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2018-07-28, 05:27 AM
You have been chosen by your noble houses to answer a call for succor from House Wangu... or what's left of it. A single aasimar scion of the family, Tamatsuki Wangu, remains alive and well; every other man, woman, and child of that house is either dead or dying, overcome by a mysterious sickness that causes their skin to turn grey and a deadly chill to overcome their bodies. Some physicians say they've seen dark shadows flitting across their bodies, leading some to believe the disease is magical. As if that weren't enough to convince of the disease's evil origins, it seems completely non-contagious to those who are not of House Wangu, with the notable exception of Tamatsuki.

No one has been able to pin anything on the aasimar however; as far as anyone can tell he has absolutely no talent for magic whatsoever. Indeed, he has invoked old covenants between House Wangu and your own house, leaving your family honor-bound to assist the ailing house. But who could really believe that Tamatsuki had nothing to do with the plague when he is the only one of his family not to be affected? To make things worse, the help he demands is for your house to send people to find an old Witch of all things! Your house is hardly willing to trust an important member of the family to help the likely criminal, he might curse them too! Worse yet, if and when it does come out that he is responsible for the suffering and death of so many, it would certainly be awkward for anyone who works with him. But to a noble house, honor is everything. Refusing to honor a covenant such as this, especially if it turned out Tamatsuki was innocent, would be EXTREMELY dishonorable. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, your house eventually decided to send you to fulfill Tamatsuki Wangu's pleas. If you are lost, well, it's not a great setback to the family. And if by some miracle you actually manage to do something productive, then so much the better.

Before leaving, you each received a letter with instructions from your family:


The neighboring House Wangu has invoked the treaty between my grandfather and the late Leleku Wangu and called for the aid of House Wuhan. As you are undoubtedly aware, a tragedy in the form of a mysterious sickness has recently befallen that house, leaving only the aasimar Tamatsuki unharmed. Obviously, speculations about his role in the terrible plight of his house abound, but such speculations are unbecoming and House Wuhan shall not dwell upon them. Indeed, I have heard rumor that a suspicious individual visited House Wuhan the night before the tragedy and then left; if this catastrophe is indeed unnatural then I suspect that they are most likely to blame. I have elected to answer the aasimar's call and send you to aid him. I am confident that you shall perform your duties to him in a manner that will not bring shame to myself or this, the house that retains you. May the lady of the North Star guide you.

-Lord Vessi Wuhan

Ms. Zhonfu,

You have been reassigned from your current guard post to pursue some work for another noble house. A mysterious disease has befallen House Wangu and one Tamatsuki Wangu has summoned the aid of our house. From his communications it appears he intends to seek out a witch to somehow help his family. Though this house is bound by ancient covenants to lend aid, you are hereby solemnly instructed to not do anything that would bring dishonor to yourself or the Yu family, and in particular to tread very carefully concerning this witch. He is determined and will likely force you by your honor to seek her out, but beware lest you yourself fall under some enchantment that adversely affects your ability to fulfill your duty.

-Han-si Yu, Swordmaster


It has come to my attention that House Wangu, or at least the aasimar Tamatsuki who has assumed control of that family, is in need of House Masato's help. Apparently, a terrible disease has befallen the house, leaving none but Tamatsuki untouched. Given house Wangu's widespread connections in trade, particularly overseas, this has the potential to either make several people very poor or several others, one in particular, very rich. Normally House Masato would not bother with such bad business, but I do have several debts that Tamatsuki is holding over my head, demanding aid. Thus I have no choice but to send someone, and since the other staff are very busy right now I decided to send you, seeing as you have more time to yourself recently. Everyone must pull their weight in this house! Do not sully the Masato name, but should it appear that House Wangu's destruction is inevitable, do see if you can negotiate the care of some of their assets over to us, won't you?

-Lord Fuyu Masato

Dearest Misaki,

A tragedy has struck House Wangu: disease ravages the bodies of nearly every man, woman, and child in that unfortunate house. Apparently those living and healthy have a plan of some sort, half-brained though it may be, and have demanded House Kharchu send aid to put it into motion. From what we can gather, the disease is magical, likely brought upon the house by some Yokai someone got too friendly with, or perhaps that witch the kidnapped that aasimar child all those years ago. In any case, we feel that you are the one best suited to deal with this, as you have some experience with these sorts of things. Your assignment may prove dangerous; be sure to keep not only yourself, but ALL of house Kharchu safe from the unspeakable things of this world.

-The Kharchu Council

Once chosen, messengers arrived, asking you to appear at the Wangu mansion at 5pm sharp, where Tamatsuki would meet you and explain the work he had for you to do. Thus at the appointed time, the sun just starting to approach the horizon, you arrive. Before you is the mansion; already it appears dark and dreary; tall larch wood walls perhaps a little too dark for the yet to set sun.

The stage is yours, ladies.

2018-07-28, 07:03 AM

This must be it, then...

