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2018-07-26, 06:31 PM
Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18orDGq3mdCQtCzKfnkoueIYEcWScWTpmm8B2q2-EqkY/edit?usp=sharing)

Hard lines are walls, designating buildings. Dotted lines are fences.

1: Drawbridge
2: Watchtowers
3: Town Square + Nightstone
4A: Delfryndel Residence
4B: Osstra Farm
4C: Southwell Farm
4D: Hulvaarn Farm
4E: Summerhawk Residence
4F: Agganor Residence
4G: Nesper Farm
4H: Xelbrin Residence
5: Temple
6A: Nandar Crypt/Graveyard
6B: North Graveyard
7: Stable House
8: Nightstone Inn
9: Trading Post
10: Windmill
11: Bridge
12: Gate To The Keep
13: Inner Bailey
14: Nandar Keep

Nightstone is a motte-and-bailey fortification built on the Ardeep River. The settlement's general features are summarized here.

Bailey. A 15-foot-high wooden palisade encloses the village bailey. The palisade's logs rise to sharpened points, and the gaps between the logs are sealed with tar. The palisade and its stone watchtowers can't be climbed without the aid of climbing gear or magic.

All the buildings in the village except the watchtowers are made of wood and have steep, shingled rooftops. Muddy paths connect them. Moat. Water from the river fills the moat to a depth of 15 feet. The moat is 30 feet wide, narrowing to a width of 20 feet under the drawbridge. The moat is home to schools of trout.

Motte. The keep overlooking the village stands atop a constructed, funnel-shaped hill called a motte. The rocky slopes of the motte are covered with loose shale, and scaling these slopes without climbing gear or magic is quite difficult.

Encircling the motte's keep is an 8-foot-high stone parapet with a 15-foot-high outer curtain wall made of thick wooden planks perforated with shuttered archer windows. The outer walls of the keep are made of smooth, tightly fitted stone bricks. The keep and the outer curtain wall can't be climbed without the aid of climbing gear or magic.

Agganor Family: Destiny Agganor is a no-nonsense tiefling midwife who takes regular trips to the relatively-nearby town of Neverwinter to get supplies and visit friends. Her adult human son Grin tends to Lady Nandar's stables, and occasionally assists both his mother and the Summerhawk's with keeping townsfolk healthy.

Delfryndel Family: This human family operates the windmill. Currently there are three generations: Renarra, her sons Olaf and Zalf, Zalf's wife Elize, and their children Darson and Hildy. All are good dependable farmfolk who look out for each other and their friends. Renarra's husband and the family patriarch died last year when Nightstone was attacked by elves, and the family as a whole has become less tolerant of other races in that time, particularly elves.

Hulvaarn Family: This human family harvests potatoes and turnips. Nester runs the business side of the farm, while his son Godrick and Godrick's son Ellis and Ghalt handle the labor. Godrick's wife Prennis and their daughter Jehanna keep the house in order and occasionally go out into the forest to pick fruits; Jehanna in particular seems to have an affinity for flitting into the highest branches for a sweet treat.

Nesper Family: This human family harvests pumpkin and squash. Bromir, Ingred work the farm, with the occasional assistance of their adult daughter Sylda, teen girl Yondra, and young boy Sarvin - although the two younger siblings have a bad habit of going around town pulling pranks when they're not working.

Osstra Family: This human family harvests wheat. The family is largely run by by Olga, the sharp-eyed matriarch with a reputation as a savvy negotiator. Her son Brynn, his husband Thelbin, Brynn's sister Beatrice, and Beatrice's adult son Broland keep the farm running, although it's no secret that Broland itches for a chance to explore the world beyond Nightstone.

Southwell Family: Semile Southwell is a widow whose husband died defending Nightstone. She raises pigs and chickens to sell as meat through the winter to the other families, to the Lady, to the tavern, and to the trader. Semile likes getting visitors, and the children about town can often be seen going in and out to chat with the nice old lady.

Summerhawk Family: The Summerhawks are a family of halflings: Larlow and Taela, a pair of apothecaries whose herbs help soothe the townsfolk's troubles, and their four children (Barley, Midge, Nincy, and Dollop). Taela can often be seen haranging her husband for his antics about town, although the rest of the time it's pretty clear she loves him dearly.

Xelbrin Family: Melantha is a notary and record keeper who moved here a few years back at Lady Nandar's request, along with her husband Lathan. The two of them largely keep to themselves except when they have business, although they seem pleasant enough should one decide to visit.

The Temple: Hiral Mystrum maintains this temple dedicated to Lathander (god of the dawn) and Mielikki (goddess of forests). The young man takes his duties as steward very seriously, despite the small scale of the town and church, but when not busy has a reputation as a shameless gossip.

Nightstone Inn: This establishment is owned and operated by Morak Ur'gray, a stoutly dwarf with an infectious laugh and a natural charisma that serves him well in his line of work. The old dwarf is an eternal optimist, and has a great deal of faith in Lady Nandar's ability to keep Nightstone running smoothly.

Trading Post: This outpost of the Lionshield Coster is run by Darthag Ulgar, a gruff trader who doesn't rip anybody off, but refuses to be ripped off himself and has a keen eye for value and potential value. He occasionally takes to the road to trade more interesting items (both buying and selling), and often offers good coin for those that can perform some relatively simple tasks.

The Nandars Of Nightstone: The beauty of Ardeep Forest and the mystique of its elven ruins have long attracted nobles from Waterdeep. The nobles of House Nandar had a hunting lodge in the forest two centuries ago, but elves forced them to abandon it. Ten years ago, members of House Nandar-Lord Drezlin Nandar and Lady Velrosa Nandar--decided it was time to return. They built a new motte-and-bailey settlement south of the Ardeep Forest and began making forays into the woods with friends to hunt and explore. Unknown to the Nandars, wood elves from Evermeet then settled in the forest, determined to protect the remnants of old elf empires from plunder and desecration. As in the past, the interests of the elves and Nandars were at cross purposes.

A year ago, the conflict came to a head, and the elves attacked Nightstone. Drezlin was among the many slainshot and killed by elf arrows while standing on the roof of his keep. His widow, Lady Velrosa Nandar, made peace with the elves and promised to make no further incursions into the Ardeep Forest-a promise she intends to keep for the rest of her life.

Additionally, some twenty guards make their home in the keep, in the barracks, in the watchtowers, and in some small houses surrounding Nightstone.

Today begins, as normal a day in Nightstone as any other. Where are you, and what are you doing?

2018-07-26, 07:13 PM
Kriv awakes on his bed made of stone and a mattress filled with straw in the cellar. It was not his preferred place to sleep but Darthag has convinced the large creature to take his room there because he feared the old wooden house would not accept his weight any longer. It was true, the red dragonborn had been eating very much in the last few months and years. He always awoke a bit late, because as usual, he was roaming around town the night before. Chasing women, alcohol and thrill of games and of song. But he missed the long journeys with his father to travel far to trade goods, the adventures that lay on the wayside. Not that he experienced many of them. Kriv once almost gutted a passing friend of Darthag for surprising him. At another time he met a crew of kobolds that tried to trap the caravan but they started to revere Kriv like a god when they saw him.

So the large creature rolled himself out of the bed and before he could completely close the door that leads from the basement to the ground floor, he got swatted by his foster father with a big roll of tax reports. I don't pay you to sleep, Kriv. Bring this knife set to Olga. This cook book belongs to Semile. Tell her, her casserole was great. Destiny needs these oils and bandages. Kriv looked at him with the look of a young man that hasn't finished his sleep yet. "What're you looking for? Go, go, you can eat breakfast later." As if to punctuate Darthag's sentence, Kriv's stomach grumbled. It was just as upset with Ulgar's choices as Kriv himself. The red lizard made a nice bundle out of the things he had to deliver and took his halberd like a walking stick and headed out.

2018-07-26, 07:37 PM
Nina for her part was doing what she did every morning.

Setting up for the highlight of deary Nightstone's day, the fabulous Nina puppet show! YAY!!!!

Climbing up to the stage that hung off the inn in the wee hours of the morning, Nina stuck her body in the crevasse of the understage preventing children from seeing her, and ruining the non magical illusion.

Now kids. She said as puppet Nina to the group of kids and eager for a break parents that had assembled before the stage. Sit back, and let big me, tell you the ballad, the life, the dream of Castius Maximus. She said has her other hand pulls out a puppet of a grey robed and wizard hatted man with a long white beard and angry casting eyes.

And so the story began.

Performance [roll0]

2018-07-26, 08:55 PM
Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Markas rose before the sun and completed his morning ablutions and prayers to the Seladrine, ate a light breakfast and then hitched up his pack. He was a little light on coin and figured he might venture into the woods and forage some herbs to either trade or if the Summerhawks weren't particularly interested, turn into a restorative tincture.

[roll0] - relevant modifiers - Survival +5, Herbalism Kit - +2, Nature +0

He did not stray too far into the woods so that he could make it to town when he knew the Summerhawk's or at least one of them would be awake. Once the drawbridge was down for the day, he walked across the drawbridge, greeting the guards on duty, and went directly to the Summerhawk house to trade.

Markas knocked politely on their door and called out

"Larlow? Taela? It's Markas."

Orsik Vondal
2018-07-26, 11:39 PM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Former City Guardsman

Like every morning for the past week Rook rolls out bed in a meager room of the Nightstone Inn and begins his daily routine. Fifty push-ups. 100 abdominal crunches. Then he moves on to the various martial fighting forms to still his body and meditation to calm his mind. Once finished, he wipes himself down with the cloth and water basin in the room. Small clothes. Pants. Shirt. Doublet. Boots. Sword belt. Like the seasons. Everyday. Just like it was back in the Guard.

The City Guard. Life was good back then. Routine. Discipline. It made sense. Now you're just trying to hold out one more day. How did you fall so far?

Rook mentally shook himself. He couldn't follow that path of thinking. It only led to pain and regret. He had to keep moving forward. Not back. He heads downstairs to see what work Morak had for him today.

"Good morning, Morak. What's on the docket for today?"

"And good mornin' to ye, Rook! I'll be needin' tha wheat I ordered from tha Osstra farm. I need it to brew me stout. We're runnin' low. Don't be lettin' that Broland keep you long. We got lots to do today. And oh! Before you go. How've those meditations been goin'?"

"Well. I think they're helping."

With that Rook heads out to the Osstra Farm. On his way he stops at the Nandar Crypt to pay his respects to Drezlin. "Be well, my friend. And I'm sorry."

When he gets to the Osstra farmstead, Rook attempts to hurry business along in order to avoid the most inquisitive Osstra, Broland. The boy was just too impulsive. He didn't know the dangers that lay in wait outside the walls of Nightstone. And Rook wasn't going to feed the fire by telling stories of his days hunting with Drezlin. Plus, it brought up too many bad memories.

Once the wheat is paid for, Rook takes a more circuitous route back to the Nightstone Inn swinging by the Trading Post to have quick word with Kriv. They pass each other in transit and exchange pleasantries making plans to spar after the day's work was done. One day he might get through to that kid. Though Rook was quickly becoming "the old guy" in Kriv's eyes, it still made him smile when he bested the dragonborn in a match. Nothing like getting beat to make you respect your elders. Heh.

Sack of grain slung over his shoulder, Rook makes the decision to pick up a pumpkin for Morak, even though he didn't ask. Morak loved making pies, so he wouldn't mind the detour.

"Um...hi, Sylda. It's been a while."

"Fancy seeing you around here. I'd've expected you to still be sleeping off whatever you drank last night." Rook's face creases in pain. Sylda sighs. "What do you want, Rook? I have work to do."

"I guess I deserve that. But you should know that I've given up drinking. Haven't touched a drop for a week!" Rook pauses waiting for a response that doesn't come. "Well, um..." He runs his free hand through his salt and pepper hair. "Uh...Morak sent me to get a pumpkin. He's making one of his famous pumpkin pies. If you want, I can save you a piece. Maybe bring it by later?" He looks at Sylda with sad, expectant eyes.

"What do you want me to say, Rook? That months of not talking and isolating yourself while you're drowning in ale is all forgiven, because you've been sober for a week? She puts a hand to her forehead and takes a long breath. She turns around and picks out a big orange gourd from the cart behind her. Sylda unceremoniously hands it to Rook. His hand briefly touches hers in the exchange. She has been pointedly looking elsewhere throughout the conversation, but with the contact she looks up in his face.

Rook flashes a small smile. "I'm sorry. I know I hurt you. Just...give me another chance. Each day it gets...better, easier. To be who I was before--I'm going to get my old post back, and everything will be okay again." He let's out a breath and looks around not knowing exactly what to do. "Uh...so...I'll save you a piece of pie. And if you want to, you can come by the Inn tonight and pick it up." He doesn't wait for an answer in case it wasn't what he wanted to hear and walks back to the Nightstone Inn.

After being grilled about his encounter with Sylda Nesper, Rook helps Morak set up the tavern for the afternoon and evening crowd. That done, he heads across the bridge to the training yard in the bailey to spar with Kriv. After a few rounds Rook heads back to the Inn hoping the whole way that a certain lady would stop in for some pie.

2018-07-27, 03:12 AM
Something to Rook was off. Maybe it was the fact that some guards turned their heads. Maybe it's the cats that suddenly jump up from their sunbathing to get to safer pastures. Rook however dives under Kriv's attack with a whole leg of ham and comes up, kicking Kriv in the shin during the process to make him waver. The large dragonborn wasn't born yesterday but instead of dodging the trip, he simply forces his full body weight on the attacked leg. The old man makes an almost impossible move and pushes Kriv's head down while kicking the other leg too, making the giant fall down. It's a sound as if a small tree was felled.

Ey, what gives? Now my food is dirty! the big guy shouts while lying next to Rook who quickly does a recovery move and stands next to Kriv in attack position. Semile's gonna be mad if I don't finish it. he says while taking a big bite out of the meat. I promised you to spar, Rook, but I do not have enough time today. And besides, you know my every move - and I know yours. Besides besides - you should really eat more. The dragon stands up again and punches Rook's abdomen in a playful manner. See, nothing but muscles and bones. If you ever fall over or get lost in the woods, you're dead within the day!

As Kriv notices the middle aged man doesn't even listen to him, he decides to change his approach. Maybe we visit Nina at her puppet show? This town is too far out to be covered by Neverwinter's patrols. We should try to inspire the kids to become important members of this community. It's a small town and ever since the at- Kriv knew he said too much. Let's go, oldtimer. He lays his claws onto Rook's back as if to push him forward, and out of his stupor.

2018-07-28, 06:45 AM
Kriv awakes on his bed made of stone and a mattress filled with straw in the cellar. It was not his preferred place to sleep but Darthag has convinced the large creature to take his room there because he feared the old wooden house would not accept his weight any longer. It was true, the red dragonborn had been eating very much in the last few months and years. He always awoke a bit late, because as usual, he was roaming around town the night before. Chasing women, alcohol and thrill of games and of song. But he missed the long journeys with his father to travel far to trade goods, the adventures that lay on the wayside. Not that he experienced many of them. Kriv once almost gutted a passing friend of Darthag for surprising him. At another time he met a crew of kobolds that tried to trap the caravan but they started to revere Kriv like a god when they saw him.

So the large creature rolled himself out of the bed and before he could completely close the door that leads from the basement to the ground floor, he got swatted by his foster father with a big roll of tax reports. I don't pay you to sleep, Kriv. Bring this knife set to Olga. This cook book belongs to Semile. Tell her, her casserole was great. Destiny needs these oils and bandages. Kriv looked at him with the look of a young man that hasn't finished his sleep yet. "What're you looking for? Go, go, you can eat breakfast later." As if to punctuate Darthag's sentence, Kriv's stomach grumbled. It was just as upset with Ulgar's choices as Kriv himself. The red lizard made a nice bundle out of the things he had to deliver and took his halberd like a walking stick and headed out.

A guard just entering the trading post holds the door for Kriv as he passes through. But nevermind that, you've got deliveries to make, provided you don't wish to skip to the sparring in narrative time. :smalltongue:

Nina for her part was doing what she did every morning.

Setting up for the highlight of deary Nightstone's day, the fabulous Nina puppet show! YAY!!!!

Climbing up to the stage that hung off the inn in the wee hours of the morning, Nina stuck her body in the crevasse of the understage preventing children from seeing her, and ruining the non magical illusion.

Now kids. She said as puppet Nina to the group of kids and eager for a break parents that had assembled before the stage. Sit back, and let big me, tell you the ballad, the life, the dream of Castius Maximus. She said has her other hand pulls out a puppet of a grey robed and wizard hatted man with a long white beard and angry casting eyes.

And so the story began.

Performance [roll0]

The gathered children start getting invested in the story; Sylda drops by now and again to make sure her siblings haven't run off to get into trouble, and while she seems to be in a mood over something, her demeanor improves just a hair when she's here. You even see her cracking smiles now and again, success!

Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Markas rose before the sun and completed his morning ablutions and prayers to the Seladrine, ate a light breakfast and then hitched up his pack. He was a little light on coin and figured he might venture into the woods and forage some herbs to either trade or if the Summerhawks weren't particularly interested, turn into a restorative tincture.

[roll0] - relevant modifiers - Survival +5, Herbalism Kit - +2, Nature +0

He did not stray too far into the woods so that he could make it to town when he knew the Summerhawk's or at least one of them would be awake. Once the drawbridge was down for the day, he walked across the drawbridge, greeting the guards on duty, and went directly to the Summerhawk house to trade.

Markas knocked politely on their door and called out

"Larlow? Taela? It's Markas."

Markas' haul isn't too significant this morning; it seems this areas been picked clean by various forager animals - and himself, for that matter. He makes a note to wander a bit further to seek out new patches, and takes what he's found to the couple. The door opens and the excitable Larlow Summerhawk stands there smilin' nice and wide at you. "Markas! Guid mornin', glad tae see ye oot 'n' aboot toun! Dinnae suppose ye'd be willin' tae jyne me fur a dram oan this bonnie day, eh?"

Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Former City Guardsman

Like every morning for the past week Rook rolls out bed in a meager room of the Nightstone Inn and begins his daily routine. Fifty push-ups. 100 abdominal crunches. Then he moves on to the various martial fighting forms to still his body and meditation to calm his mind. Once finished, he wipes himself down with the cloth and water basin in the room. Small clothes. Pants. Shirt. Doublet. Boots. Sword belt. Like the seasons. Everyday. Just like it was back in the Guard.

The City Guard. Life was good back then. Routine. Discipline. It made sense. Now you're just trying to hold out one more day. How did you fall so far?

Rook mentally shook himself. He couldn't follow that path of thinking. It only led to pain and regret. He had to keep moving forward. Not back. He heads downstairs to see what work Morak had for him today.

"Good morning, Morak. What's on the docket for today?"

"And good mornin' to ye, Rook! I'll be needin' tha wheat I ordered from tha Osstra farm. I need it to brew me stout. We're runnin' low. Don't be lettin' that Broland keep you long. We got lots to do today. And oh! Before you go. How've those meditations been goin'?"

"Well. I think they're helping."

With that Rook heads out to the Osstra Farm. On his way he stops at the Nandar Crypt to pay his respects to Drezlin. "Be well, my friend. And I'm sorry."

When he gets to the Osstra farmstead, Rook attempts to hurry business along in order to avoid the most inquisitive Osstra, Broland. The boy was just too impulsive. He didn't know the dangers that lay in wait outside the walls of Nightstone. And Rook wasn't going to feed the fire by telling stories of his days hunting with Drezlin. Plus, it brought up too many bad memories.

Once the wheat is paid for, Rook takes a more circuitous route back to the Nightstone Inn swinging by the Trading Post to have quick word with Kriv. They pass each other in transit and exchange pleasantries making plans to spar after the day's work was done. One day he might get through to that kid. Though Rook was quickly becoming "the old guy" in Kriv's eyes, it still made him smile when he bested the dragonborn in a match. Nothing like getting beat to make you respect your elders. Heh.

Sack of grain slung over his shoulder, Rook makes the decision to pick up a pumpkin for Morak, even though he didn't ask. Morak loved making pies, so he wouldn't mind the detour.

"Um...hi, Sylda. It's been a while."

"Fancy seeing you around here. I'd've expected you to still be sleeping off whatever you drank last night." Rook's face creases in pain. Sylda sighs. "What do you want, Rook? I have work to do."

"I guess I deserve that. But you should know that I've given up drinking. Haven't touched a drop for a week!" Rook pauses waiting for a response that doesn't come. "Well, um..." He runs his free hand through his salt and pepper hair. "Uh...Morak sent me to get a pumpkin. He's making one of his famous pumpkin pies. If you want, I can save you a piece. Maybe bring it by later?" He looks at Sylda with sad, expectant eyes.

"What do you want me to say, Rook? That months of not talking and isolating yourself while you're drowning in ale is all forgiven, because you've been sober for a week? She puts a hand to her forehead and takes a long breath. She turns around and picks out a big orange gourd from the cart behind her. Sylda unceremoniously hands it to Rook. His hand briefly touches hers in the exchange. She has been pointedly looking elsewhere throughout the conversation, but with the contact she looks up in his face.

Rook flashes a small smile. "I'm sorry. I know I hurt you. Just...give me another chance. Each day it gets...better, easier. To be who I was before--I'm going to get my old post back, and everything will be okay again." He let's out a breath and looks around not knowing exactly what to do. "Uh...so...I'll save you a piece of pie. And if you want to, you can come by the Inn tonight and pick it up." He doesn't wait for an answer in case it wasn't what he wanted to hear and walks back to the Nightstone Inn.

After being grilled about his encounter with Sylda Nesper, Rook helps Morak set up the tavern for the afternoon and evening crowd. That done, he heads across the bridge to the training yard in the bailey to spar with Kriv. After a few rounds Rook heads back to the Inn hoping the whole way that a certain lady would stop in for some pie.

Sylda gives a light sigh as she watches him go, before returning to her own errands - including checking in on her rascal siblings to make sure they haven't run off or something.

Something to Rook was off. Maybe it was the fact that some guards turned their heads. Maybe it's the cats that suddenly jump up from their sunbathing to get to safer pastures. Rook however dives under Kriv's attack with a whole leg of ham and comes up, kicking Kriv in the shin during the process to make him waver. The large dragonborn wasn't born yesterday but instead of dodging the trip, he simply forces his full body weight on the attacked leg. The old man makes an almost impossible move and pushes Kriv's head down while kicking the other leg too, making the giant fall down. It's a sound as if a small tree was felled.

Ey, what gives? Now my food is dirty! the big guy shouts while lying next to Rook who quickly does a recovery move and stands next to Kriv in attack position. Semile's gonna be mad if I don't finish it. he says while taking a big bite out of the meat. I promised you to spar, Rook, but I do not have enough time today. And besides, you know my every move - and I know yours. Besides besides - you should really eat more. The dragon stands up again and punches Rook's abdomen in a playful manner. See, nothing but muscles and bones. If you ever fall over or get lost in the woods, you're dead within the day!

As Kriv notices the middle aged man doesn't even listen to him, he decides to change his approach. Maybe we visit Nina at her puppet show? This town is too far out to be covered by Neverwinter's patrols. We should try to inspire the kids to become important members of this community. It's a small town and ever since the at- Kriv knew he said too much. Let's go, oldtimer. He lays his claws onto Rook's back as if to push him forward, and out of his stupor.

Some of the watching guards get a bit of a chuckle seeing the big guy tumble, but mostly they're just impressed by the display of martial artistry on both sides. Before too long, the captain comes along to chastise them 'bout standing around when there's drills to run and watchtowers to clean.

2018-07-28, 09:14 AM
And by gum, that's the story of Castus Maximus, the little wizard that could. Nina said as Castus stood over a group of puppet bodies.

He saved the kingdom, wooed the princess, and was the most metal wizard to have ever lived! She continued as Castus Maximus bowed for her audience.

Earth Traveler
2018-07-28, 02:10 PM
Zora woke up in the common room of the Nighstone Inn, same as every day. Playing lute in front of the temple for the coins people tossed your way wasn't exactly a path to affluence, but she didn't care about that. All she cared about as far as that went was drawing more people to the temple... although given how small the town was, she wasn't sure how successful she was being at that either. Still, being around the temple enabled her to help the people who came in, with healing or comforting words. Hiral didn't seem to greatly appreciate any attempts by her to spread worship of Chauntea, though.

Zora grabbed her lute and ate her usual breakfast of bread, cheese, and a mug of ale. She then walked over in front of the temple and began performing her usual hymns.


2018-07-28, 08:06 PM
Markas' haul isn't too significant this morning; it seems this areas been picked clean by various forager animals - and himself, for that matter. He makes a note to wander a bit further to seek out new patches, and takes what he's found to the couple. The door opens and the excitable Larlow Summerhawk stands there smilin' nice and wide at you. "Markas! Guid mornin', glad tae see ye oot 'n' aboot toun! Dinnae suppose ye'd be willin' tae jyne me fur a dram oan this bonnie day, eh?"

Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

"Well if you're sure, I will do my best to not break anything this time" Markas grinned sheepishly, somewhat relieved that he was still allowed inside after he almost toppled their china cabinet.
"I will only have one though, it is the top of the day after all."

Markas stepped into their home, which as usual comically made Markas look like a giant. He moved towards the table and gently moved a chair to the side. Sighing in relief when he managed to keep it in one, he then knelt on the floor seiza style in the space he vacated by the table and pulled out the small pouch of herbs he found and his puzzle cube that he kept on his person. Larlow knew by now that this was to stop him from picking up something else in the house and mindlessly fiddling with it until it eventually broke. The puzzle itself used to be solvable but after being broken so many times and mended with magic it probably couldn't be solved anymore. Markas himself didn't know as he'd never actually solved the thing.

Markas gingerly accepted the offered glass and took a sip before putting the glass down again and returning the puzzle cube to his hands and speaking to Larlow.

"I went and did a little foraging before the drawbridge came down, there's not much but you can have a look and see if you're interested. The edge of the forest is a bit sparse at the moment, to be expected I suppose, what with the local competition and all. Did you need anything in particular, I can keep my eye out for it next time I go."

2018-07-30, 06:53 AM
Some of the watching guards get a bit of a chuckle seeing the big guy tumble, but mostly they're just impressed by the display of martial artistry on both sides. Before too long, the captain comes along to chastise them 'bout standing around when there's drills to run and watchtowers to clean.

I don't think I have signed up with the guard, friend. Kriv bends forward to loom over the guard captain in an intimidating fashion. Kriv has done this before, and he seldomly threatens townsfolk.

Intimidate (w/ disadvantage because I think the captain knows Kriv too well for that)
[roll0] [roll1]

2018-07-30, 05:01 PM
And by gum, that's the story of Castus Maximus, the little wizard that could. Nina said as Castus stood over a group of puppet bodies.

He saved the kingdom, wooed the princess, and was the most metal wizard to have ever lived! She continued as Castus Maximus bowed for her audience.

The gathered children hoot and clap, clearly entertained by the story. You see a couple of the younger ones trying to sneak off, and you recognize them as Sylda's little siblings. What do you do?

Zora woke up in the common room of the Nighstone Inn, same as every day. Playing lute in front of the temple for the coins people tossed your way wasn't exactly a path to affluence, but she didn't care about that. All she cared about as far as that went was drawing more people to the temple... although given how small the town was, she wasn't sure how successful she was being at that either. Still, being around the temple enabled her to help the people who came in, with healing or comforting words. Hiral didn't seem to greatly appreciate any attempts by her to spread worship of Chauntea, though.

Zora grabbed her lute and ate her usual breakfast of bread, cheese, and a mug of ale. She then walked over in front of the temple and began performing her usual hymns.


Morak gives you a nod in greeting on your way out the door, but is too busy with morning customers to really chat right now. You see Hiral making his way out of the temple ahead of you, focused on a letter he's reading - focused enough he doesn't realize he nearly ran into Grin, who gives him a weird look before continuing to make his own way inside the church.

Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

"Well if you're sure, I will do my best to not break anything this time" Markas grinned sheepishly, somewhat relieved that he was still allowed inside after he almost toppled their china cabinet.
"I will only have one though, it is the top of the day after all."

Markas stepped into their home, which as usual comically made Markas look like a giant. He moved towards the table and gently moved a chair to the side. Sighing in relief when he managed to keep it in one, he then knelt on the floor seiza style in the space he vacated by the table and pulled out the small pouch of herbs he found and his puzzle cube that he kept on his person. Larlow knew by now that this was to stop him from picking up something else in the house and mindlessly fiddling with it until it eventually broke. The puzzle itself used to be solvable but after being broken so many times and mended with magic it probably couldn't be solved anymore. Markas himself didn't know as he'd never actually solved the thing.

Markas gingerly accepted the offered glass and took a sip before putting the glass down again and returning the puzzle cube to his hands and speaking to Larlow.

"I went and did a little foraging before the drawbridge came down, there's not much but you can have a look and see if you're interested. The edge of the forest is a bit sparse at the moment, to be expected I suppose, what with the local competition and all. Did you need anything in particular, I can keep my eye out for it next time I go."

