View Full Version : Rules for linking/discussing things elsewhere on the internet

2018-07-31, 05:58 PM
So I recently found a new webcomic that I want to talk about. There doesn't seem to be a thread about it, and it isn't on the curated list (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?272481-Webcomic-List) kept in the webcomic section. Normally, I would not hesitate to throw up a thread and suggest it for the list, but it contains some swearing that the board filter would censor. And by "some", I mean a fair bit, especially when the characters are surprised or in a fight. On the other hand while it is a semi-horror comic, with the occasional bits of horrible monsters and implied horrible deaths, I don't think it has too much violence and definitely isn't sexually explicit.

So the question is whether I should post a link to it considering the below rule or whether I should just find somewhere else to talk about it.

Likewise, if you can't post something under the Forum Rules, please don't link to that content.

Roland St. Jude
2018-07-31, 09:45 PM
Sheriff: I think you've identified the relevant rule. If posting it here would violate the Forum Rules (and it sounds like it would), don't link it. You could probably discuss it, though, if you kept it appropriate.

Thanks for asking and not just doing it.