View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Custom Campaign Races

2018-07-26, 01:15 AM
To support my custom campaign setting, I re-imagined the entire suite of standard 5E races (and introduced a couple of new races). I'd be very interested in any feedback before I start "session 0" with my players.

First, I'd like to outline a little of my design philosophy behind these races which should help focus any feedback (e.g. stave off the inevitable "too powerful" comments):

The desire was for each race to feel unique and to -- through the racial features alone -- be able to give a strong image of how the race would interact with the world

I wanted to give each human culture the same treatment as if it was a race unto itself -- even in regards to the "common blood" that makes up the bulk of each realm's population

Balance all the non-human races roughly around a score of 30 using the detect balance tool. This is achieved primarily by balancing the desired features with one or more racial flaws. It's also worth noting that, in this particular setting, non-human races are either rare (usually only seen singly or small groups in larger cities) or believed to be the stuff of legends. This very much colors the reactions of the "normal" populace when encountering a non-human.

The human "races" balanced around a detect balance score of roughly 24 but having no flaw or interaction penalties to contend with. In some cases, a human "race" has the option of selecting a racial flaw but would be awarded an additional feature.

Provide a twist or different interpretation of the typical fantasy racial tropes while still retaining some comfort/familiarity.

If I'd had more time and inspiration, I truly wanted to split each race's features into inherited and cultural traits so that one could more easily (mechanically) play, for example, a dwarf raised in elven society. In this scenario, the dwarf would have the inherited traits of the dwarf and the cultural traits of the elf.

Here's a very brief synopsis of the races...

Humans: As noted, split into separate "races" based on culture or regional origination. The lone exception being the "common" human which -- through treated as its own race -- can originate from any realm and, indeed, typically makes up the bulk of any population. Humans are the predominant race of the world and have been for a long time, even being responsible (or at least assigned blame) for the cataclysm that laid waste to the world and gave rise to the current age.

Uttin: Intended to fill the niche of the large-sized race. Pulled somewhat from the goliath and various other large race homebrew inspirations. The mechanics for “Large” size are largely inspired by Reddit user /SwordMeow’s Jotungard supplement. Inspirations include a combination of the Ogier/Way of the Leaf from WoT and a dash of Norse lore.

Dwarrow: The replacement for the dwarf and probably the least changed of the races. As envisioned, much more pragmatic and materialistic then the typical 5E dwarf (and far removed from any Scottish accents).

Sedhe: The elf of this world. The idea here was to portray a much more complicated (and certainly darker version) of the elf – to not just be a pointy eared, nature loving human. Inspiration was drawn from a lot of mythologies and folk lore (heavily from Irish/Welsh), certainly some of the "real" Grimm's fairy tales, a dash of Moorcock’s Vadhagh/Nhadragh races, and the courts from the Dresden Files. To a certain extent, the Sedhe even touch upon vampire lore and -- in this world -- are the origin of the tales of vampires. The Sedhe are not a race that is native to the world. Side note... I just discovered Ninja_Prawn's Forests & Faeries. Amazing document!

Pekri: The gnome replacement. I’ve just never liked gnomes as a race (well, as presented) which is probably colored by a player who had a gnome version of the “Travelocity Gnome” played as a reoccurring comical character spanning many a serious campaign. Grrr. The Pekri share a lot of the traditional gnomish traits of curiosity and invention, though probably a little more serious, more technology driven, and with an origin elemental based rather than fey.

Ork: I've given Ork the full race treatment (essentially replacing the half-orc). As imagined, they draw heavily on Tolkien's vision though not inherently evil. Ork (the Orkhan) are not native to this setting, having been brought to this world in the distant past as slave troops.

Took: The halfling replacement. Another race that doesn't stray too far from the source material with the exception of one of the sub-races.

Mabdan: This race is intended to be the half-elf of the world (in this case, half-sedhe). The offspring of a Sedhe and human, mabdan most closely resemble the changeling race. In fact, for most mabdan, they are a literal interpretation of the changeling... swapped at birth with a normal child and left to discover their own heritage/make their own path in the world. It's worth noting that mabdan are a sterile race, which further isolates them.

Canid: Bipedal canines. I always loved the Wolfen of Palladium and Jim Butcher's Canin from the Codex Alera...

Races presented in their full glory under the spoiler tag (humans and the Uttin for now, I'll add more as I have time). Please ignore what little fluff there is; all very specific to the setting (and sparse). I've also included my detect balance score for each feature in parenthesis. One final note... I've added a vision called dimvision which grants the ability to see in dim light as if it were bright light but not in darkness. I've always felt that darkvision was too common and this trivialized the feature (and darkness as an environment).

Formatting is a mess. I'll migrate all this to Homebrewery or GMBinder soon.

EDIT 1 (7/28/18): Added in rules being used for Large size (Uttin). Tweaks to Seaborn features and Uttin's flaw. Added the Dwarrow and Took. Did some work on formatting.

Humans are the predominate race on the world of Pel Therra, being both the most populous and the most visible. With life spans generally shorter than the other races, humans strive all the harder to achieve great heights in empire building, culture, and advancement of knowledge. This aggressive and inquisitive nature has driven the human nations to become the most dynamic and influential in the world.

Though all humans are part of a greater race, the material culture and physical characteristics of individual human cultures can vary wildly from region to region. Humans descended from the Itale imperial blood differ greatly from a Tane Og clansman or a those of the Stone Pact – each culture almost becoming a unique race.

“… the copper coin is dross and ubiquitous. Leave two of these coins in your pouch and you might find they have multiplied by a hundredfold, filling your pouch and burying the more valuable gold under a mountain of mediocrity. ” ~ attributed to an imperial noble as he gazed upon the crowds milling in the central plaza of Therra.

By far the most numerous type of human, commoners are the result of a thousand years intermixing of various human blood lines and typically make up the majority of the population of any realm.

• Height m 60” + 3d6” f 56” + 4d4”
• Weight m 130 + 5d10 lbs f 90 + 5d10 lbs <+ STR x 2 lbs>
• Hair Color Any
• Eye Color Any
• Skin Color Any
• Unusual Characteristics none
• Physical Maturity 13 years
• Lifespan 60 - 80 years

You may increase any four ability scores by 1 point.

Commoners reach adulthood in their late teens and normally live a little more than half a century.

Humans with the common blood can vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.

SPEED (+0)
Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Humans of the common blood seem to survive (and thrive) where most others fail. When making death saving throws, you do not die until you have accumulated four failures.

Those of the common blood generally do the bulk of a realm’s labor and become skilled with the tools of their trade. Choose two artisan tools or vehicles; you gain proficiency.

Most that belong to the common blood have an affinity for learning and are mentally flexible, able to quickly adapt and change. When multiclassing, you ignore the attribute requirements for the first class you take. If you multiclass further, you must meet the attribute requirements for any subsequent classes taken.

