View Full Version : Regarding Vaarsuvius

Yellow May
2018-07-29, 02:13 AM
Hi there, I'm Yellow May. I've been reading since the early 300s, but I've only just signed up for a forum account today. From the title you may be thinking that I signed up to join the countless others speculating on V's gender, but really I'm just here to say thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Burlew, for creating a character who challenges people in and out of universe to examine their perspectives on gender identity. Thank you for creating a character who can serve as an inspiration to genderqueer people like myself. Do you know how rare genderqueer representation is in the media? It's practically non-existent. And then there's Vaarsuvius, who is a fully fleshed out, deeply flawed, constantly striving, morally complex, intelligent, badass, incredibly well written character, who also just so happens to completely ignore the gender binary. It's amazing! I realized I'm non-binary almost a year ago and so much of that time has been spent trying to figure out what that means for my identity, but the answer was there all along in a webcomic I've been following obsessively for years. I don't have to pay any attention to societal nor individual expectations about gender. V doesn't, and neither do I. **** that, I'm me, and I am just as complex and complete an individual as anybody else. Thank you for showing everybody that genderqueer people are people, no more broken nor whole than any others. Thank you for helping me to come to terms with myself.
Sorry for the ramble. I dunno if anything I wrote actually made sense to anybody else, and I'm not gonna read back to see if it made sense to myself. The point I'm trying to make, I guess, is thank you, Mr. Burlew, for the impact you've left on me.

2018-07-29, 04:54 PM
Truth to be told, turning Vaarsuvius into a canonically genderqueer character is not a thing I like about V. Before of that, s/he was an ambigious character, both in gender and sex. He could be a he, she, both or neither, she could be straight, gay or bisexual, it was one of the things that make him a truly ambigious character.

2018-07-29, 07:38 PM
I also preferred V being ambiguously-gendered instead of genderqueer, simply because there is no indication in the story that this is the case. As late as Origin of PCs, it was still almost explicit that V was either male or female, and other characters, for whatever reason, could not figure thus out. V has also never made any mention of identifying as genderqueer in-story.

Of course, if it had been established that genderqueerness was a default for all elves, then I would probably feel differently. However, it was not.

At least no one in the story has mentioned V being genderqueer yet, so it's less actively noticable.

2018-07-29, 07:48 PM
morally complex,
How so? The moral response to Vaarsuvius would seem to be clear-cut.

2018-07-29, 07:55 PM
How so? The moral response to Vaarsuvius would seem to be clear-cut.

Please don't get into this on a happy lighthearted thread. Please. Just drop it.

2018-07-29, 08:08 PM
I'm so pleased that Vaarsuvius has meant so much to you, OP. V is one of my favorite characters, too. :smallsmile: Thank you for sharing your heartfelt thoughts.

2018-07-29, 11:29 PM
Vaarsuvius has certainly had a nice character growth plot.

I look forward to his future interactions with his mate and for further atonement.

2018-07-30, 01:55 AM
Regarding Vaarsuvius being "turned from ambiguously-gendered to genderqueer," yes, I've read the "genderqueer elf" line in the Book 5 commentary but I don't think that was a change, just a reinterpretation of the facts that have held true since Book 1. It doesn't mean Vaarsuvius has ever heard of the word "genderqueer" or internally uses anything remotely like it to describe themself, but simply that it's an accurate depiction of everything that we've always seen of Vaarsuvius: They've never been the slightest bit bothered by people making different guesses as to their gender (in my experience, almost everyone I've ever known is, or expects others to be), never bothered to shut down an in-universe year worth of speculation down with as few as two words, and acknowledged their "lack of qualification to comment on gender traits." All that ever really changed was the word (or phrase, in the case of "ambiguously-gendered") that the author used to describe Vaarsuvius, and the lack of jokes teasing an answer, which was a long-empty mine by Book 5 anyway. Whether that was the right word or not is neither here nor there, but I doubt Rich Burlew was trying to confirm anything by calling Vaarsuvius genderqueer, so much as describing them in a manner long self-evident, but with a word only recently in popular usage.

2018-07-30, 03:03 PM
Mr. Burlew

While The Giant/Rich Burlew still posts and reads stuff on his Forum

from time-to-time (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=23256990#post23256990),

I suspect that you'll have better luck getting a message of yours read by him

on Twitter (https://mobile.twitter.com/RichBurlew)

as he seems to respond to more messages there.

2018-07-30, 03:30 PM
Hey Yellow May, welcome to the boards.

I like V too. I also have a friend that likes V so much they dyed their hair the same colour, so you are not alone in being a fan!

That said, if three hooded figures offer you ultimate power in exchange for leasing your soul, I would strongly advise against it! :smallbiggrin::smallwink::smalltongue:

2018-07-30, 06:32 PM
It is a wonderful thing when you get to feel so connected to a character in literature!

I agree with your assessment of V’s morality, they’re complicated and I think that’s what makes them great.

