or may not be genuine) into Vivi's arms, sighing dramatically.

...and then she grins and snags the microphone from Vivi, putting it back on its stand. "Buuut I really feel like I let you down there, so I gotta make up for that. But don't worry, it's not just a solo piece, you can help gimme a little atmosphere." Unfortunately that weird karaoke device thing is definitely beyond her, and it certainly doesn't have her song, and she sure as hell can't do some green zappy stuff to it! So, instead she reaches into her satchel and pulls out a rather hefty wind-up music box and a small harp. She winds the music box up and gently strums on her harp for a moment, making sure it's in tune before she gets started.

The music starts to play. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHxjyBtKxpM) In contrast with the performances that have come before, this song is nowhere near as boisterous or fast-paced. It lacks the male vocals in the background for obvious reasons, but hopefully Vivi can do a good job providing some backing. Lucy starts to pluck at the harp strings as her voice rings out over the beach, her eyes shut, her body motionless as she focuses on her performance. There's clearly something magical to the music box (surprise surprise) as it provides the rest of the instrumental accompaniment. As she sings, Lucy starts to let her body sway slowly, softly, like a cold winter's breeze.

When the music fades, she quietly packs her things away...then abruptly grabs Vivi and pulls her in for a quick kiss, drops the mic on the floor and dashes off stage, hopefully leaving a speechless Vivi behind to recover herself.

2018-08-09, 12:32 AM
[Beach Party - Tanning wit' Tina]

Right out of Greek myth? "The Sphynx is the greatest 'mythological' figure ever. No offense Dena." Reinholdt is horribly biased though. There are plenty of other great figures to choose from.

What feels more fictional than those is how they're addressing each other though. Are those some sort of... pet names? How close were they? What the hell did senpai even mean? Why is part of Tina sticking herself into Dena and presumably playing music? Rein had so many questions right now he didn't even know where to begin. They seemed a little occupied though, so he'll hold them to himself for right now, while they work out what music they want to do for karaoke. But he watches closely, as Tina is just full of surprises.

[Beach Party - Under the Sea]

Ilpholin swims over to one of the portholes and peers inside to make sure nothing inside is immediately waiting to eat her. She motions at Anika to indicate that she's heading in from here. Barring some unusual response from the shark or an immediate threat, she'll attempt to slip in, relying on her flexibility to get inside.

Hattish Thing
2018-08-09, 12:33 AM
[The Docks]

Chorava grimaces as she glances towards the crewmates aboard the ship, an unfortunate gathering of sickly sailors long past their prime. For their part, the sailors stay well enough away from the others, including the captain. "Only work they can get, an' they ought be thankful fer it."

"Murderers, thieves, an' lepers."


She scoffs here as she strides up towards the top of the deck.

"I'm th' only one what would take 'em."

2018-08-09, 12:56 AM
The Docks

Sailors as well, yes? Then we will cope. Anastasia says from her corner. She is clearly ready to set off.

2018-08-09, 09:50 AM
[Beach Party - Tanning wit' Tina]

"I know karaoke." Dena replies in a deadpan tone, but she wasn't going to argue as she didn't know anything about this mythology they were talking about or why she'd take offense. She certainly wasn't a part of some mythology and she didn't exactly identify as gorgon.

As Tina mentions 'senpai' she can't help but to shake her head in amusement however. "Alright, let's hear this."
Tina's ports had always seemed weird to her, but she was going to just ignore them this time, yet is still careful about not putting that plug all the way in her ear. These were clearly made for humans rather than her people so she didn't want them all the way in there for various reasons. "Sing and dance, huh? I'm not a great singer and I'm not sure I'm drunk enough for actual karaoke." She laughs. "What do you think, rein?"

2018-08-09, 12:07 PM
Beach Party - Sand Castles

"Well. " Mia starts "If you work hard you will get a reward. DM will assist you while inventing machines as long as their propose wouldn't harm his belivers or himself. If you join the priests you may have access to his divine powers, which will include healing, but also more aggressiv tools."

That doesn't sound so bad. Reward for your work is actually something you can't get everywhere. Clearly helping people make machines benefits both DM and the inventor, but it does benefit the inventor. Some people would have jumped on the suggestion that Deus Mechanicus could be hurt with machines. But not her.
"Seems nice. Unless the reward is all after you die. Often the catch, isn't it?"
Honeysuckle pauses for a moment to hold up her hands.
"I don't know if inventing is for me. Never been much for making things. 'cept trouble. And bread I guess."
Her smile changes slightly, now that she's amused at her own expense.

2018-08-12, 08:07 AM
Beach Party - Sand Castles

"Oh no don't worry." Mia says with a smile. "In my duty as a high priestress I have shared the rewards with my people."
Mia continues with the walls. They are quiet good by now and very edgy like it was made by cutting it out of a dsand block.
"Maybe you help someone create a machine to help making bread? You never know. Most inventions didn't come from high gineus. they came from people who needed them."

2018-08-12, 05:53 PM
[Beach Party - Sam, Aly, and Fel]

"Oh, sure."Aly agrees. "It's a strawberry daiquiri." She says, shaking her nearly empty drink.


"Lepers...fun..." Novus finds a spot for himself near the mast, trying to stay out of the way of the crew.

2018-08-12, 06:44 PM
[The Stage!]

Viviana is still cool and confident when the half-swooning happens, catching Lucy ably as she looks on. Her hooded gaze and warm smile turn to surprise as Lucy steals the mic away, apparently regaining her confidence for this solo performance. "Hey! I am not an atmosphere kind of woman," Viviana says in a voice full of mock drama. She's still mostly unsurprised when the harp and music box appears, but her anticipation is visibly growing...

She has no idea how to back the performance as it begins. She can't have anticipated the sound, and her backing vocals might not even be up to snuff...

So she doesn't try to match it with sound. She flushes and steps back behind Lucy, moving her arms in a slow circular motion. The vivacious little fey woman rotates her arms one way, then the other, like the hands of a clock, her hips slowly beginning to sway. With each bump a greenish phantasm appears, a magical construct like a wolf made from glowing strips of folded grass and painted reeds. Other smoky beings soon join the prowling pack, dancing antlered folk drumming in time to the music of the box, nymphs singing softly to match Lucy's lovely voice in lower backing tones.

This circling parade of phantoms steadily grows in size and complexity, floating above the stage and out over it, their elaborate formation swelling with the length of the song...

They come to a slow stop along with the music. Viviana seems like she's about to direct her magical glamours to take a bow when Lucy wallops her with a surprise smooch - and every last phantom disappears in a puff of green smoke and purple sparks. "Mmph!"

The combined effect of the magical show, Lucy's impressive musical talent and the kiss leads to a very dizzy Vivi. She blushes openly, gives one short drunken twirl, and flops on her back atop the stage. Womp. Uh... medic?

[Beach Party - Tannin' wit Tina]

Tina, oblivious to Rein's obvious curiosity and withheld questions, grins at the shake of Dena's head. She bobs her head in time with the music a bit, then takes her earbud out of Dena's ear. "You know karaoke, but you're worried about whether you're good or not?" She gives Dena a flat look. "Can you detect my skepticism? Besides, everyone's gonna be paying too much attention to your bod to care."

Tina looks at Rein as well then, when he's addressed. "Yeah, what do you think, Rein? Do we need to get Dena a bit more drunk first?" She quick offers up her mojito to the gorgon-drowess. "Here you go, hon'."

2018-08-13, 01:34 AM
[Beach Party - Tanning with Tina]

"I think you came over here and suggested doing the music thing, so now you're stuck doing the music thing too." Reinholdt replies to Dena with a grin.

"Though Tina's on my level. She gets it. Besides, I'd recognize a cry for alcohol anywhere and Dena is clearly in need. More drunk it is! I'll go get us all another round. Any requests?" Reinholdt finishes off his own glass before standing with a stretch. "Is there a lucky drink you have before dancing? Do dancers have superstitions like that?" Rein doesn't know much about dancing culture beyond stilted nobility politics. And those dances are lame to him, though occasionally they are slow enough to allow for the proper amount of witty banter.

2018-08-13, 07:14 PM
"Oh no don't worry." Mia says with a smile. "In my duty as a high priestess I have shared the rewards with my people."
Mia continues with the walls. They are quiet good by now and very edgy like it was made by cutting it out of a sand block.
"Maybe you help someone create a machine to help making bread? You never know. Most inventions didn't come from high genius. they came from people who needed them."

The central keep that Honeysuckle has been building is growing somewhat unconventional. (https://artsy-media-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/0wXXEZkvnzhNR7ATIGqUZQ%2Ficons-of-brutalist-architecture_FB.jpg) But neatly made.
"Maybe. I'm certainly no genius. I'll have to think. About what I need."

2018-08-14, 09:16 AM
((Ack, I forgot the under the sea scene, ugh.))

[Beach Party - Under the Sea]

She will need to do some light squeezing, but she can slip in without too much problem.
There aren't any obvious threats inside, just a lot of overgrown junk. Crates and debris laying in piles at the sandy bottom which would require some digging to uncover. What might be more interesting however is what top, namely a locked (and most likely locked) ornate door. The walls on its side have faded paintings of sea serpents and if she looks to her sides she can see that both the ceiling and the floor she can also see emerald serpentine patterns that must have looked quite colorful once.

The frames of the door itself look shiny, though its difficult to tell if they're actually carrying anything but historical value.

[Beach Party - Tanning with Tina]

"Then why don't I just dance?" Dena asks as she accepts the mojito. "People won't notice the difference." She turns to Rein. "Not where I learned to dance at least, unless you find a drink called 'a slap on the butt'." She remarks with a sly smile as she takes a sip of the mojito. "But I don't recommend it if you find it. Tastes very bitter."

2018-08-14, 12:17 PM
[Beach Party - Stage]

Oh dear, looks like we might have overdone it slightly! Well, more like Vivi overdid it a bit. She didn't need to get that fancy with the backing! So a few moments later once she notices that Vivi has flopped on stage, Lucy makes her way back on with quite a bit of swagger to her step. She comes to a stop standing over Vivi with her hands on her hips and a wicked grin on her face. "What was it Addie said? If I can get you to blush, I'm set for life?" She chuckles and drops her voice as she leans down and whispers seductively to her, "I'd say you're blushing, wouldn't you?"

And then it's back to normal as she offers Vivi a hand up. "We ought to get off stage. With that kind of performance, you can turn any song into a show." And she'll head back off stage, keeping hold of Vivi's hand if she's willing to go along.

Ashen Lilies
2018-08-14, 07:18 PM
Once Anika and Ilpholin swim away, Wenomir leans back, floating on the water. He glances at the beach as well, though.

"Koshal seems to be doing fine. I can't remember if you've ever met him. He's a minotaur knight in training who studies swordsmanship with me."

[Beach Party - Ocean]

[B]"You're certainly starting to swim in students, aren't you?" says Kal, amused. "You ever feel overwhelmed?"

[B]"I guess I'll go next," says Cass anxiously, draining her glass and going up to the stage. She flicks through the available selection of songs rapidly, seeming to barely read each title as she scrolls down the list.

This one.

Cass pauses, eyeing the highlighted title.

UH... are you sure?

A few seconds pass, and then Cass sighs, confirming the selection.

Song selected, the karaoke machine starts to play a music video, a few beats (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ekZEVeXwek) the only prelude to Cass easing into her choice.

"I'm so into you," Cass starts, a little out of pitch as she struggles to find her own register, "I can barely breathe..."

It doesn't take long for her to adapt, though, and quickly she's crooning into the mic as smooth and sultry as one born into performance, though the slight tightness around her eyes might betray her anxiousness. When she gets to the line about temperatures rising, however, she gives Electra and Fayyaad a mischievous glance and waves her a hand down her torso. Immediately, her tanktop seems to spontaneously combust, charred holes growing as the thin white fabric begins to char and flake away, revealing the web-inspired bikini top (https://fitbysue.vteximg.com.br/arquivos/ids/158963-1500-1500/IMG_2382.jpg?v=636322570956030000) she's wearing underneath.

Other than that flash, though, there's little other fanfare to her performance as she focuses more on her singing voice, forgoing flashy illusions or enchanting moves for not flubbing her newly acquired technical prowess.

2018-08-15, 06:28 AM
Wenomir stretches out on the water again.

"Far less overwhelmed than running Vigil makes me feel on a regular basis," he says. "And it's rewarding. Each of my students is eager to learn and listens to me. I never thought I'd take to teaching this way."

[Beach Party - Stage]

Fayyaad gives Cassandra and encouraging nod and a smile as she walks up on the stage. But she quickly subverts his expectations with her choice of song. That's certainly... direct, but then Cassandra seems to be this way once she gets past some awkwardness. She seems to have had a well-hidden talent for song, as well. Fayyaad's surprise only deepens when Cassandra takes off her shirt in a very eye-catching manner. He leans towards Electra slightly.

[B]"If you and Cassandra want to go somewhere more private afterwards, don't mind me and go ahead," he murmurs, still looking at the stage.

