View Full Version : [IC] To save a Kingdom

2018-08-03, 10:54 AM
Kingdom Name: Sha'zhen
Alignment: NG
Population: 2.24 million
Size: 100
Unrest: 0
Capitol City: Dracolith
Buildings in Capitol Castle City: Castle, Cathedral, Bureau, Garrison, Everflowing Spring, Guildhall, Military Academy, Mansion x3, Noble Villa x4, Library, Observatory, Park x2, Paved Streets, Sewer System, Stable x2, Theater, Tavern, Pier (Airship), City Wall
Buildings in Capitol Lower City: Alchemist x2, Arena, Bank, Barracks x2, Bridge, Cistern x3, Paved Streets, Sewer System, Exotic Artisan, Granary x3, Graveyard x2, Hospital, Inn x4, Tavern x3, Jail, Magic Shop, Market x2, Mint, Orphanage, Smithy, Temple x2, Trade Shop x2, Watchtower x3

Building Breakdown
The three mansions in the Castle City belong to the Noble Houses of Songblade, Elhound, and Farrowscribe. The Castle belongs to the ruling family, House Doryu. The Library and Observatory are attached to the mansion of and belong to the Farrowscribe family, while the theater belongs to the Elhound family and the Airship Pier belongs to the Songblade family.
The Military Academy is one of the crown jewels in the entire kingdom. Only students with eligible bloodlines are allowed to enter the Academy - those that can trace their ancestry back to a dragon. The Academy, known far and wide as the Scale and Flame Training Academy, trains the elite guard of the royal family, as well as the generals and highest commanders of the army. Students of the Academy usually bunk in the Barracks in the Lower City.
Castle City Guildhall is for metalworkers who specialize in armor and weaponry.
The tavern in the Castle City is called the Dragon Fang. It serves mainly the soldiers living in the castle garrison. Very few members of the noble family are ever seen in the tavern, as the nobles have their own personal stores of alcohol in their mansions.
The Cathedral in the Castle City is devoted to Asgorath. While it, and its surrounding parks, are usually reserved for use by the nobles only, these grounds are opened to all citizens on the Holy Day - the ninth day of each month. Asgorath's High Holy Day is the Ninth day of the Ninth month, for which the entire city, including the lower city, has a festival for the Creator Dragon. There is also a smaller shrine to the deity Hlal within the cathedral.

The Lower City is where many of the merchants and wealthy tradespeople have set up their homes. The needs of the people are met mainly through the two markets, but more specific goods can be found with the artisans in town.
The Magic Shop, called the Neverending Scroll, not only services the community with enchantments and wondrous items, but it is also the print shop for the town, and distributes the Royal Red news bulletin monthly to its subscribers.
The two Alchemists in town, the Silver Vial and the Gold Vial, are both owned by members of the same family. A falling out between family members over a decade ago led to the founding of the second shop, the Gold Vial. An unfriendly rivalry between the two shops often leads to mudslinging - or worse - making it into the city's rumor mill.
The Lower City's Exotic Artisan shop, Skysilk, is a high-end textile shop which not only designs, tailors, and customizes clothing for the wealthy populace, but they also are one of the most trusted suppliers of fabric for airship sails and balloons. Their fabric is resistant to tearing, fire damage, and fading, while still being light and breathable.
The other two trade shops in town service simpler needs of the town. Only a step below the guildhouse, one trade shop supervises the city's - and the kingdom's - meat supply, regulating the animals that can be butchered and sold, as well as which cuts of meat can be sold, which are reserved for the nobility, and which should be treated as scraps. The other trade shop supervises the dispersion of grain and baked goods through the city and kingdom.
Though many in the city attend the Cathedral of Asgorath for their religious needs, there are two other, smaller temples located in the Lower City. These temples are devoted to Astilabor and Bahamut.
The four inns in the Lower City are usually reserved for merchant travelers. The Dashing Horse, Mithril Vein, and Spinning Coin deal almost exclusively with caravans and other wealthy patrons. However, the last inn in town, the Broken Hourglass, also freely welcomes adventuring types to stay.
Lower quality lodging and entertainment is available at the Lower City's taverns. The Tankard and Dagger as well as the End of the Alley taverns are known for housing the adventuring type, while the Belladonna would be found in any blue book.