Suen takes a good look at the mansion before her. It seems off somehow. A shudder runs along the warrior's spine. Cheeful. She looks around, wondering if Tamatsuki has enlisted aid from other families as well. The half-elf does not relish going on a witch-hunt all by herself. Witches are treacherous creatures.

I guess there is naught to do but wait. Suen lets out a long sigh, trying to calm her nerves. While she may be a capable warrior, this is the first time she has been sent on an assignment all by herself. Yet another reason to hope that there will be others. For now though, she is alone.

Another long sigh escapes her lips, and she decides to sit on the ground. She folds her legs into a lotus position and focuses on her breathing, attempting to clear her mind. Might as well make good use of the time and meditate.

2018-07-28, 12:46 PM
Neeka approaches the mansion slowly. She tentatively unstraps her bow and quiver, gathering them in one hand, while holding the scroll she received in the other. Scared and unsure how the people she has come to meet and assist will react to her, she holds both aloft as she exits the foliage and slithers into view.

She is quite the spectacle, covered head to tail in dark black and purple scales, growing lighter in shade as they reach her face. She has her hair draped to one side, though it is only and black as well, and her eyes are a dull silver color. On her journey to the mansion, she has learned that outside Nagajor, people are terrified of her appearance. She hopes those at the mansion will not shoot at her on site, confusing her with some fiend or demon. Many have nearly had a heart attack when the snake woman appeared before them and people always seemed extremely jumpy around her.

With her hands holding her weapon and scroll above her, she states loudly, "I am the aid sssent from Nagajor, pleasse do not sshoot. I have a ssscroll proving my identity and have disssarmed mysself to show I am no monssster."

She stands in plain view hoping the guards understand her and do not react with hostility or fear.

2018-07-28, 02:04 PM
Misaki Kharchu

Misaki approaches the mansion with confidence she rather enjoyed the hike getting here, always having been comfortable on her own in the wilderness. Her confidence however wanes as she spots the mansion and realizes she'll again have to deal with people. Spotting Suen meditating she decides to carefully skirt around the half-elf so as not to disturb her. Nodding slightly to any guards present she approaches the front door of the mansion and gives it a knock.... she was invited after all. As she does, she's slightly startled by the sudden appearance of the snake girl from the forest. Listening to her, she can't help but feel some sympathy, after all Misaki has been misunderstood herself in the past due to her own heritage and later her misadventures with the Oni.

2018-07-29, 03:50 AM
Haori had spent years in the Masato court attempting to perfect the delicate balance between etiquette and style, and it was for this reason, she told herself, that she arrived at the Wangu mansion fashionably late. She has no illusions about her place in the world, and so made no attempt to make an entrance, preferring instead to approach confidently and quietly, allowing her grace to speak for her.

As she entered, she noticed with joy the naga-kin. While she spent almost all of her time in her 'human' form, and few would suspect that she was secretly Kitsune, it was good to know that she wasn't the only non-human around.

Haori bows low to every person of stature introduced to her, even if she doesn't recognise their names or stations. While waiting for the host she will sit on her knees, wafting herself with an ornate fan painted in Masato colours, scrutinising the other guests to try and understand their foibles and mannerisms, already compiling mocking haiku for potential future use.

2018-07-29, 04:29 AM
At 5, a butler ushers the first three of you into a lavish foyer, decorated with many valuable curiosities both native and exotic. A moment later, a young boy ushers Haori in after you, and you are all led across a hallway to where a door slides open and 4 mats sit on the floor. Once you are seated, he excuses himself through another door, but as he does you catch sight of several people lying in makeshift beds in the room beyond. Weak coughing noises occasionally find their way through the walls to you, and the whole place has a distinct feeling of a once proud house now rapidly decaying away.

After a few moments, a striking man enters the room. His eyes are an electric, almost glowing blue, and though young his hair is completely white he seems young. Golden tattoos stretch from above his eyes to the bridge of his nose, and though he wears a loosely fitting, perhaps too large haori you catch sight of golden marks on his arms, either further tattoos or birthmarks. His striking appearance makes him easy to recognize as an aasimar, even without the glowing halo above his head. He bows respectfully, then kneels on a cushion opposite yours.

"I am Tamatsuki Wangu" he begins, a note of either exhaustion or relief, perhaps both, in his voice as he talks to you. "I have summoned you here to fulfill debts from your house to mine because mine is in need. As you have probably noticed, there are many sick here in this house, and for reasons I cannot explain I alone remain untainted by this dark plague that has stricken my family. I can only assume that my heritage protects me." he grimaces as a new fit of slightly louder coughing echos from a nearby room.

"Perhaps because of that heritage I also refuse to give up hope. I will *not* suffer my House to be destroyed by some evildoer, and I have sent for you so that this dark time may be overcome." he hesitates, looking at each of you in turn. "I had expected the Houses to send people of some skill and renown to accomplish such a difficult task, likely members of the central families... but I'm afraid I do not recognize any of you but Misaki, whom I know only by sight. Please, introduce yourselves to me, and tell me what skills you come bearing that will be of aid to House Wangu."

