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2018-07-30, 11:02 PM
You are currently on your way to Indos. The nearest city, it has a sizable merchant population, and more importantly, airships! You're currently about three days out from the city, and are running into some small amounts of traffic.

The time is close to sunset. You should probably find camp before too long.

2018-07-31, 12:25 AM
Leila squinted at the horizon, her freckles wrinkling in response.
As she stared at the horizon, she considered the chain of events that had brought her here.
Her life had been simple, but there was always going to be more. Her shining eyes, matching the sunset before her, had marked her as something more. And when her inhuman blood had manifested powers, she'd snatched the first adventure she could get. The people with her were a collection of fishers, entertainers, sailors, and her fellow rancher, Grilka. She'd heard vague stories of Grilka helping out Octly, but on her own farm Leila hadn't the time to check out the competition. She could hardly steal the moments it took to spend time with Octly's children, showing them her slingshot and not letting them ride Fado's horse.
She'd mostly heard of the two entertainers from the kids, but she'd never seen a show. She was ready to be impressed, she'd heard good things about the illusionist.
As far as the triton fisherwoman, she'd only heard of her because she was a triton. She knew little of what they knew of her. In a world with giant-kin, dragons, and a mass of darkness floating above the town, the girl with the glowing eyes who wrestled goats wouldn't be that notable.
Nonetheless, she was born for adventure. She was sure of it.
"It's been a good day of travel. Now if anyone has any particular preference of which dirt pile to sleep on, it's time to speak up."

2018-07-31, 02:52 AM
Andi stretched her arms as she kept pace with the rest of the group, grinning in anticipation every so often.

This wasn't her first time leaving town on an adventure, but the first time was a blur of grief and misplaced anger, and she hadn't savored the start of it. It'd been right after her grandfather died, when she'd decided that some humans passing through town must have done something to him, and she'd chased after them to the nearest port town. She'd found them, eventually, after losing herself at sea for a while.

In the end, she'd found herself again at sea, too. A new lightness, like even though he'd passed he'd never really be gone, not so long as she remembered and tried to live by the example he'd taught her... And a sweetheart in a distant harbor, who she still blushed to think of, didn't hurt.

She'd eventually gone back home to let her family know she was okay, and the months somehow collected into a couple years of still living in Octly, worrying about how to try again with her crush. Then Vauthag found that really interesting chest, with the mysterious artifacts inside... and that was her chance to accomplish something amazing, to impress everyone who hears about them, and return to that harbor a hero.

Thankfully, she wasn't the only one interested in giving this a shot. A whole group of other (mostly) younger folks from town signed up for their own reasons. And since Octly wasn't that a big town, she recognized all of them in passing - especially the entertainers

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I could use some cover. Like, a good clump of trees, in case it rains."

Because that was one thing about life at sea. Sure, the days got hot under the sun, especially in those windless days, but nights were in the cabin - no getting wet from wave or rain while you slept. Maybe they should've borrowed a tent for the trip to Indos.

2018-07-31, 08:47 AM
Nix whistled while they walked. As the little guy in the group, he'd had to bug them to slow down a bit unless someone wanted to carry him. Sadly nobody had taken him up on the offer. But alas, Nix would persevere through the hardship.

I will take the most comfortable patch of dirt we can find of course! Nix cried, somewhat over dramatically. Sadly, while he could manipulate sight and sound, taste and touch were still beyond his reach.

He glanced at the others surreptitiously, before quietly conjuring the image of a large realistic looking yet inanimate spider (but not so large as to be suspect) to appear on Andi's back, wondering if someone else would see it. If they did, he giggled thinking about how he'd respond.

And here went Nix's bad habit of practical jokes on people he barely knew. It usually got him into trouble, but he just couldn't resist the urge sometimes.

But yes, trees would be nice.

Nix is using the minor illusion cantrip for the illusion! He releases it if someone swats it away or smashes it.

2018-07-31, 10:43 AM
Grilka marched out in front of the group and set a quick pace, one that she knew in the back of her mind was far too quick to be sustainable but in her excitement she pressed on anyway. At least until she would look back and notice that she was leaving her fellows behind again. She alternated between a huge grin and a slightly annoyed look as she waited for them to catch up during her frequent stops, simultaneously relived they were moderating her pace and annoyed that they didn’t want to just sprint all the way to the big city like she did.

Grilka had a little experience outside of Ocity, having ranged out into the woods on her own and spent a fair share of time following the herd around to protect it from wildlife, but this was the first time she’d really left home. Her family went to Indos at least once a year but they had never taken Grilka, rightly assuming that they would have to drag her kicking and screaming back home if they ever did. But at least that meant that she was given a solid set of directions from her family even if they amounted mostly to “stay on the road, none of the shortcuts are worth it”.

As the group started to discuss camping arrangements Grilka paused to look at the sun setting in the sky and wondered where the day had gone. She wasn’t nearly ready to stop, but knew that stumbling around in the dark was a terrible idea even if she could convince the others to go along with it. She put her hands on her hips and scanned around for a place to camp, glancing to the fisherwoman that was traveling with her and nodding to her suggestion to find some cover. The cold didn’t bother Grilka but that didn’t mean she wanted to get all wet.

”I’d probably recommend a soft pile of leaves or some grass over a pile of dirt.” she said as scanned around, oblivious to Nix’s antics for the moment, she pointed to the nearest patch of trees she could see that wasn’t behind them, unwilling to backtrack even a short way. ”How about over there?”

2018-07-31, 12:03 PM
"That should do fine."
In truth Leila wasn't worried about where to sleep. The ground would do fine, and she'd slept on tougher, out with the goats.
She laid down her pack on the ground indicated by Grilka and stretched her back.

2018-07-31, 12:47 PM
You clear a little debris away-sticks and stones, mostly-and get a good patch of dirt to sleep on. You lay out your bedrolls, if you have them, and settle in for the night just as the sun dips below the horizon.

Soon enough, you're all sound asleep (excepting anyone who's keeping watch, of course-probably not needed, since the roads are pretty safe, but a little caution never hurts).


Is anyone on watch just past midnight, or are you all sleeping?

2018-07-31, 01:55 PM
A little out of practice, Bri nonetheless sound found herself getting back into the rhythm of walking the wide, open road. The day had been pleasant and there were a handful of other travellers on the road to Indos. Speaking of travellers... While she certainly knew none of her companions well - and some not at all - Bri was glad of the company. Mostly. Much as she tried to push past it, she found herself giving Nix sidelong glances on multiple occasions. He seemed irksome, with his whistling. Bombastic, perhaps? She spent a few moments wondering if she was using that word correctly before deciding she'd just stick with it.