Taela is inside, working her pestle and bowl as she flashes you a smile. "A'm sure whitevur ye'v found'll be helpful fur somethin', loue ~" she says, waving off your concerns with a jolly grin. "If nothin' else it'll gie this troublemaker somethin' freish tae experiment wi'." Larlow's protests of innocence fall on deaf elven ears, for it seems your drink has a touch of exotic garnish to it...perhaps not entirely unexpected, given your hosts, but still. :smalltongue:

I don't think I have signed up with the guard, friend. Kriv bends forward to loom over the guard captain in an intimidating fashion. Kriv has done this before, and he seldomly threatens townsfolk.

Intimidate (w/ disadvantage because I think the captain knows Kriv too well for that)
[roll0] [roll1]

Captain Fenran glares right back. The stout human straightens to his full six foot three - intimidating for most, though not so much for Kriv. "Ain't talkin' to you, Kriv, I'm talkin' to the layabouts too busy watching a fight to learn how to fight better." He glances back towards the group for a moment. "Speaking of which, since y'all let this distract you from drills, I think it's a good idea to get something out of it! It was quite the fight to see, but I hope you were paying attention cuz I'm gonna be grillin' your sorry behinds about the turning points and mistakes after you run a few extra laps 'round the keep!" The remaining guards double-time it around the perimeter, eager to escape the captain's hard gaze.

[roll0] or [roll1]

His glare softens to a hard look when he gazes back at the two of you. "That was a fine demonstration of martial prowess, I'm glad you two are able to give a good demonstration for them. I'm particularly glad to see how you're getting back into the swing of things, Rook."

2018-07-30, 05:20 PM
Paying attention, huh? People who know Kriv see a bad idea blossoming in his head and subsequently in his face. He changes his grip on his glaive and tries to sweep the captain off his feet.

(If I succeed I'll say: You may want to get lessons in comedic timing, Captain.)

Shove the captain! [roll0]

2018-07-30, 05:31 PM
Paying attention, huh? People who know Kriv see a bad idea blossoming in his head and subsequently in his face. He changes his grip on his glaive and tries to sweep the captain off his feet.

(If I succeed I'll say: You may want to get lessons in comedic timing, Captain.)

Shove the captain! [roll0]

Though Fenran notices the incoming shaft, it's a bit too late to brace himself properly and he lands awkwardly on his back. He groans lightly, and rolls to his feet while the guards - off on their laps - try not to visibly react to the tumble. This time, there's a lot more heat in the glare he directs at Kriv. "S'pose you think that's funny," he grumbles, rolling his shoulders to get the ache out. He flashes Kriv a not-too-friendly smile. "Think I need a bit of a walk to shake that off proper. Good day, citizen." He strolls smoothly down the bridge at an even pace.

2018-07-30, 05:54 PM
As Markas sips at his drink, his taste buds light up just a smidge, enough that it enhances the slight calm that seeps into his mood as the brew works its way into his system. He recognizes the more standard pipeweed, with what seems like a touch of ginyak mixed in, but the heat source eludes him for a moment before he recalls a vague memory of a friend returning from a hunt into the Underdark and twisting Markas' arm into trying a mouth-watering stew recipe he'd picked up from a deurgar scout. The key ingredient had been called 'fire lichen' and could be ground up and added to stews, soups, bread spreads, and even beer to give it a nice kick. This brew seems to have a much smaller dosage of the lichen, given your recollection of how the stew seemed to light your mouth on fire, to the point that it's a mild and surprisingly tasty kick that does more to enhance and bring out the other flavors than it does to overwhelm them.

2018-07-30, 06:02 PM
As Markas sips at his drink, his taste buds light up just a smidge, enough that it enhances the slight calm that seeps into his mood as the brew works its way into his system. He recognizes the more standard pipeweed, with what seems like a touch of ginyak mixed in, but the heat source eludes him for a moment before he recalls a vague memory of a friend returning from a hunt into the Underdark and twisting Markas' arm into trying a mouth-watering stew recipe he'd picked up from a deurgar scout. The key ingredient had been called 'fire lichen' and could be ground up and added to stews, soups, bread spreads, and even beer to give it a nice kick. This brew seems to have a much smaller dosage of the lichen, given your recollection of how the stew seemed to light your mouth on fire, to the point that it's a mild and surprisingly tasty kick that does more to enhance and bring out the other flavors than it does to overwhelm them.

Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

It takes a little for Markas' hearing to come back

"Blimey... I should have known that when you said a dram you meant something you've been tinkering with. I assume this is what you're referring to Taela. Let's see..."

Markas swirled the glass and nosed its contents before taking a very mild sip.

"Pipeweed, ginyak and... is that fire lichen? Well, I'm glad you've learned to back off a bit on the stuff. Have you been macerating the stuff in high proof spirit again or is this a direct distillation?"

Orsik Vondal
2018-07-30, 06:07 PM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Former City Guardsman

As the guard captain approaches Rook he straightens up. "Thank you, Captain Fenran, sir." Rook gives a hesitant salute as if he didn't know whether he should or not as a civilian.

When he sees Kriv begin to sweep the captain's leg, he rolls his eyes. He could try and lunge for the weapon, but if he missed it would only serve to dismantle the goodwill he had just engendered by his martial prowess. Once the Captain is out of earshot, he turns to Kriv and in a low tone says, "Fighting isn't only about winning, Kriv. It's about knowing when securing a small victory now could result in a bigger loss down the road." He claps the big lizard on the shoulder and turns him back toward town. "Take it from me. Every action you take has consequences intended or not."

They make their way back across the bridge and to the town square where a puppet show had just concluded.

2018-07-30, 06:49 PM
Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

It takes a little for Markas' hearing to come back

"Blimey... I should have known that when you said a dram you meant something you've been tinkering with. I assume this is what you're referring to Taela. Let's see..."

Markas swirled the glass and nosed its contents before taking a very mild sip.

"Pipeweed, ginyak and... is that fire lichen? Well, I'm glad you've learned to back off a bit on the stuff. Have you been macerating the stuff in high proof spirit again or is this a direct distillation?"

Larlow laughs. "Richt y'er! Ah tried oot a direct approach bit it cam oot tastin' funny. Anither few times thro', wi' tests noo 'n' again, 'n' ah think a've git somethin' worth plyin' oan Morak." Taela is rolling her eyes in the background, but he seems to not notice. "'n' a've a few mair ideas knocking aroond in mah heid. Hud tae order somethin' special fae an auld mukker doon sooth, bit if tis juist richt, we'll be able tae mak' a stew that's an' a' git a titch o' medicine in it wi'oot spoiling th' taste or th' herbs."

Taela swats as her husband softly, before turning to Markas: "Ah, dinnae let us keep ye tae lang babbling aboot recipes, deary, ah ken ye'v git yer ain errands tae run. 'ere, we made a crakin' spread wi' some o' th' lichen, shuid be juist enough kick tae spice hings up a bawherr wi'oot gaun overboard."

Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Former City Guardsman

As the guard captain approaches Rook he straightens up. "Thank you, Captain Fenran, sir." Rook gives a hesitant salute as if he didn't know whether he should or not as a civilian.

When he sees Kriv begin to sweep the captain's leg, he rolls his eyes. He could try and lunge for the weapon, but if he missed it would only serve to dismantle the goodwill he had just engendered by his martial prowess. Once the Captain is out of earshot, he turns to Kriv and in a low tone says, "Fighting isn't only about winning, Kriv. It's about knowing when securing a small victory now could result in a bigger loss down the road." He claps the big lizard on the shoulder and turns him back toward town. "Take it from me. Every action you take has consequences intended or not."

They make their way back across the bridge and to the town square where a puppet show had just concluded.

Fortunately for Kriv, Rook knows the captain can have an odd sense of humor about things, even if he's not the best at showing it...and one of those things is getting people back. With the glint he had in his eye as he departed, you're sure he had something in mind already...

Delayed as they are by their short conversation, Rook just catches seeing the captain enter the tavern - but he's distracted by a small gaggle of kids gathered 'round Nina's stage, as well as seeing Sylda's siblings trying to sneak off, not doubt to find some way of stirring up trouble for their own amusement.

Earth Traveler
2018-07-30, 08:30 PM
Morak gives you a nod in greeting on your way out the door, but is too busy with morning customers to really chat right now. You see Hiral making his way out of the temple ahead of you, focused on a letter he's reading - focused enough he doesn't realize he nearly ran into Grin, who gives him a weird look before continuing to make his own way inside the church.

Well, that's certainly strange, thought Zora as she watched Hiral stride away from the temple. She had always thought that Asmodeus himself couldn't make Hiral abandon his post, yet whatever the contents of that letter were had been enough to pull him away right as the first worshipers were entering. Zora played a short hymn, then began making her way across the square toward the trading post, where it looked like Hiral had gone.

2018-07-31, 01:33 AM
Wait Stalwart strangers! The Castus Maximus puppet replies looking straight at the kids.

Today, a special treat, the mark of Castus Maximus, upon your skin. The brand of the world's best wizard to look upon whenever the books seem to get you down. Step up, Step all!

Persuasion [roll0]

2018-07-31, 03:51 AM
Seems like she is doing that piece about the wizard again. Maybe I can be the fearsome dragon that the wizard slays. Kriv whispers to Rook. Too look more authentic, Kriv takes off his boots, jacket and armor and approaches on all fours in order not to tower over the children that much. In order not to spook the kids, Kriv growls on a lower and silent level.


Yessss, the wizard Maximus! You will not get me this time! Not with the Shackles of Light! Not with the Enchantments of Izalina, the White. Not at all. Kriv licks his lips. And then I will get to eat all the eggs and hens of the town. No one will ever be able to have an egg for breakfast or supper ever again. Mwahahaha!

Performance: [roll0]

Orsik Vondal
2018-07-31, 08:34 AM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Former Guardsman

Rook crosses his arms and shakes his head in silent mirth. If nothing else, Kriv was always an entertainer. He gives a wink toward the puppet stage knowing Nina would enjoy the audience participation. Rook looks around the square and spies a stall close by. He quickly slips behind it and cups his hands around his mouth calling out in a mock theatrical voice, "Oh no! The Dreaded Flame Drake Krivistar has come to steal our eggs again! Who shall save us from this calamity?!"


2018-07-31, 09:33 AM
Lugglug Gutripper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1640528)
Lvl 1 Paladin / Celestial Warlock

Lugglug awoke like any other day: covered in hay and a matted streak of drool crusted into the tuft of hair poking off the side of his chin. Only this morning everything was wetter than usual. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he looked down and saw his boot firmly lodged inside the freshly brewed barrel of Gutripper, the yeasty mixture sticking to his leg and rolling along the ground to the small of his back. He grumbled in annoyance. Another night terror. With a word a beam of light shot forth from his hand and shattered what remained of the barrel... it was useless now anyway. He'd need a new one. And more wheat. But first the barrel. And breakfast.

Emerging from the barn mid-morning, the Nespers were already hard at work tending their fields. "Hrrngh," he replied in as friendly a manner as he could at this hour, trudging past them toward the Inn. He passes Kriv and Rook sparring and watches as the captain goes tumbling, releasing a single hearty "Hah!" as the dust billows beneath his weight.

Continuing on he catches the last moments of the puppet show. Damn, missed it again... he thinks as the children scamper away. Nina's stories were simple and fun, a great way to pass time... on the rare occasion he was up early enough to watch. But Kriv's intrusion on the performance was enough to make him pause. The bugbear crosses his arms and tilts his head to the side watching from the rear to see where this goes. He felt a bit lost having never actually seen the beginning of the performance, but it seems the action was all at the end here anyway.

2018-07-31, 12:47 PM
Ha Ha Ha! You forget that Castus Maximus is a master of all magics, not merely conjuration or enchantment! Castus Maximus wiggled threatingly.

Go the army of the dead, arise and seek the scales of the living! Castus Maximus started, as a few of the puppets rose to their feet before flopping back down, as a totally telekinetic hand started lightly tossing the puppets to Kriv.

2018-07-31, 01:34 PM
Noo, curse you, master of necromancy! I will be back! Kriv exclaims while being engulfed by puppets.

2018-07-31, 09:38 PM
Larlow laughs. "Richt y'er! Ah tried oot a direct approach bit it cam oot tastin' funny. Anither few times thro', wi' tests noo 'n' again, 'n' ah think a've git somethin' worth plyin' oan Morak." Taela is rolling her eyes in the background, but he seems to not notice. "'n' a've a few mair ideas knocking aroond in mah heid. Hud tae order somethin' special fae an auld mukker doon sooth, bit if tis juist richt, we'll be able tae mak' a stew that's an' a' git a titch o' medicine in it wi'oot spoiling th' taste or th' herbs."

Taela swats as her husband softly, before turning to Markas: "Ah, dinnae let us keep ye tae lang babbling aboot recipes, deary, ah ken ye'v git yer ain errands tae run. 'ere, we made a crakin' spread wi' some o' th' lichen, shuid be juist enough kick tae spice hings up a bawherr wi'oot gaun overboard."

Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Markas put away the put down the glass and picked up the small jar and turned it in his hands.

"you're too kind Taela, Larlow." Markas smiled, putting the jar into his bag. "I shall enjoy it this"

Markas pushed the little pouch over towards Larlow and made to stand up

"Did you want me to take anything to anyone in town?"


After excusing himself from the Summerhawk family residence, Markas made his way back towards the temple. On the way he saw Nina and her usual puppet show on in the square with a small crowd of children. Kriv it seemed to be joining in on the act. Markas stopped for a moment seeing Nina's puppet show and the flurry of puppets flying towards Kriv. He smiled at the antics and sat down against the Nightstone to watch the rest of the show unfold

2018-08-01, 06:16 AM
After the kids are all over him to "grapple" him, Kriv starts laughing heartily. It always comes out as a thundering belly laugh rather than a giggle with his saurian features. He takes up two kids with his left and right claw and spins them around for a bit in the air. Nooo, the magic is...making me...throw you around! After playing with the kids for a while, Kriv rolls around and gets up.

That's enough for today, kids. Go home and help your parents. And watch the chicken! Krivistas might return. he adds with a smirk. Returning to the others, he picks up his chainmail and slips it on. What's on the agenda today, guys? Ah hello Markas. How's the Elven prince? Kriv refers to a running gag between the two where any solitary elf MUST be a prince with a name containing at least twelve apostrophes. And Lugglug! The knight in stinking armor. What are you up to? Trying to slay the great red dragon again? You know that is never going to happen. The dragonborn exchanges a long and firm handshake with Lugglug that could have broken any other villager's fingers. Apparently he sees the Bugbear as some sort of rival and friend.

2018-08-01, 06:39 AM
Well, that's certainly strange, thought Zora as she watched Hiral stride away from the temple. She had always thought that Asmodeus himself couldn't make Hiral abandon his post, yet whatever the contents of that letter were had been enough to pull him away right as the first worshipers were entering. Zora played a short hymn, then began making her way across the square toward the trading post, where it looked like Hiral had gone.

Thought briefly waylaid by a surprisingly busy puppet stage, Zora makes her way into the trading post and catches the tail end of a short conversation. "-know what to tell you, Hiral. Were it anything else, it'd just be a couple weeks getting a suitable replacement shipped in from elsewhere, but this isn't exactly a common item," Darthag says, shrugging not-quite-indifferently despite the priest's obvious upset.

"No, I understand, but it's...this is quite important, I think. Is recovery possible?" the man frets in response, hands wringing. "And that's just my special order, I'm sure others are equally inconvenienced, or close enough to it," he adds in a low tone.

"Recovery's probably going to be on the Waterdeep traders, since they're the ones who lost -" Darthag spots Zora finally, and gives her a smile and a nod - and informing Hiral to your presence as a result. "Good morning miss, I'll be with you in a minute."

Wait Stalwart strangers! The Castus Maximus puppet replies looking straight at the kids.

Today, a special treat, the mark of Castus Maximus, upon your skin. The brand of the world's best wizard to look upon whenever the books seem to get you down. Step up, Step all!
Seems like she is doing that piece about the wizard again. Maybe I can be the fearsome dragon that the wizard slays. Kriv whispers to Rook. Too look more authentic, Kriv takes off his boots, jacket and armor and approaches on all fours in order not to tower over the children that much. In order not to spook the kids, Kriv growls on a lower and silent level.

Yessss, the wizard Maximus! You will not get me this time! Not with the Shackles of Light! Not with the Enchantments of Izalina, the White. Not at all. Kriv licks his lips. And then I will get to eat all the eggs and hens of the town. No one will ever be able to have an egg for breakfast or supper ever again. Mwahahaha!
Rook crosses his arms and shakes his head in silent mirth. If nothing else, Kriv was always an entertainer. He gives a wink toward the puppet stage knowing Nina would enjoy the audience participation. Rook looks around the square and spies a stall close by. He quickly slips behind it and cups his hands around his mouth calling out in a mock theatrical voice, "Oh no! The Dreaded Flame Drake Krivistar has come to steal our eggs again! Who shall save us from this calamity?!"
Ha Ha Ha! You forget that Castus Maximus is a master of all magics, not merely conjuration or enchantment! Castus Maximus wiggled threatingly.

Go the army of the dead, arise and seek the scales of the living! Castus Maximus started, as a few of the puppets rose to their feet before flopping back down, as a totally telekinetic hand started lightly tossing the puppets to Kriv.
Noo, curse you, master of necromancy! I will be back! Kriv exclaims while being engulfed by puppets.

The children, even the ones that were starting to sneak off, are drawn into the new performance, giggling and cheering and gasping at all the right moments, and trying to hold Kriv away from the puppets (well they're trying :smalltongue:). The three of you are able to keep them corralled and entertained for that much longer, and before too long Sylda returns from her errands and stops to giggle a bit at the ongoing antics. For two of those gathered, her presence and laughter is a welcome sight that lightens your heart; for another two gathered, her arrival means waiting longer to express their creative ideas to the detriment of others.

Some of the kids start wandering off once the performance ends, but Sylda keeps a good eye on her siblings as she joins the rest in applauding the performance. "Bravo, bravo!" she says with a chuckle.

Lugglug awoke like any other day: covered in hay and a matted streak of drool crusted into the tuft of hair poking off the side of his chin. Only this morning everything was wetter than usual. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he looked down and saw his boot firmly lodged inside the freshly brewed barrel of Gutripper, the yeasty mixture sticking to his leg and rolling along the ground to the small of his back. He grumbled in annoyance. Another night terror. With a word a beam of light shot forth from his hand and shattered what remained of the barrel... it was useless now anyway. He'd need a new one. And more wheat. But first the barrel. And breakfast.

Emerging from the barn mid-morning, the Nespers were already hard at work tending their fields. "Hrrngh," he replied in as friendly a manner as he could at this hour, trudging past them toward the Inn. He passes Kriv and Rook sparring and watches as the captain goes tumbling, releasing a single hearty "Hah!" as the dust billows beneath his weight.

Continuing on he catches the last moments of the puppet show. Damn, missed it again... he thinks as the children scamper away. Nina's stories were simple and fun, a great way to pass time... on the rare occasion he was up early enough to watch. But Kriv's intrusion on the performance was enough to make him pause. The bugbear crosses his arms and tilts his head to the side watching from the rear to see where this goes. He felt a bit lost having never actually seen the beginning of the performance, but it seems the action was all at the end here anyway.

The show certainly seems to be taking a new direction today, but it's quite an entertaining one, with unexpected guest stars, more physical action, and audience participation.

Markas put away the put down the glass and picked up the small jar and turned it in his hands.

"you're too kind Taela, Larlow." Markas smiled, putting the jar into his bag. "I shall enjoy it this"

Markas pushed the little pouch over towards Larlow and made to stand up

"Did you want me to take anything to anyone in town?"

She shakes her head. "Na, na, it'll be a bawherr afore we're taking some o' thae tae th' ithers. Gang oan, gilravage this bonnie day, mah mukker ."

2018-08-01, 06:47 AM
Thank you, Sylda. Kriv adds plainly. I hope Yondra doesn't feel too old for things like that. I certainly don't, and I'm about her age. He smiles a toothy grin at the teenaged girl.

2018-08-01, 10:25 AM
Lugglug Gutripper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1640528)
Lvl 1 Paladin / Celestial Warlock

"Gotta slay my hunger before anything else. You eat yet?" Lugglug replies, taking the dragonborn's hand and applying steadily increasing pressure until one or the other caved as had become their tradition. This was about as close to sparring as they got despite the youngster's desire to test his mettle against the bugbear. "Ruined a barrel of brew again last night... that's two out of the last three... coopers are getting more business from me than they should," he fusses.
STR: [roll0]

At Kriv's comment to Syldra, Lugglug chimes in, "Nah, Sarvin keeps her young. Rascals are always messin' with me from the rafters."

2018-08-01, 10:48 AM
Yes I have but that is besides the point, isn't it? Kriv grins. Markas, you came from the inn. What's today's special? By special, Kriv of course means one of a handful of delicious lunches that lack in variety but not tastiness.

Handshake check: [roll0]


2018-08-01, 11:07 AM
So Sylda! Nina says bounding from the stage, to start collecting the puppets that the children haven't snatched away.

How are you feeling this morning? She chirps out happily.

2018-08-01, 11:14 AM
Thank you, Sylda. Kriv adds plainly. I hope Yondra doesn't feel too old for things like that. I certainly don't, and I'm about her age. He smiles a toothy grin at the teenaged girl.

Yondra raps you on the arm - it doesn't really hurt, and she doesn't really mean it to anyway. "The puppet shows are fun, and getting to tackle this guys feels like good revenge for him tacklin' us growin' up!" she says with a giggle. Sylda rolls her eyes, chuckling.

Lugglug Gutripper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1640528)
Lvl 1 Paladin / Celestial Warlock

"Gotta slay my hunger before anything else. You eat yet?" Lugglug replies, taking the dragonborn's hand and applying steadily increasing pressure until one or the other caved as had become their tradition. This was about as close to sparring as they got despite the youngster's desire to test his mettle against the bugbear. "Ruined a barrel of brew again last night... that's two out of the last three... coopers are getting more business from me than they should," he fusses.
STR: [roll0]

At Kriv's comment to Syldra, Lugglug chimes in, "Nah, Sarvin keeps her young. Rascals are always messin' with me from the rafters."

Yes I have but that is besides the point, isn't it? Kriv grins. Markas, you came from the inn. What's today's special? By special, Kriv of course means one of a handful of delicious lunches that lack in variety but not tastiness.

Handshake check: [roll0]


The two dudebros have their tough-guy handshake moment, which is intense enough that the testosterone is practically visible in the air. Everybody except who doesn't want to be is quite impressed by the intense visually-pleasing physical confrontation. :smalltongue:

So Sylda! Nina says bounding from the stage, to start collecting the puppets that the children haven't snatched away.

How are you feeling this morning? She chirps out happily.

She gives a small smile. "Been better. Keeping an eye on these rascals, getting errands done where I can. How 'bout you?"

2018-08-01, 11:48 AM
Lugglug Gutripper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1640528)
Lvl 1 Paladin / Celestial Warlock

Lugglug slowly crushes Kriv's hand until he withdraws. "Those kids must have tired you out; I'm not even awake yet," he taunts with a smirk. Not waiting for Markas' recommendations he wanders off to the inn. "Food's food, ain't none of it special, just more expensive," he dismisses with a wave of his hand.

Pushing his broad shoulders through the tavern door he grabs his usual table near the bar. It was a nice arrangement, his long arms able to snag drinks from the counter without the barkeep having to come out. "Mornin', Morak. The usual," he requests plopping down heavily into the chair. The usual being a protein-heavy breakfast and about a half gallon of ale. Morak, and anyone else nearby, may notice he smells about the same as the inn after a raucous night, the dried beer having crusted into his leg fur.

When the food arrives he grumbles again, "Gonna have to wait until I can get another barrel brewed to put Gutripper back on the menu," leaving the reason for the incident conspicuously out of the conversation for now.

2018-08-01, 02:43 PM
Very good, it seems the play went well. Nina remarks snatching puppets off the ground.

I may need to add that or something similiar to the ballad of Castus Maximus. Nina remarks clearly making a mental note as she stares above and to the right of Sylda.

How many more errands do you have? She asks tilting her head.

2018-08-01, 06:58 PM
Kriv hesitates before entering the inn. He is broke and he knows Darthag will not pay for a second breakfast or a bought lunch. The dragonborn sheepishly "sneaks" into the kitchen as much as you can call it sneaking when a 300 pound dragon enters an area that is already too small for the two humans preparing the food.

So Taela. We'd want to eat here, but I cannot pay my share. Should I help you in here or make music or what can I do to pay a small meal? I don't need much, maybe two or three pounds of roast beef or a middle sized cutlet or a leg of pork? Don't remove the gristle. I eat that too. If a red dragon could blush, that would be it. It is quite embarrassing but the fact that no one is hiring at the moment and Darthag is staying in town means Kriv has no money. The little money his drum medleys make is quickly spent on beer.

Earth Traveler
2018-08-02, 01:53 AM
Thought briefly waylaid by a surprisingly busy puppet stage, Zora makes her way into the trading post and catches the tail end of a short conversation. "-know what to tell you, Hiral. Were it anything else, it'd just be a couple weeks getting a suitable replacement shipped in from elsewhere, but this isn't exactly a common item," Darthag says, shrugging not-quite-indifferently despite the priest's obvious upset.

"No, I understand, but it's...this is quite important, I think. Is recovery possible?" the man frets in response, hands wringing. "And that's just my special order, I'm sure others are equally inconvenienced, or close enough to it," he adds in a low tone.

"Recovery's probably going to be on the Waterdeep traders, since they're the ones who lost -" Darthag spots Zora finally, and gives her a smile and a nod - and informing Hiral to your presence as a result. "Good morning miss, I'll be with you in a minute."

Zora returns Darthag's smile and nod, but says "Apologies, Darthag, but I came here only to find Hiral." Turning to the priest, Zora asks with concern, "I saw you rushing out of the temple with a letter in your hand, so I followed you here to make sure you were okay and that you could come back in time to tend your duties; Grin went in right after you left." After a moment's hesitation, Zora adds, "And if you like, you can tell me what this important item that's gone missing is."

2018-08-02, 03:37 PM
Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Markas had a kind of glazed over looked in his eyes as Kriv and Lugglug shook hands but was immediately brought back to the material plane when Kriv said his name. It took Markas a second to process what had just been said but when he did, Markas moved to correct Kriv but got cut off by Lugglug, who wandered towards the inn anyway.


Kriv, who seemed to hesitate before entering the inn, followed shortly thereafter and Markas was left awkwardly standing in the square unsure of whether to follow the pair or to continue on to the temple where he was originally headed before he stopped to watch the end of Nina's show. Looking towards the aforementioned puppeteer it seemed she was chatting up Sylda. He also swore he saw Rook in the square a moment ago around one of the stalls but Markas could no longer see where he had gone. Weighing up his options Markas decided to follow Kriv and Lugglug into the Inn, the temple could wait.

Thus far Kriv and Lugglug are the only ones who have actually interacted with Markas thus far so I'll kinda follow them, again working long shifts so I don't exactly have a long time to post. Also sorry for kind of RPing Rook disappearing from Markas' view, could potentially be that you already slipped into the Inn or you could play it as still not being ok with "elves" up to you."

2018-08-02, 10:33 PM
Lugglug Gutripper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1640528)
Lvl 1 Paladin / Celestial Warlock

Lugglug slowly crushes Kriv's hand until he withdraws. "Those kids must have tired you out; I'm not even awake yet," he taunts with a smirk. Not waiting for Markas' recommendations he wanders off to the inn. "Food's food, ain't none of it special, just more expensive," he dismisses with a wave of his hand.

Pushing his broad shoulders through the tavern door he grabs his usual table near the bar. It was a nice arrangement, his long arms able to snag drinks from the counter without the barkeep having to come out. "Mornin', Morak. The usual," he requests plopping down heavily into the chair. The usual being a protein-heavy breakfast and about a half gallon of ale. Morak, and anyone else nearby, may notice he smells about the same as the inn after a raucous night, the dried beer having crusted into his leg fur.

When the food arrives he grumbles again, "Gonna have to wait until I can get another barrel brewed to put Gutripper back on the menu," leaving the reason for the incident conspicuously out of the conversation for now.

Very good, it seems the play went well. Nina remarks snatching puppets off the ground.

I may need to add that or something similiar to the ballad of Castus Maximus. Nina remarks clearly making a mental note as she stares above and to the right of Sylda.

How many more errands do you have? She asks tilting her head.

"Well I've got to talk to Darthag about supplies - roof's been leaking again, and Sarvin's gonna outgrow his clothes before too long so that's another thing to worry 'bout - and I need to go talk with Godrick 'bout these lil' rascals got up to the other day, but that's about it. The first one's the bigger problem, honestly. How 'bout you, any more shows today, or somethin' else on the agenda?"

Zora returns Darthag's smile and nod, but says "Apologies, Darthag, but I came here only to find Hiral." Turning to the priest, Zora asks with concern, "I saw you rushing out of the temple with a letter in your hand, so I followed you here to make sure you were okay and that you could come back in time to tend your duties; Grin went in right after you left." After a moment's hesitation, Zora adds, "And if you like, you can tell me what this important item that's gone missing is."