2018-08-15, 09:38 PM
[Beach Party - Stage]

Electra smiles as she watches Cass take the stage, and listens with an appreciative ear. Her smile widens when Cass takes off her shirt. She has a bit of trouble tearing her attention away from Cass when Fayyaad comments to her.

"What makes you think she wouldn't want both of us there?"

2018-08-16, 08:43 AM
((Lilies said it's okay to skip her.))

[B]"I suppose it's up to her," Fayyaad says, shrugging. "I just felt like I wanted to give you two a chance to get to know each other better first, without me in between. Plenty of time to go crazier later, right?"

2018-08-16, 07:44 PM
[Beach Party - Stage]

Electra manages to tear her attention off of Cass for a moment to give Fayyaad an appreciative smile.

"You're really keen on seeing us together, aren't you?"

2018-08-16, 07:48 PM
[B]"I just like to help my friends have a good time, what can I say," Fayyaad quips back. "Now I just have to worry about matching your performances somehow."

2018-08-16, 07:57 PM
[Beach Party - Stage]

Electra chuckles briefly to herself as her attention focuses back on Cass.

"We'll have to find a way to repay you," she says with a sidelong smirk. "But I'm sad to say that I don't know if you can top this."

2018-08-16, 08:02 PM
[Beach Party - Tannin' Wit Tina]

Fettina perks up at Rein's enthusiasm, watching him stand. "A Black Shadow for me, if you please. Like they make at Trogs and the Den. It's my favorite," she explains. "And it always helps me loosen up before piano."

Tina giggles at Dena. "Really? I've had a taste of that. I never thought it was very bitter." She wraps an arm around Dena's middle and glances at Rein just as slyly, probably spawning all the more questions in his mind. "As long as you get it from the right person."

[Beach Party - Stage --> Sand]

"Addie... is a very presumptuous girl!" Viviana huffs, lying on her back and staring up at Lucy with a distinct flush to her already fairly dusky features. She takes the proffered hand and is hauled up, bouncing once and shaking her head as she gets her bearings.

Off the stage they go, scurrying out of Cassandra's way. Viviana squeezes Lucy's hand as they trundle down the stairs and onto the sand again. She gives up a little chortle. "I don't think I could manage a performance quite like that for everyone. And not for a song like that!" She says, looking back at Cass. "Oh my. So many gorgeous people here. So many lovely voices! I'm jealous!"

Though Vivi doesn't say it outright, it's clear which voice she's specifically alluding to.

2018-08-16, 08:04 PM
[B]"Is that a challenge?" Fayyaad asks, sticking his chest forward. "I'll just have to meet it head on, then."


Thariza's tail swishes. She's really not sure if she wants to get tangled in this place's politics, but she's come too far to back down now. Besides, she owes Ambrosia one.

"Sure. I just have to keep myself occupied until then."

2018-08-17, 03:43 AM
The central keep that Honeysuckle has been building is growing somewhat unconventional. (https://artsy-media-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/0wXXEZkvnzhNR7ATIGqUZQ%2Ficons-of-brutalist-architecture_FB.jpg) But neatly made.
"Maybe. I'm certainly no genius. I'll have to think. About what I need."

Beach Party - Sand Castles

Mia just wonders about her construktion. her walls (http://www.holidaycheck.de//data/urlaubsbilder/images/41/1158058402.jpg) go on welll.
"Take your time. We are open any time. Well maybe not so much in the late hours, but you know what i mean."

2018-08-17, 10:08 AM
That gets Honeysuckle to laugh aloud. "I know. I'll come by some time."
She puts the finishing touches on the top of the keep, and then goes to double-check the moat. It hasn't gotten too worn away, has it?
"I think the castle's just about done, don't you?"

2018-08-17, 06:54 PM
[Beach Party - Under the Sea]

Historical value is overrated. Breaking and entering despite the value, now that's worthwhile. One thing at a time though. First, making sure the door is actually locked and not one of those situations where you're pushing when you're supposed to pull. Once Ilpholin determines how stubborn the door will be, she'll check on what appears to be storage of some sort. If she can, Ilpholin will pick out the crate that's most free from the pile of debris and sand and attempt to pry open the lid to see what's inside. Maybe she can get an idea of the cargo this boat was carrying before it sank.

[Beach Party - Tanning with Tina]

Reinholdt tilts his head a little as Dena suggests she just dance. Wasn't that what Tina wanted in the first place? He had many questions about Dena but maybe not as much as Tina intends. Tina and Dena were close. Close enough to touch hips and slap butts. Probably closer. It seemed pretty straightforward to him.

"I'll see if the bartender can't mix together a new, unique drink called 'Slap on the Butt' just for you. Who knows? It might even catch on. If it's from the right person." A number of alcoholic beverages got started with experimentation and questionable naming. "And one Black Shadow. Be right back. Don't make out without me." Rein grins at the two and then heads off to the bar briefly.

2018-08-17, 08:07 PM
[Beach Party - Back in the Sand!]

Lucy is likely to be stuck on the "smug grin" setting for the next few minutes. Look at you blushing there, Vivi! Lucy got you good! "Aww, was Addie misleading me then? Not that I mind, the wonderful colour in your cheeks right now is reward enough." The smugness levels are off the charts! "And there's no need for jealousy, really. Your song was full of charm and a style all of its own. It had plenty of personality to it." Lucy scooches closer to Vivi, slipping an arm round her karaoke-companion's waist to keep her nice and close. "That, and I'd hoped my performance there miiiight have kept your attention focused on my voice in particular."

2018-08-19, 12:37 AM
[Beach Party - Stage]

"You can certainly try," Electra teases, "But I'm not sure how we'll judge it if we're off somewhere private, you know."

Ashen Lilies
2018-08-19, 04:02 PM
[B]"Maybe I'll have to sit in on one of your lessons," says Kal. "Watch the master at work."

It'll give Wenomir's excitable students someone else to look at besides his abs, anyway.

Cass returns from her song, looking slightly flushed from her performance.

[B]"I guess it's your turn," she says.

2018-08-19, 05:25 PM
[B]"Surely you won't be gone so soon..." Fayyaad says, before Cass arrives. "You were great up there, Cassandra. I don't rightly know if I can match up, but I'll do my best."

Fayyaad comes up to the stage, shoulders straight and tail swaying, confidently as anyone. He looks at the song list, then picks... well, why not? It's not his usual preference but maybe this is a day for surprises. He turns it on, and as the guitar chords sound off, he begins to sing (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcWKZTI9OC4):

When there's lightning,

you know it always brings me down

'Cause it's free and I see that it's me
Who's lost and never found

I cry out for magic, I feel it dancing in the light

It was cold,

I lost my hold To the shadows of the night...

He throws himself into the song with the same passion that usually characterizes him, moving around on stage and swaying his tail back and forth to the rhythm.

No sign of the morning coming

You've been left on your own

Like a rainbow in the dark

A rainbow in the dark...

[Beach Party - Ocean]

"You're welcome to," Wenomir says. "You're no student yourself, but you can always learn something. I know I still do. Come to think of it... you're good with knife-fighting, aren't you?"

2018-08-19, 08:17 PM
[Beach Party - Stage]

Electra smiles as Cass returns and nods.

"You knocked that one out of the park. Fayyaad's going to have to pull out all the stops if he wants to top that."

She looks like she's about to say more, but then Fayyaad's song starts. She chuckles to herself.

"I guess I'll have to settle for third place this time."

2018-08-19, 09:46 PM
[Beach Party - Tanning with Tina]

Rein misunderstood what Dena meant there, but no matter. But she was purposefully being a bit subtle and jokey about it as to not ruin the mood. Tina really "saved" it.

Dena does not wrap her arm around Tina in turn this time however. "Then you had a far better bartender than I did, Tina." Then adding, as Rein is out of sight. "And I got it regardless if I wanted it or not." She's still smiling though, not looking bothered at all regarding their conversation.

[Beach Party - Under the Sea]

The door was pretty sturdy back in its prime, but after being under the water for so long it isn't holding up that well anymore. With some more force and she could easily force it open.

As for the crates, they appear to be containing seeds of various sorts but also symbols of what appears to be snakes. It looks like they might have been religious, though why'd they'd carry it in crates is anyone's guess. There are the remains of clothes too, but they are in such a horrible state that she can't identity them at all, being reduced to brown rags by the water.

2018-08-21, 09:22 AM
[Beach Party - Sand]

Vivi is withstanding that radiant smugness admirably, a dainty smile on her lips, hand held in Lucy's. "I know I must look delicious like this, but you seem to be enjoying it a bit gratuitously." Viviana slips an arm around Lucy right back, looking up to her as they come to a gradual stop. "My song was trash, dear. On purpose, and very fun, but it was terrible trash. Why did you have to try so hard, hm?"

Her fingers slide between them and walk up Lucy's stomach. The short woman's voice drops another octave or two. "Oh, your voice is the only thing on my mind at the moment," she says lazily. "I wonder what other notes we can make it reach together."\

[Beach Party - Tannin' wit Tina]

"If you don't wanna miss anything, you'd better not take too long!" Fettina sing-song's after him, cupping a hand beside her mouth and then dropping it with a grin. She looks at Dena again. She doesn't mind this closeness. The neon girl grins cheekily and babbles out, "I guess that's just the price you pay for being as pretty as us. You know, I think he's thinking exactly the thing you didn't want everyone to think."

"Aw, hey!" Fettina looks up. "That's Fayyaad! Listen to him! I love this song," Tina grins and waves at the stage, holding up her arm.

Ashen Lilies
2018-08-21, 09:52 PM
[B]"I am," confirms Kal. "I know the knife, the pollaxe and the sword - of sizes short, long, and great - though admittedly I'm a little less in practice than I would like to be."

Wenomir has definitely shown off his sword much more than Kal has recently, after all.

[B]"Maybe it'd be better if you thought of it as a cooperative effort, not a competition," says Cass, smiling. "We all had fun, didn't we?"

2018-08-22, 12:20 AM
[Beach Party - Tanning with Tina]

Reinholdt hurries along very quickly with that encouragement. He'll be back in a round. Maybe two. But it'll be soon.

[Beach Party - Under the Sea]

Huh. Ilpholin doesn't know much about religious symbols outside of the drow culture and she knows even less about seeds. Maybe it was a colonization ship of some kind. She'll go to use the brown rags to scoop up some of the seeds and a pair of the symbols and then tie it off like one of those hobo bags so she can take it with her. Someone else ought to know more about what she's looking at.

Which just leaves the door! Time to bust that down and get it open. She'll go with her raw augmented strength here for now and see if that's good enough. Enough shoulder checks should hopefully get the job done.

2018-08-22, 05:30 PM
[Beach Party - Tanning with Tina]

"Then he's being dumb. I can't believe people around here can't tell the difference between friends and lovers." Dena crosses her over her chest and frowns. "Maybe I should have worn something less proactive, this wasn't the type attention I wanted." She wanted the guys to look at her, trying to compensate for the fact her hair was made of snakes. But all it seemed to have done is making everyone assume she was lesbians with Tina, just great.

But then she looks up as Tina mentions Fayyaad. "Huh, first time I've heard it actually. But he's undeniably great at it." Dena smirks as she watches the tiefling sing his heart out on stage. There had already been quite a few people on stage but she had barely paid them any mind. She wouldn't be a professional if she didn't know how to focus. It was one of the first things she had learned on stage actually, never mind the crowd, focus on what you are doing. There was always the chance of *******s in a crowd and the best you could do was ignoring them.

[Beach Party - Under the Sea]

With a strong pull the door is pulled open, the ancient wood breaking apart. Behind the first Ilpholin can see are two things, a fancy desk which must have been either bolted into the ship or carved out of it somehow, the second is the large impressive painting right behind it. Its depicting a huge black snake and in front of what appear to be the legs of a equally large spider.

If she would investigate the desk closer, the would notice a skeletal corpse curled up underneath it.

2018-08-22, 08:31 PM
[Beach Party - Stage]

"Well, I certainly am," Electra says, her smile turning the least bit impish, as she glances at Cass's now revealed bikini top. "And if what you just did is any indication, I'd say you are, too, eh?"

2018-08-23, 02:04 PM
[Beach Party - Sand]

"Only sort of song I know how to sing, I'm afraid. And I wasn't going to let myself off that stage until I'd performed well enough not to disappoint you." And it sounds like Lucy succeeded on that front! Maybe she succeeded slightly too much, but she succeeded!

As Vivi's fingers walk up Lucy's stomach, Lucy's hand slides a little lower, verging on being inappropriate in her positioning. "I'd love to see what other songs you could teach me." Her voice drops, barely above a whisper, dripping with desire. "Perhaps we should retreat to somewhere more private for some lessons?"

2018-08-23, 06:31 PM
[Beach Party - Sand]

"Mmm, should we take advantage of Addie's apartment, or did you have somewhere else in mind?" Viviana asks, trying just as hard to keep herself under control while they're still in public!

[Beach Party - Tannin' wit Tina]

"You didn't want attention from cute men like Rein?" Fettina asks, still watching the stage as she hangs with Dena. "Come on, your outfit's killer. And I really gotta show you some more Earth music I guess."