The others appeared enthusiastic and she hoped they could retain that as time passed. The goliath, Grilka, powered ahead and Bri found herself hiding a smile when the woman stopped to look back at the group with a slightly vexed expression. Andi struck her as eager and apparently restless - though Bri could concede she might be projecting her own emotions onto the triton. Lastly, Leila. Leila came across as determined. Not scowl-and-gruff determined but persistent and certain. Bri imagined they could be considered an odd group but, frankly, who the hell cared?

With the sun low on the horizon, the others began suggesting setting up camp. At Leila's indication of a likely spot, Bri grinned. "I usually make do with loose gravel. This really is luxurious." Having no objection to the spot with the trees, though, she followed the group and settled down. With bedroll prepared, Bri pulled out her lute. She tuned it briefly and then, with a small smile, started singing softly as she strummed. She sang gentle, comforting songs for a while, the effect hopefully serving to ease the aches of a day's travel and coax the group into a restful slumber.

As she noted others begin to drift off, she carefully ended her song, packed her lute away and lay back.

2018-07-31, 06:12 PM
With some appreciation for the lute, having herself learned the horn during many a boring day watching the goats and therefore a love of music, Leila laid down.
Under the stars, she felt safe. She nodded off to sleep, not concerned enough to keep a watch.

2018-07-31, 09:15 PM
Andi is awake and active, if somewhat tired, when she hears the rumble of a cart passing near. In the near distance is a tired-looking horse, guided by a tired-looking man, dragging along an old cart with a squeaky wheel.

The man barely notices Andi, not even making any salutations or anything till he's nearly on top of the triton. "Oh! Hello-I'd love to chat, but no time!" he says as the cart goes by.

The cart hits a bump, some fifteen feet past your camp. And out from it falls a bottle of some sort-made of glass tough enough to not shatter and a thick, viscous red liquid inside.

2018-08-01, 12:54 AM
Andi yawned and stretched at the sound and sight of the cart, and watched as it approached. It seemed kind of... late, for a single guy on a wagon to be traveling around. The rest of her watch was quiet and without incident, and she wondered as the cart approached, do land merchants usually travel at night? But there was nobody to ask, with the others asleep, so she just nodded at his very brief greeting and let him go without conversation.

At least, until something bounced out of the cart. "Uh..." She hopped to her feet and squinted at it. It seemed like some kind of bottled liquid, like the sort of thing a merchant would be carry to sell. She bit at her lip, looking up the road. If she just hadn't seen him go by, it'd be finders-keepers... But he just went by.

She sighed at her own conscience, and moved closer to the road to call up after him. "Hey, you dropped something! Stop so I can get this back to you."

A compromise. Either he stopped long enough to return it, or this bottle of whatever it is gains a new owner. And she'll just say sorry to anyone she woke up, and settle back down for the rest of the night.

2018-08-01, 10:48 AM
The man looks back, and blanches at seeing the bottle.

"Oh, thank you, thank you!" he calls back as he stops his horse, getting off the cart and running back. "My employer would've killed me for losing this! I don't have time to properly thank you, but my name is Earnest McHanley. If you ever need help, just find me, and I'll pay back the favor, okay?" He quickly takes the bottle back and stows it carefully in the cart. He calls back one more time, saying "Thank you!" as he travels on down the road.

The rest of the watch is uneventful, and come morning, after a satisfying, if not the tastiest, breakfast, you're ready to set off again.

Chit-chat amongst yourselves and roleplay to your hearts' contents. Once you're ready to move on to Indos, let me know.

2018-08-01, 01:31 PM
As the others woke up and started getting themselves ready to eat and move, Andi started in on her own breakfast. Once they were all eating, she told them about this brief encounter she had in the night:

"So there was this... 'Earnest Mackanly', I don't remember the name exactly. A rushed-looking merchant, who drove by before the sun was even lighting up. He dropped some stuff, so of course I helped him out with it, and he thanked me before going on. And, this is the important part, he implied he could offer a little more thanks, if I meet up with him in Indos? Which, I think we should do," Andi mused as she bit into a strip of jerky, and waved her hand at the various dried trail rations that constitute the rest of her food. "We'll want to buy some food, stuff that doesn't spoil, you know? So we don't have to worry about it when we go exploring the Omen. What do you think, should we check into him before going for an airship?"

2018-08-01, 01:31 PM
"Any help is good," Leila agreed with Andi.
Leila awoke somewhat early, not notably so, and stretched. She got her bedroll back into her pack before lifting herself up.
"Well, back at it."
After a moment,
"Hey, Bri. How did you learn the Lute?"

2018-08-01, 03:20 PM
To say that Bri woke with the others would be generous. She was awake, certainly, but it had been an arduous process for her. After putting away her lute and settling her belongings the night before, any kind of restful sleep had eluded her for several hours. Mentally, she added "adjust to hellish hour of the morning" to her list of things to do. Realistically, she knew that her family rose even earlier and there was little excuse for her but... No, there was no justifiable "but". Propping herself up enough to eat some of the food she'd brought with her, she listened to Andi inform them about her encounter. Still somewhat groggy, she stayed quiet - there'd be time to discuss more both later and when they reached Indos after all.

Hearing her name, she looked over at Leila. "With immense pain for those listening." She smiled a little and sat up some more. "Necessity, in all honesty. Singing can get you pretty far and, while I feel my own dulcet tones could have taken me across the world, alas there are those who favour instrumental accompaniment." She shook her head in mock disbelief. "Hard to credit, but there it is. Once I knew that, well, I'm hardly going to disappoint a crowd - unappreciative though they may be. I stuck with it and was able to pick some bits and pieces up from other musicians I met on the road." She frowned dramatically. "Well, not literally the road, you never know what odd bunch of people you might come across..." She broke into a grin, her mood significantly better having done a little entertaining.

"Do you play?" She asked in return.

2018-08-01, 03:34 PM
"The horn," Leila answered, producing hers.
"Mostly I just play the day away when I have to watch the goats."
She looked at the horn like she was thinking about playing a few notes, but instead put it away.

2018-08-01, 04:40 PM
Grilka slept soundly and was slow to awaken until she was reminded that she was on her way to Indos and then much more exciting places. She ate heartily from the food she brought with her, assuming she would easily be able to stock up once they hit town. She scratched her head as Andi brought up rations, the Goliath hadn't given the fact that there would be no food on the Omen any thought.

"I like both of those ideas. The last thing I want to do is go hungry!" she said to Andi, giving Bri and Leila a glance as they discussed music. Music was something Grilka much preferred to leave to others. She liked listening well enough but her singing voice left much to be desired.

2018-08-01, 06:37 PM
Yes, going hungry must be awfully easy for you big folk, Nix groaned as he rolled out of bed, unable to ignore the sounds of conversation. He might've snuck a few drinks in during his half of the watch, and for a gnome a few drinks could add up quick. His head was throbbing, but he'd experienced worse.