2018-07-29, 09:45 AM
Intimidated by the glowing man, Neeka slithers backward slightly and bows her head, so that her face is covered by her hair.

2018-07-29, 10:36 AM
Haori seizes the moment, falling easily into the etiquette of court; she bows low before the son of House Wangu.

"Greetings Tamatsuki sir, my name is Haori, of House Masato. It is an honour to make your acquaintance, and to see the illustrious home of your storied house, though it is my sincere wish that this meeting were taking place under more auspicious circumstances."

"I cannot speak for my peers, but my expertise lies in the lore and knowledge of all manner of obscure subjects and esoterica. I know a little of plagues, supernatural or otherwise, and I know also a little of magic, useful if such could be the cause of this dread affliction. In addition, I am a storyteller and poet, and if you can find no use in my learning, perhaps I can use these skills to ease the pain of your family and bring them some little comfort in these trying times."

She bows again as she completes her speech, disguising the pride in her words behind a sympathetic face. "I am at your service."

2018-07-29, 03:32 PM

When Haori is done introducing herself, Suen steps forward, folding her hands together and taking a low bow before assuming her previous at-attention stance.

"It is an honour to be in your magnificent house, Tamatsuki sir. My name is Suen, daughter of Ye Zhonfu. I am the protector..." Realizing her mistake, Suen quickly corrects herself. "... former protector of Frenia Yu. I have been sent here by the honorable house Yu to aid you in your time of need."

"My skills are of a more martial nature. Like my father and his father before him I can bend the earth to my will. If you would permit me to demonstrate." She bends down, taking a handful of fine-grained sand out of her belt pouch and placing it on the floor. Suen holds her hand out, as one would to let sand run through one's fingers. And it does, except it runs back into her hand, until all the sand is gone from the floor and she holds a handful of sand in her hand again. The half-elf puts it back in her pouch. "It works on rocks and pebbles too." She clears her throat nervously.

"I'm also quite an adept scout." She bows again, her hands folded like before.

2018-07-30, 02:03 AM
Misaki Kharchu

The hedonistic young Tiefling feels a certain lustful attraction to the exotic appearance of the Aasimar and especially to the comely young bard, but of course wisely decides to keep this to herself as she has no doubts both are spoken for. This however does cause her to stumble over her words a bit more than usual. "As you said I'm Kharchu Misaki, umm Misaki Kharchu... or umm just Misaki is fine" she stammers as she also suffers from her usual social anxiety. Composing herself a bit she continues "I-I'm a doctor and alchemist.M-my talents sadly don't go so far as magical healing however. I'm a fair hand in the wilderness, decent with devices, and... oh yes... I'm pretty handy with fire bombs and a contact poison of my own creation as well. I'd be careful not to touch me without warning, as I possess a rather venomous defense mechanism though I can turn it off if I so desire. Not entirely comfortable she does gradually gain more composure as she speaks.

2018-07-30, 10:23 AM
The snake woman trembles nervously as she slithers forward, " Sss-ssorry, I've forgotten my mannerss. Tsaer Neeka from the temple of Nalinivati in Nagajor. It is my firsst time away from the temple, and the world iss very different from what I am accusstomed. I have been trained by the temple to provide either healing or combat sssupport if thisss iss the work of an outsside threat."

As she finishes, she bows her head down nervously and blushes, though due to her coloration, it is hard to detect.

2018-07-31, 02:23 AM

His eyes narrow slightly, though it seems to be more a reaction of mild surprise than suspicion. "I admit, when I saw you my initial assumption was that the other noble houses were toying with me, but according to your statements you are remarkably well qualified for the task I have for you. Rendru!" he calls in a stern voice. A moment later, a short, remarkably rotund man enters the room, bearing a rolled up chart.

"What I'm about to tell you is confidential; Irori knows I don't need any more unsavory rumors floating around." He looks at each of you in turn, then continues when satisfied that you will follow his instructions. "When I was a young man, a dark witch bewitched me into the wilderness for several days. I'll not speak of everything she did to me there, but she did say something that I believe relevant to the present situation. She stated that a time would come that I alone of my family would stand in the light, and that I should beware lest I should then be plunged even deeper than they into the abyss. Years past and I assumed her speech to be that you would expect of a half-mad, soothsaying old hag, but then this happens." He grinds his teeth in anger as he finishes.

Meanwhile, 'Rendru' had been carefully laying out the charts, and Tamatsuki slams his hand down on a darker area of the map. His words seem to drip with more venom than any of you could muster as he sneers. "That old b**** is still alive, and she knows something about this disease. According to the Night Blades, she lives somewhere in the Mulgot Forest, some 20 miles west of here. I don't know if she's the one who started this trouble or if she's just in cahoots with whoever did, but she does know something about this." He leans back, taking a deep breath to calm himself of his rage. "I want you to find her. She won't be easy to find; witches never are, but you must find her and discover what she knows. Quickly. There's a nearly 20% death toll so far and it's only going to get worse from here on out. Will you go? Will you bind yourself by the honor of your houses to do find this witch?"