2018-08-04, 07:35 PM
Mikael Songblade rises in the morning, yawning as he rubs some sleep from his eyes. He sits up and glances out the window, gazing across the beautiful landscape. Once more, he would need to face the world. Once more, he would need to feel the impending dread of his task. He looks up at the ceiling and sighs. What's wrong with him? Why is he still so weak?

Angry, Mikael throws the sheets back and stands up, throwing on a shirt and not bothering to button it up all the way. His thick, swollen muscles keep it from ever closing properly, and his scar glares back at him from the mirror. Mikael grits his teeth, slamming one fist on his desk as he stares at it. He had lost...but a Crownsguard could never lose. To lose as a Crownsguard meant to lose ones king. Or queen, in Mikael's case. The princess...she would need his guidance and his protection before much longer. But Mikael isn't ready for that yet. How can he be? He's barely learned anything about being a warrior.

Stomping downstairs, Mikael brushes past his sister, too gloomy to put up with her cutesy attitude today. He has errands to run, anyhow.

He glances at the Airship Pier as he walks by it. As the scion of the Songblade family, he should stop by and look into how things are doing, but...he has more important things to do right now. Soon! He nods to himself. Soon. He can adult later. For now, he's still young, and he's got work to do.

Mikael descends into the city, looking around at all the noise and clanging. He frowns, but stops in front of the single smithy in town. Checking his pockets, Mikael confirms for the fourth time today that he has the right amount of money set aside. He opens the door and walks in, making sure that his family's signet ring is facing forward so that anyone inside can see who he is.

2018-08-07, 01:42 PM
As per usual, V rises at the crack of dawn, ready to start another day of work. As the blacksmith's apprentice, getting the forge set for the day's tasks is one of her many jobs, and one that she's grown well-accustomed to.

After ensuring that the forge has enough fuel to get started, she draws out a couple of vials and mixes them, then shakes the combined fluids and quickly tosses the vial into the forge, ducking out of the way of the blast that would follow. While it wasn't the "traditional" way of getting the furnace going, she'd found that it was both faster and just as effective as taking the time to start from a single spark from flint and steel. While a blacksmith's apprentice, V also has a natural talent for alchemy, and she remains convinced that alchemy can be used to enhance the process of working metal.

Once the forge is properly stoked, she sets herself to the task of prepping the blanks that they'd be needing for the day. While there's no telling what exactly they would be asked to craft today, it never hurts to have supplies ready ahead of time.

She looks up when she hears the bell on the front door ring, wondering who could be showing up this early.

2018-08-07, 02:05 PM
The nobleman enters the smithy, waving as he spies the woman working behind the counter. "Good morning. My name is Mikael Songblade. I was hoping to commission a weapon to celebrate the royal ceremony."

He places a sack of gold on the counter. "I'll pay up front, of course. I was thinking about creating a sword that would really reflect the princess's special nature. Could you craft a weapon that had a ruby gemstone embedded in the hilt? Something light enough for her to wield, a rapier or a scimitar, would be just fine."

2018-08-07, 02:17 PM
V looks at the bag, then back to the man. "One moment, let me fetch my master. He's the one you'll want to speak with."

2018-08-07, 02:26 PM

The man that emerges from the back with V is a rather young-looking dwarf - but then again, dwarf aging can be deceptive. He doesn't stop for any sort of conversation, just glances at the bag of gold, then at the ring on Mikael's finger, and grunts. "What can I do ya for?" he asks. When the knight repeats what he's already told V, the dwarf hums. "You couldn't have come yesterday? Or the day before?" he asks, a frown on his features. "You do realize we've got other orders to fill? And the royal ceremony is tonight, lad?"

