View Full Version : First time DnD player, looking for backstory feedback

2018-08-03, 12:22 PM
So I've been wanting to play for years with friends but we've never been able to get things going due to a conglomerate of things. Finally about to start a Skype campaign as we're mostly separated. But I was planning on an Aarakocra Storm Sorcerer with a Lawful Evil alignment and criminal background. Yes our DM is fine with the flight, we're starting at level 3 anyway so it won't be as much of an issue. Anyway, I just wanted some feedback on some of the choices I have made for the character and if it seemed like it may be able to work or not, thanks!

Aarakocra Storm Sorcerer

Life Story
Struck by lightning at 6 months old, killing parents while giving him sorcerer abilities
Powers aren't able to be controlled and tribe ostracizes him
Leaves mountain in search of answers for why given these powers
Contacted by Pazuzu, recruited to serve the demon in return for answers to his powers
Trains for next year under Pazuzu in secret, learning to control powers while committing to servantship to Pazuzu
During training, is tasked with various tasks, such as converting others to become worshippers of Pazuzu
Becomes well versed criminal, able to utilize his charismatic personality and natural sorcerer powers to his advantage
Favored in the eyes of Pazuzu, tasked now with finding Rod of Seven Parts

Personality Traits:
I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I never raise my voice or let my emotions control me.
I put on new identities like clothes. Few know who I really am, and the rest know one of my many persona.
I’m a quick thinker, able to fabricate the words necessary to keep me alive.
Aspiration. I seek to prove myself worthy of my god's favor by matching my actions against his or her teachings. (Any)
Logic. Emotions must not cloud our logical thinking. (Lawful)
Power. Solitude and contemplation are paths toward mystical or magical power. (Evil)

Careful with words, my word is my bond. The true interpretation of those words, however, is left to my own judgement.
I owe my life to the demon who took me in when my parents died.

I secretly believe that everyone is beneath me.
Will have others lead charges into battle and conspicuous terrains to preserve himself.

Faded memories of parents in arguments over who was to blame (but for what?)
Discovered young Tortle on mountain by himself upon leaving, dropped him off in nearby town with group of soldiers
A fourth figure was present the day he was given his powers but never was able to be identified
Up to DM, possibly could be Pazuzu? Maybe he was directly responsible for the death of parents and result of powers

2018-08-03, 12:37 PM
In backgrounds I like to pick my traits, decide a reason for my character becoming an adventurer, and what ties I have to the other characters in the party.

This gives the DM plenty of hooks for adventures and solidifies why my character works with the party despite everyone having different backgrounds and alignments etc.

2018-08-03, 01:07 PM
Weave the stories together. That wasn't a normal lightning strike, clearly, since it made you a sorcerer. And who just happens to answer your prayers?

Also, there is a difference between worshipping a diety and signing a pact. You are not a loyal follower. You are basically a contractor working for him. In most cases, espesially with demons, you are getting the short end of that contract in the long run, but most warlocks are more concerned with the great gifts of power then they are what happens to theor soul after they die.

So you aren't trying to prove yourself. Its more of a professional exchange of service for payment. Perhaps a part of this agreement is that, in exchange for your service, your questions will be answered and you will be taught how to control your powers?

Cool little hook here is that the being you serve was responsible for everything and is completely playing you. And you could learn this (and he may be contractually obligated to reveal this) but still be bound to his service anyway.

2018-08-04, 03:20 PM
So I've been wanting to play for years with friends but we've never been able to get things going due to a conglomerate of things. Finally about to start a Skype campaign as we're mostly separated. But I was planning on an Aarakocra Storm Sorcerer with a Lawful Evil alignment and criminal background. Yes our DM is fine with the flight, we're starting at level 3 anyway so it won't be as much of an issue. Anyway, I just wanted some feedback on some of the choices I have made for the character and if it seemed like it may be able to work or not, thanks!

Aarakocra Storm Sorcerer

Life Story
Struck by lightning at 6 months old, killing parents while giving him sorcerer abilities
Powers aren't able to be controlled and tribe ostracizes him
Leaves mountain in search of answers for why given these powers
Contacted by Pazuzu, recruited to serve the demon in return for answers to his powers
Trains for next year under Pazuzu in secret, learning to control powers while committing to servantship to Pazuzu
During training, is tasked with various tasks, such as converting others to become worshippers of Pazuzu
Becomes well versed criminal, able to utilize his charismatic personality and natural sorcerer powers to his advantage
Favored in the eyes of Pazuzu, tasked now with finding Rod of Seven Parts

Personality Traits:
I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I never raise my voice or let my emotions control me.
I put on new identities like clothes. Few know who I really am, and the rest know one of my many persona.
I’m a quick thinker, able to fabricate the words necessary to keep me alive.
Aspiration. I seek to prove myself worthy of my god's favor by matching my actions against his or her teachings. (Any)
Logic. Emotions must not cloud our logical thinking. (Lawful)
Power. Solitude and contemplation are paths toward mystical or magical power. (Evil)

Careful with words, my word is my bond. The true interpretation of those words, however, is left to my own judgement.
I owe my life to the demon who took me in when my parents died.

I secretly believe that everyone is beneath me.
Will have others lead charges into battle and conspicuous terrains to preserve himself.

Faded memories of parents in arguments over who was to blame (but for what?)
Discovered young Tortle on mountain by himself upon leaving, dropped him off in nearby town with group of soldiers
A fourth figure was present the day he was given his powers but never was able to be identified
Up to DM, possibly could be Pazuzu? Maybe he was directly responsible for the death of parents and result of powers

I understand where you stand, When i just started playing i wanted a really cool background.

You have to remember that you are only level 3, Your backstory has to match. Your character has so much high-level stuff happening in it that it sounds like the campaign will start at level 15-18

I can't see a level 3 character being favored enough from a Lord of Hell so much that he will train him. Why did he contact you out of the many others with powers?
Why is the training you? Just for loyal service? He could get loyal service from others for so much less.

Maybe, if you wanted to stick with this background as much as possible. Take the Vizier background from the Free content "planeshift: amongst" that Wizards released. It is basically a prophet background. You got kicked out of your tribe for this sudden realization that you can sometimes hear and communicate with a lord of hell.

Pazuzu made a huge Arcane Storm hit you so you could get powers to forward his cause.

He could have selected you at birth at random on the night of your birth or maybe he has no choice to pick you because you were born as his "Prophet" and because you had no potential for any other arcane arts he forced power (Arcane Storm hitting you) onto you.