2018-08-24, 01:02 AM
[Beach Party - Sam, Aly, and Fel]

"Oh, sure."Aly agrees. "It's a strawberry daiquiri." She says, shaking her nearly empty drink.

Felandria smiles warmly and speedily acquires the daiquiri, along with another fishbowl for herself, as she isn’t sure what Sam wants, he seems shy.

Here we go, nice and frooty!

Frosty drinks are the best drinks!

2018-08-24, 01:10 AM
[Beach Party - Under the Sea]

All these snake things. Hmph. Ilpholin prefers spiders herself.
Wait, what's this? There is a spider in that painting? It's a little hard to tell and it's uncertain whether they're friend or foe from this. Leaning towards the former? How odd. She doesn't recall any major snake deities being allies with Lloth.

Or nagas for that matter. The skeleton under the desk suggests that maybe this was a ship of nagas. Unless it's a humanoid skeleton curled up like a snake just cause. Gorgons then? Is this ship as ancient as it seems or did the water do a number on it very quickly? Ilpholin knows very little about the rot rate of wood. Or the sea in general really.

She'll investigate the desk to see if there are any drawers she can open and rifle through.

[Beach Party - Tanning with Tina]

The bartender is mixing up a special drink! Will it be a hit? Will it be disastrous? Reinholdt hasn't a clue, but that's the whole point of being adventurous.

There's a very good chance Rein was ogling Dena's body, but it's super hard to tell with his eyes. No wonder Magtok hates them.

2018-08-24, 07:56 AM
[Beach Party - Tannin' wit Tina]

"Eh, he's hot and I appreciate the attention, but I'm not sure I'd risk getting involved in his past for a bootycall. Not that I'd blame you for doing it." Dena eyes the crowd, recognizing some of those faces. "Its too bad Fayyaad already got his call list full, those gals look mighty thirsty." She gestures at Electra and Cass. "Though, the same thing can be said for just about everyone here." Especially the little gal besides her.

[Beach Party - Under the Sea]

The skeleton is humanoid, but it also have snake-like fangs suggesting that it isn't human at the very least. Though its hard to tell exactly what species it once belonged to considering the state its in.
The desk mostly contain papers and books ruined by the water, but there are some things of interest in there. There is a golden letter opener, a small statue of the snake deity, a fancy necklace, a metal wand and a flat metal plate.

The last three items will have interesting effects if touched.

2018-08-24, 02:13 PM
[Beach Party - Tannin' wit Tina]

"Whaddya mean 'involved with his past'? Dena?" Fettina shoots the too-tall gorgon a pout and puts her hands on her hips. The neon girl raises her eyebrows, glancing at the group Dena indicates. She has a little giggle. "Oh man. Well if you don't wanna see where me and Rein's night goes, you should just go talk to him. Something tells me those girls can occupy each other just fine."

2018-08-24, 04:03 PM
[Beach Party - Sand]

Lucy's hand slips lower still, in decidedly inappropriate territory now as she gets a feel of Vivi's rear. "I don't have a better alternative to offer, my lady, so I say we make use of Addie's apartment. Can you get us there quickly? I want to worship you."

2018-08-25, 04:27 AM
[Beach Party - Tanning with Tina]

Reinholdt can be seen returning with three drinks! Better wrap it up quick. Whatever horrible, awful, terrible true things Dena says about Rein, he'll arrive and pass them around. "Here we are. One Black Shadow for you and a Slap on the Butt for me and Dena. The bartender said it's just Sex on the Beach with twice the vodka and a dash of lemon-lime." Well even if its taste is disastrous, it'll get you drunk twice as fast so it'll probably turn out all right.

[Beach Party - Under the Sea]

Rifling through means a whole lot of touching really. To be fair, Ilpholin intends to salvage what she can to take back and show to Anika anyways. So she plans to scoop up all the named things. That may change very shortly though, depending on what happens. She starts off with the metal plate since it seems the most out of place to her and worth a closer look. Maybe just what the Captain used for dinners? It still seems weird to keep it in a desk. To her anyways. Maybe it made more sense to this snake-ish humanoid race.

2018-08-25, 11:57 AM
[Beach Party - Tannin' wit Tina]

"Not clear on all the details, but I know Magtok got a grudge against him for good reasons." Dena replies as she smiles at Tina's joke. "Yeah, though something tells me they might not be satisfied with one drink." She was going to add something more about Rein, but it looks like he's already back.
Her eyebrow shoots up as he mentions what's in the drink. "Twice, huh? Sounds like someone is trying to get me drunk." She jokes as she accepted the drink from Rein with a wry smile, yet in her mind she could feel her paranoia stir. Had it really been wise to let Rein handle their drinks? She had been trying to keep an eye on him but then she had looked over at Fayyaad for a couple of seconds...

"I better savor this buttslap as I already know that this little gal isn't going to be able to drag me home." She smiled as she ruffled through Tina's hair playfully, but in reality she was going to wait to see if Tina had any reactions to the drink beyond usual drunkenness. Perhaps she'd make a call to Kirk as well, just in case.

[Beach Party - Under the Sea]

Thankfully for Ilpholin, the effects are completely harmless.

The plate, will if touched project the illusion of a large map above itself. This map appears to be of seaside only but can touching areas on the map will slowly zoom in on the locations touched as long as the finger is held at the area, touching it twice will zoom out to the full map once again.

When she touches the wand, she will instantly learn that its a wand of godly might (she can feel free to insert her own jokes here) which has two charges of call lighting, which calls a single powerful flash of lighting from a clear sky at a target location, and one charge of true restoration which can fully heal a living target (as long as they aren't beyond death's door) or fully repair an inanimate object.

When the amulet is touched, she will learn that its a locket of true love (or locket of the stalker depending on your point of view) which once attuned to a person will make them able to scry the living being they feel the closest to romantically. If the locket is opened, they will be able to see their closest love and their immediate surroundings inside of it. Touching the picture once will show the person on a small map with location markers, touching it twice will return them to the view of the person and their closest surroundings.
As the lockets last owner is dead, the locket is essentially asking within her mind if she wishes to attune herself to it. The locket doesn't have a mind of its own, its just simply the magic reacting to her presence.

Ashen Lilies
2018-08-25, 02:52 PM
"Well, I certainly am," Electra says, her smile turning the least bit impish, as she glances at Cass's now revealed bikini top. "And if what you just did is any indication, I'd say you are, too, eh?"

[Beach Party - Stage]

Cass grins, blushing slightly in the face of Electra's attention. [B]"It's a beach party - I needed to blend in." Because that over-dramatic reveal totally counts as 'blending in'.

Though she's still got shorts on so maybe another reveal could be in her near future.

2018-08-25, 06:49 PM
[Beach Party - Sand!]

"I can't, but Addie can..." Vivi drops her gaze and her mouth to plant a smooch on Lucy. Given the level of her head compared to Lucy's body, it's probably not in a very appropriate place either. "If you really want to, let's find her quickly..."

[Beach Party - Tannin' wit Tina]

"Man, pssh, screw Magtok," Tina whispers out the side of her mouth at Dena as Rein returns. She accepts her shadow gladly and takes a long draught, an eye-catching shiver running through her from head to toe. It's all the more startling then when her hair gets ruffled, and she giggles, trying to put her pomp right again with her free hand. "Heyyy!" She tries to retaliate with an actual slap on the butt.

"Thank you, Reinholdt," she says, wiping a dark drop from the crook of her petite chin. "But yeah, are you trying to get Dena to make a bad decision or something?"

2018-08-26, 04:28 AM
[Beach Party - Tanning with Tina]

As horribly ironic as it might be for Reinholdt and Tina, there's nothing spiking any of the three drinks and nothing untoward should happen.

Rein does laugh and smirk a little. "If by bad decision, you mean get her to dance for us, then yes. Yes I am. I wouldn't worry too much about getting home. I'm certain there are taxis just lining up waiting for customers back out at the lot." Parties are real money makers for the few Nexus taxis.

He shrugs innocently at Dena as he takes a large sip of his drink. He closes his eyes to down the strong drink. Maybe a bit stronger than he intended, but then he didn't make up the recipe. It was the bartender's fault! Once his throat is clear, he looks back at Dena. "Strange. I had always taken you as someone who could hold their liquor well. Are you secretly a lightweight?" Now that he's looking at her, he does have to wonder... what happens if the snakes get drunk? Rein stares intently at one of the snakes in her hair.

[Beach Party - Under the Sea]

That's good. The last thing Ilpholin needs is to be cursed by some snake deity or the Kraken.

Huh. A map of Seaside. That could actually come in pretty handy. Depending how up to date it is. She still has demons to hunt in this area after all. And gnolls. Those gnolls won't get a pass forever. The wand could come in super handy too. Though she doesn't really have much space on her usual outfit to carry wands around normally. She'll have to make some minor adjustments. Maybe on the cape.

The locket gives Ilpholin pause and she stares for quite some time at the magical object. She refuses the objects request for attunement of course. There... really wasn't any need honestly. While she couldn't claim to know exactly where her true love was, there wasn't much left to look at after the funeral pyre anyways.

After several minutes Ilpholin recollects herself, shaking her head and remembering where she was. That was probably enough of that. She'll scoop up the salvage and start making her way back out of the ship to rejoin with Anika.

2018-08-26, 03:17 PM
[Beach Party - Sand]

"Sounds like a good idea." Lucy giggles as Vivi kisses her, giving her a squeeze and a less-risque kiss on the cheek in turn. She slides her arm back round Vivi's waist and saunters onwards, trying to keep them from getting too distracted yet. "Because of course I want to. I really want to. Let's find her and get out of here."

2018-08-26, 03:40 PM
[Beach Party - Stage]

"It's a party, you're allowed to wear what you want, you know," Electra says, her smile growing a bit more impish as she leans over to whisper in Cass's ear. "I'd say you were trying to get someone's attention. Well, you've got mine, if you want it. Fayyaad's too, if that matters to you."

2018-08-26, 04:37 PM
It's at this point that Fayyaad bows and steps off the stage, having worked up a bit of a sweat during the performance.

[B]"I think that went well, considering I'd never sung like this before," he says innocuously.

[Beach Party - Ocean]

"I've been meaning to study knives," Wenomir says. "Not long ago I got stuck in a sewer fight where my usual choice of weapons proved unwieldy. So I might as well learn something to surprise the next person who tries this on me."

2018-08-26, 07:45 PM
[Beach Party - Tanning with Tina]

The snake stare back at Rein, looking more unimpressed than drunk. "Oh please, as if i would need to be drunk to dance." She lets the liquor sway in the glass, not immediately drowning it like the other two. "I'm no lightweight, but I suppose you could say I have a professional habit of not getting wasted before performing and I've already had some." She takes a small sip as she fishes her cellphone out of her bag. "And besides I need to send off a message to our common friend with the hat, he needs to see what he's missing." She aims the phone's camera at them. "Say 'buttslap'!" If they want to do some kind of pose, they will have time before Dena takes the photo.

She isn't swallowing that drink just yet though...

[Beach Party - Under the Sea]

If Ilpholin spends any time looking at the map she will see that there are notes and marks all over it as there apparently is some way to write on it.

As for the locket, it only works on living people, so it would scry... someone else.

Regardless, there is nothing stopping her from leaving the ship and she can see the Anika shark still swimming in circles around it, never once stopping. It will lend her a fin if she comes close.

Ashen Lilies
2018-08-26, 08:17 PM
Cass is saved from having to respond to Electra's overtures by the timely arrival of Fayyaad!

[B]"I think it went well too." Says Cass, biting her lip.


The thirst is still intact, though.

Anyone for another drink?

[B]"I can try giving you a few pointers the next time you have a moment," says Kal. "I was never much of a teacher, though."

2018-08-26, 08:47 PM
[Beach Party - Stage]

Electra chuckles and gives Fayyaad a seductive smile.

"I think I'm taking third place if it's a competition. I wish both of you played instruments; we would make an awesome band." She looks to both of them. "So, this round's on me. What'll you have?"

2018-08-26, 09:25 PM
[B]"Instruments aren't my forte, but a band does sound like an interiguing idea," Fayyaad says. "I had wine last time, so now maybe I could see what our fine bartender can do with beer. And we can figure out where to go from there."

[Beach Party - Oceans]

"I'd be grateful for any advice," Wenomir says. "I don't know how good I'd need to be with them for the Answer to be able to turn into one. I might need to experiment."

2018-08-27, 07:44 AM
That gets Honeysuckle to laugh aloud. "I know. I'll come by some time."
She puts the finishing touches on the top of the keep, and then goes to double-check the moat. It hasn't gotten too worn away, has it?
"I think the castle's just about done, don't you?"

[Beach Party - Sand Castles]

"Yeah." she looks around. "And I don't think we got much competition. Most of them are more into Karaoke."

2018-08-27, 09:26 AM
"Not much for singing, are you? Me neither."
Honeysuckle stands up, backs away a bit, and dusts off the sand from her hands.

