View Full Version : Spheres of Power & Might: I converted Noctis from Final Fantasy XV

2018-07-30, 11:57 PM

After finishing the Northlands Saga 1.3 years in the making (a very satisfying adventure path I might add), I've been on an extended hiatus from the Pathfinder system. Even so, there are still some books and creative projects which fascinate me enough to briefly dive into that game if only for a curious look. Spheres of Power and Spheres of Might are two such books, an attempt at making versatile toolbox of abilities to emulate a wide variety of fighting and spellcasting styles to create the character you want.

One of the archetypes known as the Bladewalker (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/bladewalker) brought up strong memories of Noctis from Final Fantasy 15, likely intentionally so. As it combines teleportation techniques with a main class built around using several weapons at once, I theorized about doing a faithful build of the Prince of Lucis.

Important Note: This stat block represents the broad area of plot where Noctis' party is on a road trip in Duscae, after the events at Leide but before his trip to Altissia. As such, he does not have many of his "end-game" abilities and equipment.

Classes: Noctis will be a 5th-level Armiger (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/armiger) with the Bladewalker archetype, with 3 levels in Elementalist (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/elementalist) to replicate his offensive elemancy spells. He will dip 3 levels into Blacksmith (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/blacksmith) for Thunderous Blows so he can sunder the natural weapons and armor of creatures, a common tactical technique in the video game.

Fighting Style: Noctis is capable of warping around the battlefield, using the sudden speed and momentum to dodge attacks and make devastating charges at enemies. Furthermore, he can manifest spectral weapons known as the royal arms which take a variety of forms, sometimes rapidly summoning several at once in a chain of flurries to assault enemies with his entire arsenal.

Noctis is primarily a melee combatant, and his wielded weapons include daggers, swords, greatswords, axes, lances, shields, katanas, tridents, firearms, and some advanced machinery such as the automatic crossbow. As his partner Prompto is better suited to using advanced machinery (and such gear would likely be replicated as magic items or Technician inventions) we'll focus on the more traditional weapons.

For Martial Tradition, Noctis will have Knightly Arts. The bonus proficiencies cover all but katanas, tridents, and firearms. As such weapons in Final Fantasy XV fall into the sword and polearm categories, we can get away with not focusing on them. He also has armor proficiency, but given he doesn't wear armor in the game we're going to reflavor his Princely Raiments into being a hybrid chain shirt/cloak of resistance.

Finally, Noctis will choose the Warleader sphere as a bonus sphere from said martial tradition to gain aggressive flanking ability and the fierce shout in keeping with his teamwork-based tactics from the game.

Noctis' Practioner Ability Modifier will be Charisma. Although he starts out introverted, over the course of the game he learns to appreciate his royal responsibilities and he does have good chemistry with his friends.

For Spheres and Talents, Noctis will have access to the Warleader sphere along with Armor Training, Knightly Training, and Shield Training as bonus Equipment talents from his martial tradition. He'll also choose Firearm Proficiency so that he can use guns as a bonus Equipment talent from his 1st level in Blacksmith.

Given the fact he zips all around the battlefield, the Athletics sphere is a natural choice. His Athletics Package includes Leap, and for talents he'll have Diving Strike, Expanded Training for Fly and Run, Scale Foe, Wall Stunt, and Whirlwind Leap.

Being able to counter enemy attacks is another important game mechanic, so we'll pick the Fencing sphere; the Boxing sphere is more counterattack-based, but it requires the use of a talent to use with manufactured weapons instead of just unarmed strikes. Noctis' Fencing Talents include Parry and Riposte, and Repositioning Strike.

Total Combat Talents: Noctis has 4 from Knightly Arts Martial Tradition, 1 Equipment talent from Blacksmith's Equipment Specialist class feature, 3 from 3 levels in Blacksmith class, 2 from levels in Armiger class, 4 from the Extra Combat Talent feat gained thrice as regular feats and once as a bonus feat for the 2nd level in Elementalist, and 6 "shadow talents" from his 3 customized weapons.