I swear I could eat for a week on what you all call a midmorning snack, he attempted a weak smile to show that he was joking, but it probably turned out more like a grimace. Honestly, I wouldn't be opposed to a few days in Indos before we charter our airship. I don't know about you all, but I've never been to a city before. Kind of excited about it to be honest. I mean Octly is all well and good, but nothing ever happens there.

At least ... not until recently. He glanced over the group, remembering that their group really consisted of two entertainers, two farmers, and a fisherwoman (fisherfish? Something to consider when fully in charge of my brain). He doubted any of them had seen the top half of a barn, let along an actual city. Nix's stomach started to get weasles as he thought about it, his expectations were up and so were his nerves.

2018-08-01, 09:16 PM
Just a reminder, tell me when you're ready to move on.

You can narrate your travels for the last little bit-no major encounters.

2018-08-02, 01:44 PM
Bri glanced at the instrument as Leila produced it and nodded. "No real affinity for that," she said as she began to pack up her things. "Though I'll admit it would really add to the challenge of playing to accompany myself." Tying some straps tight, she looked back at the taller woman. "So, goats, eh? 'Fraid I don't really know your family. Do you have a large herd?"

Overhearing Nix, she frowned briefly. "Perhaps you could eat for a week on it, but whatever would you feed your ego?" She called out, keeping her voice mild.

2018-08-02, 02:52 PM
"Me and Pa do pretty well, for just the two of us," Leila thought back, for the first time considering that Fado might have to hire another hand. For just a moment, she missed the saddle, the routine thrill of driving the goats.
"The Butterfield Ranch supplies Octly with a decent chunk of its cheese and butter, but our goats aren't very good for eating, since we don't slaughter them at their prime. Any goat meat we get is from the old tough ones, and we end up eating that ourselves."
Leila had at this point gotten caught up talking and had forgotten the specific question. She looked down at her hands, rough and marked with the leftovers of horn-induced wounds.
"Goats can be mean or gentle. You have to be prepared for either one."
She looked up again when she heard the ribbing of the gnome.
"Don't like his shows?"

2018-08-02, 11:16 PM
Nix grinned. Where there's a will there's a way, he said. One's ego can never be too large. Feeding it is of the utmost importance.

He continued packing his stuff as he prepared for the day's journey.

2018-08-03, 02:17 AM
With the group in agreement, Andi nodded and ate the rest of her breakfast while the others chatted.

It looked for a few minutes like there might be an entertaining argument budding, but between Bri's careful mildness and Nix's laidback response, maybe not. Probably for the best. While they all know each other in passing, they don't exactly have a captain or leader of the group to keep everybody in line if things get tense. It'll probably be better if they just respect each other not to pick fights.

"Hey, feeding my body's pretty important," she chimed in, flexing an arm to demonstrate. "How else are we going to carry all these treasures we're going to find? And, 'til then, if we pass a river or lake when we want to break... I'm spearfishing for something fresher to eat. "

2018-08-03, 11:16 AM
Packing away her things and standing up before strapping her pack on, Grilka stood by while the others chatted. She didn't want to be rude, but she was still eager to go and from the look of things she was going to be just as hasty today as yesterday. Listening to Leila talk about goats, a subject Grilka was a bit more comfortable with, she chuckled and said "For a second there I thought you said your goats aren't good AT eating not good FOR eating. Eating is practically what goats are best at!" she said, very amused by her own simple mistake.

She giggled to herself a little and then looked over at Andi with a slight frown and a furrowed brow. "I wouldn't want to wait too long, even if some fresh fish sounds really good. But you're pretty good at fishing right? You wouldn't need a lot of time to catch a little dinner, huh?" she asked and then tapped her foot as she thought. "Anyone know if there is a river or creek or something ahead? Getting far enough to camp by one would probably be best."

2018-08-03, 11:28 AM
Pulling some straps taut, Bri stood. "I've heard his shows are quite an experience. Of course, falling down a flight of stairs is also an experience," she added with a brief chuckle. "Who knows, maybe with repeated knocks over the head, I'll come to appreciate such an alternative style." She clapped Leila on the arm and gave the woman a sly wink.

"You're making goats sound a lot like people, you know. Which doesn't bode well for the elderly we may encounter..." Putting on her pack, Bri looked down the road before glancing over at Andi. "Stick with whatever Nix is feeding his ego," she said, pointing a thumb in the gnome's direction. "Seems like that'll keep growing muscle for you. Though, if he's any indication, it'll need plenty of use."

2018-08-03, 12:05 PM
Nix grinned, taking great pleasure from how much his fellow entertainer was bothered by him. It was a compliment in some ways. My ego is only as large as my audiences dearest Bri. Perhaps you ego would be bigger too if you managed to pull some more people in.

But there's no need for all this competition surely? If we'll be travelling together I don't want there to be any bad blood between us. So how can I extend an olive branch? I wouldn't want jealousy to get in the way of teamwork after all.

At the mention of fish, Nix perked up. He wandered over to Andi without waiting for a response, half because he loved fish and half because he hoped it would get under Bri's skin more. I will never complain about fish, Andi. It is nature's bounty and one of the most delicious things on this side of the mountains. I was curious about your eating of fish though, but I've never had the opportunity to ask one of your kind. Personally I abstain from rabbit and the like ... it feels too much like eating a friend. Obviously this is not the case for you however.

2018-08-03, 04:47 PM
Leila laughed along with Grilka and stopped, puzzled, at the elderly jest before getting it.
Leila left the entertainers to figure out their dispute. She was getting along fine with her fellow herder, though she imagined that was less of a competitive scene.
One thing she was certain of was that the Goliath was better at wrestling unruly goats to the ground.

2018-08-04, 02:20 AM
"You think this is competitive?" Bri asked with a raised eyebrow. "That's positively quaint! No, no, my dear Nix, you'll know when I start becoming competitive and trust me, it'll be more than just comparing the sizes of our audiences..." She favoured the gnome with a vulpine grin before turning to Grilka and Andi.

"Some fish would be delightful. Can't say I've ever taken great note but I imagine there should be a suitable spot along the way." Hoisting her pack a little, she gestured down the road. "Speaking of which, I believe my antics have delayed us long enough. Shall we?"

2018-08-05, 12:43 PM
A while longer of travel, some decent enough rations, and around three o' clock, you're arriving at Indos. The city is bustling and busy, full of life and vigor.

There's a long stretch of "city" space, where the city has expanded beyond the walls that you travel through before reaching the gates. They stand open, with a friendly-looking guard and a surly-looking guard at the entrance. The friendly guard smiles and waves to you as you head in, offering a few words. "Enjoy the city-but don't cause trouble."