2018-08-07, 02:29 PM
Mikael frowns and crosses his arms. "I was busy handling security preparations for the last few days. I haven't had the time to come all the way down here."

He looks over at the girl. "You have two sets of hands, surely she can make the other orders while you forget the sword, right?"

Commoners...he should be grateful that I've even brought him business. This is a chance for him to make a good impression on a royal family and he's calling me out like this? Mikael thinks to himself, shaking his head. There goes any chance of the man getting a nice tip for the rush job...

2018-08-07, 02:34 PM
V scowls. "You have no idea what you're talking about. There's a lot more to making a sword than just hitting a piece of metal with a hammer. It has to be heated, shaped, tempered, quenched, all of the decorative features added to it... and that's just to make a decorative piece. There's even more work involved if you want it to be at all useful as a weapon. A quality sword can take days, if not weeks, to create."

2018-08-07, 03:07 PM
Mikael steps back in surprise. "Weeks? But I...I don't have that kind of time! Smith, surely you must have some other option for me?"

2018-08-07, 05:51 PM
"You can look at what we've already got for sale," the smith says, gesturing to the weapons ans armor already displayed about the place. "But if you want some real advice - I wouldn't go buyin' the princess a sword. What use does she have for it?" he asks. "She shouldn't be fighting. That's what knights are for," he says, looking pointedly at the ring Mikael is wearing.

2018-08-07, 06:50 PM
The man groans. "I've never met her before! How can I possibly know what she would like?"

2018-08-07, 08:30 PM
"You should've considered that before asking us to make something for you."

2018-08-07, 10:11 PM
Mikael winces. He considers his avenues of attack. He needs to make a good impression on the princess, seeing as he will be bound to her for the rest of both their lives. So he needs to show her something amazing, something she will truly love.

What can he do...?

Mikael looks at the human girl with a sudden epiphany. "In that case, good smith, please allow me to buy the time of your apprentice. She can at least give me some advice about what a girl her age might enjoy. We can shop through the district together."

2018-08-07, 10:40 PM
The dwarf quirks his brow, seeming increasingly amused by the young noble's ideas. "V, do what you want," he says, looking to the girl. "But he is paying better than I do for one afternoon."

2018-08-07, 10:45 PM
"He might be paying better, but we have work to do, Master. Besides, I doubt the princess is interested in the finer points of chemicals and smithing."

2018-08-08, 03:44 AM
Mikael looks at her with a pleading gaze. "Come now, surely you can find it in your heart to help a poor man out? I just need a few tips. If you cannot think of anything right away, maybe something will come to you as we explore."

2018-08-08, 06:29 AM
"Ugh... fine." She stands up and follows him out.

2018-08-08, 12:10 PM
Mikael smiles gratefully and leads the girl into the city proper. Now, to get searching for a proper present for the young lady!

"Let's see...there are so many shops in town! Artisans, alchemists, trade shops...where should we look first?"

2018-08-08, 01:05 PM
"Your guess is as good as mine."

2018-08-08, 01:06 PM
The man sighs and looks down at the apprentice. She doesn't seem particularly keen on being helpful...maybe he should try a softer approach?

"Say, what's your name, young lady?"

2018-08-08, 05:05 PM
"My name is V."

2018-08-08, 05:08 PM
Mikael turns to her. "Alright. V. So, let's pretend you were meeting a handsome man for the first time. What would make you the happiest to receive as a present from him?"

He figures he can give her some more ideas if they wander while they talk, so he decides to stop in the trade shop for now.

2018-08-08, 05:17 PM
"I have no idea."

