View Full Version : Computer Lobotomy Corporation - Face the Fear, Build the Future!

2018-08-02, 10:35 PM
So I recommended this game to Silverraptor in his thread for his Oxygen Not Included series but I recently got just enough money to buy and decided to check out the requirements vs. my notebook and, guess what? Apparently I can play it!

So naturally I downloaded it and am all set up to establish my own SCP-like foundation to generate power by the eldritch energies given off by potentially dangerous Anomalies that are put into my care.

Naturally my first thought was to see what Playgrounders want to volunteer to be my D-class personal test subjects valued Agents while giving updates here about how the facility is going and how close I am to utter ruin at any given moment. Not to mention giving regular choices for what type of Abnormality I'll choose to have to tend for.

Not to mention providing a space for fans of this quirky Korean game to talk about it! Try to keep any information about the Abnormalities to spoilers though, I want to go into this game as fresh as I can to suffer the full consequences of my actions because I am going in very blind to this game by design.

So...who wants to sign up and face the fear?! :smallbiggrin:

Lord Athos
2018-08-03, 02:30 AM
Haha, sounds fun, I'm in!

I've watched a video about the game some time back, and I liked it, even though the player didn't really know what he was doing.

2018-08-03, 09:42 AM
Haha, sounds fun, I'm in!

I've watched a video about the game some time back, and I liked it, even though the player didn't really know what he was doing.

Welcome to the Company Lord Athos!

2018-08-03, 10:50 AM
I will happily volunteer as tribute. I make no promises as to what potential shenanigans will result due to the actions of my named Agent, pay no attention to my sig. :smallwink::smalltongue:

2018-08-03, 12:26 PM
I'm also interested in joining the FUN! I will reset my clone counter, so start at Slayn01.

Disclaimer: clone's IQ and logic may be faulty, making them pretty much like the original. Employ them at your own peril and discretion.

Gray Mage
2018-08-03, 07:26 PM
This sounds fun, mind if I join in? :smallsmile:

I like these sort of games, but haven't particularly heard about this one. Looking foward to seeing how it turns out.

2018-08-04, 01:41 AM
X Log Entry 1


The first week has been tough to adjust to, not least of which was due to a lack of sufficient personal to handle all of the Abnormalities that are being shoveled into my lap. Oddly enough, it is only once my responsibilities have increased to the point of opening up an entirely new division for my use that I have found the time to create one of these logs. I must keep it hidden from Angela, AI might be everywhere now but there is something off-putting about one designed with the 'perfect' appearance that asked me to toast the death of my first employee on the grounds that sometimes sacrifices just have to be made.

I will not have much time, three new employees have signed up for my facility and I must met them before the Malkuth can clutz her way into a greeting...so instead I will take this chance to establish a written assessment of the divisions under my control and who works them...and what they have to work with.

The Control Division, my original facility is currently staffed by a seasoned veteran, one of the newcomers, and a poor experimental subject who has...uh..fallen on difficult times.

Agent Athos has been of great help in my facility and is one of my most expeirenced agents. He might be gloomy but he's effective...I just wish he'd stop acquiring odds and ends from inside of the containment units, one of these days it won't end well for him. Still, the crown-of-thorns-and-glasses look works for him and because of his good work with the Punishing Bird, he's earned the peculiar gun that packs more of a punch than a normal 9mm. He's the fire support if one of these monsters get out and his prudence and even-headiness are an asset. Note: Make efforts to keep Agent Athos alive.

Agent Slayn is an unknown. He is blunt. He is strong of body and of rock-solid temperament but he is also one of the new hires. Is he a spy from higher up in the company? Of Angela's? I probably should not trust him with the peculiar gun he has. It affects the target's sanity in peculiar ways. For the Abnormalities it seems to harm them, but for other agents, it seems capable of subduing them without killing them. Must observe more.

Agent ??? is the poor sod that I might have made a mistake in sending to look at that mirror. It does not take a genius to tell this is not the same person I sent into the containment cell or that they are not as skilled either. Since then I've learned to be much more careful with the mirror but..uh...mistakes were made.


The Control division has an even spread of Zayn and Teth Abnormalities to watch over, but I have studied them thoroughly and believe I understand what not to do.

One Thousands Sins is more a tool for aid than a danger, confessing one's sins to it has a calming effect and I do not believe it is capable of escaping. However, study of it has provided the basic armor that I have equipped all the agents except for ??? with, if only I could create more of it! Plus the 'Stick of Healing', as Athos has dubbed it, is wonderful for subduing panicking employees...even if it will cause numerous concussions in the process. Danger Level: Zayn

Wellcheers Machine...I do not trust this Abnormality. A vending machine with two men in shrimp costumes (?) standing beside it? Dispensing different colored and off-brand soda that is already open? Something about it is very suspicious and I've heard stories of people drugged with open soda cans only to end up trapped on shrimp boats. Nothing has happened yet..but I've got my eye on them! Danger Level: Zayn

Punishing Bird is a small, seemingly fragile Abnormality that takes the form of a small bird sitting up on a branch. White in color with a red blotch on its chest, it talks much of crime and punishment....I suspect that, if it were to escape, it would be a terrible idea to actually suppress it. All of the notes from other manager's note that Punishing Bird merely flies around for a time before returning to its containment pod if it does breath out. ...So why is it rated as dangerous as the next Abnormality? Danger Level: Teth

Old Lady: This one took some getting used to...a seemingly harmless old lady sitting in a rocking chair, she wants nothing more than for people to listen to her stories! Simple, right? But the stories...they never end. They make you notice things, things you didn't notice before..things you aren't supposed to see. They wear at the mind and it becomes problematic to keep sending people in to keep her company. But, when I didn't send people in, a black smoke gathered about her and when Athos went to investigate, it followed him out while he screamed about 'the voices' in his head until the smoke disappeared. The Old Lady needs company, but I must be more careful in the future.

