View Full Version : DM Help Looking for non XP/Magic Item rewards.

The Robot Goat
2018-08-03, 07:31 PM
In the last session of my D&D game, my brother (a level 5 acid-based divine sorcerer) managed to mostly single-handedly kill a duo of enemies that were supposed to show up later as a boss fight, effectively stopping the party from being kidnapped to the enemy (cyborg orks) base all by himself.
Now, he threw a major wrench in my plans, but I still want to reward him for being a clever enough player to take out the duo. We don't use XP (milestone leveling) but I already gave the whole group a level-up for beating the encounter in general, and there really isn't a way for them to get a magic item out of it either, so do any of you know a good way to give him a reward that isn't one of those two?

I had considered giving him some sort of passive buff, like a bonus to something specific (maybe the catapult spell, as that's what he used to kill them) or something like that, but I'm not really sure how it would work.

For context, I play a totally home-brew setting, but I stick to the standard rules for the most part. Most of the items they've found or the enemies they've fought I built myself, and we don't really care about sticking to the rules so much, as long as everyone's having a good time. It's a very cartoony setting, kindof Adventure Time inspired, and their enemies are cyborg orcs and ogres, so basically no idea is too absurd to work.

Any suggestions?

2018-08-03, 07:48 PM
Boons would work. Question is, how to give it to him?

You could have a god just come down from on high and go "YO! DUDE BRO, YOU TOTALLY WASTED THOSE GNARLY PUNKS! HAVE AWESOMESAUCE!" (I'm not very good at gods, you might be able to tell.)

Or, more realistically, if the duo were causing trouble for others, have their local priest bless him or something, giving him a nice little bonus.

2018-08-03, 08:55 PM
Maybe give him an extra spell known that is somehow related to how he beat the foes? He's a sorcerer so it sort of makes sense to get randomly inspired for a new bit of magic.

The Robot Goat
2018-08-03, 09:03 PM
These are both good ideas. Yeah, I'll have to take a look at the spell list and see if something pops out at me. Maybe I could give him a buffed version of a spell or something like that.
They did find a necromancer, so maybe I could do something fun with that too. Maybe they bind the ghosts of the boss(es) to him or something, and it gives him some cool necromantic power.

2018-08-03, 09:26 PM
This feels like a situation that would be perfect for handing out Inspiration.

2018-08-03, 09:26 PM
Turns out they had a bounty on their heads so you get a monetary reward/this one noble likes you now/a bounty hunter trades you an item for the corpses/ you gain a reputation amongst whoever/

2018-08-03, 09:33 PM
Word grows of their great heroism in facing down two dread lieutenants of (insert grand villain).
It spreads on the wings of hope and sparks a fire in the hearts of the common folk.

As the heroes prepare to leave for their next destination, they find they have been gifted with two fine horses, to better aid then in their journey. A young farm couple presents them with fine fruits, vegetables, and dried meats/cheeses to bolster them for the road ahead.

A young girls lays a crown of flowers upon their heads, and all cheer and waive them on.

At the next crossroads, a toll guard freely tells them what paths to avoid or to find trouble.

As they arrive at the next town, a Bard is singing the tale of their great battle, and the people join in rousing cheers.

Then a member of the city watch warns them that Dark Assassins have entered the city seeking revenge against the heroes. He then tells them of ways they might lay a trap for their foes using knowledge of the city....

Sometimes a good reputation can be a great reward in itself.

The Robot Goat
2018-08-03, 10:38 PM
Woah, y'all are way clever-er than I. Thanks for all the great suggestions, really helped me out. :smallsmile: