View Full Version : Adventures in Old D&D World

2018-07-27, 08:34 PM
**Note this is a private game please only post if you are apart of the game

-----The Adventure Begins-----

Having been traveling with Cliffton Caldwell and his Merchant Cavern these past few months you have come to the caravan's last stop, the capital city of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos, Speculaium. It is hear that Caldwell has one final job for you. He has asked that you meet him in the inn called the Golden Ram in the morning. Caldwell also tells you that he has paid for your room and the food up to and including breakfast.
In the morning, as you come down from your room you notices other from the caravan sitting at a table. These others helped protect the caravan, among other jobs, on its journey. A waitress comes over and says, "Mr Caldwell said I was to seat his guests at one table so if you will follow me to the table I will get you seated and place your order". Sitting at the table you place your order with the waitress and it is not long before your food is brought to you; saying your greetings to the others at the table in the mean time.
After a short while longer, the door to the tavern opens to a figure coming in from the storm. Removing his hood you see the man you have come to know as the Merchant Cliffton Caldwell. Cliffton Caldwell looks like any other average human. He is of average height, with short brown hair and he is dressed in his normal traveling clothes. The only thing that really makes him stand out in a crowd are his piercing red eyes. Looking in your direction he similes and walks over to the table. "Greetings my friends. I trust that you have slept well? Well I have one final job for you if you interested?"

2018-07-27, 10:29 PM
The clamour of the tavern in the morning masked the dainty steps of a small woman, barely of age, making her way down the stairs. Her clothes were simple linens that were a tad too large and tied to make them fit her slight frame. Despite the muck and mud that marred her skin, it looked soft and tender. She wore a small smile as she took her seat, ordering her food with an air of etiquette uncommon for traveled folk. Not long after her, a tabby catfolk padded down silently and took his seat next to the woman. He nodded his head and mumbled something. The woman's pleasant demeanor soured for a moment as she whispered a rebuke before her visage calmed once more.

Liza beamed a bright smile at Caldwell as he entered. Of course Caldwell! Anything to keep on moving and stay busy, no? Liza chirped. Alphonse, her catfolk companion, twitched his nose and simply nodded.

2018-07-28, 11:39 AM
Walking into the tavern Renshu smiled slightly to himself. In these crowed places he could feel at ease, being able to blend in a bit better than normal. After sitting down across the table from young lady already sitting there, he order his food quielty, and sat there thinking back to some of the better times. Renshu looked up and stood to greet the man as he approached. Mr. Caldwell, it is a pleasure to see you and I am eager to hear more out this final job A hint of worry crept up in his voice, as his thoughts were redirected to the future instead of the past

2018-07-28, 01:21 PM
Hara descended onto the table last of the four her cloak pulled up and head tilted down with a hand covering shading her hooded head. After taking her seat As far from the others as possible and placing her order she exhales a sigh, "*Curses in Undercommon* Mornings are the worse time of day especially this early." She looks up her pale purple dusky skin still smooth and clean while her short white hair frames her face and emphasis her bright red eyes. Dark tinted googles hang around her neck half-forgotten. Her clothes while worn still bear the marks of their craftsmanship. Her expression is one of boredom and malice directed to the burst of lightning that glare into the tavern from the storm.

At Caldwells approach she dons a forced smile and speaks softly, "As pleasent as your company is Mister Caldwell I would have prefered to have had this meeting last night. The day hides too many things in the open, none the less at least you are a human worth working with."

2018-07-28, 02:26 PM
Turning to Liza, "Well Lady Liza, this quest should keep you moving a bit". Turning to Renshu, "Mr. Renshu, I have recently purchased a small abandoned castle for my home this side of the Empire of Thayatis. It has been abandoned since the last great war". Turning to Hara, "Lady Hara, the reason we didn't hold the meeting last night is that I wanted you to have rest before talking to you all."
"While we were still traveling to the city, I went to visit my new home before we reached the city. However upon reaching the location, I notice monsters have overrun it. I believe you are the right group of people to take care of this for me. I am of course willing to pay you a fee of 100 gold per person and you may also keep whatever little treasure there is to be had in the castle. What do you stay? Oh I have taken the liberty of informing the city that you are an adventurers and got you all registered with the city. The guards have been very active around here since we arrived and I wanted to make sure they didn't bother you. If a patrol stops you, you can show them your adventuring papers". Caldwell hands each of you a booklet. Inside you see that it is a legal document stating that you are an adventurer in the the Duchy of Karameikos.