Hiral looks a bit purturbed. "Yes, er, well...I'm to understand a minor relic of Lathandar was being sent here to draw more more travelers on the road, but it seems the caravan transporting it here, along with a good deal of other supplies and goods, has been waylaid upon the path from Waterdeep."

2018-08-02, 10:40 PM
Well now it's helping Sarvin, I'm quite an accomplished seamstress. Nina replied, beaming with pride.

Orsik Vondal
2018-08-02, 11:36 PM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Former Guardsman

After the puppet show ended Rook surveyed the town square from behind the stall. Sylda was smiling, which was good. Lugglug and Kriv were showing off, which was typical. But somewhere in the chaos Markas had shown up. A brief pang of loss from that night shoots through Rook as he watches the half-elf. Morak kept telling him that in order to get past that night, he had to let go and learn to forgive. A lot easier said than done, Morak. But this was part of the healing process, so with a sigh Rook slips into the square. Let the healing begin. And even if talk about town was unreliable, it might be good to keep an eye on this one. Just in case.

"Young Master Ordmund. What brings you to the square today?"

As he speaks with Markas, Rook can't help but glance at Sylda and Nina speaking to each other. Give it time. She may come around. Just don't think about it right now. Gods, he was thirsty. Rook licks his lips absently. Focus, man! If you want to protect the people of this town, you have to focus!

The square was clearing, and Rook didn't know how long he could make small-talk with the half-elf. "I've gotta take these back to the inn. Walk and talk?"

2018-08-03, 12:18 AM
Well now it's helping Sarvin, I'm quite an accomplished seamstress. Nina replied, beaming with pride.

"Oh I couldn't impose like that, you already do enough to help by keepin' 'em out of my hair for a few hours," she frets.

2018-08-03, 01:47 AM
You're not imposing you're critiquing. Nina remarks.

Should I set it up at the farm? Nina adds, pulling out her needle.

2018-08-03, 06:22 AM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Former Guardsman

After the puppet show ended Rook surveyed the town square from behind the stall. Sylda was smiling, which was good. Lugglug and Kriv were showing off, which was typical. But somewhere in the chaos Markas had shown up. A brief pang of loss from that night shoots through Rook as he watches the half-elf. Morak kept telling him that in order to get past that night, he had to let go and learn to forgive. A lot easier said than done, Morak. But this was part of the healing process, so with a sigh Rook slips into the square. Let the healing begin. And even if talk about town was unreliable, it might be good to keep an eye on this one. Just in case.

"Young Master Ordmund. What brings you to the square today?"

As he speaks with Markas, Rook can't help but glance at Sylda and Nina speaking to each other. Give it time. She may come around. Just don't think about it right now. Gods, he was thirsty. Rook licks his lips absently. Focus, man! If you want to protect the people of this town, you have to focus!

The square was clearing, and Rook didn't know how long he could make small-talk with Markas. "I've gotta take these back to the inn. Walk and talk?"

Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Surprised by suddenly being addressed Markas physically jumped and spun around in the same motion but his top half was faster than his bottom half and he ended up tripping himself in the motion and sprawled to the floor. Quick as he went down he jumped up again and turned to see Rook had seemingly managed to sneak up on him, or he simply hadn't noticed his arrival. Either or both could have happened, especially as he was distracted earlier and as Rook had seemingly snuck up on him.

"Oh! you surprised me Mister Shekten. I was passing through. I'd just visited the Summerhawks and was on my way to the temple but I got distracted by Nina's show, or rather the improvised performance that accompanied it today" Markas brushed himself off and at mention of Nina, gestured in her direction. Markas kept his eye contact on Rook and noticed his eyes wander in that direction and saw him lick his lips... He did look a little dry, as if he'd been physically active recently.

"You uh... look thirsty, here you can have some water from one of my waterskins" Markas said as he unstrapped a waterskin from his pack and handed it to the man.

At the offer to walk and talk Markas looked back towards the Inn that Lugglug and Kriv had disappeared into.

"Sure, I was going to head there anyway."

Markas paused for a second as the walked, it had almost been a year and while he and Rook were now clearly on speaking terms it had not escaped his notice that they were not on a first name basis yet. Markas looked around the square one more time, Nina was still engaged in conversation with Sylda and he nodded a silent 'good day' to the pair as Markas and Rook began to walk. The silence seemed to stretch for a bit so Markas asked Rook what he thought was a safe question.

"Did you come to the square for Nina's show?"

2018-08-03, 10:11 AM
You're not imposing you're critiquing. Nina remarks.

Should I set it up at the farm? Nina adds, pulling out her needle.

She bites her lip. "I suppose if you're sure it's no trouble, it'd be rude to reject the offer. If you wanna assist, it'll certainly make things easier, although I still need to get cloth and thread for it down at the store. I'll meet you at home, how 'bout that?"

Pushing his broad shoulders through the tavern door he grabs his usual table near the bar. It was a nice arrangement, his long arms able to snag drinks from the counter without the barkeep having to come out. "Mornin', Morak. The usual," he requests plopping down heavily into the chair. The usual being a protein-heavy breakfast and about a half gallon of ale. Morak, and anyone else nearby, may notice he smells about the same as the inn after a raucous night, the dried beer having crusted into his leg fur.

When the food arrives he grumbles again, "Gonna have to wait until I can get another barrel brewed to put Gutripper back on the menu," leaving the reason for the incident conspicuously out of the conversation for now.

"Ah, no worries friend," the old dwarf chuckles. "Most 'round here can't handle it too often anyhow, can't hold their spirits too well." Well, perhaps not by the standards of dwarves and bugbears, but you know what he means. "So, what's on the agenda for today Lugglug? Keepin' busy?"

Kriv hesitates before entering the inn. He is broke and he knows Darthag will not pay for a second breakfast or a bought lunch. The dragonborn sheepishly "sneaks" into the kitchen as much as you can call it sneaking when a 300 pound dragon enters an area that is already too small for the two humans preparing the food.

So Broland. We'd want to eat here, but I cannot pay my share. Should I help you in here or make music or what can I do to pay a small meal? I don't need much, maybe two or three pounds of roast beef or a middle sized cutlet or a leg of pork? Don't remove the gristle. I eat that too. If a red dragon could blush, that would be it. It is quite embarrassing but the fact that no one is hiring at the moment and Darthag is staying in town means Kriv has no money. The little money his drum medleys make is quickly spent on beer.

"Truth be told, if you're willing to lend a hand for a bit while the morning rush is on us, I'd be glad to cook something up for you," the lad says, rushing here and there. "Most of it's simple stuff, it's only hard because we need to get it out quickly, and an extra pair of hands would do wonders for that."

2018-08-03, 02:21 PM
Let's go, let's go, let's go! Nina cheered pulling at Sarvin to start measurements as she started leading him to the house.

Orsik Vondal
2018-08-03, 05:29 PM
"You uh... look thirsty, here you can have some water from one of my waterskins" Markas said as he unstrapped a waterskin from his pack and handed it to the man.

At the offer to walk and talk Markas looked back towards the Inn that Lugglug and Kriv had disappeared into.

"Sure, I was going to head there anyway."

Markas paused for a second as the walked, it had almost been a year and while he and Rook were now clearly on speaking terms it had not escaped his notice that they were not on a first name basis yet. Markas looked around the square one more time, Nina was still engaged in conversation with Sylda, and he nodded a silent 'good day' to the pair as Markas and Rook began to walk. The silence seemed to stretch for a bit, so Markas asked Rook what he thought was a safe question.

"Did you come to the square for Nina's show?"

Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Former Guardsman

Rook takes the waterskin and takes a long pull. "Thank you. Sometimes it's hard to...never mind." He waves his hand erasing the rest of his comment. Rook hands the water back to Markas and hefts the wheat onto his shoulder. He walks for a bit in silence until Markas breaks it with his innocuous question. "I'm not usually into puppet shows, but Kriv and me were on our back from sparring at the training yard. You know Kriv. Always has to be the center of attention. I guess I just got caught up in the whole thing. I'm not much of a performer, but I do what I can for the kids." He readjusts the sack of wheat on his shoulder. "If you do end up at the temple later, could you let Zora know I wouldn't mind sparring with her later if she's free?"

As they enter the Nightstone Inn Rook hears pots and cutlery clanging in the kitchen. "Sounds like Kriv is cooking again.

2018-08-03, 06:36 PM
Aaaand a few drinks for my favorite guests. the big dragon shouts. You see Kriv carrying a few pints of ale. He found a small white apron with frills that he has knotted around his left bizeps and a slightly smaller cloth to clean the table around over his right shoulder. Ah, Markas! Rook! What can I bring you? Oh, don't look so surprised, I am just helping! Cider? Ale? Wine? A spritzer for Rook of course. He has guard duty still. Or would you like a juice?

Usually you can't avoid low percentage alcohol in a really medieval town since that is one of the ways to be sure it is not filled with microorganisms. Not sure how we want to keep it here. D&D is not 100% dark ages after all. Just so you know Kriv isn't actively tempting the alcoholic but rather pushing the kind of realism I expect.

Well, think and call for service when you're done. Well, today's special is...whatever Broland can come up with! So don't get too excited. With that he rushes over to another table that ordered pitcher of ale and one with cider. Kriv brought a small cask each; his argument being that it is much simpler if they want more.

Earth Traveler
2018-08-03, 09:59 PM
Zora could see why Hiral had been so upset by the news in the letter: he had lost a rare opportunity to draw more followers for Lathandar - even if through no fault of his own - and worse, to Zora, there were bandits on the road stealing supplies bound for Nightstone... although unless exceptionally large in number, she doubted they would last long once Waterdeep's guardsmen started looking out for them. "Well, I'm very sorry to hear that," said Zora. "I wouldn't worry do much about it; it wasn't as if there was anything you could've done about it. I'm sure the temple will be fine as you keep up your duties to Lathandar. Like what you should be doing now for instance," she added to the end of her consolation. "Come on, let's go back to the temple," she advised, beginning to walk that way herself.

2018-08-05, 10:07 AM
Let's go, let's go, let's go! Nina cheered pulling at Sarvin to start measurements as she started leading him to the house.

Sarvin follows Nina, sending a look back at Sylda as she's pulled away.

Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Former Guardsman

Rook takes the waterskin and takes a long pull. "Thank you. Sometimes it's hard to...never mind." He waves his hand erasing the rest of his comment. Rook hands the water back to Markas and hefts the wheat onto his shoulder. He walks for a bit in silence until Markas breaks it with his innocuous question. "I'm not usually into puppet shows, but Kriv and me were on our back from sparring at the training yard. You know Kriv. Always has to be the center of attention. I guess I just got caught up in the whole thing. I'm not much of a performer, but I do what I can for the kids." He readjusts the sack of wheat on his shoulder. "If you do end up at the temple later, could you let Zora know I wouldn't mind sparring with her later if she's free?"

As they enter the Nightstone Inn Rook hears pots and cutlery clanging in the kitchen. "Sounds like Kriv is cooking again.
Aaaand a few drinks for my favorite guests. the big dragon shouts. You see Kriv carrying a few pints of ale. He found a small white apron with frills that he has knotted around his left bizeps and a slightly smaller cloth to clean the table around over his right shoulder. Ah, Markas! Rook! What can I bring you? Oh, don't look so surprised, I am just helping! Cider? Ale? Wine? A spritzer for Rook of course. He has guard duty still. Or would you like a juice?

Usually you can't avoid low percentage alcohol in a really medieval town since that is one of the ways to be sure it is not filled with microorganisms. Not sure how we want to keep it here. D&D is not 100% dark ages after all. Just so you know Kriv isn't actively tempting the alcoholic but rather pushing the kind of realism I expect.

Well, think and call for service when you're done. Well, today's special is...whatever Broland can come up with! So don't get too excited. With that he rushes over to another table that ordered pitcher of ale and one with cider. Kriv brought a small cask each; his argument being that it is much simpler if they want more.

Zora could see why Hiral had been so upset by the news in the letter: he had lost a rare opportunity to draw more followers for Lathandar - even if through no fault of his own - and worse, to Zora, there were bandits on the road stealing supplies bound for Nightstone... although unless exceptionally large in number, she doubted they would last long once Waterdeep's guardsmen started looking out for them. "Well, I'm very sorry to hear that," said Zora. "I wouldn't worry do much about it; it wasn't as if there was anything you could've done about it. I'm sure the temple will be fine as you keep up your duties to Lathandar. Like what you should be doing now for instance," she added to the end of her consolation. "Come on, let's go back to the temple," she advised, beginning to walk that way herself.

Hiral nods. "Yes, I suppose you're right..." He glances at Darthag. "Well, keep me informed, please. Hopefully the problem will be dealt with." Darthag kinda grunts in a way that doesn't promise anything, to which Hiral kind of grimaces and makes his way out.

"Bandits won't be a problem for too long, I'll wager - if not the Waterdeep guards, then jumped-up thugs hired by the merchants on their end to avoid losing business," Darthag says with a nod. "Doesn't do much to recover lost supplies, but that's the risk you take. Don't suppose you had anything special supposed to be coming in?" he asks.

2018-08-05, 05:43 PM
Nina coughs slightly to remind the boy where his eyes should be.

Hey, hey what's wrong? She asks brushing his hand once.

It's just measurements.

2018-08-05, 06:45 PM
"Momma said you wanna kidnap my sisters to do things in the woods. Is that true, miss?" he asks.

2018-08-06, 10:24 PM
Well not kidnap. And not sisters plural, but.... Nina starts before shaking her head.

Have you had the bards and the princesses talk yet? Nina queries.

Deception? [roll0]

2018-08-06, 10:26 PM
"No, what's that?"

2018-08-06, 11:08 PM
As the sun rises higher in the sky, the group finishes their meal and makes their way out of the tavern, while Nina is returning to the square after assisting at the Nesper farm...but there's a change in the air. There's a lot more traffic in and out of the Trading Post than usual, and the bulletin board by the inn has a new notice pinned to it. Finally, there's a couple guards heading down towards the square from the motte, so they're either arresting somebody or delivering a message from Lady Nandar.

2018-08-07, 03:07 AM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Former Guardsman

Rook takes the waterskin and takes a long pull. "Thank you. Sometimes it's hard to...never mind." He waves his hand erasing the rest of his comment. Rook hands the water back to Markas and hefts the wheat onto his shoulder. He walks for a bit in silence until Markas breaks it with his innocuous question. "I'm not usually into puppet shows, but Kriv and me were on our back from sparring at the training yard. You know Kriv. Always has to be the center of attention. I guess I just got caught up in the whole thing. I'm not much of a performer, but I do what I can for the kids." He readjusts the sack of wheat on his shoulder. "If you do end up at the temple later, could you let Zora know I wouldn't mind sparring with her later if she's free?"

As they enter the Nightstone Inn Rook hears pots and cutlery clanging in the kitchen. "Sounds like Kriv is cooking again.

Aaaand a few drinks for my favorite guests. the big dragon shouts. You see Kriv carrying a few pints of ale. He found a small white apron with frills that he has knotted around his left bizeps and a slightly smaller cloth to clean the table around over his right shoulder. Ah, Markas! Rook! What can I bring you? Oh, don't look so surprised, I am just helping! Cider? Ale? Wine? A spritzer for Rook of course. He has guard duty still. Or would you like a juice?

Usually you can't avoid low percentage alcohol in a really medieval town since that is one of the ways to be sure it is not filled with microorganisms. Not sure how we want to keep it here. D&D is not 100% dark ages after all. Just so you know Kriv isn't actively tempting the alcoholic but rather pushing the kind of realism I expect.

Well, think and call for service when you're done. Well, today's special is...whatever Broland can come up with! So don't get too excited. With that he rushes over to another table that ordered pitcher of ale and one with cider. Kriv brought a small cask each; his argument being that it is much simpler if they want more.

Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Markas could see Rook was troubled by something and it was more than just being in the presence of Markas. It was different to the unease he sensed in the past and even that was not as bad as it used to be. Rook was clearly making an effort to be civil, Markas took back the waterskin and re hooked it onto his pack while returning the conversation, "Yes, Kriv is ever the... entertainer, whether he means it or not".

Rook asked about Zora and sparring and Markas thought to himself that he had never actually seen the self professed soldier fight before. Curious Markas replied, "I can certainly pass on the message, and if it's alright with you I'd like to spectate that bout". Markas almost offered to spar himself but he got the feeling that fighting against a half elf, even just sparring, on today of all days, was not the wisest thing in the world. They continued walking towards the Inn.

Inside the smell of food mingled with the smell of booze and the smell of Lugglug. Rook's statement about Kriv almost seemed to be true when the dragonborn stepped out of the kitchen carrying ale and wearing what looked like a frilly arm band and a tea towel over his shoulder. His eyes seemed to light up a little when they fell upon the pair at the door and the boisterous man came by reassuring that he was only helping and as if to reinforce the idea he began offering drinks. Markas, glanced slightly at Rook before returning his attention to Kriv and smiled.

"Kriv! I didn't know you'd taken to working as a server. You're a man of many talents!" Markas also raised his hand to pat the frilly armband, and incidentally Kriv's left bicep, a couple times "and this is a good look for you" he said with a cheeky smile. "I've already had a bit of a drink this morning, courtesy of one Larlow Summerhawk," turning to Rook "I might actually head to the temple before the morning is through. If I see Zora I'll pass on the message." Markas turned back to Kriv "and if you're still here later I might take you up on that drink" and with a playful wink Markas was gone.

At the temple Markas sat in quiet contemplation as he waited for Hiral to show up, which was unusual as Hiral was usually already in the temple by this time of the morning. As he sat he began reflecting on the events of the morning and came to realise that he had been shamelessly flirting with Kriv just before. A red blush rapidly rose to his face and Markas could not help but wonder exactly how much alcohol and what else was in the dram he had this morning. In any case the short wait and the self reflection was enough for Markas to sober up a bit.
When Hiral eventually showed up, Markas greeted him warmly but could spot the slightly perturbed look on his face. When Zora walked in behind him, Markas went over and quietly delivered the message about sparring with Rook whilst observing the morning rituals.

"Good Morning Zora, Mister Shekten wanted me to pass on a message to you. He would like to spar with you some time later if you're free. He is currently at the inn should you wish to reply now."
"Also, I noticed Hiral was somewhat perturbed this morning. Would you happen to know what's wrong?"

Straight up Charisma check to see how well I was flirting [roll0] - Normally I'd use persuasion but I don't think mild mannered Markas is actually proficient in flirting so a straight charisma check I feel is appropriate, say something if you feel otherwise :)
Insight on Hiral's likely concerned face [roll1]

2018-08-07, 08:52 AM
Well fed and happy Kriv leaves the inn. He promised Broland to test out some catchy heroic speeches when he was done with the day's work. Broland's favorite was "Let's get dangerous!" but Kriv felt this was something so obvious, SOMEONE famous must have taken it already as his.

So the big lizard went back to the trading post to find it a bit more crowded and with a notice on the door. He entered without knocking and shouts inside: DAAAAAAAAD! why are there so many people here today?

2018-08-07, 11:05 AM
Lugglug Gutripper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1640528)
Lvl 1 Paladin / Celestial Warlock

The food was fine. The ale was better, always was. Morak's question was a quandary though... what was he going to do now? Couldn't brew again until Olga had another harvest. Stepping out of the tavern, Lugglug glanced over at the rush of people at the trading post. He wasn't a big fan of crowds, but he did need another barrel. May as well get it over with.

A few heads turned as he entered and brushed past them, his fur tickling arms and stench tickling noses. When he finally gets up to the counter he addresses Darthag, "I need another barrel for brewing... don't ask, at least I'm giving you some good business, right? What's with the swarm in here?" he flicks his head over his shoulder at the crowd.

Orsik Vondal
2018-08-07, 02:51 PM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Former Guardsman

Rook helps around the inn as the crowd ebbs and flows. During one of his journeys to clear a vacated table he spies two guardsman walking into the square. That's not ominous. Rook turns to the innkeeper, "Hey, Morak, I'm gonna go see what's happening in the square. Be back in a minute."

He sets the plates and cups he was carrying down in the kitchen and heads out to the square to see why the guardsmen were there. As he leaves, Rook looks at the notice board by the inn. There was a new bulletin tacked up there. He takes a moment to read it before approaching the guards to ask what was going on.

"Lieutenant, what's happening?"

2018-08-07, 07:55 PM
Well fed and happy Kriv leaves the inn. He promised Broland to test out some catchy heroic speeches when he was done with the day's work. Broland's favorite was "Let's get dangerous!" but Kriv felt this was something so obvious, SOMEONE famous must have taken it already as his.

So the big lizard went back to the trading post to find it a bit more crowded and with a notice on the door. He entered without knocking and shouts inside: DAAAAAAAAD! why are there so many people here today?

"Shipment of goods and supplies got taken on the road, it seems. We're gonna be a bit light for awhile, and there's some special orders that are gonna take longer than expected to fill," he grimaces. "Give it a week or two, Waterdeep'll send somebody to deal with it, and new tools and stone can get in." Kriv hears an awful lot of grumbling from the others present, about how making new additions to the town, or repairs on existing buildings, will have to wait 'til supplies arrives.

Lugglug Gutripper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1640528)
Lvl 1 Paladin / Celestial Warlock

The food was fine. The ale was better, always was. Morak's question was a quandary though... what was he going to do now? Couldn't brew again until Olga had another harvest. Stepping out of the tavern, Lugglug glanced over at the rush of people at the trading post. He wasn't a big fan of crowds, but he did need another barrel. May as well get it over with.

A few heads turned as he entered and brushed past them, his fur tickling arms and stench tickling noses. When he finally gets up to the counter he addresses Darthag, "I need another barrel for brewing... don't ask, at least I'm giving you some good business, right? What's with the swarm in here?" he flicks his head over his shoulder at the crowd.

"Was expecting to get new barrels for you 'n' Morak this morning, but it seems the cart's been attacked. Gonna be at least a week before we get replacements in, and probably longer before the problems on the road are dealt with."

Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Former Guardsman

Rook helps around the inn as the crowd ebbs and flows. During one of his journeys to clear a vacated table he spies two guardsman walking into the square. That's not ominous. Rook turns to the innkeeper, "Hey, Morak, I'm gonna go see what's happening in the square. Be back in a minute."

He sets the plates and cups he was carrying down in the kitchen and heads out to the square to see why the guardsmen were there. As he leaves, Rook looks at the notice board by the inn. There was a new bulletin tacked up there. He takes a moment to read it before approaching the guards to ask what was going on.

"Lieutenant, what's happening?"

"It appears a trade caravan was attacked on the road from Waterdeep - mostly just supplies for repairs and some food, but there's also a few of the late Lord Nandar's personal affects she was having brought out here. Family heirlooms that could keep the Lady safe should there be another attack." The guard - one of the new ones, Samson you think his name was - glances over in Markas' direction. "...not that we're expecting such a thing, but it's best to be prepared," he adds with a small grimace. "Lady Nandar isn't too worried about taking out the ones responsible, or retrieving most of the items stolen, but she doesn't want the items lost either, and doesn't want to send guards off into the forest just looking for trouble, partially so that the town isn't undefended. She thought you might be interested in a mission that keeps you away from temptation for a bit, and maybe a few of the others willing to go on a little quest?"

2018-08-07, 10:22 PM
"Shipment of goods and supplies got taken on the road, it seems. We're gonna be a bit light for awhile, and there's some special orders that are gonna take longer than expected to fill," he grimaces. "Give it a week or two, Waterdeep'll send somebody to deal with it, and new tools and stone can get in." Kriv hears an awful lot of grumbling from the others present, about how making new additions to the town, or repairs on existing buildings, will have to wait 'til supplies arrives.

Kriv goes near Darthag to whisper something in his ear: Dad! That is what we have been training for all these years! This is my chance.

The dragonborn jumps up on the table Darthag has covered in contracts and equipment lists. Kriv casually flexes in front of everybody before suddenly shouting: CITIZENS OF NIGHTSTONE! HONORABLE WATERDAHAVIAN GUARD! CUSTOMERS OF ULGAR'S TRADING POST! he clears his throat and continues slightly less loud. We at the Nightstone trading post will do our utmost to aid the work of the guard, to protect our town and to reclaim what is rightfully ours. We have compiled a group of expert local headhunters to track down these bandits and we will bring back what we can. Not only do we have a defender of the people! Kriv points at Rook. We also have the best illusionist of the area, Madame Nina. Along with a dear friend of mine who was nothing short of a blessing to this town. Kriv points at Markas while scanning the room for disapproving glares. One of the few precious arcanists and a rising star in the town guard. he looks at Zora. We even have a bugbear! So fear not. Your goods will be returned to you before the next tenday has passed. When Kriv jumps down from the table again, he makes sure everyone sees and HEARS his heroic landing.

Perform or Persuasion[roll0]
Casting Thunderclap as I dismount from the table (if I have enough space to not hurt anyone), somatic component heroic landing, if not just an impressive jump, like a backflip or something:
Athletics: [roll1]

Orsik Vondal
2018-08-07, 10:39 PM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Soon-To-Be Heirloom Retrieval Specialist

At the mention of Lord Nandar Rook's eyes widen and his breathing quickens. "It's Lt. Samson, isn't it? If Lady Nandar believes these items important to the safety of Nightstone, I will gladly seek them out and bring them back along with the pilfered supplies." Rook and everyone else in the square turn toward the trading post as what seems like the roar of a lion emanates from within.


When Kriv jumps down from the table again, he makes sure everyone sees and HEARS his heroic landing.

"And I guess that makes two.", he says hooking a thumb over his shoulder.

2018-08-07, 10:45 PM
That's when Nina started skipping into the town square.

And then the dragon's bigger older will come, the children won't expect that!

That's when Kriv's disturbance popped up.

Do I? I don't know ANY illusions. She called out with a voice in her hand after doing a mental runthrough of her spell school knowledge.

And also, not married. So unless there's a army of hookers I'm supposed to be leading, and please tell me if there is, it's miss. Nina adds after a thought.

Deception? [roll0]

2018-08-08, 08:27 AM
Lugglug Gutripper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1640528)
Lvl 1 Paladin / Celestial Warlock

"I...." Lugglug looked around at the few folks staring at him after Kriv's announcement. "But..." another beat followed by an eye roll and a sigh. "Bah, fine. I'll get my glaive..." he concedes, pushing past folks to return to the Nandar barn. "Stupid bandits... things were easy here... heal one here, grab a ball out of a tree there... guards can't even keep the roads safe..." he mumbles as he goes.

Lugglug passes Rook and the guards in the square and accuses, "Ya know roadside safety's supposed to be your job, ain't it?" he doesn't wait for an answer and heads straight to the Nandar barn. His glaive is tossed haphazardly in the corner with some plows and other hafted tools. He digs the wickedly dinged blade out and gives it a quick glance and runs his finger over the blade. No rust at least. And sharp enough for now. Lugglug sighs and looks toward the ceiling. "I've been a poor champion. I know that. If I offer blood, the nightmares stop, right?" he says to no one, as if negotiating a deal.

After a few breaths, centering himself on the task ahead, Lugglug dons his nearly forgotten armor and returns to the square to meet the others. "Well? Let's get on with it then," he proposes. Most in the town had grown accustomed to his presence, but the piecemeal armor and vicious blade remind them, and him, of how fearsome the hill tribes can be and how out of place Lugglug really was in Nightstone.

Earth Traveler
2018-08-08, 11:00 PM
Hiral nods. "Yes, I suppose you're right..." He glances at Darthag. "Well, keep me informed, please. Hopefully the problem will be dealt with." Darthag kinda grunts in a way that doesn't promise anything, to which Hiral kind of grimaces and makes his way out.

"Bandits won't be a problem for too long, I'll wager - if not the Waterdeep guards, then jumped-up thugs hired by the merchants on their end to avoid losing business," Darthag says with a nod. "Doesn't do much to recover lost supplies, but that's the risk you take. Don't suppose you had anything special supposed to be coming in?" he asks.

Zora shakes her head, but decides to humor Darthag and look over his wares for a few minutes before heading back to the temple with Hiral. A few more people enter while she's browsing, and then, when she was getting ready to leave, a tall red dragonborn strides in and yells "DAAAAAAAAD! why are there so many people here today?"

"Shipment of goods and supplies got taken on the road, it seems. We're gonna be a bit light for awhile, and there's some special orders that are gonna take longer than expected to fill," he grimaces. "Give it a week or two, Waterdeep'll send somebody to deal with it, and new tools and stone can get in." The gathered citizenry begin grumbling in protest at this turn of events, mainly about building and repair delays.

Oh, this must be Kriv, Zora realizes. Let's see... he's very strong, he likes dishing out justice himself - which I can respect - and he-

Her train of thought is interrupted by Kriv jumping on Darthag's trading table and giving a very loud speech. "CITIZENS OF NIGHTSTONE! HONORABLE WATERDAHAVIAN GUARD! CUSTOMERS OF ULGAR'S TRADING POST!" he booms out to lead off his speech. "We at the Nightstone trading post will do our utmost to aid the work of the guard, to protect our town and to reclaim what is rightfully ours. We have compiled a group of expert local headhunters to track down these bandits and we will bring back what we can."

Well, that's surprising. I would've thought only a large merchant would be able to put together such a force.