Commoners dwell in every realm, making up the bulk of the population and are greatly affected by the environment in which they are raised. Choose one of the following options that reflect your upbringing:

• Fields. Hailing from a rural area, you are used to hard labor. Once per day, you may ignore an effect that would give you a level of exhaustion and have advantage on saving throws to resist exhaustion.
• Mountains. Born in the mountains, you are skilled at negotiating heights and precipices. You gain advantage on Athletics (Climb) checks and any Wisdom (Survival) checks in mountainous terrain.
• Sea. Raised near the sea or other large body of water, you are always drawn to it. You gain advantage on Strength (Athletics) Swim checks and any Wisdom (Survival) checks in coastal terrain.
• Slums. You have had to eke out a life in a city's slums or poor quarter and, by necessity, have advantage on Constitution saving throws against the effects of poison, disease, and intoxication.
• Snow. Reared in the snow and ice, you do not find cold as bothersome as most. You gain advantage on saving throws against the effects of cold climates, on any check or saving throw to avoid slipping and falling, and on Wisdom (Survival) checks in cold climates.
• City. You are used to large cities and dealing with myriad different people. When you make Wisdom (Insight) checks to interact with other races you are considered proficient in the Insight skill and may add your proficiency bonus to the check.
• Desert. Born in a hot and arid area of the world, heat does not bother you. You gain advantage on saving throws against the effects of a hot climate and only need half the normal amount of water on a daily basis (1/2 gallon per day or 1 gallon if the weather is hot). You have advantage whenever you make a Wisdom (Survival) check in deserts and other arid terrain.
• Forest. You were raised in the wilds, on the fringes of civilization. You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks when foraging, navigating, and tracking in wooded areas. Whenever you make a Dexterity (Stealth) check in a forest, you are considered proficient in the Stealth skill and add your proficiency bonus to the check

You can speak Imperial Common or the base language of the realm you originate from (if Imperial Common is not available).

“I came. I saw. I conquered.” ~ Imperial legion mantra

Those of the Imperial blood are well educated, proud and industrious – and certainly a bit arrogant. Descendants of the original “pureblood” families that founded the Empire, imperials are almost always of noble or privileged birth – tracing their lineage back to the fabled land of Itale and the Roman Empire. Typified by olive complexions and black or brown eyes, humans of this descent are not very numerous and known for keeping their lineages pure.

• Height m 56” + 3d6” f 50” + 4d4”
• Weight m 130 + 4d10 lbs f 90 + 4d10 lbs <+ STR x 2 lbs>
• Hair Color black, brown
• Eye Color black, brown
• Skin Color olive
• Unusual Characteristics none
• Physical Maturity 13 years
• Lifespan 60 - 80 years

Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your Dexterity score by 1.

Imperials reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

Imperials vary in height and build, but are generally shorter than most humans. They range from barely 5 feet to a few inches under 6 feet. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.

SPEED (+0)
Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

You can add your Intelligence modifier to any Charisma (Persuasion), Charisma (Deception) or Charisma (Intimidation) skill check. You may do this after you roll but before the results are known. Once you have used this feature, you must complete a short or long rest before you can use it again.

You are proficient with one of the following skills: Arcana, History or Religion.

The imperator pays a small amount to all those descended from the Roman bloodlines. You do not have to pay to maintain a modest living while within the confines of the empire and it only costs half as much to maintain a comfortable or wealthy lifestyle.

Those with the imperial blood are required to serve a brief tour of duty with the legions. You have proficiency with light armor, medium armor, and shields as well as the spear and short sword.

You can speak, read, and write Imperial Common and speak High Common (Latin).

Due to centuries of arranged marriages to keep the imperial blood lines pure, many humans of imperial blood have an inherited flaw.

You may opt to have one extra flaw. If you do so, at your DMs discretion, choose a flaw of your choice or roll on the following table:

1. Hallucinations. "I see the glory of the lost empire in the form of dead people."
2. Paranoia. "Everyone is trying to kill me or usurp my position."
3. Delusions of Grandeur. "I can never fail."
4. Religious Fervor. "The gods have blessed the empire and my house."
5. Obsession. "I am obsessed with obtaining or collecting certain objects."
6. Narcissism. "I shall never do anything that does not benefit me."
7. Nerves. "I'm hesitant to throw myself into perilous situations."
8. Arrogance. "No man may question my word."

For a more mechanical approach, the flaw has its own effect as shown in the following list. When taking the mechanical portion of the flaw, you gain the Imperial Edge trait.

1. Hallucinations. You have disadvantage on all saving throws against illusions.
2. Paranoia or Grandeur or Religious Fervor. When you failed an Insight, Investigation or Perception skill check, the DM will give you information pertaining to your delusions. You believe this information to be true, and cannot be convinced otherwise.
3. Obsession. When faced with the subject of your obsession, you must succeed a Wisdom saving throw (DC 10) or be consumed by it for one hour.
4. Narcissism. When you wish to take an action that does not directly benefit you, you must succeed a Wisdom saving throw (DC 10) or you cannot take the action.
5. Nerves. You have disadvantage on saving throws against fear.
6. Arrogance. When you fail an Intimidation or Persuasion skill check, you suffer 1d4 psychic damage. You cannot be reduced below 1 hit point by this damage.

When you would fail a skill check or saving throw, you can reroll the die with advantage. Once you use this trait, you must complete a long rest to use it again.

The clans of the Tane Og, known among themselves as the First Men, are the descendants of the original human inhabitants of Pel Therra. The Tane claim direct descent from the divine First Born and have many legends of serving the gods directly – each clan bound to a specific Eloyyan god-king and tied to a region. In the current age, the Tane are represented by three surviving clans, each distinct and different enough that they constitute their own sub-race.

• Height m 60” + 3d8” f 58” + 3d6”
• Weight m 130 + 4d12 lbs f 90 + 4d12 lbs <+ STR x 2 lbs>
• Hair Color brown, blonde, red
• Eye Color green, blue, hazel
• Skin Color caucasian
• Unusual Characteristics none
• Physical Maturity 13 years
• Lifespan 80 - 120 years

Your Constitution score increases by 2.

Humans of the Tane blood reach adulthood in their late teens and have a natural lifespan that is longer than most of mankind – often living well into their hundredth year.

The Tane tend to be taller and more robust than other human stock, women nearing 6 feet tall with the men often well over. Your size is Medium.

SPEED (+0)
Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

HALE (+5)
Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level

The Tane have a familiarity with the natural world, able to establish powerful links to beasts and to the land around them. You have advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks involving wild and untamed animals, who recognize you as a kindred spirit, and an innate ability to communicate with these creatures.

Through sounds and gestures, you can communicate simple ideas to a beast as an action, and can read its basic mood and intent. You learn its emotional state, its short-term needs (like food or safety), and actions you can take (if any) to persuade it to not attack. You cannot use this ability against a creature that you have attacked within the past 10 minutes.

You can speak Eldorric and Imperial Common

Tane of the current age belong to one of three surviving clans, each clan distinct and characterized by dwelling in a defined location. Select forestborn, sandborn or searborn as your clan.

The most populous of the Tane, the forestborn primarily dwell in the realm of Angddal but also have significant populations within Greyhaven and Bre Karand.

Ability Score Increase (+4)
Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Bonded Beast (+3)
Whenever you make a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check related to natural beasts, you are considered proficient in the Animal Handling skill. If you are already proficient, you add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

You start with one beast that has a challenge rating of 1/4 or lower in addition to the equipment granted by your class and background. To make a beast perform tricks or act in combat requires a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check.

The former Tane realm of Ulmbennar was destroyed by the legions of the Therranic empire, the people reduced to nomadic tribes dwelling in the great deserts surrounding An-Thyr.

Ability Score Increase (+4)
Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Swift Raider (+2)
When rolling initiative, a roll of 9 or lower is considered a 10 for you.

Dune Runner (+1)
You walk lightly across sandy surfaces, never sinking into soft sand or leaving tracks. You do not consider sand to be difficult terrain, when travelling across sand, you don't leave tracks. In addition, you have advantage on Constitution saves against hot weather, heat related effects, and need only one half gallon of water per day, or one gallon per day if the weather is hot.

Making up the populations of Helvnorn and Fjalnorn.

Ability Score Increase (+4)
Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Born Sailor (+1)
You have proficiency with navigator’s tools and vehicles (water). Any vehicle (water) that you personally pilot has its speed increased by 25%.

Seal Kin (+2)
You have a swim speed equal to one half of your land speed and can hold your breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + two times your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 minute).

Drowned One (+3)
Whether a communion with their god or strange connection to the seas, some Seaborn can perform a downing ritual -- filling their lungs with salt water and gaining a measure of power (though at a cost). By spending 10 minutes which requires a full waterskin of sea water, you can drown yourself. For the next hour, you can gain the ability to breathe underwater and resistance to cold, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Your type becomes both undead and humanoid.

At the end of the hour, you violently spew up the water and must attempt a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. You take 1d8 poison damage and gain the poisoned condition for 1 hour on a failed save, or 1d4 poison damage on a successful one.

Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.

“Tyranny has never been so subtle or creative.” ~ traveler’s comment on An-Thyr and Khoth

Those of the southern blood claim descent from the imperial legions sent to conquer the southern lands of Pel Therra, in particular the Legion of the Sand Lions whose ranks were filled with those of Numedian and Aegypta heritage. Southern humans are characterized by their mahogany skin color and dark, curly hair (if from the Numedian bloodlines) or swarthy complexion, straight black hair, black eyes, and aquiline noses (if from the Aegypta lines, also called the Children of Ra). Regardles of lineage, those of the southern blood pride themselves on their level of culture and advancements in learning and politics. As a people, they are equally cruel and passionate. Quick to react in anger, and just as quick to forgive (though not necessarily forget).

• Height m 60” + 3d6” f 58” + 4d4”
• Weight m 130 + 4d10 lbs f 90 + 4d10 lbs <+ STR x 2 lbs>
• Hair Color black, brown
• Eye Color black, brown
• Skin Color mahogany (dark brown) or brown
• Unusual Characteristics none
• Physical Maturity 13 years
• Lifespan 60 - 80 years

Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Strength score by 1.

Humans of the southern blood reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

Those of the southern blood vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.

SPEED (+0)
Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

You gain a +4 bonus to passive Insight and passive Investigation scores.

Well acclimated to their desert home, those of the southern blood have honed the skills (and vices) required by their sun-baked realm. You have proficiency with scimitars, whips, and short bows. When riding a horse, you are considered to be proficient with any skills required to ride the mount. Any horse that you ride has its base speed increased by 5 feet.

During daylight hours you can sense the sun's position irrespective of deep foliage, weather effects, or any other obscuring factors. This ability also works indoors or underground.

You are proficient with the Persuasion skill. You may choose to re-roll any use of Persuasion after it has been rolled but before the outcome has been determined and must use the new roll. You regain the use of this ability after a short or long rest.

You can speak, read, and write Low Common

Denizens of Khoth, humans of the Blood of the Dead claim descent from the Sons of the Black Goat; Karahsh, Komur, and – most importantly – Uhrklek, long dead Turkrik deities believed to have founded the city of Khas and the Khothian royal line.

• Height m 60” + 3d6” f 58” + 4d4”
• Weight m 130 + 4d10 lbs f 90 + 4d10 lbs <+ STR x 2 lbs>
• Hair Color black, brown
• Eye Color black, brown
• Skin Color brown
• Unusual Characteristics none
• Physical Maturity 13 years
• Lifespan 60 - 80 years

Your Wisdom score increases by 2, and your Dexterity score by 1.

Khothian humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

Khothian humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.

SPEED (+0)
Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Death and necrotic energy are central to Khothian society and the constant exposure has changed those who live there. You are very familiar with the undead and necrotic energy and have advantage on saving throws against necromancy spells and to resist the spells or special abilities of the undead. In addition, you gain resistance to necrotic damage.

Life amongst the dead has changed how those of Khoth think and behave, inuring their minds to the fantastical, unnatural, and terrifying. You have advantage on saves to resist the charmed and frightened conditions.

Fed either Blood Wine or Black Orchid Elixir from birth, your resilience is decidedly not mortal. When you are reduced to O hit point but not killed outright, you can choose to attempt a DC 10 Constitution save to drop to I hit point instead. The DC increases by 5 each time you successfully use this feature until you finish a long rest.

You can speak Imperial Common and the Tongue of the Dead (Neth-Vhodrak).

Many in the realm of Khoth, either willingly or unwillingly, make use of blood wine and other exotic drugs. This, coupled with being in the presence of the undead and exposure to necrotic energy, changes the very being of those born and raised in this realm. As an option, you may choose to have the opiate addiction and unnatural presence flaws. If you do so, you gain the undead mastery trait in addition to those traits associated with being a human of the dark blood.

You are addicted to the exotic concoctions you have been feed your entire life. Each week you go without consuming either Blood Wine or Black Orchid Elixir, you must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or suffer 1 level of exhaustion. This exhaustion can only be removed by feeding your addiction and the normal required rest; rest alone will not remove the exhaustion.

Members of this race unnerve normal beasts. You have disadvantage on any attempts to control or ride an animal. Animals' starting attitude toward you are worse than normal and, when a natural beast makes an attack against you, it’s attacks are made with advantage.

You attempt to charm a single undead creature you can see within 30 feet that is a CR 1/4 or lower. It must make a Wisdom saving throw, and does so with advantage if you or your companions are fighting it. If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by you for 1 hour or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it.

As a bonus action on each of your turns, you can command the undead you charmed if the creature is within 120 feet of you. You decide what action the creature will take and where it will move during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as to guard a particular chamber or corridor. If you issue no commands, the creature only defends itself against hostile creatures.

When you reach 3rd level, your mastery grows and you can influence undead that are CR 1/2 or lower. At 5th level, this mastery applies to under that are CR 1 or lower.

After you use your undead mastery, you can’t use it again until you complete a long rest.

Those of the stone blood are descendants of the humans that made pact with the dwarrow during the Age of Madness – seeking refuge from the doom of the empire and the death and destruction that accompanied it. Long subjugated by the dwarrow, these humans mirror many dwarrow traits, though they are servile (to the dwarrow at least) and perhaps even more materialistic.
Physically characterized by long hair pulled over their shoulders and tied below their chin such that it resembles a beard, stone blood humans endeavor to resemble their dwarrow masters, even to the extent of walking hunched to appear shorter.