2018-07-30, 06:15 PM
Upon hearing Caldwell finish his offer a frown forms on Hara's face and she speaks in a slighted tone, "Though I happy to hear you have taken care of the paper work in licensing us as adventurers in these lands. I can not help be feel slighted and annonyed with you at not seeking our consul or agreement first. In fact the only thing keeping my displeasure from you is the relationship we have cultivated working your caravan."

Hara releases a pent of sigh and takes a mouthful of her food before continuing, "Though that said the deed is done and I was taught never to let opportunity pass me by without grasping it or stabing it. For my part I accept your proposal to clear out this old castle, though I shall not call it abandoned until after it has been cleansed of whatever filth currently calls it home." With that she starts to finish her meal at a quicker pace and waits to see what else will be said but her "companions" at the table.

2018-07-30, 06:27 PM
Liza glanced askance at the irritably Drow before beaming a bright smile at Caldwell. Well, I appreciate everything you've done for us Caldwell. I'm more than gladly help vacate your castle. Right Alphonse? The catfolk nodded, his eyes not straying from the petulant Drow. How far is this castle of yours, Caldwell?

2018-07-31, 04:33 PM
Renshu nods while waiting for Caldwell to finish offer, before letting a smile show across his face. Taking the booklet from the man, he opens it to make sure that everything is spelled correctly, before turning his attention back to the man. I would be more than happy to assist in any way that I am able to he says before turning his attention to his food and waits to hear more details or the answer to Liza's question

2018-07-31, 06:05 PM
Turning to Liza, "The castle is about a day's walk away along the Western Road". Handing over four bags of 50 gold and a map, Caldwell similes. "Those bags each contain 50 gold. That is half of your reward so that you may purchase and supplies you feel you may need. The map has the driections to the castle.
I don't forsee any issues with the wild life due to the increased guard patrols in the surrounding area". Looking at the map you notice that if you were to set out in the morning you would arrive by nightfall of the same day.

Any mundane equipment or supplies are easy to obtain and are plentiful. You can purchase these items at list value from either Merchant Caldwell's shop or any of the other shops in the city.

2018-08-03, 06:16 PM
Hara takes the bag of gold with a nod to Caldwell then begins looking over the map provided to see the route to the castle. She turns her head to the others as the table, “Well Mr. Caldwell has seen fit to conclude any business I still had within this town. I see no reason to be tardy with our departure from this place. Unless of course any of you need something I say that we acquire horses to preserve ourselves for the task ahead. By your leave Mr. Caldwell.” With that Hara awaits the decisions from the rest of this group.

2018-08-03, 07:08 PM
Oh we should be all set! Liza chirped. Alphonse grumbled before leaning over and whispered in her ear. Oh! Apparently we need to restock on rations! But otherwise, all set! Alphonse rubbed his temples and let out a withering sigh.

2018-08-06, 10:49 PM
Renshu takes the bag before pulling out a dozen or so pieces and tucks them into his pocket I shouldn't be too far behind you two. I just need to pick up one quick thing and I know a vendor who sells the item. I will join you shortly after I acquire what I need he bows his head to Mr. Caldwell before heading into the markets and buys a kusarigama, before heading to the stables.

2018-08-07, 08:11 PM
Having negotiated the rate your rental cart and horses, you set off towards Caldwell's new home. During the trip to the castle you heard some howling, but never actually saw any sort of wildlife save for some birds. Renting the horses allowed you to arrive at the castle by mid-afternoon to early evening. The rain stop about half an hour before reaching the castle, but the clouds still look threatening. It is still light out but it is darker due to the overcast sky. As you approach the castle you notice that the outer wall is gone (if it ever had one). The castle looks as if it had had more then one story, however the second story looks to have collapsed. Stopping the cart and horses a distance away from the castle (about 100 ft or so) you notice some windows. These windows are too high in the wall to really be of use for looking into the castle and to narrow to squeeze through. The castle has four towers (missing their upper stories too) where each of the sides touch. There is a slope that leads up to the main entrance to the castle. The main entrance has a pair of large wooden doors. The doors are large enough for an ogre to walk through. The grounds themselves are overgrown with thick brush and roots. Small creatures could easily hide behind a brush. All in the the castle is in rough shape.