Kriv continues, "Not only do we have a defender of the people! We also have the best illusionist of the area, Madame Nina. Along with a dear friend of mine who was nothing short of a blessing to this town." He points to various members as he lists each of them off, the latter of which Zora recognizes as Markas. Then Kriv adds, "One of the few precious arcanists and a rising star in the town guard," and looks to her.

WHAT?! thinks Zora. Sure, I am a spellcaster, but I'm no guardsman. And I never agreed to be on any team. Then it hits her: Oh, I get it. He's making this up on the spot. Kriv goes on, but Zora isn't listening. Well... this *would* be a good opportunity to get Lathandar's relic back for Hiral. Subverting the aims of bandits is something I can always support. Maybe I could just find it in the city. Bandits wouldn't have much else to do with a religious relic. I'm not sure about my sword, though. Been years since I was in a re- Her thoughts are interrupted again, this time by Kriv jumping off the table and making a deafening sound that makes Zora's ears ring for several seconds. Well, maybe I can work with him if everyone else is, she considers after recovering.

2018-08-09, 08:26 AM
At the temple Markas sat in quiet contemplation as he waited for Hiral to show up, which was unusual as Hiral was usually already in the temple by this time of the morning. As he sat he began reflecting on the events of the morning and came to realise that he had been shamelessly flirting with Kriv just before. A red blush rapidly rose to his face and Markas could not help but wonder exactly how much alcohol and what else was in the dram he had this morning. In any case the short wait and the self reflection was enough for Markas to sober up a bit.

Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Markas had waited for a time before deciding to wait outside for Hiral to appear. There seemed to be a a flurry of activity, more so than usual for the small town, around the trading post. Markas spotted a new bulletin had been posted but as for it's contents he could only guess from his position outside the temple. Further more there seemed to be a larger than usual crowd at the trading post. Markas had come out just in time to see Kriv and Lugglug make their way into the crowded establishment and Markas' elf ears picked up just the tiniest bits of Kriv's raised voice, seemingly like the sound of an adolescent bothering their parent figure. Markas could also see Rook emerge from the Inn, check the bulletin board and then go speak two town guards who had come down from the Bailey.Then all of a sudden Markas heard Kriv really raising his voice.


The words blasted across the square and Markas was up and rushing across the 70 or so feet into the trading post, worried that something was amiss. Markas gripped his holy symbol and pushed his way into the building just as he heard...

...Along with a dear friend of mine who was nothing short of a blessing to this town. Kriv points at Markas while scanning the room for disapproving glares. One of the few precious arcanists and a rising star in the town guard. he looks at Zora. We even have a bugbear! So fear not. Your goods will be returned to you before the next tenday has passed. When Kriv jumps down from the table again, he makes sure everyone sees and HEARS his heroic landing.

Markas blinked in surprise to find Kriv pointing in his direction as he entered and then looked around at some of the townsfolk who had turned to look at him. Unsure of exactly what he had been volunteered for, Markas just smiled beatifically and nodded. He was sure he caught a scowl from Renarra Delfryndel while Kriv finished his monologue and then vaulted gracefully off the table he was standing on and landed with a resounding peal of thunder.

Ever the entertainer Markas thought to himself.

As the hubbub died Markas saw Lugglug swallow some protests, roll his eyes and then make his way for the door. Markas just barely overheard him mumbling about "stupid bandits" before he exited the building. Watching him go for just a second, Markas turned his attention towards Kriv, who had volunteered him for what Markas inferred had something to do with Bandits and goods that were likely missing due to said bandits. Slowly he inched his way over through the crowd, nodding at Hiral as he passed by him.

"Hi Kriv, um..." Markas was aware that people were watching this exchange and that for the purposes of instilling faith in them for whatever this mission was he should play along.

"We should discuss preparations for dealing with these... bandits, we should grab the others and go somewhere to discuss our... preparations

Markas was not fantastic at improvising as it was essentially just making stuff up, which was a stone's throw away from lying so his attempt at getting Kriv to leave the room, at least to the casual observer, may have sounded more like Markas was trying to speak in a barely familiar foreign language, however he managed to come up with, to his mind at least, a plausible cover for him having no idea what was going on. Either way, placed a hand on Kriv's shoulder and gestured out the front door, while also turning his attention to Zora and Nina who happened to be present in the room and with an slight inclination of the head, motioned for them to follow. When outside he also spotted Rook looking in their direction, also giving him a nod of "come over when you get the chance" before leading Kriv around the back of the Trading post, within line of sight of the Nesper's Farm so that when Lugglug finished what he assumed was getting his gear, he could join them.

This roll is a deception check to see how well Markas' impro goes.
Deception (Disadvantage) - [roll0] [roll1]

EDIT: Wow so he did pretty good. There's also a bit of a "secret message" in here to say "Hey Kriv, we should talk."

2018-08-09, 03:11 PM
Led aside by Markas, Kriv looks in the elf's anticipating eyes. So I gave us a chance to show this town what we are made of. Markas' gaze was filled with a mix of fear and anger, at least for Kriv. I know, I know. I am sorry. I spoke for all of you when I shouldn't have. But just imagine this. Don't you want to be liked by the people in this town? Shouldn't they feel safe because you are here, not despite being here? Kriv walks half a circle behind Markas and grabs him by his broad shoulders, holding him. Don't you think people accept me for who I am here? For the older ones I am still the odd experiment Darthag started 15 years ago. I have grown into this town's community because I am useful and friendly and people feel safe around me. But deep down, most people are scared. Because I could crush their skulls. Because I could incinerate their bones and eat their bone marrow. Kriv growls with a deep grumble while gripping both of Markas' shoulders, almost leaving claw marks. His snout comes closer to Markas' neck, his nostrils exhale small billows of smoke. He then sighs heavily, turns Markas around and sits down in the dirt.

This is our chance to change something. People could start to trust in us. We all could need a confidence booster, really. Rook needs a goal in life ever since the attack. Lugglug wastes his potential. Nina and Zora are there for backup. Imagine if this is a large organized crime ring and not a small band. Four people do not cut it. And imagine if the whole guard of Waterdeep attacks their camp. They'll just flee and take all the really valuable trinkets with them. We have a certain...magical advantage here.

2018-08-09, 07:03 PM
Led aside by Markas, Kriv looks in the elf's anticipating eyes. So I gave us a chance to show this town what we are made of. Markas' gaze was filled with a mix of fear and anger, at least for Kriv. I know, I know. I am sorry. I spoke for all of you when I shouldn't have. But just imagine this. Don't you want to be liked by the people in this town? Shouldn't they feel safe because you are here, not despite being here? Kriv walks half a circle behind Markas and grabs him by his broad shoulders, holding him. Don't you think people accept me for who I am here? For the older ones I am still the odd experiment Darthag started 15 years ago. I have grown into this town's community because I am useful and friendly and people feel safe around me. But deep down, most people are scared. Because I could crush their skulls. Because I could incinerate their bones and eat their bone marrow. Kriv growls with a deep grumble while gripping both of Markas' shoulders, almost leaving claw marks. His snout comes closer to Markas' neck, his nostrils exhale small billows of smoke. He then sighs heavily, turns Markas around and sits down in the dirt.

This is our chance to change something. People could start to trust in us. We all could need a confidence booster, really. Rook needs a goal in life ever since the attack. Lugglug wastes his potential. Nina and Zora are there for backup. Imagine if this is a large organized crime ring and not a small band. Four people do not cut it. And imagine if the whole guard of Waterdeep attacks their camp. They'll just flee and take all the really valuable trinkets with them. We have a certain...magical advantage here.

Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Markas sat down next to Kriv, the physical contact had left Markas feeling a little shaken, not because he feared Kriv but because it was very intimate.

"I'm not angry about it Kriv. I just wanted to be filled in.". Markas took a deep breath and leaned back against the wall of the trading post.

"You're right though, it would be nice to prove to the people of the town that I'm here to help. Thank you for thinking of me, of all of us..." Markas gave him a playful punch on the arm. "Although you're going to have to explain to your pal Broland why you didn't want him to have a chance to prove himself too" Markas chuckled.

Markas sat in silence for a bit and waited for the others to arrive. When they had Markas asked the question that had been on his mind since finding out bandits had attacked a caravan on the way to town.

"So, what's the story? I understand that some bandits stole some stuff and I'm assuming it was on its way from Waterdeep. What was on that caravan that was so important? Mr Shekten, you were talking with the town guards earlier right? Did they tell you anything?"

Orsik Vondal
2018-08-09, 09:33 PM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Committed Heirloom Retrieval Specialist

Rook watches Lugglug tromp off toward his barn abode and is surprised to see Markas leading Kriv around the side of the Trading Post with Zora and Nina in tow. Markas gestures for Rook to follow, so he turns back to the guards and salutes. "I guess that's my unofficial invitation to the party. Tell Vel- Lady Nandar that everything will be taken care of."

Rook trails after the group and meets up with them around the side of the Trading Post.

"So, what's the story? I understand that some bandits stole some stuff and I'm assuming it was on its way from Waterdeep. What was on that caravan that was so important? Mr. Shekten, you were talking with the town guards earlier right? Did they tell you anything?"

"Lieutenant Samson told me that in addition to supplies for repairs and food, the bandits also made off with some Nandar family heirlooms that might protect the Lady Nandar if the elves attack again." His eyes shift to Markas for a brief moment. "Landy Nandar doesn't want to leave the town undefended and has asked if I and a small group could retrieve the stolen items. We don't need to slay all the bandits or recover all the items, but she would rather not lose the heirlooms if possible." Rook spreads his hands in petition. "So will you join me in this quest?"

2018-08-10, 01:28 AM
Artifacts? Kriv thought out loud. Yea, uh sure I already said I will help. I hope the others join us too. As for Broland... Kriv sighed. Have you ever sparred with him? He ALWAYS concentrates on a single enemy too much. If there is someone behind him with a shank or even just an archer a few feet away, he doesn't notice them until it is too late. I think he is shortsighted. Maybe his mother is right. But I want to give him hope. I want to give everyone in this town hope. Kriv smiles happily.

Just say a word and I will meet you all on the north entrance to town with my equipment in 30 minutes.

2018-08-11, 09:48 AM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Committed Heirloom Retrieval Specialist

"Lieutenant Samson told me that in addition to supplies for repairs and food, the bandits also made off with some Nandar family heirlooms that might protect the Lady Nandar if the elves attack again." His eyes shift to Markas for a brief moment. "Landy Nandar doesn't want to leave the town undefended and has asked if I and a small group could retrieve the stolen items. We don't need to slay all the bandits or recover all the items, but she would rather not lose the heirlooms if possible." Rook spreads his hands in petition. "So will you join me in this quest?"

Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

"Well I'm here to ensure that they don't have a reason to." Markas said plainly. "So long as no one ends up pillaging the elven ruins in the forest then the peace stands."

"I'm down for tracking down the lost heirlooms and recovering as much of the stolen goods as possible. I am also already equipped to venture out but I have many questions. How did the news of the bandit attack make it to us? Did members of the trade caravan make it to town, was the news sent by letter or sent by messenger? How long ago was the caravan attacked? Where along the road were they attacked? How many bandits were there? What exactly are the heirlooms we're looking to recover? Are there any trade manifests that we can have to inventory what we find?"

Markas paused for a second before continuing.

"We should ask around to see what information we can find out before heading out."

Earth Traveler
2018-08-12, 01:45 AM
Zora notices Markas' signal and leaves the shop a minute later to let the ringing in her ears subside. She follows him out and doesn't see them, but does hear some talking from behind the trading post, and arrives just in time to hear Markas finish a thought.

"...many questions. How did the news of the bandit attack make it to us? Did members of the trade caravan make it to town, was the news sent by letter or sent by messenger? How long ago was the caravan attacked? Where along the road were they attacked? How many bandits were there? What exactly are the heirlooms we're looking to recover? Are there any trade manifests that we can have to inventory what we find?"

"We should ask around to see what information we can find out before heading out."

Zora pauses for a moment to make sure he's finished his thought. "Good to see you, Rook. And you as well, Markas. Guess we won't be able to spar today, Rook, at least not while we're in town."

Zora takes a step back to look at everyone present and takes a moment to collect her thoughts. "Well, it looks like we'll all be going to stop the bandits, so I should tell you now: I am not at all looking forward to fighting any bandits unless Rook or Markas really want to, or they end up being a bigger threat than I imagine they will. My primary goal is to go out and recover a relic of Lathandar for Hiral." She breathes in pause, and continues, "That being said, I'm perfectly willing to help out on anything you need for now. Markas, I think we can probably ask Darthag most of your questions."

2018-08-12, 09:46 AM
Why should they become a bigger threat? Most brigands don't rob because they enjoy the life style or because they want to hurt people. But because they feel it is their way to make ends meet. Defeating them discourages further robberies. And encouraging them to become productive people offers them another chance. The guard is bound to imprison them. But we are not bound by these rules. We can make a deal, that maybe improving their lives - and ours. Kriv keeps eye contact while explaining his reasoning, with his eyes glowing in a hopeful manner. Like some kind of 250 pound kid.

Orsik Vondal
2018-08-12, 12:42 PM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Heirloom Retrieval Specialist and Reality Hammer

Rook wears a sad smile while Kriv speaks. He had to frequently remind himself that large as Kriv was, he was still a child. A year shy of an adult. "Kriv, I respect your outlook on this situation, but the truth is there are any number of reasons someone turns to banditry. I've put my fair share of bandits in jail over the years, and most of them robbed others simply because they could to get what they wanted." Rook turns to Zora. "I'm not looking for a fight either unless I'm left with no choice. Lady Nandar just needs the heirlooms and as many supplies as we can find. I'd rather not get into it with a band of thieves, just in case they are the vengeful types." He addresses the rest of the group. "If we can quickly and quietly recover the stolen goods without the bandits know we took them, that might be the best way to protect the people of Nightstone."

Rook turns to go. "I'm going to get my equipment. If any of you are going to go with me, I'll be at the Nightstone in an hour." With that he takes his leave ands back to the inn to gather his things.

2018-08-13, 06:07 AM
Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

"You say Hiral is short of a Lathandrian Relic too? I suppose we should ask him for detail on the item as well." Markas replied to Zora,

"honestly, I find those who steal things for a living generally do not like being stolen off and will defend their takings" Markas mused on the presented philosophy of banditry "If they accept your encouragement to be better people, well that would be great but we'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it"

"If people are going to take some time to get ready, I might fill in the intervening time by making my enquiries around town. I'll start with Darthag and then go see Hiral if he's not still at the Trading Post. When everyone is done preparing we can rendezvous at the Nightstone and we can go see Lady Nandar to tell her we will be taking on this behest. Sound like a plan?"

2018-08-13, 05:15 PM
Lugglug Gutripper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1640528)
Lvl 1 Paladin / Celestial Warlock

"Hmpphh," Lugglug snorts. "They chose their path. Desperation, greed, hate... reasons don't much matter. You gotta be ready for the consequences. Don't take what you can't keep," he suggests in a not unsurprisingly harsh stance given his heritage.

Holding the haft of his glaive, Lugglug's elbow dangles down to his waist. He taps his fingers against the dark, wooden shaft. "Been a while since I swung this thing. You want to spar?" he says to Zora in more of a command than an inquiry after her disappointment of not doing so with Rook or Markas. "Let's get some blood flowing while they ask their questions." You're pretty sure he just means exercise, but he seems a little too eager about the flowing blood part.

2018-08-13, 05:58 PM
As y'all pack your bags and prepare for your journey, and arrive near the gates one by one, you see an additional unexpected figure approaching the gates - Grin Agganor, with clothes ready for travel and a pack slung over his shoulders. He nods to each of you in greeting with a friendly smile, but looks a bit too nervous to really chat.

2018-08-13, 06:26 PM
Grin, what in blazes are YOU doing here? Do you really want to come with us? Kriv inquires. He doesn't look adverse to another travel companion but worries a slight bit about the inexperienced doctor. Do you worry about us getting injured? You don't need to, these scales are as hard as iron! Kriv thumbs on his chest.

2018-08-13, 06:32 PM
Grin, what in blazes are YOU doing here? Do you really want to come with us? Kriv inquires. He doesn't look adverse to another travel companion but worries a slight bit about the inexperienced doctor. Do you worry about us getting injured? You don't need to, these scales are as hard as iron! Kriv thumbs on his chest.

"Had some herbs coming in to supplement kits. Need to do a count of what I've still got, so I can figure out what I'll need to reorder by the time we get back," he mutters. "Ma also had something coming in from a friend from way down south, but didn't wanna bother anybody to look for it." He glances at Kriv. "You planning to go in bows blazing?" he jokes.

2018-08-13, 06:46 PM
How can I not, Grin? Kriv happily replies. If my comrades are to be trusted, bandits are evil demons instead of people. So I assume intimidation is the tool to keep them away from our trade routes. Kriv comes closer to Grin until his snout almost touches Grin's ear. The dragon growls in a low voice. Break their backs. Drink their blood. Crush their skulls. He steps back and quickly turns from a serious face to a happy laugh. You know, the usual!

Earth Traveler
2018-08-13, 06:48 PM
"You say Hiral is short of a Lathandrian Relic too? I suppose we should ask him for detail on the item as well." Markas replied to Zora,

"honestly, I find those who steal things for a living generally do not like being stolen off and will defend their takings" Markas mused on the presented philosophy of banditry "If they accept your encouragement to be better people, well that would be great but we'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it"

"If people are going to take some time to get ready, I might fill in the intervening time by making my enquiries around town. I'll start with Darthag and then go see Hiral if he's not still at the Trading Post. When everyone is done preparing we can rendezvous at the Nightstone and we can go see Lady Nandar to tell her we will be taking on this behest. Sound like a plan?"

Zora nods to Markas in approval and says, "Sounds good. I'll look for you after I get my gear." Turning to Kriv, she elaborates, "I'm not counting on being able to reform a group of bandits, and, from a more practical standpoint, I haven't been in a real fight for years and would prefer not to risk my life over something the city guard should be able to handle. Now, I'll see you all before too long after I--"

"Hmpphh," Lugglug snorts. "They chose their path. Desperation, greed, hate... reasons don't much matter. You gotta be ready for the consequences. Don't take what you can't keep," he suggests in a not unsurprisingly harsh stance given his heritage.

Zora jumps at hearing the bugbear interject in their conversation. She hadn't heard him up until this point, and had been quite sure he wasn't present up until now. She's even more concerned by the fact she didn't even hear the approach of a hulking 7-foot armor-clad warrior.

Holding the haft of his glaive, Lugglug's elbow dangles down to his waist. He taps his fingers against the dark, wooden shaft. "Been a while since I swung this thing. You want to spar?" he says to Zora in more of a command than an inquiry after her disappointment of not doing so with Rook or Markas. "Let's get some blood flowing while they ask their questions."

Recovering, Zora eyes the glaive and its wielder, and diplomatically answers, "We should do that, after I gather my gear."


Zora returns to her room in Nightstone Inn to gather her supplies. She dons her chain shirt, straps her longsword to her side, and stuffs the rest of her weapons and supplies into her backpack. However, she straps her shield to her back so as to avoid restricting her spellcasting and allows the banner of her fallen enemies to flow out of her backpack and over the shield.

Zora heads to the city gates to join up with her companions, and finds that one half of the town's medical duo appears to be ready to join them. She does catch his explanation for his presence as she approaches. She's slightly annoyed by his little joke to Kriv and slightly concerned that he might take the danger a bit flippantly, but reasoned that, with him being a doctor, he likely understood to some degree what dangers lurked outside the walls.

2018-08-13, 06:59 PM
How can I not, Grin? Kriv happily replies. If my comrades are to be trusted, bandits are evil demons instead of people. So I assume intimidation is the tool to keep them away from our trade routes. Kriv comes closer to Grin until his snout almost touches Grin's ear. The dragon growls in a low voice. Break their backs. Drink their blood. Crush their skulls. He steps back and quickly turns from a serious face to a happy laugh. You know, the usual!

The young man chuckles. "If they're heading for the hills when the see you coming, I certainly won't complain." He smiles again, thought it doesn't quite seem to reach his eyes. "Dunno how much help I'll be in a fight, but I'll try to keep you on your feet at least." He greets Zora as she approaches. "It probably goes without saying, but I'm glad to have someone more level-headed coming along," he mutters to her as she approaches.

Earth Traveler
2018-08-13, 07:59 PM
The young man chuckles. "If they're heading for the hills when the see you coming, I certainly won't complain." He smiles again, thought it doesn't quite seem to reach his eyes. "Dunno how much help I'll be in a fight, but I'll try to keep you on your feet at least." He greets Zora as she approaches. "It probably goes without saying, but I'm glad to have someone more level-headed coming along," he mutters to her as she approaches.

Zora nods to him, and whispers in reply, "I certainly wouldn't repeat that to Kriv," then more loudly, "Well, it'll be good to have you around. You can't really have too much healing, I suppose," she says, finishing with a bit of a laugh.

2018-08-13, 08:40 PM
Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

While the other members of their newly formed party retrieved their belongings, Markas went to see Darthag, Hiral and Lady Nandar to ask them about the trade caravan. He understood each of them had items on board and asked each for descriptions of said items and in the case of Darthag if he had a trade manifest so they could inventory what they could.

Upon finishing his business with Hiral, as he was closest to the town gate, Markas stepped out into the square and made his way to the town gate. He was surprised to see Grin standing there with travel gear and a pack on his shoulders talking to a grinning Kriv and an armoured Zora. Markas all of a sudden felt quite awkward as the young man who he had a crush on was now standing next to and talking with the other young man who he regularly flirted with and found reasonably attractive. Heart beating loudly in his ears Markas approached the group.

"Uhhh Grin! I didn't realise you'd be coming with us." Markas' usually cool and mild demeanour was replaced with a half excited half terrified look with a good measure of blushing added in and a slightly higher pitch of voice.

2018-08-13, 08:58 PM
Zora nods to him, and whispers in reply, "I certainly wouldn't repeat that to Kriv," then more loudly, "Well, it'll be good to have you around. You can't really have too much healing, I suppose," she says, finishing with a bit of a laugh.

"Here's hoping my skills are unneeded on the journey, and it ends up being a much simpler quest than it looks like it'll be," he says with a little laugh.

Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

While the other members of their newly formed party retrieved their belongings, Markas went to see Darthag, Hiral and Lady Nandar to ask them about the trade caravan. He understood each of them had items on board and asked each for descriptions of said items and in the case of Darthag if he had a trade manifest so they could inventory what they could.

Upon finishing his business with Hiral, as he was closest to the town gate, Markas stepped out into the square and made his way to the town gate. He was surprised to see Grin standing there with travel gear and a pack on his shoulders talking to a grinning Kriv and an armoured Zora. Markas all of a sudden felt quite awkward as the young man who he had a crush on was now standing next to and talking with the other young man who he regularly flirted with and found reasonably attractive. Heart beating loudly in his ears Markas approached the group.

"Uhhh Grin! I didn't realise you'd be coming with us." Markas' usually cool and mild demeanour was replaced with a half excited half terrified look with a good measure of blushing added in and a slightly higher pitch of voice.

Grin turns. "Oh, yeah! Need to check on the supplies I was after, and a thing for ma. I'll try not to slow you guys down to much," he says, nodding. "Truth be told I'm not entirely sure what to expect, but I guess that's why they're called adventures, huh?"

2018-08-13, 10:17 PM
Well I mean. Nina starts flipping a blonde strand of hair out of her face.

If you're really sure, you can with. But I'm not sure how well we'll be able to protect you, and are the herbs really worth your life? She offers with a warm smile, but a concerned look.

Orsik Vondal
2018-08-14, 09:28 AM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Heirloom Retrieval Specialist

Rook heads back into the inn and up to his room. He walks to the foot of his bed and uncovers a long-neglected, wooden foot locker under a throw blanket. He kneels down in front of it almost reverently. With both hands he slowly lifts the lid revealing several pieces of equipment: a shortbow and filled quiver, a couple of daggers, some adventuring gear and backpack, a sounding horn, some manacles Just in case, a shortsword, and a uniform of the city guard. Rook removes all of the items from the locker stowing what he can in the backpack. The sword goes in its, as of late, rarely used sheath at his side. The quiver and bow across his torso on his back. One dagger in a belt loop. One in his boot holster. His hand stops hovering over the locker air as he reaches for the uniform. You aren't worthy to wear that, yet. But maybe this quest will make you worthy again.

Rook removes his hand and closes the lid. He shoulders the backpack and picks up his walking stick and spear from where they have been resting in the corner. He locks the door to his room not knowing if he will ever make it back. As he passes the bar he tosses his key to Morak. "Looks like I'm not gonna be able to help clean up tonight, Morak. Thank you for all you've done." Rook muscles his way out the door into the sunlight.

His legs take him to the the bridge leading to the keep. He stops before he sets foot on the first beam. "Velrosa, forgive me for all the pain I've caused you. I hope I can make up for my past failures." He turns and walks away head held with determination.

He makes his way to the front gate, where most of the group is assembled, plus one extra member. "Grin, Nina's right. I hope you're up for this. There'll be meager accommodations on the road, but we're grateful for any help you can give. Are we ready?"

2018-08-14, 12:06 PM
"Here's hoping my skills are unneeded on the journey, and it ends up being a much simpler quest than it looks like it'll be," he says with a little laugh.

Grin turns. "Oh, yeah! Need to check on the supplies I was after, and a thing for ma. I'll try not to slow you guys down to much," he says, nodding. "Truth be told I'm not entirely sure what to expect, but I guess that's why they're called adventures, huh?"

Well I mean. Nina starts flipping a blonde strand of hair out of her face.

If you're really sure, you can with. But I'm not sure how well we'll be able to protect you, and are the herbs really worth your life? She offers with a warm smile, but a concerned look.

Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Heirloom Retrieval Specialist
He makes his way to the front gate, where most of the group is assembled, plus one extra member. "Grin, Nina's right. I hope you're up for this. There'll be meager accommodations on the road, but we're grateful for any help you can give. Are we ready?"

Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

"Yes, a journey into the unknown and unexpected. Hopefully we'll be able to recover everything with no bloodshed but we'll likely have to expect a fight. I-I'll be keeping an eye out for you Grin s-so don't you worry about that." Markas said looking mostly at the floor. When he looked up at Grin he couldn't help but make a slight stutter.
Turning to face everyone Markas cleared his throat and took a second to regain his composure, "I *cough* ahem... managed to get a list of all the items that were stolen by the bandits of Darthag as well as descriptions for the more important heirlooms and relics that were within."
Taking out the list, Markas focused on reading it which helped him further compose himself.
"Among Lady Nandar's heirlooms is a small quiver designed to be worn at the hip, a long grey-green cloak fastened in place with a broach bearing the Nandar family crest, a pair of solid hiking boots with a light fur lining, a sword with a deep grey almost black sheath and hilt, a short metallic pole about a foot long with a solid cap on both ends, and a necklace that was described as bearing the first gold coin the Nandar family ever made doing business as a pendant. The relic of Lathander is a 2 foot long smokey quartz sword that bears the symbol of Lathander on a golden pommel. All of these items are high priority but the highest priority is ensuring we all get back safely. I'm all ready to go when you are Mr Shekten." Markas finished reading off the list confidently and then folded it up and put it away in his backpack. He kept his attention on Rook as he finished, as he didn't trust himself to look at Grin or Kriv directly and not feel awkward again.

2018-08-14, 04:59 PM
When you all meet at the town's entrance Kriv joins you. He is heavily armed as well. He carries a halberd, his belt holds a flail and a dagger. He also sports a longbow and his quiver is equipped with a few javelins as well. He also wears a tabard of the trading post and he sports a rather unusual angry look in his face. Dad wouldn't give me money for a pig or a calf. What am I supposed to eat on the way? Twigs? Berries? You haven't seen Kriv this grumpy in a long long time. If these bandits do not at least share a meal with us, they should be careful that they don't end up BEING the meal. Let's go.

2018-08-14, 07:15 PM
But I thought dragons could eat anything? Nina protests.

So why would you only be able to eat meat?

2018-08-14, 07:46 PM
So why would you only be able to eat meat?

The doctor said, no more gold coins!

Earth Traveler
2018-08-15, 01:05 AM
The doctor said, no more gold coins!

Zora blinks several times in quick succession out of distress, then shakes her head slightly, trying to look past the fact she's traveling with someone who apparently likes eating currency. "Well," she begins, with a hint of concern in her voice, "I could share some of my rations with you since it seems you didn't pack any, or if eating fresh meat is that important to you, you can go hunting during our trip. I could even join you."

2018-08-15, 07:03 PM
Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Markas chuckles at Kriv's antics.

"Now why in the world would you want to eat gold coins Kriv? Sure you're a treasure but that saying 'you are what you eat' is more of a metaphor than something that actually happens"

"I'm also well provisioned for this journey. I usually have about 10 portions on me to accompany would be hunters and adventurers wishing to frequent the Ardeep Woods and I am more than happy to share with anyone who needs it"

Markas looked to the sun to check the time of day,

"We better start getting a move on. We'll start loosing light if we dawdle much longer and the trail the bandits left will start getting cold."