• Height m 60” + 3d6” f 58” + 4d4”
• Weight m 130 + 4d10 lbs f 90 + 4d10 lbs <+ STR x 2 lbs>
• Hair Color any
• Eye Color any
• Skin Color any
• Unusual Characteristics none
• Physical Maturity 13 years
• Lifespan 60 - 80 years

Your Constitution score increases by 2 and Wisdom score by 1.

Those of the Stone-Pact reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.

SPEED (+0)
Though you walk hunched and with a shuffling gait, your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Those of the Stone-Pact have taken over many of the menial tasks required to keep dwarrow society functioning, especially those tasks that need to be done outside the sheltering walls of the mountain halls. You gain proficiency vehicles (wagon, carriage) and with the artisan’s tool of your choice from the following: Carpenter’s tools, cobbler’s tools, glassblower’s tools, leatherworking tool’s, potter’s tools, weaver’s tools, or woodcarver’s tools.

Serving as the face of the dwarrow to the human world, many Stone-Pact humans must learn the arts of the merchant and diplomat. Your skill in negotiating is unsurpassed. You may add double your proficiency bonus to Charisma (Persuasion) rolls when haggling. When purchasing mundane or magical items, you pay 10% less than is listed (PHB, DMG) and sell any item you have created or found for 25% higher than expected.

Those of the Stone-Pact have had to serve for centuries, at the whims of masters that value little but wealth. Through a lifetime of learning to endure insults and slights, you gain resistance to psychic damage.

Black powder originates from the dwarrow but is processed by Stone-Pact alchemists. You are proficient with firearms and explosive devices that utilize black powder.

Unlike most humans, you spend a significant amount of your life underground and have superior vision in conditions of dim lighting or shadows. You can see in dim light as if it were bright light.

You can speak Imperial Common, the Trader’s Tongue, and Khuzral (the dwarrow tongue).

“Be the light that helps others see the darkness that hides in the womb of the world.”

Originating from (and mostly resembling) the commoners that makes up the majority of the population of Anarra, those of the favored claim to be blessed by their god; the one true God, the Lord of Light. Whether there is any truth or not to this claim of divine favor, it is certain that the favored have a certain amount of gifted power and a keen (if fanatical) insight.

Locked into a very controlling theocracy, the favored are very close-minded and have very little need for imagination.

• Height m 66” + 1d6” f 62” + 1d4”
• Weight m 160 + 2d10 lbs f 120 + 2d8 lbs <+ STR x 2 lbs>
• Hair Color any
• Eye Color any
• Skin Color any
• Unusual Characteristics none
• Physical Maturity 13 years
• Lifespan 60 - 80 years

Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Constitution by 1.

The favored reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

Those of the favored have an oddly uniform height and build, almost always around 5 1/2 feet tall with a medium build. Obesity or emaciation are extremely rare. Your size is Medium.

SPEED (+0)
Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Whenever you attempt a Wisdom (Insight) check to determine if someone is lying, you are considered proficient in the Insight skill and add your proficiency bonus to the check.

You gain proficiency with the Intelligence (Religion) skill.

You learn the guidance or sacred flame cantrip. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

You can cause your eyes to glow with an inner fire and, for the next minute, you have advantage on saving throws against illusions and can see in dim light and darkness as if it were bright light. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.

Many of the blessed blood are witch hunters or inquisitors and, even if not following this calling, are always on the lookout for those who use arcane magic or associate with unclean powers. When dealing with magic, aberrations, celestials, fey, and fiends you are considered to have proficiency in the Investigation skill.

You have an innate sense for the presence of the unnatural and can determine if there is an aberration, celestial, elemental, fey, fiend, undead, or the presence of magic within 30 feet of you, though you do not know where the creature or source is located. Each creature is allowed a DC 10 Charisma saving throw to hide from this sense and you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom check to detect magic areas.

The sense can penetrate most barriers, but it is blocked by stone, common metal, or wood and dirt.

You speak Imperial Common.

“They go to war – they go – the Jotun are awoke! Carried by rushing furnace blasts, the dark pines cower as their angered breath flies past. With a martial gait they hurry on, where the fires on Thuringa glow, on the darkly beautiful sky above and the ancient rime below.” ~ Vafthrudnir, Skald of the Mjaljotun during the Blooding

“All right,’ said the young imperial legionary, laughing with the rest. ‘But what about these Uttin, these giants, as you might call them? They do say that one bigger than a tree was seen up on the imperial road not long back.” ~ from the book “Musings on my time in the legion” by Rescipio Antalle

The Uttin believe they are descendants of the Jotun, a race of legendary giants that served the First Born as smiths and artificers. Whereas in myth the Jotun are often described as dozens of feet in height, the Uttin are smaller in stature, the result of countless generations of mingling the giant bloodlines with the Táne Og tribes of humanity.

In the current age, the Uttin eschew formal settlements and are forever on the move, travelling the realms of the land in their great wagons. Setting up on the outskirts of civilization, the Uttin trade their services as smiths and tinkers, often taking bits of lore and esoteric knowledge as partial payment.

Uttin, for the most part, are reserved with a general tendency toward kindness. Most Uttin still feel the need to create and tend to excel at crafting – but the working of metal at a forge seems to be in their blood. Though a secretive people, it is evident that the Uttin are seeking something. Perhaps the answer is in the fragment of a story told by Uttin Lore Speakers:

• Height m 84” + 4d8” f 76” + 4d6”
• Weight m 320 + 5d10 lbs f 260 + 5d10 lbs <+ STR x 8 lbs>
• Hair Color black, brown, dark brown, dark red
• Eye Color
• Skin Color coppery
• Unusual Characteristics pelt on shoulders, upper back; long eyebrows, ear tufts
• Physical Maturity 20 years
• Lifespan 200 - 300 years
• Description: Uttin typically stand 7 to 9 feet tall, towering over most other creatures. Males are noticeably taller and heavier than female. They have broad features, their brow being very heavy and their noses wide and flat. Their hair is thick and long, sometimes forming a pelt on their shoulders and upper back. Facial hair is very common; the eyebrows and a tuft of hair at the base of the ear grow nearly as long as beards and mustaches. Most Uttin have black, dark brown, or dark red hair and deep coppery complexions. Uttin, though often poor and living in very rustic circumstances, dress in very well-crafted clothing and jewelry, preferring bronze, iron, and red gold.

Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Strength score increases by 1.

SIZE (+12)
Uttin tower over normal people, standing 7 to 9 feet tall, and weigh around 400-500 pounds. Your size is Large.

• The races have advantage on Strength ability checks and Strength saving throws. For this reason, these races are considered to be strong and do not need to gain a Strength score bonus – they will usually role high anyway, except on attacks and damage.
• The creature takes up a 10 by 10 foot area
• To fit into a Medium area, the creature must squeeze into the space costing double its movement, disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws, and attack rolls against it have advantage.
• The creature’s push, drag, lift, and carrying capacity are all calculated for Large size. Push, drag, and lift are 60 times your Strength score while carrying capacity multiples your Strength score by 30 unless otherwise noted.
• The races are able to grapple and shove Huge creatures
• If you attempt to handle something very small, such as a vial of acid, the DM may call for a Dexterity check where a smaller sized creature would automatically succeed.
• You require mounts at least one size larger than you as normal.
• You require four times as much food as normal and your armor requires four times the material to be made. It is about that much more expensive, and that’s assuming you can find it. You also require larger shields, which give no bonus to AC outside the norm.
• Normal unarmed strike damage is 2 + your Strength modifier
• Can wield weapons with the large property
• Weapons with the Large property are not very common. They cost at least twice that of normal weapon. Your starting weapons are considered to have the large weapon property unless you specifically opt for a smaller size.
• When wielding a versatile melee weapon made for a medium creature in one hand, you deal the damage listed for two hands.
• You may wield a two-handed melee weapon made for a medium creature with one hand.
• While wielding weapons sized for a medium creature, you do not benefit from the finesse property.

