View Full Version : Pathfinder Difference between Fading Leap and Stance of the Ether Gate?

2018-07-28, 08:46 PM
To me the only difference is SotEG has more description and that it qualifies for the dimensional agility. Which is stupid because Faded Leap is basically dimensional door but much shorter and as a move action instead of a standard action. I mean SotEG is a swift action but that shouldn't be the reason it qualifies for dimensional agility. Plus Fading Leap is a lower level. Even for fluff both move the character to the astral sea for a few seconds. They are literally the same thing expect for minor differences. I don't find any reason why Faded Leap can't qualify for dimension agility. Am I missing something?

2018-07-28, 10:35 PM
Stance of the Ether Gate is a swift action to enter, but it still requires you to use a move action to actually teleport.
As for why that paticular stance qualifies you for the feat chain, i'd guess its related to Unchained Monks needing to be at least 8th level to get abundant step, but i dont know if thats the case, or even if Unchained came out before path of war.
Also, Dimensional Agility does nothing for a pure initiator since SotEG already doesnt end your turn or provoke attacks of opportunity, and Dimensional Assault is much less apealing if you can already teleport up to twice your speed and then make an attack, meaning you're prolly 3 feats deep before you get the actually useful Dimensional Dervish. And all of that is assuming that your DM isn't being a stickler about the fact that while SotEG qualifies you to take those feats, it doesnt actually say you can use it with them instead of dimension door or abundant step, which all those feats specifically require you to use with the feats.

2018-07-29, 09:39 AM
My class is not a pure initiator. I am using the feats to get the maneuvers. It was just weird that mechanical there are pretty much the same. I talked to my Dm and she allowed fading leap to qualify for dimensional agility.

2018-07-29, 04:37 PM
Fair enough, but my point is that unless you have Dimension Door or some other teleprotation method that takes a standard action and ends your turn after it's used then dimensional agility and dimensional assault don't improve your ability to teleport and stab beyond the base level that fading leap or SotEG already provide. What are you trying to build/why is Dimensional Dervish worth 3~7 feats, depending how you get your maneuvers?

2018-07-29, 05:57 PM
The discipline of Veiled Moon and all of its maneuvers and stances are considered to be supernatural abilities and thus do not function in situations where supernatural abilities will fail. If the character is on a plane that does not touch the Ethereal, then Veiled Moon maneuvers that specify that they use the Ethereal Plane do not function; all others function normally due to all planes connecting to the Astral Plane. Teleportation maneuvers require that the destination must be within line of sight to the initiator, and are usable with the Dimensional Agility line of feats. Also, maneuvers with the (teleportation) tag only apply to the initiator himself, his gear and equipment, and up to 25 pounds of carried objects.

I suspect the bolded section would qualify you to take Dimensional Agility, surely?