2018-08-15, 08:01 PM
You're not at all familiar with the lore - or more accurately the myths - of chromatic dragons? They are supposed to love gold so much that they can subside on the precious metals. They're also known for only accepting female sexy virgins. And this dragon does accept these too. Non-virgins are fine too. Kriv winks at Rook. And so we have a topic to talk about when walking to Waterdeep. It is not going to be a long journey I assume but it would be dull if spent in silence, was't it? The worst thing that could happen to Kriv is silence. As you will probably realize the dragonborn even speaks in his sleep. When he doesn't snore that is.

2018-08-16, 12:33 AM
Ugh I prefer non virgins, better if a girl's been around the block a few times and picked up a few tricks. Nina let out to the sky shamelessly looking up from the puppet she was working on.

2018-08-16, 08:52 PM
So if there are some non-virgins with the bandits...should I introduce you to them or are we going to do some kind of courting event like a royal gala? Kriv blurts out. I don't even know what to wear...

2018-08-16, 10:11 PM
I didn't know you knew royal protocol. Nina pipes up clearly surprised.

2018-08-17, 12:16 PM
Lugglug Gutripper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1640528)
Lvl 1 Paladin / Celestial Warlock

Break their backs. Drink their blood. Crush their skulls. He steps back and quickly turns from a serious face to a happy laugh. You know, the usual!
"There ya go," Lugglug replies cheerily, slapping Kriv on the back.

Lugglug makes a mental note of the Lathander relic for later, a hand in his pocket ruffling the strange note he found this morning. All in all these folks seemed like fine companions, Kriv especially. The bugbear appreciated his vigor, though he was a bit loud at times. He seems surprised by the courting conversation, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. "They court mates in Waterdeep too?? I'd have never guessed, always figured those city folk had weak stomachs... Do they use leg or arm bones for the drumming? I prefer legs, gives a deeper sound. What do they sacrifice? One of my clanmates chose an ox... it took so long to drain during the blooding ceremony the shaman fell asleep!" he emits a low, rumbling guffaw at the memory.

2018-08-17, 02:33 PM
Well I mean. Nina starts flipping a blonde strand of hair out of her face.

If you're really sure, you can with. But I'm not sure how well we'll be able to protect you, and are the herbs really worth your life? She offers with a warm smile, but a concerned look.
He makes his way to the front gate, where most of the group is assembled, plus one extra member. "Grin, Nina's right. I hope you're up for this. There'll be meager accommodations on the road, but we're grateful for any help you can give. Are we ready?"

"I understand the danger that's inherent in traveling into a bandit nest. I know what I'm getting into. Trust me, I fully intend not to pick any fights - if we could just sneak in and take everything back without them noticing until we're long gone, that makes taking them out the Waterdeep guards' problem, which is perfectly fine, they're quite capable."

"Yes, a journey into the unknown and unexpected. Hopefully we'll be able to recover everything with no bloodshed but we'll likely have to expect a fight. I-I'll be keeping an eye out for you Grin s-so don't you worry about that." Markas said looking mostly at the floor. When he looked up at Grin he couldn't help but make a slight stutter.
Turning to face everyone Markas cleared his throat and took a second to regain his composure, "I *cough* ahem... managed to get a list of all the items that were stolen by the bandits of Darthag as well as descriptions for the more important heirlooms and relics that were within."

Grin smiles at him. "Thanks, nice to know I've got somebody watching my back rather than trying to talk me out of it," he says with a small laugh.

When you all meet at the town's entrance Kriv joins you. He is heavily armed as well. He carries a halberd, his belt holds a flail and a dagger. He also sports a longbow and his quiver is equipped with a few javelins as well. He also wears a tabard of the trading post and he sports a rather unusual angry look in his face. Dad wouldn't give me money for a pig or a calf. What am I supposed to eat on the way? Twigs? Berries? You haven't seen Kriv this grumpy in a long long time. If these bandits do not at least share a meal with us, they should be careful that they don't end up BEING the meal. Let's go.
But I thought dragons could eat anything? Nina protests.

So why would you only be able to eat meat?
The doctor said, no more gold coins!
Zora blinks several times in quick succession out of distress, then shakes her head slightly, trying to look past the fact she's traveling with someone who apparently likes eating currency. "Well," she begins, with a hint of concern in her voice, "I could share some of my rations with you since it seems you didn't pack any, or if eating fresh meat is that important to you, you can go hunting during our trip. I could even join you."

"I've got some rations packed up, but I'd prefer to get some fresher food along the way, if possible. I haven't done much hunting, but I'm at least competent with my bow. Not good exactly, but...well, yeah." He sorta nods towards the small bow on his back.

Markas chuckles at Kriv's antics.

"Now why in the world would you want to eat gold coins Kriv? Sure you're a treasure but that saying 'you are what you eat' is more of a metaphor than something that actually happens"

"I'm also well provisioned for this journey. I usually have about 10 portions on me to accompany would be hunters and adventurers wishing to frequent the Ardeep Woods and I am more than happy to share with anyone who needs it"

Markas looked to the sun to check the time of day,

"We better start getting a move on. We'll start loosing light if we dawdle much longer and the trail the bandits left will start getting cold."

You're not at all familiar with the lore - or more accurately the myths - of chromatic dragons? They are supposed to love gold so much that they can subside on the precious metals. They're also known for only accepting female sexy virgins. And this dragon does accept these too. Non-virgins are fine too. Kriv winks at Rook. And so we have a topic to talk about when walking to Waterdeep. It is not going to be a long journey I assume but it would be dull if spent in silence, was't it? The worst thing that could happen to Kriv is silence. As you will probably realize the dragonborn even speaks in his sleep. When he doesn't snore that is.

"I feel things could get boring on the road, and I'd certainly appreciate a good story." :smallsmile:

2018-08-17, 04:33 PM
"I feel things could get boring on the road, and I'd certainly appreciate a good story."

Have you ever heard about the silver dragon Adalon? Her eggs were stolen by drow during the time of troubles, and a hero came along and aided her... (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22925331&postcount=235)

2018-08-17, 06:09 PM
Have you ever heard about the silver dragon Adalon? Her eggs were stolen by drow during the time of troubles, and a hero came along and aided her... (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22925331&postcount=235)

Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer
Markas was soon lost by the conversation of virgins, non virgins, courting and oddly blood. Markas was more than glad when Grin managed to steer the conversation towards stories and Kriv, ever the entertainer, happily obliged.

"I don't actually know much about dragons at all, I mean I know a little from my history lessons but elvish history but dragon encounters are few and far between. I would be most interested to hear this story and since it looks like everyone is here you can regale us as we travel."

Markas started walking out the gates, following the path south west that lead to the High Road.
I'm walking out the gates under the assumption that we know roughly where we need to go, but if that isn't the case I can remove the part about leaving and add in a part about going to go ask the members of the caravan for specific detail.

Earth Traveler
2018-08-17, 07:44 PM
Zora, somewhat perturbed by the direction the conversation had taken, follows Markas out the gates, desirous to get the adventure underway as soon as possible so she can be done with it soon as she can.

2018-08-21, 04:52 AM
The group makes their way to the High Road in good time, the next hour or so passing quickly as Kriv and Nina weave together tales of adventure and action. Occasionally members break off to hunt, yielding some small game to improve their meals in the coming days' travels. As you follow the path along the river, the forests gradually turn to hill-dotted plains, giving you a nice view every time you reach the latest crest. A gentle breeze stems a touch of the heat the afternoon has brought with it, and large fluffy clouds provide frequent shade from the sun's harsh rays. As the river turns away and a new hill crest is reached, the High Road comes into view in the distance; knowing that it's around this intersection where the robbery was committed, the party regroups before continuing their approach. As the breeze shifts southward, you feel the hairs on the back of your neck raise a bit - something's wrong, but you're not sure what, more of a gut feeling than anything.

What do you do?

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18orDGq3mdCQtCzKfnkoueIYEcWScWTpmm8B2q2-EqkY/edit?usp=sharing)

The current "Party" block is an approximation of current position. LMK how you wanna approach things, and give me an idea of approximate formation.

Orsik Vondal
2018-08-21, 05:41 AM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Vanguard Scout

Rook halts and raises his left fist by his head to signal the others to do the same. He slowly removes the bow from his shoulder and nocks an arrow to the string. He stills himself and listens to the wind sweeping his eyes around looking for a threat.


2018-08-21, 08:44 AM
Kriv removes the tabard of Darthag's trade company. He then climbs the closest strong tree to improve his point of view. Other than that, Kriv loudly announces that he is sure bandits would never attack such a charming and well-built merchant such as him. After sufficiently talking about his ability to persuade people, Kriv starts a discussion with his group on how they want to spend the dragon's hoard they found.

My dear friend Adalon* gave us a tiny part of her hoard because we negotiated the trade routes away from her lair. She is really a generous creature but then again, silver dragons are always known to be noble and altruistic. How are you going to spend your hundred unicorns**? Kriv says joyfully. It was very wise of her to see behind my scale color and accept me as what I am.

*Adalon is the silver dragon out of Kriv's story. Incidentally it is the silver dragon featured in Baldur's Gate 2's Chapter 4 where it wasn't a trade route but her lair was on the way to the surface and she was the only thing standing between the drow and a surface invasion.
**Unicorn is the name of a platinum coin; 100 unicorns is 1000 gold.

2018-08-21, 11:29 AM
The group makes their way to the High Road in good time, the next hour or so passing quickly as Kriv and Nina weave together tales of adventure and action. Occasionally members break off to hunt, yielding some small game to improve their meals in the coming days' travels. As you follow the path along the river, the forests gradually turn to hill-dotted plains, giving you a nice view every time you reach the latest crest. A gentle breeze stems a touch of the heat the afternoon has brought with it, and large fluffy clouds provide frequent shade from the sun's harsh rays. As the river turns away and a new hill crest is reached, the High Road comes into view in the distance; knowing that it's around this intersection where the robbery was committed, the party regroups before continuing their approach. As the breeze shifts southward, you feel the hairs on the back of your neck raise a bit - something's wrong, but you're not sure what, more of a gut feeling than anything.

What do you do?

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18orDGq3mdCQtCzKfnkoueIYEcWScWTpmm8B2q2-EqkY/edit?usp=sharing)

The current "Party" block is an approximation of current position. LMK how you wanna approach things, and give me an idea of approximate formation.

Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Markas felt the change in the wind and a strange feeling of unease. Noticing Rook's signal to halt Markas stopped walking, said a small prayer under his breath, and turned around to face the way they had come from scanning the horizon with his eyes and straining his ears against the breeze. He also moved to take a slight defensive position near Grin, making good on what he said earlier about watching his back.

Cast Guidance
Perception for anything out of the ordinary [roll0] + Guidance [roll1]

2018-08-21, 01:04 PM
That's when Markas saw a little blonde shape at the corner of his vision.

Holding a.... small puppet of him.

You can do this, big me! The puppet cheers. Believe! Believe in your eyes as I believe in you! Believe! As Nina gave Markas a thumbs up.

Giving bardic inspiration to Markas.

Perception [roll0]

Earth Traveler
2018-08-21, 02:03 PM
Rook had gone ahead, but Zora sticks with the group, staying in front of the spellcasters while keeping an eye out for dangers like wild animals or bandits. The group approaches the intersection near where the bandit attack took place and, at Rook's signal following a shift in the wind, Zora stops. Her hair stands up a little as the wind blows by.

I must be jittery from not being in a fight for so long, Zora thinks to herself. She tries to brush the feeling off the next moment, reasoning, Why should there be a fight? It's not like bandits can control the wind. That notwithstanding, she looks a bit closer for danger out across the plains... especially since Kriv's shouting would likely draw any nearby bandits like moths to a light.

(Perception) [roll0]

2018-08-21, 05:29 PM
Lugglug Gutripper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1640528)
Lvl 1 Paladin / Celestial Warlock

"I'd go straight for ya, Kriv. People follow strength. Take out the meanest lookin' one first and the others run and hide or do whatever ya want," he suggests.

"100 unicorns? Figure I'd buy some equipment in the city, pay someone to make my beer, and take a nap. Official Taste Tester would be my titl---" Lugglug pauses at the signal and looks about across the hills and trees, seeing nothing but nature. Moments of nothing pass and the adrenaline fades from his blood... he was strangely sad at the feeling. Another moment... and another. "You see somethin' or just wanted a break?" the bugbear asks of Rook.

If no immediate threats are indicated he moves to the front of the group and continues down the road, looking a few feet off either side for signs of dragging, wagons running off the road, etc.

Perception: [roll0]
(or +3 if Investigation)

2018-08-21, 11:19 PM
That's when Markas saw a little blonde shape at the corner of his vision.

Holding a.... small puppet of him.

You can do this, big me! The puppet cheers. Believe! Believe in your eyes as I believe in you! Believe! As Nina gave Markas a thumbs up.

Giving bardic inspiration to Markas.

Perception [roll0]

Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Markas blinked as the miniature puppet facsimile of him entered his field of view

"When did you make...?" Markas said initially confused, but the antic brought a smile to his face and he gave a thumbs up back to Nina before returning his attention to what he was seeing and hearing.

With my previous roll of 23 +1 from Guidance and +5 from bardic inspiration my new total is 29 Perception check.

2018-08-22, 10:01 PM
Hey. Nina starts before coughing and clearing her throats.

I see something in that grass. She starts, switching puppets from the Markas one to Castius Maximus.

Can't tell if it's humanoid or not though.

Earth Traveler
2018-08-22, 11:43 PM
Zora's gut clenches as she spies several movements in the grass that are most certainly not being caused the wind. Well, speak of the Devils... she thinks to herself as she draws her sword as the movements get closer to the group.

Hey. Nina starts before coughing and clearing her throats.

I see something in that grass. She starts, switching puppets from the Markas one to Castius Maximus.

Can't tell if it's humanoid or not though.

Zora helpfully informs Lugglugg, Nina, and Markas(*) in an urgent whisper, "I see several 'somethings' in the grass, so, well, prepare yourselves accordingly." Zora turns to face the "somethings" in preparation for an oncoming assault.


I just said those three because I assume Rook and Kriv are scouting ahead and up a tree respectively, but if either of them are still in the group, Zora obviously tells them too.

2018-08-23, 12:32 PM
Lugglug Gutripper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1640528)
Lvl 1 Paladin / Celestial Warlock

Lugglug gives a curt nod of acknowledgement to the warning. He sees it too but continues on as though they were still a ways off from their destination. When he arrives roughly perpendicular to where the first of the lumps hides he suddenly whirls around, shifting his grip toward the end of his glaive as the roundhouse motion sends it slicing through the base of the grass near the first lump, the green and yellow blades drifting slowly to the ground.

As he withdraws the blade he shouts at whatever's there "Out now, hands up or the next one clips your throat!"

Attack (disadv because cant quite see it?): [roll0] / [roll1]
Dmg: [roll2]

Intimidation? [roll3]

2018-08-23, 03:45 PM
Come on, there's nothing there. Stop threatening the winds. Kriv says as he advances further down the road. At any sign of being surrounded by 3 or more people he will cast Thunderwave and likely start the combat.

2018-08-23, 08:16 PM
Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Nina and Zora's statements only confirmed what Markas had seen but it seemed that Markas' elven eyes had spotted a bit more detail. He began relaying what he saw in real time with a little bit of his inner monologue as he tried to process what he was seeing.
"I see 10 patches of parted grass, 7 moving, 3 unmoving. The three unmoving ones are humanoid sized but they could be lying in wait or possibly even dead. From this distance it's too hard to tell. The seven moving ones are smaller and simply wandering. Given the speed at which they are moving and the amount of grass they're displacing they're unlikely to be humanoids crawling around down there. Probably some kind of animal predator, but which... they don't seem wide enough to be the feline predators that stalk the plains. The only other predators that frequent this area are... Seladrine help me..."

It was at this point as the wind blew as Markas said a little prayer, he noticed something. He could very clearly smell Lugglug. During their travel thus far Markas had surreptitiously been walking down wind of the man. This meant that he had placed himself in front of the man as they were climbing to the top of this crest but with the sudden shift in wind direction to Northerly, he was now downwind. Looking out over the tall grass Markas as his thought process went on Markas also noticed a subtle change in the movements of the patches. They had stopped momentarily and then that prickly sensation on the back of Markas' neck picked up, as if they were being watched, except he now knew they were being watched and those watchers were


Lugglug had begun to antagonise them but as he stepped forward Markas was painfully aware that he and his scent were now very clearly over the crest and blowing straight down to the presumed wolves. Kriv had seemingly not noticed and was continuing to walk down the hill

"Lugglug! Kriv! Wait come back! There's a pack of wolves down there!"

2018-08-23, 08:49 PM
Even as Rook hears Markas' warning from behind him, he notices the shapes in the grass reacting to their presence - and a couple approaching at top speed. What does Rook do?

Orsik Vondal
2018-08-24, 04:04 PM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Prickly Wolf Chow

When Markas shouts his warning, Rook finally spies the disturbances in the grass up ahead. They were moving fast! There would be little time think before the wolves were on top of him and the others. He releases the tension on his bow and stows it once again across his back. "Spread out! Off the road! Don't give them an easy target!", he hisses. Rook takes several defensive steps back toward the rest of the party and slips into the grass. He crouches down and somberly whispers, "I will not be hunted. Not today." while his left hand unsheathes the shortsword at his side. With his right Rook grabs a scoop of dirt and rubs it on the hilt of his sword. He then stands up and prepares to fend off any oncoming attacks.

Stow shortbow.
Move to BL19
Attempt to hide in the grass [roll0]
Wait in preparation for bloodshed...

2018-08-24, 11:03 PM
Rook is doing his best stop judging him. Lugglug what are you doing?

2018-08-26, 08:48 AM
Lugglug Gutripper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1640528)
Lvl 1 Paladin / Celestial Warlock

Pack hunters. He appreciated that. Wolves weren't uncommon in the hills but no less scary when hungry. As people start to spread out, Lugglug takes up a defensive stance a few feet in front of Nina, Zora, and Grin (or as many of them as he can, preferring the two ladies) and waits for the beasts to arrive, raising his glaive over his head and stomping his feet as he shouts a wordless battlecry at them, daring them to enter the fray.

Going to attempt to intimidate the wolves into backing down using threatening "enlarging" body language. [roll0]
+4 instead if Animal Handling more appropriate.

2018-08-26, 11:00 AM
The remaining wolves approach, although much more wearily than the first two. More problematically, three figures climb to their feet in the grass beyond the intersection, taking in the scene. They approach slowly and loose a few arrows at Rook, but the distance keep them from really having much chance of hitting.

Wolves 1-5 approach, single move+dodge instead of dashing.

Scouts move up and each send a couple arrows at Rook. RNGesus don't fail me now!

Attack 1 (disadvantage): [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage 1: [roll2] (+[roll3] if crit)

Attack 2 (disadvantage): [roll4] or [roll5]
Damage 2: [roll6] (+[roll7] if crit)

Attack 3 (disadvantage): [roll8] or [roll9]
Damage 3: [roll10] (+[roll11] if crit)

Attack 4 (disadvantage): [roll12] or [roll13]
Damage 4: [roll14] (+[roll15] if crit)

Attack 5 (disadvantage): [roll16] or [roll17]
Damage 5: [roll18] (+[roll19] if crit)

Attack 6 (disadvantage): [roll20] or [roll21]
Damage 6: [roll22] (+[roll23] if crit)

Kriv, you're up!

2018-08-26, 12:00 PM
Kriv quickly checks behind him, throwing his bow towards his friends. Cover us! he barks moving closer to Rook. You. Can. Do. This. Kriv shouts, his voice magically enhanced. Rook suddenly feels his heart swell with pride. All distractions are blown away, he even feels more vigorous than usual. We ALL believe in YOU!

Item Manipulation: Throwing the bow back to the others.
Move to BR 24
Casting Heroism on Rook.
A willing creature you touch is imbued with bravery. Until the spell ends, the creature is immune to being frightened and gains temporary hit points equal to your spellcasting ability modifier (=3) at the start of each of its turns. Concentration spell, lasts a minute.
Using Bardic inspiration on Rook.
That creature gains one Bardic Inspiration die, a d6.

Once within the next 10 minutes, the creature can roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes. The creature can wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to use the Bardic Inspiration die, but must decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails.

2018-08-26, 12:06 PM
Grin looses a shaky arrow at one of the approaching wolves, although it's quite a far shot...

Attack on W2 (disadv): [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (+[roll3] if crit)

Earth Traveler
2018-08-26, 02:40 PM
Zora sheathes her sword and pulls out her crossbow, noting one of the wolves is at the extreme edge of the weapon's range. She loads the bolt, whispers a small prayer to Chauntea, and fires toward one of the predators.

Attack on W3 (disadv): [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] ([roll3] if crit)

2018-08-26, 10:41 PM
There's... so many of them... Nina went out forcing her eyes wide for effect.

We... we need some kind of help. Tactical help! She remarked with a wide smile on her face. Luckily. I know just the guy to help! General Saladhead! She remarked a puppet with a head of romaine lettuce, with bits of chicken and crouton stuck to his clothing, and hair looking like Parmesan cheese.

Coughing once she started speaking in a different voice. Wolves don't do ranged attacks dingsus. Keep at range! And get some cover for those archers.

Another genius maneuver. You really are an average fighter, but a brilliant General! Nina remarked. Everyone you heard General Saladhead. She remarked as she fired her bow

Attack on wolf 2
w Disadva [roll0] [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Move to BQ0.

2018-08-27, 06:34 PM
Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Kriv tossed his bow towards the party and Markas dutifully received it and looked at it morosely remembering all the different bowstrings he'd snapped.
"Uhhh Lugglug I'm no good at using these, I think this will be more effective in your hands" and promptly handed it to the bugbear.
Looking at the situation ahead of him, the wolves were all quite a distance off still, further than he could effectively reach. Kriv and Rook were also now outside of the range of most of his beneficial spells so he couldn't do anything to help them without having to run towards them, but that would leave the archers unprotected.
Nina seemingly had a similar though and mentioned cover for the archers which made Markas think That might work
Markas turned around to face Zora, Grin Lugglug and Nina.

"I can give you cover but it will rob you of your view of the battle field. You will need to step out of it when you want to fire. Walk straight ahead until you breach the cloud, take your shot and then step back in. I'm no good at ranged combat so I'm going to support Kriv and Mr Shekten but I'll be in close enough range to support you if you need assistance."

Markas then waved his hands in a spiralling motion and chanted in elvish, conjuring a thick and heavy bank of fog that started in between Zora and Grin and spread out, eventually engulfing Lugglug and Markas on the periphery of it's obscuring mist. Markas then turned around and walked out of the cloud and towards Kriv and Rook who were still too far away.

"Mr Shekten, Kriv, you're both too far away. Withdraw a little so you're within range of supporting fire and supporting spells. 15 to 20 feet back would be perfect" Markas called out.

My reasoning for you guys coming back is so that the party doesn't get too split up. Making sure we're a fair distance apart vsing wolves isn't a bad idea but if we're too far apart that makes it difficult for us to support each other and gives the wolves isolated targets to try and pick off. Plus, making the wolves have to run further gives us more opportunities to fill them with arrows or, if they look like they're within closing distance you can ready an action to hit it as soon as it gets into your reach. The only reason I can see you wanting to charge down the hill is to take out the three human scouts but you'd be pretty surrounded. So we need to thin out the pack of wolves a bit before we do that. Just my thoughts.

Strength Save

Dexterity Save

Constitution Save

Intelligence Save

Wisdom Save

Charisma Save


Fog Cloud (http://5e.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fogCloud.htm)
20ft fog cloud centred between BS8 and BT7
Concentration up to an hour

Fey Ancestry
Advantage on saves against being charmed
Cannot be put to sleep magically

Advantage on Concentration checks to concentrate on spells



Action - Cast Fog Cloud

20ft radius from intersection of BS8 and BT7

Move - 30ft to BQ 17

2018-08-28, 07:40 PM
The two wolves quickest to detect your group press onward despite the impressive display, their mental momentum bolstering their mettle in the face of physical intimidation. Rook, you've got a couple arrows sticking out of you, Kriv's got your back, and somebody just put a cloud of cover over the more vulnerable party members. What do you do?

2018-08-28, 08:10 PM
Lugglug holds his glaive in one hand and catches the bow in the other, looking at it almost quizzically. "I don't want this," he says back to Markas, but he's already in the middle of casting his spell. He turns to Zora who has a crossbow of her own, then Grin... who similarly has a ranged implement in hand. Nina's hand held a puppet. Throwing the bow on the ground, Lugglug takes a few slow steps forward as the fog envelops the others, and patiently (but more importantly, lazily) waiting for the wolves to come to him.

Advance to BO22 with a dash.

Orsik Vondal
2018-08-30, 05:19 AM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Wolf Hunter

Rook nods at Kriv in appreciation and pulls out his bow. Fitting an arrow to the string he finds the nearest movement in the grass. After a steadying breath he let's loose the arrow toward his target. Not waiting to see if it hits, Rook taps Kriv on the shoulder as he retreats towards the others. "Fall back. We don't want to be caught alone out in the open like this. Safety in numbers, Kriv."

Attack Wolf 6 with shortbow
With Disadvantage [roll0], [roll1]
Move to BO20

2018-08-30, 07:46 AM
As Rook retreats while sending a parting shot at the approaching wolves, Lugglug charges out of the cloud to join Kriv at the front line. Meanwhile, the remaining wolves get over their momentary fear and charge forward as well - as does a volley of arrows headed right for Kriv.

Wolves 1-5 Dash forward. Scouts 1-3 move forward and each fire two arrows at Kriv, with disadvantage.

A1: [roll0] or [roll1]
D1: [roll2] (+[roll3] if crit)

A2: [roll4] or [roll5]
D2: [roll6] (+[roll7] if crit)

A3: [roll8] or [roll9]
D3: [roll10] (+[roll11] if crit)

A4: [roll12] or [roll13]
D4: [roll14] (+[roll15] if crit)

A5: [roll16] or [roll17]
D5: [roll18] (+[roll19] if crit)

A6: [roll20] or [roll21]
D6: [roll22] (+[roll23] if crit)

Kriv, what do you do?

2018-08-30, 04:36 PM
Kriv dodges the few arrows that were not incredibly far off. Then he gets hit by an arrow in his biceps, barely missing his chest or worse, his face. Kriv looses concentration on his magic because he growls too loudly. Suddenly Rook feels a bit more vulnerable and alone. Suddenly your idea seems clever. The dragon vanishes in the smoke cloud, rips out the arrow with a loud scream and prepares himself mentally for the next few minutes.

Second Wind [roll0]

2018-08-30, 05:00 PM
As Kriv runs back towards the smoke cloud to catch his breath, Grin slips out the back of it to where Nina is. "Yeah, seems safer back here..." he tells her.

Zora, Nina, Markas, what are y'all up to?

Earth Traveler
2018-08-30, 05:49 PM
Zora blindly walks forward until she finally steps out of Markas' fog cloud. It was nice of him to give us cover, but those wolves are still a long way off, thought Zora as she steps forward and surveys the wolves briefly. Well, better too early than too late, she notes, then snaps her crossbow up and fires a bolt at the nearest wolf.

Attack on W2: (disadv) [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (add [roll3] if crit)

2018-08-30, 08:07 PM
Keep to cover, dingus! General Saladhead piped up.

Everyone keep firing, if we take down even one wolf then General Saladhead's brilliant advice will not be in vain! She piped up.

Skirting to the left to avoid shooting through the fog cloud, she pulled out another arrow arcing it high in the sky to strike down a wolf.

Markas, question can you dismiss your fog cloud? She comments.

Grin, you can do it!Fire your bow for great justice against the wolven menace! Nina cheered into the cloud.

Move to BP 1.

Attack with the shortbow wolf 3
[roll0] Dis [roll1]
Damage [roll2] Crit if necessary [roll3]

Bonus action Inspire Grin.

2018-08-31, 01:11 AM
Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Round 3

"If it's necessary I can make it go away" Markas half yelled in reply to Nina's disembodied voice

Markas surveyed the scene ahead of him. Lugglug was standing his ground some 25 feet in front of him, whilst Rook was a small ways behind that. Kriv had already rushed past Markas to the edge of the cloud he created looking a little worse for wear, taking out the arrow with a scream.

"You alright Kriv?" concern showing in his voice, the arrow had gone quite deep it seemed.

Markas returned his attention to the approaching wolves. They were all quite a distance away so they were outside of the range of his spells. Markas decided to bide his time, waiting for the wolves to enter his range

Markas is readying an action to cast a spell if a wolf manages to enter within 120ft of Markas' position.

2018-08-31, 05:57 AM
Free action to talk?

Yeah, I am fine. It takes more than a stray arrow to pierce THAT hide! Kriv flexes his biceps. You don't see him flinching but you could swear his eyes are watering a bit.

2018-08-31, 08:52 AM
The wolves draw nearer. Rook, Lugglug, what are you doing?

2018-08-31, 10:23 AM
Lugglug Gutripper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1640528)
Lvl 1 Paladin / Celestial Warlock

"Scatter, stay together, rush forward, stay in the fog... make up yer damn minds!" the bugbear huffs at Rook and Kriv as they retreat. Why'd he go all the way out there if they were just going to come back? Waste of energy...