SPEED (-4)
Uttin, though long legged, are methodical and plodding when moving and have a base walking speed of 20 feet.

The physical stature of the Uttin lends itself to great strength. You have a maximum Strength of 22.

Uttin have a natural aptitude for metalworking, holding an innate familiarity with the items that they personally forge. You gain proficiency with smith’s tools and when using smith’s tools to craft metal weapons or armor, you advance 15gp per day rather than 5gp. When the item is completed, you roll a d20. On a roll of 20, the finished work is considered masterwork.

Uttin are considered to be proficient with any weapon that they create.

DM Note: Masterwork is a special weapon property. When dealing damage with this weapon, you can roll the damage dice twice and keep the higher result.

Though placid and peaceful in temperament, Uttin can be roused to a terrible anger when confronted with danger to their families or friends. You can enter a state of rage that lasts for 1 minute. During this time, you add your proficiency bonus to any melee weapon damage rolls and can spend one or more Hit Dice as a reaction, up to your maximum number of Hit Dice. For each Hit Die you spend in this way, you roll the die and add your Constitution modifier. You regain hit points equal to the total.

Once you use this trait, you must finish a long rest before you can rage again.

Uttin are very sensitive to the moods and emotions of others and are able to “read” their unintentional body language. Whenever you make a Wisdom (Insight) check to sense motive, you are considered proficient in the Insight skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

Uttin speak Imperial Common and the Eldarric (Eld) tongue of the Tane Og.

Uttin suffer disadvantage on all Dexterity-based Stealth checks and your movements are easily heard within a 20ft range.

Uttin feel a connection to all living things, and suffer deeply when another creature dies – especially if the blow comes from their own hand. If an attack that you initiate causes a creature to die, you suffer 1d2 points of psychic damage.

In addition, whenever a close companion dies in your presence or you witness a mass loss of life (including animals or trees), you must make a successful DC 10 Constitution saving throw. If you fail the saving throw you immediately gain 1 level of exhaustion.

2018-07-26, 04:25 PM
These do seem pretty cool, though I do have a gripe or two with some of the races.

The Common humans I really like, since I think that the idea of humans being good at surviving is cool and provides them with a good niche they otherwise tend to lack in fantasy works. I think this covers that pretty well.

The Seaborn do seem a little bit sparse when compared to the other Western races, but that might just be by nature of their theme being a little more niche.

The Southern blooded humans seem a little bit bland, lacking a real niche for themselves. The desert theme seems like it isn't done as well as it is with the Western desert race and otherwise, they just seem ok thematically.

The big thing with the Stone-Pacted is less about them in itself and more about the gun powder proficiency in general. Largely the role that gunpowder plays in the setting. If it's relatively common and firearms are pretty much normal, or a little bit more powerful, weapons, that should be fine. But if firearms are either very rare or very powerful, then giving them automatic proficiency seems like it might be a little bit hard to work around. In this situation, if you consider there being one party member with these weapons from the beginning, it would be easy for them to take over every encounter by virtue of their superior weaponry. So just be careful there and keep in mind the role firearms have in this world.

For the Uttin, I think they're an interesting race, and I really like how they manage to capture the theme of the Ogier, but I do have a few issues with them. A speed of 20 does seem really slow. I feel like 25 might be able to capture the same theme but be less crippling. The other issue is with the Way of the Leaf styled features. Personally, I think that giving a race or class features that actively dissuade the player from engaging in combat makes it hard to play that class or race because of how much combat is a huge focus in most campaigns. If you are playing a Roleplay heavy campaign, this is less of an issue, but if you anticipate a lot of combat, then these are very hard features to work around. Particularly the second one. The damaging feature seems like it would be less crippling if it had a demerit to capture the theme, but didn't damage. As for the second, a permanent demerit is huge. Giving no way to remove it whatsoever makes it incredibly hard, because if this effects a character, they are downright weaker than the rest of the party for the rest of the campaign. I wouldn't really have an issue with this otherwise if there were at least some way to cure it later on, maybe through extended meditation or something. That being said, being a fan of the Wheel of Time myself, I do think this is a cool race.

I am interested in the other races as well, especially the Sedhe and Canid races, being a Butcher fan myself. Seems you have good taste in books.

2018-07-29, 01:09 AM
Because I didn't plan very well... the races will be broken up throughout this thread. /sigh

The Dwarrow are a very ancient people, appearing during the First Age, during the time of the Eloyy, when the First Born were at the height of their power and the Gates of Creation had yet to be created.

• Height m 46” + 2d8” f 42” + 2d8”
• Weight m 140 + 2d10 lbs f 110 + 2d10 lbs <+ STR x 4 lbs>
• Hair Color see sub-race
• Eye Color see sub-race
• Skin Color see sub-race
• Unusual Characteristics blocky build
• Physical Maturity 50 years
• Lifespan 300 - 400 years
• Description: Dwarrow are a short but stocky race, and stand about a foot shorter than most humans, with wide, compact bodies that account for their burly appearance. Dwarrow features are very coarse; thick eyebrows, noses and chins are placed on a very blocky facial structure. Dwarrow’s arms seem to be slightly too long in proportion to their bodies and their legs too short. Skin tones range from a light tan to a rich, earthy brown with the occasional occurrence of albinos in family lines. Hair color ranges from brown to coppery red, dark grey and black with thick facial hair. The length of a Dwarrow’s hair is often tied to a profession and facial hair is very common with beards and mustaches on males being braided. Eyes are deep set and slightly wider spaced than is normal for a human, eye colors being typically browns, gold or black (some dwarrow, especially among the deep dwarrow, are born with “Gemstone” eyes that are colored blue or green). Male and female dwarrow pride themselves on the length of their facial hair, and men often decorate their beards with a variety of clasps and intricate braids. A clean-shaven male dwarrow is a sure sign of madness, or worse—no one familiar with their race trusts a beardless dwarrow. They typically dress in furs, leathers, light and long coats studded with stone or metal plates. Precious metals and jewelry are very important to dwarrow, denoting their place in the hierarchy.

Optional Rule: Unbearded. You have committed a crime for which your beard has been removed as punishment. For male dwarrow, facial hair is more than just personal grooming, it’s a matter of societal standing. Long, luxurious, braided beards and mustaches in impressive styles indicate a dwarrow of great esteem, while tangled, bushy, scrubby beards indicate someone on the periphery. But for an adult male dwarrow to be unbearded is anathema. Such a thing indicates either a rejection of dwarrow society, a curse, or is a form of punishment. Unbearded dwarrow suffer disadvantage to all Charisma based checks with other dwarrow, and any dwarrow NPCs are immediately unfriendly. While it is still rare (and female dwarrow beards are not as thick or long), female dwarrow sometimes shave their facial hair – especially the younger maidens.