2018-07-31, 09:40 AM
Haori bows again. She's curious about exactly what this young man's relationship with the witch was, or is, but it would have been extremely discourteous to pry.

"I believe I speak for all of us when I say that we seek as speedy an end to this predicament as yourself. Given the expertise we seem to ave between us, we should be more than capable of dealing with a single witch."

She turns to the other guests, "Unless any of you disagree, I think we would be happy to accept on behalf of our houses."

I'd like to make a couple of rolls here if that's ok? Firstly Sense Motive to see if there's any hints about the relationship between Tamatsuki and the witch that Haori can pick up on

Secondly, a simple Knowledge: Geography to see what Haori knows about the dark portion of the map

And then a supplemental Knowledge: Local to see if Haori's heard any rumours of witches etc. in the area.

2018-07-31, 04:24 PM

Misaki follows Haori's lead, bowing slightly, having forgotten due to her degree of social discomfort she quickly says "I-I'm of course more than willing to help. I don't have a lot of experience with witches, but will do everything I can in my power to help you."

2018-07-31, 04:48 PM

As the others introduce themselves, Suen takes a good long look at each of them, trying to find out what sort of people she will be dealing with.

The Masato girl does not seem much of a warrior, but she seems quite at ease dealing with politics and etiquette. I guess her looks don't hurt in those situations either. I should stay on her good side. The snake lady is definitely out of her element. Let's hope she's better in a fight than she is with words. And having an alchemist on board is always useful. I do hope she's more capable than she appears. She's quite beautiful as well, despite the horns. Conveniently, I should definitely be able to fade into the background in a group like this.

When Tamatsuki speaks again, Suen listens, and she considers her answer while Haori and Misaki speak out.

"Witches are dangerous. Lord Yu would be displeased indeed if I were to be killed or spellbound by her."

She pauses, considering.

"I would like to know more about this forest before we depart. Charging in blindly is only going to lead us - and with us, our mission - to ruin. Also, if there is anything else about the witch we should be aware of, I would like to hear it."

Another pause.

"However, there can be only one answer to your final question, Tamatsuki sir. My house is already bound by honor through the ancient covenants. If I were to refuse I would bring dishonor upon both our houses. Dishonor that can only lead to ruin. I am bound by honor to aid you in finding this witch. I cannot refuse, I shall find this witch and learn what she knows."

The young warrior bows. "With your permission, I say we depart as quickly as possible." As she speaks, Suen takes another long look at the women beside her. Her new companions, it seems.

2018-07-31, 05:08 PM

Nervously, the snake woman puts forth, "M-my temple hass taught me how to deal with sssupernatural threats with a good degree of martial training. The Firsst Mother would expect no lessss of me than to purge this impurity from the land."

2018-08-01, 12:37 AM
"Very well then." He motions for you to stand and approach so as to better see the map. He indicates the previously noted green patch. "This is Mulgot forest. You'll want to avoid the northern part of the forest; some sort of dragon calls that area home and violently defend's it's dominion. At the eastern border is a Night Blade lodge; several of those rangers live there to keep the loggers safe. It's unlikely you'll find the witch anywhere near either the dragon or the lodge, but the Night Blades will likely be able to point you in the right direction and inform you what hazards to be prepared for. Just follow the logging road and you will arrive at the logging camp, and shortly thereafter the lodge."

He rolls up the map and hands it to Rendru. "It's evening now, but you should have a short time before the local shops close to purchase anything you stand in need of. I will provide you a stipend of 100GP each for this task, and will further reward you on your successful return." He stands, though he uses his arms to aid himself a little bit more than you might expect someone as physically fit as he is would need to.

"Time is of the essence. You are dismissed. Rendru, provide them with the appropriate funds." He turns and exits into the next room, a renewed sound of coughing arriving at your ears as the door opens. Rendru ushers you into the front room, where he produces 4 darkwood boxes emblazoned with the Wangu seal. Inside each, you find two layers of 5 rows of 10 coins, carefully stacked so as to make the box extremely compact for the large amount of wealth held within. He then bows and exits, leaving you to yourselves in the front room.

OOC: You are free to talk here and plan or else to leave and make whatever purchases you need. You can either leave tonight (it is now dusk) or leave the next day.

2018-08-01, 03:20 AM
Haori nods thoughtfully at the others' responses. Neeka and Misaki seemed a little out of their depth in a courtly setting, a trait that the long-trained courtier found adorable. Suen was a little too blunt to be a true courtier, but she seemed to have a good tactical head on her shoulders, and could obviously bring out the etiquette when the situation demanded.

"Not a bad group to be part of" Haori mused, "Lots of potential for growth and learning."

"I believe then, that we should head to the lodge our gracious host mentioned. If these Night Blades have any knowledge of this witch, it would be useful to be forewarned as to the nature of her powers."