Magic Style: Noctis' most well-known supernatural ability is the Warp Strike. He can also absorb the power of fire, frost, and lightning from geographical formations to form into spells. Noctis will specialize in the Destruction and Warp Spheres.

Noctis' Casting Ability Modifier will also be Charisma.

For Casting Tradition, Noctis cannot use elemental magic at will in the game series. He must gather energy at geographic formations and then use portions of said energy to "craft" spells which he can use only a certain amount of before running out. He can use warp strike at will, however, and the Spheres of Power casting tradition/drawback system does not discriminate between certain spheres or types in regards to general drawbacks. However, we know that Noctis can only warp strike when wielding a weapon, and he needs a magic flask to gather materials for elemancy, so Focus Casting makes sense as a drawback. We aren't choosing Galvanized because daggers count as simple weapons in Pathfinder, which Noctis can use with warp strike. Additionally, Noctis' powers are rather obvious in nature when used; so we'll add Magical Signs as another drawback. Regarding his powers in the video game, Noctis can only teleport himself barring one time in the Adamantoise battle where he can teleport allies. As the Adamantoise is an optional boss battle and this does not happen anywhere else, he's going to have the Sphere-Specific Drawback Personal Warp. This is already part of the Bladewalker's archetype class feature, so it works out just fine.

Given that the aforementioned talent costs spell points as a limited resource, a faithful adaption of the game would be to to adapt the Sphere-Specific Drawback Shape Focus for Destruction.

This leaves us with three drawbacks. We'll call Noctis' unique casting tradition The Magic of the Lucii. The two general drawbacks will grant Noctis 1 bonus spell point plus an additional 1 per 3 levels he has in a casting class.

For Spheres and Talents, Noctis' Destruction talents include Fire Blast, Frost Blast, and Shock Blast for blast type talents, and Explosive Orb for the blast shape talent gained from the drawback. I chose Shock Blast over Electric Blast as it is a common element in the game to create magic with debuffing abilities, and the three blast type talents I selected provide deleterious conditions beyond mere damage. Noctis' spells are wide-ranging and indiscriminate, thus the Explosive Orb talent.

Noctis' Warp talents include Distant Teleport, Emergency Teleport, and Quick Teleport for warp talents, and Extradimensional Storage for a space talent gained from the drawback. Distant and Group Teleport covers the speed and length of his Warp Strike, while Emergency Teleport reflects his ability to nimbly get out of danger with it. Extradimensional Storage reflects Noctis' ability to summon weapons out of thin air.

Total Magic Talents: starts out for free in the Warp shere for the Bladewalker archetype, starts out for free in the Destruction sphere for the Elementalist class, 2 from selecting the Extra Magical Talent feat twice, 4 from Elementalist class, 2 bonus talents from taking the Shape Focus and Personal Warp drawbacks.

Now without further ado...the Prince of Lucis' Pathfinder stat block!


