View Full Version : Books A Monster for Each season frequency?

2018-07-27, 08:49 PM
First time I've posted here so sorry if I'm loose on the rules. Just recently started ( and caught up with) this series and I love it to death.

I saw the print out miniatures and since i love the style of them I'm looking to get them. One thing i'm confused about is how frequent they come out. The first one seems to be from 2012, and the latest one just came out recently. Do they only come out every few years, or am i missing something here? Because I would love for that series to continue, the previews I've seen look great.

2018-07-28, 03:05 AM
First time I've posted here so sorry if I'm loose on the rules. Just recently started ( and caught up with) this series and I love it to death.

I saw the print out miniatures and since i love the style of them I'm looking to get them. One thing i'm confused about is how frequent they come out. The first one seems to be from 2012, and the latest one just came out recently. Do they only come out every few years, or am i missing something here? Because I would love for that series to continue, the previews I've seen look great.

I'm sorry to tell you that the series is complete now. It was back then during the KS campaign (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/599092525/the-order-of-the-stick-reprint-drive) that the Giant promised to make minis for every season. Now we have Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter - that's a complete set of seasons.

2018-07-28, 03:21 AM
From the FAQ:

Will there be any more sets?
Yes! I plan to continue on with a second cycle of four seasons, probably in 2019 but maybe sooner, to cover the monsters and character classes I haven't drawn yet.

Edit: nothing mentioned about a frequency. It will come when it will come, just like the comic itself. No sense asking.

2018-07-28, 09:58 AM
Hey, that's good news :smile:

Thanks for the information, never came across this. So there is something new to look forward to.

The Giant
2018-07-28, 12:27 PM
Yeah, there will definitely be more, but not until next year.

I'm thinking that Spring 2 will be next, and I'll try to get it out during Spring 2019, but no guarantees because they take a lot of drawing (obviously). It is unlikely that I will manage to get one out every season for 2019, but we'll see how it goes.