When Tamatsuki and Rendru have departed, Haori will take the coins offered in a manner suggesting amusement, it wouldn't do to be seen as mercenary after all.

As she idly slid the coins into her pouch, she couldn't help but let the rumourmonger and satirist within get the better of her. "Did any of the rest of you notice Tamatsuki's weakness? Perhaps our host has not been so lucky as to be ignored by this plague after all."

2018-08-01, 03:57 PM

Misaki says "I agree we should make for the lodge, however it might be best to wait until daylight"

She graciously accepts the gift of the money and says "Perhaps I should get a healer's kit before we depart as well"

Once outside she responds to Haori "I did indeed notice his weakness, however he didn't ask me to examine him so it could be a coincidence"

2018-08-01, 05:27 PM

The half-elf does not open the box immediately, instead electing to wait until Tamatsuki and Rendru have left the room. When she does open it, she nods to herself. "This should come in useful. It might be a good idea to grab some supplies before we head out. And as for heading out..." Suen turns to Misaki. "I'd actually suggest leaving tonight, unless we can find a mode of transport other than walking."

"It's around twenty miles from here, and with my equipment the pace we'll set means it'll take over a day. Unless we force ourselves to do it all in one day. So we either leave now, or find another way to get there quickly. I would prefer arriving at the forest tomorrow." Suen looks at the the others, particularly Haori and Misaki. "I don't suppose either of you knows if we can rent a carriage or horses to take us there?"

2018-08-02, 12:29 AM

The naga-kin eyes the box and puts it into her backpack after checking it's contents. She then says, "I am here to ssserve, whenever you agree to leave, I will be ready."

2018-08-03, 01:27 AM
It has already been a long trek to the Wangu mansion, and Haori's apparent delicacy makes her loathe to embark on another long hike at this hour. Equally, however, she's too impatient to find a place to sleep for the night. Instead, she leads the rest of the party out into the street and begins hailing a cab to take them to the lodge.

Eventually she persuades someone to take them for the princely sum of six silvers. Haori smugly climbs into the back, motioning for the others to follow. "Now, if somebody could wake me when we arrive, I would be most grateful."

2018-08-03, 01:32 AM

Misaki asks to make a quick side trip and purchases a Healer's kit before the group departs "I don't yet possess powers of magical healing, but we might need conventional medicine at some point" she says "I can see in the dark fairly well, I'll keep an eye out as we ride, though when we get to the lodge I'll probably need to find somewhere to sleep before we head into the woods"

2018-08-03, 02:37 AM
The snake woman offers second watch, speaking very little, but indicating she can also do well in the dark if need be, she then coils up to rest, hoping to not spook the horses.

2018-08-03, 05:18 PM

Suen offers to keep watch as well. "I should be fine taking watch. I'm used to it, actually." She elects to keep the money with her. She's got all the supplies she needs for now.

2018-08-03, 11:23 PM
The carriage driver sets off with the 4 of you in the back, heading for the Night Blade lodge. The journey takes the better part of 3 hours; the first 15 miles pass quickly but the last 5 prove more difficult as the quality of the road takes a sharp turn for the worse. The ride is bumpy and jostling, and those not careful enough (whether deliberately or purposely so) find themselves a little more familiar than they might have expected with their short acquaintance. Nothing attacks during the journey, though you do catch sight of some sort of large cat on the way.

There's a 3/4 moon out and so you have dim light to see by when you arrive at the logging camp. You can see several fires burning with dark shadows around them, likely people judging by the occasional disharmonious chords from hand instruments that you hear. The coachmen has you pay him an extra 4 silvers (for a total of 1 GP) for the trip since he has to camp out here too.

OOC: You'll need to arrange a place to sleep (or just sleep on the ground if you brought your own camping gear). You can't see the lodge in the darkness, but you know it's close by.

2018-08-04, 12:56 AM

The snake woman looks longingly at the fire, craving it's warmth, but notices the humans surrounding it. She had some rough run-ins with camping parties on her journey. She then looks for the courtier that had spoken to the glowing man. She implores him, "You are good with wordsss, and I have a bit of difficulty around people outsside of my Homeland. I would like to sssit near one of the firess, but I do not want to causse hossstilitiess. Could you talk to them to let them know I mean no harm and am under the payroll of the glowing man, the Noble who paid usss."

2018-08-04, 04:59 PM

Suen hands over the 4 extra silvers to the coachman with a friendly nod, then turns to Haori. "Again, my apologies for bumping you awake. The trip was slightly bumpier than I anticipated. And my apologies to you as well," she says, turning to Misaki. "I did not intend to nearly land in your lap there." Suen clears her throat.

"Shall we go see if there is a place for us to sleep? If necessary I could camp out here, but for those without a bedroll that may not be very comfortable."