Your Constitution score increases by 2.

Dwarrow stand between 4 ½ and 5 feet tall and average about 180 pounds. Your size is Medium.

SPEED (-2)(+2)
Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor.

Accustomed to life underground, you have superior vision in conditions of dim lighting or shadows. You can see in dim light as if it were bright light.

You have advantage on saving throws against poison and disease, and you have resistance against poison damage. In addition, your Constitution attribute can increase to 22 rather than 20.

You can identify any non-magical metals, gemstones, and minerals. Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of one of these items, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

You gain proficiency with one of the following artisan’s tools of your choice: jeweler’s tools, mason’s tools, or smith’s tools.

You can speak Khuzral (dwarrow) and Imperial Common, although Khuzral is only secretly spoken to other dwarrow. You can read Ymric, a secret runic written language reserved for sacred stonework and powerful forgings.

Dwelling in the great cities within the ancient peaks of the Frostfangs, mountain dwarrow live in a very strict hierarchal society where the words of the hall-lords and mountain king is law, seeing themselves as the natural born rulers of all the dwarrow. Born into patriarchal clans, mountain dwarrow – though fierce when roused to war – exhibit little humor or personality, focused on their role within society. Individual and clan wealth are the greatest determiners of status within dwarrow society, and acquisition and accumulation of wealth is nearly an obsession.

• Height m 46” + 2d8” f 42” + 2d8”
• Weight m 140 + 2d10 lbs f 110 + 2d10 lbs <+ STR x 4 lbs>
• Hair Color brown, coppery red, black
• Eye Color brown, gold, black (rarely blue or green)
• Skin Color tan to a light brown
• Unusual Characteristics blocky build

Your Strength score increases by 1.

When examining gems, precious stones, or metalwork you have advantage on Intelligence checks to identify the culture of the crafter and the value of the object.

You can scribe powerful runes on objects of stone or metal, which mimic the effects of certain spells. Spells cast or created with these runes do not require a component, but you must have an object to chisel or scribe the rune.
You know the blade ward cantrip, though you must be wearing metal armor or wielding a shield to cast the spell. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the alarm spell once per day, marking an area of stone, metal, or worked earth. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the arcane lock spell once per day, affecting only stone or metal. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

You have advantage on saving throws against effects that would dominate your will (such as charm and compulsion), and on checks to resist being intimidated.

Called the Gwayt-Dûr amongst the dwarrow and wood dwarr by men, hill dwarrow live in small clan holds spread across the foothills of the Frostfangs and within the Ironwood. More independent minded than most of their race, the hill dwarrow spend much more time above ground and even construct their cities partially out of massive carved iron woods trees in addition to hewn stone. Hill dwarrow believe strongly in clan and family and barely give lip service allegiance to the far-away dwarrow king in the mountain halls.

• Height m 46” + 2d8” f 42” + 2d8”
• Weight m 140 + 2d10 lbs f 110 + 2d10 lbs <+ STR x 4 lbs>
• Hair Color light brown, red, auburn, blonde
• Eye Color brown, hazel, green
• Skin Color tan to a light brown
• Unusual Characteristics blocky build

Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.

You gain proficiency with woodcarver’s tools. When examining items made from wood, you have advantage on Intelligence checks to identify its material, its place of origin, and what the object may have been used for.

Hill dwarrow are much more agile than other dwarrow, well used to moving through the rough terrain, inclines, and canyons that make up their home. Your base movement speed increases to 30ft.

Referred to as the Url-Dimmen (“Children of the Dark”) in their own tongue, the deep dwarrow dwell far below the cities of the Mountain Kings, working primal forges fueled by volcanic streams, carving their cities out of stone. Nearly forgotten by their kin, deep dwarrow only nominally serve the Mountain Lords, more beholden to their own mysterious Url-King. The forge masters of the dwarrow, deep dwarrow are often tasked with working rarer metals or stone, items too precious or difficult to form to trust to the “clumsy” dwarrow in the upper corridors.

The deep dwarrow are a very secretive and mistrusting of outsiders.

• Height m 46” + 2d8” f 42” + 2d8”
• Weight m 140 + 2d10 lbs f 110 + 2d10 lbs <+ STR x 4 lbs>
• Hair Color black, grey
• Eye Color grey, rarely a vibrant “gemstone” color (blue, green, yellow, red)
• Skin Color pale white to various shades of light grey
• Unusual Characteristics blocky build

Your Charisma score increases by 1.

The earth almost seems to whisper its hidden secrets to the deep dwarrow. You gain advantage on rolls to find hidden doors, spaces, and passages in underground areas or worked stone.

You can scribe powerful runes on objects of stone or metal, which mimic the effects of certain spells. Spells cast or created with these runes do not require a component, but you must have an object to chisel or scribe the rune.
You know the mending cantrip, marking the area or item to be repaired with a rune. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the shield spell once per day, though you must be wearing metal armor or wielding a shield to cast the spell. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the magic weapon spell once per day. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

You have expertise with a single tool of your choice. You are able to shape stone and metal with your bare hands and may use your hands as a set of smith's tools and mason's supplies, with which you are proficient. In addition, for every day of downtime you spend crafting, you can craft one or more items with a total market value not exceeding 10 gp, and you must expend raw materials worth one-half the total market value. If something you want to craft has a market value greater than 10 gp, you make progress every day in 10 gp increments until you reach the market value of the item.

Dwelling in complete darkness, your darkvision is far more developed. You can see in dim light as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. In darkness, you are not able to discern colors, seeing only shades of grey.

You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in bright light.


You aren’t just greedy – you are genuinely obsessed with acquisition of wealth, primarily precious metals and gems. When not carrying wealth in the form of coins or gems equal to your level times 100 in gp value, you have disadvantage on any checks related to concentration or perception.

Beholding great riches may awaken the gold-lust that lies dormant within the hearts of the dwarrow. Whenever you are in the presence of wealth exceeding 1000 gp of value, or a legendary magic item, or an artifact, you must make a Wisdom saving throw. The DC is equal to 8 +1 for every 1000 gp of wealth. If you fail the saving throw you gain the following flaw: "This hoard is rightfully mine. Everyone covets and plots to steal it from me. I can trust no one."

This lasts until you are forced to make the saving throw again as described above.

While you can see or hear the sea, you have disadvantage on Wisdom and Charisma checks and saving throws.


“Being a cheerful race, the Took have no need for hope, as long as despair can be postponed. Food and drink can seemingly postpone despair eternally.” ~ Imperial Scholar Covinius Junii, Musings on the Small People

Optimistic and cheerful by nature, and blessed with uncanny luck, Took make up for their short stature with an abundance of helpfulness and a strong work ethic. At once excitable and easy-going, Took like to keep an even temper and a steady eye on opportunity, and are not as prone to violent or emotional outbursts as some of the more volatile races. Even in the jaws of catastrophe, Took almost never lose their sensibilities. Their ability to find a silver lining in the absurd, no matter how dire the situation, often allows Took to distance themselves ever so slightly from the dangers that surround them. This sense of detachment can also help shield them from terrors that might immobilize their allies.