Mirror of Adjustment: This is a really helpful tool! It seemingly swaps the viewer with a similar being from an alternate dimension that is equally skilled just in different areas of expertise. However repeatedly looking into the mirror results in a weaker and weaker being replacing the old..to the point I suspect foul play on the mirror's part. Note again: Do not trust ???. Danger Level: Not to be trusted in my hands.

By comparison the Information Division has it easy. Right now they only have a single Abnormality to manage and three people to do it with. On top of that, the AI in control of this division seems much more on top of things than Malkuth and less...insane but I'll be damned if I can remember his name most of the time. He isn't as cute as she is though.

Agent Justin is the veteran from the Control Division that I sent to manage the Information Division before I got flooded with volunteers. He is the hardiest of body under my employ and my second most talented employee after Agent Athos. He is bright but largely disinterested but also possesses the highest sense of justice among my staff. This is why I trusted him with a copy of Slayn's gun, I trust him to use it well. I pray he does not succumb to the only current Abnormality in this division's charms.

Agent Tank is...very honest. And for some reason this resulted in me giving him the second gun created by studying the Punishing Bird. He may be bald but he seems very insightful and calm, so perhaps I will not regret this choice. Assuming I have enough work for all of these agents in the first place.

Agent Gray is another of the new hires. With fortitude to to spare and a calm expression, he was given a 'Stick of Healing' in case its needed. And because, to quote, 'it looks bitchin'. I would argue this, but honestly the Agent is not wrong. Hopefully they will not prove too timid to put the stick to use when it is needed.

Ppodae is a good boy. So cute. Every agent keeps sending me pictures of what a good puppers he is and I refuse to believe the reports of...of....gahhh! Even now my mind fights me! This puppy dog is evil EVI-SUCHAGOODBOY! Just want to hug and snuggle him forever and ev...HE ATE AN EMPLOYEE! DON'T TRUST Ppodae! And don't be tricked by his cuteness. Danger Level: TETH

Day 6 Notable Events:

The Punishing Bird was rowdy today, but Slayn acquitted themselves well in its chamber and there was no incident.

???, now calling himself 'John', was consumed by the blackness in the Old Lady's chamber while going to listen to her stories. Before anything could come of it, Malkuth had him rushed off to receive psychiatric treatment...or to have him 'resign'. One of the two.

Angela tells me that 'A' the founder of the company and her creator is showing an interest in me. I don't know how to take this. I also found out that Yesod, the Sephirah in charge of the Information Division, is very strict about the rules and doesn't like revealing clothes...I do not know why he mentioned that last part to me but otherwise he seems very helpful.

A new Abnormality has arrived...its containment cell seems to be empty, but my monitors show constant static on its feed. This is...concerning. What is in there? What IS Abnormality T-06-07?

...Who do I send in first to get answers?

2018-08-05, 10:52 PM
Good news, today I woke up. Though it would never happen. Thank heavens I finally got a purpose.

The "life" of a commercial clone, wasting all your days inside a tank, waiting for your assignment. I have the original's set of copyrighted memories - not even the best ones - and all I did was dream, and dream, and dream. Weird dreams. I think the original did a marathon of David Lynch and Cronemberg before mindcopy. When I woke up, it was quite hard making connections with normal people.

Anyway, the new job involves some kind of laboratory developing a experimental power source: Abnormalities. It's magic, ghost energy or something? Did well on examination, and was assigned as an agent in the Control Division, under the new Manager, Dr. Terran. Well, he is the most notable among the managers, because he isn't some kind of robot (yet? Is that company policy?). I was given a cool gun, that shoots some kind of energy bullet. It doesn't kill, but seems pretty effective at stopping the people I was told to shoot it at. There's a buzzing in my ears after I use it, and it makes me a bit sleepy, but it's a small price to pay.

The upsides. There's some pretty great food in the cafeteria (but they keep running out of coffee), people at RH are very friendly, they pass around a lot of dog memes, there's... there's a nice dog. Boss don't likes when people talk about the dog. It seems Boss is a cat person. There's also a little talking bird. I mean, its a little bird, that talks. It seemed interested in "my" old stories of mischief. Well, since those memories were from the original, I told all I could remember in the time of the session. It's a bit embarrassing, but not bad for a job.

Someone also gave one of my fellow coworkers, agent Athos, a handcrafted crown of flowers, made from brambles, but without the flowers. But Athos is a good sport and keeps using it. Maybe it's some kind of romantic issue? People are allowed to date coworkers here?

Agent John seemed to be a bit under the weather at first, but after looking himself at a mirror he seems to be more confident, like a new man. There's something different about him, maybe it's the new haircut?

And Boss called, told us Agents there's a new work to do, and asked for volunteers. My instincts tell me that, despite how good is the job, when they call for volunteers it's a bomb.

So, I say to the others: "uh, I really, really, have to go to the bathroom". Now, where's a good place I can stay out of sight for a bit?

Ah, I know, there's an empty room they were doing repairs yesterday. That will do.