View Full Version : Gary Gygax Day

2018-07-27, 04:00 PM
Take a moment today to honor the efficacious efforts of the man who taught us to always check for traps, the value of a ten foot pole, and the many uses of a well placed flask of oil. Remember the man who taught us to gather into magical fellowships of creative and like minded souls, but above all - how to have fun doing it.

He would have been 80 today.

2018-07-27, 04:58 PM


2018-07-27, 05:45 PM
I will crit fail in his honor!

2018-07-27, 06:07 PM
All hail creator of the greatest game ever.

2018-07-27, 06:11 PM
Happy Birthday Gary, whichever plane you are on!

2018-07-27, 06:22 PM

2018-07-27, 06:41 PM
“If I want to do that,” he said, “I’ll join an amateur theater group.” (see here (http://www.believermag.com/issues/200609/?read=article_lafarge)).
These rules are strictly fantasy. Those wargamers who lack imagination, those who don't care for Burroughs' Martian adventures where John Carter is groping through black pits, who feel no thrill upon reading Howard's Conan saga, who do not enjoy the de Camp & Pratt fantasies or Fritz Leiber's Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser pitting their swords against evil sorceries will not be likely to find Dungeons & Dragons to their taste. But those whose imaginations know no bounds will find that these rules are the answer to their prayers. With this last bit of advice we invite you to read on and enjoy a "world" where the fantastic is fact and magic really works!
E. Gary Gygax
Tactical Studies Rules Editor
1 November 1973
Lake Geneva, Wisconsinhttp://3.bp.blogspot.com/-orkrl_JCxGo/VKMvSEOdLCI/AAAAAAAAC30/BVIa-CwK4Gg/s1600/531001_400433280025300_1590190270_n.jpg

Happy birthday