"Stand back; I have an idea I wanna try."
If Mia does in fact move away from the sand castle to a safe distance, Honeysuckle carefully lifts her blindfold up and flutters her eyes at the castle. The fortress hisses with steam, glows with heat, and is carefully transformed from sand into cloudy glass, whereupon the kitsune seals her eyes up again.

Maybe kind of defeats the point of a sand castle. :smallconfused:

Ashen Lilies
2018-08-27, 10:54 PM
Cass gives them a wan smile. Of course, she distinctly remembers being able to play instruments. Several of them, in fact. She's not quite sure if she's ready to act on these memories at the moment, though.
[B]"I'm up for a surprise," she says. "Yours or the bartender's, either way."

[B]"It's an impressive weapon," says Kal. "It's been a while since I've had a sword of my own."

2018-08-28, 07:28 AM
"Not much for singing, are you? Me neither."
Honeysuckle stands up, backs away a bit, and dusts off the sand from her hands.

"Stand back; I have an idea I wanna try."
If Mia does in fact move away from the sand castle to a safe distance, Honeysuckle carefully lifts her blindfold up and flutters her eyes at the castle. The fortress hisses with steam, glows with heat, and is carefully transformed from sand into cloudy glass, whereupon the kitsune seals her eyes up again.

Maybe kind of defeats the point of a sand castle. :smallconfused:

[Beach Party - Sand Castles]

"I won't say that. I just don't sing much. The church isn't int those catching songs." she steps away as asked not sure what will happen

Mia appears a bit shocked by such an ability and even by the use. Not sure what heat is needed to make glass out of sand but i'm sure it's more then you need to cook water.

"You said you bake? Well THAT will be very handy for baking." She tries to smile but her fear of getting toasted is on.
"I'm not sure this is how you do it. I thought Sand castles are meant o break down by the waves."

2018-08-28, 10:00 AM
[Beach Party - Tannin' wit Tina]

"As if Dena doesn't love the attention. She loves it when people watch," Fettina says with a wink. "Though maybe not when she's tipsy and stumbling around. Even if it would be very cute."

Oh, but now now Dena's snapping a photo. And for Kirk! Fettina gives her most sultry grin, eyes just a faint glow behind the tint of her sunglasses, and reaches out to grab Rein so she can pull him against her side. Specifically grabbing him by his butt, her hand giving an exploratory squeeze. She makes a peace sign at the phone with her other hand, two fingers above her half-finished Black Shadow. "Buttslap!" She spouts.

2018-08-28, 12:43 PM
Quite a bit hotter than boiling, yes.

"Not with anything this hot. The bread... Burns in an instant." But Honeysuckle understands that it was a lighthearted comment, and she laughs, no bitterness involved.

"Normally. The other one's gone. But they don't have to. Worth saving sometimes, aren't they?"

2018-08-28, 08:32 PM
[Beach Party - Stage]

Electra grins.

"Be right back, then." She heads off towards the bar to get the drinks. She has an idea for what to get Fayyaad, and for Cass....hmmm. That might be a bit more difficult, but she has an idea. She already knows what she's going to get for herself, though it might take a few minutes until she can return. Time for Cass and Fayyaad to scheme a bit.

2018-08-29, 01:06 AM
[Beach Party - Tanning with Tina]

It would shock everyone, especially Rein, if the snake was drunk already. He hasn't seen the snake drink even once at this party. "Speaking of, it looks like the people are starting to trickle away. You two better hurry up with your duet after this or you won't have much of an audience left," Reinholdt suggests. Though he's only been half-paying attention to karaoke up til now.

Reinholdt doesn't immediately catch on who this photo is for, but it would be nice to get a picture that wasn't a mug shot for a change. So he slides in against Tina, not that she gives him much choice as she pulls him in and squeezes his butt, finding it nice and firm. Reinholdt doesn't complain in the least, but does end up with a healthy blush for the picture and a goofy grin of his own. His free hand wraps around to Tina's waist, just above her own butt and right around the edges of her v-kini as if he was playing with the straps. "Buttslap!" He says, sounding enthusiastic.

[Beach Party - Under the Sea]

Ilpholin more or less understood that, but whoever it was the locket showed wouldn't be who she actually wanted to see. It'll probably make a good gift to someone in the future though.

And the map markings are definitely worth reading! With Anika. So out Ilpholin goes to rejoin the shark, whereupon she grabs onto a fin. Like some sort of underwater fish symbiote might.

2018-08-29, 10:37 AM
[Beach Party - Tanning with Tina]

The flash goes off as they are in position and Dena giggles. "Great, just give me a sec and I'll send this off. Then we can consider your karaoke thing, if Rein would be so kind as to hold my drink that is." She grins at them both as she quickly types a message to Kirk and then sends it off along with the picture.

Then she swallows the sip she had been taking. Now Kirk would know at least, and there probably wasn't anything to be worried about anyway. If she'd be up on the stage there was no way anyone was going to miss her collapsing, and it would have pretty dumb of Rein to suggest it. Just her paranoia getting to her as usual.

Once she sent the message, she turns the phone, showing the two what they looked like. "Quite the pair, Kirk is going to hate seeing you together." She remarks, sticking out her forked tongue just a bit as to tease. She had no desire to show just how long it really was as she looked inhuman enough already.

[Beach Party - Under the Sea]

Ilpholin grabs the shark by the tail and is rewarded with a prolonged tour of the underwater environment. Seeing all sorts of fish, crustaceans and even a pod (group) of dolphins that they can see in the distance. Most animals appear to be avoiding them however, which is no surprise considering the shark factor.

Eventually however, the shark is surrounded by green energy and Ilpholin will find herself holding onto Anika's feet as the druid submerges. They aren't at the beach party however, but they are at a beach. Looks to be one of a tropical island. "Phew!" She attempts to turn around to face Ilpholin. "What loot did you get?"

2018-08-29, 06:07 PM
Fayyaad turns to Cassandra while Electra is gone.

[B]"So what's the plan now, after we get those drinks? Or for after the party?" he asks.

[Beach Party - Oceans]

"The Answer's not really a sword... it's just the shape it takes for me," Wenomir says. "If you proved worthy of the Answer, it might take a different shape for you. The weapon you're most familiar with. I can make it look like an axe or greatsword, but other shapes elude me for now."

2018-08-30, 02:49 AM
Quite a bit hotter than boiling, yes.

"Not with anything this hot. The bread... Burns in an instant." But Honeysuckle understands that it was a lighthearted comment, and she laughs, no bitterness involved.

"Normally. The other one's gone. But they don't have to. Worth saving sometimes, aren't they?"

[Beach Party - Sand Castles]

"I'm not sure. I thought that's the main thing about them. build one and building it again." Mia says. her actuall beach time was very small so far. Comes with beeing a pillar of your local religion in a far to young age.
"Guess we should go closer to the stage now. maybe we hear some music we like."
Even thought the nexus is totally magical Mia is not really comforted by someone with an ablity like Honeysuckle. The main problem is that she needs to blindfold it to deactivate it.

2018-08-30, 01:56 PM
In fact, Honeysuckle isn't comforted by an ability like Honeysuckle's.

"It'll still wash away. Eventually."

"You're right. Music will be nice."
The kitsune sashays off towards the stage. Well, the area around the stage. She certainly doesn't plan to sing herself.

2018-08-31, 03:09 PM
[Beach Party - Tanning wit' Tina]

Fettina pulls away from Rein post-flash with a chorus of giggles, casting him a sidelong and secretive glance that seems meant for the cat alone. "Rein's right, you know, Dena. We had better get started with whatever we're doing. Have we decided what the plan is?" It seems all that talk has left her idea of what's happening a bit scrambled.

"And just why do you think Kirk would hate seeing us together?" Tina does ask of Dena at the last, quirking an eyebrow. That eyebrow is turned upon Rein, too! "Do you and Kirky know eachother?"

2018-09-01, 02:51 AM
[Beach Party - Tanning with Tina]

Tina pulls away! Argh! Plan ruined. That's ok. She gets a very meaningful grin from him anyways, before moving on. "I believe the plan was karaoke and dancing while I hold Dena's drink, but we can change it to drinking and making out if you'd prefer." Plans change!

It doesn't take much but that hint to make Rein curious about Dena's tongue, but he doesn't pry. Just imagines the rest himself. "Kirk?" Or rather 'Kirky'? Rein quirks an eyebrow, in part trying to remember who that was. After a moment it clicks. "Ah yes. We do. We intimately explored each other quite thoroughly once in one of Black Dragon Den's private rooms." It was just a game of cards over cigars and whiskey Rein. "But that was many moons ago now. If he wants to bring it up again, he'll have to contact my agent. Or at least send flowers."

[Beach Party - Under the Sea]

It's so pretty down here. And look at those dolphins! Ilpholin feels a certain spiritual connection with dolphins. Maybe not worth going over to say hello though. They've been known to attack sharks.

To the surface once more! She doesn't recognize this place though. That's ok. They have a map now. Can't get lost with one of those. Ilpholin starts walking up onto the beach. "Some good stuff. Pretty old. Hope you like snakes," She says. Once on the sand a little ways from the surf, she'll crouch down and unfurl the makeshift cloth bags.

"I think it was some sort of colonization ship that worshipped a snake goddess. May have been good friends with a spider or locked in eternal battle. Dunno. Got some unknown seeds here though." She pokes at them a little. "But the best stuff is here." There is a golden letter opener, a small statue of the snake deity, a fancy necklace, a metal wand and a flat metal plate which Ilpholin lays out. "I call dibs on the wand. The necklace lets you scry on your true love or whoever is the closest living equivalent at the time. Kinda useless really. But this however, is a really neat map." Ilpholin taps the metal plate to activate it and show Anika.

2018-09-02, 09:16 AM
[Beach Party - Tanning wit' Tina]

Dena puts away the phone and hands Rein the drink. "Rein is right, yeah. We had just planned to do singing and dancing. Was there anything we needed to be specific about?" Tina had already picked a song after all.
"As for Kirk, I can't go around spreading malicious rumors about him now, can I? I have to refute Rein's version of events as I haven't heard anything about that. He is a man of many secrets though as old as he is." Dena didn't often bring up Kirk's age as it gave others an excuse to bring up her age, but it didn't feel like there was time to do that now, the stage awaited!

[Beach Party - Under the Sea]

"I can turn into a snake, so I better or I'll scare myself." Anika muses, then shaking her hair as to get dry. "Not a fan of snake goddesses though." She adds as the nymph continues, crouching down to get a closer look at the loot.
Her amber eyes scan over the trinkets as Ilpholin explains what they do, nothing in particular catching her interest until she activates the map, then her eyes widen with curiosity as she illusionary projection with newfound curiosity. "Ohh! Like a magical treasure map? Perhaps they were pirates and buried their real treasure somewhere."
There aren't any dots for "treasures" on the map, mostly marked out temples, some in red, others in green and blue.
The red ones seems to oppose the red and blue ones judging by the placement of the marks on the map.

Ashen Lilies
2018-09-02, 07:28 PM
[B]"Uhm... I didn't really have a plan. I'm just kind of... going with what happens." Says Cass.

2018-09-02, 07:37 PM
[B]"It is a party, after all," Fayyaad says. "We can see what happens when Electra comes back with out drinks. She's also willing to go with the flow."

2018-09-03, 09:22 AM
In fact, Honeysuckle isn't comforted by an ability like Honeysuckle's.

"It'll still wash away. Eventually."

"You're right. Music will be nice."
The kitsune sashays off towards the stage. Well, the area around the stage. She certainly doesn't plan to sing herself.

Mia will take place at a table or stand at one depending on what is around. She doesn't want to sing either so they are just hear to listen. But they came in late it seems as there is none singin unless there are NPC who do so.

"So... what's the deal with this gaze" Mia asks after a pause. ""If you don't mind asking."

2018-09-03, 08:30 PM
[Tanning wit' Tina]

Rein just gets a raspberry from Tina for his suggestion, her bright blue tongue wagging at him for a brief instant. And then a skeptical look to follow, no less! "Uh-uh, I'm not buying it," she giggles. "I have personally tested the limits of Kirk's... flexibility. You are not his type. I bet you two just got drunk or got into a fight."

The neon girl glances towards Dena. "Let's get up there then, huh? I just didn't know if I was playing the song or not," she smirks, heading for the stage.

2018-09-04, 11:02 AM
Mia will take place at a table or stand at one depending on what is around. She doesn't want to sing either so they are just hear to listen. But they came in late it seems as there is none singin unless there are NPC who do so.

"So... what's the deal with this gaze" Mia asks after a pause. ""If you don't mind asking."

Honeysuckle takes a seat, leaning forward with her elbows on the table.

"I don't mind." She shrugs and tosses her head carelessly. "It's been like this as long as I can remember. Don't know where it came from. My mother didn't know either. I wish I knew..."
"Anything I see starts to burn, disintegrating until there's just ashes left. It follows my eyes; whatever I focus on goes much faster. It doesn't affect me as badly; when I close my eyes, just a little warmth."
"It lets me sort of sense things, though. 'm not really blind."
She happens to be wrong about that. Her mass-sense and heat vision are separate powers. They're just both uncontrolled since she's never had training in how to use them.