In the city proper, it's a little less busy-more people are inside than are in the outer parts.

What will you do?

You don't know exactly where the airport would be, but you can get directions without too much difficulty. (Like, we're talking a DC 3 Persuasion check you can take 10 on.) If you want to do something besides just head for the skies, let me know.

2018-08-05, 11:50 PM
You ask for some directions, and grab some food on the way. You make sure to buy cheaply-you want to be able to afford an airship journey-but before nightfall, you've set off. The captain, a stout gnomish woman, informs you that you'll arrive sometime early in the morning, and that you'll probably be best off getting some rest.

Come morning, you awake to a vast shadow cast on you. The Omen is before you.

Everyone, make a Perception check. You need to find a door! :P

2018-08-06, 01:45 PM
Everyone but Leila are able to spot what seems to be a door. As you guide the captain in, she asks "What are you planning on doing, anyway? No one can get in."

2018-08-06, 01:49 PM
"What, why not?" Leila asked, looking for something that would stop them.

2018-08-06, 05:44 PM
Andi leans forward to squint at the door even closer, looking for clues where a key might go. "Not gonna lie... I've always kinda wanted to paint a big drawing on this."

Maybe if this idea with the apparent key doesn't work out, they can come back and do some art all over it. Leave some kind of mark on the world.

2018-08-06, 07:30 PM
I'm not really planning anythign to be honest, Nix said. Mostly just here to poke around and see if there's anything entertaining. Hopefully I'll come out with a good story, you know?

2018-08-06, 10:20 PM
As you talk, you can see a small opening, just the right size for the key you have. It'd be best to have someone support whoever pushes it in, so that way there's no risk of falling.

2018-08-07, 12:51 AM
"Hey, Grilka, can you give me a hand?" Leila requested.
She then attempted to unlock the door with the key.

2018-08-07, 10:17 AM
Grilka spent most of the ship ride hanging over rail of the ship feeling the wind on her face. "This is amazing! she declared to whomever was nearby. "I hope the Omen is full of treasure so I can buy one of these!"

As the Omen grew closer Grilka beamed with delight, practically shaking with excitement. When they were close it was all she could do not to leap off once they were close enough. Somehow Grilka calmed herself down and departed the ship carefully, making sure she had everything. To the ship's pilot s and e winked and said. "Just you wait and see."

She trotted to the door and the keyhole to help Leila, holding on and planting herself firmly. "I've got ya. Let's make history!"

2018-08-07, 12:53 PM
The door... Well, it doesn't so much open, as just fade away, leaving an ominous hallway in its wake. Laila stumbles slightly, only staying on the airship with Grilka's support. The captain is slack-jawed for a moment, then regains her composure. "You all are probably crazy-but best of luck to you. Let me grab some of my crew to help you on."

With the assistance of one her crew, you're all piled onto the Omen in short order. The captain waves goodbye as the door re-appears, leaving you in darkness for just a moment. But, crystals on the wall flare to life, providing a steady, bright illumination.

2018-08-07, 02:14 PM
Bri eyed the crystals as they began emitting light. "Convenient."

She looked around at the others. "So, how's everyone doing? Feels like this whole thing has been just one big whirlwind, no time to catch your breath..."

Turning to look down the hallway, she paused for a moment. "Well, while I think we've already made history, no time like the present to just keep on doing it. Whirlwind's not gonna spin itself!"

Bri began walking down the hallway, looking curiously around to see if there was anything either interesting or dangerous ahead of her.

Perception roll: [roll0]

2018-08-07, 02:18 PM
Ahead, Bri is able to hear some clanking. It's a quiet, constant sound-something metal and small hitting on something else metal. The floor and walls all appear to be made of some kind of metal, so it might be something walking, or could be gears turning, pistons pumping, or any manner of other machinery.

2018-08-07, 06:08 PM
Leila will continue along the hallway until she finds a corner or is otherwise notably encountered.

2018-08-07, 09:13 PM
"Huh. It's a lot more metal than I expected," Andi observes as she follows after, looking and listening intently. "Doesn't it rust, if it's not treated?"

And, just in case something goes wrong with those convenient lights, Andi puts a hand to the decorative spear slung behind her back and fills it with light.

She'll maintain the Light cantrip on her arcane focus until her concentration is broken.

2018-08-07, 10:19 PM
The hallway shortly branches out, splitting in two, both paths still going forward, but one to the left and one to the right.

The clacking comes from the left.

2018-08-07, 11:51 PM
"The sound’s coming from this way." Leila indicated the hallway branching left.

2018-08-08, 12:19 AM
Well I for one am all for trying to keep whatever lives in this place in the proverbial dark about our presence for now, Nix said. We are sort of intruding after all. I certainly wouldn't want someone walking around my place even if they had found the key I stash under the Mermaid statue near my door. I doubt our reception will be a good one, you know?

2018-08-08, 12:20 AM
The clacking is growing louder. A quick decision is in order.

2018-08-08, 12:25 AM
"Agreed." Leila turned right and started walking away from the noise, hoping the others would follow her.

2018-08-08, 01:28 PM
"Uhhh... Yeah, okay, let's get a look at what we're dealing with before we say hi. Not sure who'd still be living in here... hadn't this thing been closed for like centuries?"

As she followed down the quieter hallway,
Andi looked for a sidehall, doorway, or alcove they could duck into, if that clacking turned out to be from something - or someone - too fast to run from.

2018-08-08, 01:37 PM
The hallway does indeed end in a door, some 50' down and curved off to the side slightly. It's a tight fit, sealing perfectly flush against the wall, and with a lock mechanism above a smooth handle.

2018-08-08, 01:45 PM
"I mean, a guide would be useful," Bri added, her voice lowered despite the tone. "I'm starting to feel this could turn into a considerable maze..." All the same, she followed Leila and Andi as they headed off to the right.

When they reached the door, Bri stopped and eyed it with some skepticism. "Hmm..." She murmured as she looked around the edges.

Bri will attempt to look for anything untoward/dangerous about the door: Investigation [roll0]

2018-08-08, 01:46 PM
It's a weird door, that's for sure, but doesn't seem hostile or dangerous. It does, however, seem locked.

2018-08-08, 08:03 PM
Leila tried the door and, thereafter, the key.

2018-08-08, 09:27 PM
The door is firmly locked. The key is too large for this lock, and doesn't do anything when held near.

The lock can probably be picked. But it won't be easy.

DC 20 to pick it. So, taking 20 will let you pick it no problem, but there's that niggling time factor...

2018-08-09, 01:29 AM
"Okay, who locks doors inside their house too, isn't locking the outside enough?" Andi complained, as if they didn't just break into the Omen with a key. "That's it, then. We have to go see what that clanking's about."

