View Full Version : first time playing a stupid character in so long.

2018-07-28, 10:03 AM
Didn't plan on my rogue being a drunken...idiot...is the politically correct term for it. It was kind of refreshing. (NOTE: This post is more for me than anything else.)

It was when I started playing that I realized that my background was nothing but vagaries and only hinted at the his political group's activities rather than his own motives, and gave no clue as to the personality - not even why he joined, or why he supported this noble that was somehow the campaign's ...anyway. Not the point. It was a bad backstory that left me lost for how to play him out.

"Oh. That keg is as big as my character.... I pop it open and see what's inside while the party tries to bridge the gap with that table over there." Then just drunkenly wanders in to the room of zombies, letting them get AoOs, not even noticing their attempts (one crit failing) as he "backstabbed" em with a mourning star. One of the skulls got stuck on his mace, so he became an "undead matchmaker". Of course, Undead have a hard time feeling, and love hurts, so accelerating the two faces together as forcefully as possible just make sense, right?

Then, not caring in the least, he pops open another door, to be surrounded by orcs. "Oh...hey guys. I'm here for the application for Evil Incorporated. I'd like to see your hiring manager." He says from behind the giant keg, somewhat nervous as the rippling muscles surrounding him.

The character is so completely and utterly disconnected from the reality of his own world, and I find it absolutely hillarious. It actually makes me quite nostalgic, as my favorite character I ever played was a 90 year old sheriff who actually had a reason to not fully (or at all) comprehend his own being in a zombie apocalypse. He was such a comically eccentric character, who'd just do complete dumbas things that only worked out because of sheer dumb luck.

It's been like 8-10 years since I played him. I simply couldn't get back in to the character's incomprehensible mind, once the campaign was over. It was a character type that completely evaded me ever since. It's a bit of a quirk of mine that I can't force my characters in to minds that aren't their own. I just briefly ride along with them. So, it's so nice to finally have this character back again.