Eyeing the nearest of the wolves, Lugglug harnesses some energy around his right hand and sends a purple beam streaking toward the creature before he too saunters back, dragging the butt end of his glaive behind him in the dirt.

Eldritch Blast on W6: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

Move to BP17

2018-08-31, 12:26 PM
One of the wolves yipes loudly as Lugglug's bolt slams into it, and it crumples to the ground, never to rise again.

2018-09-01, 09:59 PM
Rook retreats rurther, going slow to keep his aim steady as another shot flies towards the approaching pack.

Rook takes a shot at W2 with disadvantage, then retreats to BR 14.

Attack: [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (+[roll3] if crit)

Meanwhile, the pack closes in, as do six arrows split between Lugglug and Markas.

Wolves 1-5 Dash closer. Scouts move forward and takes shots - the first three towards Lugglug, the last three towards Markas.

Attack: [roll4] or [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] (+[roll7] if crit)

Attack: [roll8] or [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] (+[roll11] if crit)

Attack: [roll12] or [roll13]
Damage: [roll14] (+[roll15] if crit)

Attack: [roll16] or [roll17]
Damage: [roll18] (+[roll19] if crit)

Attack: [roll20] or [roll21]
Damage: [roll22] (+[roll23] if crit)

Attack: [roll24] or [roll25]
Damage: [roll26] (+[roll27] if crit)

2018-09-02, 12:01 AM
Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer
Round 3
Seeing the wolves advance closer, Markas released the magical energies he had been holding on to. Markas' eyes glowed and his voice deepened as he spoke the words to bring forth power, a roiling ball of energy forming at his fingertips. As he readied to loose the magic on one of the approaching wolves, the sound of arrows flying through the air caught Markas' attention. The spell leaving Markas' hand shot through the sky and as Markas had to shield himself from the incoming projectiles, saw that it thudded ineffectually into the dirt. Lugglug to his right was hit by two arrows. Markas cursed and wrapped his fingers around the whip at his side.

"You alright Lugglug?

Strength Save

Dexterity Save

Constitution Save

Intelligence Save

Wisdom Save

Charisma Save


Fog Cloud (http://5e.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fogCloud.htm)
20ft fog cloud centred between BS8 and BT7
Concentration up to an hour

Fey Ancestry
Advantage on saves against being charmed
Cannot be put to sleep magically

Advantage on Concentration checks to concentrate on spells


Readied Action - Cast Chaos Bolt at W2
Roll 0:
Roll 1:
Roll 2:

Rolling my attacks and their dice OOC because variable effects abound and I don't want to have to constantly edit my IC post.
Casting Chaos Bolt as a Level 1 spell
To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]+[roll2]
Edit: Well ****

Earth Traveler
2018-09-02, 01:47 AM
As the wolves approach, Zora finally sees her opportunity to cast a spell at their attackers. As she moves to stow her crossbow, however, she notices that Lugglug and Markas are under fire from arrows, with two in particular ripping into the bugbear for some nasty-looking wounds. It takes only a moment's hesitation for her to remember what to do. The more targets they have, the better off those two will be, she decides, and advances to help form a line with the two. Noticing a particularly fresh wolf coming in, she whispers the magic words and slings some fire in its direction.

Move to BR 17

Attack with Fire Bolt on W1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-09-02, 06:29 AM
Yer ma was a bitch that got laid by mutts! shouts Kriv, standing next to his comrades. He will not hide behind an 'old man' and a lady. As Kriv notices his words don't hurt the wolf at all, like it is actually not even more angry because of that, he pulls the bow string and pick off the first wolf.

Move to BO 19

2018-09-02, 07:47 AM
Okay I've got them right where I want them. Time to upgrade my weaponry. Nina remarked stowing the bow as she moved to the left.

To a finger gun! Pew! She commented firing from her extended pointer finger.

Move to BO1

Attack action Eldritch blast.
[roll1] Crit [roll2]

Move back to BQ1

2018-09-02, 10:10 AM
Kriv's arrow strikes true, and another wolf faceplants into the dirt.

2018-09-02, 11:09 AM
Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Markas saw Kriv walk past with his bow out, firing an arrow at the wolf to the south and downing it. Walking up on Krivs right hand side Markas gave him a slap on the back,
"Nice shot! Good to see you're still fighting fit!" Markas said with a smile before unfurling his whip and watching the two closest wolves intently, two different spells on his mind but unsure which to use until he saw how close they got.

Strength Save

Dexterity Save

Constitution Save

Intelligence Save

Wisdom Save

Charisma Save


Fog Cloud (http://5e.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fogCloud.htm)
20ft fog cloud centred between BS8 and BT7
Concentration up to an hour

Fey Ancestry
Advantage on saves against being charmed
Cannot be put to sleep magically

Advantage on Concentration checks to concentrate on spells


Move - to BN19

Readied Action - Cast Booming blade if a wolf reaches 10ft from Markas or cast sacred flame if a wolf enters within 60ft but >10ft away.

Earth Traveler
2018-09-02, 02:23 PM
Zora sees Kriv and Markas move up and watches as Kriv fires at a wolf with his bow. It hits, and the wolf stops moving.

Well, there's one less wolf to worry about,she thought as she moves up to join Kriv and Markas. She sees two wolves coming up on their right, so she repeats her arcane incantation and fires a shot of flame at the closer wolf.

Move to BP 19
Fire Bolt on W2: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (add [roll2] if crit)

2018-09-03, 11:56 AM
Lugglug Gutripper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1640528)
Lvl 1 Paladin / Celestial Warlock

Lugglug's attention was too focused on the wolf he dropped to notice the trio of arrows sailing toward him, one sinking into his shoulder and the other leaving a gash on his arm as it sails past. "HrrrrngggrRAAAAAHHH," he bellows, ripping the arrow from his flesh and tossing it to the ground. Huffing, he places his hand against the wound channeling a rush of white energy into his body and partially closing the bloody hole.

Invigorated, he fires another blast of energy at one of the wolves, again stepping in front of the line of people.

BA: Healing Light myself for [roll0]
A: EB on Wolf 1 [roll1] / [roll2]
Move to BN21

2018-09-03, 12:09 PM
The wolves dodge away from the incoming spells easily.

Orsik Vondal
2018-09-04, 05:44 AM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Full-Time Bandit Nabber, Part-Time Pin Cushion

Rook sighs as his comrades rush ahead to meet the enemy. "The impetus of youth." he says with a slight grin, then rushes forward to lend his bow to the onslaught. As he come even with the rest, he peers down the road to look at one of the wolves' masters. "Once we off these wolves, we should try to capture at least one of them", Rook says pointing down the road to the figure standing there. He gets a bead on the closest wolf and lets an arrow fly, hoping his aim holds true.

Move to BP20
[roll0] --general appearance and race, unique identifying characteristics (red sash, bandana, emblem, etc.)
Attack W2 with shortbow [roll1] or [roll2]
On hit [roll3]

2018-09-04, 09:59 AM
Grin peeks around the cloud and sends an arrow at one of the wolves.

W4 Attack: [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (+[roll3] if crit)

The wolves approach recklessly, and pay the price: one falls to Rook's arrow, another tumbles after running into a blast from Nina, and the last one has to contend with holy fire falling from the sky at Markas' direction. The three remaining wolves run ever closer, with arrows flying from behind them to harass our intrepid adventurers.

W5 Sacred Flame save: [roll4]

Wolves Dash, and there's only three left. Scouts move forward and shoot.

Kriv Attack: [roll5] or [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] (+[roll8] if crit)

Lugglug Attack: [roll9] or [roll10]
Damage: [roll11] (+[roll12] if crit)

Lugglug Attack: [roll13] or [roll14]
Damage: [roll15] (+[roll16] if crit)

Markas Attack: [roll17] or [roll18]
Damage: [roll19] (+[roll20] if crit)

Zora Attack: [roll21] or [roll22]
Damage: [roll23] (+[roll24] if crit)

Zora Attack: [roll25] or [roll26]
Damage: [roll27] (+[roll28] if crit)

2018-09-04, 10:16 AM
Kriv tries to remember the archery lessons he was taught. It was easier said than done to aim with claws like his. He did not struggle with the might pull of the longbow but aiming was another topic entirely. Concentrating on aiming, Kriv feels a sharp pain in his side. A fiery pain jolts through his pierced side.

He finally realizes his bow can reach this bandits, and they're much more dangerous than the wolf pups. He fires at the archer furthest away. I will teach you how archery is done, you dirty bastards! he shouts as loud as he can. With a new sense of bravado, Kriv tries to aim for its weak point for massive damage.

Bardic inspiration on self, immediately burning it
[roll0] + [roll1]
Moving to BS 23

2018-09-04, 10:34 AM
One of the archers just barely avoids taking an arrow to the neck, cursing as the head digs into his shoulder.

2018-09-04, 11:03 AM
Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Markas saw the wolf dodge the bolt of radiant energy he sent.
Markas still had his whip in his hand and moved to stay next to Lugglug so that should he need to switch tactics, he could. He prepared himself to attack yet again.

Strength Save

Dexterity Save

Constitution Save

Intelligence Save

Wisdom Save

Charisma Save


Fog Cloud (http://5e.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fogCloud.htm)
20ft fog cloud centred between BS8 and BT7
Concentration up to an hour

Fey Ancestry
Advantage on saves against being charmed
Cannot be put to sleep magically

Advantage on Concentration checks to concentrate on spells


move to stay next to lugglug (Between him and kriv) unless he dashes or moves out of Markas' movement range

Action - ready action to cast a spell.
Trigger: if a creature makes it towithin 10ft of Markas, cast booming blade. If a creature is >10ft but <60ft then cast Sacred flame
[roll0] or dexterity save DC 13 please
slashing damage
Radiant/Thunder damage

2018-09-04, 03:00 PM
Lugglug Gutripper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1640528)
Lvl 1 Paladin / Celestial Warlock

"Those bandits are gonna run when the wolves are dead... best advance a bit so we can catch 'em when the time comes." The bugbear takes a few steps forward, firing more eldritch energy at the wolves to thin their pack further.

EB on Wolf 5: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Move to BN26

Earth Traveler
2018-09-04, 04:24 PM
Zora dodges the two arrows fired her way, then weaves behind Rook and Markas to regain her spot on the line. Seeing that wolves are now quite close, she moves in front of the cleric to shield him and draws her sword in preparation for dealing with the wolves at very close range. As she knew from experience, protecting healers is very important. Slightly behind her, Lugglug slings a bolt of energy toward the nearest wolf. Zora decides to try to finish it off with her own spell, repeating her invocation for the third time and shooting a mote of fire at it.

Zora moves to BO 22

Fire Bolt on W5: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] ([roll2] if crit)

2018-09-04, 08:36 PM
Wha. Why. Why would you move closer? Nina replied affronted.

GENERAL. SALADHEAD graciously has chosen to gift us the yuletide gift of overwhelming tactical advantage in the face of adversity. And you spit in his goddamn face.

You heathens. She remarks. as she hypocritically moves forward.

Already got a bard kill, time to start a dirge! She comments Before firing a finger gun.

Move to BO7
Ready Eldritch blast on wolf 5
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] Crit [roll2]

Orsik Vondal
2018-09-04, 09:40 PM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Soon-to-Be Wolf Pelt Salesman

Rook looses a final arrow before stepping forward and switching weapons. The wolves would be upon them soon. He calls out to the archers down the road, "This might go a lot better for you if you surrender now. If not, well...there a few in our group who like to stab and crush pesky highwaymen."

Rook takes a calming breath and tries to place the scouts' garb. Once a city guardsman, always a city guardsman.

Attack W5 with shortbow [roll0]
[roll1] + [roll2]
Move to BP22

2018-09-04, 11:36 PM
Another wolf falls to the adventurers. The remaining two wolves split apart and circle around Lugglug carefully, while the archers continue their barrage.

W5 is down. W4/W7 move, and Dodge. Archers approach, and fire off their arrows at Lugglug.

Attack: [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (+[roll3] if crit)

Attack: [roll4] or [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] (+[roll7] if crit)

Attack: [roll8] or [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] (+[roll11] if crit)

Attack: [roll12] or [roll13]
Damage: [roll14] (+[roll15] if crit)

Attack: [roll16] or [roll17]
Damage: [roll18] (+[roll19] if crit)

Attack: [roll20] or [roll21]
Damage: [roll22] (+[roll23] if crit)

2018-09-04, 11:41 PM
Despite dodging, another wolf is brought down by Nina and Markas' tactical thinking.

2018-09-05, 12:46 AM
The second most important tactic is psychological warfare.

That was the core tenet of General Saladhead, and it was high time Nina applied leaping forward she called out to the dodging wolf.

Hey, Wolf! You're dodging cause you mother's a bitch. You hear me a bitch! She jeered.

Before she leaped into the fog the retreating figure of General Saladhead calling out.

And your father smells of Elderberries.

Move to BO12.
Action Cast Vicious mockery on Wolf 4, it must make a DC 14 Wis saving throw or take [roll0] psychic damage and know the shame of disadvantage on it's next attack roll.

Move to BP13

Orsik Vondal
2018-09-05, 04:51 AM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Wolf Butcher

As the wolf attempts to flank the group Rook meets it head on with an arcing slash of his sword and a swift kick for good measure. He looks to Lugglug wishing he could snatch those arrows out of the air before they hit his companion. He'd have to work on that when he got a chance. "Lugg! Wolves incoming at your twelve, one, and three! I have your nine!"

Finally! They're in melee range!
Move to BQ27
[roll1] + [roll2]
[roll4] + [roll5]

2018-09-05, 08:09 AM
Lugglug Gutripper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1640528)
Lvl 1 Paladin / Celestial Warlock

He was wearing out, but another arrow wasn't going to stop him. Snapping off the shaft with a grunt, Lugglug steps off the path away from Rook toward the last remaining wolf and takes a wide swing at it with his glaive. This was the first thing he intended to hurt with the weapon for close to a year now. It felt heavy and awkward in his hands, and he misjudged the distance of his great reach, coming up short as the wolf slowed its momentum for a moment to dodge his blow.

Move to BK23

Attack wolf 4: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
BA Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2, 1, 2, 2.... the dice hate me this turn lol.

2018-09-05, 08:12 AM
Despite realizing his tactical advantage Kriv cannot resist charging into the fray and crushing wolf skulls. C'mere, doggies! he shouts as he charges the first wolf.

Item interaction: Switch from bow to Polearm
Attack wolf 7 with Polearm: [roll0]
Dmg Polearm: [roll1]

Earth Traveler
2018-09-06, 02:37 AM
Zora sees Lugglug take yet another arrow and notices that he seems to be racking up some nasty wounds as he swings and misses at a nearby wolf. "I'll take care of this wolf, Lugglug! You should fall back for healing!" she advises as she moves toward the wolf. She takes her blade in both hands, swinging awkwardly with the intent to cleave the beast in two.

Zora moves to BI 24
Attack with Longsword in both hands w/ disadv: [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] ([roll3] if crit)

2018-09-06, 05:34 AM
Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Arrows continued to rain down his compatriots, wearing the fortitude of his companions thin. Markas knew his inital attempt at protecting them was now past its usefulness. Kitted out in heavy armor, a shield and the option to add abjuration magic to his raiment, Markas decided to take point and draw their fire.
"Friends I'm going to draw the fire of those archers. We'll need to close ranks with them anyway if we want this combat to end. The cloud I conjured is going to disappear as I do this so you'll want to take cover in other ways if you need it. Also I'm not going to have any more healing magic available to me after this so you'll want to either see Grin or use your own spells if you have it. "
As he walked down the road Markas evoked another bolt of sacred energy to fall upon the wolf engaged in melee with zora and Lugglug before focussing on the archers down the road and beginning to he began casting, armouring himself in a shimmering field of holy magic.

Strength Save

Dexterity Save

Constitution Save

Intelligence Save

Wisdom Save

Charisma Save


Shield of Faith
+2 bonus to AC
Concentration up to 10 minutes

Fey Ancestry
Advantage on saves against being charmed
Cannot be put to sleep magically

Advantage on Concentration checks to concentrate on spells


move to BL27

Action to cast sacred flame at W4
Dexterity saving throw DC 13

If W4 is no longer standing then target W7. If neither are standing Action to dash to BK33

bonus action - cast Shield of Faith.

+2 to AC

2018-09-06, 07:36 AM
As both wolves fall, Grin rushes forward to help engage the archers...who aren't retreating, but rather doubling down on "shoot them 'til they're dead".

Both remaining wolves are dead, and none of them ever got to actually attack. :smalltongue: Oh, and archers are close enough now to not need disadvantage. Each one focuses a particular target with their attacks: two attacks each on Kriv, Markas, and Rook.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (+[roll2] if crit)

Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] (+[roll5] if crit)

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] (+[roll8] if crit)

Attack: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] (+[roll11] if crit)

Attack: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13] (+[roll14] if crit)

Attack: [roll15]
Damage: [roll16] (+[roll17] if crit)

2018-09-06, 08:09 AM
Here comes daddy! Kriv shouts and charges down the fields, dodging the archer's attacks.

Move to BS 32, dodge action.

Earth Traveler
2018-09-06, 06:09 PM
Zora hears the bowstrings twang from down the road and watches as several arrows fall over her eastward allies. Most missed, but Kriv was clipped by an arrow and ran down the hill down their new targets. Zora moves down the hill as well, knowing that the archers would tear them to pieces if they stayed at range, but she straps on her shield first as added protection from the onslaught.

Zora equips her shield
Zora moves to BI 30

Orsik Vondal
2018-09-06, 09:45 PM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Bandit-Snatcher

Rook takes a cue from his dragonborn sparring partner and advances on the scouts to the south. As he moves toward them he bobs and weaves making it difficult to get a bead on his position.

Move to BO33

2018-09-06, 10:07 PM
Now! Close to melee and give the bandits your weapons! In their bodies! Fatally! General Saladhead offered, as Nina rushed forward, firing her shortbow.

Move to Bp19


Fire shortbow at bandit 1
Attack [roll0]
Disadvantage [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2018-09-07, 03:39 AM
Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

It seemed the wolves had been neutralized and everyone was starting to advance on the archers. The arrows kept coming, and out of the corner of his eye Markas spotted Kriv get clipped by another one. Weighing up the choices in his head he thought about how to mitigate the damage they were doing. Coming to a decision Markas decided getting to them sooner, though foolhardy, was the better bet. The others seemed to be advancing cautiously but it would be a while before they would all get into melee. In the distance Markas could vaguely hear Nina yelling something to a similar tune to what he was thinking, albeit in what he now came to know as General Saladhead's voice. Throwing caution to the wind Markas raced down the hill, shield raised and whip trailing by his side.

Strength Save

Dexterity Save

Constitution Save

Intelligence Save

Wisdom Save

Charisma Save


Shield of Faith
+2 bonus to AC
Concentration up to 10 minutes

Fey Ancestry
Advantage on saves against being charmed
Cannot be put to sleep magically

Advantage on Concentration checks to concentrate on spells


dash to BH39

2018-09-09, 10:25 AM
Lugglug and Grin both approach carefully, keeping an eye out to avoid shots.

Both move forward at their speed, and Dodge.

The archers focus-fire on the running Markas, sending six arrows his way as they start backing up, switching to Kriv if Markas goes down.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (+[roll2] if crit)

Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] (+[roll5] if crit)

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] (+[roll8] if crit)

Attack: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] (+[roll11] if crit)

Attack: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13] (+[roll14] if crit)

Attack: [roll15]
Damage: [roll16] (+[roll17] if crit)

2018-09-09, 12:09 PM
Wake up, you big baby and keep your nose down! Kriv barks at the dying Markas. He approaches the wounded comrade.

bonus action Healing Word directed at Markas. [roll0]
movement: Moving to BO 36.
action: dodge
item interaction: switching to bow

2018-09-09, 12:49 PM
Wake up, you big baby and keep your nose down! Kriv barks at the dying Markas. He approaches the wounded comrade.

bonus action Healing Word directed at Markas. [roll0]
movement: Moving to BO 36.
action: dodge
item interaction: switching to bow

Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Markas' entire world was pain at that moment. He was charging down the hill hoping to divert arrows from his comrades and thinking this was a fool hardy decision and the next moment an arrow whizzed by followed by searing pain in his chest. Another arrow missed followed by two more arrows in his arm and leg respectively. Pain, darkness and then the sound of Kriv yelling brought him back. His eyes fluttered open. Markas had fallen forwards and managed to push the arrow in his chest clean through. Breathing in the smell of dirt, Markas gave a groan of acknowledgement before beginning to cast a spell, one that he hoped would give him some cover from those archers. Looking to his right he saw the grass on the side of the road, growing tall enough to hide the wolves to a degree. No sooner than he had the image in his head, a patch of grass that matched the rest in the field popped up surrounding where he was. Markas made sure sure to make it mesh with the grass on the side of the road. Spell completed markas crawled from his newly made cover to the actual grass on the side of the road and did his best to hide.

Strength Save

Dexterity Save

Constitution Save

Intelligence Save

Wisdom Save

Charisma Save


Ranged attacks against Markas are made at a disadvantage

Fey Ancestry
Advantage on saves against being charmed
Cannot be put to sleep magically

Advantage on Concentration checks to concentrate on spells


Action - cast minor image

field of grass matching the grass on the side of the road with divet to make it look like a person is in there in BH39
DC 14

crawl to BG38-BF38-BE39

Orsik Vondal
2018-09-09, 12:58 PM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Recently Angered Bandit-Snatcher

Watching the half-elf go down under a hail of arrows snapped something in Rook. In that moment he didn't see a potential spy or a lying envoy from the beasts who killed his best friend. He saw a brave brother-in-arms putting himself in the line of fire to advance the party's position. Reckless and foolhardy. But brave nonetheless. The same type of emotions that welled up in him over Drezlin's death fought for the surface right now. Rook suppressed the impulse to charge the archers. That would only get him into the same situation as Markas.

The bandits were keeping them at range hoping to whittle them down. The grass might provide him with some cover. He could use his shortbow then drop to hide from easy view, but that might allow the brigands to escape. Full out charging the archers would probably net him several arrows in the chest. What if I combined the two? I might be able to avoid their attacks long enough to close the distance.

Rook makes up his mind and takes off running. Just as the arrows fly toward him, he dives into the grass hoping they sail over as he rolls to keep him momentum going.

Move to BL39
Dash to BJ45
Drop prone/roll in grass

Earth Traveler
2018-09-09, 02:37 PM
As Markas ran down the road, the archers fired a volley... all of which looked targeted at the cleric. A few flew wide and landed in the dirt, but the rest landed square on Markas, who promptly fell.

Zora watches this happen and a wave of emotions come over her, both grave concern for Markas' life and anger over how stupid running straight into a volley of arrows was. She's torn by what to do next until she hears Kriv speak some magic words and realizes he must be healing Markas. At the same time, some long grass sprouts around Markas as he rolls on the ground, obviously the work of a spell he himself cast. With the cleric apparently not in immediate danger of dying, Zora gathers her thoughts to consider what to do. Okay, the main healer was just taken out of the fight, Lugglug's badly wounded and too far away to help. So me, Kriv, and Rook have to form a front line... that leaves... She yells out, "Nina! Get down here! We need your help!" Zora thinks for a moment and elects to check to make sure Markas is okay before going fully after the archers. However, she realizes she won't be able to reach him before the next volley is fired. So she sheathes her sword, and tosses another bout of spellfire at the nearest archer, doing her part to keep that volley from being fired.

Zora moves to BH 36 and sheathes her sword
Fire Bolt on S1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] ([roll2] if crit)

2018-09-09, 10:34 PM
"Oh Nina, please save us from the consequences of ignoring General Saladhead's brilliant tactical advice earlier leaving us all spread out." Nina muttered annoyed to herself.

Yeah, yeah, coming Zora! She called out.

Rushing forward, Markas saw puppet Markas riding in Nina's bag. Staring firm. The face of adversity met with equal stoic felt.

The sight, of Puppet Markas standing firm in the face of arrow wounds. Gave Markas just a little bit more hope that they'd get out of it.

Double move to BI 31

Bonus action Inspire Markas!

2018-09-12, 04:26 PM
Lugglug moves forward carefully, mindful of his injuries, while Grin approaches more quickly to get into close range. Meanwhile, the archers focus-fire on Rook as they back away, glancing nervously at each other as the party grows closer

Lugglug Dodges and moves closer. Grin Dashes closer.

Scouts make 6 attacks at disadvantage on the prone Rook. If they manage to take him out, shots beyond what's necessary

Attack: [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (+[roll3] if crit)

Attack: [roll4] or [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] (+[roll7] if crit)

Attack: [roll8] or [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] (+[roll11] if crit)

Attack: [roll12] or [roll13]
Damage: [roll14] (+[roll15] if crit)

Attack: [roll16] or [roll17]
Damage: [roll18] (+[roll19] if crit)

Attack: [roll20] or [roll21]
Damage: [roll22] (+[roll23] if crit)

2018-09-12, 07:36 PM
Nina leaped from the woods, to emerge on cold hard trail ground.

Lo! You thought you outnumbered us, but now it is you that are the outnumbered. Nina proclaimed dramatically.

And soon you shall be outnumbered even more, as your bodies fall to the ground covered in arrows, and arrows, and finger gun wounds! Your only hope for survival, is to throw down your weapons and surrender. Plead. Plead for lives and General Saladhead will show mercy! Nina continued.

Move to BI 37
Action Persuade to surrender. [roll0]

2018-09-13, 04:34 PM
Give up and you may yet live! Kriv exclaims!

Going to BL 41 while dodging.

Orsik Vondal
2018-09-13, 06:51 PM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Amateur Negotiator

Rook glances at the line of blood staining his right shoulder as he rolls to his feet. At least it was only a grazing shot. Once his feet get under his center of mass, he takes of running again.

Hoping to capitalize on Nina's threat and suggestion to surrender, Rook adds his own two bits. "Wounding my...friend...was a mistake, but that can be forgiven. We want information. And dead men say nothing. If you lay down your bows, you have my word as a city guardsman of Nightstone that no harm will come to you. Else, I'll run you down and beat the piss out of you!"

At the end of his speech Rook dive rolls once again to avoid a hostile response.

Stand (10 ft. of movement)
Move to BI49
Dash to BH55
Go prone

Earth Traveler
2018-09-14, 01:35 AM
Zora moves quickly into the patch of grass Markas created around himself, but as she steps into the grass... she steps through the grass, without the grass moving at all. It's an illusion, she realizes as the false grass washes out, allowing her to see the ground below. Well, Markas isn't here. He must be somewhere nearby though, she concludes as she surreptitiously steps out of the grass and scans the grass for signs of Markas.

Investigation check against illusion (see OOC thread) - failed
Zora moves to BH 39, then to BG 39

2018-09-15, 05:19 PM
Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Markas saw hear footsteps running up behind him. He looked over to see Zora run up to where he was just before he made his exit into the grass, looking around. Markas made a shouted whisper to her, hoping the wind didnt carry his voice too much.
"Zora, I'm over here and I'm fine. You might want to get down. I'm going to try get closer."
Markas began to crawl on his stomach through the grass, praying the archers arrows, who ever they ended up targeting, would not find their mark.

Strength Save

Dexterity Save

Constitution Save

Intelligence Save

Wisdom Save

Charisma Save


Ranged attacks against Markas are made at a disadvantage

Fey Ancestry
Advantage on saves against being charmed
Cannot be put to sleep magically

Advantage on Concentration checks to concentrate on spells, able to cast with somatic components even if wielding a weapon or a shield, able to use a reaction to cast a spell of up to 1 action instead of an opportunity attack.

minor image
image of grass in BH39. DC 14
9/10 rounds remaining


move action:
crawl at 2/3 speed

Strength(Athletics) check of 19 from OOC. Ruling on discord chat
move MO to BA43

Action - hide

disadvantage due to chainmail

2018-09-18, 09:56 PM
Grin and Lugglug approach carefully, ready to dodge any incoming fire, as the scouts fight their retreat. Noticing what Rook is doing, the three men glance at each other before drawing arrows and continuing to walk backwards while sizing up their potential targets.

2018-09-18, 10:32 PM
My apologies. Nina snarked starting to rush forward.

I didn't realize you didn't understand common. Drop. Your. Weapons. Lâche tes armes. She says switching to elvish flawlessly.

Lass deine Waffen fallen. She says in undercommon, before finally switching to Sylvan Släpp dina vapen She adds.

Dash to BG 49.

And persuasion check [roll0]

That's when Nina faceplanted. Rolled on the ground, and spun a little dizzy. I will murder their families.

2018-09-18, 10:43 PM
Very fortunately for Nina, the archer's decision to shoot when charged at might fail to hit her due to her unintended faceplant.

Readied actions going off. Nina's turn to get shot at a lot.

Attack: [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (+[roll3] if crit)

Attack: [roll4] or [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] (+[roll7] if crit)

Attack: [roll8] or [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] (+[roll11] if crit)

Attack: [roll12] or [roll13]
Damage: [roll14] (+[roll15] if crit)

Attack: [roll16] or [roll17]
Damage: [roll18] (+[roll19] if crit)

Attack: [roll20] or [roll21]
Damage: [roll22] (+[roll23] if crit)

2018-09-18, 10:56 PM
This is not gonna work! Kriv thinks to himself. His claws waggle in the air. Now, Captain! Seize them! he shouts. Suddenly you can hear the trampling of at least a dozen hooves and a foreign voice. This is captain Arland of the Waterdhavian City Guard. You are under arrest.