Rental Rate of the two horse and cart is 8gp and 50sp per day
How would you like to proceed?

2018-08-10, 12:53 AM
The ride to the castle has been peaceful thought Hara as her companions had not tried to strike up any deep conversations with her mainly sticking to idle chatter or how they planned to approach their job. The weather though letting up on the rain and storm had remain just cloudy enough not to bother her sensitive eyes letting her ride with her goggles hanging from her neck, her red eyes surveying the world around her.

Upon reaching the castle grounds and seeing the overgrowth of nature’s reclamation blindly walking in would not be a good idea Hara mused. ”This place looks more like an ancient ruin than abandoned castle. And ancient ruins always have something living within that is no kind to interlopers,” spoke Hara calmly. Turning to Alphonse and Liza, ”Perhaps one of you two would be kind enough to scout the overgrowth and see if there is another way besides the large front doors?”

2018-08-12, 06:31 PM
The catfolk sneered, baring fangs at the drow priestess, but a small hand on his shoulder calmed him instantly. She's right. Go ahead and take a look around. Alphonse nodded before stalking forward, sticking to shadows and underbrush, checking the perimeter for other entrances or any glimpse into the interior.

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2018-08-13, 07:18 PM
As Alphonse makes his way around the castle, he notices pretty much the same site all the way around the castle. Even though the castle has been abandoned for many years, the castle walls are all still in pretty good shape from what he can tell. The castle grounds have some tracks of small to medium sized humanoids but you can not tell if they are recent or old. The windows are to far up to be of any use and to small to slip through. The four towers' arrow slits are the same. However, when Alphonse was almost back to the front of the castle he noticed one of the arrow slits (on the fourth tower) had a glint in it. Stopping to stare at, Alphonse noticed what appears to be a crossbow of some type pointed at the ground just in front of him. Alphonse suddenly gets the feeling that if he had taken just one more step the crossbow would have fired. Back tracking a bit and taking a somewhat wide arc around the last tower, Alphonse returns to the group. There is howling from what seems like both in the castle and behind him, past the outer walls of the castle. You are not sure of the howling is just echoing or coming from inside the castle. The howling doesn't seem to be getting closer though.

**The Towers are labeled 1 - 4 starting on the left and going around the castle.

Alphonse cat nose picks up the scent of thing he just can't quite place his thumb on.

2018-08-16, 10:46 PM
As the catfolk returned, he reported in a terse tone. There's no other entrance. There was a simple trap set up to skewer anyone snooping around with a crossbow bolt from one of the towers. Satisfied? He asked derisively towards the Drow. Of course Alphonse! See? Safe. Lets get moving.

2018-08-19, 05:34 PM
Hara raises an eyebrow at Alphonse's tone before replying, ”Why yes cat your skill and answer are satisfactory for now. It is good to know the stories in regards to your race’s senses are indeed true. I have seen many like you Alphonse; gruff in appearance and speech but skilled in your trade. To see your companion has kept you by her side this long means either a flow of money or deep loyalty and I believe it to be the second.”

Hara turns her gaze to encompass Liza and Renshu before adopting a smirk, ”See I told you elder places like this always have new residents with surprises for us. Let us be good guests and go announce ourselves to our fine hosts. Renshu you look sturdy why don’t we lead the way it is our time to step forward while our other companions follow in our wake.” And with that Hara will begin to slowly make her way forward in a calm and sedate pace.

2018-08-19, 09:40 PM
Renshu listening to the conversation snaps out a quick train of thought and looks towards Hara Sounds like a good idea he says following suit and catches up next to her, his hand drifting towards his weapon

2018-08-21, 07:01 PM
As you push on the large wooden doors, you notice that they are unlocked and swing open very easily. The entrance way is about 10ft wide and extends 20ft from the doors. After about 15ft there are two hallways that extend left and right making a T intersection. The hallways appear to be about 5ft wide. There are three doors. Two are 10ft from the entrance and the third is in the middle of the T intersection. All three doors are closed and appear solid (no holes in them) The entrance way appears to be just as run down as the rest of the place but you notice there nothing out of the ordinary. It just appears to be as dirty and run down as you would picture a ruined castle to be.