Noctis Lucis Caelum
Male Human Armiger 5/Blacksmith 3/Elementalist 3
NG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +6; Senses Perception +13
AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 19 [+7 armor, +2 dexterity, +2 deflection]
hp 105
Fort +15 Ref +14 Will +10 (+12/+11/+7 without Prince's Fatigues)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Drain Lance +17, Normal Attack (1d8+7, x3)
Drain Lance +14, Power Attack (1d8+16, x3)
Engine Blade +17, Normal Attack (1d8+7, 19-20/x2)
Engine Blade +14, Power Attack (1d8+13, 19-20/x2)
Force Stealer +17, Normal Attack (2d6+7, 19-20/x2)
Force Stealer +14, Power Attack (2d6+16, 19-20/x2)
Rapid Assault First Strike +15, Normal Attack (damage varies)
Rapid Assault First Strike +13, Power Attack (damage varies)
Rapid Assault Second Strike +13, Normal Attack (damage varies)
Rapid Assault Second Strike +11, Power Attack (damage varies)
Ranged Fire/Frost Blast (6d6+1 fire/cold, DC 15 Reflex halves), Shock Blast +12 touch (6d4+1 electricity, DC 15 Reflex halves)
Caster Level +5; MSB 8; MSD 19; Concentration +11
Tradition Magic of the Lucii; CAM CHA DC 15
Spell Points 8
Spheres Destruction (Fire Blast, Explosive Orb, Frost Blast, Shock Blast), Warp (Distant Teleport, Emergency Teleport, Extradimensional Storage, Quick Teleport)
Drawbacks Focus Casting, Magical Signs, Personal Warp (Warp Sphere Specific), Shape Focus (Destruction Sphere Specific)
Martial Tradition Knightly Arts; PAM CHA, DC 18
Talents Athletics (Fly, Leap, and Run packages, Diving Strike, Expanded Training [Fly and Run], Scale Foe, Wall Stunt, Whirlwind Leap), Equipment (Armor Training, Firearm Proficiency, Knightly Training, Shield Training), Fencing (Parry and Riposte, Repositioning Strike), Warleader Sphere
Customized Weapons Noctis is capable of utilizing a wide variety of weapons on his person. Although he can only have 3 active at a time, here are a few suggestions for weapons and their bonus talents by type:
Daggers (Dual Wielding Sphere, Mercurial Flow)
Firearm (Barrage Sphere, Distracting Shot)
Greatsword** (Guardian Sphere, Sweeping Defense)
Longsword** (Fencing Talents: Footwork, Group Cover)
Polearm** (Lancer Sphere, Double Impale)
Shield (Shield Sphere, Flexible Cover)
Sniper Rifle (Sniper Sphere, Push Shot)
**represents weapons currently wielded in his stat block
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +10; CMB +14; CMD 26
Feats Craft Wondrous Item (class B), Endurance (smith insight B), Extra Combat Talent x4 (class B), Extra Magical Talent x2, Improved Initiative, Power Attack (race B), Toughness (smight insight B)
Skills (55 points) Acrobatics* 11 (+16), Bluff* 11 (+17), Climb* 11 (+18), Diplomacy* 5 (+12), Escape Artist 4 (+9), Fly 11* (+16), Knowledge (Local) 8 (+11), Knowledge (Nobility) 8 (+11), Perception 10 (+13), Profession (Fisherman) 10 (+13), Stealth 5 (+10), Survival 10 (+13)
*Bonus skill points gained from Spheres
Traits Deft Dodger (+1 Reflex saves), Prince (+1 Diplomacy, class skill)
Languages Common
SQ Artisan Savant, Customized Weapons (3), Enhanced Customization (+1), Evasion, Favored Element (Explosive Orb, +1 damage), Maintenance (3 allies), Prowess (Mobile Assault), Quick Change (2/round), Reforge, Skilled Craftsman (+1 Profession Blacksmith), Smithing Insight (Durable)
Gear 2,000 GP, Drain Lance** (+2 Spell Storing Lance), Engine Blade** (+2 Spell Storing Longsword, customized weapon), Force Stealer** (+2 Spell Storing Greatsword), Prince's Fatigues (acts as +3 Cloak of Resistance and +3 Chain Shirt), Carbon Bangle (acts as Ring of Protection +2)
**function as customized weapons and thus have a +1 higher enhancement bonus than their listed description
Favored Class Armiger +5 HP
Special Abilities
Special Attacks

Blade's Path (Su): Whenever Noctis successfully damages an enemy or object with an attack made with one of his customized weapons, he may spend 1 spell point as an immediate action to instantly teleport to an unoccupied square adjacent to the target of that attack. When using this ability Noctis may also instantly recover a thrown weapon used in the attack as long as he has a hand free; ammunition that is destroyed or consumed by a successful attack cannot be recovered in this manner.