"The heat doesn't come from any real physical place. Doesn't seem so, anyway. Just endless energy. Waiting to pour out."
"I hate it." She finishes.

2018-09-04, 08:54 PM
[Beach Party - Stage]

Electra returns shortly with the drinks, carrying a bottle in one hand along with a short glass filled with something dark, and a larger one, filled with a creamy blue concoction of some sort..

"I've had this once before, I think you'll like it, Fayyaad," She says, holding the bottle out to him. The label proclaims it as "Berry Weiss", must be some sort of mix of berries and beer. Or beer brewed with berries; it's hard to say. She hands the larger glass off to Cass with a small smile. "And for the lady, a Blue Lagoon. I thought it was appropriate, given our surroundings." Her own glass is filled with a whiskey Old Fashioned; Fayyaad probably knows she likes whiskey drinks in general when she's not drinking the stuff straight up, so he might be able to guess what she's drinking. She takes a sip of her drink after handing the others their own, and looks to both of them.

"Well, how'd I do?"

2018-09-05, 12:40 AM
[Beach Party - Tanning with Tina]

"Oh you think you two know soooo much about Kirk's past." This card game was before Dena was a thing as far as Reinholdt can recall, though it may just have been her early months. Tina's argument holds more weight though since it wasn't based entirely on hearsay. But she blew him a raspberry so he can't just admit she's right! He can however, mysteriously shrug his shoulders. "Believe what you want." Rein should stop making misleading statements about people he barely knows. But that sounds too similar to just being honest and who wants to do that? Besides, he's learned quite a bit about their implied relationships from this.

Regardless, he'll follow Tina and Dena towards the stage. "Your drink?" Reinholdt says, offering to hold Dena's glass.

[Beach Party - Tropical Island]

"Hmm, nothing in the ship seemed to suggest pirates to me. There was even a skeleton under the captain's desk. Not very pirate like." To be fair, Ilpholin only knows the pirates of legend and hasn't particularly interacted with pirates in the past.

"It feels like some sort of religious struggle. Probably a colonization race. Maybe. One of these temples might have better answers." Ilpholin zooms in on a green one to see what if anything it might tell them.

2018-09-05, 12:53 PM
[Beach Party - Tanning with Tina]

"Of course I do, I've been in bed with him. You clearly haven't." She sticks out her forked tongue again before moving to the stage.
And she actually handed Rein her drink in my last post. Easy to miss though.
"Alright, let's do this."

[Beach Party - Tropical Island]

The marker is called "Pantaroru Temple", it appears that its more of a city temple than a single building. There are some markers here with numbers "500 uni". All other temples (and settlements) are marked with similar numbers ranging from between 100 to 3,000.

Ashen Lilies
2018-09-06, 09:02 PM
Electra returns shortly with the drinks, carrying a bottle in one hand along with a short glass filled with something dark, and a larger one, filled with a creamy blue concoction of some sort..

"I've had this once before, I think you'll like it, Fayyaad," She says, holding the bottle out to him. The label proclaims it as "Berry Weiss", must be some sort of mix of berries and beer. Or beer brewed with berries; it's hard to say. She hands the larger glass off to Cass with a small smile. "And for the lady, a Blue Lagoon. I thought it was appropriate, given our surroundings." Her own glass is filled with a whiskey Old Fashioned; Fayyaad probably knows she likes whiskey drinks in general when she's not drinking the stuff straight up, so he might be able to guess what she's drinking. She takes a sip of her drink after handing the others their own, and looks to both of them.

"Well, how'd I do?"

[Beach Party - Stage]

[B]"Refreshing." Says Cass, smiling. It's certainly not what she was expecting, but enjoyable nonetheless. "Well, I suggested the karaoke, so it's time for somebody else to take a turn choosing what we do next."

2018-09-07, 04:23 PM
[Beach Party - Tanning wit' Tina]

"Hold my bag too, will you, sweetheart?" She says, trying to hang it on one of his arms. The neon girl drops her shades over her eyes and ascends to the stage, tossing out her piano for it to expand as a full sized Baby Grand. A mic and stool even pop out of the hardlight construct.

Once Dena is ready and in position, Fettina starts to play a piano rendition of the aforementioned song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABS-mlep5rY). She sings, her voice sultry, filled with low and smoky tones that almost seem to allude to the night ahead. Her fingers dance their little jig without fail, something that pleases her greatly. Maybe it helps there's so few people left. If Rein is watching the whole time, the attention while she gets back into her piano-groove might cause the tiny neon girl to blush again.

2018-09-07, 08:04 PM
Fayyaad takes his drink from Electra and tastes it. Hmm, interesting. The drinks to be found in the Nexus still manage to surprise him. He'll keep on a conversation with the two women for a while and watch Tina's performance before saying:

[B]"This has been fun, but I think I'm ready to head somewhere cooler. But you're free to tag along, especially if you've got a location in mind."

2018-09-07, 08:15 PM
[Beach Party - Stage]

Electra watches Tina's performance with an appreciative ear, but her attention is mostly occupied by Fayyaad and Cass. She thinks for a moment.

"Do you mean that literally, or figuratively?" She asks, a grin playing at the corners of her mouth. "'Cuz I can think of places that fit either criteria...."

Ashen Lilies
2018-09-07, 08:54 PM
Tina's performance doesn't even attract the slightest bit of notice from Cass, as enraptured as she is by current company. [B]"Please do enlighten us."

2018-09-07, 08:56 PM
[B]"I meant it literally, but I wouldn't mind it in the figurative sense," Fayyaad says, his tail flicking. "Do share any ideas you have."

2018-09-07, 09:24 PM
[Beach Party - Stage]

"Well, if you want to cool off, there's a lake I know of. I know we're next to the sea and all, but this is up near a mountain. It's a lot cooler up there. We could have a private little camp-out," Electra says. "But if you want cool in a figurative sense, I know of this neat little blues bar in Inside. It's dark and smokey and...cozy, is really the best word for it." The grin finally manifests itself. "Of course, if you have something else in mind, I'm not going to complain."

Ashen Lilies
2018-09-09, 02:03 PM
[Beach Party - Stage]

"Private lake?" A camp-out, huh? Ordinarily Cass would be quite suspicious of the prospect of being outside for such an extended period of time. The outdoors are evil. This is different, though. "I'm interested."

2018-09-09, 02:51 PM
[B]"Somewhere cooler and more private does sound good," Fayyaad agrees. "Let's go for it."

2018-09-09, 07:44 PM
[Beach Party - Stage]

Electra places a gentle hand on Cass's shoulder.

"I'll teleport you both there then. I can only take one at a time, but it won't take long. I'll take you, first, Cassandra, and then I'll be back for you, Fayyaad."

Unless either Cass or Fayyaad objects, Electra and Cass will then disappear in a beam of blue light. A few moments later, Electra will reappear in the same beam of blue light, take Fayyaad's hand, and they'll both disappear once more, reappearing at the lake Electra mentioned.

(The scene will move to the [Lake Cabin - Private Party] scene in Home).

2018-09-10, 12:11 AM
[Beach Party - Tanning with Tina]

Oops. :smallredface:

Reinholdt takes Tina's bag as well, putting it on the arm holding Dena's drink so he can remember which drink is which. At least they keep promising him a lot of tongue for this. Also teasing him with theirs. For now, he'll just listen to the song with a smile.

A conflicted smile. It's a good song. And Tina's a fantastic singer. And... Maybe the song wasn't about him. If he was lucky. He probably wasn't that lucky. That's how everyone saw him wasn't it? The wrong choice. The bad choice. The mistake. And any basis he had to refute that point was shaky at best. It's... not what he wanted in life. To be the guy every best friend warns you about. It's worse knowing he's tried, and he's tried and he's still not there. That he'll probably never be there. Where even is there? Maybe the best he can ever be is the hot one night stand you should avoid. He could be reading too much into it. It might just be a song. Sometimes songs are just songs.

Reinholdt does well covering his emotions, keeping up a silly smile. He has to live in the moment. He has to. He won't be able to survive if he didn't. And at the moment there is a very interesting woman who has been flirting with him and a different sort of interesting woman dancing. His attention gets split between the two so while Rein is watching the whole time, he's not just watching Tina. If that helps her any.

[Beach Party - Tropical Island]

"I have no idea what these mean. Faith points? Population? Maybe the amount of seeds this ship was supposed to deliver to each of these?" Ilpholin shrugs and zooms back out trying to see if she recognizes any of the shorelines or islands from nearby. "Granted, I think I'd rather explore the temple in front of me than these snake ones." Ilpholin says with a lascivious smirk as she looks past the map at the far more interesting Druid in front of her.

2018-09-16, 09:49 AM
[Beach Party - Tanning with Tina]

Dena takes position on the stage and closes her eyes for a moment while replacing her sunglasses for an blindfold. No way she'd be able to dance like she did and not accidentally petrify the crowd if she was wearing sunglasses. One had to adapt.
It had been a while since she had done this in front of a crowd but these people would hardly notice that she was essentially making the moves up as she went along. It looked like the thirsty trio had gone off to drink either way so it looked like she was performing solely for people she didn't know.
She starts by just standing there and swaying as Tina begins playing, her snakes moving to the same beat as her hips.
Then she puts her hands together above her head and starts stepping to the music while giving the audience a seductive smile which she holds for the entire performance.
Starting out slowly she takes a step forward, then one back to the side, and then to the other side, never stepping back into a position she had been in a moment ago and thus always moving about the stage one step at the time.

Her arms are nearly always outstretched, curving gently like waves as she occasionally swirls around. As she swirls her snakes hold themselves into a long mane that moves with her, occasionally switching sides as her arms are gesturing in the opposite direction in a style that's less fluid and more robot-like in movement, fitting with the beat of Tina's music (https://youtu.be/ABS-mlep5rY?t=128). This breaks up into a series of swirls as her arms are held out fully to the sides once again.
Then she stops and remains still for a moment as she bends backwards for a moment, only to suddenly be upright again with a beat of her hips. She then lets her arms vibrate to the music as she makes a slower 180 degree swirl around while slowly starting to bring her arms closer to her hips even as they continues to vibrate. Once her arms are nearly fully pressed pressed up against her sides she suddenly puts her hands on her hips and lets them sway from side to side in a sporadic manner adapted to the piano music.
Then she sway forward in the same sporadic manner, essentially her hips and body twitching from side to side and back and fourth and she raises her hands above her head once again lets them move with her hips, moving in the opposite direction of her hips, swaying left and right, thrusting back and fourth. Her snake-mane mimics her hips movements instead, making it so the snakes are never pointing in the same direction as her hands as she moves to the music.

Finally, as the music starts to slow down, so does Dena as she finishes by giving an elegant bow to what little of the audience that remains. The snakes, still formed as a mane, makes the same bowing motion with their bodies.

[Beach Party - Tropical Island]

There is actually this glowing blue dot on the map which is pulsing and doesn't appear to be a permanent marking like the other notes which were made in red. Its in the water, just off the shore of "the mainland".

Anika who had been studying the map until now suddenly looks up and grins back as Ilpohlin mentions "temples". She puts her hand on her hip and leans forward as the make up for the height difference between them. "Temple am I now? Most people don't start off by comparing me to an inanimate object." She teases as her grin widens slightly, putting her sharp canines on display. "But as far as inanimate objects go, temples are alright and I can tell you're a person who knows her temples."

2018-09-17, 01:08 PM
[Beach Party - Dancing wit' Tina]

It helps somewhat, Rein - especially once Dena gets going, considering how damn distracting that is. Tina watches every jerk and hip-jive with rapt attention, doing her best to keep the song rolling forth. Her words don't stumble once, and her fingers dance a merry jig. For all her skill, Fettina is just the backing, Dena is the real show, and the neon girl minds not a little.

Dena is like a mirage, never in the same place when you look at her twice. She might as well be six dancers at once. Those hips in that outfit are pure hypnosis, rendering Fettina dumbstruck save for her hands and her mouth. The three or so minutes that Tina is playing just can't last long enough.

The notes are scarcely winding down and Dena is busy bowing (snakes and all) when Fettina hops up from her piano to join the gorgon. She practically crashes into Dena's side, hugging an arm around her waist and grinning as she tries to join her in a second bow. "Dena that was absolute murder! You're amazing!" She spouts. "Better every time I see ya!"

2018-09-19, 01:45 AM
[Beach Party - Tanning with Tina]

Don't spill the drinks Reinholdt. A difficult proposition given his unusual mixture of perturbed, awe-struck, and a desire to applaud. Since he cannot give proper praise with hands, Dena will have to settle for his mouth, which probably couldn't give her her due justice anyways given the limitations of the spoken word. "That was extraordinary! Both of you. Why aren't you guys on the professional circuit yet? You would make way more money doing that then you would at MERC or Treasure Hunting."

There's a pause for a moment as he considers something. "Do you need a manager?" If there's a large amount of money to be had, Rein wants a piece!