2018-08-10, 10:50 AM
The shop which the pair wanders into is called Aloth and Wene's Vault. It is in a market district, near one of the larger merchant's squares in the Lower City. It stands next to the office of a male half-elf moneychanger named Irdadhor - that's sort of hard to miss, since the building next door is all gilded with gold and platinum. In comparison, the Vault seems almost humble. The shop is a two-storey stone-walled building. Stepping inside, you can barely see the walls, though - everything is framed with tall elf-wrought wooden shelves. It is well lit by glowing gemstones set into the ceiling. The shopkeeper is a willowy female half-elf named Aloth. She was once an adventurer, but stumbled into a fortune and retired. Wene is the name of her cat, who is out of view for now, but Aloth is sitting at a counter, and perks up when the door jingles open. "Welcome!" she calls.


2018-08-10, 11:13 AM
Mikael waves to the shopkeeper and gives her a smile, before looking around to examine the wares properly. He needs to come up with a good gift before long, and this hired help isn't being particularly helpful...

The nobleman begins walking around and examining her wares.

"I'm looking for something to give as a gift to Her Majesty for her coming of age ceremony tonight. Might you have any suggestions, Miss Aloth?" he asks, trying to stay polite as his irritation builds.

2018-08-10, 11:18 AM
There are various trinkets and baubles on the shelves, tucked in alongside scrolls, potion vials, arms and armor, things collected over a lifetime from adventuring and old artifacts from the supposed dragon's hoard that Aloth stumbled upon. Some things are recognizable, rings and amulets, while there are other objects that you have no idea the function of. Aloth smiles at the question. "Well, I've got plenty of jewelry and the like," she says. "That's never a bad choice."

2018-08-10, 11:23 AM
Mikael considers that. She would likely have a signet ring, even more ornate than his. Too many rings is tacky, right? Or is it just a display of power and wealth? Should he get more rings? Maybe one for each finger...but how would he get the rings on his thumbs off? Then again, a pinky ring sounds really classy...wait, why is he thinking about himself right now?! Focus, Mikael! he thinks.

Shaking his head, Mikael looks around and considers his options. "Perhaps an amulet would work, then? Some pretty necklace...Say, V. If you don't have any suggestions, then at least allow me to use you as a model. Try this on," he holds out a beautiful golden necklace with an amulet attached, "and let me see how it looks on you."

2018-08-10, 03:45 PM
"Why? I don't look anything like the princess."

2018-08-10, 04:02 PM
" Maybe not, but it's not like I have a closer substitute nearby. Please?" Mikael asks, doing his best to contain his frustration at this woman's apathy.

2018-08-10, 04:22 PM
V sighs. "Alright, alright..."

2018-08-10, 05:29 PM
Mikael has V model a few different amulets, before settling on the one he picked up first. He hands it to Aloth woth a smile and asks how much he owes her.

2018-08-11, 08:36 AM
"I remember when I got this little beauty," Aloth says, looking over the amulet with a fond smile. She considers for a long moment, before naming her price. "I suppose I could let it go for 10 gold."

2018-08-11, 10:08 AM
Mikael hands over the requested amount of gold and thanks Aloth for her time. He also pays V 50 gold for her afternoon, as her master requested, and then excuses himself.

Mikael makes his way back to the upper city, necklace in his pocket. He thinks about what he can say when he hands it over, what he will do. Should he smile, and try to be friendly? Or should he be serious, to show his strength and conviction? She is still a young lady, after all....

After thinking about his options for nearly thirty minutes, Mikael decides that perhaps a bit of spontaneity is called for. He should react based on how she reacts. To take his mind off things, he visits the Songblade airship hangar to inspect his family's wares and see how their employees are doing.

2018-08-11, 01:02 PM
After they leave, V makes her way back to the smithy. This afternoon has probably set the shop behind, and she's going to put all her effort into catching up on their orders.

2018-08-16, 11:10 AM
Everything at the airship dock seems to be running smoothly, this afternoon. The workers snap to attention and bow to Mikael when they see him, and dutifully fill him in on the happenings that morning, the incoming and outgoing shipments and everything else important he needs to know. There don't seem to be any irregularities or problems with the routine.