Took possess a strong sense of hearth and home, often spending above their means to enhance the comforts of domestic life. Without a doubt, Took enjoy luxury and comfort, but they have equally strong reasons to make their homes a showcase. Took consider this urge to devote time, money, and energy toward improving their dwellings a sign of both respect for strangers and affection for their loved ones. Whether for their own blood kin, cherished friends, or honored guests, Took make their homes warm and comfortable in order to express their feelings toward those they welcome inside. Even traveling Took typically decorate their wagons or carry a few cherished keepsakes to adorn their campsites.

• Height m 40” + 4d4” f 36” + 3d4”
• Weight m 60 + 2d8 lbs f 55 + 2d8 lbs <+ STR>
• Hair Color see sub-race
• Eye Color see sub-race
• Skin Color see sub-race
• Unusual Characteristics slightly pointed ears, large (proportionally) and hairy feet
• Physical Maturity 13 years
• Lifespan 150 - 200 years
• Description: Took rise to a humble height of 4 feet. They prefer to walk barefoot, leading the bottoms of their feet to become roughly calloused. Tufts of thick, curly hair warm the tops of their broad, tanned feet. Their skin tends toward a rich cinnamon color and their hair toward light shades of brown. A Took’s ears are slightly pointed, but proportionately not much larger than those of a human. Took’s eyes are a warm brown or hazel. Took prefer simple and modest clothing. Though willing and able to dress up if the situation demands it, their racial urge to remain quietly in the background makes them rather conservative dressers in most situations.

Your Dexterity score increases by 2.

Took average about 4 feet tall and weigh about 50 pounds. Your size is small.

SPEED (-2)
Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die. You must use the new roll.

The Took rarely go without a good and respectable repast. During a short rest, you can elect to eat a full meal, which requires 1 lb of food. At the end of the short rest, you restore 1 hit dice in addition to any other benefits of the rest.

The Took are often not noticed (or seen as not particularly dangerous) and know how to use this to their advantage. You can take a Disengage or a Dash action as a bonus action on each of your turns.

You can speak Imperial Common and Tookish. The Took language isn’t secret, but they are loath to share it with others. They write very little, so they don’t have a rich body of literature. Their oral tradition, however, is very strong. Almost all Took speak Imperial Common to converse with the people in whose lands they dwell or through which they are traveling.

“If most of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold as do the Took, it would be a brighter world.” ~ attributed to an Imperial Proconsul of Rill

“Breakfast, second breakfast, brunch, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, supper… did I forgot one? Ah yes, morning tea!" ~ the Tookish diet, as described by Fannolin Tubbwinnow

• Height m 40” + 4d4” f 36” + 3d4”
• Weight m 60 + 2d8 lbs f 55 + 2d8 lbs <+ STR>
• Hair Color brown, black
• Eye Color brown, green, hazel
• Skin Color caucasian
• Unusual Characteristics slightly pointed ears, large (proportionally) and hairy feet

Your Constitution score increases by 1.

You have advantage on saving throws against necromancy spells.

You have advantage on checks to balance or retain your footing and Strength (Athletics) climb checks.

At the end of a long rest , you may bring good fortune to a single creature that was within 10 feet of you for the entirety of the rest. The targeted creature gains 1 luck point, which may be used as a reaction and provides the creature with benefits of the Lucky feature for 1 hour. A creature may have a maximum of 1 luck point at any given time.

“It’s part of what we call the Shadow, all the dark parts of us we can’t face. It’s the thing that, if we don’t deal with it, eventually poisons our soul. Just remember my son, everything that is, casts a Shadow.” ~ Eddiases Moondead, a penned letter to his son before “fading”.

Quiet and observant, almost to the point of sinister, and driven by a powerful desire to know all secrets, Shadow Took are a mysterious race, one whose origin is buried in mystery. At most a distant cousin of the Burrow Took, these Halflings do not exhibit the solid and easy-going nature of their near kin, generally being morose and known for capriciousness and cruelty. Even in the jaws of catastrophe, Shadow Tooks exhibit a cruel sense of humor and a dark outlook, more sadistic than melancholy. They find humor in others misery, no matter how dire the situation, though without wishing death or permanent harm – cruelty and pain are just part of life after all. Shadow Took have a sense of detachment from the world, wrapping themselves in silence and shadows to hide from terrors that might immobilize their allies.

Shadow Tooks are ruthless opportunists, especially when it comes to knowledge and lore. They firmly believe they alone have a given right to secret writings and occult tomes. Often unable to physically impose their will on others, they skulk in the shadows waiting for their opportunity.

Though some strange passion drives them to seek knowledge, and their nature seems disloyal at best and darkly cruel and murderous at worst, Shadow Took possess strong clan and family bonds. Without a doubt, a Shadow Took will endure great danger to defend their clan and family from outsiders. Shadow Took dwell in the ruins of a cursed Dwvarvan city, making the collapsed halls a place to live, but not a home. Shadow Took live somewhat simple and spartan lives, which is seemingly at odd with their larcenous bent. The truth is, most Shadow Took take to advance the fortunes of their family and race. Knowledge is gathered and stored in the most precious of all buildings in the Shadow Took community, the library.

• Height m 42” + 4d4” f 38” + 3d4”
• Weight m 50 + 2d8 lbs f 40 + 2d8 lbs <+ STR>
• Hair Color black
• Eye Color grey, green, hazel
• Skin Color pale
• Unusual Characteristics slightly pointed ears, large (proportionally) and hairy feet

Your Charisma score increases by 1.

A Shadow Took may briefly fade from sight, changing their appearance to that of a translucent shadow roughly in the shape of a person. Their physical form still exists and they are not incorporeal—only their appearance changes. This effect lasts for 1 minute. In areas of dim light, this functions like invisibility.

After you use shadow’s child, you can’t use it again until you complete a short or a long rest.

- Or -

A Shadow Took may briefly join their form with the stuff of the shadow realm, changing their appearance to that of a small ball of shadowy darkness, roughly 6 inches in diameter. This transformation requires an action. While transformed you retain all of your game statistics (including the ability to speak), replace your base speed with a flying speed of 30 feet, and shed dim light in a 10 foot radius.
Shadow transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you choose to revert to your natural form (which requires a bonus action).

While in this form you can use a bonus action to teleport up to 15 feet to an unoccupied space that is within dim light that you can see. You cannot perform any other actions, bonus actions or reactions except to move, teleport, or revert to your natural form.

After you use shadow transformation, you can’t use it again until you complete a short or a long rest.

Shadow Took have an innate able to transmit sound through the corridors of the shadow realm. You know the message cantrip which you can cast as a bonus action. You do not require any components to cast this spell.

You have proficiency in your choice of the Charisma (Deception) or Charisma (Persuasion) skills and know one additional language of your choice.

The bog took – also called the ghost took – are burrow folk that long ago retreated to the deep bogs, marches, and swamps of their land in order to avoid subjecting themselves to imperial rule. Long dwelling in their hidden villages amidst this dangerous and unforgiving environment, the bog took have had to learn to survive on little. Constantly under threat, bog took utilize the art of misdirection as a tool of survival.