[Beach Party - Tropical Island]

"Oh I'm very pious. I commune every day," Ilpholin claims. That might be true. She's always been a bit heavy with Lolth. It's definitely true if she means it in that other way though.

"So wait. You've never heard the saying 'my body is my temple' before?" Ilpholin asks, suddenly closing the gap by standing on her tip toes until they're almost touching. Not quite though. Close enough to feel the heat off her lips for sure.

2018-09-19, 06:28 PM
[Beach Party - Tropical Island]

"Really?" Anika asks, still grinning mirthfully as Ilpholin claims to be commuting. She had no idea if it was true or not but it was an entertaining though considering what she related to communion. "Oh, I've heard it. Just teasing ya'." Anika sticks out her tongue. "I want to hear more about this pious Ilpholin though, perhaps you are a priestess of sort? Very... pure."

[Beach Party - Dancing wit' Tina]

Dena takes a deep breath as she attempts to cool down after that short yet intense workout.
But then she is jumped by Tina and Rein.
They were certainly eager to congratulate!

She smiles, even if she can't see them the same way with a blindfold, she could hear them well enough and feel Tina squeeze her waist. Dena gestures dismissively. "Psh, I quit that business a long time ago. Not going back to it. And Tina is just into it for the danger. Good to know that I still got it though." She grins widely.

2018-09-19, 08:54 PM
Open Sea
Open Scene - Interaction wanted

It's a bright calm day, unfortunately for anyone sailing a ship which is powered by wind. Still someone is managing. A wooden sailing ship, a three masted barque, to be precise, is slowly passing along, carried by the current. The sound of an accordion comes from its deck, as well as a more or less out of tune chorus singing a sea shanty. (https://youtu.be/XoY8bSFzWvA) A brass plate on the rear of the ship proudly displays its name, The Golden Serpent. The ship rides light, clearly with little cargo in its hold.

2018-09-21, 07:20 AM
Honeysuckle takes a seat, leaning forward with her elbows on the table.

"I don't mind." She shrugs and tosses her head carelessly. "It's been like this as long as I can remember. Don't know where it came from. My mother didn't know either. I wish I knew..."
"Anything I see starts to burn, disintegrating until there's just ashes left. It follows my eyes; whatever I focus on goes much faster. It doesn't affect me as badly; when I close my eyes, just a little warmth."
"It lets me sort of sense things, though. 'm not really blind."
She happens to be wrong about that. Her mass-sense and heat vision are separate powers. They're just both uncontrolled since she's never had training in how to use them.

"The heat doesn't come from any real physical place. Doesn't seem so, anyway. Just endless energy. Waiting to pour out."
"I hate it." She finishes.

"Oh" Mia says. "Have you tried some healers or some magicans? If it really is some kind of energy you could learn to controll it."

2018-09-21, 09:49 AM
[Beach Party - Dancing wit' Tina]

Fettina gives a little scoff at Rein as she smiles, thinking that he's just using hyperbole to butter them up. "For your information, flatterer, I've already been on the professional circuit. So to speak. I quit too, sure, but it was only after a sordid affair with one of my bandmates," she says mysteriously. "I know I could go pro. Definitely. I just... don't need to. So much work, you know?" Yea, Tina, that's it. Well, laziness probably does factor in there somewhere. Tina will go to hop down off the stage.

Earl of Purple
2018-09-21, 06:43 PM
Open Sea

The Golden Serpent may note something steadily getting closer. A small rowboat, with five people- all seemingly human- on board. The boat is wood, and doesn't seem to have oars, a sail or an engine; it's just drifting around aimlessly. The five people look like they're in trouble, too; only one is standing up, lurching from side-to-side with the movements of the boat on the waves. The other four are lying or sitting down; one seems to be dead, as a seagull has landed on its shoulder and is pecking at its face, and nobody seems to be doing anything about it.

The standing up figure looks to be a man, wearing a pair of jeans and a hooded yellow hi-vis jacket stained with blood; the hood's up, hiding the man's face. As they get closer, it's apparent that another of the boat's occupants is very dead indeed, consisting primarily of bloody bones.

2018-09-21, 06:58 PM
"Oh" Mia says. "Have you tried some healers or some magicians? If it really is some kind of energy you could learn to control it."

Honeysuckle shakes her head.
"Healer said I'm fine."
"And I couldn't afford the help of a magician."
She sighs.

"Wouldn't that be nice, to control it? But I can't imagine how; it's never worked before. :smallfrown:"

2018-09-21, 08:28 PM
Open Sea

The lookout of the Golden Serpent shouts, "Boat ho!" Someone else shouts as well, "Avast! Bring her about!" The ship turns to intercept the rowboat. A bearded man looks over and throws down a rope. "Ahoy there! You look like you could use a hand!"

Earl of Purple
2018-09-22, 06:17 AM
Open Sea

The man in the hi-vis turns towards the ship towering over, and stumbles towards the larger vessel. The waves bring the smaller boat against the hull of the ship with a thud, the blow heavy enough to be heard but not so forceful as to damage either party. It does throw the stumbling man off his feet and overboard, however, where he lies floating on his back, reaching towards the ship and those aboard.

The other four people on the boat are in a bad way. The person pecked by the seagull, a woman in a blood-spattered yellow floral print dress with both eyes pulled from her head, doesn't move. She's not the only person aboard who is clearly deceased; another man lies on his belly in the bottom of the boat, trampled beneath the feet of the stander, and it looks like he's been cannibalised- the flesh has been stripped from his arms and legs, though his bearded face is just visible as his head is tilted to one side. Another woman, not quite twenty by the looks, lies on top of his legs, reaching for the boat and groaning, her long blonde hair dangling in the water off the side. There's a knife embedded in her side, between her two lowest ribs; the injury has stopped bleeding, but there's a lot of blood stains on her white t-shirt and denim hotpants. The final individual is an old, balding black man in a creased and dirty suit, who pulls himself up; there's an injury to his left forearm, though it has also stopped bleeding... It looks like a bite.

2018-09-22, 09:20 PM
Open Sea

The bearded man clambers down the rope swiftly. His hair and beard are read, and he's stocky and well built. He wears a grey overcoat, patched numerous times, as well as a black tricorn hat with fading red trim. He leaps into the small boat. "Ugh, that looks nasty. Let's get you to safety " He ties the rope around the wounded woman and shouts "Heave!" and she is pulled onto the barque. Moments later, the rope is lowered again, and and the procedure is repeated with the injured man. The bearded sailor then reaches down to the man who fell overboard, pulling him back into the boat. "What happened to the five of you?"

Earl of Purple
2018-09-23, 04:44 AM
Open Sea

Well, that's a little godmoddy, but that's fine for me!

The injured woman reaches out for the bearded man as she's tied and hauled up, growling and moaning as she ascends, looking down hungrily as she goes up. When she's untied, she'll try to grab and bite the closest person.

This likely means the sailors are too busy to lower the rope for the wounded man, who is meanwhile trying to grab hold and bite of their would-be rescuer.

Alerted by the commotion, the eyeless woman starts to move, crawling towards the sounds of commotion to get her own bites in. Meanwhile, the corpse on the floor is unable to move- not enough muscles left and attached- but may get a bite of an ankle.

Anyone who is bit and who manages to survive the attack will, probably within half an hour, die and return as another zombie.

2018-09-23, 08:24 PM
Open Sea

"Zounds!" The sailor leaps onto the railing of the rowboat as the zombies attack, drawing his cutlass and slashing downward at them. Meanwhile, on the ship, the sailors attack the zombie with their weapons, but not before one is caught by surprise and bitten.

2018-09-24, 12:48 AM
[Beach Party - Tropical Island]

"Really?" Anika asks, still grinning mirthfully as Ilpholin claims to be commuting. She had no idea if it was true or not but it was an entertaining though considering what she related to communion. "Oh, I've heard it. Just teasing ya'." Anika sticks out her tongue. "I want to hear more about this pious Ilpholin though, perhaps you are a priestess of sort? Very... pure."

[Beach Party - Dancing wit' Tina]

Dena takes a deep breath as she attempts to cool down after that short yet intense workout.
But then she is jumped by Tina and Rein.
They were certainly eager to congratulate!

She smiles, even if she can't see them the same way with a blindfold, she could hear them well enough and feel Tina squeeze her waist. Dena gestures dismissively. "Psh, I quit that business a long time ago. Not going back to it. And Tina is just into it for the danger. Good to know that I still got it though." She grins widely.

[Beach Party - Dancing wit' Tina]

Fettina gives a little scoff at Rein as she smiles, thinking that he's just using hyperbole to butter them up. "For your information, flatterer, I've already been on the professional circuit. So to speak. I quit too, sure, but it was only after a sordid affair with one of my bandmates," she says mysteriously. "I know I could go pro. Definitely. I just... don't need to. So much work, you know?" Yea, Tina, that's it. Well, laziness probably does factor in there somewhere. Tina will go to hop down off the stage.

[Beach Party - Dancing wit' Tina]

It doesn't seem like hyperbole to suggest they could be pros when they've both just admitted to being professionals in the past. Rein frowns a little. "You do indeed still have it. But if neither of you want to, that's just the world's loss I guess." Their talent shall remain hidden away from the public's eye.

"I guess I'll just ask for private performances more often." Rein says with a wry smile. At least he'll get to enjoy it every now and again. Or just now. Depends. "You got quite a stir from the crowd though. We may want to move on before a line of brave suitors come calling." They're NPCs Rein. They surely don't have the courage to approach PCs so recklessly.

[Beach Party - Tropical Island]

Well if Anika's going to stick out her tongue this close to Ilpholin, she's going to try and wrap her lips around it, sucking it into her mouth as she closes the gap into a brief, but powerful reverse French kiss. Very pure indeed. It can't last too long though. "I'm better at showing than telling. If you want, you can participate in the nymph priestess' relaxation and pleasure rituals." Ilpholin suggests, her fingers moving to dance along Anika's side.

Earl of Purple
2018-09-24, 01:41 PM
Open Sea

There's not much railing, on this particular boat. It's not really designed to be this far from shore, to be honest. These people were desperate to escape the virus, and didn't make it.

The cutlass hits the older man in the shoulder, next to his neck- the blow passed close enough to his head that the zombie's lost an ear and a string of loose flesh dangles from the side of his head. The cutlass might have lodged in the shoulder-blade, however, so freeing it will require some leverage and strength. The zombie keeps the attack up, however, reaching to grab the arm holding the cutlass and moving its head round to bite.

The blind zombie is being guided by its ears and somehow manages to not fall into the ocean. Its right hand is close to the sailor's ankle, opening and closing as it grasps at the air. It might miss; it can't see where the ankle is to grab it. But if it does, it's not letting go.

On the ship, meanwhile, the knifed woman stumbles and lurches towards the largest concentration of people, ignoring any weapons and not caring too much about injuries, either. I don't know what weapons are being used, nor how they are being used. If they're levelling muskets at her torso, she might fall over and be riddled with lead, but that won't kill her. Stabbing her with dirks also won't work, and bludgeons only if they hit her head hard enough to smash her skull- though she'd be hindered if arms or legs were broken, she'd ignore the injury.

The zombie knocked overboard remains overboard.

2018-09-24, 02:39 PM
[Beach Party - Tropical Island]

Anika expected Ilpholin to advance, but not this soon. She blinks, yet sees no reason to not respond to the kiss at the moment, so she does.
But just as she felt like they had actually started kissing, Ilpholin stops!

"Um... yeah, I'm all about showing rather than telling." She says, grinning once again.
Though those rituals might have to be hidden by the curtain.

[Beach Party - Dancing wit' Tina]

"Technically, you could hire me over MERC to dance. I'm not declining getting paid. MERC has just never been advertised my dancing services." Dena remarks as she suggestively flutters her eyelashes as she also steps down from the stage. "But, I don't mind leaving, pretty much everyone else have. What about us visiting MERC, huh? Must have been a while since you've been there Rein."

2018-09-24, 07:21 PM
Open Sea

The sailors on the ship started by using pistols, then when that proved ineffective, switched to cutlasses.

The sailor in the boat leaves the cutlass where it is and jumps to the side, balancing on the edge of the boat. He jumps up and down, attempting to capsize the boat and spill the zombies into the water.

Earl of Purple
2018-09-25, 03:56 PM
Open Sea

It doesn't take much for the sailor to capsize the boat, all four zombies tumbling helplessly into the water. They don't seem able to swim, but are- at least right now- distressingly buoyant, and float up and grope towards the sailor. Hopefully he can swim, or at least climb onto the bottom of the rowboat. The bearded zombie from the bottom of the boat, the one seriously cannibalised by the others, is an exception; bones don't float, and without the fat and muscle and with holes letting water into his lungs, he sinks.

The old black zombie is belly-down, and tries clawing its way through the water towards the sailor, though hampered by the blind zombie which is trying to grab and bite his ankles. The first zombie knocked overboard is too far away to do much right now, just lying face-up and clawing at the ship above them.