In the meantime, V returns to the smithy. Her master has been advancing through the orders well enough - he handled the place alone before he took V on as his apprentice, so he's not all that far behind. Still, her return gets them back on schedule. They are currently working on something more advanced than simple weapons and armor - today's work, and the work for the past week has been on crafting an ornate metal haft for a stave, ordered by the royal family.


Evening draws on, and soon enough, it is time for the Princess' Ball. It will begin in about an hour - any last minute preparations should be done with all due haste.

2018-08-16, 11:58 AM
Mikael carefully buttons up each button on his vest, smoothing it out and adjusting his cufflinks before he pulls on his wrap and tightens his belts. A quick comb through his hair and he slips his signet ring on over his pair of white gloves, and he's ready to go.


Mikael hesitates, before he decides to go and visit Selica. He still has enough time before the ball to see her, and she's probably finishing up her hours of preparation as well. He figures she might as well ask her to let him escort her to the ball. It would be better for both of them than going alone, and maybe she would be pleased by the gesture. He leaves his weapons behind and leaves the house, heading for her family's estate.

2018-08-16, 12:27 PM
V looks closely at the stave haft that they've been working on. "Why would they ask us to make something like this..."

2018-08-19, 09:47 AM
"Beats me," the blacksmith says, shaking his head. "Maybe the court wizard decided he wanted a club to beat his apprentices over the head with," he says with a light chuckle. It's an amusing image, he decides. The old court wizard probably wouldn't be able to lift something like this, he was so feeble and ancient. Pah, elves.


Mikael is greeted at the door by one of the many servants in Selicia's home. The doorman gives a proper bow to the guest and invites him in. "Sir Mikael. It's a pleasure to have one of the Songblade House as a guest," he says, as he does every time Mikael comes for a visit. "Shall I tell the Lord and Lady you are here? Or have you come to visit Lady Selicia?" he asks.

2018-08-19, 01:07 PM
The knight suppresses a frown. One last chance to back out...

He forces a smle. "Good day. Would you please inform Lady Selica that I have arrived?"

2018-08-19, 02:33 PM
"Eh, it wouldn't surprise me"

2018-08-23, 09:36 PM
The man gives a curt bow, before disappearing farther into the palace. Mikael ends up having to wait around five minutes before the lady he is seeking arrives, coming down the stairs. She is wearing a simple black and white gown - attractive on her slim frame, and certainly befitting an occasion such as this. She is pretty, but an outfit like this won't upstage the princess. Selicia offers Mikael a familiar smile. "Well, I can honestly say I wasn't expecting to see you until the ball."


2018-08-23, 09:52 PM
Mikael stops, staring in surprise. "I...I admit, I wasn't expecting you to appear so...radiantly, tonight."

He takes a moment to clear his throat. "I thought that perhaps you would enjoy some company on the walk over. With the Lord and Lady's permission, of course."

2018-08-23, 11:19 PM
As usual, V loses herself in the soft glow of the heated metal and the rhythmic clang of metal against metal. By the time she starts focusing on anything besides her work, it's already nearing the time that the shop usually closes.

2018-08-26, 11:13 AM
"Is it too much?" the lady asks Mikael, looking a little fretful as she smooths down the front of her dress. "I certainly don't want to upstage the princess. That would be a faux pas I'm not sure I want to create," she hums. But her expression lightens a little bit, to something more like amusement, at Mikael's question. "All right, Lord Songblade. Just give me a moment," she says, heading down the hall once again. She returns looking much the same, just with a black cloak draped over her shoulders to ward off the chill of the evening. She waits for Mikael to offer his arm to escort her, but then they are soon on their way to the ball.


"V," the blacksmith calls as they are wrapping things up for the evening. "Since we've finally got this thing finished, I don't think we should delay in delivering it. Got anything to do this evening?" he asks. Without pausing much for the girl's reply - knowing that she's quiet most of the time, anyways - the blacksmith hands over the wrapped stave and gives her a nod. "Take this up to the castle, would you?" he requests. "Sure, there's a ball going on. But there will be someone around to take this off your hands," he says.