She turned from the door and started back down the hall quickly, determined to put herself between the clanking and some of the squishier-looking folks. At least she's trained in combat, and been in a couple of fights, if it turns out the clanking's from someone who doesn't appreciate home invaders.

2018-08-09, 10:14 AM
Grilka had been quiet since entering the Omen, for whatever reason she hadn't expected the door to close behind them and the thought of being stuck in here was a little disturbing. She really wasn't sure what she should have expected but a cramped corridor wasn't it. She look around at the walls and floor as she followed the others along.

When Bri mentions a guide Grilka gets an idea, starting to rummage around in her pack for the sphere and pulling it out to see if it changed at all now that they were inside. All the while she kept her eye out down the hall just in case the clanking thing wasn't friendly.

"If things go wrong try and stay behind me." she said quietly. Grilka was obviously the biggest, and as far as she knew the toughest. "I can try and hold it back and let the rest of you do your thing.

2018-08-09, 02:02 PM
The clanking draws nearer, and nearer. Soon, it's accompanied by a buzzing noise.

Coming in from just around the bend, some 40' away, is a swarm of tiny beetles. Some are crawling on the walls, others fly in the air, but one and all, they are mechanical constructs. Their green lenses turn red upon seeing you, and they ready a charge.

Roll init!

[roll0] for the clockwork swarm.

2018-08-10, 10:47 AM
The swarm flies forward, filling the air around you with buzzing and clacking. It fills the space you're in, and you can feel bite after bite, laced with a weak but still painful toxin.

One attack against each of you. The first 5d6 is piercing damage, the second 1d6 is poison damage. I'll be attacking in init order, so whoever's going next, you're taking the first set of rolls.





2018-08-10, 11:33 AM
In a fierce act of vengeance, Leila falls on her face, unconscious.

2018-08-10, 01:54 PM
As the clanking grew closer, Bri glanced in its direction. "Y'know, I'm feeling confident about this," she said, the slightest of quivers in her voice. "I imagine this is the doorkeeper now, coming to let us-"

She cut off abruptly as a horrifying swarm of mechanical insects came into view. "I withdraw my previous comment," she added, quickly and quietly. Before any of them could react, the swarm was on them.

Ducking and weaving (or, to be more honest, hopping and yelping with style), Bri managed to avoid been bitten. Some brief glimpses, however, told her that the others were not so lucky. Still dodging, she nonetheless managed to recite the necessary words and make the necessary gestures to blast the beetles with ice.

Bri will cast Ray of Frost at the beetles with disadvantage given being locked in melee:

2018-08-11, 05:43 PM
"What are those things...? Al would love to see this," Andi said to herself as the swarm came around the corner. But they moved faster than expected, and before she knew it they were up in everyone's faces, Leila already fallen. Andi cursed and swung her trident out, stabbing into the cluster of mechanical creaturea.

Andi makes a melee attack to the storm, focusing on those over Leila.
To hit: [roll0]
Damage, if she hits: [roll1]

2018-08-12, 01:45 AM
Grilka’s jaw dropped a little as a bunch of clanking beetle things swarmed around. She batted the ones attacking her away and then turned to see Leila fall the biting swarm.

“No no no! We haven’t even seen anything good yet!” The Goliath snarled as she pulled out her sword and slammed it down on the swarm. “Go away you awful things!”

Bonus Action to Rage

2018-08-12, 09:45 AM
Grilka's blow knocks several of the beetles from the air, and opens a small, temporary hole in the swarm.

The swarm, though, continues its assault, focusing on those still standing.

Leila seems oddly okay-her wounds have quickly clotted, and she's breathing normally.




Attacking in init order again. First roll is hit, second is piercing damage, third is poison.

2018-08-12, 10:51 AM
Seeing two of his companions down and with no real way to take down a swarm of creatures, he tried a desperate trick. He muttered the incantation for one of his illusion spells, placing the image of the door in front of him, hoping to hide him from the attackers. He didn't expect it to work, but it was always worth a try, no?

Assumign the bugs realize its an illusion he is KO'd to the attack

2018-08-12, 02:40 PM
Bri bit back a curse as her spell passed harmlessly through the swarm. "So much for that idea." With Grilka seeming to make headway with striking at the swarm, Bri's eyes fell on Leila. Damn... She couldn't let her companion die. Circling around the edge of the swarm and careful not to give them reason to focus on her - they seemed to have plenty of that already - she made her way to the unconscious woman.

Leaning down, she rested a hand on the woman's forehead, casting as quickly but precisely as she could.

Bri will cast Cure Wounds on Leila: [roll0]

2018-08-12, 02:47 PM

It's not a d20. :P

Also, if you're technically after her in the init order, I'll still let her go, just to not screw you guys over.

Leila recovers, feeling a touch woozy. She's laying prone on the ground, and can feel the swarm still crawling on her.

2018-08-12, 04:12 PM
"Gah!" Leila shouted, pushing herself to her feet.
In confusion, she looked about at the others and decided it was probably time to save people.
As quickly as she could, she spoke a word in Celestial: "Heal" She pointed at Torrin to bring the illusionist back up.

Healing Word on Nix: [roll0]

I think Grilka took that 22 but she has enough health. If Andi took that 18 then she's down.
So if Andi took the 18 I'm using my Aasimar Healing Hands on her to bring her back up with 2 hp. If she didn't, Sacred Flame on the swarm!

2018-08-12, 07:35 PM
Neils fainted as the insects swarmed him, but almost immediately was jolted back to life as his ally's healing spell flooded him with vitality. Well, flooded was an exaggeration, but where's life without a little tall tale?

He made a small O with his fingers and cast a fiery arrow straight through the beetles.

Fire Bolt at disadvantage

[roll2] Fire Damage

2018-08-13, 11:25 AM
[roll0] against DC 13, right?
For [roll1] damage-I didn't see any damage rolls from you, so I'll just roll here. If you did, let me know and I'll use that, if needed.

The swarm parts at the radiant fire, avoiding losing any but one or two beetles.

The fire, however, crashes in, scorching a decent portion.

All of the sudden... The eyes on the swarm turn yellow. It turns tail and runs, with a few weakly clacking, injured beetles trying to catch up.

Disengage and run 50'. It's taken enough damage and seems to have done no damage to you, considering everyone is just getting right back up.

As the clacking and buzzing dies down, you realize there's been another sound, one that you didn't notice in the sounds of battle. Something behind the door-faint voices, that speak up louder now.

"Are they gone? Is it safe?"

2018-08-13, 12:26 PM
The metallic insects proved maddeningly quick, and before Andi could finish gathering the energy to fling spells instead of weapons, they went scurrying up the hall. At least that gave her time to check on the wounded, and see whether magic or mundane healing would be best for everyone... and then a voice spoke up.

"Well, they're gone," Andi answered the mystery voice, looking up at the door. "I don't know if it's safe... But you might as well come say hi, that was enough fight for us."

2018-08-13, 01:24 PM
Bri had been considering her next move, watching Leila spring into action when the swarm unexpectedly retreated. Letting out a sigh of relief, she got to her feet. "Hopefully they're not just off regrouping..." she murmured.

Hearing a voice behind her, she turned as Andi reply to their question. "I think we'd all be quite happy to have a friendly conversation right now. Nothing gets me in the mood for a six-hour debate quite like a horde of mechanical beetles..."

2018-08-13, 02:19 PM
Leila looked down at her wounds, and tried to shake off the grogginess from the poison.
She was feeling absolutely terrible, and for the first time in her life, out of her depth.
She didn't even really listen to the other end of the door - she had almost died, she thought. She had been bitten until she'd passed out.

2018-08-13, 10:31 PM
The door cracks open, and the voice from within says "Get in-quickly. The Canoptek are probably just getting something bigger..."

2018-08-13, 11:21 PM
Leila was instantly snapped out of her existential crisis by the threat of something bigger and took the voice's advice, opening the door and entering.

2018-08-14, 10:02 AM
Don't care much if its bigger so long as there aren't so darned many of them. Glittergold's Pants those things stung like a manticore. He was already itching the lumpy bits all over his skin. He thought about casting a spell to make his skin look smooth again ... but after that fight he had bigger priorities and didn't want to waste his energy on vanity.

2018-08-14, 02:01 PM
You huddle inside, revealing a short hall opening into a larger area. The person behind the door is a squat, scaly person of indeterminate gender, but they seem friendly enough. They quickly close the door after determining you're all in, just as you hear some louder clacking from beyond.

"Wait a minute-what are you?" they ask, seemingly confused at your appearance.

2018-08-14, 02:26 PM
"Leila Butterfield, Goatherd of Fado's Ranch," Leila introduced herself.
"Have you ever met any races aside from yours?"

2018-08-14, 02:27 PM
"There's the Canoptek," they say. "I... I feel like that's not what you meant."

2018-08-14, 02:33 PM
"Who are the Canoptek?" Leila asked.

2018-08-14, 02:51 PM
Nix's eyebrows raised. Demanding answers from someone who had clearly just saved their lives wasn't exactly Nix's definition of good ettiquette. Of course there weren't many gnomes for him to visit him back home so he might be a bit rusty.

It might just be easier to say that we're from the outside. And in the outside there are many different creatures that look different from each other but live together in peace. We five lived in a town together but recently decided to leave for your humble abode.

We didn't expect it to be quite so dangerous. Our thanks for your assistance in this. He'd wanted to add a few wisecracks about them needing to call an exterminator for their bug problem ... but he figured it'd be in bad taste.

2018-08-14, 03:32 PM
Grilka gave chase as the Beatles scuttled away, but as it became clear that they could easily outpace her she gave up after a handful of steps. Spitting in their direction and shooting them a dirty look she walked back to her companions with her sword still in hand, not yet ready to put it away in case more metal bugs were about.

She stood silently and kept an eye out while the others talked to whoever it was behind the door, and while she would rather finish the bugs off she wasn't going to drag her companions into a fight nobody else seemed ready for. She squeezed into the passage and kept her eye on the door, especially as the louder clacking noises approached.

She looked at he scaly person, feeling that Nix's answer was plenty good enough for the moment. "You sure we are safe here?"

2018-08-14, 04:04 PM
Bri followed the others inside. She eyed the individual who was offering them safety from the swarm... and whatever else there might be.

"Bri Lyraith," she replied to the query, thrusting out a hand. "As Nix and his ego said, our thanks for your assistance." She glanced down the corridor briefly. "Just you? Do you have a name you might be willing to share?" It took nearly visible effort for Bri not to bombard their rescuer with a flood of questions.

2018-08-14, 04:28 PM
"The Canoptek are... Guardians? Pests? They're mechanical constructs that roam these places. They fix breaks in the walls and keep everything clean. Of everything," they say.

At Nix's explanation, they nod. "That makes sense. How did you get in?" they ask as they start to walk into the open area. There seem to be plots of dirt with short plants in here-simple farms, but effective. Further down, you can see small tents, with other people like this first one moving about.

"My name is Grilk. I was tending to the farms here when I heard the scuffle outside."

2018-08-14, 04:44 PM
Leila held up the key in response to the first question.
"How long has this town been here?"

2018-08-15, 09:18 AM
While the others talk to the short scaled figure, Andi leans against the closed door and listens. It felt like a good, heavy, sturdy door, that won't buckle from a couple big bugs pushing against it... But metal carries sound, and metal on metal is full of screeching and scratching.

Does it sound like those canoptek are lurking just outside the door, or like they found better places to be?

2018-08-15, 10:34 PM
Listening to the door, one can hear the scrabbles of metal-on-metal approaching. Something mechanical and large is just outside the door, and stays for a few moments, but then clacks away.

2018-08-16, 10:47 AM
"It sounds like we've got clear of those 'canoptick' things," Andi told the others as she pulled away from the door to join them. "Didn't expect tosee people living in here. Or... farming in here?"

She looked up, not sure whether she expected to see an opening to the sunny sky that somehow airships for ages have missed... or more metal, somehow giving the plants the light they need.

2018-08-16, 11:22 AM
The same steady illumination that has been present the whole time is still there.

There are, however, a series of lenses set up, above the farmland, focusing the light slightly onto the plots.

2018-08-16, 11:39 AM
Leila looks about for any other people and tries to hail one.

2018-08-16, 07:41 PM
Going forward, there are a small amount of people moving around. They seem surprised, but not scared, when Leila approaches.

Is there anything specific she wishes to ask them?

2018-08-16, 07:44 PM
"What is this place? Who are all of you? Do you fight those... Canoptek?"

2018-08-16, 07:48 PM
"This is our home. Speaking of which, it's rather rude of you to-" one starts, but Grilk intervenes.

They say "These people have just come from elsewhere. Please, cut them a little slack."

The one who was talking earlier lets out a quiet "hmph," but does answer. "We don't fight the Canoptek. We're smarter than that. Those who weren't, didn't last long."

2018-08-16, 07:54 PM
"How do you avoid them?" Leila asked as a follow-up.

2018-08-16, 07:55 PM
"We stay in here. And we never open the... GRILK!" they shout.

Grilk backs up a few paces, saying "They fought some of them off! I just thought, maybe, you know..."


2018-08-16, 08:08 PM
"Grilk saved our lives. She was very brave," Leila offered.
"And after we get rid of all of those things, she'll have saved all of you too." By extension, she didn't say.

2018-08-16, 08:22 PM
"You... No, that's madness. Madness!" the other says, huffing off into their home.

Grilk winces, and apologizes. "Marda can be... Touchy, at times. But do you really think you can free us? I know I'm not the only one who grows tired of these halls."

2018-08-16, 08:34 PM
"If we're careful, and keep our heads on." And roll better initiative.

2018-08-16, 08:41 PM
"Let me take you to Elder Tonf. He should know better than I if this is a good idea," Grilk replies, and starts heading for the center of the little town.

2018-08-17, 01:40 PM
Bri stepped up next to Grilk and Leila, addressing the more aggressive person in this new group. "Frankly, despite having only just met Grilk, I can confidently say - with no hyperbole - that I have found a new best friend." She gestured back to the door. "Anyone who saves my hide and, by proximity, the hides of my companions deserves nothing less."

She gave Leila a side-long glance when the woman suggested that they'd solve the Canoptek problem. Lowering her voice as they followed Grilk to the Elder, she spoke quietly. "You're making an awfully big promise there... We've literally just arrived and been more than lightly pummelled by those things. Even with what I'm sure are your exceptional horn-playing skills, I'm not sure we can simply 'get rid' of those mechanical creatures..."

2018-08-17, 03:31 PM
"We won't get surprised next time," Leila conveyed.

2018-08-17, 05:57 PM
While some of the others began exchanging whispers, Andi nodded emphatically and pounded the butt of her trident against the ground. "Besides! As much as you guys have made a lovely home here... We just want to visit, and explore. Not move in. So you better believe we'll find a way to fight them!"

2018-08-18, 09:48 AM
Bri's eyebrows went up briefly. "It'll be an interesting day when mechanical beetles aren't something out of the ordinary..."

Hearing Andi speak up, Bri looked over at her. "You too?" She grimaced. "One moment," she said, holding a finger up to Leila.

She took a couple of exaggerated steps over to Andi and resumed speaking in a whisper. "Andi, dear, I applaud your enthusiasm," she started, adding some small claps to illustrate her point. "But I was literally in the process of saying to Leila that it just might not be the best idea to be making promises we can't quite live up. Look, I'm happier than the next person to entertain and please an audience but if you're all bark and no bite, then you'll get pelted with rotten tomatoes." She took a breath. "I get wanting to help but, as good a shot as I am with this thing," she continued, gesturing briefly to her bow, "I'm closer to a clown than a warrior."

2018-08-18, 11:22 AM
As you talk, Grilk continues to lead you to Tonf's home. They knock on the door, and you hear a raspy old voice say "Enter."

Grilk turns to you all. "Go ahead-I'll join if you want me to."

2018-08-18, 02:59 PM
Nix walks in.

2018-08-19, 12:09 AM
Inside is a squat, large version of Grilk. There are some subtle differences in coloration, but it seems these people grow larger and larger with age, if you had to guess.

"Greetings, stranger," Tonf says. "I am Tonf. What is your name?"

2018-08-19, 04:18 PM
As Grilk led them all to Tonf's door, Andi responded to Bri's whispers with another whisper in kind. "Uhh... Hey, I get being nervous, you haven't been in a fight much, right? We got caught off-guard, we didn't plan or prepare anything... But believe me, we can do so much better if we work together. All I'm saying is, we promise we'll try, because we've got a reason to try our best - wanting to go home. They'll get that, don't worry."

Andi grinned a toothy grin, offering Bri a clap on the shoulder and a reassuring squeeze, before turning to the now-opening doorway. "Let's all go in, huh?"

She followed Nix in, in time to hear Tonf's greeting, and raised a hand. "Hi, I'm Andi."

2018-08-19, 04:55 PM
Leila took Andi’s advice.
"Hey there. We were told you could tell us about the canoptek and how we might fight them.”

2018-08-19, 10:44 PM
The elder pauses a moment. "I have not fought the canoptek. But, throughout the years, I have acquired bits and pieces of them. Destroyed, perhaps in accident... Perhaps by something else. They seem quite affected by lightning-not necessarily harmed, but it causes spasms even amongst the parts. Andi, you said? I see you have boots that might help. From what I've gleaned from my visions, those are called... What were the words?" Tonf asks no one in particular.

A few moments pass, while he reaches for a hookah, taking a long drag, and then breathes out a puff of blue smoke, saying "Ah, I remember. Brimstorm Boots. A conjoining of flames and storms. They have many functionalities, but the most notable, for the moment, would be the ability to lay down a trail of lightning behind you while you walk or run. Be careful, though-stand still, and the lightning will build up in yourself."

2018-08-19, 10:57 PM
Leila's eyes widened.
"How would we prevent that? Aside from taking them off and moving?”

2018-08-19, 11:00 PM
"They're activated with a thought, and deactivated the same way. Just don't leave them on when loitering about," Tonf replies.

Bonus action to activate or deactivate. When you move, you leave a trail of electricity behind you. Being within 5' of it deal 1d6 lightning damage, being in it at the start of your turn or passing through deals 2d6. Maximum of taking the damage once per turn.

If you stand still, the charge starts to build in you. I'll roll a d6 the first turn you stand still with it active, a d5 the next, so on and so forth. On a 1, you take 4d6 lightning damage.

2018-08-20, 08:17 AM
"How long would the trail stay there?” Leila asked.

2018-08-20, 10:31 AM
"No way," Andi breathed as Tonf and Leila continued talking.

She reached down to unfasten one of the boots, pulling it up to eye-level, and examining. With just a thought, these could spark and zap as surely as cloth friction, and hurt even more? "Uh, is thinking about thinking about it enough, or do I have to like... will it to happen?"

Because if just thinking about it is enough, they're gonna going off in her hands.

2018-08-22, 12:13 AM
"How long would the trail stay there?” Leila asked.

"Only a few moments. Not more than ten seconds, I think," Tonf says.

"No way," Andi breathed as Tonf and Leila continued talking.

She reached down to unfasten one of the boots, pulling it up to eye-level, and examining. With just a thought, these could spark and zap as surely as cloth friction, and hurt even more? "Uh, is thinking about thinking about it enough, or do I have to like... will it to happen?"

Because if just thinking about it is enough, they're gonna going off in her hands.


The boots begin to shoot off trails of lightning, scorching Andi's hands, but as she drops the boots, they simmer down quickly into their ordinary state.

Take [roll0] points of lightning damage directly to your pride. :P

2018-08-22, 02:32 PM
Feeling slightly off-kilter following her conversations with Leila and Andi, Bri nonetheless followed the others into the elder's home. They clearly needed to have a group discussion about expectations, she decided.