2018-07-30, 09:44 PM
Hi there, I'm Yellow May. I've been reading since the early 300s, but I've only just signed up for a forum account today. From the title you may be thinking that I signed up to join the countless others speculating on V's gender, but really I'm just here to say thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Burlew, for creating a character who challenges people in and out of universe to examine their perspectives on gender identity. Thank you for creating a character who can serve as an inspiration to genderqueer people like myself. Do you know how rare genderqueer representation is in the media? It's practically non-existent. And then there's Vaarsuvius, who is a fully fleshed out, deeply flawed, constantly striving, morally complex, intelligent, badass, incredibly well written character, who also just so happens to completely ignore the gender binary. It's amazing! I realized I'm non-binary almost a year ago and so much of that time has been spent trying to figure out what that means for my identity, but the answer was there all along in a webcomic I've been following obsessively for years. I don't have to pay any attention to societal nor individual expectations about gender. V doesn't, and neither do I. **** that, I'm me, and I am just as complex and complete an individual as anybody else. Thank you for showing everybody that genderqueer people are people, no more broken nor whole than any others. Thank you for helping me to come to terms with myself.
Sorry for the ramble. I dunno if anything I wrote actually made sense to anybody else, and I'm not gonna read back to see if it made sense to myself. The point I'm trying to make, I guess, is thank you, Mr. Burlew, for the impact you've left on me.

I have admired V so much as well, especially regarding her thirst for perfection and how far that went. I saw myself in her so many times, and it was extremely important to identify traits in myself as well.

She’s (or he’s!) amazing!

2018-07-30, 09:45 PM
I have admired V so much as well, especially regarding her thirst for perfection and how far that went. I saw myself in her so many times, and it was extremely important to identify traits in myself as well.
*Backs away slowly*

2018-07-31, 06:49 AM
I have admired V so much as well, especially regarding her thirst for perfection and how far that went. I saw myself in her so many times, and it was extremely important to identify traits in myself as well.

She’s (or he’s!) amazing!

Similar here. I’m not a perfectionist (not even close!) but I empathized with them when they lost their mind over their children. I’m a scientist by trade, but my rationality can take a flying leap when it comes to my kids, and heaven forbid anyone who might want to harm them. The feeling of being emotional and “biological” that has come with pregnancy and parenting has been terrifying and I think V’s arc neatly shows that.

Also, don’t trade your soul to demons. Protip

2018-07-31, 09:19 PM
Also, don’t trade your soul to demons. Protip

Well, all that’s left them is a two-week window.

brian 333
2018-07-31, 10:13 PM
Welcome to the forums, Yellow May.

Diversity of identity is what makes people interesting. Can you imagine how boring the world would be if we were all the same?

Me: "Baaa."

You: "Baa."

Me: "Baa?"

You: "This is boring, yo!"

So, be as different as you like, or not. It's your life.

I never really liked V so much from the beginning because the character appeared to be every bad idea of elven mages rolled into one. Plus, most of my game time was spent as the party wizard when I wasn't DM.

But having read V's evolution over the years I've developed a certain empathy and respect for the character who has become much more than just a stereotype.

2018-07-31, 11:58 PM
Well, all that’s left them is a two-week window.

But one of their choosing.

2018-08-01, 01:27 AM
*Backs away slowly*

I know you (probably) don't think there's anything more to V than genocide, but there is.

If I said I identified with Belkar because of how sarcastic he is or how he lives his life his way and damn the consequences it doesn't mean I identify with being a serial killer also because Belkar happens to also be one.

2018-08-01, 01:39 AM
Hey Yellow May, welcome to the boards.

I like V too. I also have a friend that likes V so much they dyed their hair the same colour, so you are not alone in being a fan!

That said, if three hooded figures offer you ultimate power in exchange for leasing your soul, I would strongly advise against it! :smallbiggrin::smallwink::smalltongue:

It would be silly to sell your soul for something that can be achieved with a doily anyhow.

2018-08-01, 01:57 AM
I know you (probably) don't think there's anything more to V than genocide, but there is.

If I said I identified with Belkar because of how sarcastic he is or how he lives his life his way and damn the consequences it doesn't mean I identify with being a serial killer also because Belkar happens to also be one.

The thing is, some people on the forum would definitely disagree with you o that point.

2018-08-01, 06:07 AM
The thing is, some people on the forum would definitely disagree with you o that point.

They would disagree with me about what's going on in my head? :smallconfused:

2018-08-01, 06:14 AM
The thing is, some people on the forum would definitely disagree with you o that point.
Dude, this is the GITP forum. Someone could post about how the sky is blue, and, within 2 pages, we'd be debating about it. We will argue over ANYTHING.

2018-08-01, 07:40 AM
the sky is blue

Just checked, and you are most definitely wrong, you heartless cur. It is more a purple-reddish colour.

2018-08-01, 08:03 AM
Just checked, and you are most definitely wrong, you heartless cur. It is more a purple-reddish colour.
GW no, whitish grey and leaking you absolute monster.