On the ship, all it takes is a solid blow to the head or neck with a cutlass and the zombie's dispatched, so unless the sailors aim primarily for the torso it should be quite easy to re-kill. Outnumbered zombies are no problem, most of the time. Hopefully anyone bitten will receive some potent magical healing quickly, or else that the ship's surgeon happens to keep a cutlass on hand.

2018-09-25, 04:40 PM
[Beach Party - Dancin' wit Tina]

"Ohmigosh, Rein, I just got the best idea," Fettina says, throwing her arm around the cat's shoulders, that tiny sling bikini leaving her whole side bare against him. She gestures wildly at Dena. "Why don't we just go to MERC and pay Dena to dance for us! You know, privately. I've got the cash on me!"

2018-09-25, 10:03 PM
Open Sea

The sailor clambers soddenly onto the bottom of the rowboat, dripping water from his clothes and beard. As the zombies swim nearer, he pulls a brace of flintlock pistols from inside his coat, aiming at the head of the first zombie. He pulls the trigger... Click. The soaked powder fails to light. "Blast," he mutters under his breath, as he reaches for the dagger in his boot.

On the ship, one sailor has been bitten, but there's no magical healing to be found. The ship's surgeon has never seen something like this, and is equally baffled.

2018-09-25, 11:52 PM
[Beach Party - Tropical Island]

If Anika didn't want kisses, she shouldn't have stuck her tongue out so invitingly! She seems to be handling it alright though. Since Anika agrees talking is less interesting than doing, Ilpholin will move to resume the kissing. After spending some time at the elf's lips, she'll start working down the neck, lower and lower until going behind the curtain that keeps the sanctity of the inner temple.

[Beach Party - Dancing with Tina]

Reinholdt shrugs. "Sure, haven't been to MERC in a while." Tina then brushes up against him and makes a delightful suggestion that makes Reinholdt smirk with delight at Dena. "Oooh. That is a brilliant idea. Done and done. We're absolutely doing that. I'm sure MERC won't complain about the sudden influx of cash. I'll go half and half with you Tina." He hands Dena her drink back so he can wrap that arm around Tina's side so he's not off balance with her there.

2018-09-26, 03:12 AM
Honeysuckle shakes her head.
"Healer said I'm fine."
"And I couldn't afford the help of a magician."
She sighs.

"Wouldn't that be nice, to control it? But I can't imagine how; it's never worked before. :smallfrown:"

"Have you tried GloG?" Mia says. "I'm sure they can help. Otherwise maybe I can build something allowing you to at least look around."
I mostly imagine a device like Cyclops from X men.

2018-09-26, 11:34 AM
"GLoG? I thought they helped like, poor children and apocalypse victims. I've never been."
Honeysuckle tilts her head, thoughtful.
"Maybe you could. Or even I could." If DM really helps inventors...

(I've pictured the same thing).

"It's a good idea, Mia. Thanks. I think I'll head there now, while I have some time." And hopefully nothing comes up to stop her on the way there. :smalltongue:
She stands and waves goodbye to the priestess.

2018-09-26, 12:45 PM
[Beach Party - Tropical Island]

~Beach curtains~

Anika slowly raises her head as she looks down on Ilpholin once they're done. "...so do you do this often? Got a feeling that you needed some release." She grins. "I'm all too happy to provide."

[Beach Party - Dancing with Tina]

Dena raises an eyebrow as Rein hands her back her drink. She should have expected this. "A private dance, huh? Well, if you can afford it..." She shrugs and smiles. "And here I though one dance would be enough to satisfy you. Looks like I just got you hooked instead."

Earl of Purple
2018-09-26, 12:53 PM
Out at Sea

Well, depending on how bad it is, the surgeon might just want to bandage it or cauterise it. Or the sailor could just ignore it. The smart thing is to just shoot the guy, but I don't think these sailors have watched The Walking Dead, so don't know how it spreads.

The zombies aren't really swimming. More flailing and occasionally pulling themselves through the water in the right direction. He's reasonably safe on the boat; eyeless woman's going the wrong way, as slow as the others, but old black guy's managed to get a grip on the small vessel. Boney guy's sank and hi-vis zombie isn't looking at the boat and trying to claw his way to the larger ship.

2018-09-26, 10:27 PM
Open Sea

The captain stands on the overturned rowboat and yells up to the ship's crew. "Ahoy! Can you toss me a rope!" Now that the zombie on deck is dealt with, the sailors throw down a rope.

The surgeon isn't much of a surgeon, really. He bandages the bite wound and says that if it gets infected, the sailor's arm will have to come off.

2018-09-27, 06:17 PM
[Beach Party]

"Omigosh, this is great. I coulda been paying Dena for her dances this whole time?" Fettina looks like she might swoon. She gives Rein a squeeze and inclines her head towards Dena. "You guys wanna take my ride? I got the room." This was gonna be fun.

((One of you lads can post in MERC after this if we're continuing the scene there O: ))

2018-09-28, 01:26 AM
[Beach Party - Dancing with Tina]

Rein laughs a little. "If you're ok to drive. I know I can't." What with a lack of a license or basic knowledge beyond that one time he stole the Magcar in his daring escape from the MagCave. "Ooh, which one's your ride?" Reinholdt says, turning them and heading towards the lot.

[Beach Party - Tropical Island]

"Not as much as you'd think. Glad you were willing though." Ilpholin says, tilting her head to the side and looking up at Anika as her breathing steadies. "It's so much nicer with someone of experience."

2018-09-28, 01:57 AM
[Beach Party - Watching the Stage]

Mia also waves her a goodbye. GloG might be the best for her, they do help everyone, right?
Mia then turns back to the stage which, as farr as I see it, is empty. So watching an empty place for now.

2018-09-28, 01:41 PM
[Beach Party - Dancing with Tina]

((I suppose I'll post in MERC then.))

[Beach Party - Tropical Island]

"Tell me about it, there are a lot of scrubs out there that could learn a thing or two from you." Anika muses as she gently caresses Ilpholin. "But if you are looking for more companionship, I know some experienced persons that are unlikely to say no. There is plenty to go around. I’m guessing you haven’t had much time though since I’m pretty sure you could snap your fingers and have most of the beach eating out of your lap.”

Earl of Purple
2018-09-28, 05:19 PM
Open Sea

The black guy just about manages to clamber onto the boat as the captain's hoisted into the air and back to the ship.

The bitten guy doesn't need to worry about amputations. The wound's already infected with zombie, and- unless he's naturally immune, which... Might be possible- he's going to die in the next half hour and then come back as a zombie, out to spread the infection and eat his former friends.

If they search the zombie they killed, the knife in her torso is a stainless steel combat knife with kevlar scales on the grip. There's obviously no sheath, but it's a pretty good weapon- and probably the result of technology more advanced than anything on their ship. She's also got three plastic £5 notes in a pocket, a clear plastic ballpoint pen and a student ID card from the University of Royal Tunbridge Wells, in the name of 'Sonya Hartlake'.

2018-09-28, 08:16 PM
Open Sea

The sailors don't touch the dead student, at least not at first, not until the captain pulls the knife out of her chest and she doesn't react. He cleans the blade off and inspects it, then slides it into his boot, noting its superior craftsmanship to his own weapons. Meanwhile, the injured sailor is probably starting to experience the first symptoms of zombieism. He's down in the crew quarters, resting.

Earl of Purple
2018-09-28, 08:37 PM
Open Sea

Well, there's a few more traces of an apocalypse in this direction- zombies floating in the water, reaching up at the ship as it passes, oars, another capsized boat, totally abandoned, life rings, and so on- but they can be ignored or used as target practice; either works.

However, after about five more minutes- which may or may not be interesting, given the soon-to-be-zombie resting below decks- a dark shape looms on the horizon. It looks like an island, but not a big one, though the lookout may note what appears to be a structure upon it.

2018-09-29, 07:17 PM
Open Sea

"Land ho!" Somebody shouts. The sailors rush to look at the approaching island. The wounded sailor, on the other hand, is succumbing to the disease belowdecks, surrounded by the sleeping night watch.

Earl of Purple
2018-09-29, 08:16 PM
Open Sea

The island is really small. It could be undiscovered, it's so small. About a mile round, and I really mean round; the island is a perfect circle, with white sand beaches bare of large rocks or other hazards towards approaching it, and totally barren. Except for the tower and the statues. There's four dark basalt statues, though one isn't visible from the ship right now, each one at a cardinal point of the compass. The statues show humanoid figures wearing togas pointing out to sea with one hand whilst holding a weapon with the other. The north statue has the head of an albatross, and holds a rapier. The south statue has the head of a star-nosed mole and holds a sickle. The west statue has the head of a lamprey and holds a trident. The east statue has the head of a tiger and holds a hammer.

The round tower itself is four storeys tall, and made of the same dark basalt as the statues, looking like it was carved from a single great chunk, with no seams or cracks. The walls are polished smooth, marred only by the doors at the base- there's four, each a gaping hole leading into the tower proper and all located halfway between two seperate statues. The top of the tower is crenellated, but there's no flag pole or light. Nor any evidence to suggest how the tower was built. There's also three boats on the beach, but they're hard to spot- a wooden rowboat turned upside-down; the sand has formed a dune against its side, concealing it. A decaying canoe made of driftwood, bone and seal skin lies on its side near the tower's south-eastern entrance. The final boat is the biggest- an old longship, but it's old and decayed enough that all that remains is the prow and some skeletal-looking eroded struts that originally formed the frame onto which the hull was attached.

2018-09-30, 08:41 PM
Open Sea

The captain and three other sailors disembark in one of the ship's boats and head to the island. They go to check out the three wrecks first, starting with the longboat, then the rowboat, and lastly the canoe.

2018-09-30, 11:23 PM
[Beach Party - Tropical Island]

"Tell me about it, there are a lot of scrubs out there that could learn a thing or two from you." Anika muses as she gently caresses Ilpholin. "But if you are looking for more companionship, I know some experienced persons that are unlikely to say no. There is plenty to go around. I’m guessing you haven’t had much time though since I’m pretty sure you could snap your fingers and have most of the beach eating out of your lap.”

[Tropical Island]

"Likewise," Ilpholin murrs, skin tingling gently under Anika's ministrations. "I think you'd be surprised at how many people seem immune to my charms. But you're also not wrong. It's been very hectic since I got back. I had to move in, draw up a target list, make contacts, etc. etc. I'm admittedly disappointed in the number of slain demons, but I did help deal with a major demonic artifact thingie, so it's not like there hasn't been any progress. The job just eats up so much personal time." Since she thinks about it constantly it seems.

Earl of Purple
2018-10-01, 02:06 PM
Open Sea

The longboat is long abandoned. All that's visible of the wreck are ten ribs marching their way down the beach, getting more worn and eroded as they reach the sea. There might be something here, but it's not a guarantee and it'd require digging.

The rowboat's a better haul; pushing it over to look underneath it will reveal a naturally mummified corpse, skin dark and wrinkled with age, clad in fine dark blue clothes- a British naval officer, by the looks of him, with- surprisingly- a cavalry sabre, rather than a cutlass, and a double-barrelled flintlock pistol, though he hasn't been left with anything else of value- including gunpowder.

In the bottom of the canoe is a bone knife and a seal's bladder filled with fresh water.

2018-10-01, 08:23 PM
Open Sea

The captain picks up the pistol, saber, and knife. His weapons were all lost or damaged in the earlier fight with zombies, except his knife, but one can never have too many knives. One of the other sailors grabs the waterskin as well. The landing party then makes their way towards the large tower.

Earl of Purple
2018-10-02, 03:05 PM
Open Sea

The knife's made of bone, so... It's pretty much inferior to a metal one in nearly every way. Still pretty sharp, but more a curiosity than a weapon. Also, if they check, the naval officer was killed by a shot to the back.

Inside the tower, there's a staircase against one of the walls, hugging the tower's round wall as it ascends to the first floor. It also descends into a basement level. Everything's made of the same dark basalt as the statues and the outside of the tower. There's a corpse in the centre of the room, a human one. It's male, and starting to desiccate and mummify, wearing thick furs and armed with a cable-backed bow (unstrung, at the moment, to preserve its power), thirteen bone arrows and a bone-tipped harpoon. The Inuit appears to have been killed by a black steel dart lodged in his chest.

If anyone stands on a well-concealed pressure plate at the Inuit's feet, another steel dart will be launched from a mechanism hidden in the wall, aimed at the pressure plate.

2018-10-02, 10:24 PM
Open Sea

One of the sailors steps forth to examine the corpse, his foot landing squarely on the pressure plate. The dart hits him in the chest, his blood from the wound partially masked by his red shirt. The captain, seeing what happened, moves around the plate, crawling in order to avoid additional dart traps. The other two sailors follow suit.

Earl of Purple
2018-10-03, 02:21 PM
Open Sea- Tower Island

Well, since it doesn't say they're going up or down, I'm assuming they're just staying on the ground floor here, searching the body and looking for traps. There's no more pressure plates, or other traps on this floor.

The Inuit body, in addition to its weaponry, also has a comb made from walrus ivory, and a necklace of polar bear teeth.

