View Full Version : What's My Next Feat after Shock Trooper?

Mars Ultor
2018-07-25, 06:58 AM
I'm playing a Fighter/Rogue, but I've become the primary frontline fighter. I'm 9th level and a fighter level and character level coincided, so I'm getting two feats at once. I planned in advance and took Improved Bull Rush so I could take Shock Trooper, but I hadn't thought about the other feat. What are some suggestions?

My feats are Power Attack, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Combat Reflexes, Knock Down, Improved Bull Rush, and Shock Trooper. I could take Cleave or just about anything else. Although I'm currently using a longsword, I used the best available magic weapon so I don't want to take something weapon specific if possible.

2018-07-25, 07:08 AM
Why are you a fighter/rogue? Are you in a core+completes game or something?

Your feats are kind of all over the place. Take leap attack. You won't regret it.

2018-07-25, 07:14 AM
leap attack

2018-07-25, 07:22 AM
You already have Knock Down and Improved Trip, after Shock Trooper you don’t need any extra damage. You should be one-shotting any CR appropriate monster now. Take Mage Slayer and eventually Pierce Magical Concealment. It’ll help you a lot more than Leap Attack. Also consider Robilar’s Gambit when you get there. That way you can function as both a control tripper and ubercharger.

2018-07-25, 07:24 AM
You already have Knock Down and Improved Trip, after Shock Trooper you don’t need any extra damage. You should be one-shotting any CR appropriate monster now. Take Mage Slayer and eventually Pierce Magical Concealment. It’ll help you a lot more than Leap Attack. Also consider Robilar’s Gambit when you get there. That way you can function as both a control tripper and ubercharger.

Seconded. Leap Attack would probably be overkill, and would just turn you into a generic ubercharger. Would highly recommend Mage Slayer to shore up one of your weaknesses.

2018-07-25, 07:30 AM
After Leap Attack, Power Lunge (from Ghostwalk) might give you a damage boost.

Travel Devotion (Complete Champion) is also fun: 10 rounds of move back + charge/pounce/full attack. If you want more uses per day, consider dipping Soldier of Light (Deities & Demigods) or Cloistered Cleric (Unearthed Arcana) for Turn Undead.

If you find yourself getting bored of turning all your enemies into a fine red mist, go into Hellreaver (Fiendish Codex II) for some healing stuff and some anti-outsider abilities.

2018-07-25, 07:35 AM
Yeah, Leap Attack is great if you're already going into Shock Trooper. Combat Reflexes-line includes Mage Slayer and Pierce Magical Concealment, which are great too for a controller. You would want a reach weapon though, and could also consider Improved Unarmed Strike/armor spikes/whatever to threaten adjacent. Improved Buckler Defense too.

2018-07-25, 08:12 AM
What sources do you have available? It would be a three-feat investment, but Vexing Flanker/Adaptable Flanker (fighter feats) combined with Craven (general feat) could help on applying more Sneak Attack damage, more often. (If Heroes of Horror Champions of Ruin isn't available, it's not worth the trouble).

2018-07-25, 08:43 AM
(If Heroes of Horror isn't available, it's not worth the trouble).

If you're referring to Craven, I think you mean Champions of Ruin?

2018-07-25, 09:06 AM
If you're referring to Craven, I think you mean Champions of Ruin?

Ah, yeah - those two occupy the same space in my head.

2018-07-25, 12:34 PM
If you're allowed to use Dragon Mag feats, Backstab (#340, Class Acts, Fighter feat) is pretty good for battlefield control and AoO generation. I don't know whether I'd take it before Improved Trip, though.

Mars Ultor
2018-07-25, 01:33 PM
Why are you a fighter/rogue? Are you in a core+completes game or something?

Your feats are kind of all over the place. Take leap attack. You won't regret it.

I'm a Rogue then Fighter because it fit my character concept. We're limited to core classes but can take spells or feats from anywhere.

I question your statement that my feats are all over the place. Power Attack is a staple for Fighters and a prerequisite for many feats. Combat Expertise is a prerequisite for Improved Trip, Improved Trip leads to more attacks of opportunity, more attacks of opportunity require Combat Reflexes. Improved Trip is a prerequisite for Knock-Down, which allows damage first and then a trip attempt afterward instead of a failed trip leading to no damage. Bull Rush rush is a prerequisite for Shock Trooper, Shock Trooper allows me the opportunity to trip multiple opponents. Everything is based around tripping and some have independent value.

Mars Ultor
2018-07-25, 01:39 PM
You already have Knock Down and Improved Trip, after Shock Trooper you don’t need any extra damage. You should be one-shotting any CR appropriate monster now. Take Mage Slayer and eventually Pierce Magical Concealment. It’ll help you a lot more than Leap Attack. Also consider Robilar’s Gambit when you get there. That way you can function as both a control tripper and ubercharger.

The suggestions seem to be either Leap Attack or Mage Slayer, but I agree that Mage Slayer is probably a better way to go. I hadn't considered that feat at all. While we have an archer in the party who's dedicated to forcing spell casters to make Concentration checks, I think it's a good idea.

It probably requires more party coordination though? I'll have to move ahead with another melee combatant so I can threaten the caster and one of us fights him and one fights his bodyguards.