Walking Order Renshu and Hara in the front and Alphonse and Liza in the rear. You are standing just outside the castle.

2018-08-26, 08:47 AM
After seeing what lay beyond the doors Hara surveys the room and then begins to grumble a little, "There would be an antechamber with some many possibilities right as you walk in. Father always had a little rhyme for which door to choose based on era of construction, I really should have listen to them better." Turning her head to Renshu before walking forward to the door on the right, ”We might as well begin clearing out our possible options with the easy ones, be wary of traps there is no telling how many might be in here from over the years.”

Hara will walk to the door on the right and stands to the side of it that is closest to the main doors and looks towards the others waiting for their assent before opening it.

2018-08-29, 08:45 PM
Sounds good to me! Onwards! The Alphantian pointed dramatically at the door, which Alphonse sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

2018-09-01, 05:57 PM
Gathering around the right hand door, Hara open it to.......................Four small humanoids, each armed with a short sword. They look to be talking about two large piles of coins. You get a sense that they are arguing about something as they are yelling at each other and pointing wildly between themselves and the piles. One finally notices the open door and you all standing just to the other side of it. Yelling in alarm the four face you and draw their short swords.

Roll Initiative...

These small humanoids have flat faces, board noses pointed ears, wide mouths, and small sharp fangs. They walk upright and, before drawing their swords, their arms hand down almost to their knees. They are armed with short swords.

2018-09-03, 08:35 PM
The Small Humoids are about 10ft from the door. One of the runs up to the door and swings on Hara. And misses Hara with a hasty swing of its short sword.

Small Humanoid 3 - 21
Hara - 20.1
Small Humanoid 4 - 20
Liza - 18
Alphose - 16
Small Humanoid 1 - 12
Small Humanoid 2 - 11
Renshu - 6

2018-09-05, 08:04 PM
Hara bares her teeth in a snarl of anger at her would-be attacker who missed her and counterattacks with a downward slash into it torso. Spiting a curse at it feeble attempt at her in elvish, ”You’ll pay dearly for that filth.”

2018-09-05, 08:12 PM
With a mighty blow, Hara smacks the small humanoid hard. Badly shaken, the humanoid again readies it's weapon.

2018-09-05, 09:22 PM
Liza yelped as the small things charged them. She reflexively worked a simple spell, throwing out a mild jolt of electricity at the one in front.

[roll0] vs. Touch
[roll1] Electric damage

2018-09-08, 11:52 AM
After Liza's touch the Small Humanoid jolts violently, falling dead to the ground. The remaining three small humanoids are back 10ft from the door in a rough line.

Hara - 20.1
Liza - 18
Alphose - 16
Renshu -6
Small Humanoid x3 -5

2018-09-10, 01:03 AM
Alphonse drew his daggers, sending one flying towards one of the diminutive creatures deeper in the room.


2018-09-22, 04:21 PM
The small humanoid flies backward as the dagger sinks to the hilt in its chest. Laying motionless on the ground, you notices it does not get back up.

2018-09-24, 12:31 PM
Stepping forward so that he can strike one of the small humanoids Renshu raised his Bastard Sword and swung at the creature.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-09-26, 07:47 PM
The small humanoid is cleanly split in two, from head to groin, by Renshu's attack. It's blood coating the floor as it sprays out from the two halves. The last small humanoid lungs forward to strike at Renshu only to miss and go skidding past Renshu. Laying motionless on the floor the small humanoid does not get back up.

--Room At A Glance--
Going from the doorway into the room to the opposite wall, one small humanoid body is directly in front the of the open door you'll have to step over him to enter the room (not so much blood, more brunt flesh and hair smell). Next is the small humanoid that slipped and slid in the blood. The next one, more in the middle of the room and slightly to the right, is in two halves to either side of Renshu (lots of blood kinda slippery in a 5 foot square). The last one, the one that Alphonse killed, is laying between the piles of coins with a dagger buried hilt deep into it's chest (again not so much blood). There are two large coin piles. There also appears to be the small humanoids "camp" in one corner.

As you walk into the room please make a Perception Roll if you wish to look for or search anything. Please note where are you are looking.