2018-10-03, 09:00 PM
Tower Island
The sailors leave the corpse alone and descend into the lower section of the tower, as cautiously as they can.

Earl of Purple
2018-10-04, 02:07 PM
Tower Island

It's dark down there. It's hard to see what, exactly, is downstairs without bringing a light source along. Nor is it easy to tell how far down the stairs reach, or if they end suddenly in a fifty-foot drop.

Fortunately, they don't end suddenly in a fifty-foot drop.

It's a basalt chamber, like the rest of the tower, with more skeletons in it. A lot more. The eldest, at the bottom, are six skeletons wearing scraps of leather, resting on badly rusted axe-blades and splinters of old sodden wood, two wearing rusted iron helmets and one covered in a rusted-up chainmail hauberk, the bones encased in solid rust and another clasping a fine bronze sword-hilt with a blade of rust. Lying atop them, in places intermingled with the older bones, are seven skeletons wearing ragged remnants of naval uniforms, with sodden gunpowder horns, corroded pistols and rusty cutlasses- though nowhere near as rusty as the blades carried by the earlier bones.

Beneath the bones, something round, shiny and plentiful catches the light. It might be brass buttons from the sailor's clothes, or it could be coins. There's a lot of them, more than one would expect to find if they were buttons, at least...

Regardless of if they have light or not, there's a pressure plate at the bottom of the stairs. It's positioned so one would almost need to both know it's there, and have extraordinarily long legs to avoid it. Like the one upstairs, the crack around the edge of the plate blends into the dark basalt around it, making it very hard to spot- especially without a decent, solid light source.

2018-10-04, 09:34 PM
Tower Island

The sailors aren't foolish, they brought an oil lantern along. Soon, the enclosed space is awash in the scent of burning whale oil. The pressure plate would've been missed, if not for the keen eyes of the ship's helmsman, who points it out to the rest of the party. One by one, they leap over it to land on the other side and explore the room.

Earl of Purple
2018-10-05, 12:10 PM
Tower Island

The good news is, that's the only trap in this chamber. And there are coins underneath the skeletons- not many, about fifty of them- but they're gold, and more than that, they're old. They look Roman, with Latin inscriptions and bearing the face of Antoninus Pius on one side and a seated Athena on the other. They're in very good condition, too; like they have been barely used. There's also about twelve brass buttons, mostly inscribed with the name HMS Duke of Wellington, four powder-horns that are still good and contain dry powder (the rest have leaked, the powder ruined), and the ornate bronze hilt of a Viking longsword. There's also eight religious amulets- a silver crucifix worn by one of the British sailors, a simple brass cross also British, two bone amulets shaped like Thor's Hammer, a third of verdigris-coated copper, one of gold and two more made of tin.

The eagle-eyed helmsman may also note hidden underneath the steps are pipes, currently plugged.

2018-10-05, 04:08 PM
Tower Island

The sailors greedily gather up all the items, both the gold and artworks and the powderhorns. The helmsman does spot the pipes, but since his best guess is that they're part of the trap the plate is connected to, he doesn't mention it. The party jumps over the plate and goes back up the stairs, headed for the floor above the ones they've explored.

Earl of Purple
2018-10-05, 04:42 PM
Tower Island

The first floor of the tower is like the ground floor, with stairs leading up and stairs leading down, which the pirates have just used. There's no corpses in here- most of the Vikings and sailors died in the basement, the survivors fleeing on seperate boats to the ones left behind.

There is a chest, however, an ornate piece of furniture which stands out a lot from the surrounding stonework, as it is made of white marble. It's decorated with fine carvings depicting a grand lord or king sat on a massive throne as other, smaller figures leave him lavish gifts. Statues, ornate furniture, and pots are visible amongst the decorations. Opening the chest triggers a trap, collapsible spikes shooting out in three directions- in front of the chest, and to each side, where a sneaky person might stand to avoid a suspected trap.

2018-10-06, 09:57 PM
Tower Island

The sailors go to take the chest, but the captain stops them. "We'll get it on the way down. That way we don't have to carry it up the stairs." They then head up to the next floor.

Earl of Purple
2018-10-07, 07:36 AM
Tower Island

The next floor doesn't have a chest. It has a corpse; another Inuit, lying dead near the stairs up to the next floor, as though they fell of the stairs- probably about the fifth. They're slightly mummified like the last, clad in furs and sealskin, and there's a bone-tipped spear nearby. This Inuit doesn't have a bow, however.

There's another faint marking on the floor, near the bottom of the stairs up, but it's not a pressure plate. It's a trapdoor, that will drop somebody nine feet to the floor beneath. It's not a great distance to fall, and there's nothing underneath that's dangerous. It might hurt an ankle or leg, or wind somebody, and after they have fallen the trapdoor itself closes, and then disconnects. Unless they move quite quickly it'll fall on top of them. It's a very heavy slab of basalt, but unlike the other traps this one doesn't automatically reset.

The entire fifth stair to the third floor is a pressure plate; stepping on it causes several very sharp spikes to erupt from the wall- one level with the groin, stomach and neck of whomever triggered the trap, assuming an average height; exceptionally short or tall people may get stabbed in different places.

2018-10-08, 08:42 PM
Tower Island

By sheer luck, the sailors manage to dodge the trapdoor, and rather than stopping to investigate the room, continue up the stairs. Excitedly, the captain takes the steps two at a time, missing the deadly fifth step, but the crewman behind him is not so lucky, and is speared by the trap. The captain and helmsman, the surviving two crewmen, continue carefully up the stairs.

Earl of Purple
2018-10-09, 03:00 PM
Tower Island

The third floor is much like the prior two floors in that it's bare basalt, polished smooth. There's a lone corpse here, a mummified man wearing a chainmail hauberk and formerly carrying a long-hafted axe. The corpse's head is detached and lying near the top of the stairs, whilst the body lies against a wall further away.

In the centre of the room is a pedestal covered in small statues and idols. They're all the same size, but different shapes and materials. There's a jade statue of a cross-legged fat man with the head of a frog. A copper statue of a nude human, the left half smooth-skinned female and the right hairy male, holding a sword on the left and a chalice on the right. A polished haematite statue of a child in a simple tunic with an upside-down face. A mahogany statue of an elephant whose flanks are marked with strange letters. A bone statue of a gaunt humanoid figure with no head and a face carved into their chest. A white marble statue of a man wearing a loincloth with the head of a screaming infant.

There's traps; near the feet of the corpse, a pressure-plate will activate a pair of razor-sharp shears hidden in the wall, which will close at neck-height on whomever activates it. There's actually three sets of shears, each one activated by a different amount of weight; one calibrated for a gnome or goblin, something small, one calibrated for a short person, and one calibrated for a tall person. The copper statue is electrified, with a lethal volt of electricity lurking within. The marble statue rests on a pressure-plate, and disturbing it will propel a blade from the pedestal, in the same direction as the marble statue looks in. The jade statue is cursed, whomever touches it will age five years for each second of contact. The elephant's runes, if somebody reads them or tries to read them from right to left may find their eyeballs exploding. The bone and haematite statues are not trapped, nor cursed; touching or taking them have no consequences.

2018-10-10, 06:55 PM
[Tropical Island]

"Likewise," Ilpholin murrs, skin tingling gently under Anika's ministrations. "I think you'd be surprised at how many people seem immune to my charms. But you're also not wrong. It's been very hectic since I got back. I had to move in, draw up a target list, make contacts, etc. etc. I'm admittedly disappointed in the number of slain demons, but I did help deal with a major demonic artifact thingie, so it's not like there hasn't been any progress. The job just eats up so much personal time." Since she thinks about it constantly it seems.

[Tropical Island]

"That sucks." Anika replies with a shudder. "Anything I can do to help out? You need to be able to relax more or you're gonna make mistakes, especially if you're killing demons. Blasted things are extremely deadly."

2018-10-12, 07:43 PM
[Tropical Island]

"I don't make mistakes." Ilpholin says uncertainly. She can already immediately recall at least three recently. "Any demons you can kill would help. Or at least tell me about if you don't want to take the risk. I mean, other than that, I'd be happy to meet the people you mentioned. I just can't get too distracted. There's still a lot more to do." There's at least nine hells that they know about and just one Ilpholin. It's an exhaustive and lengthy task.

2018-10-12, 09:06 PM
Tower Island

"Wait," says the captain. "Get a spear from the corpse downstairs. I don't trust this place." The helmsman rushes off to get the requested item. The captain takes the spear and as he walks over toward the treasures, prods the floor in front of him with it. Once he reaches the idols, he sweeps the spear across the table, hopefully knocking all of them down.

2018-10-13, 08:32 AM
[Operation Sea Slug]

Will and TTN have found themselves on a large speedboat heading right towards what is supposedly their first adventure. From what little they have been told by Sargera, its located on a island which is somehow connected to the ancient gnoll empire and thus also to demons.

With them on the boat is of course Sargera herself. The huge, scary-looking, gnoll who is also the leader of the reclamation league, a group devoted to reclaiming, containing and using artifacts of the gnoll empire. She is currently looming over a map of this section of seaside while continuously looking back on her smartphone, seemingly making some kind of calculations and reporting them back to their captain who makes slight changes to their course based on them.

The captain, 'Chipped-tooth' or "Chip" for short, would probably have been called large for a gnoll with his human-like stature if he hadn't been standing next to Sargera who dwarfs even him by standing nearly a head taller. He seems to be trying to make up for this by having a thick wool-coat underneath his white captains outfit even if the weather really isn't calling for it. Whatever orders Sargera doesn't make, Chip does. Trying to muster any authority he can by the looks of it.

Standing right behind Sargera in a ever alert pose is probably the closest thing to TTN they have on the boat, a hyena-headed golem they call "Zoth" who seldom say more than one word at the time. Apparently, he once guarded the ruins of another island and was taken capture by some goblin "archaeologists" from the "Embarkation Association" and later was freed by the reclamation league and have served them zealously since.
Ever since Sargera and a lot of the league nearly died in a demonic ambush he have insisted on being on her side at all times, protecting her with his life.

Tammy, warlock and wife of Bill the inn-owner, is there of course as the expeditions only goblin member. She is currently in the corner of the room teasing a imp with a chicken-leg which she keeps putting just in reach of the demon, only to pull it away once it attempts to grab at it.

Finally, there are a pair of small gnolls, the twins Hind-gnaw (Or Hindra) and Loose-bite (or Loshe) who are somewhere below deck playing some kind of chess-like game. The two are apparently the groups most seasoned soldiers yet had their own bundle of issues. Hindra displaying barely contained bloodlust whenever demons got involved and Loshe seemingly lending her voice to most inanimate objects she interacted with, almost like a child would.

The island, their objective, is now visible at the horizon. Supposedly, its a thorn-infested place that no sane person would want to step ashore at. No sign of life or civilization for miles around, supposedly not even the mighty leviathans, great sea-monsters that jealously guarded gigantic territories of only water, had laid claim to this place. It was just located away from anything even remotely important and wasn't even visible on any maps.

This supposedly also made it the perfect place to hide something at as they had passed a dozen islands that looked just like it. No trees or greenery, only the black thorns of the infamous "fanged dodder", and jagged cliffs. There wasn't even a good place to land, neither by boat or helicopter.

Indeed, the cliffs surrounding the island also acted as a rock barrier making sure that a boat that even got close would tear itself up on the cliffs. Not that anyone would have wanted to get that close to such an ugly island in the first place, except for them of course.

Sargera looks up from her map and walks out on deck, staring solemnly at the island in the distance. "We will need to swim ashore." She declares. "There shouldn't be any sea-monsters in these waters so I suggest you worry more about the jagged cliffs than what might be swimming underneath."
Then she turns to Will and hands him a pair of binoculars. "See if you can spot a good landing spot." Then her gaze sets on the bolo. "How will you get ashore? The water is too deep for you to walk here."

[Tropical Island]

"Killed plenty of demons already." Anika claims pridefully. "And I'll kill even more for you." The druids grins widens as she softly caresses Ilpholin's cheek. "But if its names you want, I gave give you one, Tina, or Fettina which is her full name. She's a rich gal that lives in Inside. Got a lot of fancy toys n' stuff. Not to mention knowing a lot of other people you might enjoy the company of." Her hand moves further down, thoughtfully brushing her fingers against Ilpholins soft curves. Her gaze seemingly slipping downwards as well. "But really, if you need my help with anything... just tell me."

Earl of Purple
2018-10-13, 12:41 PM
Tower Island

The spear works, and it looks like the helmsman's lucky not to hit any traps he missed the first time around- that trap door, for example. Still, he's got a spear, though the dead viking on this floor has an axe with a long haft that could have worked just as well, and now all the idols are on the floor!

A sword-blade springs from the pedestal as the marble statue moves off its pressure pad, before retracting again. It's not long enough to reach the helmsman unless he's really unlucky. The copper statue is moved off the copper plate electrifying it from beneath, so it's now harmless. And I'd guess that both the pirates are likely illiterate, and if they are literate, they aren't familiar enough with Japan to try reading the elephant's symbols and make their eyes pop. The frog-headed jade statue is still cursed, however.