2018-08-04, 05:18 PM
Haori bows her thanks to Suen, both for her apology and for covering the excess travel fees.
She smiles at the talk of finding a place to rest. "I'm not sure such a meagre settlement will have accommodation for travellers such as we. Nevertheless, I will inquire as to whether any of these fine folk can provide us lodging for the night."
Rolling Diplomacy to persuade someone to help us find shelter. Happy to roleplay it put instead, just thought I'd save time.

2018-08-04, 08:47 PM

"Don't worry Suen, you didn't bump me that much" says Misaki as she gets out of the wagon, giving a catlike stretch that fully extends her tail for a second. ""Maybe we should try and find the lodge itself? Either that or we can set up camp near the wagon. I brought a bedroll and can plop it down pretty much anywhere"

Misaki is more than willing to let Haori do the talking, even if things don't seem to be going particularly well.

2018-08-05, 05:38 PM
Apologies made, you make your way over to the fires, if not to sleep then at least get pointed in the right direction. A man in a wide hat starts in surprise, then calms himself, then starts again as he notices Neeka. "Oh! ohwowowooah!" He stammers his exclamation, then follows it with exaggerated reverence, his body language that of obeisance. "A Naga. To wha' do simple me' like us owe thi' honor?"

"Shenshi, you idiot, that's not a Naga! Look! She has arms!" calls out an older but muscular man from one side of the fire.

"You're getting too old Moraki!" this voice came from a goateed man close by to you. "Everyone else here knows that ya need to cross your eyes just a little more to see the real dead giveaways." There's raucous laughter from the group, though a few of them chuck sticks at the man with the goatee.

Once the laughter dies down, Moraki stands and walks over to you and Shensi. "In all seriousness though, what brings the four of you out here so late? It's not safe, the Night Blades have killed at least one yokai that came close to camp every night for the last week."

Shensi lights up. "Hey but fiendish or not, that boar tasted pretty good don't ya think Moraki?"

"Well you're not wrong there..."

2018-08-05, 09:27 PM

Wary of the raucous loggers, the naga-kin says nothing and shrinks down, embarrassed. She tries to find an isolated spot by the fire, so as to not cause too much disturbance.

2018-08-06, 04:37 AM
Noting Neeka's discomfort at the attention she's receiving from the loggers, Haori attempts to lighten the mood with a little satire.

"A naga? Really?" she shakes her head at the loggers' lack of knowledge. "I had heard that the workers in this area were ignorant, but being unable to identify a representative of House Wuhan as such implies that you're deficient in eyesight as well as knowledge.
Tell me, are you sure it was a boar that you were eating last week Shensi? Or was it Kafusachi himself, but you couldn't tell the difference in the dark?"

Please forgive my attempts at humour. I tried my best.

2018-08-06, 03:16 PM

Suen observes Haori's greetings to the loggers confusedly. Is this how courtiers generally speak when being friendly? She's not sure, as the courtiers of house Yu would usually stay away from her.

"Uh... do you think this is a normal greeting in house Masato?" she whispers, leaning over to Misaki. "Would being friendly to the loggers not yield better result than satirizing them?"

2018-08-07, 01:26 AM

Misaki is happy to be overlooked for the moment, as she figures Haori has the situation well in hand. She responds to Suen "I think she's trying to entertain them actually... I'm not really sure"

2018-08-07, 10:37 PM
A man to the right of the goateed one pantomimes fear. "Oooooooooohhh, House Wuhan; noble folk eh?"

"She ain't wrong about Shensi's eyesight though!" called out another. "Remember last week when he almost chopped off 'is hand? Would have lost it anyways if we hadn't found tha' box of potions in tha' tree last week."

Shensi turned to face him. "Just goes to show I've got better karma than you lot."

"How the HELL is almost chopping your hand off good karma ya idiot!" the man shouts back.

Suddenly there's a crashing noise in the woods, not far from the camp.

"What was that?" calls a nervous voice from the other fire. You don't have to wait long to find that out though. A shadowy pair of enormous hairy arms shoot out from behind a tree and grabs one of the loggers by his head. He screams as he is pulled backwards into the shadows, and there's a loud series of crunching noises.

Morkai yells.


You may also roll perception and knowledge checks if you wish, though players without lowlight vision may take penalties.


2018-08-08, 05:10 PM

Bow in hand, Neeka slithers northeastward around the fires. Muttering a prayer to Nalinivati, she tries to get a visual lock on the threat.

Neeka circles the fires, going behind the trees, and looks for her target(s), while casting divine favor.
Perception check [roll0]
Divine Favor grants +2 to attack and damage rolls (+1 from the spell and another +1 from the Fate's Favored trait.

2018-08-08, 05:30 PM

Having seen where the ape-thing went, Suen follows closely behind Neeka after dropping her backpack on the ground. Can't have that weighing me down. She yells to the others. "There, behind that tree!"

Move action to remove backpack from back and put it on the ground
Move action to a position beside Neeka

2018-08-09, 06:10 AM
Haori freezes for a moment as the creature strikes, but seeing her companions leap into action, she unslings her Hankyu from her back and nocks an arrow to the string. She can't see the creature, whatever it is, but keeps her bow drawn ready to loose an arrow as soon as she does so.

Move action to ready bow, ready an action to take a shot as soon as the creature comes into sight. I'll roll attack and damage on discord to save time.

2018-08-14, 12:52 AM
The human screaming stops as the creature rounds the far side of the tree. The majority of the loggers scramble away from the area their companion was grabbed, though several of them have now drawn hand axes and turned to face it. Even so, it's Neeka who is closest to it, and it's Neeka it goes after. It charges her with a screech, blood flicking from the hair around it's mouth.

Slam Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

OOC: Sorry for the delay everyone! I got sick last week and have been having trouble keeping up with stuff since. I'll probably have a post every other day as my goal until things calm down a little. Misaki and then everyone else are now up!

2018-08-14, 04:19 AM

Misaki poisons a dagger as a swift action and flicks it at the monster, missing badly.

2018-08-14, 09:50 AM

Hissing in pain from the yokai's attack, Neeka slithers backward slightly to pull out of its reach and lets an arrow loose towards it.

2018-08-14, 03:36 PM

Suen gasps in surprise when the creature leaps out from behind the tree and assaults Neeka. She tries to intervene, but the thing is just too fast. Fortunately, Neeka seems to weather the attack relatively well, and as she creates some distance between herself and the monster Suen spots an opening for an attack. With the move of a hand, she launches a barrage of jagged rocks at the thing, hoping to kill it before it can do more damage.

In case it doesn't keel over and die immediately, Suen's guardian reflexes take over and she positions herself between Neeka and the monster. "Stay behind me!" she barks at the snake-lady.

Standard action to attack the enemy
5-ft step to position herself between Neeka and the monster

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-08-16, 10:01 AM
As the beast steps out from behind the tree, Haori's arrow leaves the bow and finds its mark in the creature.

She racks her brains, but none of her magical abilities would help out here. Instead, she draws and looses another arrow.

2018-08-17, 03:34 AM
Haori's arrow takes the ape in the arm, and it screeches at her. That proves to be a mistake, as Haori manages to plant an arrow in the the ape's shoulder just a bit above her first shot. Neeka's arrow also finds it's mark, knocking the ape backwards as it's struck in the hip from point blank range. Enraged, it makes as if to charge after Neeka again, but a hail of gravel sent by Suen suddenly rips through the primate's flesh, causing it to stumble, then fall.

There's a moment of silence, then Shenshi steps forward and decapitates the thing. "We won!" he shouts triumphantly. There's a cheer from the other loggers, but it's quickly shushed by a nervous looking Moraki.
"Silence! All of you! That thing shouldn't have been able to make it into the camp itself with the Night Blades around. Quickly! Find Vefu and see if he's still alive, then we need to keep careful watch!"

Two of the loggers hustle around the tree, and though you don't see it, you hear retching. They come back, one of them looking quite queasy. "Vefu's dead. Tore his throat right out."

All of the men look distinctly uneasy, watching the forest with wary eyes.

2018-08-17, 03:56 AM
Panting heavily after the fight, Neeka looks around for any wounded. Finding none, she casts a spell of healing upon herself to repair the damage the yokai inflicted upon her.

2018-08-17, 03:36 PM

The fight being over, Suen first checks on the ape, making sure that it's actually dead. Shenshi beats her too it by decapitating the thing, and so she goes to check on Neeka to see if she's okay. "Are you... ? Oh, I see. Do you need other assistance?"

Then, she turns to the loggers. "I'm sorry for your friend. May he join his ancestors in peace." She bows solemnly.

"I have a suggestion. If you would let us share the warmth of the fire tonight, we shall help keep watch." Suen looks at her companions. "Agreed?"

2018-08-17, 09:31 PM

Surprised at that concern, Neeka stutters, addressing Suen, "I'm f-f-fine, th-th-thank you. My goddessss has alwayss looked after me and I am healed." She then bows deeply to Suen and then to Haori. Embarrassed and blushing, she moves to a darkened corner under a tree, shrinking, but smiling under the dark hair covering her face.

2018-08-18, 03:58 AM
Moraki shakes his head. "You're welcome to the fire after dispatching that weird primate for us, and we appreciate the offer of aid in watching, but there are plenty of us here to keep an eye on the woods. No, what worries me is that we shouldn't need to watch the forest. The Night Blades keep up regular patrols next to camp to make sure we're safe, and with the consistency of yokai appearing the last few nights I can't believe that they wouldn't be taking extra care here. Something must have happened to the one that patrols here, and apparently the rest of the lodge doesn't know about it." He scratches his whiskers with a worried expression as a few men carry a body sized burden wrapped in blankets past you. Finally he looks at all of you with a somewhat guilty expression. "I don't suppose... given the way you were able to handle the ape... that you guys could go to the lodge and tell them that one of their rangers is MIA?"