2018-08-26, 11:36 AM
As Mikael and Selica walk, he turns to look at her. Thoughts roam through his mind, worries and fears. Marriage, hope, and destiny all awaited him if he was kind and gentle to her, but would she really even want that? Would he? At the moment, the two of them were polite enough to each other, but the whole thing just felt so...forced. His smile is tired, both from the day and from the charade, but he would keep it. Because...honestly, it was because he didn't want to see her cry. But he would have to, wouldn't he? If he was to spend the rest of his life with this woman, that would involve seeing her laugh, and smile, and cry, and yell. He would see her at her worst and her best. Then...what was it now? Was she just putting on a show? Lying to him?

After a moment, he clears his throat. "Selica, I want to ask you something. You know...as a knight, my life might be rather short-lived. Does that idea...bother you?"

2018-08-26, 11:41 AM
V nods. "I didn't have much planned, so I can run it up to the castle." She takes the wrapped stave and starts heading for the palace.

2018-09-01, 08:43 AM
Selicia inclines her head towards Mikael as he begins to speak, enough to show she is listening, but she doesn't actually look at him. She's more focused on making sure she doesn't trip on the long hem of her dress. Despite his arm in hers and knowing that he would catch her, she doesn't want to risk that sort of embarrassment. But when the question comes, she does pause to look over at the knight, one eyebrow quirked as she wonders what brought the question on. "I would of course mourn, as one would mourn the death of any friend," she says, seeming to choose her words carefully. "But let us hope, for both our sakes, that such a thing never comes to pass."
It wasn't a long walk to the castle, and soon enough, Mikael and Selicia are arriving at the front gates at around the same time as V is approaching a side entrance to the keep. Both groups are stopped and appraised by guards before being allowed into the castle. The entire place is warmly lit and merry, music from various stringed instruments echoing through the grand place.

2018-09-01, 08:52 AM
She didn't answer his question. Instead, she chose to answer 'what would you do if I died?' She hasn't made it clear that she's even considered the idea of wedding a man who might leave her a widow within even the first year. Mikael frowns, but remains silent. A 'friend', huh?

He escorts her into the ball and looks around for the source of the music. Once he finds the band, he flags a waiter down to get something for the two of them to drink, before walking over to a table.

"An exciting time," he comments, glancing around the room. "The princess will ascend to the throne during peace and prosperity, and hopefully her rule will be quiet and uneventful, lost to time."

2018-09-01, 12:52 PM
V ignores the partygoers and approaches one of the servers to ask about where the staff should be delivered.

2018-09-08, 10:45 AM
"I'm a bit more optimistic than that," Selica says, taking the stem of her glass between two fingers and offering Mikael a smile over the top of it as she swirls the drink in its glass. "I hope her reign is remembered as a Golden Age. One that we will get to live through," she says.


V is directed along a back corridor, up towards the three spires dedicated to the wizard's craft and magical research. It's quiet as she walks along - until, suddenly, she notices a dark figure dart across the hallways in front of her, heading in the direction of the kitchens.

2018-09-08, 10:50 AM
Mikael raises his eyebrows. "You have such faith in a woman you've never even met before. That's almost...admirable."

He relaxes a bit. Selica seems to be in a good mood, so perhaps he can try and make a move here. What to say...what to do? What would she like?

"Say, after the party is over, would you like to come with me for a flight on one of my family's airships? A private ride, just the two of us and a few of these delicious drinks?" he offers. Highlight his wealth, that should make her receptive, he thinks.

2018-09-08, 10:53 AM
Selicia smiles at Mikael's offer, and after giving it enough consideration, she nods. "I've always wondered what the city looks like at night from above," she says. "It sounds like a good time. I'll come with you," she says.