Diving Strike (Leap Talent): Noctis may charge an enemy by rapidly descending from above them. If the attack at the end of his charge hits, the attack deals damage as normal and also adds the appropriate amount of falling damage (1d6 points for a 10-ft. fall, 2d6 points for a 20-ft. fall, and so on), to his damage roll, to a maximum of 10d6. This falling damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. After the attack is resolved, Noctis lands in an unoccupied square of his choosing adjacent to the target, and he takes falling damage as if you had fallen 10 fewer feet.

Fatal Thrust: Whenever Noctis makes an attack action or an attack of opportunity against a target that is within 30 ft. and that he is flanking, that is flat-footed, or that has lost its Dexterity bonus to AC (such as through a successful feint), he deals an additional +3d6 precision damage to the target. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. Noctis may apply the effects of a single (exploit) talent to any fatal thrust.

Fire/Frost/Shock Blast, Explosive Orb: Noctis may deliver a burst of magical elemental force as a ranged attack within 35 feet with a radius of 15 feet. The blast deals 6d6+1 damage with a Reflex save for half damage. The energy type may be cold, electricity, or fire. If fire, affected targets catch on fire on a failed Reflex save. If cold, they are staggered for 1 round on a failed Fortitude save. If electricity, the damage is 6d4+1 and the targets are dazed for 1 round on a failed Fortitude save. The respective save DCs are all 15.

Focusing Switch: While Noctis is using his active weapon and whenever he succeeds on a combat maneuver, confirms a critical hit, or reduces a foe to 0 or fewer hit points, he may regain martial focus by activating a different customized weapon as an immediate action, stowing the current weapon and drawing the new one as needed.

Parry and Riposte: When a creature makes a melee attack against Noctis, he may expend his martial focus and use an attack of opportunity to attempt to parry that attack. Noctis makes an attack roll as if he were making an attack of opportunity, but for each size category the attacking creature is larger than him, he takes a –2 penalty on this roll. If Noctis' result is greater than the attacking creature’s result, the creature’s attack automatically misses and Noctis regain his martial focus or choose to instead make a single melee attack against the parried creature.

Rapid Assault: Noctis is an expert at rapidly integrating multiple weapons into his attack routines. Whenever he successfully damages a creature or succeeds on a combat maneuver while using the attack action with a customized weapon, he may expend martial focus as a swift action to make an additional attack against that creature at his highest base attack bonus. This attack takes a -2 penalty on the attack roll and can only be taken with a customized weapon other than the one used in the triggering attack. If that attack is successful, he may make an additional attack and must use a different customized weapon at a -4 penalty. Noctis may spend a move action to move up to his speed between the triggering action and his additional attack, dividing up the attacks at any creature he can reach among the movement.

Additionally, if Noctis does not have a move action available, he may still move up to his speed as if he spent a move action, but ends up staggered on his next turn.

Repositioning Strike (Exploit Talent): With a fatal thrust, Noctis causes the target to stumble, nimbly slipping past them. Noctis may immediately move up to half his movement speed as a free action, so long as he end his movement in a space adjacent to the target, and may even move through the target’s occupied space when doing so. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity from the target.

Thunderous Blows (Ex): Noctis is particularly adept at striking crafted creations in exactly the right place and manner to damage them most effectively. He never provokes attacks of opportunity for attempting the sunder combat maneuver, and deals an additional 2d6 damage to the struck equipment on a successful sunder attack. If the amount is enough to destroy the equipment, excess damage is dealt to the wielder. Noctis may also sunder natural weapons and armor, inflicting a -2 penalty on natural armor bonus and/or attack rolls. The natural armor penalty lasts until the target receives magical healing or a DC 15 Heal check, while the attack roll penalty lasts for 1 round.

2018-07-31, 01:01 AM
Very nicely done, mate. For an Endgame Noctis I'm partial to the Psychic armory archetype for the soulblade. It screams 'Armiger mode', loudly