Casting minor illusion (sound) on BO 36, then moving to BL 47
Performance (or Deception) to bluff: [roll0]

2018-09-18, 11:00 PM
As six arrows flew through the air. One hit her most important organ.

Her puppeting hand. With arrow firmly through General Saladhead's head, blood pooled from the puppet.

Must.... keep... bit.... Et.... Tu.... Brutus. She remarked before faceplanting.

Earth Traveler
2018-09-18, 11:42 PM
Zora hears Markas' call and he says that he's fine. Well, it looks like he's trying to hide and if he says he's fine, well... She begins to advance toward the archers down the hill, when Nina suddenly runs forward and dives into the grass... which didn't fool the archers at all, as they launch a volley of arrows at the spot Nina attempted to hide in. She sees Nina try to get up - with a couple arrows sticking out of her - then collapse back down. "Argh! Now they've taken her down! At this rate we'll all be dead in a minute!" Zora angrily says to herself as she darts down the hill, firing another orb of fire at the archers.

Zora move to BF 45
Fire Bolt on S1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] ([roll2] if crit)

2018-09-18, 11:48 PM
Zora's orb just barely misses an archer who dodges out of the way.

Orsik Vondal
2018-09-19, 05:58 PM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Amateur Archer

Hearing another of his companions hit the deck Rook abandons his full out advance. If I can take one of them out, they might reconsider their current course of actions. He pulls out his shortbow and lets off a shot. He aims for the most conspicuous of the archers, then rolls through the grass to avoid return fire. "You just crossed a line! Run or fall!"

Stand to fire. (10ft. of movement)
Move to BF59
Go prone

Earth Traveler
2018-09-19, 09:57 PM
Zora races down the hill to where Nina is, crouching down next to her, partially in the grass. Haven't seen anything this bad in years, she thinks to herself as she hastily pushes the arrows through, then places her hands near the wounds and chants the words to heal Nina's wounds. She looks over her to make sure it worked, then, satisfied with the result, stands up and continues down the path with some trepidation.

Zora moves to BG 48, then to BF 50
Cast Cure Wounds on Nina: [roll0]

2018-09-20, 05:04 AM
Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Markas heard Nina go down, she seemed to be about 30 ft from him, he could get to her shortly but not soon enough it seemed. Zora was nearby and he had heard she was blessed by the gods and when he heard the familiar incantation to cure ones wounds he was even more certain of what he'd heard. Markas decided to keep focussed on what he was doing, moving to a flanking position.
Once Markas thought he was somewhat close enough he tried to hide his position as best as possible, listening and watching for what their next move may be.

Strength Save

Dexterity Save

Constitution Save

Intelligence Save

Wisdom Save

Charisma Save


Ranged attacks against Markas are made at a disadvantage

Fey Ancestry
Advantage on saves against being charmed
Cannot be put to sleep magically

Advantage on Concentration checks to concentrate on spells, able to cast with somatic components even if wielding a weapon or a shield, able to use a reaction to cast a spell of up to 1 action instead of an opportunity attack.

minor image
image of Grass in BH39. DC 14
7/10 rounds remaining


Round 9
move action:
crawl at 2/3 speed

Strength(Athletics) check of 9 from OOC. Likely fail
move MO to AX46

Action - dash

move to AU49

Round 11
move action:
crawl at 2/3 speed

Strength(Athletics) check of 23 from OOC.
Likely pass due to precedent
move MO to AW53

Action - Hide
in ooc 13

2018-09-21, 09:35 PM
Grin and Lugglug continue approaching carefully to avoid getting shot. The archers back up while preparing another volley.

Orsik Vondal
2018-09-21, 10:56 PM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Amateur Archer

Rook rises to a crouch, takes aim at the scout standing in the road, and lets an arrow fly. These bandits have run out of time! He runs forward and dives into the grass, hoping to avoid getting skewered.

Stand (15 ft. of movement)
[roll0] Damage - (6) on S2
Move to BE6

2018-09-21, 11:49 PM
Nina attempts to spring to her feet fluidly.

Rushing forward she reached into her puppet bag, pulling out a smaller bag, holding it upside down she shook the bag, as dozens of sheep puppets fell to the ground.

HA HA HA! TRY AND COUNT THEM ALL! She challenged as the enchantment weaved into effect.

Acrobatics [roll0]
Attempt to move to Bf53 (If bomb ask Kriv to shove me closer.]

Action Cast Sleep reaching all three of the archers. [roll1]

Also go prone!

2018-09-22, 02:47 PM
One archer aims for Zora as she heals; another splits his shots between the approaching Lugglug and Grin; the last one targets Rook as he stood.

Readied actions for things happening during the round, which Zora's second round of actions was.

Zora: [roll0], [roll1] (+[roll2] if crit)
Zora: [roll3], [roll4] (+[roll5] if crit)

Lugglug: [roll6], [roll7] (+[roll8] if crit)

Grin: [roll9], [roll10] (+[roll11] if crit)

Rook: [roll12], [roll13] (+[roll14] if crit)
Rook: [roll15], [roll16] (+[roll17] if crit)

2018-09-22, 03:00 PM
You are going down! Kriv exclaims and shoots the last bandit.

Item interaction: swap glaive for longbow
Action: shoot the bow: [roll0] and [roll1]
Move: move to BL 53

2018-09-22, 03:07 PM
The last archer standing audibly curses as he's struck; he eyes his snoozing companions and decides to employ the better part of valor - stowing his bow and running up the high road as fast as he can. Grin and Lugglug take the opportunity of "not being constantly shot by arrows" to run up as well and see which of their allies need healing.

Scout dashes away, although he's far from out of range if you wanna try and shoot him down. Lugglug and Grin both Dash towards Rook.

New Round

The two healers reach Rook and provide their respective approaches to trauma treatment: one by way of applied biological knowledge and skill...and the other by way of magic. "Now, my stuff ain't exactly magic, I can only do so much so quickly," Grin explains as he binds wounds, pulls out arrows, and the like. "Body needs time to heal on its own, so these bandages can come off, but 'til that happens I can't do much more for you."

Lugglug reaches Rook and heals him for 5 HP via Lay On Hands. Grin reaches Rook, pulls out a healer's kit, and starts binding his wounds for 1d6+8 HP.

2018-09-22, 03:30 PM
"And warn your friends of Kriv the Mighty, Destroyer of Bandits!" The Dragonborn aims at the bandit until he is out of reach. Then he flexes until the bandit is out of sight. When he is sure no outsider is looking at him, he slumps down. Maybe a tiny break to eat something? I am starving. he says wheezing, pretending not to be overly injured.

Performance and/or Bluff roll: [roll0] (just a guideline, you may or may not realize depending on how close you feel your character is to Kriv)

Earth Traveler
2018-09-22, 03:33 PM
Zora sees Nina put two of the archers to sleep, and, as Kriv's arrow hits the only one left standing, the last upright archer runs for the hills. Not really any point in chasing him across the countryside, she concludes as she watches him briefly, then sprints downhill to make sure the two sleeping ones don't get away.

Zora draws her sword
Zora dashes to AZ 62

Orsik Vondal
2018-09-22, 04:04 PM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Recently Unconscious, Former City Guardsman HP: 19/21

Just as he lets fly his arrow a bandit's arrow catches him in the right shoulder. Having just released the tension in that arm and the subsequent hit combine to overwhelm Rook's senses with pain. He drops like a stone.


His eyes flutter open as the bleeding stops and Lugglug's divine power courses through him. He bolts upright and winces as a phantom pain in his shoulder flashes. His eyes dart around looking for the bandit threats. He relaxes slightly seeing his companions some what at ease. When he catches sight of the bandit laying in the road, he barks, "If he ain't dead, tie him up. We need answers. Where are the others?" He then stands up and walks over to the downed bandit. As he does he catches sight of the second bandit laying in the grass. "Him too. One can lie, but with two it becomes difficult."

He pulls rope from his pack and sets to hog-tying the bandit in the road.

I am taking the liberty to walk all the way to S2, as he will be asleep for a minute. Didn't see the point in drawing it out. Unless someone goes all Peter Quill on Thanos. :smallannoyed:

2018-09-22, 05:38 PM
Markas Ordmund (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1641039)
Lvl 1 Tempest Cleric//Giant Soul Sorcerer

Markas peeked up from the grass he had been crawling through after he heard Kriv yelling. Seeing the last bandit to the south of him, making a hasty retreat Markas stood up from his spot. 3 arrows still piercing his body and in quite a bit of pain, Markas just let's him run.
No point chasing him. There will be a trail to follow no doubt if we decide to track him.
Markas began making his way down towards where two apparently sleeping bandits were. He recoiled his whip and put it back on his belt before taking the coil of rope from his pack and walking towards Zora.
"I have some rope, we can tie them up with it. Mind cutting some of this for me Zora?" markas said gesturing to the sleeping bandits.

Not pursuing so I voluntarily remove myself from combat.

Strength Save

Dexterity Save

Constitution Save

Intelligence Save

Wisdom Save

Charisma Save


Fey Ancestry
Advantage on saves against being charmed
Cannot be put to sleep magically

Advantage on Concentration checks to concentrate on spells, able to cast with somatic components even if wielding a weapon or a shield, able to use a reaction to cast a spell of up to 1 action instead of an opportunity attack.

minor image
image of Grass in BH39. DC 14
6/10 rounds remaining

2018-09-22, 08:02 PM
Nina gets back up to her feet.

On that note, we need to get out of here. We don't know if the bandit has friends, so... Let's not be here just in case. Nina pipes up.

Then we can take a rest, who wants to help me pick up the puppets! She asks with a large grin on her face.

2018-09-23, 04:23 AM
Kriv jumps back up with a kip-up, after which he visibly winces because muscles torn by arrows are not made to be acrobatic. Luckily for him, you can't see blood as well on crimson red scales. Nina, you have to show me some of your tricks. And I promise, we will heed your advi....I mean we will follow General Saladhead's commands. Kriv grins again.

The big lizardman walks a bit off the road and says: We have to take a break. I need to bandage this thing so that it stops bleeding or dad will get a heart attack. Grin, you are a miracle worker. Don't you need a break, too?

Orsik Vondal
2018-09-23, 05:07 AM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Recently Unconscious, Former City Guardsman

After the two bandits are tied up Rook directs Lugglug and Kriv to grab the unconscious men. When the men begin to wake, Rook rechecks each of their gags. No sense allowing them to give away their position to other bandits. "Let's get out of here. If we stay, more bandits will show up once that one," he hooks a thumb in the direction of the third archer, "finds his friends. And I know you'll want to take the wolf meat, Kriv, but we have to get moving. I want the pelts myself, but we can't spare the time. I agree with Nina. We don't want to be here longer than necessary."

Rook tests the weight of one of the wolf corpses and determines it would slow him too much to carry back home. They needed to be gone from this place as soon as possible. "Let's get moving. Back to Nightstone. We'll question them there."

2018-09-23, 04:51 PM
Markas went to each of the Bandits and inspected the knots. They seemed strong enough but Markas added just that little bit of extra security so they would physically he unable to untie themselves. Taking the ends of the ropes that hung out of the knots, Markas placed them with ends facing into each other and cast a mending spell, fusing the two broken ends together as if a contiguous piece of rope. He repeated this on each loose end of the bandits restraints.
Cast mending
When he was finished Markas dusted his hands of the stray rope fibres and said "There, they won't be getting themselves out of this unless they cut themselves out, oh which reminds me..."
Markas said a little prayer to the Seladrine to guide his eyes and then began taking weapons off their persons and taking note of any personal effects on them.
Cast guidance
Investigation check to search the body, special attention paid to weapons
"Here Nina, I found some of your sheep puppets. One... Two... Three... Four... why are you yawning?"

Rook for his credit, seemed to be taking charge of the situation. Markas smiled a little. It seemed like he was getting back into the swing of things. As he was already standing over the bandits Markas interjected with an idea he thought might work out better.
"Actually Mr. Shekten, Kriv, I believe I would be better for taking one of the prisoners, rather than Kriv. I'm only useful for spotting things and melee combat it would seem. Kriv on the other hand has demonstrated he's quite adept with a bow and with both hands available he'd be in a better position to protect us than if he were carrying one of them. I can still cast if I need to even carrying a human. Kriv does tjat sit ok with you?"

Markas also got Grin's attention during the time before they set out,
"hey so uhh, you did pretty great with that bow, speaking of which I uhh... Well I got hit by a bunch of arrows and well I was kind of crawling around on them and well... they're kinda still stuck there, would you mind lending me a hand getting them out?"

2018-09-23, 11:48 PM
And five and six, and.... Nina started stifling a yawn.

After collecting all of the puppets, she prestidigitationed the blood out of General Saladhead's face.

And since we're resting, I'll get this back. She commented, touching the skin of one of the bandits.

A black heart started floating over the bandits head.

Casting Hex, and inflicting disadvantage on his charisma checks.

2018-09-24, 02:26 AM
The sheep kept coming.
"Just how many of these things do you have? I mean I've heard that you have an endless supply but that's not true right? Also that's a nifty trick. Markas said as Nina magically cleaned General Saladhead. "how are you doing that? Oh, it looks like theres a tear in his uniform. Let me..."
Markas reached out and cast another mending spell, weaving together the bits of General Saladhead that has been rent apart by what looked like an arrow.

2018-09-24, 02:41 AM
The sheep kept coming.
"Just how many of these things do you have? I mean I've heard that you have an endless supply but that's not true right? Also that's a nifty trick. Markas said as Nina magically cleaned General Saladhead. "how are you doing that? Oh, it looks like theres a tear in his uniform. Let me..."
Markas reached out and cast another mending spell, weaving together the bits of General Saladhead that has been rent apart by what looked like an arrow.

Oh, right now I have 40 of those. Nina says pointing to the sheep puppets as she stuffs them into the bag from whence they came.

But yeah I can see why they'd call it endless.

2018-09-24, 11:31 AM
Just before the bandits awake, Kriv makes sure his nostrils face his first interrogation 'partner'. When the first one tries to get his faculty together, the dragon thunders. Do not even THINK about struggling or fleeing. We have survived a hail of arrows and broke your precious pet's necks. You almost killed two of my dear friends. So do not even THINK I would give you the peace of a quick death and tell us if you got any loot from a caravan that came through a few weeks ago. Kriv stands behind the man, twisting his arm in an uncomfortable angle, smacking his lips and whispering almost silent Hmm, juicy spine, lots of marrow. while touching his spine and stroking it downwards.

Athletics for a proper iron grip that hurts and is safe enough: [roll]1d20+

2018-09-24, 11:32 AM
Kriv grips the guy again, this time, really athletically! [roll0] Also he punches him (1dmg!) if the intimidation doesnt work properly.

Earth Traveler
2018-09-24, 03:08 PM
While Kriv attempts to work over one of the archers, Zora decides to try her luck on the other one. As he wakes up, Zora puts her sword up on his throat and, after thinking of what to say to him, whispers menacingly, "It's down to you and your friend over there and you're both tied up and disarmed. Now, tell us who you are, who you're with, and why you attacked us, or I'll slice your neck open."

Intimidate: [roll0]

2018-09-24, 05:08 PM
"40. Of just the sheep?" Markas looked at the bag they were going into and tried to fathom just how many puppets could be lurking in there.
As Kriv and Zora interrogated their prisoners Markas kept his ears on their responses and his eyes to the horizon where their compatriot had made their escape. He said a little prayer under his breath, they were after all still in the same position they were in during combat. A good archer could pick them off from a distance and Markas had no more power left to throw up cover like he had before.
I'll roll checks in the OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23392005&postcount=110) when requested, casting guidance as part of the checks

Orsik Vondal
2018-09-25, 06:30 PM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Partially Shaken, Former City Guardsman

Rook shook his head as they made their way back to Nightstone to clear it. Why didn't I remember the shackles?! I'm just out of practice I guess. He gives a small shiver and shakes his head again. "Once we get back to Nightstone, the city guard will question them formally. While we're out here, though, we can get some answers to our questions without needing to follow any rules of interrogation. Except we'll want them to be able to walk back on their own, so don't maim them, Kriv. If you can't help yourself, make sure to kill him."

Rook keeps an eye and ear out for approaching enemies as they move down the road.


2018-09-25, 11:44 PM
And don't think about lying, cause General Saladhead will know! Nina said waving the general in their faces.

2018-09-26, 11:11 AM
Back when Markas was mending ropes together and checking the bandits for weapons.

Markas looked over the bows of the two bandits who were now in their custody, checking to see if they had markers of Elvish design as he still had no leads on the whereabouts of his mother's bow. Bandits, as were their wont, also took from those they encountered and it wasn't a far stretch of the imagination that these bandits, though possibly not these specific ones, could have been responsible. Staring at the bows, the most recent skirmish they had was on Markas' mind. His reticence to use a bow himself had almost cost him his life, though thanks to Kriv's intervention, he was saved. He looked over at the dragonborn standing over a bandit, he would have to thank him properly. Markas picked one of the bows up and without an arrow knocked Markas tentatively pulled the bow to it's full draw, wary for any tell tale signs that the bowstring would not make it. Memories of constantly breaking his father's bowstring fluttered in the back of his mind. This was all to familiar and somewhat unpleasant. Though he was hardly a good shot, Markas thought it would be reasonable for him to carry a ranged weapon as such so that if the bandits did come back, he would be of some use. There were still arrows stuck in his person. The healing magic had sealed the wounds around the shafts though the crawling had not done much to ameliorate the pain and they twinged with pain with every movement he made, a reminder of his shortcomings. Markas slowly released the tension on the bow and sighed, his eyes coming into contact with Rook's...

Orsik Vondal
2018-09-26, 02:37 PM
Back when Markas was mending ropes together and checking the bandits for weapons.

Markas looked over the bows of the two bandits who were now in their custody, checking to see if they had markers of Elvish design as he still had no leads on the whereabouts of his mother's bow. Bandits, as were their wont, also took from those they encountered and it wasn't a far stretch of the imagination that these bandits, though possibly not these specific ones, could have been responsible. Staring at the bows, the most recent skirmish they had was on Markas' mind. His reticence to use a bow himself had almost cost him his life, though thanks to Kriv's intervention, he was saved. He looked over at the dragonborn standing over a bandit, he would have to thank him properly. Markas picked one of the bows up and without an arrow knocked Markas tentatively pulled the bow to it's full draw, wary for any tell tale signs that the bowstring would not make it. Memories of constantly breaking his father's bowstring fluttered in the back of his mind. This was all to familiar and somewhat unpleasant. Though he was hardly a good shot, Markas thought it would be reasonable for him to carry a ranged weapon as such so that if the bandits did come back, he would be of some use. There were still arrows stuck in his person. The healing magic had sealed the wounds around the shafts though the crawling had not done much to ameliorate the pain and they twinged with pain with every movement he made, a reminder of his shortcomings. Markas slowly released the tension on the bow and sighed, his eyes coming into contact with Rook's...

Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Recently Unconscious, Former City Guardsman

The fight had been a fairly standard experience until Markas went down. Rook wasn't sure how he felt about that. At some point he would need to confront the half-elf and ask his questions, but now was not the time. They needed to get clear of the area before more bandits arrived.

When he sees Markas pick up a longbow, he no longer finds himself on the road to Waterdeep, but running up the stairs of Nightstone Keep.

He bursts through the door to the roof and looks out across the city marking the shadowed bands of elves moving amongst the buildings. A moment later Drezlin joins him on the roof breathing heavily. "Three bands of elves coming in from the northwest! If we recall the guard to the drawbridge, we may be able to bottleneck them!" Rook turns to confer with Drezlin, but is immediately forced to the ground by a shove from his Lord. He hears the soft thud of two arrows into flesh, and his friend's body falls on top of him. Drezlin shudders as if trying to rise. Rook pushes himself out from under Drezlin. "Why...?" he wheezes, his eyes pleading with Rook. Then his head falls to the stone, and he lays still.

Rook snaps back to reality to find Markas looking at him. He abruptly turns and addresses the group. "Let's get out of here. If we stay, more bandits will show up..."

2018-09-27, 01:40 AM
Markas peeked up from the grass he had been crawling through after he heard Kriv yelling. Seeing the last bandit to the south of him, making a hasty retreat Markas stood up from his spot. 3 arrows still piercing his body and in quite a bit of pain, Markas just let's him run.

No point chasing him. There will be a trail to follow no doubt if we decide to track him.
Markas began making his way down towards where two apparently sleeping bandits were. He recoiled his whip and put it back on his belt before taking the coil of rope from his pack and walking towards Zora.

"I have some rope, we can tie them up with it. Mind cutting some of this for me Zora?" markas said gesturing to the sleeping bandits.

Kriv jumps back up with a kip-up, after which he visibly winces because muscles torn by arrows are not made to be acrobatic. Luckily for him, you can't see blood as well on crimson red scales. Nina, you have to show me some of your tricks. And I promise, we will heed your advi....I mean we will follow General Saladhead's commands. Kriv grins again.

The big lizardman walks a bit off the road and says: We have to take a break. I need to bandage this thing so that it stops bleeding or dad will get a heart attack. Grin, you are a miracle worker. Don't you need a break, too?

Grin shakes his head. "I didn't get touched, although I wish I'd been more help in taking them down. Still, I can make up for it now," he replies, before getting out some bandages and helping Kriv deal with his 'minor' injuries.

Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Recently Unconscious, Former City Guardsman

After the two bandits are tied up Rook directs Lugglug and Kriv to grab the unconscious men. When the men begin to wake, Rook rechecks each of their gags. No sense allowing them to give away their position to other bandits. "Let's get out of here. If we stay, more bandits will show up once that one," he hooks a thumb in the direction of the third archer, "finds his friends. And I know you'll want to take the wolf meat, Kriv, but we have to get moving. I want the pelts myself, but we can't spare the time. I agree with Nina. We don't want to be here longer than necessary."

Rook tests the weight of one of the wolf corpses and determines it would slow him too much to carry back home. They needed to be gone from this place as soon as possible. "Let's get moving. Back to Nightstone. We'll question them there."

Markas went to each of the Bandits and inspected the knots. They seemed strong enough but Markas added just that little bit of extra security so they would physically he unable to untie themselves. Taking the ends of the ropes that hung out of the knots, Markas placed them with ends facing into each other and cast a mending spell, fusing the two broken ends together as if a contiguous piece of rope. He repeated this on each loose end of the bandits restraints.
Cast mending
When he was finished Markas dusted his hands of the stray rope fibres and said "There, they won't be getting themselves out of this unless they cut themselves out, oh which reminds me..."
Markas said a little prayer to the Seladrine to guide his eyes and then began taking weapons off their persons and taking note of any personal effects on them.
Cast guidance
Investigation check to search the body, special attention paid to weapons
"Here Nina, I found some of your sheep puppets. One... Two... Three... Four... why are you yawning?"

Rook for his credit, seemed to be taking charge of the situation. Markas smiled a little. It seemed like he was getting back into the swing of things. As he was already standing over the bandits Markas interjected with an idea he thought might work out better.
"Actually Mr. Shekten, Kriv, I believe I would be better for taking one of the prisoners, rather than Kriv. I'm only useful for spotting things and melee combat it would seem. Kriv on the other hand has demonstrated he's quite adept with a bow and with both hands available he'd be in a better position to protect us than if he were carrying one of them. I can still cast if I need to even carrying a human. Kriv does tjat sit ok with you?"

Markas also got Grin's attention during the time before they set out,
"hey so uhh, you did pretty great with that bow, speaking of which I uhh... Well I got hit by a bunch of arrows and well I was kind of crawling around on them and well... they're kinda still stuck there, would you mind lending me a hand getting them out?"

Grin nods, smiling at him. "Sure, not a problem," he replies, inspecting a couple wounds. "Hmm...looks like this one got all the way through, will be much easier to push it the rest of the way." He's silent a moment, before he says "Uh...so it would've helped, but...is there a reason you don't use bows? I've heard elves tend to be really good with them, but from what you said..." he trails off, looking uncomfortable.

Just before the bandits awake, Kriv makes sure his nostrils face his first interrogation 'partner'. When the first one tries to get his faculty together, the dragon thunders. Do not even THINK about struggling or fleeing. We have survived a hail of arrows and broke your precious pet's necks. You almost killed two of my dear friends. So do not even THINK I would give you the peace of a quick death and tell us if you got any loot from a caravan that came through a few weeks ago. Kriv stands behind the man, twisting his arm in an uncomfortable angle, smacking his lips and whispering almost silent Hmm, juicy spine, lots of marrow. while touching his spine and stroking it downwards.

Intimidate: [roll0]
Athletics for a proper iron grip that hurts and is safe enough: [roll]1d20+

Kriv grips the guy again, this time, really athletically! [roll0] Also he punches him (1dmg!) if the intimidation doesnt work properly.

While Kriv attempts to work over one of the archers, Zora decides to try her luck on the other one. As he wakes up, Zora puts her sword up on his throat and, after thinking of what to say to him, whispers menacingly, "It's down to you and your friend over there and you're both tied up and disarmed. Now, tell us who you are, who you're with, and why you attacked us, or I'll slice your neck open."

Intimidate: [roll0]

Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Partially Shaken, Former City Guardsman

Rook shook his head as they made their way back to Nightstone to clear it. Why didn't I remember the shackles?! I'm just out of practice I guess. He gives a small shiver and shakes his head again. "Once we get back to Nightstone, the city guard will question them formally. While we're out here, though, we can get some answers to our questions without needing to follow any rules of interrogation. Except we'll want them to be able to walk back on their own, so don't maim them, Kriv. If you can't help yourself, make sure to kill him."

Rook keeps an eye and ear out for approaching enemies as they move down the road.


And don't think about lying, cause General Saladhead will know! Nina said waving the general in their faces.

Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Recently Unconscious, Former City Guardsman

The fight had been a fairly standard experience until Markas went down. Rook wasn't sure how he felt about that. At some point he would need to confront the half-elf and ask his questions, but now was not the time. They needed to get clear of the area before more bandits arrived.

When he sees Markas pick up a longbow, he no longer finds himself on the road to Waterdeep, but running up the stairs of Nightstone Keep.

Rook snaps back to reality to find Markas looking at him. He abruptly turns and addresses the group. "Let's get out of here. If we stay, more bandits will show up..."

The bandits wake up, both of the bleary and disfocused, before they start realizing how restrained and disarmed they are. As the adventurers address them, their expressions grow harder as they hear more and more. "Sloppy start to an interrogation. Never argue in front of your captives, and start off with the smaller threats so you've got something to build to," the older one says. He glances at the rest of the group. "Don't suppose you've got somebody more experienced that Mister Hot Wind here?"

2018-09-27, 01:53 AM
Nina turns to the younger bandit with the black heart over his head.

Stifling the older gentlemen with General Saladhead, she smiles warmly and turns on her doe eyes.

C'mon. You can tell us. She mewls cutely. We just wanna know if you got any of the loot the caravan was bringing to the town, and why you attacked us. I'm sure you didn't want to, but they didn't give you any choice. She let out. But a smart guy like you, probably figured out why they wanted us attacked specifically. She finishes with a wink.

Deception [roll0]
Performance [roll1]
Persuasion [roll2]

2018-09-27, 02:07 AM
Nina turns to the younger bandit with the black heart over his head.

Stifling the older gentlemen with General Saladhead, she smiles warmly and turns on her doe eyes.

C'mon. You can tell us. She mewls cutely. We just wanna know if you got any of the loot the caravan was bringing to the town, and why you attacked us. I'm sure you didn't want to, but they didn't give you any choice. She let out. But a smart guy like you, probably figured out why they wanted us attacked specifically. She finishes with a wink.

Deception [roll0]
Performance [roll1]
Persuasion [roll2]

"Specifically? You were coming up the road, we were gonna rob you 'til you we saw you were armored and armed to the teeth." The older man seems weirded out by the puppet.

2018-09-27, 09:20 AM
Shouldn't have said that. Kriv growls. He then roars, eyes glaring daggers at the bandits. Who do you work for? Or do I have to get REALLY mad?

Dragon Fear on both: DC 13 wis save or they are frightened
Athletics to hold them down in my reach [roll0]

2018-09-28, 02:03 AM
Grin nods, smiling at him. "Sure, not a problem," he replies, inspecting a couple wounds. "Hmm...looks like this one got all the way through, will be much easier to push it the rest of the way." He's silent a moment, before he says "Uh...so it would've helped, but...is there a reason you don't use bows? I've heard elves tend to be really good with them, but from what you said..." he trails off, looking uncomfortable.