Generally not seen as dour or untrustworthy as the shadow took, the bog took are still not as cheerful and optimistic as their burrow took cousins – adopting a much more fatalistic outlook on life.

DM Note: Bog took, as a necessity, must master the weapons and tools required to survive in the swamps. Being skilled with slings, two-pronged spears, and the net are common.

Bog Took are use mimicry as a form of defense and misdirection. You know the minor illusion cantrip, using Charisma for the save DC. You can only use it to create illusory noises, but other creatures have disadvantage on checks to identify the false sounds.

The Bog Took are as likely to bring bad luck as to benefit from good fortune. When another creature you can see makes an ability check, attack roll or saving throw, you can give them disadvantage on that roll.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you complete a short or a long rest.

Bog Took have mastered the unwelcoming environment that they live in. You move lightly across the surfaces of bogs and marshes, never sinking into mud or being hindered vegetation or shallow water. You do not consider mud, plants, or standing water to be difficult terrain. In addition, when in a swamp or marsh environment, you gain advantage on any Wisdom (Survival) checks.

You have advantage on saving throws against poison and disease, and you have resistance against poison damage.

Equipment designed for a Took is naturally smaller than those created for large folk, using less material and generally costing less.

Took only pay half the listed cost for any armor or clothing or weapons due to their diminutive stature. All weapons sized for a Took have the Small weapon property, having their damage reduced one step (to a minimum of 1d4), in addition to their normal properties.

When wielding weapons sized for a medium creature, Took cannot wield heavy or two-handed weapons, must use versatile weapons with two hands, and cannot benefit from the light or finesse properties.

In addition, select one of the following:

You not only relish your six daily meals, but you find it hard to live life without them. In fact, eating less than five meals a day leaves you lethargic and more than a little snippy in your attitude. You require two pounds of food per day (one pound is considered half rations) and can only go without food for half the usual amount of days (see PHB p185). At the end of each day beyond that limit, you automatically suffer one level of exhaustion.

At character creation you may choose to reduce your move speed by 5 feet. If you do so, you gain 5 temporary hit points. These temporary hit points are restored whenever you take a short rest. You may not change this condition unless you spend 60 downtime days, after which you may adjust this amount up or down by 5. Downtime days spent doing another downtime activity qualify for this change.

The habit of smoking is more than just a relaxing social activity – you must have your pipe and time to smoke every few hours at the very least. When you can’t smoke, you get extremely irritable. The character must have enough tobacco to smokes at least once per short rest and twice per long rest (about 1 pound of Dragonweed total, ¼ pounds per use). If you miss one of these smoke periods, you have disadvantage on all Charisma-based skill checks for that day.

This penalty lasts until such time as you can complete a full day of your smoking routine.

2018-07-29, 01:16 AM
These do seem pretty cool, though I do have a gripe or two with some of the races.

~ Thanks! I expected there to be issues… if nobody found anything broken or odd, I think I’d immediately retire from homebrewing feeling like I won! : )

The Common humans I really like, since I think that the idea of humans being good at surviving is cool and provides them with a good niche they otherwise tend to lack in fantasy works. I think this covers that pretty well.

~ Commoners worked out well. There’s definitely been a lot of work done in the homebrew community that I was able to leverage and you’re exactly correct – the niche here is survival (as a race). I think of humans as the cockroaches of fantasy races in this campaign.

The Seaborn do seem a little bit sparse when compared to the other Western races, but that might just be by nature of their theme being a little more niche.

~ I agree. It’s hard to thematically align with the sea in a new way without bringing magic into the equation. These races are intended for a low magic/dark/gritty style world so I really tried to avoid granting an overtly magical perks to a race unless the lore/flavor called for it.

I have a couple of ideas to make the Seaborn a little less bland and will update them when I add in the next batch of races.

The Southern blooded humans seem a little bit bland, lacking a real niche for themselves. The desert theme seems like it isn't done as well as it is with the Western desert race and otherwise, they just seem ok thematically.

~ Well, it’s somewhat intended. All the human races with the exception of the Western Blood (and their sub-clans) are not native to the world and, thus, are more “common”. The Southern Blood humans were meant more to reflect an earth based culture (Egypt, Persia, Northern Africa) than create a large palette of features.

The big thing with the Stone-Pacted is less about them in itself and more about the gun powder proficiency in general. Largely the role that gunpowder plays in the setting. If it's relatively common and firearms are pretty much normal, or a little bit more powerful, weapons, that should be fine. But if firearms are either very rare or very powerful, then giving them automatic proficiency seems like it might be a little bit hard to work around. In this situation, if you consider there being one party member with these weapons from the beginning, it would be easy for them to take over every encounter by virtue of their superior weaponry. So just be careful there and keep in mind the role firearms have in this world.

~ Gunpowder (black powder) is definitely present and – though currently not exceedingly common – is making inroads as the populace (and governments) turn away from magic. In this world, magic is very much blamed for the cataclysm that placed the world in its current state and – from the perspective of rulers – is seen as too difficult to control.

The gunpowder weaponry I’ve introduced into this world doesn’t completely outclass standard weaponry for a few reasons: 1) reloading is a very cumbersome process 2) preserving the powder can be difficult and 3) repairing of gunpowder weapons requires specialized knowledge and tools.

I don’t love this feature and may look for a replacement.

For the Uttin, I think they're an interesting race, and I really like how they manage to capture the theme of the Ogier, but I do have a few issues with them. A speed of 20 does seem really slow. I feel like 25 might be able to capture the same theme but be less crippling.

~ I experimented with both…and here’s why I settled on 20. As a large race, the Uttin occupy a 10x10 area (essentially replicating a 10-foot reach). So, while they can only “move” 20 feet, in regards to combat behavior, they perform like a 25-foot movement character. If I’d given them a base speed of 25-feet, it would have ended up as a non-penalty due to their reach. Hopefully that makes sense. I’m going to inset the Large race rules here so you can properly judge the value of the Large size.

The other issue is with the Way of the Leaf styled features. Personally, I think that giving a race or class features that actively dissuade the player from engaging in combat makes it hard to play that class or race because of how much combat is a huge focus in most campaigns. If you are playing a Roleplay heavy campaign, this is less of an issue, but if you anticipate a lot of combat, then these are very hard features to work around.

~ I personally really gravitate to a choices + consequences style of design (ha! My players “love” it). This is certainly a difficult choice that Uttin face. I didn’t feel like the 1-2 psychic damage was ultimately too onerous through – especially at higher levels. I’ve a number of ideas on how to tweak it and make it less painful (or less obviously a “don’t fight or else” option). I'll ponder this some and perhaps update.

Particularly the second one. The damaging feature seems like it would be less crippling if it had a demerit to capture the theme, but didn't damage. As for the second, a permanent demerit is huge. Giving no way to remove it whatsoever makes it incredibly hard, because if this effects a character, they are downright weaker than the rest of the party for the rest of the campaign. I wouldn't really have an issue with this otherwise if there were at least some way to cure it later on, maybe through extended meditation or something. That being said, being a fan of the Wheel of Time myself, I do think this is a cool race.

~ You’re right. This needs to be corrected. Far too punishing. Will revise.