2018-09-08, 10:55 AM
Mikael downs the rest of his drink in one gulp and stands up. "Splendid. In that case, we should get the dancing out of the way ahead of time. That way, you can keep your eyes on the city."

He offers her his hand, intent on showing her the best night of her life.

2018-09-08, 03:59 PM
V blinks and moves to follow the figure. "Excuse me! I'm a little turned around, could you help me find someone?"

2018-09-10, 10:51 AM
The figure turns around to look at V - you can't make out any features, they are wearing a cloak and the hood is blocking most of the face - and before you're able to get too close, the figure turns and bolts off in the direction it came from, fleeing from V.

2018-09-10, 11:08 AM
The figure's decision to flee seems off. V chases after him.

2018-09-10, 03:06 PM
V is able to pursue the stranger down a couple corridors, but after the third turn she realizes she has no idea where the figure has gone, and what's more, she's gotten lost from her original path.

2018-09-10, 04:48 PM
V looks around for someone who might've seen the escaping figure.

2018-09-10, 05:07 PM
There seems to be no one in this particular corridor. V is alone, but she can hear the sounds of the party ahead.

2018-09-10, 05:23 PM
Seeing that there's nobody around, V starts moving toward the party, but stops when she gets an idea. She begins scanning the area for traces of magic.

2018-09-10, 07:35 PM
V does not pick up any particularly strong magical auras with her Detect Magic.

2018-09-11, 05:57 AM
V heads in the direction of the party. Maybe one of the partygoers saw the fleeing man?

2018-09-11, 08:29 AM
Back in the party, Selicia and Mikael are just finishing up their third dance. It will only be a little while longer before-

Ah, yes, and there was the king himself, finally reappearing. He had been at the party only a few minutes ago, but now he was reemerging with a young woman at his side. As the king's wife unfortunately passed in childbirth (and only a year into their marriage, too) the girl accompanying him can only be the princess. V arrives just in time for the party to fall into respectful silence as the king presents his daughter before the court.

"Lords and ladies," he speaks, holding aloft his daughter's hand proudly. "May I present Kaida, Princess of the realm, and our most esteemed and honored guest at tonight's celebration." The expected applause fills the room, and the young princess - though tonight marks the night she's officially of age - inclines her head in gratitude to the applause.

"She looks beautiful," Selicia says from Mikael's side as she applauds along with the others.

2018-09-11, 11:18 AM
Mikael looks to the king, ready to start applauding, but his eyes are drawn to the intruder instead. As everyone else claps and looks at Kaida in wonder, Mikael is moving through the crowd, bypassing strangers and dodging waiters until he reaches the commoner.

"You! What are you doing here, of all places?" he demands, glaring down at V.

2018-09-11, 11:21 AM
"Delivering a staff to the court wizard. But I saw someone sneaking around toward the kitchens and they ran out here when they saw me."

2018-09-15, 07:51 PM
Mikael glances around with a frown. "You saw someone? Do you see him now? What did he look like?"

2018-09-15, 09:56 PM
"I didn't get a good look at them. They're wearing a cloak and hood, that's all I really saw before they took off."

2018-09-15, 10:10 PM
Mikael swears and starts looking for the intruder in the crowd.

Perception: [roll0]

2018-09-21, 11:13 AM
Mikael is unable to see anything strange going on in the crowd, despite the fact that the crowd is all fairly still and turned their attention to the princess. The king continues to speak after the applause for the princess has died down. "Thank you all for your attendance tonight," he continues. "You are all trusted companions and friends of the realm, and I thank you for your service for so many years. It is an honor to have you here for this happy occasion." He takes Kaida's hand, leading her forward slightly. "And now, we shall begin the ball proper! Who would like the honor of the princess' first dance?" he asks.

2018-09-21, 12:05 PM
Mikael blinks. There is someone suspicious in the room, but he can't let anyone else have that honor!