2018-08-18, 04:00 PM

"We were heading to the Night Blades anyway. We shall inform them of the attack on your camp." She looks at her companions. "I do think we'd like to rest here first. It was a long journey getting here and we are quite tired."

2018-08-18, 06:53 PM

Misaki attempts to retrieve her dagger and otherwise remains fairly quiet, content to stay in the background she does however offer[ COLOR="#B22222"]"I'd really like to get some sleep, but we might want to see about contacting the rangers first. It make me nervous that their guards are gone, and there could be something else out there. Besides if something is moving agains the rangers a few hours could make a big difference. [/COLOR]

2018-08-19, 02:53 AM
Haroi shoulders her Han-kyu with a shrug. She maintains a cool exterior, but inside she is shaking from her first real taste of combat. She feels that she acquitted herself rather well for a mere courtier.

"I agree with Misaki. This is urgent news that the rangers need to hear as soon as they may. Besides, I'm sure the lodge has a far more comfortable chambers than this patch of earth.

I for one would also feel far safer protected by the Night Blades."

2018-08-19, 03:24 PM

Suen looks at her companions with mild surprise. Hm. I did not expect them to say that. She shrugs as she goes to collect her backpack. "Alright then. That works for me too. If miss Neeka agrees as well, we shall take our leave to find the Night Blades."

2018-08-20, 09:30 PM

Neeka is wary of the Nightblades, fearing she may be seen as a yokai. "Assss long assss one of you do the talking, I will go, but probably sstay out of sssight. I do not particularly like the notion of hanging around armed humansss, too easy to be missstaken for yokai."

2018-08-21, 12:23 PM
Haori smiles brightly, her surroundings and recent battle forgotten in the light of the smooth control so highly regarded in the Masato court. "Very well then, if we're agreed, we should get a move on, I would like to find a bed before the sun rises!"

She walks forward confidently, though with no idea whether she's heading in the right direction. She places a hand on Neeska's shoulder and gives it a reassuring squeeze. "No need to fear that with me around. Anyone that treats you any less than the rest of us will get a tongue lashing from me that they won't forget in this lifetime, I promise you that!"

She then continues walking for a few paces before turning sheepishly back to the group, "I don't suppose any of you know the way do you? I seem to have gotten a little turned around...

2018-08-22, 03:44 PM

Suen looks at Neeka. "I shall stay out of sight with you, then. It would be safer, and conversation is not my forte anyway." She looks at Haori. "I'm not sure where we should be going, actually. Perhaps the loggers can point us in the right direction?" She turns to Neeka and Misaki. "Unless either of you has an idea?"

2018-08-23, 03:44 AM
Moraki nods in agreement at the decision to go to the lodge right away. "I'll send someone with you, it's not far... a half-mile perhaps." As he surveys the loggers, those that heard the conversation do their best to not be noticed; Shenshi in particular pulls his long straw hat nearly down to his nose, but it turns out not to do him any good. "Shenshi my boy, you will lead these people to the lodge. I'm certain that you will be safe with them."

Shenshi huffs, his hat still down around his face. "If it's so safe then why don't you go Moraki? I'd like to stay right here at the fire thank you very much."

"You know very well that these Yokai don't fear fire; that ape came right out an attacked a large group of us around two fires!"

It takes a few minutes of coaxing, but eventually Shenshi folds and sullenly leads you away from the light of the camp and down to the south. He tries making nervous conversation at first, trying to teach you a game where you try to decide what weird shapes you can pick out in the forms of the trees, but unsurprisingly this very quickly turns out to be a bad idea for his nerves.

"You know, I bet something awful must have happened to all the Night Blades! There is a dragon in the forest after all, not to mention all the other weird stuff. Maybe some shadowy monster came and ate them in their sleep! Fendru, the one that normally patrolled near our camp, told me about a giant bear with glowing red eyes, and wisps of shadows trailing off of him. Or maybe a hag came and bewitched them all! Or maybe there's a terrible ruin in the forest that unleashed a screaming undead horror! Or maybe..."

He continues for awhile, coming up with increasingly unlikely scenarios for the ranger's untimely demise, until you arrive at the lodge. It appears to be little more than a cabin with sturdy walls, but there is one remarkable thing about it: the entire structure seems to be built on stilts! Thick wooden pillars extend from the earth to support the structure, which are adorned with numerous masks depicting fierce, horned fiends.

As you approach, there suddenly a loud, frenzied barking. You look to the sound and can see an enormous dog chained in an small enclosure. Wisps of shadow seem to cling to the creature's form, defiantly rejecting the light of the nearby torches. The frenzied dog thrashes and throws itself against the walls of the area, then with a crack, it's leash snaps. In an instant the dog hurdles it's enclosure, and charges straight at you!

Roll Initiative!

2018-08-23, 08:20 AM

Seeing the advancing dog, Neeka draws her bow, aiming straight at it along it's path. Taking a deep breath, she let's her arrow loose during her exhalation.