View Full Version : Board Just discovered No Limits free sci-fi wargame

2018-08-01, 11:30 AM
As title suggests.. just discovered this game and I am amazed that people have not abandoned 40k years ago for this game?

You can calculate points for every 40k units or vehicle as well as any unit or vehicle from any sci-fi universe you would want to... you can even have magic equipment if combining with the rules for No Quarter the free fantasy edition of No Limits

I have written up a long list to myself for army lists that I will begin to make for the No Limits wargame...

For example... Sith empire, Starfleet, Aliens, Predators, Space Orks, Squats, etc...

It is going to be epic!

No more GW insanity! Finally!

I wanted to start 40k again... but then I saw that the orks as usual... have been destroyed by their own codex even before they are placed on the gaming table... horribly unbalanced armies as always... the fun and magic ended sometime in 2nd or 3rd edition

2018-08-03, 10:58 AM
There's also Mobile Frame Zero (http://mobileframezero.com/mfz/), which is a mecha wargame using Lego built units. Haven't actually played it, but I have a couple of different squads that I've built.