He raises his hand and steps forward. "I would, Your Majesty. Mikael of House Songblade. Please, Princess Kaida, allow me to escort you." He bows politely.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2018-09-21, 12:07 PM
Seeing that the young knight isn't planning on taking this mysterious figure seriously enough, V starts looking through the crowd for them.

2018-09-25, 06:22 PM
The princess smiles as Mikael steps forward. A few other eager knights had come forward to offer their hands as well, but Mikael had offered first, and Kaida seems to warm to him immediately. She places her hand in Mikael's, cold fingers slipping easily into his. "It would be my honor, Sir Knight," she says.

At just that moment, there is the sound of shattering glass from the back of the room. V sees from the corner of her eye the dark robed man she has been chasing. He has just run into one of the waiters and knocked over the tray they were carrying, glasses of champagne shattering on the floor as the man makes a break for it as fast as he can.

2018-09-25, 09:26 PM
V growls and starts chasing after the man.

2018-09-25, 10:46 PM
Mikael smiles and leads Kaida out onto the dance floor.

"It is my honor to meet you, Princess Kaida. I would like to learn more about you, so that I might compliment you properly. All I can say for now is that you are beautiful, and mysterious," he chuckles. "As you know, we of House Songblade are dedicated to protecting the king or queen from harm at all costs. It is my hope that tonight is the first of many nights that I will prove to you that you can place your faith and security in my capable hands."

His movements are elegant, coordinated, and practiced as he glides across the dance floor, princess in tow.

2018-10-01, 10:22 AM
The princess gives Mikael a smile as he addresses her, but she does not respond. She seems very focused on the dance, and taking care not to step on the knight's toes. Though she certainly has been trained in such things since birth, she hadn't danced with anyone other than her instructor before. She pulls her lower lip between her teeth as he takes her in a turn around the room, fingers gripping a little tightly on his shoulder.

On the other side of the hall, unnoticed by those on the dance floor but at the center of attention for the servants, V is able to catch up to the dark-robed figure. When she gets close enough, she sees the face of a young-looking half-elf, whose dark features and reddish-brown eyes betray a drow ancestry. He snarls when he sees the girl running to catch up with him, and tries to make an escape once again, but he is within V's reach.

2018-10-01, 10:28 AM
Mikael slows down to match Kaida's pace, making sure she isn't too overwhelmed. Once she has more confidence, he'll continue speaking to her. "Your Highness, I have a gift for you. It would honor me if you would deign to wear it."

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box, opening it to reveal the amulet he purchased.

2018-10-03, 05:44 PM
V grabs her hammer from its loop on her belt. "Oh, no you don't!"
Hit: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]/[roll3]

2018-10-19, 10:42 AM
Kaida relaxes substantially as Mikael matches her pace, eventually able to take her eyes off her feet and look up at the knight as they dance together. When he takes out the small box and opens it, the princess gasps. "It's beautiful," she whispers. Her voice is melodic and song-like in quality, reminiscent of a songbird. She happily accepts the gift.

Across the room, people scatter as a weapon is drawn. V's attacks unfortunately miss the assailant, but now the noise is loud enough that the musicians have stopped playing and everyone is looking towards the commotion. Kaida stops dancing, and looks to Mikael. "What's going on?" she asks.

2018-10-19, 06:18 PM
Mikael frowns and places a hand on her shoulder. "I will be right back."

He steps away and towards the source of the noise, drawing his weapon in a flourish. "Please, allow House Songblade to address this disturbance. It is our sworn duty to the king, after all."

Mikael nods to his father, before following V towards the fleeing man.

2018-10-19, 06:24 PM
V growls and lunges in, charging her hand with electrical energy.
Shocking Grasp: [roll0]/[roll1], +3 if the figure is wearing metal armor
Damage: [roll2]/[roll3]

2018-11-05, 03:06 PM
The stranger yelps as V's attack connects, and he staggers, limbs seeming to lock up with the pain of the electric jolt. He stumbles, momentum still carrying him forward a few feet, before he crumples.