"Uhhh... Markas was a little unsure of how to proceed with this question. He didn't want to lose face but he also didn't want to lie to Grin either. Markas figured this was a chance for Grin to get to know him better so he swallowed his pride and quietly told him why
Most elves are good at using bows, its true. But I am not most elves, I'm not even mostly elf hahaha. Markas laughed nervously. the truth is I'm just really clumsy and I end up with either broken bowstrings or a waste of arrows. My father, who is human like you, tried to teach me how to hunt when he was still alive.... Markas paused for a short while before continuing.
"Broke nearly every one of his bowstrings. I remember that we ate bean soup that week..." Markas smiled wistfully.
"Later after both my parents... passed away, the elves who raised me were putting me through my paces and tried to get me be an archer but the same things ended up happening. But they were more persistent I suppose, probably because we wouldn't starve if I kept failing hahah. They kept at it until they figured out i was magically inclined and let me focus on that instead. Elves have a lot of patience, long life and everything but even they have limits. Tye end result is that I know how to string a bow, knock an arrow and let it fly but I wouldn't count on my skill if someone's life was at stake. Plus it helped the town get used to me after the attack. I feel like people would get frightened if they saw me with a bow in my hands." Markas looked at Grin to see how he was receiving his explanation. After keeping eye contact with him for a bit too long, Markas blushed and changed the topic to the arrow that was still there.
"Right, let's get this over with then. I'll push it through, snap the shaft and apply pressure on yhe entry wound, I'll leave the exit wound to you." he said in a bit of a rush.

Markas said a small prayer and gripped the arrow shaft with his right hand several inches away from the entry wound. A wad of gauze was also clenched in his left hand, ready for the final step of this procedure. Nodding at Grin, Markas, grit his teeth and drove the arrow deeper with a swift motion until he felt it break the skin on his on the other side. A low guttoral growl emanated from Markas' throat as he went, clenching his jaw tight through the pain. He kept pushing until he was sure Grin would have enough arrow to actually remove the offending projectile before snapping the base of the arrow off with a swift jerk, another grunt and applying pressure to the wound.

cast guidance. Medicine check to do this without doing too much more damage?
[roll0] + [roll1]

Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Recently Unconscious, Former City Guardsman

The fight had been a fairly standard experience until Markas went down. Rook wasn't sure how he felt about that. At some point he would need to confront the half-elf and ask his questions, but now was not the time. They needed to get clear of the area before more bandits arrived.

When he sees Markas pick up a longbow, he no longer finds himself on the road to Waterdeep, but running up the stairs of Nightstone Keep.

He bursts through the door to the roof and looks out across the city marking the shadowed bands of elves moving amongst the buildings. A moment later Drezlin joins him on the roof breathing heavily. "Three bands of elves coming in from the northwest! If we recall the guard to the drawbridge, we may be able to bottleneck them!" Rook turns to confer with Drezlin, but is immediately forced to the ground by a shove from his Lord. He hears the soft thud of two arrows into flesh, and his friend's body falls on top of him. Drezlin shudders as if trying to rise. Rook pushes himself out from under Drezlin. "Why...?" he wheezes, his eyes pleading with Rook. Then his head falls to the stone, and he lays still.

Rook snaps back to reality to find Markas looking at him. He abruptly turns and addresses the group. "Let's get out of here. If we stay, more bandits will show up..."

Markas saw Rook stare and then abruptly turn around and address everyone. Markas guessed he was startled to see Markas standing there with a bow. Looking at it again he tightened his grip on it before walking up to Rook and saying
"Here, this one will give you better range than your short bow." while handing the bow to Rook.

The bandits wake up, both of the bleary and disfocused, before they start realizing how restrained and disarmed they are. As the adventurers address them, their expressions grow harder as they hear more and more. "Sloppy start to an interrogation. Never argue in front of your captives, and start off with the smaller threats so you've got something to build to," the older one says. He glances at the rest of the group. "Don't suppose you've got somebody more experienced that Mister Hot Wind here?"

Shouldn't have said that. Kriv growls. He then roars, eyes glaring daggers at the bandits. Who do you work for? Or do I have to get REALLY mad?

Dragon Fear on both: DC 13 wis save or they are frightened
Athletics to hold them down in my reach [roll0]

Kriv roared loudly, it was an impressive sound. Markas looked at the two to see if there was any discernible change in their demeanour. Nina was there with him and managed to make the older one talk at least. Markas didn't see the need to intervene just yet, but he was ready to should he need to.
insight check on the Bandits[roll2]

2018-09-29, 09:31 AM
Shouldn't have said that. Kriv growls. He then roars, eyes glaring daggers at the bandits. Who do you work for? Or do I have to get REALLY mad?

Dragon Fear on both: DC 13 wis save or they are frightened
Athletics to hold them down in my reach [roll0]

The older one grimaces and squirms in Kriv's grip, body language doing more than enough to broadcast how frightening he found the scaly fellow. The younger man didn't have nearly that much grit to him, though - as was immediately apparent by an acrid smell in the air. P-pl-please d-don't eat me, mister dragon!" the lad half-shouts, half-hiccups out, too terrified to resist the grip he's found himself in.

"Uhhh... Markas was a little unsure of how to proceed with this question. He didn't want to lose face but he also didn't want to lie to Grin either. Markas figured this was a chance for Grin to get to know him better so he swallowed his pride and quietly told him why
Most elves are good at using bows, its true. But I am not most elves, I'm not even mostly elf hahaha. Markas laughed nervously. the truth is I'm just really clumsy and I end up with either broken bowstrings or a waste of arrows. My father, who is human like you, tried to teach me how to hunt when he was still alive.... Markas paused for a short while before continuing.
"Broke nearly every one of his bowstrings. I remember that we ate bean soup that week..." Markas smiled wistfully.
"Later after both my parents... passed away, the elves who raised me were putting me through my paces and tried to get me be an archer but the same things ended up happening. But they were more persistent I suppose, probably because we wouldn't starve if I kept failing hahah. They kept at it until they figured out i was magically inclined and let me focus on that instead. Elves have a lot of patience, long life and everything but even they have limits. Tye end result is that I know how to string a bow, knock an arrow and let it fly but I wouldn't count on my skill if someone's life was at stake. Plus it helped the town get used to me after the attack. I feel like people would get frightened if they saw me with a bow in my hands." Markas looked at Grin to see how he was receiving his explanation.

After keeping eye contact with him for a bit too long, Markas blushed and changed the topic to the arrow that was still there.
"Right, let's get this over with then. I'll push it through, snap the shaft and apply pressure on yhe entry wound, I'll leave the exit wound to you." he said in a bit of a rush.

Markas said a small prayer and gripped the arrow shaft with his right hand several inches away from the entry wound. A wad of gauze was also clenched in his left hand, ready for the final step of this procedure. Nodding at Grin, Markas, grit his teeth and drove the arrow deeper with a swift motion until he felt it break the skin on his on the other side. A low guttoral growl emanated from Markas' throat as he went, clenching his jaw tight through the pain. He kept pushing until he was sure Grin would have enough arrow to actually remove the offending projectile before snapping the base of the arrow off with a swift jerk, another grunt and applying pressure to the wound.

cast guidance. Medicine check to do this without doing too much more damage?
[roll0] + [roll1]

Grin, it seems, was at least partially using the question - and lengthy, thoughtful answer, as a minor distraction as part of getting the arrow worked out. Despite that, he does chuckle a bit at Markas' seeming chronic problems with bows. "I guess I'm a bit better - never really broken a bowstring - but I've never really been trained in weaponry, so I'm only a decent shot at the best of times. Give me a good sturdy blade any day," he mutters, as he busies himself positioning Markas' body and pushing the arrow through at the right time. "Alright, just relax for a moment and-" and it's pushed through, without much preamble.

Medicine: [roll0]

Honestly, even if he flubs that roll, you rolled well enough to get it out. Him rolling well just means no potential tiny bit of damage afterwards.

Kriv roared loudly, it was an impressive sound. Markas looked at the two to see if there was any discernible change in their demeanour. Nina was there with him and managed to make the older one talk at least. Markas didn't see the need to intervene just yet, but he was ready to should he need to.

The older one is convinced that the others won't be happy if Kriv seriously harms them, but is starting to think that Kriv will give it a solid effort before they can stop him if he doesn't start talking soon. Nina's combination of seduction for the lad and puppetry for him is also causing the more veteran bandit to consider the possibility that you lot are maybe mad, which speaks poorly to his chances of survival. All in all, he's 'bout ready to spill as long as he feels there's a voice of reason to hide from Kriv behind.

The younger one is a confused blubbering mess who is convinced Kriv is going to eat him.

2018-09-29, 09:38 AM
Nina winces at the smell coming from the young man.

Yeah, we're having none of that. She comments as she intones a few arcane words.

[Casting prestidigitation. ]

2018-09-29, 09:41 AM
Nina winces at the smell coming from the young man.

Yeah, we're having none of that. She comments as she intones a few arcane words.

[Casting prestidigitation. ]

The growing stain/puddle is now gone, although while it's largely gone at this point, the scent still lingers a bit.

Orsik Vondal
2018-09-29, 10:43 AM
Markas saw Rook stare and then abruptly turn around and address everyone. Markas guessed he was startled to see Markas standing there with a bow. Looking at it again he tightened his grip on it before walking up to Rook and saying, "Here, this one will give you better range than your short bow." while handing the bow to Rook.

A frown threatens to cross Rook's face, but through a visible effort and resigned sigh his face relaxes and a look of the faintest sorrow replaces the grimace. He looks a the bow then at Markas, then back at the bow. Rook stretches out his hand to take the weapon, but before he grasps the stave his arm retracts slightly. A small tremble shakes his hand as if Rook were fighting his own decision to take the bow. He clenches his eyes shut and turns his face to the sky as he sucks in a steadying breath through his nose.

When he turns back to Markas, Rook's eyes are wet with the hint of fresh tears. "Thank you, Mist...Markas. You and I need to talk, but not here. When we get back to Nightstone." Through the tears that never fell, Markas can see a steely determination. Haunted eyes. Rook takes the bow and nods his head slightly to Markas. He then turns and continues walking ahead scanning for threats.

When Kriv roars, Rook walks back to the prisoners immediately picking up on the smell of fear and excrement. He puts himself between the older man and Kriv extending an arm toward the bandit and the dragonborn's chest. "Everybody, Kriv, just calm down! We're all okay here. No need to get mad, right?" Rook nods his head slowly while staring a Kriv, eyes wide and a small smirk on his mouth. "Remember what happened last time? He bled out before we could get anything from him. And then we found out he wasn't really the one pulling the strings. He could have told us what we needed to know and gone on his way. Calm down, buddy. Why don't you take a walk and blow off some steam? Let me see if he has any information that could help us. Okay?"

He turns around to face the older bandit with a look of slight concern on his face. He walks close to the man and speaks in a hushed tone. "I don't know how long that will stall him, but all we need to know is who you're working with, did you or anyone you know come across a caravan going to Nightstone, and if so, where can we find the items that were taken from that caravan?" He glances over his shoulder at the hulking form of Kriv walking into the tall grass.


2018-09-29, 12:55 PM
When Kriv roars, Rook walks back to the prisoners immediately picking up on the smell of fear and excrement. He puts himself between the older man and Kriv extending an arm toward the bandit and the dragonborn's chest. "Everybody, Kriv, just calm down! We're all okay here. No need to get mad, right?" Rook nods his head slowly while staring a Kriv, eyes wide and a small smirk on his mouth. "Remember what happened last time? He bled out before we could get anything from him. And then we found out he wasn't really the one pulling the strings. He could have told us what we needed to know and gone on his way. Calm down, buddy. Why don't you take a walk and blow off some steam? Let me see if he has any information that could help us. Okay?"

He turns around to face the older bandit with a look of slight concern on his face. He walks close to the man and speaks in a hushed tone. "I don't know how long that will stall him, but all we need to know is who you're working with, did you or anyone you know come across a caravan going to Nightstone, and if so, where can we find the items that were taken from that caravan?" He glances over his shoulder at the hulking form of Kriv walking into the tall grass.

The younger man just kinda blubbers, but the other one steels himself and squares his shoulders. "Ain't getting paid enough to put up with this, that's for damn sure. Our gang kinda got taken over a few weeks back by a large group of mages - no real identifier in 'em, just said they were travelers - but since they established new leadership in the Greenfangs, they've been pushing for bigger scores, even stuff that might attract bigger attention than we generally go for. Guess they succeeded, taking that caravan bound for Nightstone," he adds ruefully. Glancing at Kriv's form, he grimaces before continuing: "Didn't figure there'd be much passing through your little 'burg, but guess that's why I ain't in charge. Anyway, we've been operating out of a cave system for a few years; its a ways off the path leading there, but it's right around the forest edge, west-north-west of the Phyland Hunting Lodge - apparently dwarves or kobolds or somethin's long since been diggin' tunnels in the hills surrounding the Dessarin River. There's natural caves extending into tool-worked sections and back again, maze of tunnels beneath the surface, but only a few entrances. We ain't ever gone too deep, haven't needed to or wanted to, but the one you're looking for's where the hill forms a sorta...cliff face? Too short to be a real cliff, y'see, but anyway it's got a tributary running over it making a neat waterfall. Cave entrance you're looking for is further southeast along the same cliff face, maybe a hundred yards?" He shrugs.

He seems to be telling the truth, as best you can tell. He's putting on a good show of being strong, but he's scared stiff of Kriv too.

Orsik Vondal
2018-09-29, 01:52 PM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Good Cop

"What's your name, sir?


Thank you, ______, for your candor. One last thing. Do you know any of these mages' names? Or any identifying markings or symbols they may have? Any help you can lend will go a long way with the city guard in Nightstone. And keep him off your case."

2018-09-29, 05:44 PM
"Thank you Grin. Feeling better already! When this all blows over, I'll bring you some herbs as thanks."

Rook said they needed to talk back in town. Markas watched the emotions play across his face before they hardened into the steely visage he had before. The use of Makras's first name was also not lost on Markas either.
"Of course."

Markas listened to the Bandit speak. He could hear no trace of any mistruths. The discussion of landmarks near the Ardeep made Markas think about whether or not he recognised the descriptions.
generic D20 to apply to one check relating to recognising the landmarks discussed with guidance if I'm am allowed the time [roll0] (+ [roll1]) +2 if History applies

2018-09-30, 06:32 AM
Next time you will hopefully not be as bold to insult a dragon. As Kriv puts both men back down, he doesn't seem to relax but instead they can hear him inhaling. After a moment, and no deadly fire stream, the bandits relax a bit. You have to thank this lieutenant here for your sorry hides. He pats Rook on the back and turns to his fellow guard. I am no good at searching them down for weapons and I will NOT let them leave with any weapon. Let them know how it is being robbed down to your underpants. I would prefer them to undress so we can search them. Kriv says with a serious tone, not a sound of his usual light-heartedness.

Earth Traveler
2018-10-01, 04:44 PM
Zora feels humbled as she listens to the older bandit open up after Rook just does a little deception and politely asks the man for some information. Maybe treating him with some humanity is better than violence? she considers. Although he did threaten with him with having Kriv kill him, so maybe not. Still, Rook's got to be more experienced than I am at interrogations, so maybe I'll start with that next time.

As the bandit mentions that mages are their organization's leaders, Zora grows a bit nervous. Granted, they only took over a troop of bandits, but still... I'd rather not tangle with a group of mages right now. A trio of decent bowmen nearly took us down! We'll need to prepare before I'll feel safe delving into their lair.

Zora has to hide a smile as Kriv suggests stripping the bandits naked in retribution, then frowns a bit at the suggestion of letting them go. "I don't think it's necessary to strip them down," she opines. "They're tied up, so we can just take all their weapons from them if you want to untie them." She finishes with a somewhat sour note in her voice.

2018-10-01, 05:24 PM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Good Cop

"What's your name, sir?

"...Gregory, if it matters."

[B]"Thank you, Gregory, for your candor. One last thing. Do you know any of these mages' names? Or any identifying markings or symbols they may have? Any help you can lend will go a long way with the city guard in Nightstone. And keep him off your case."

"Only gave first names, and I'm pretty sure most of 'em were lies anyway. Some...maybe half of 'em have these matchin' red 'n' black outfits. The others...they look like they fit better in a weird circus or something. And all of 'em, all the time, keep their faces covered." He hesitates a moment, before adding "If it helps, it feels like they're looking for something particular, and so they want people comin' in to deal with 'em, but not too much heat from official channels. I dunno why they're stickin' with us, though - would think if they're looking for something in particular, they'd have an easier time working with a guild or something." He shrugs. "Could be a way to talk things out, if you go that way. The gang...well, they're not good folk, but they ain't bad ones either, we just tried to get by and make enough to live in the woods by ourselves, but then this group comes along and starts escalatin'..." He lapses into silence.

"...uh, look out for the girl with the dog mask. Nick - er, the guy who did a runner on you - he's gonna tell 'em what happened, and she's gonna be pissed you killed the wolves."

"Thank you Grin. Feeling better already! When this all blows over, I'll bring you some herbs as thanks."

Rook said they needed to talk back in town. Markas watched the emotions play across his face before they hardened into the steely visage he had before. The use of Makras's first name was also not lost on Markas either.
"Of course."

Markas listened to the Bandit speak. He could hear no trace of any mistruths. The discussion of landmarks near the Ardeep made Markas think about whether or not he recognised the descriptions.
generic D20 to apply to one check relating to recognising the landmarks discussed with guidance if I'm am allowed the time [roll0] (+ [roll1]) +2 if History applies

You're well aware of the hilly area between the NW edge of the Ardeep and the major river passing by. While you haven't heard of any cave system in those hills, you're aware there's kobolds in the area from time to time, so its existence wouldn't surprise you.

The Phylund Hunting Lodge is less of a hunting lodge and more of a fort maintained and defended by a small militia in the employ of some minor elven noble who does frequent business in Waterdeep; the existence of this hunting lodge within the forest proper, where Nightstone sat on the edge, was a sore point during discussions involving the pact between Nightstone and your people. The existence of the lodge was less concerning for you, both because there are far fewer ruins to be plundered in that part of the forest, and the noble living their respects their laws and doesn't trespass in those areas anyway, but the seeming double standard that (to the villagers' eyes) had more to do with how well-defended Phylund was made discussions tenser than they needed to.

This noble, and a bit more to the point his hired swords, may make useful allies in clearing out the bandits in the hills, if he could be convinced to assist - although your recollection of the man is an old elf unconcerned with most things, save his own profits and hunting expeditions.

Next time you will hopefully not be as bold to insult a dragon. As Kriv puts both men back down, he doesn't seem to relax but instead they can hear him inhaling. After a moment, and no deadly fire stream, the bandits relax a bit. You have to thank this lieutenant here for your sorry hides. He pats Rook on the back and turns to his fellow guard. I am no good at searching them down for weapons and I will NOT let them leave with any weapon. Let them know how it is being robbed down to your underpants. I would prefer them to undress so we can search them. Kriv says with a serious tone, not a sound of his usual light-heartedness.

Both men look rather nervous as Kriv approaches once more, and then once again at his suggestion.

2018-10-01, 05:53 PM
Oh hey, that's right by the area of some old elf dude of a noble. Nina says pulling out an elf in the prime of his life. Cause Elves don't age.

He's a really good hunter and archer. I'm surprised he hasn't dealt with the bandits frankly, maybe he's taking his time to do so? His daughter's cute too, but she's a total bitch. She adds after a moment's thought.

2018-10-02, 07:16 AM
So guys, we keep 'em, or do we let them off? I'm sure they'll be hanged if we return them to Nightstone, and we don't have the time nor do I have the nerves to deal with a proper court. Kriv says while holding their arms. Pat 'em down for other weapons, will ya? he nods at the general direction of the group.

Earth Traveler
2018-10-02, 06:24 PM
Zora inwardly groans upon hearing about a 'girl with the dog mask'. Great, one more thing to deal with from these bandits. After listening to Kriv and thinking for a moment, she says, "Well, I'd rather not see them hang, but I also don't want to fight them again, so I'll make sure they don't have any weapons, and then we'll cut them loose. After that, we should probably head to the Phylund Hunting Lodge and see if the proprietor will help us out."

Investigation for hidden weapons: [roll0]

Orsik Vondal
2018-10-02, 06:52 PM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Good Cop

Rook took everything in and tried to make sense of it all. I'll have to mull over this later. We gotta get back to Nightstone.

"The guardsman in me can't just let them go. And I don't want them to return to their old ways. I have to believe people can change, Kriv. For my own sake. Rook lowers his gaze for a moment. "Since they are helping us, I might able to get them probation. Their bandit friends might not take kindly to them assisting us, so they might be safer in Nightstone than out here where the mages might get 'em. I think Gregory and his companion can be trusted to high-tail it back to Nightstone to avoid being picked up by the bandit mages. Right, Gregory?

"By the way, what is your companion's name? I'd hate to call him 'Gregory's friend' all the way back to Nightstone."

2018-10-02, 07:13 PM
"You know of this noble Nina?" Markas asked somewhat surprised. "Although I suppose he does spend more time in Waterdeep and you were there before coming to Nightstone right?"
"It is more than likely that He hasn't done anything about the Bandits probably because they haven't affected his bottom line or his hunting. I hear that's all he really cares about."

"It is true that we could head to Phylund Hunting Lodge but I firmly believe we should return to Nightstone first. We clearly underestimated the resources the Bandits, these greenfangs, have at their disposal. The revelation of mages in situ makes this much more dangerous than it was before. We may need to get more information from Lady Nandar... Speaking of which," Markas turned to Gregory "How many do the mages and the green fangs number?"

2018-10-02, 08:56 PM
I.... don't want to be just releasing these bandits. Otherwise they'll meet up with their friends, and we'll just be fighting them later. Nina remarks.

I've never been in Waterdeep, what are you talking about? She remarks turning to Markas confused, before pulling out mini marcus.

Do you know, what big you is talking about? Nina remarks.

2018-10-03, 06:11 AM
"Oh! I just thought... well, never mind about that. How do you know about this noble then?"

2018-10-03, 06:48 AM
Zora inwardly groans upon hearing about a 'girl with the dog mask'. Great, one more thing to deal with from these bandits. After listening to Kriv and thinking for a moment, she says, "Well, I'd rather not see them hang, but I also don't want to fight them again, so I'll make sure they don't have any weapons, and then we'll cut them loose. After that, we should probably head to the Phylund Hunting Lodge and see if the proprietor will help us out."

Investigation for hidden weapons: [roll0]

Your search turns up a couple of hidden-away daggers on the old man, and nothing on the youngster.

Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Good Cop

Rook took everything in and tried to make sense of it all. I'll have to mull over this later. We gotta get back to Nightstone.

"The guardsman in me can't just let them go. And I don't want them to return to their old ways. I have to believe people can change, Kriv. For my own sake. Rook lowers his gaze for a moment. "Since they are helping us, I might able to get them probation. Their bandit friends might not take kindly to them assisting us, so they might be safer in Nightstone than out here where the mages might get 'em. I think Gregory and his companion can be trusted to high-tail it back to Nightstone to avoid being picked up by the bandit mages. Right, Gregory?

"By the way, what is your companion's name? I'd hate to call him 'Gregory's friend' all the way back to Nightstone."

The lad speaks up: "M'name's Drennan, sir."

"You know of this noble Nina?" Markas asked somewhat surprised. "Although I suppose he does spend more time in Waterdeep and you were there before coming to Nightstone right?"
"It is more than likely that He hasn't done anything about the Bandits probably because they haven't affected his bottom line or his hunting. I hear that's all he really cares about."

"It is true that we could head to Phylund Hunting Lodge but I firmly believe we should return to Nightstone first. We clearly underestimated the resources the Bandits, these greenfangs, have at their disposal. The revelation of mages in situ makes this much more dangerous than it was before. We may need to get more information from Lady Nandar... Speaking of which," Markas turned to Gregory "How many do the mages and the green fangs number?"

"Greenfangs kinda fluctuates a lot - part of the lifestyle, big risks means sometimes folks get captured or killed. But it tends to hover somewhere around...maybe fifty total? There's usually only about thirty on-base at a time, though, with the rest out keepin' an eye on the roads, like us...or headed to town to pick up food. There's five of the mages in the red 'n' black outfits, and six others that...vary - dog-girl, bug-girl, nobleman, the jester lady, assassin, and the weird blackguard. So...twelve in total, I guess. Oh yeah: dog-girl's got a few mutts she always keeps with her, and one of the red 'n' black ones always has some big monster hangin' around, but it changes sometimes."

2018-10-03, 07:26 AM
I.... don't want to be just releasing these bandits. Otherwise they'll meet up with their friends, and we'll just be fighting them later. Nina remarks.

I've never been in Waterdeep, what are you talking about? She remarks turning to Markas confused, before pulling out mini marcus.

Do you know, what big you is talking about? Nina remarks.

Kriv finally relaxes a bit, focussing on the matter at hand (the fear effect should subdue about now). Come on, Nina. Do you think we are fools? There are rumors, you know, even my father is involved in those, and he normally NEVER gossips. Your parents are looking for you, I know that. But I think Markas is confusing Neverwinter with Waterdeep. Kriv utters in an accusatory manner. He is not angry with Nina, you have seen angry just a few moments ago, but slightly insulted that she finds him and the others this naive. As a student of Neverwinter's academy of arcane arts you could know these weirdos, Nina.

Orsik Vondal
2018-10-03, 10:56 AM
Rook Shekten - Recently Sober, Babysitter??

"Save it for another time." Rook shoots back to Nina and Kriv. "We need to be on the alert for any of those mages to catch up to us. Magic-ing themselves elsewhere doesn't seem that far out of bounds. So for the last time! Let's get back to Nightstone to protect our information assets! Gregory, Drennan, let's move."

With a beckoning wave to the others Rook takes off at a swift walk back to Nightstone.

2018-10-03, 02:30 PM
"Please excuse my ignorance Nina, I am just a boy from the forest. Nightstone is the first human settlement I've been to." At which Rook called out to the trio. "Speaking of which, we better get a move on."
Markas looked over to where Zora was patting down the older man and withdrawing a bunch of daggers. "Wow! I missed those? Good find Zora!"
As they moved off Markas said a short prayer to Aedrie for a safe journey and then took to keeping an eye on their two prisoners as they walked. Turning to Gregory "that's quite the hiding spot you had for those blades, probably no good in a fight but that's definitely one for getting yourself out of trouble when you have time. How did you do that?" Markas asked, making small talk because he was genuinely interested but also by getting them talking he could potentially distract them from thinking about escaping. Markas whip was still coiled at his side but it was ready to go should one try and pull a runner.

Cast Guidance and I will recast it as it expires or it is used which ever comes first.
Persuasion to get them to talk with me.
Readied action to grapple with whip if one tries to run.

2018-10-03, 02:39 PM
Kriv finally relaxes a bit, focussing on the matter at hand (the fear effect should subdue about now). Come on, Nina. Do you think we are fools? There are rumors, you know, even my father is involved in those, and he normally NEVER gossips. Your parents are looking for you, I know that. But I think Markas is confusing Neverwinter with Waterdeep. Kriv utters in an accusatory manner. He is not angry with Nina, you have seen angry just a few moments ago, but slightly insulted that she finds him and the others this naive. As a student of Neverwinter's academy of arcane arts you could know these weirdos, Nina.

Seriously? What else do the rumors say, all I ever heard was that I'm trying to abduct maidens into the forest. Nina comments.

Which is dumb, because even if I was willing to do that, I'd prefer a girl with a little more experience.

Earth Traveler
2018-10-03, 04:14 PM
Zora smiles as she pulls a pair of daggers from discreet places on Gregory. "Clever thinking there, Gregory. But I'll be taking these," she says as she places the confiscated weapons in her backpack.

As she listens to her companions discuss where they should go next, Zora comes to agree that they should head back to Nightstone. Hm, if we can't get him to care about the bandits, it's unlikely he'll give us lodging, and camping out in the woods with a... dog woman who controls wolves? on our tail and a wounded group seems like a bad idea. "Alright, let's go back to Nightstone," she says with a nod, and stands behind Gregory and Drennan to motivate them to stay in line.

Seriously? What else do the rumors say, all I ever heard was that I'm trying to abduct maidens into the forest. Nina comments.

Which is dumb, because even if I was willing to do that, I'd prefer a girl with a little more experience.

Well, that explains her and Sydia, thought Zora.

She then adds to the chorus of rumor, "Well, I heard your parents were offering a bounty for information leading to you."

2018-10-03, 04:20 PM
Some of these rumors are preposterous, like you using your magic to torture Sydia. But I can see a possibility in the other stories about you. We don't know from where you came, or what you did before. But we should get a move on.

2018-10-03, 04:31 PM
Oh Kriv. We don't have time for us to stop and give you all my origin story. She replies patting the dragonborn on his arm.

But don't worry, remind me when we get to Nightstone and I will! Nina remarks.

2018-10-04, 10:49 AM
Kriv abruptly stops and only his arms are the thing that stop Nina from running into the dragonborn. I trust you, Nina. With my life, and with my family and friends. But we really need to communicate a bit more. You are under no pressure to say anything, and I will defend your right to remain silent. Kriv grins at Rook. But if your family is looking for you, for good or for ill, we can help. Kriv tries to comfort Nina like one would comfort a crying child. If she decides she does not want to be hugged, he leaves her be. If there is room to be melodramatic, Kriv is surely gonna use it.

Kriv whispers. If they want to do you bad, they'll have to go through all of me first.

2018-10-04, 01:07 PM
I don't know if it's bad.... They just wanna use me as a pawn. She whispers.