She was surprised when Tonf mentioned Andi's boots were magical and looked down at them curiously. As the elder continued, however, she cautiously took a step away from Andi. "You know, maybe it would-"

Too late. Bri winced and looked the woman over. "You okay...?"

2018-08-22, 09:58 PM
Andi's hands are slightly scorched, but nothing serious. A little ointment, if anyone has any, would help soothe the pain, but it's not going to affect her ability to function in any meaningful way.

2018-08-23, 12:42 PM
For a short solemn minute, Andi didn't answer, busy shaking each hand off to really check how they felt. Singed, an aching, but they move well enough. Not being a mechanical entity of metal and magic, it probably hurt her less than it'll hurt the Canoptek.

She nodded, satisfied, shot Bri a bright toothy smile only a little over-the-top with reassurance. "It stung a good bit! But I've had way worse than that before."

She reached down to the boots, hand hesitating over them for a second, before grabbing them again. This time, thinking of them as magic, and solidly thinking of them not going off, yet.

2018-08-23, 01:56 PM
"If we're stuck on that narrow hallway again you can make a little wall,” Leila suggested.
"You say electricity stuns them, right?”

2018-08-23, 09:05 PM
"Not quite-we've never had the chance to test with a live one," Tonf says. "But it does SOMETHING to them, at least. I could actually show you the mechanical bodies, of some, if you want."

It'd be a difficult check, probably DC 18, to figure out how electricity would affect them from experimenting directly on the body. Straight Int check, too, no proficiencies.

And a 5 or less would get you bad info.

2018-08-24, 06:18 PM
Nix grimaced. He felt pretty useless after that attack. He hadn't been able to do anything. Besides, with his illusions he felt like he could help these people. After sharing his thoughts with the group, he made the decision to stay with these scaled creatures and learn about their culture.

2018-08-24, 10:38 PM
Tonf nods. "Understandable. I'll make sure you get someplace to live-we will, of course, expect you to do your fair share of work."

Nix nods back, saying "I wouldn't really expect anything else. I'll, I guess, leave you guys to it."

2018-08-24, 11:03 PM
"Oh. Well, er, good luck.” Leila wished Nix.
"I'd like to see the body.”

2018-08-25, 11:20 AM
Tonf gestures behind himself. "There are some of the smaller ones stored in the back of my house. Would that do?"

Unless you inquire about the larger bodies, he shuffles aside, letting you move to the back of the hut, where a separate room has a few "corpses" ranging in size from the beetles you saw earlier to as large as a medium-sized dog.

2018-08-25, 11:26 AM
"Could you try using your shoes on them?” Leila asked.

2018-08-25, 02:32 PM
Slightly surprised, Bri studied Nix for a moment. "I'm sure there's some angle you're playing here but I can't figure it out." She shrugged. "I imagine I'll have to assume you're genuine. Well, in that case, I wish you well."

As Tonf showed them the remains of the Canoptek, Bri looked at Leila, aghast. "And ruin the leather?! I don't think so." Turning, she gestured for Andi to go ahead. "Perhaps you'd like to do the honours?" She flashed a quick smirk at Leila. Not her finest work but she'd work with what she had.

2018-08-25, 03:21 PM
Andi waved as Nix made his apologies and farewell, telling him, "Show them all your cool stuff! And don't worry too much, I'm sure we'll be back to visit," before turning back to the matter of testing things on these partially destroyed constructs.

She grinned at the notion of trying them out properly, and moved to test them - then stopped still, turning to Tonf with the magic still unactivated. "Hey, wait, you okay with me doing that in your house? I don't wanna track sparks and burning all over your floor..."

If this is the best place to do it - like if the alternative is tearing up garden areas - then she'll take him up on his offer and try running at one of the machines and jumping off it parkour-style.

2018-08-25, 03:34 PM
Tonf confirms that this is the best place-it's secure, so in case of disaster, minimal harm.

There isn't really enough space to do a proper jump, but Andi is able to do a short hop off one of the larger bodies. It jerks and spasms, then settles after a few moments.

DC 18 Int checks, with no proficiency from skills (I will allow something like Rock Gnome Artificer's Lore to count here) to figure out how this will affect the living Canoptek.

2018-08-25, 11:29 PM
Leila frowned, unsure of what to think about that.
"Well, thank you. Could we stay with you for a night, to rest before we keep exploring?” Leila asked.

2018-08-25, 11:44 PM
Leila frowned, unsure of what to think about that.
"Well, thank you. Could we stay with you for a night, to rest before we keep exploring?” Leila asked.

"Of course. I'm sure that Grilk will make room-they seem to like you," Tonf says.

2018-08-26, 04:24 PM
As Andi prepared to shock the Canoptek, Bri found herself a good position from which to watch: clear line of sight, not too close.

The boots went off and, despite everything, she couldn't help but lean forward to observe. "Hmm," she murmured. "Like me heading home in the wee hours of the morning..." She looked up at Andi. "Drunk," she added by way of clarification.

"They're not going to be doing anything very effective after that. I'd imagine the greater the shock, the longer it'll last."

2018-08-29, 09:56 PM
Leila spends the night asking Grilk all about this place - how long they've been here, why they've never left, what the values of these people are - until she eventually sleeps.

2018-08-29, 10:40 PM
Leila spends the night asking Grilk all about this place - how long they've been here, why they've never left, what the values of these people are - until she eventually sleeps.

Leila learns that they've been here generations, longer than anyone can remember.

They've never left because, quite simply put, they'd get killed by the Canoptek.

These people value order and safety, making Tonf a bit of an outlier. Most people follow a somewhat strict schedule from day-to-day, not deviating from it unless truly needing to.

2018-08-30, 11:29 AM
Andi follows up with Tonf to ask more about the Canoptek - how has Tonf been collecting those remains, if they stay inside this area? And if that one she jumped on was a small one... How big are the big ones?

2018-08-30, 06:11 PM
Bri spent some time quietly playing her lute and listening as the others asked questions. While she wanted to support the group, fighting wasn’t really her thing - best to leave that to those with some experience.

She took in what information she could and ate some of her rations.

2018-08-30, 07:20 PM
Andi follows up with Tonf to ask more about the Canoptek - how has Tonf been collecting those remains, if they stay inside this area? And if that one she jumped on was a small one... How big are the big ones?

Tonf tells Andi that he's been collecting them for a considerable time-he was a curious lad, if cautious, and old habits die hard. There is a larger storage area for more substantial mechanisms, but the smaller ones are here.

As for how big they get... The largest he's seen was maybe 12' tall, and nearly as thick.

You all get your rest, and a little food. Come... Well, you can't tell if it's morning or not, but come waking, you gather in front of Tonf's home again, seeing if he has any last words of wisdom.

He does not. All he says is "Good luck. And try not to die," with a dry smile.